Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Character Compedium


Darren - Myosotis - Mage - 3ed1c2

Matthew - Cercinogen - Acolyte - firebrick

Sunny - Sunny - Archer - FFD100

Joseph - Marken Monet - Merchant - 98fb98

Maxwell - Bullhorn - Mage - 00aeef

Faith - Fayt - Thief - 9e0039

Myra - Naumi - Swordsman/woman - slategray

Malik - Bhakem Ed'Gi - Merchant - ???

Arin - Arryn - Swordsman/woman - 356837

Atticus - Kensei - Swordsman/woman - ???

Stein - Thryr - Swordsman/woman - 747880

Wendy - Wendel - Swordsman/woman - f7941d

Maria - Zeira - Acolyte - #CC45FF

Robin - Sophos - Thief - ???

Alex - N0ble - Merchant - gold

Felicity - Gekkou Kami - Mage - #ffe6ff

Zhane - Hopper - Thief - BF94E4

Frederika - Bell Pepper - Novice - 8dc73f

Amelia - Riske - Archer - ???

Emille - Skuld - Acolyte - #FFFFF0

Samuel/Melody - Nomine - Acolyte - 004b80/fffd7a

Lynda - Reina - Mage - f6989d

Text Color - f7976a


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by January
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Denduris
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Bubsy 2
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Bubsy 2

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Maxwell O'Sullivan
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Personality: Maxwell is a very direct type of man. If he doesn't like you it will be stated quickly, otherwise nothing will be said at all. For the most part he is easy going about what happens around him if its a comfortable environment, or with people he is familiar with. When put in situations of high stress he often works out the easiest way to extricate himself and puts a plan in motion to do so. The problem with that kind of thinking is it makes Max look very selfish. Not wrong but not 100% true either. Friendship is very important to Max since he has difficulties keeping friends.

Background: Born to caring parents, has an older brother named Alistar, and has had a cat occupy his home since birth. At age 27 living on his own in a 1 bedroom apartment, the feline aspect has not changed. Works as a front of staff manager at a local bar but often ends up helping the bouncers with problem customers. The job itself is not stressful but the customers have ruined his sense of respect for other humans, having seen the worst kind of drunks imaginable since he first started working at a bar when he turned 19.

Relationships don't last long as Maxwell tends to shrink away from the world in his free time, preferring the company of himself and his cat whom is also named Macs, a joke name his brother pitched for a laugh. Off hours he is quite the drinker.

In-game Name: Bullhorn
In-game Appearance:

In-game Personality: N/a
Class: Mage
Notable Skills:

  • Frost bolt - Basic offensive spell, dealing minor frost damage and slowing movement speed for a few seconds.
  • Fire bolt - Basic offensive spell, dealing minor fire damage and burning the target for additional damage over 5 seconds.
  • Forcewave - Offensive utility spell, releasing a minor area of effect pulse that pushes targets away a short distance. Deals no damage.


  • Novice robes - Unenchanted starter robes given to new characters.
  • Haste gloves - Enchanted gloves granting minor haste, increasing cast speed slightly.
  • Novice belt - Unenchanted starter belt given to new characters.
  • Novice leggings - Unenchanted starter pants given to new characters.
  • Novice boots - Unenchanted starter boots given to new characters.
  • Beastkin knife - Enchanted dagger, boosts melee damage to beast type monsters.
  • Mana potion - Restores base percentage of mana used for casting spells.
  • Health potion - Restores base percentage of mana used for casting spells.
  • Hip flask x20(uses) - Vendor purchased alcohol

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vox Angelis

Vox Angelis Dust in the wind

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Faith Mackenzie
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Female
Appearance: Click here!
Personality: Sheltered, depressed, crippling lack of self-esteem.
Background: Faith has a normal upbringing. She however wasn’t very much of a model, and was often picked on at school by the local bullies. She wasn’t very good at school, and had no confidence to start working. Adept at gaming, she decided she’d make it her main purpose in life. With the growing interest in VR gaming, it is to no surprise she went all-in for this kind of games.

Ingame Name: Fayt
Ingame Appearance: Clicky!
Ingame Personality: Friendly, outgoing, rebel, party animal, flirty.
Class: Thief.
Notable Skills:

  • Skill 1: Search (Toggle)
    A simple yet very useful toggle skill for a character oriented the way Fayt was imagines. While Search is toggled on, Fayt’s vision reveals special features of the game, such as hidden/secret passages, traps, hidden loot and the like. The skill only works on object, so it cannot reveal invisible monsters/characters.
  • Skill 2: Dungeon Savvy (Passive)
    Unless the game’s concept team made an area only accessible by use of a special item/skill, there is no place Fayt cannot reach. The skill’s global use encompasses parkour, acrobatics, trick shots to reach switches, lockpicking, disarming traps and everything else to help accessing any area (within reason).
  • Skill 3: Darkvision (Passive)
    Another simple skill, Fayt can see normally in the natural darkness. It saves on using lanterns and allows easy sighting in dark areas without compromising his stealth.


  • Two daggers
  • A dozen of throwing knives (with two bandoliers)
  • Adventurer’s kit (backpack, bedroll, rope with grappling hook, food, waterskin, matches)

Others: Longtime friend and business partner with Marken. Likes to smoke and drink a lot.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Atsat
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Atsat A Little Clueless

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Audouin
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Audouin Valiant

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mt Paragon
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Mt Paragon The Last Loyal Daimyo

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by banjoanjo
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banjoanjo Still likes pistachios

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Mag Lev Chairman Sloth

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Piercing Light
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Piercing Light ...

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dio
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Dio older

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lolita Complex
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Lolita Complex 3

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Amelia Weber
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Personality: Amelia is an introverted, but good-natured young girl who finds solace in the internets she indulges in regularly. She isn't exactly a social outcast, but it's worth noting that a majority of her interactions with her peers are held online. She's seen as her class's Internet Guru, guiding many of the class's tech-related projects and earning a reputation as an overachiever. She has a bit of a complex about her poor athleticism, and has a hard time relating to adults.

Background: There isn't much to say about the things Amelia has done with her life - she's a student first and foremost, an academically minded young girl who takes the whole world in stride, moving constantly towards the future. The only adult she really bonds with is her mother, who shares her love for video games. They've taken to playing an obscure foreign VRMMO, due to their poor financial situation.
Ingame Name: Riske
Ingame Personality: Riske is much sassier than Amelia, tinged by her competitive spirit and disdain for tryhards. She feeds off the salt of her enemies, drawing a sort of smug energy from it. Despite her competitiveness, she's in this for fun - her enjoyment is her top priority. It just so happens that she enjoys winning above most else.

She enjoys optimizing less-good builds, and experiments with new characters often. This is one such character. Additionally, she's unusually in touch with the roleplaying community because of her mother. She puts some effort into that aspect of her character for this reason, seeing it as an important bonding opportunity.

Class: Archer
Notable Skills:
  • Improvised Arsenal - A largely overlooked skill for Archers, which is seen as a last resort technique for when you run out of arrows. It allows the user to turn ordinary weapons into Throwing weapons, and in turn use Throwing weapons as ammunition for their bow. This is generally seen as being useless, since you never really run out of arrows. Amelia saw the potential in this skill, and built Riske entirely around it.
  • Archer's Valour AKA Cancer - One of a set of signature Archer skills that are designed for kiting enemies. This particular one allows you to move at full speed even while attacking. It is notorious for the annoying gameplay it creates in PvP, as classes without a means to catch the Archer will find them running circles around them spamming taunts and frost arrows.
  • [Skill slot burned for Magic Item]
  • Quiver of Returning - A magic item on the rarer side of things, at least this early in the game. Has high capacity but most importantly, has the magical quality of returning one's expended ammunition to the quiver after a short delay. Useful for Riske, who equips a lot of frankly unorthodox ammunition- a centerpiece of her Improvised Arsenal build.
  • (Weapons) - Longbow, 10x Daggers, 5x Shortswords, 5x Hand Axes, 3x Shortspears, 2x Longswords, Sack of Bear Traps.
  • (Armour) - Agility Armour, Elven Breastplate, Cape of the Wardancer.
  • (Misc) - 5x Potions of Healing (Lesser), 10x Smoke Bombs, Grappling Hook, 5x Spare Bowstrings.
  • Survival Package - A backpack with a high carrying capacity, that can't store combat items. Heavily used by roleplayers and those who rely heavily on food for healing. Contains food, water, rope, a bedroll and supplies for setting up a tent. Firestarter and Fishing Rod are a given, as are pots and pans.

Others: Has a special account-bound cosmetic in the form of a tattoo. Indicates an impressive number of PvP victories.
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