I do believe that me and @demonspade64 are waiting on one of your posts for scouting / hunting while the others do whatever. also with Gird telling Luz about the three gods would that count as her gaining that skill as well?
really what I'm asking is can characters teach other characters skills or, certain skills anyways.
If they have the adequate knowledge to do so they could. It is a bit hard to explain but think of it this way: I tell you where water is and you know where it is, I tell you what fire represents that gets vague. Technical knowledge can be passed easily but philisofically is more difficult and requires each person to form their own opinions.
And sorry I didn't realize you both were hunting because I wanted our young prophet to tell you what you need to know so I was waiting for her.
@Jangel13no worries about posts and stuff. Gird wasnt to interested in the others or the building immediately. But they would have headed back the way they came till he starts to see more bunnys then just kinda make a big circle around the structure to both hunt and scout.