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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || City Hall || Sunday Approx. 7:30 PM

Victoria @PrinceAlexus, Siobhan @Almalthia, Joel @Pilatus

Blinking dumbly as Ashton stood there with a bright smile, amethyst gaze glancing between the two and slightly moving her hands to help Victoria a little, since it seemed the giant woman had startled her a little. It appeared the two women seemed quite a bit tense. Siobhan had simply gave her a smile before continuing speaking toward Victoria. Offering some Scotch, Ashton gave a smile and shook her head in response while waving her hand in front of her own face before straightening it out so the tip of the side of her index finger touched her nose then gave a polite bow. Politely denying the drink. Pointing at herself with both hands, she then clenched them and positioned them in a ten o clock and two o clock position and moved them up and down as she mimicked driving a car. Trying to get across she was the designated driver for the night.

Turning her amethyst eyes toward Victoria, Ashton gave a bright smile, shyly scratching her scarred cheek with a a index finger before cupping it with the entire hand. Using the other to give a slight slow dramatic wave at the compliment. As if trying to come across saying 'daaaw shucks thanks' before giving a soft mute chuckle.

Despite how both the women had greeted her in a more pleasant manner, it wasn't long before Victoria turned to the red head and started speaking in Russian. Blinking in confusion, Ashton furrowed her eyebrows and used her right index fingers to push the sunglasses up to rest upon her forehead. Cupping her chin in between her thumb and index finger and rubbed her pointer finger against her chin in concentration as she tried to mentally translate what Victoria was saying. Something about a girl? A cop? Something Siobhan had possibly done? Whatever the reason, Victoria didn't seem too happy with Siobhan.

Scratching the back of her head, Ashton tried to wrap her head around this and to figure out how to lift both of these girls spirits. She wasn't sure why they seemed to be having a rough time with one another but they should be having a fun time and not a stressful one. The tall firefighter liked them both and wanted them to be enjoying themselves and making new friends instead of enemies. It didn't seem the men around them knew how to handle the situation either and Ashton couldn't really blame them.

As Victoria went as far as ordering it on a tab, it seemed that was the last straw as the man 'Joel' simply took his bottle before walking off. Ashton gave a friendly smile and a little wave of farewell to the man as he left before starting to scribble on her boogie board after clearing it. Using her superior height and arm length to hold it over the girls heads and show it to the bartender. Watching him nod as he read the word's 'put it on my tab. I'll have some water.' before moving along. Returning the board back to her neck, amethyst eyes looked between the girls before placing her large calloused hands on their shoulders and took a big, long, deep breath. Trying to relay they should calm down.

Her smile ever present, Ashton did the only thing she honestly could think of. Which was wrap a arm around both girls and gave them a big hug with one arm. Releasing them she put her index fingers to the middle of her own lips and traced her smile and gave a soft reassuring expression with her bubbly sunshine attitude.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: City Hall; Sunday

Interaction: Ivan, Romus Sisters, (@PrinceAlexus)Joel (@Pilatus) & Ashton (@SilverFox)

Siobhan smiled at Victoria’s comments and nodded appropriately. Then Victoria did something extremely petty. She had Siobhan pay for her own drinks. Nothing says classless like being filthy rich and making someone pay for their drinks while everyone else has a free ride. Siobhan smirked at Victoria as she gave the announcement. Then Ashton had to hug her and that...Ice Queen at the same time. Siobhan smiled at Ashton and Ms Fridgid and decided that she’d had enough. Siobhan stood up and walked over to the bar. “Let me be more clear. Scotch, neat. Make it two fingers 30 year Glenlivet.” She watched Joel storm off and handed over six 100 dollar bills and whispered. “You know what, just give me the bottle. Yes the one you just opened.”
Siobhan opened her clutch got her phone out and read the text from Paige. Siobhan smirked and responded one handed and walking through a crowd.~So ran into Milo’s little Ice Princess and I think she just might be mad at me. Oh and she thinks I’m a cop. Won’t take no for an answer. Wanna crash a party with me?~Siobhan made her way through the crowd and caught sight of Joel. Catching up to him she held out the bottle of Glenlivet. “Care to share where I can get a fantastic mechanic for a 73 Stingray? Figured if anyone would know it would be you. I'm dying to get her up and running again and needed some help tuning her back into shape. Interested in chatting about fast cars? Besides I'd like to get to know you better.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allison Hawthorne

Location: City Hall

Time: Sunday, 7:30-ish PM

Allison sat quietly, idly drumming her fingers on the table as she waited for Kriss to get back. He hadn't said where he was going. Maybe he needed to make a phone call or something. The table shifted suddenly as it was nudged by a young woman with long blonde hair.

Sorry about that. Distracted, Lovely dress by the way, have a good evening.

"Oh, thanks! You have a nice evening too, uhh..." she said cheerfully, attempted to call her by name even though she didn't know it. Allison frowned as the other lady slipped away. That was a wasted opportunity to meet someone new.

She glanced around again at the mass of people and noticed for the first time just how much alcohol was running at this party. Her nose wrinkled and she suddenly felt very out of place. She didn't need EMT training videos to shy her away from booze. Her memory of being in the hospital at the age of 4 was so vivid that it still gave her nightmares. The beeping of machines, the hardness of the bed, and the burning. The horrible burning in her throat. Her father had finally decided to spend some time interacting with his daughter for once in his life. He wasn't drunk, which just made it worse, because somewhere in his mind he thought it was a good idea to give his 4-year-old a shot of whiskey. Even though she threw up (and threw up again at the hospital), the doctor had said she was extremely fortunate to be alive. If they hadn't been able to revive her from unconsciousness, she would have been dead in less than a day.

Even now, thanks to her father's love of variety, she could identify several different substances by smell alone all the way from her table. Scotch, rum, and whisky were the most notable. The clear liquid in the glass at the next table were probably vodka. She glanced down at Kriss's water glass and for a moment wondered if it was actually water. She didn't smell anything, but hard vodka is odorless, and this place certainly looked like it could afford the best. Now curious, she lifted the glass to her nose and sniffed. To her relief, it was water.

"Why are you smelling my drink?"

She jumped in surprise, turning to see Kriss standing awkwardly nearby. A trauma bag was hanging from his fist. She carefully lowered the glass to the table and raised an eyebrow at the bag.

"Did someone get hurt?"

"You did not answer my question."

Allison looked away, embarrassed. She could sense Kriss's irritation and knew that he was not going to let this go until she answered. She sighed.

"I was wondering if you were drinking vodka."

He scowled. "Yes, that is what I suspected you were doing. I am not drinking alcohol."

"I know, I was just..." she trailed off, returning eye contact and offering an apologetic face. "Sorry. Honestly. There are just a lot of drunk people here, and...I wanted to make sure."

"I do not drink," he said, lowering himself into his chair and plopping the bag on the ground. "It is unhealthy."

"Yeah, me either. Alcohol brings out the monster in people," she said, rubbing her stomach. The scent in the air was starting to turn her stomach. Kriss noticed and pointed in the direction of a buffet table.

"There is a buffet table if you are hungry."

She perked up immediately. "Oh, awesome! I'm gonna grab a plate."

Without another word, she hopped up and began carefully making her way through the crowd. Snippets of dialogue made their way through the air with varying degrees of slurred speech and grunts of discomfort. She sighed quietly to herself. Her stepdad would kill her if he knew she was at a party with booze. Hopefully the perfume would help counteract it. Snatching up a plate and plastic fork, Allison helped herself to about as much food as she could lift. Her mother teased her frequently about how she could each so much food and seem to not gain a pound. Metabolism is apparently magical. She jabbed the fork into a bread roll and trotted carefully to a less occupied bar, taking a deep breath before approaching.

"Do you have soda?"

He nodded and directed her to a soda fountain. She filled a wine glass with as much Coca Cola as it could hold and left, letting out a huge breath. There had only been one man at the bar, but he was still drunk enough to shoot a rather immature comment her way. She brushed it off and returned to Kriss, who had refilled and re-iced his glass. He noticed her holding a glass of wine and narrowed his eyes until she lowered it to the table to reveal the carbonation bubbling along the top. The two sat in silence for a while as Allison set about emptying her plate. She looked around the room again and perked up.

"Ashton is here!" The woman was wearing a different outfit, but her hair and figure made her impossible to mistake.

"Yes," Kriss replied, having already noticed.

"You should go say hi."

"I would rather not."

Allison rolled her eyes. "Ugh, Kriss, I know you don't really care, but it's better than sitting and doing nothing. Snap would not approve."

"Snap is not here."

"She's with us in spirit," she said dramatically.

"I sincerely doubt it," Kriss responded with even less enthusiasm.

"Come on," Allison said, standing up and nodding towards Ashton. She had missed the chance to speak to the woman earlier and wasn't about to let another opportunity go by. "We're gonna go say hi."

"No, we are not."

She dropped her plate on the table and crossed her arms.

"You wanna sit there and argue, or you wanna go talk to someone for a change?"

Her tone grated on him and he felt his brow furrow in disapproval. "Neither."

"Okay fine, we'll compromise. I'll do the talking. You just stand there and look uncomfortable."

"Why would I do that when I could sit here and look uncomfortable?"

"Think of it as exercise. UP!" she barked, putting a slight edge on her voice to suggest she was not going to debate this. He gritted his teeth, then dragged himself into a standing position. Snap would probably want a report of the evening and he would get an earful if she found out he hadn't talked to a single person. Maybe she'd lay off if he did. Though he wasn't going to give Allison the satisfaction of his approval. She collected her plate and still half-full wine glass of coke and headed into the crowd. Sighing in frustration, he tagged along at a safe distance.


@PrinceAlexus@Silver Fox
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Marinalia watched and began to head over and saw the aftermath of whatever event had gone on, with a click of heals and a slightly annoyed glance at Victoria, much as she loved her sister she could go overboard, throw everything over and then find somthong else to toss in to cause trouble. Noting Ashton and a woman she had apologised too, plus some person who did not seem to want to be there in a polo shirt and badge, he was not one of there people... Hmmm.

Victoria looks down and downed a shot seeing her approach after the sheer aftermath of everything, beginning to relise how fucked up thr situation had gone from quiet drinks to storming off people, that had escalated beyond sense.

Pulling Victoria aside, with ernough glare to make it relise it was not a request, sisters could argue, fall out, they would make up later though. Giving Ashton a sorry, il explain in a second look pulling Victoria aside.

excuse me... I have to have a word with my sister. Sorry about this.

Vika... A a little explanation. Joel. Why. How. Sio, and details... Like now.

Quietly the two sisters exchanged tense glances, several sighs and multiple nervous moments as the two seemed to have fallen out a tiny bit over everything that had gone on when she was away.

Turning back, she was annoyed at Victoria, but also at Sio for being the trigger of it all and everything else. She did not want to lose Joel as well because her sister could not let somthing go. Thete was a tall woman in a nicely fitted suit she had interrupted a second and the one in reddy purple floral dress and a man in polo shirt.

Giving a wave to call over someone with a tray of prosecco, one of the shirtless Spartans, at least Marla had the visuals right and took one, Victoria deciding to quietly wait, deciding she had annoyed Marinalia ernough for one night and took a careful angle.

Hey, feel free. We not short are we Vika. Sorry about nearly walking into you!

I'm Marinalia Olympus, and this my sister Victoria, Ivans by thr bar.

Glittering slightly in a long white backless dress with gold details and a high split on the thigh, Ice blue gemmed necklace glittering. Greeting the woman she gave Kriss a tap on the shoulder to try and see if he reacted.

Hi, welcome to the Gala.

Victoria looked over to Ashton, and sighed a second sitting back down, the alcohol meaning she was placing a a little more reliance on the stick at her side.

Sorry about that... I fucked that one up.

That's my Sister Marinalia, Ivans there, least your enjoying it. Feel free. Seems I learned my lesson.

Gesturing to the bar, she waved to have what she wanted. Looking to the woman ain Floral dress and the guy who looked like he had been dragged there in chains for his own excution. Noticing the med kit, hey was someone hurt?

Hey... Someone get hurt you two? No injuries over here... Ones you can Fix anyway.

Who's your freind Alison? You take him dress shopping before this? Bars open if you want somthing stronger.

About to reach for thr vodka before Ivan blocked her and poured a champagne, telling she had ernough for now and downing the vodka himself.

Maybe take it slower Vika, long evening yeah. see you later, I'm gonna see how Maria and Vesarian are doing.

Have a good evening, ladies, gentleman.

Excusing himself politely, he had survived the drama and was curious to see for himself if the two star crossed lovers had finaly given up refusing, he knew they where but hey, he was his good freind, and she well he knew her in passing. Plus they want to know abit more about events. Looking across slightly concerned.

Sighing slightly, and looking slightly confused what to do or how to at least put out some of the fires their bombardments at each other had caused.

sorry... I have a few things to fix, or try to make up for. Hope you enjoy your evening. If I even can...

Meanwhile on stage a large race car rose out thr stage and with a final hiss of pistols as the stages built in life stopped. Steeping out onto stage and walking out alongside Maria, ot was a quick announcement, but you could at least have a a little drama with it none the less.

Hello Everyone, Ladies, Gentlemen, Freinds, and Family.

A warm welcome to the Olympus Heavy Engineering Gala, we had diffrent plans for this but nothing ever goes quite planned. Congratulations to Joel Nicolosi, Tommy Lorax I belive the card says, the Team and efforts they put into winning today.

Now a short announcement from my daughter Maria.

Smiling and twirling a fraction in a elegant white and gold dress, a style fitting her age but with a a little fun and a neckline with a little bot of cleavage but not too much.

Thankyou dad, and thank you for everyonw joining us for our celebration.

Thanks to the new Defender Class frigate contact for the Royal Navy, we can announce a potential extension of our sponsorship pending approval, and future agreements.

Now everyone, enjoy, relax, and cheers!

Riasing a glass of champagne and heading off stage as a mix of music began to play, with everything from more dancey numbers excluding any jazz at Marinalias request. A few couples where dancing the night away at the centre in the dance floor set up the the table cogs went around. On stage lights played off the car and actions videos of joels victory and final lap looped with other videos. Several others of race day media cuts ran with subtitles in the background.

Meeting Maria at the foot of the stage, Marinalia talked it out with her ans tried to explain things, what happened and a variety of problems that had gone on. There was as no escaping it, you just had to try and deal with it. It never would be less awkward. In fact more of she tired to hide it never happened.

Asking one of the staff to have a look out for Joel and Sia born, it had been 10 to 15 minutes before she got any news of them. So it came down to that. Damn it Victoria, why did you have to be so stubborn at times...

Heading over she was nervous, her heals clicks sounding like booming impacts as she headed over and downed the last of her champagne before she approached them and left it on a random table or whatever sir face she could find.

Distinctly nervous as she approached, well she was not going to get anywhere by staring at them from afar.

Hey... Folks...

Urgh... Look sorry about Victoria. Im trying to undo some of the damage tonight OK... Hear me out please. Firstly, have what you want Siaborn... It ain't worth the hassle, or the bitch fest, just have whatever...

Joel.. Victoria takes things too far... Way too far, she got... A dark side. Same to you Siaborn, and much as I disagree on Ren, I'm sorry I hurt your freind but I'm not sorry about liking Joel... Ren... Jazz night. I Don, t wanna have a constant reminder of that, would not of worked out OK.

Well that's even if yoh even care and this is worth me embarrassing myself...

Truce... At least?

Turning slightly to leave expecting the worst, it was a total mess and nothing she could do would easily undo the damage. It was a complete mess. Did she feel like she had to apologise, no but it helped. Marilania just wanted to enjoy the evening and have fun. Not be cleaning up little miss ice Elsa mess.

I still have a spare seat when I do a few laps of Sol. Replica twin engine, modern build warbird.

Somewhat more sombre and slightly rambling, she had done her best to try and at least prevent the full blown war that had erupted at the bar between them.

Maria was quietly dancing with Vesarian trying to keep a eye on Marinalia, there was no hiding from your mistakes. Sometimes you just had to face them. Vesarian was clueless about some of it but the women's argument ran into areas far more complex than most men wanted to go into.

@Mattchstick@Almalthia@Silver Fox@Pilatus

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || City Hall || Sunday Approx. 7:30 PM

Victoria @PrinceAlexus, Siobhan @Almalthia, Allison and Kriss@Mattchstick

Ashton blinked as Siobhan stormed off and gave a silent sigh as she went to the bar, sweating a little at the six hundreds of dollars and gingerly rolled up the dollar bills and put them in her wallet for later to return to the red head. Mentally crying at how expensive these drinks apparently were. Ashton definitely wasn't a wealthy person. She grew up from literally the ground up and had to work hard to get where she was. Never really knowing any sort of laps of luxury like perhaps some of the guests here. Well she'll give this to Sio when she could anyways.

It made the tall blonde a little sad that the red head had left like that without much of a goodbye. Had Ashton done something bad? Did she mess up somehow? She wasn't sure, she just wanted to help bring up their spirits and make up instead of fighting. It didn't seem to work and perhaps Sio was mad at her too?

Returning to Victoria, Ashton blinked as another woman showed up and excused the two to talk. The tall firefighter gave a nod and bright smile, giving a thumbs up with her right hand to show that it was fine. Watching the two apparent sisters speak, she noticed some familiar faces heading in her direction and raised a arm to wave at them gleefully. Despite the fire that had been flaming, it didn't seem to damper the firefighter's mood.

Giving a bright smile towards Allison and Kriss, Ashton waved her hands high and motioned all around before tilting her head to the side at them with a curious and questioning expression. Wondering how they were enjoying the festivities. Hopefully they were having a great time at least.

Turning her amethyst gaze to Victoria as she returned while her sister went off to probably find the recently departed from the group, Ashton only smiled reassuringly at Victoria and waved her hand back and forth as if trying to say to Victoria not to worry about it. Gently patting the smaller pale woman's head in a comforting manner. From what little Ashton knew, indeed Victoria did take it too far but the firefighter had already forgiven her. It honestly seemed their conversation had a little bit to do with both being at fault. Such a conversation probably shouldn't be held in a place like this. Still, she was sure both had reasons and both were good people. They just were having a off time.

As Ivan turned to leave, Ashton waved her hand in farewell to the gentleman with her ever so glowing cheerful smile in the midst of tension before returning her attention to her current company. Eyes curiously turning back to Allison and Kriss as Victoria questioned them. Glancing toward the stage as announcements were being said, listening until Victoria's sister was done and returned her gaze to her comrades.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo was still happily smiling as they chit chatted, how ever when Paige seemed to become restless he wondered what the matter was. She wanted to go and do something else, it was and understandable request, the restaurant was nice but the asian feel and the lack of anything other than raw fish and sake was a bit underwhelming. Milo thought a moment and remembered that there was a lounge a couple floors up in this downtown highrise, they could go up there, relax in nicer chairs with better drinks and usually those have better music too, Milo preferred most things to the sound of whatever those japanese string instruments were.

"Well, if you want, I think there is a lounge upstairs, probably can get a better drink or at least wait off some of these in a more relaxing space." Milo shrugged, the waiter brought around the bill and Milo threw a couple bills on the table and the waiter just walked away, seemingly happy with the tip Milo left, money seemed less important today, maybe it was the drinks, who knew. Milo stood and grabbed his coat, he held the other hand out to Paige, "Shall we?" He gave a little bit of a smirk.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 2 days ago

Paige Kennedy

Paige glanced back down to her phone at Sio's reply showing an unfiltered look of amusement and irritation. Did that chick just not get it? She thought. Even in her more than slightly inebriated state she could feel a twinge of anger at Victoria's apparent inability to believe Sio and the feeling helped promote a small bit of sobriety somewhere in her clouded mind. One way or another the two had crossed paths again and the psycho car vandal had shot her mouth off. Paige attached the image of the injured M3 and shot a text right back: Tell her it doesn't take a fucking detective to figure out who keyed our car. She hit send then added another: What a dumbass. Then another: Where are you?. She had no idea where she and Milo were headed next, but was violently hoping that wherever Sio was, she could display that photo to as many as possible for maximum embarrassment.

Seeing Milo get up and take his coat brought about the moment of truth. When he extended his hand, she knew she was going to have to take it in order to even attempt standing without looking like a total fool. She took his hand and his grip was firm around hers lifting her up effortlessly. We're up! A voice in her head shouted gleefully. She smiled still having little control of her inhibitions, being pulled from her chair was something like a miniature carnival ride. Get a grip, Paige! Another voice firmly corrected. As she came to her feet, she deftly sashayed right into his other arm and ran one hand through his coat to claim it as her own. Going from sitting to standing so quickly made her head swim and she had to steady herself against him for balance finding that the heavy material carried an odd metallic scent deep in the fabric that combined with his cologne she rather liked.

With his coat on, she kept a grip on his arm to keep steady. "Lead the way, King Aragon." She said with a teasing air of importance. She still had no clue who the Trooper was referencing earlier, but it sounded funny and 'Lead the way' wasn't a phrase she often uttered to any man. Milo was an exception though and she didn't mind hanging on to him. On a few particularly adventurous nights back home, he'd actually had to carry her or Ana like drunken refugee children. She did a convincing job walking out and his coat was warm against the cold air. Everything was feeling so much like old times and for the first time in a long while she was forgetting about work.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 2 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

Joel set the bottle and glass on a partially empty table as he wound his way through the crowd. Carrying around a handle of hard liquor in a public place didn't seem like the best look and Tommy warned him there would likely be cameras everywhere for several days. Being portrayed in a negative light wasn't the problem, though. The real problem was grinding in his mind and in his chest. He felt like he didn't even really know these people and at some level felt like he had betrayed himself. Yes, he sort of knew Marinalia, but in retrospect that was just in a vacuum of a couple weeks. The whole event, the expensive suit and the fancy spread were not his scene. If there hadn't been an internationally televised race to attach it all for publicity, he wouldn't have dreamed of darkening this particular door in a million years. These people didn't know him nor did he think they were in the least bit genuinely interested in what he accomplished. It was all a script to play by while they wined and dined each other. A happy little sideshow. Winning the race was just a neat bow on top.

He had the elevator in sight and was thinking of how good it would be to go home and relax. They'd been semi-camping out in the hauler since Friday practice and he missed the quiet solitude of the shop. The circus and fanfare of the Winter Party and the race weekend would soon be over and Sol would thankfully be back to normal for a while. He pushed the call button, and heard a voice after him as the elevator started to descend. Turning around to find Sio, he slightly raised one eyebrow suspiciously. Listening to her talk his initial thoughts were something along the lines of... Yea, I bet you do need a mechanic for a '73 Stingray... the front end is loose from the factory, it's overgrown, underbuilt and handles like shit. He thought about giving her the number to the metal scrap yard, but the thoughts shuffled away in an instant and he was back to his original assumption that she was just fishing for an angle. She was cute enough, but he wasn't in the mood for cute. "Right now I'm just interested in some peace and quiet." He said looking back to watch the elevator descend.

It was about that time that Marlin arrived. Even in the growing crowd, it hadn't taken her long to find him. When she again went straight into trying to justify herself to Sio he shook his head and hoped the elevator would just move faster. Just like the race, everything again hinged on his performance and whatever script these people had prepared for it. He knew full well if he'd just sat there at the counter and laughed away Sio then the rest of them would have gone right along with it and no one would be apologizing for anything. He was just their latest fix. The dark side of him that resisted all her advances beforr was feeling vindicated and he was angry at himself for not trusting his gut right out of the gate. Maybe she did truly have some feelings for him, but the class of people she represented was something he'd fought against most of his life. Her sister had put it all in the open very plainly. He remembered how snooty they'd all been back at the track test, making coy jests and taking bets against him beforehand. They truly didn't believe he could beat her. That particular memory became much more satisfying.

The elevator doors opened up with a happy tone and Joel waited patiently as a few people stepped out.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
Avatar of Almalthia

Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: City Hall; Sunday

Interaction: Marilania, (@PrinceAlexus) & Joel (@Pilatus)

Siobhan looked from Marilania to Joel and back again to Joel. Siobhan noticed the nice way Joel pretty much said leave me alone and let the people move out of the elevator. She tilted her head back to Marilania and raised an eyebrow archly. Knowing Joel had one chance to get away she decided to engage Marilania so he could get away. She spoke softly and calmly so that only Marilania could hear, and Joel if he was paying attention. “It's Siobhan. Pronounced Sha-Vaughn. Have what I want like I'm some little girl to be placated? What I wanted was an opinion on my art from a med student that would be honest. When I walked in here what I wanted some nice conversation...lucky me I got this. I honestly wanted to know if the race winner knew a fabulous mechanic to get Karen up and purring. Now you're playing pity party cause I called you on your behavior? You're as bad as your sister and I expected better. I thought you'd be the more level headed of the two of you. Ms. Olympus can apologize to me later. That's going to be fun later hanging out with Paige and Milo. You shouldn't apologize for your sister. She should be adult enough to apologize for her behavior. What's done is done and I won't hold her actions against you. Besides she thinks of me, wrongly mind you, as competition for Milo's affection. Honestly if you hadn't gone all drama queen on me I'd have been fine with you calmly letting me know that Ren didn't mean anything to you and was just a side fling, testing the waters so to speak. While I don't approve of stringing men along I know it happens, unfortunately. So I really don't see how I blew things out of proportion. You're the one who has made insinuations and disparaging remarks about someone who isn't here to defend themselves. Making it painfully obvious that you still care about said person with you practically sitting on your new paramour. Have you even considered how uncouth your actions were to him? Or didn't that register with you yet? I could placate you with an apology for your misinterpretation but I think that would be low of me to do so I won't. As for embarrassing yourself I think you embarrassed those around you more since you scampered off to leave the rest of them to pick up the pieces. Then again they might be used to it. It seemed like it when you left. Truce after all of your not so subtle accusations and inconsiderate way you handled the situation? Not likely since it seems like you’re buying time to stab me in the back later.”

Siobhan checked her phone and quickly read the text Paige sent. Siobhan texted back quickly. ~City Hall. She’s very drunk. If you know where Milo is then you should bring him with you. She’s so drunk she might end up making out with some random guy. Don’t listen to me I’m about to cut myself off but I’m looking for some good conversation and the elite here lack the integrity. Putting the phone away Siobhan waited for a response. Purposely not crossing her arms and keeping her posture open as well as her mind.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Marinalia watched the entire situation turn and crash around her in a mess that would rival a particularly large shit hitting her 2000 +horse power rotary engines. Seeing the look and general body language it was obvious. Everything was gone to hell in a hand basket.

There was not much else she could do, wow how could she mess that situation up more tying to undo some of thr damage. Wishing almost thr ground swallowing her up or just being able to call a beam me up Scotty. Damn, great. In one day she had gone from crying to probbly crying at the end to. Damn this foraging city.

There was basically nothing to say to Joel, it was obvious seeing his eyes what he was thinking. Her grey eyes just broke and the icey layer of armour failed to materialise. Not bothering to hide it, she couldn't. At this point even if she tried. Everything was broken. And her eyes, she never seemed to be able to hide the truth from them.

From afar Maria had planned to thank Joel, the evening has never gone as planned, with the drama Thete, busy events and maxamillion tied up with another group of business people. Marla was not the person to do it and Mike and Milo might be liable to hit him if they saw the state There neice seemed to be In. No, it was her job and Marlin was her daughter so she would have to be the one to exercise damage control after this volley of missiles hit home.

Ironically the frigate live fire exercise was playing in video. She could tell defeet from her sheer body language.

Then Sia opened with her peice. It was long and she did not know what to make of it. Jeez, the was laying it on thick, and maybe it was true but right now her head was in too much of a confused state to make heads or tales of the entity, seeking out sections to make sense of and counter, areas to avoid and things to push against.

Well Siobhan, or would you prefer Miss Murphy?

OK.. Maybe badly made but I tried to undo a wrong caused.

Where Do I even begin?

The new t part things started getting complex, Victoria had been a little selective with the facts about that night maybe or maybe other people read events differently when she had found her that Wensday. Who knew what was what, things had to too emotionally driven at this point to make any sense of it.

Milo, look. My sister never told me everything, between alcohol and this... I Don, t think it be a very good idea. Just leave her be... Il get her to leave you be. Try and make best of this train wrecked evening?

to the worst part...

I left because.. I could explain how I was feeling but I'd need half the event, now.. And I'm not going to undo the damage, so seems we hit a dead end. Unless we wanted to stretch this into round 3.. Everything I'd even cared about is practically a plane crash. I ain't gonna change anyone's minds now.

Everything had sobered her reaction somewhat, despite a inner urge creeping in to tear her limb from limb and use her skull as a pen pot, it would make no use and anyway, it looked like Hr might disagree with using human skulls as desk tidies. Spoil sports that they where. She had lost this one, there was not point fighting it out over and over again.

no.. I've had a knife in my gut that ended my former sports career.. So il avoid that metaphor and implication.

Feeling her scar twitch at her mentioning knife and instinctively placing a hand on her stomach as a result, it was a reflex reaction at this point. It never had quite been a thing she got over. Why mention it. She never knew but imher brain was just running on serris of confused sections that where not exactly cooperating.

Maria walking over entered the lions den seeing the situation but wanting to pass her compliments onto Joel, she could also pull Marinalia out of a hole that was obviously too deep and she could see her daughter discomfort from her posture alone. Some instincts where hard wired to the very soul. Very much Marlins older twin In a sense bar gold eyes. Her mother held a diplomatic face that have little either way, despite her running dozens of diffrent calculations of what she entering.

oh... I do apologise if I'm interrupting. I'm Maria. Marla older sister. A long overdue message, tonight's been a blur...

Joel, I just wanted to express the families congratulations about the race, Max is tied up with business people who cannot takw a night off, and we'll. Given circumstances.. Just one person seemed more appropriate, and my brother in law is too hot headed for his own good at times.

Now that's done, il excuse my self and leave you to your business. Mali? Wanna join us?

I'm fine Mike, Don, t worry ya self. My brother is a decent guy.

Its my job to worry about you lot Maria!

Making the start of a turn away, she shouted over slightly to her brother. Mike had kept a eye on her quietly given the situation, a matching mikitary tattoo to Milo viable but a cross hairs incorporated into the design, reflecting his former progression as a sniper. He had a well trained eye sight and could see the obvious seer tension and Marinalias situation. Staying calmz he hung back with a beer and watched. Sure he could knock the guy into next week if he made a move against the family women, but it was not worth the sheer faff and long learn bar fights where only worth it in extreme events.

He had kept in shape and regularly ran and swam a decent distence, nothing like his peak but ernough to keep fit. When Marinalia was in England it had been fun to have a swimming buddy. No one else could seem to keep up.

Raising a beer and relaxing somewhat at thr conformation. He had wanted to keep a eye on Maria, and Marlin. He knew how bad things could escalate in a hurry and how easily harm could be brought. It kinda was his job, when he retired he had ended up retraining slightly and now was part of the group who over saw on site security at the Navy project. His former role serving in Marines had meant he could smooth some of the uptight security types who visited etc and find more shared ground.

Sighing internally as scene ahead. Life was never simple when you added women, alcohol and emotionsninyo a mix.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allison Hawthorne

Location: City Hall

Time: Sunday, 7:30-ish PM

Dumping the plate and fork into a large trash can, Allison took another sip of the soft drink and worked her way across the room with Kriss in tow. He looked like a grumpy dog whose collar was one notch too tight. The knuckles on the hand holding the trauma bag had gone white. A voice reminded him that he was representing the SCVRS, which prompted him to stand up just a little straighter and loosen the muscles in his forehead, changing his face from a grimace to a blank slate.

The duo arrive shortly and were greeted by the blonde woman, who had ordered food from a shirtless waiter.

Hey, feel free. We not short are we Vika. Sorry about nearly walking into you!

I'm Marinalia Olympus, and this my sister Victoria, Ivans by thr bar.

Allison gave the lady a polite smile, which withered away quickly. The smell of fruit and alcohol on her breath was overwhelming. Worse that than, though, was the old familiar scent of her dad's favorite drink. It wasn't as prominent (she was probably rubbing shoulders with the drinker), but it was far more powerful. She gritted her teeth hard as she forced the smile back onto her face, though her free hand moved involuntarily to her stomach, which was beginning to constrict. Her face turned slightly red as she tried to find a way to inhale clean oxygen. She knew she only had a few seconds to pass off her behavior without being rude. Thinking quickly, she raised her glass to her lips, covered her nose with it, and took a good clean breath of soda-infused air before lowering it to her side again.

"Don't worry about it, I'm totally fine. Allison Hawthorne, at your service," she said with a slight bow of the head. The woman seemed to pay her reaction no mind and instead tapped Kriss on the shoulder.

"Hi, welcome to the Gala."

Kriss shriveled away from the touch. He did not like being touched. People are perfectly capable of communicating without poking one another with fingers. He let his German stubbornness take over and responded with a blank stare. Fortunately for the two of them, Marinalia soon excused herself to "fix a few things." Allison breathed a literal sigh of relief as the woman, and the cloud of alcohol surrounding her, turned and left. She looked over at Kriss, who gave her the same blank stare, and tried to think of something to say. It didn't matter. Kriss could already sense that she had regretted this decision and he latched onto it, amping up the guilt with a look of irritation. She turned back to see if Ashton was still present. The tall woman had already noticed them and was currently waving at them, as though she would have had any difficulty seeing her. Allison straightened up and lifted her chin. She wasn't going to let Kriss shut her down. Not this time. Chipping a smile back onto her face, she trotted carefully to the firefighter and her companions, one of whom looked particularly familiar.

"Hey... Someone get hurt you two? No injuries over here... Ones you can Fix anyway."

Allison hadn't realized Kriss was still carrying the medical bag. She glanced at him inquisitively and was met with the exact same indignant expression, causing her to turn back to the bar. Before she could respond to confirm that they were not here to patch someone up, Victoria spoke again.

"Who's your freind Alison? You take him dress shopping before this? Bars open if you want somthing stronger."

Her face turned a much more fierce shade of red than usual, and she stopped dead in her tracks as the comment hit her like a freight train. She was only 19. Her blood boiled silently at the suggestion, and she again found herself in a position where she had only seconds to reply before seeming rude.

"U...um..." she stammered. The fresh scent of alcohol from the bar washed over her, clouding her mind further. She chided herself strongly in her mind. Victoria didn't know she was 19. She was just being polite. She wouldn't have offered if she knew, right? Allison tried to calm herself and take a deep breath, realizing at the last moment that she would just be inhaling more alcohol. She would have to try using the glass again, but she already felt ridiculous from doing it once. She placed a hand on the bar to steady herself, then removed it, alarmed that she might be unintentionally signalling for a drink. She glanced at Ashton, hoping to find some kind of aid, but she appeared to be paying attention to Victoria now.

Despite his lack of expression, Kriss was actively reading the situation and he soon realized Allison was in serious trouble. She seemed to have stopped breathing. He considered letting her stew out of petty revenge, but he noted that, even with an open invitation, she still didn't want a hard drink. It dawned on him that if he answered Victoria's question and ended the conversation, Allison would never be allowed to make him interact with people at a party again. She would owe him. He stepped up beside Allison and looked Victoria dead in the eyes.

"I am Kriss. I shop for clothes on my own. Allison is not old enough to drink."

He paused as he noticed the beverage on the table in front of the woman. He scowled and dropped a final thought on her in a voice dripping with bitter sarcasm.

"Alcohol poisoning kills six people every day. I hope I do not have to come back to pick you up."

Without waiting for a response, he turned sharply towards the door and plodded away. Too shocked by the comment to speak, Allison followed him silently, walking backwards at first, then bumping into a chair, apologizing to no one, and slipping away. Too many thoughts were going through her head all at once and she was beginning to legitimately feel sick. They stopped at their table, where Allison collapsed into her chair and took a deep breath of cleaner air, coughing several times and holding her chest. Kriss watched her, mildly concerned that she might need medical attention, but it passed quickly. She set the glass carefully on the table as her face returned to a more natural color.

"I'm..." she said, her voice fading out as she stared at her glass. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have dragged you over there."

"No, you should not have," he replied in a more neutral voice than before. She winced.

"I guess we should leave, huh?"

"Snap told me to keep an eye on things, so I will stay here." He looked at her disinterestedly. "You can leave if you want."

"Yeah, I..." she looked around again. "I shouldn't be here. My stepdad's gonna be so mad if he finds out I was at a gig with booze. I hope it doesn't stick to my clothes like it stuck to Mariana or whatever her name was."


"Yeah, that. Ugh, I'm such an idiot. I should have known." She rested her elbows on the table and sunk her head into her palms as her face turned red again. Her mom had a nose for alcohol too and would smell it before she got through the door. Frankly, she probably wouldn't live long enough for her stepdad to kill her.


@PrinceAlexus@Silver Fox
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo waited until Paige took his hand to get up, she was a bit drunk it seemed, and he was no stranger to lugging her inebriated self around, so when she finally managed to stand and stumbled into him a little he caught her around the waist to keep her on her feet, only to realize she was taking his coat from under his arm, He chuckled a bit before he felt himself drawn in a bit, Paige didn't really smile a ton, but it was infectious when she did, that coupled with the scent of her perfume and the slightly compromising position they were standing in having her pressed against him with his arm around her waist, he hadn't really thought about it much until now, but the two of them were essentially on a date, and oddly enough, he didn't care. "Not even a mans coat is sacred, huh?" Milo chuckled as she wormed her way into the coat fully.

With his coat now fully purloined, Paige stood a little straighter and Milo let his grasp around her waist go, only to have her loop her arm through his to steady herself again. King Aragon, she knew that would push his buttons, even when she is drunk her wit never dulls, "If I am Aragorn, does that make you Arwen or Eowyn? Maybe Gimli?" He grinned not expecting an answer knowing she hadn't seen any of the movies, yet taking a bit of pleasure in her probably not knowing that one of the names was a hairy dwarf. The two of them walked out of the restaurant and started to head towards a nearby building, the chill in the air bit through his shirt, the towering building housed many things but from his understanding, a nice lounge was at the top floor of it, one where they could either chill out and let the sake wear off, or continue the drunken evening. Milo couldn't help but look down, it was weird, he and Paige got along before, but this was starting to feel different, Milo just let that thought go though, no need to muddy a nice evening. Milo led her to the lobby where the Lounge was, some place called Skylight, He looked over to her, still keeping her arm in his letting her lean on him, "I heard this place is nice if you want to keep going, at least they probably have more to do than a sushi bar." He smirked a little as he spoke.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 2 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

The doors closed infront of him as Joel leaned against the back of the elevator alone. As soon as they were firmly closed and he was moving, he let out a sigh of exhaustion and relaxed against the railing a bit. He'd seen the painful look on Marlin's face and would be lying to himself if he said he didn't feel some remorse for her. He wasn't a monster and genuinely didn't want to really wound anyone, but the hard realist in him kept reminding him that none of it would have turned out like it did had he just sat there at the bar and laughed it off with the rest of them. He was gracious to Maria for her congratulations and wasn't going to leave the party; just needed some space to calm down for a while. Thankfully, Sio had been sensitive enough to allow for his escape, though he could hear them continuing to bicker as the doors closed and he ascended. He wasn't sure what she was after and maybe she did have some ailing old junk Corvette, but whatever it was outside of that didn't involve him and that was good enough.

The second floor balcony level was mostly sparse save for some kitchen work being staged next to the elevator. A line of covered dishes were sitting ready. The cooking staff paid him no mind as they busily hustled the hot carts into the awaiting open doors. Briefly taking in the pleasant aroma, Joel walked along the inside of the wall for a bit to stay out of sight of anyone below finding a quiet table at a small cafe area that appeared to be closed. He pulled out his phone and his eyes widened slightly when he checked his now completely full inbox. There were numerous more requests for interviews, sponsorships and appearances locally and even nationally. Shaking his head in semi-disbelief, he scrolled further finding a video-game company that wanted a closer look at the car to add into a future console project. The prospect seemed interesting enough and he saved the email as he looked further.

A restlessness continued to bite at him as he sat at the small table scrolling along until he found a particular email in Japanese that he also quickly saved as he looked around over his shoulders. He still couldn't shake the feeling that someone or more were watching him and he walked over to a nearby maintenance stairway and let the door firmly close behind him before he listened carefully that no one was around and started up the steps. To no surprise there was a sternly worded warning sign hanging on a chain as he neared the top, but he was high enough that he could hear the sound of the outside traffic and calmly stepped over the blockade. Two, more flights and he was at the top. He opened the door and took a full breath of the fresh night air before he took a business card from his wallet and carefully wedged it between the plate and the striker to keep the door from locking behind him.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: City Hall; Sunday

Interaction: No one

Mentions: Genny, Joel (@Pilatus) & Ashton (@Silver Fox)

Having nothing more to say Siobhan walked away as the elevator doors closed and went up to the landing where she first met Paige where her parents said they’d be. As she got up there and sat down putting her clutch in her mother’s purse she saw something out the corner of her eye. Was that the maintenance door? Her parents were dancing and smiling she turned to the door that she had seen shut not moments ago. Ignoring that voice in the back of her head that kept her out of trouble she decided to explore the reason she saw it shut. Walking over to it she found it unlocked and opened it. Hearing nothing she stepped into the stairwell and looked up then down. Maybe I could find a place away from all the elite to finish off the scotch. After all I started the bottle why not finish it?

Curiosity and tipsy decisions got the better of her and deciding that she’d go up not down. She giggled and took off her strappy gold heels and hooked them over her fingers as she somehow managed to hold the bottle and her glass in the other hand. “Okay so that’s impressive. Too bad no one is here to see this.” Humming Interstate Love Song she breathily sang, “Waiting on a Sunday afternoon…” She carried on with the song as she got to the top of the staircase and saw the warning sign giggling again she stepped over it somehow not tripping falling or losing her balance; an act of god for sure, and saw another door. Humming the song she opened the door that lead to the roof and closed it, not realizing she locked it. She turned around and seeing the city lights she smiled and restarted the song singing louder to get over the noise as she wandered around but not so loud to attract attention to the fact that someone was on the roof. Her inhibitions low she sang and her voice blended over the tones very well with just enough of a rough edge to keep it interesting. “Waiting on a Sunday afternoon. For what I read between the lines. Your lies. Feeling like a hand in rusted shame. So do you laugh at those who cry? Reply?” She sighs and drops her shoes and pours two fingers of scotch. She puts the bottle down not realizing she flashed anyone; not realizing Joel is on the roof, and looks out over the city. “My reply? No. Do I need to apologize? Possibly. Will I? Probably not. I’m so tired of the insecurity of females. Genny I miss you.” She sighs again. “Well here’s to Genny.” She lifts the glass and knocks back the two fingers of scotch. She looks at the bottle on the ground and the now empty glass. “Humm this is where I wish I was a Jedi so that I can lift the bottle without flashing...fuck it no one.” She bent over and grabbed the bottle again and poured two more fingers into the glass. “That’ll work. Wait wasn’t this supposed to be for Joel.” She shrugs then pauses. “Wait he did ask to be left alone pretty nicely. Matter of fact he’s been the only one to be nice to me tonight...fuck Ashton. Oh I bet he thinks I’m mad at him. I’ll let him know I’m not mad at him.”

Siobhan puts the bottle down again flashing her barely there panties their color matches her dress. “This is the last drink. I need to stop anyway. Sip this for a little bit.” Starting to sing again. “Leavin’ on a southern train. Only yesterday you lied. Promises of what I seemed to be. Only watched the time go by. All of the things you said to me. Breathing is the hardest thing to do. With all I’ve said and all that’s dead for you. You lied. Goodbye. Leavin’ on a southern train. Only yesterday you lied. Promises of what I seemed to be. Only watched the time go by. All of the things you said to me.” The song is sung with a lot of emotion but is very good none the less and the note is held at the end and Siobhan sighs. “Sometime Genny I think you’re a fucking coward by killing yourself and letting me find it.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Marinalia watched the elevator and sio vanish into the upper levels of the city hall, it was mostly just snugs or prep and assembly zones for materials, foods and drinks to be stacked, racked and stocked ahead of being moved out thr main floor. Marla had planned everything to a tee, a level of precision timing with a little help from Milo who had been used to working with exact and precise secdules in his service and employment.

Everything she managed to hold in collapsed and various emotional impact just flopped and hit her all in a single go. Watching them leave and giving a hurt glance to it as they vanished into the crowds. Placing a hand on her shoulder, Maria knew she probbly had messed up, the details where fuzzy but that was the last thing she wanted to hear or needed to hear right now. That stuff could be dealt with later.

Headon back over the family table, the two and Mike made a slightly concerned corner, Maria doing her best to nudge her daughter back to find out information, and also help herbif possible.

At the bar, Victoria saw him and Alison arrive and head over. Ashton was there to, and seemed to be rather confident in she'd by events, people came and went, her sister left to talk to Sio and Joel perhaps... Or perhaps was just pissed off at her. Everything was a confusing mess at that point.

Giving a thumbs up to Ashton, she had dome nothing wrong, things where pretty confusing at this point. Swaying and leaning a hand on the bar for balence. The large amount of booze she had drunk all hit at once and Victoria was hardly the largest person.

Thanks... Right now I'm not sure exactly what is going on... Oh... And maybe a eeeee bit drunk..vodka work well!

Your a nice... G... Person...

Ashton did genuinely confuse her perception, she thought male but her face was scarred but there was a certain female shape and nature to it... Hmm... Pushing it aside it might be abit rude to blurt out you male or female.

Noting the other two, she turned her head to them, Kriss and Alison, the two where a strange pair. Not quite a couple, not quite freinds and more. There was somthing between em though.. Her drunk mind was singing in a corner about them kissing in a tree, and other voices trying to tell the drunk ones to be sensible.

Alison was not old ernough to drink, she did not look under 18... Oh wait it was 21 here, back in Europe it was very different.

oh I thought you where.. 18... Wait its 21 out here...

Etho Kris. And I'm not that drunlk yet. Only abit ipsy. Hey... I'm Russian... Well half.

Thr drunk part of her mind talking over and deciding to nudge a few wires into the wrong places, she noticed Alison was... Apprehensive to say the least. Somthing about her reactions was strange. Drunk as she was, she could tell.

Several random thoughts popped across her mind from work, to how many eggs you needed in a cake and what she, d want to do with one of the six pack clad waiters, the drunk part going a a little crazy and mashing buttons like in that film.... Inside... Inside out! That was it.

Seeing them leave she waved over and saw them head off. It was most strange what was going on... Was she OK?

you guys alright?

See you?

She was confused, and went to move over and follow but her head spun and placed a hand back on the bar. Turning to Ashton looking over.

oh.. I think I'm... Drunk... They alright? Alison looked... Wrong?

At the party, Marla was wandering by with Milo on her arm, happily with her arm looped round his, they had been married for a good while, they had met a few years after the accident had cost her leg. It had advanced over time, when she forst met it was far cruder and less agile, often relying on support of someone's help. Now she was almost fully independent bar having to always carry spare batteries for the automated systems.

Pale blonde hair with ice blue highlights, a ornate necklace in form of a gold chain with a ice blue shaped diamond, reflecting and cut to seem close to a fleur-de-lis. Milo had had it hand made, it had been their first anaversery gift. A bracelet of gold and platinum, had neatly engraved her anaversery, wedding and child's birthday. Her leg was metal socket built up covering her u thigh with nural points leading to a viable robotic leg, knee and foot though the alit in her dress. Metal toes did not quiet hide well with heals but she had long given up hiding it.

Seeing the woman on distress, she placed a empty champagne glass down on table and looked over with ice blue eyes. Not quite reconisingusing the insignia Kris was wearing from her angle, she saw however the woman was a tad pale. With a accent switching effortlessly in a doctor mode, part Stern part understanding.

Hello, you alright miss? Dr, Prof Marla Olympus.

Want us to find you first aid? I'm a medical doctor back home, trauma injury specialist.

Allergy? Or just need a taxi home after a few too many? Medic should have some anti histamine. Its a pretty mild but should make the reaction more mild and less acute. Majority of cases you Don, t need to resort to the stronger stuff.

Looking concetned, she did not see the medical bag, as Milo gave the man a nod and kept a step back as his wife did herthing. Sure she was a ice queen at time, but the was Dan good at her job and could and had earned a lot respect from the years workers even if they regarded her as thr Queen of the North. His jacket was back there and his arm with a few scars he had picked up was viable, he hated long sleaves on shirts, that and ties.. He only wore one when forced.

@Almalthia@Pilatus@Mattchstick@Silver Fox

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || City Hall || Sunday Approx. 7:30 PM

Victoria @PrinceAlexus, Allison and Kriss@Mattchstick

Giving a bright smile to Victoria at her words, the tall firefighter rubbed the back of her head, ruffling up the dirty blonde strands of hair. Giving a soft silent chuckle before tapping the bar counter gently as she took her water. Looking to the bartender and pointing to the glass of water then holding up two fingers. Soon enough, she had another glass of water.

Turning her gaze back to the two paramedics, Ashton's amethyst eyes blinked a little and softened in concern as Allison seemed to grow uncomfortable and a bit more on the wobbly side. Kriss stepped into the situations and listed some facts. The tall blonde found it a little odd Allison was here at all if she was underage and seemed to have difficulty in the presence of alcohol. She was a little surprised her superiors didn't detour her from such a party but perhaps it was a test or to show that it wasn't too unlikely for someone of their stature needed at a event like this. Hopefully though, Allison tries to stay a bit away from parties like this. Tilting her head to the side as Kriss stated the death count due to alcohol per day, the firefighter just blinked again.

He seemed to like to be factual and he was at least dedicated to his job. She was a little bit surprised he bothered to say it though. Ashton having to keep healthy, mostly drank just water and kept alcohol and even soft drinks to a minimum unless on special occasions. Although she also would prefer if people didn't drink as it usually led to problems, she also understood the wish to have some sort of release. Some way to get their mind off things and relax. Several of her former teammates back in the army just needed it and even then it didn't help. Alcohol could do that, but she'd like to make sure folks don't quite overdo it.

Waving after them in farewell as the two walked off, Ashton turned to Victoria at her question before looking to where the two went off. Crossing her arms over her chest before lifting her left hand up to cradle her chin in a thoughtful manner, Ashton looked to the pale woman and gave a reassuring smile. Unfolding her arms and waving a hand before pointing out toward Kriss and gave a confident trustful smile. Admittedly, Ashton was quite worried over the minor, but Allison had Kriss. The man might come off as uncaring, but he did step in for Allison and Ashton was sure that she couldn't be in any more safer hands then a dedicated paramedic.

Ashton then curled a fist and stuck her thumb out toward herself before cupping her hands over her eyes like a pair of binoculars then holding them out in front of her slightly curled upward like she was holding something princess style. Trying to convey she'd keep a eye on them from here and if needed she'll help carry Allison back safely home. She didn't think it was needed but it was just in case.

Taking a breath, Ashton then picked up the second glass of water and held it out to Victoria and gave a soft smile, eyebrows slightly furrowing as she gave a sort of pleading expression for the girl to at least drink a little bit. Best to drink some water now, and maybe munch on a little bread to help the process of consuming alcohol and avoiding a major hangover in the morning.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Victoria looked to Ashton, yeah she was drunk, probbly be not a good idea walking straight away as her balence and agility was not best on a normal day. The vodka and so had all managed to hit on one go and gone from zero to drunk in about a few minutes.

Somehow understanding Ashton, maybe being hammered meant slightly crazy things made perfect sense. Though why did someone under age end up here. Everyone knew it was laden with booze. She was all dressed up so she knew she was attending right. Her mind then did a loop and ended up thinking about purple elephants. Wow that was some strong vodka.

I'm sure she be fine... I'm a bad luck charm it seems anyway.

Who invites someone underage to obviously drinking event? He was a abit... Diffrent? ... Drunk not para...parla..paraletick

Thinking out loud and acidiantly saying it. Ashton seemed to have noticed she was a tad over the limit and pushed a glass of water over. Well she know if that was vodka, that much would knock out a grown man probbly.

Resisting for a second she gave in and left the half finished champagne glass to her side.

Fline... Il take it easier... Il back off Spirits.

Things may be a little awkward in morning with Mali...

Giving in. Her Distinctly grey eyes noticing the emotions, she was a mix, flashing between hard ice giving nothing away, hurt, regret, annoyance and more, seeming not to make there mind up quite how she felt about the evening.

Behind her someone approached looking older with cold grey eyes matching Victoria's almost exactly though also placed a gentle hand on shoulder and she seemed to tell who it was by instinct, giving a nod and a general gesture of I fucked up tonight.

Looking over her father noticed Ashton, scarred lanky... Guy... Maybe not.. Maybe... Somthing femine yet... Her size and figure.

vika, you sort it out. You always find a way. Anyway. Always room at home.

You alright? Enjoying it? Want me to take things from here? I think my daughter has had quite abit already.

Looking to Ashton, he had a look of less concern, more care and general duty of it than worry. But he also had a small glint of a man who had seen the darkness, stared back at it and seen some dark plqces and events. He never could hide what he had done, some things and some things you saw just always carried with you.

@Silver Fox
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 2 days ago

Paige Kennedy

Paige was finding a good rhythm in her footing as they walked and though her head was still swimming the cool of the night was helping her get her bearings back. She looked calmly at the lights of the city, the cars passing by, signs, people, sounds- all of it. Being observant was part of her job and she couldn’t help but look at the details in everything. Seeing others walking together, couples walking, while still holding on to his arm was making her feel in part like a passenger in her own body. She knew what it looked like, but for the moment she was okay with it. It was nothing that hadn’t happened before. He was only her steady, drunken guide to Sol City… right? She shook her head only so slightly at the thought, not even enough for him to notice.

The sounds of the street didn’t permit for a lot of conversation and neither said much along the way. The walk itself felt good enough for the moment, though as they continued her thoughts kept swirling, gaining traction against her alcohol intake when the wind gusted and her steps carried her with him. She missed home terribly and he was the only link back to that place, that time. Her grip tightened slightly at the thought. He was right, she would get through it, but the nuance of it, she knew, felt incomplete. She looked down at the sidewalk momentarily knowing there was something else missing and she wasn’t just homesick. Her hold on his arm remained in spite of herself and still being aware of her inebriated condition, she knew she could store the thoughts away and just blame it on the alcohol later. No problem.

As they entered the lobby of the high-rise she could see a few casual glances come their way as people came and went. The warmth and modern décor of the building were entirely welcome to her and she had to give him credit for walking all that way without his jacket and not so much as even a shiver. She wriggled out of it and folded it over, handing it back to him before turning to look at herself in a nearby mirror as he spoke about the place. Her braid still looked decent, but strands of her hair had fallen away around her face in their usual, slightly disheveled fashion and she tried in vain to corral them with the others. Still unsatisfied, she glanced back from the mirror and noticed his collar also slightly off kilter from the walk. As she turned and started to fix it for him an older couple walked by and the lady of the pair smiled warmly at her.

Paige looked at the woman blankly as her fingers suddenly stopped around his collar. She looked back at him, her olive eyes meeting his as her hands fell away slowly and she turned her glance away from him. “Maybe I just needed a walk…” She said quietly, “I probably should be getting back… it’s been a long day.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo took back his coat and stood there watching as Paige fiddled with her hair, "You look fine Paige, you don't ha..." She then took to trying to straighten his collar, his shirt must have pulled a little bit while they had been walking to the lounge and he hadn't noticed. As an older couple walked by them and smiled he smiled back at them only to notice that Paige had stopped fiddling and was looking at the older woman, her hands dropped and she looked at him and explained that she was wanting to go home, normal people would do this at this point in the night, Paige usually never backed off until one of them was dragging the other back, but what struck him was the look she gave him, no challenge, almost like she was having a hard time looking at him at all. He had seen it before. Where was that? Someone had looked at him like that before, but at the moment, still a little tipsy he couldn't think of the time.

Milo chuckled a little, "Not like you to walk away while the moon is still out. Either way, a fun evening is a fun evening nonetheless." And he takes his coat and shakes it out like his is going to put it back on, swings it out a bit and sets it over Paige's shoulders. "Go ahead then and hold onto this, I think you will need it more than I will." He held his arm out again in case she was still dizzy, and looked to the door. "Let's get you home then." it was starting to eat at him, where was it that he had been that someone looked at him that way, he couldn't remember for the the life of him, but it was when he looked at Paige again, now in his coat, he started to recognize it, Ana used to do that when they had started dating, she was getting bashful, why would that... the realization of what tonight had become dawned on him and under his tanned and bearded face, a light blush appeared. From a certain point of view the two of them just went on a very nice date, and of all the emotion that should be there, the pressing thought was that he was having fun and was a bit sad to see it end.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 2 days ago

Paige Kennedy

Paige looked from the window as the streets went past. She had spoken little since they left the lobby of the high-rise and though she still had Milo’s coat over her shoulders, she only briefly glanced in his direction. Coming down from the high of the night was colliding with a mixture of emotions and fatigue that she could see in her reflection from the dim backseat. The foremost of which was guilt. Who are you even, Paige? A voice continued to question. She thought about Ana, still in Delta and she felt lower than dirt. She still hadn’t told her about Milo and now she felt in her heart like she was driving closer to a cliff and had just hung two tires over the edge before jerking the wheel back. The thoughts were quickly sobering and when her building came up in sight, she was relieved. Maybe going back to work tomorrow was the best thing.

When the car pulled up, she knew she would have to acknowledge him again and she did her best to gather some resolve to face him. “Thanks for the dinner and the drinks.” She said and squeezed his wrist above the sleeve a couple times, not wanting to touch his hand. The gesture was simple enough, though she still felt like it was another betrayal. Her eyes looked at his again only momentarily as their gaze collided once more and she got out of the car leaving his jacket behind. A cutting gust of wind whipped through the air and bit against her exposed skin as she walked away. Gritting her teeth, she hung on to her purse and crossed her arms in a paltry defense against cold that nearly took her breath away. When she made it into the lobby, she stopped and rubbed her exposed arms attempting to regain some warmth and was thankful that no one had seen her.

Stepping around a maintenance sign for one of the elevators she slapped the button on the next one open and waited, still shivering. She took her phone out and read Sio’s text. At least she looked like she was having a good time, but her question about Milo’s whereabouts hit her with another pang of guilt. You lack integrity, Paige… the same voice from before barked as soon as she read the words. Sighing in exasperation, she thought about inviting Sio over as the doors opened, again thankfully empty, but the thought of her warm bed began to overrule everything else. Just got back in, you can tell me about it tomorrow, kinda tired. She texted back.

Now knowing exactly where the switch was, she turned on the light and kicked her shoes off as soon as the door was closed behind her. Until home do we part. She said to herself rubbing her feet. A small bar bordered her kitchen area and she removed her gun from her purse before hanging the bag over one of the high chairs. As was her custom since getting “settled”, she checked the false bottom of a small display table where she kept her actual service weapon and then tossed her keys into the visible drawer remembering she’d have to uber back to the parking garage where she’d left it in the morning. Might be a good time to catch up with Sio, she thought.

She thought she would again be asleep as soon as she hit the bed. Going to bed twice in the same day never felt quite normal, but she’d grown accustomed to taking sleep when she could get it. However tired her body may have been though, her mind kept racing. Thoughts of Ana, Milo, home and her job all blinked to the forefront and flashed away as she laid there awake. She tossed and turned for what felt like hours, still asking herself the same question: Who are you, Paige?

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