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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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T;DR Summary:
  • Using the provided template, please create a character sheet.
  • Character sheets are short and sweet - the character can be summarized in a couple sentences. This is to get to a first post quickly, rather then spend a week writing character sheets.
  • You can create multiple characters (but only one mechwarrior.) Please keep their character stubs all on one post here.
  • See below.

Character Stubs

The whole point of this system is to quickly introduce a character's name, planet of origin, rank and military occupational speciality (MOS) and a quick summary of who they are in order to get them into the fight quickly. We're doing away with large sheets as an experiment. You can even write this stuff -after- you make the first post.

Allegiance: FedSuns or Lyran Commonwealth, but they're all in the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth (AFFC)
Planetary Origin:
MOS: (eg. Mechwarrior, Tech, Recon VTOL pilot, etc.)
Synopsis of Role: (One or two sentences, keep it moving. Ex. '4th year NAIS student mechwarrior from an aristocratic heritage' or a 'veteran tech officer that's salvaged and repaired mechs in two wars over the course of her service.')
Battlemech: (The most important item of equipment is separate; please list the type (such as TDR-9SE). Inner Sphere mechs that exist in 3050 only. Information on modifications is also appreciated. We will go into greater detail on the applications of helmet-mounted modules, networking capabilities and drones, etc, etc as well. (I have to update that from the old BT stuff. See the above list for ideas on which mechs to take.)

Unit Structure/Battlemechs

Bravo Lance, 1st Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth (AFFC) Cadre Company
  • Command: ( Recommend a fast moving medium such as the Phoenix Hawk, upgraded variant like the PHX-1b which is the old Star League version and might well be field tested because of the re-discovered tech but it's ultimately up to you.)
  • Fire Support: Recommend medium mech.
  • Recon 1: (Locust, Raven,Jenner, Cicada, Hermes, Hermes II, Mercury , Mongoose, Wolfhound(as a heavy scout), Sentinel(also as a heavy scout) and Firefly are really good examples, but there are other mechs as well in the light to medium category. You are allowed to play around and have custom configurations -- because it's a unit that field tests prototypes.)
  • Recon 2: (As above)
  • Other unit elements added as necessary.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Peter Mattlov
Rank: Cadet Sergeant at NAIS, Subaltern in the field (brevet rank)
Allegiance: Federated Suns (House Davion)
Planetary Origin: Caph
MOS: Mechwarrior
Synopsis of Role: The son of a Caph businessman with ancestral ties to pre-Succession War Caph aristocracy and a Davion veteran mechwarrior of the 3rd Crucis Lancers, Mattlov is current enrolled in NAIS. Has not risen past cadet sergeant because, while capable, he sometimes racks up demerits. He is noted for his affinity with medium mechs and a taste for hit and run tactics.
Battlemech: SHD-2Hb, but retrofitted with an AC/5 and ER Large Laser while retaining the Streak SRM-2's. The intent behind this mech is to function as a testbed for special munitions to augment standard autocannons and the Star League era vehicle with the Ferro-Fibrous armor and Endosteel was a viable upgrade that didn't involve the side-torso vulnerability of XL engines.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Name: Han Bjornson

Rank: Cadet

Allegiance: Lyran Commonwealth

Planetary Origin: Tharkad

MOS: Mechwarrior

Synopsis of Role: The House of Bjornson was once a powerful force in the Principality of Rasalhague. It's patriarch commanded large tracts of land, paying tribute only to the world-lord that ruled over the entire planet. When the Draconis Combine attacked their world, House Bjornson answered the call. Soldiers, tanks and even a Battlemech were sent to fight off the encroaching forces of the enemy. But it was for naught. Their world soon fell to the Combine's forces, and the Bjornson's heir was forced into exile for fear of his own life.

He was Han's great grandfather. He arrived in the Lyran Commonwealth seeking refuge, where he was taken in by a dying noble house on the edge of Lyran space. The heir soon married the eldest daughter of the Lyran house, and he went to work rebuilding his reputation in a new corner of the galaxy. He was able to uplift the Lyran noble house he'd married into, turning it from the sad state of affairs that it was into a reputable power in the region.

His child, Han's grandfather, found a place in the court of the Archon. He moved the house to Tharkad as he worked his way up the ranks of the military. When he retired a well respected general, Han's father took over for the house- and promptly ruined their reputation. A lazy, good for nothing slob that did little more than drink booze and paw after women like the sleazebag he was, Han's father caused the honor of the Bjornson name to take a nose dive.

It was only through sheer grit and force of will that Han worked his way into the Nagelring. Facing the prejudice of his peers and the mocking of his instructors, Han Von Bjornson is determined to restore honor to his house. To erase the stain of his father on his family's legacy. To truly earn the title of nobleman.

Battlemech: A WLF-1 'Wolfhound' mech, modified with an experimental Endo Steel lostech skeleton

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sightseer
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Name: Harper Rall
Rank: Subaltern (Pending graduation)
Allegiance: Federated Suns
Planetary Origin: Canopus IV
MOS: Mechwarrior
Synopsis of Role:

Harper is a self-proclaimed periphery rat that somehow, quite miraculously, managed to snag a coveted position at one of the most prestigious military academies in the Inner Sphere.

To the great chagrin of more than one aristocratic classmate hoping that she would wash out, Harper has thrived at the NAIS and even manged to convince her instructors that she might be something of a MechWarrior prodigy. The young woman is a natural pilot, showing a talent for high speed gunnery, deft maneuvers, and pushing her BattleMech far beyond its rated performance envelope.

Unsurprisingly, she prefers to pilot BattleMechs that let her go really, really fast and she often jokes that she should have been an Aerospace Fighter pilot instead of a MechWarrior.

Harper is in her fourth and final year at the NAIS and is doing her best to angle for a job as a test pilot, having long since realized that military discipline isn't her bag, but having the tragic misfortune of being far too poor to possess her own BattleMech.

Battlemech: WVR-7M, with a black cat, teeth barred, and fur standing on end, painted on the shoulder.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Lyris Von Wulfhart
Rank: Cadet

Allegiance: Lyran Commonwealth

Planetary Origin: Asaheim of the System of Vorzel

MOS: Mechwarrior

Synopsis of Role: The Noble house of Wulfhart is among the Lyran commonwealths oldest dynasties- though not it's most prestigious. Lyris's forebearer was, in fact, a former member of Star League Defense Force who remained behind after operation Exodus. Enticed by promises of wealth and a title of his own; Seigfred Wulfhart was given a sizable portion of land on Asaheim in return for their loyalty. The Wulfharts and their ancestral battlemech have since served the commonwealth for centuries.

However, they remain among the poorer noble houses, with fate having rarely smiled upon them. Lyris Wulfhart is the families last chance to change their fortunes. Since joining the academy, Lyris Von Wulfhart has proven a skilled Mechwarrior if a somewhat reckless pilot. Athletically fit, Lyris stands a head taller than most cadets. Considered brash and hotheaded, many instructors have noted Lyris could well be a gem in the rough if she can master her apparent battle-lust. Interestingly Lyris outside of a mech is a positively cheery individual and joy to be around. This attitude has allowed her to make friends quickly and she possess a fiercely loyal spirit. Her natural charisma could make for a good foundation in a leader if she had a more relaxed disposition on the field.

Battlemech: A custom Griffin GRF-1S Variant, also boosts Prototype Jump Jets and an upgraded Hermes 275 extralight engine, though only has two double heat sinks sacrificing some improved cooling to free up weight. The 'Mech now carries a Doombud LRM-20 launcher over the right shoulder, and, due to Lyris's preferences for close quarters combat, has removed the PPC and in its place mounted a Large Laser and two Medium Lasers. The left arm is empty save a hatcet held in its grip. It also employs a CASE to protect the two tons of missile reloads stored in the left torso. Weight is further improved by using Endo Steel skeleton. GRF-1S Wolf Brawler

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Johan Rosales-Eichberg
Rank: Cadet
Allegiance: Federated Suns
Planetary Origin: Kestrel
MOS: Mechwarrior

Synopsis of Role: A fourth year student at the New Avalon Institute of Science, Johan is a small, meek, and often seen as weak student. He's often getting bullied and ridiculed by the other cadets at the NAIS, despite the fact that he's survived three years at the intense academy already. A point that they often bring up is Johans family, his father, a former mercenary married into a minor noble family. Because of that the more conceited cadets of noble lineage see him not as a true noble, but instead a bastard.

Despite the constant harassment Johan shows a surprising amount of resilience, in a battlemech he can withstand more heat than most of the others in his year, he fights longer, harder, and his aim in a 'mech is killer. Many of the instructors say to him that if he could improve his battlemech movement, he could easily become an ace with his accuracy. In simulated combat between Cadet groups, Johan often racks up quite the kill count, staying back and supporting his more courageous teammates, and picking off the more courageous on the opposing side. This usually gets him some peace and quiet for about a week.

Battlemech: The Rifleman RFL-5D.
A brand new variant of an ancient mech. Introduced this year, the 60t RFL-5D is an upgraded version of the RFL-4D, which was introduced nearly 30 years ago. Where the RFL-4D suffered from severe heat problems and a reduced loadout, the RFL-5D actually increases the weapon loadout to two ERPPCs and two Magna Mk.III Large Lasers in the arms, and returns the two Magna Mk.II Medium Lasers to the side torsos. To free up more tonnage, an XL240 Engine was installed and to manage the heat, Double Heat Sinks were included. The new variant also increases the armor to nine tons.

When Johan was presented with the brand new RFL-5D variant for the opportunity to test the battlemech, he nearly burst out into tears of joy. The instructor noted that the mech was suited to Johans strengths, the two ERPPCs and two Large Lasers allows Johan to capitalize on his skill in aiming, while the two medium lasers leaves him not entirely defenseless in close quarters.
Since the mech variant is brand new, Johan hasn't modified anything internally, externally he has painted the his fathers old mercenary symbol onto the right kneepad, a white circle with a chevron pointing upwards.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Chicken
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Gregory Mazigh
Rank: First Lieutenant in the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces (LCAF)
Allegiance: Lyran Commonwealth
Planetary Origin: Waldorff
MOS: Vehicular Command Officer
Synopsis of Role: The down-to-earth bastard son of an impoverished noble, Mazigh's biracial heritage makes him stand out in his family. He joined the military as the Fourth Succession War began, but he could not afford a commission. He has served in the infantry, as an engineer, and now as the leader of a small force of combat support vehicles. His job is to make sure any trouble that comes up during the training exercises with the cadets is dealt with cleanly. Any pirates popping out of the Periphery will be eliminated swiftly and efficiently.
Vehicles: Mazigh does not pilot a battlemech, but rather is in charge of commanding and leading a small force of combat vehicles. He pilots a Condor along with other crewmembers, but sometimes remains behind in a field base where he can more easily conduct combat operations. He prefers a hands-on approach to combat, however.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Edric Burns
Rank: Cadet
Allegiance: Lyran Commonwealth
Planetary Origin: Donegal
MOS: Mechwarrior

Synopsis of Role: Edric was born on Donegal, the son of 24th Lyran Guards mechwarrior Charles Burns and Anna Rosenbaum. While not of extraordinarily high birth, service in the Lyran Guards ensured the Burns family a measure of prestige, enabling Edric to enroll at the Nagelring.

Edric aspires to honor his father's service to the Commonwealth, succeeding not by blood, but by merit. With the merger of the Federated Commonwealth, "social generals" have become less of a hindrance to the Lyran military, a shift in direction Edric approves of.

Currently, Edric operates a VLK-QD Valkyrie, gathering post-deployment data on the variant as part of his duty in the joint Nagelring/NAIS experimental program.

Battlemech: VLK-QD
The QD Valkyrie is a major overhaul of the design debuting in 3049. The chassis has been re-engineered to use Endo Steel construction and the armor has been upgraded to Ferro-Fibrous with CASE. This allowed the variant to update the laser to a Sutel Precision Line Medium Pulse Laser and an Artemis IV fire control system added to the Devastator LRM-10.

Following the formation of the Federated Commonwealth, its nascent military force was faced with the problem of combining two entirely separate militaries into one unified whole. Part of the solution was commonality of equipment, and the Valkyrie was chosen to be the standard light 'Mech of the AFFC. Following the discovery of the Helm Memory Core, the New Avalon Institute of Science was able to restore the Valkyrie industrial complex to its full Star League era production rate, while Corean was able to utilized lostech components to construct the new VLK-QD model starting in 3049.

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