I am torn on my opinion over the initial "world building" scene happening or not, they are always so confusing and full of things and likely somehow both stale up and go out of control at the same time, its a pattern with all three Divinus. Wonder how that would go with free, but I would advise for a strong hand of Mater, if we are allowing gods to create the world, one wish and you are out of the room or something like that.
My main inspiration for the Vault is to give gods the opportunity to add things to the universe a la the Codex / womb of the world scene in this game, but in a more structured way that can be discussed with the players out of character, and can apply to characters that join late. That way extradimensional stuff like the Mechanism of Change, the Gap, the Hells of Time, and the Godkiller are hopefully a little more democratic. So while Lei might get pretty busy in the first turn or two, there won't be much of a Shattering Disunity scene...
oh wait
yes there will
Here's the prose intro for Divinus Lite.