After recently watching a well done fan film and self-reminiscing about my past Legion playthrough of Fallout:New Vegas, I have been inspired to create a fandom RP set within the Fallout:New Vegas universe.
The RP will be set in the year 2279, two years after the First Battle of Hoover Damn and two years prior to the canon events of the game. The story will revolve around a fledgling tribe east of the Colorado River, their territory perched along the border holdings of Caesar's Legion.
This tribe has yet to meet the wrath of the Legion, but that day shall soon come. As Caesar looks to mass together slaves, gather resources, and claim lands, this steadfast independent tribe will soon find the Legion's greedy gaze upon them.
Faced with inevitable war with with the Legion, what choice do they have? To surrender and be absorbed into the Legion, for their wives and daughters to be enslaved and they to be conscripted into Caesar's armies?
No. They will fight.
They will face the armies of Caesar and defend their independence, their homes, their families, their very lives.
They will stand against the armies of Caesar and fight to the last man, they will oppose the Monster of The East...
So then, if your still with me and interested after all that hefty reading then great!
For now all I'm worried about is accumulating interest and gathering pledges. Further information and the Character Sheet will be provided after I have a decent sized roster of pledges or interest holders.
Excited about this as a GM and I hope to see some interest!
THE STORY OF LANIUS (What inspired me to create this Roleplay.)