"You don't have to go to church to get to know your God."
Aleksandr Zima
Birthday and Age
March 1st / 28
Education Level
Marlborough College, London School of Economics and Political Science
Executive Vice President, Board of Directors, Zima Enterprises
Tall, dark, and handsome with a smile sharp as steel. His eyes are brown but shade green the closer they get to the center. He is very fit, very strong, and there are small hints of violence all about the man. A slight scar there, a hint of busted knuckles there. His dark hair is usally kept styled on top but kept more or less short. His style ranges from Parisian fashion houses to something decidedly more blue collar.
Charming, bright, and engaging whenever the moment and scene requires it. Ruthless, distant, and fanatical when that's required, too. Quick to smile, quick to laugh, fond of not taking much overly serious. Likewise quick to Highly skilled, and intelligent; this leads to supreme confidence that too often becomes arrogance and ego. Aleksandr is more drawn to the darker sides of his family's legacy, and his recent position of EVP, and his appointment to the Zima Board of Directors, is very much his father's attempt to get Aleksandr to use his education, intellect, and experience for more than he already has. Outside those he considers a friend, or worthy or his respect, there's few he cares about or would hesitate to act against if necessary. Those close to him swear to anyone that will listen he was a good guy, but even they have to add "deep down" to that. Whether there is a future for the better parts of him, or not, remains to be seen.
Aleksandr is danger refined.
Aleksandr is danger refined.
The heir, and raised accordingly. Most of his early life was spent by his mother's side, and soon after at boarding schools. When his father decided Aleksandr was more British than a Zima, he decided the next phase of Aleksandr's education would begin: thus Aleksandr's childhood was murdered as quickly as any loose end that endangered the Zima legacy. What followed was a life of priviledge and violence until Aleksandr detached and went to university. There his life resumed, but he was never the same uni kid as every other priviledged youth.
In his way Aleksandr played the part of oligarch heir in western uni. His charm allowed him to make friends easily, though he cared little far them other than connections to be used later in life. There was a constant stream of girls, but none he ever seemed to care for all that deeply. After graduating Aleksandr went into management of the family's less than savory side, an area his sisters were mostly spared. The things Aleksandr has seen, and done, have created a pit so deep there are times Aleksandr truly does not which direction is up.
His recent appointment to the legitimate arm of the family business has required an adjustment period, and while most of the Zima family has spent years in Salem, Aleksandr is new and just starting to settle in. He wears his wealth easily, and is just as natural commanding as most people are breathing. Despite this there are moments Aleksandr seems to go completely gone to ground, his clothes are plain (if quality), and he does very little to draw attention to himself. Except for a month of being publicly introduced to Salem and very much playing the part of wealthy playboy, the past few months has seen the lowkey, almost "undercover" Aleksandr.
It remains to be seen what, or rather who, will spark the passions of the man.
In his way Aleksandr played the part of oligarch heir in western uni. His charm allowed him to make friends easily, though he cared little far them other than connections to be used later in life. There was a constant stream of girls, but none he ever seemed to care for all that deeply. After graduating Aleksandr went into management of the family's less than savory side, an area his sisters were mostly spared. The things Aleksandr has seen, and done, have created a pit so deep there are times Aleksandr truly does not which direction is up.
His recent appointment to the legitimate arm of the family business has required an adjustment period, and while most of the Zima family has spent years in Salem, Aleksandr is new and just starting to settle in. He wears his wealth easily, and is just as natural commanding as most people are breathing. Despite this there are moments Aleksandr seems to go completely gone to ground, his clothes are plain (if quality), and he does very little to draw attention to himself. Except for a month of being publicly introduced to Salem and very much playing the part of wealthy playboy, the past few months has seen the lowkey, almost "undercover" Aleksandr.
It remains to be seen what, or rather who, will spark the passions of the man.
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