T;DR Summary:
- Using the provided template, please create a character sheet.
- Character sheets are short and sweet - the character can be summarized in a couple sentences. This is to get to a first post quickly, rather then spend a week writing character sheets.
- You can create multiple characters (but only one mechwarrior.) Please keep their character stubs all on one post here.
- See below.
Character Stubs
The whole point of this system is to quickly introduce a character's name, planet of origin, rank and military occupational speciality (MOS) and a quick summary of who they are in order to get them into the fight quickly. We're doing away with large sheets as an experiment. You can even write this stuff -after- you make the first post.
Allegiance: FedSuns or Lyran Commonwealth, but they're all in the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth (AFFC)
Planetary Origin:
MOS: (eg. Mechwarrior, Tech, Recon VTOL pilot, etc.)
Synopsis of Role: (One or two sentences, keep it moving. Ex. '4th year NAIS student mechwarrior from an aristocratic heritage' or a 'veteran tech officer that's salvaged and repaired mechs in two wars over the course of her service.')
Battlemech: (The most important item of equipment is separate; please list the type (such as TDR-9SE). Inner Sphere mechs that exist in 3050 only. Information on modifications is also appreciated. We will go into greater detail on the applications of helmet-mounted modules, networking capabilities and drones, etc, etc as well. (I have to update that from the old BT stuff. See the above list for ideas on which mechs to take.)
Allegiance: FedSuns or Lyran Commonwealth, but they're all in the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth (AFFC)
Planetary Origin:
MOS: (eg. Mechwarrior, Tech, Recon VTOL pilot, etc.)
Synopsis of Role: (One or two sentences, keep it moving. Ex. '4th year NAIS student mechwarrior from an aristocratic heritage' or a 'veteran tech officer that's salvaged and repaired mechs in two wars over the course of her service.')
Battlemech: (The most important item of equipment is separate; please list the type (such as TDR-9SE). Inner Sphere mechs that exist in 3050 only. Information on modifications is also appreciated. We will go into greater detail on the applications of helmet-mounted modules, networking capabilities and drones, etc, etc as well. (I have to update that from the old BT stuff. See the above list for ideas on which mechs to take.)
Unit Structure/Battlemechs
Bravo Lance, 1st Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth (AFFC) Cadre Company
- Command: ( Recommend a fast moving medium such as the Phoenix Hawk, upgraded variant like the PHX-1b which is the old Star League version and might well be field tested because of the re-discovered tech but it's ultimately up to you.)
- Fire Support: Recommend medium mech.
- Recon 1: (Locust, Raven,Jenner, Cicada, Hermes, Hermes II, Mercury , Mongoose, Wolfhound(as a heavy scout), Sentinel(also as a heavy scout) and Firefly are really good examples, but there are other mechs as well in the light to medium category. You are allowed to play around and have custom configurations -- because it's a unit that field tests prototypes.)
- Recon 2: (As above)
- Other unit elements added as necessary.