Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Zats & Goblin Gina

Day three outside

As Zat makes his way up to her, Gina starts readying her fist waiting for her moment to strike his unprepared belly. Keeping up her smile as a looming pent up frustration and anger starts to loom with her every moment. Memories of him leaving her and not giving her the right answer with her trial in the past. It was stupid at first but, it dawns to her why would she care so much. Who was he really to her the emotions started to swear every time he got close to him.

Yes, he left her all alone, yes he didn’t follow her, yes he wasn’t the one that found her first, and Yes he didn’t take care of her but, he didn’t need to, he wasn’t obligated to, he was just the first very goblin she talked to but, what was this feeling it was strange.

So she forms her fist as before, closing her eyes as he closes in and goes closer to him. It was an aggressive advance as she pulls out her punches a small trinket of tears flowing from her eyes as she goes into him. Her eyes close and her pet rabbit hissing thankfully hopping away avoiding stabbing him in the eyes as she hissing in the sidelines making way for her master to go in for the attack.

It didn't take long before Zats realized something was up with Gina, though he still had no idea she was planning to attack him until she threw her punch. Caught by surprise as he was, he didn't react in time and got hit. Obviously angry he tightened the grip on his spear and was about to strike her with the blunt end when he noticed the tears in her eyes.

He had no clue as to why she would be attacking while crying but he knew him using his weapon against her wouldn't solve things. Hoping he wouldn't regret it he dropped the spear in hopes that the evidence he didn't want to fight would calm her down.

"Gina please, tell me what's wrong. I swear I wasn't planning on showing them our secret spots, but I figured I might need their help if you were in danger or hurt or something."

Not knowing what else to do he kicked the spear away as a sign of good will and trust, but made sure it stayed close in case she went too far and decided to use the sword.

As her punch connected she followed it up with a tight hug, her tears flowing as she feels him back once again. “I hate you, you idiot.” She said as her emotions starts to flow. With every second her grip tightens as she holds him as tightly as she could like her life defended on it. She still didn’t know why but, her heart demanded on it.

“Please stay with me…” She said as she buries her face into his shouldered silently crying. ”Please Shirila help me understand what I feel.” She unconsciously prayed to the goddess hoping that everything would make sense and reveal itself to her.

When she hugged him instead of attacking again he calmed down. He hugged her back and was glad that everything was okay between them. He started gathering up his courage to tell her how he felt, but quickly discovered she hadn't sorted her feelings out. He had no idea how to proceed, should he tell her what he though she felt or should he let her figure it out on her own? the fact that he wasn't sure about her emotions answered his question for him.

"I'm pretty sure I understand what you feel, but I also think it wouldn't be fair to not let you find out yourself, no matter how hard or difficult it might be. All I'll say is that yesterday I realized I felt the same about you."

She didn’t listen, she was afraid all she really knew was that he was someone she cared for, he was special in a way she knew but, she wasn’t sure and at the same time afraid. She was scared of what would happen next. So as he spoke and told her she felt the said about her the pain in her chest subsided for a while her shaking hands and arms where calmer as he hugged her back.

What she knew to do was prayed to the eternal mother for guidance and wisdom. She wanted to run away, to explore and to go on an adventure but, how can she if she can’t leave him behind? She prayed and prayed silently looking for the answers she desperately needed. [color=red] "TELL ME WHAT AM I FEELING!"[\color] She yells out as her feeling erupt.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Getting breakfast-

These two goblins decided that with the female Gina finally found they could go back to hunting now that everyone was accounted for. No doubt grandpa would be pleased he wouldn't need to bury any more graves. As they circled around the church they soon found themselves at a clearing where two rabbits were bouncing out of a hole in the ground. Clearly it was meant to be their hiding spot from hunters. They bounced out and found themselves nibbling on some berries nearby distracted with their meal.

@Duthguy@ReusableSword @Kangutso @demonspade64 @Darked13@Wildman13

Goddess speaks-
The goddess heard her disciples plea as she cried into the arms of another goblin. It was bittersweet seeing the young goblin trying to discover it's true feelings. Soon a vine grew from the earth and wiped the tears away with its leaves. "oh my dearest Gina, you don't understand but you seek companionship. You want to share your life with this goblin. Your heart aches, it means you are both stronger and weaker at the same time" it said softly like a mother coddling a child.

It was decided that the goddess needed to make her presence known. The earth shook and soon vines and branches grew from the ground below to where the goblin had previously placed her statue. Then it was moved into a wooden pedistol as if she wished to speak on their level. "children of green I am known as the goddess shirila. I am known as the eternal mother I have made young Gina my acolyte she will speak when I can not. I am weakened and can not speak long, but know that I will watch over all who seek my guidance" she said before the vines stopped growing and the light in her statue dimmed once more.

All goblins: all goblins have gained knowledge of the the three great gods and can worship them properly and create shrines in their honor.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Goblin Gird
Heading back out into the forest >>>> Finally back on the hunt /// Day 4 // Morning - Afternoon

Gird did take a moment to look back at the others, the sudden outburst from the other goblin while he wasn’t looking piqued his interest for a moment. with the rabbit on top of her head and then the sudden crying and hugging. After realizing it was nothing he was about to motion to Luz to keep going before the ground shook and some vines shot up from the ground. And a flower began speaking, “well that’s not weird” he spoke aloud.

The vine spoke, apparently it was speaking for the goddess who seemed to take a liking to Goblin Gina. “This place is weird come on let’s keep going before we get stuck here.” He was still close enough to hear what they were talking about for just a little while longer. Soon the duo of goblins found themselves heading away from the stone structure and back into the more populated forest. They needed food, and he wanted to get enough for everyone.

The surrounding area didn’t seem too different from the rest of the forest so far. None of the plant life or trees seemed different and the animal trails were still just as abundant as they were anywhere else. Their quiet walk was uneventful until they came upon a small meadow. The meadow was filled with short grass with a small hole toward the middle. But what caught his attention was the two small rabbit’s lazily eating grass near the whole.

Gird raised his hand in a fist and dropped to one knee behind some bushes. It was his turn to figure out a game plan or at least he figured it was his turn. Looking to his partner he whispered, “I’m going to go rub some more mud on me real quick and sneak up to that hole. Once I get there, I want you to charge at those bunnies. I’m going to try to grab one as it goes for the hole and you get the other one.” The goblin quietly and slowly started walking back the way they came, “next time you pick the strategy.”

Gird was careful to slowly walk back without giving them away. Finding some mud nearby Gird began to cover himself in it. Honestly he had no idea if this covered his smell or not for the bunny’s but at least it kept him cool in the sun. He also found a few more sticks and leaves to tuck into his vine wrapping before slowly finding a route that he could crawl on his belly to the hole. If he was able to successfully crawl to the hole he would wait patiently for Goblin Luz to make her attack and grab the first bunny that came near and sink his teeth into it.


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Luz


Luz couldn't help but find her watching the two goblins Zats and Gina from as the two confessed their feelings for one and other, then all of a sudden vines suddenly begin growing from the ground and wiping the young goblins cheek. This day is getting more and more interesting. Sadly Luz couldn't watch it all cause she didn't want to risk Gird leaving without her, So she left and follow him as the two looked some prey to bring back with them.

After a bit of walking the two came across two rabbits eating fruit near their hiding hole, So she hid from sight and quietly move near Gird where the two came up with a plan. Luz couldn't help but find herself in awe at Gird plan. "That is genius." She quietly said to him before nobbing at his plan. She then begins covering herself in mud along with Gird before giving him the thumbs up when she finished. Then she made plan her plan on how she was going to attack.

Once Gird was in position Luz tried to move quietly to the rabbit's side getting as close as she possibly can, once she was caught. She will then freeze in place before smiling at the all friendly-like like she wanted to be their friend, then that smile would twist into something sinister before charge at them from the side with her spear in hand and if they try to run away Luz would attempt to use her pinpoint strike aloug with the dexterity she was born with(the special trait she was born with)to try to stab one of the rabbits around it torso area before it gets too far.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Goblin Zats & Goblin Gina

Day three outside

Zats was surprised that Gina even knew the name of one of the three gods Grandpa talked about yesterday. But before he could ask her about it he got the biggest shock of his young life and. A bunch of vines moved a statue up to a pedestal. At first thinking it might be some kind of powerful monster he held Gina even tighter but then it started talking and calling itself Shirila. He had no idea if it really was one of the three and decided to ask Gina about it not knowing that she had gotten some advice on what she felt for him. "So looks like you had an interesting adventure, care to tell me what happened?"

” A lot happened and I still haven’t forgiven you. “ She says as he points to her wounded knee. ” But, first of all are you gonna be my first disciple?” She says with an uncharacteristic shy manner that was a way off from her usual self and pushing him asleep figuring that it was time to end the hug for now.

She doesn’t look at him as she made the offer, feeling that he had no choice in the manner as he made her tell out loud to everyone. ” So are you? “ She asks again abit impatient mixed in with irritation as she waits for his yes.

Zats hadn't even noticed that Gina had been injured, before he could ask her about she came with a question of her own. His first instinct was to refuse as becoming a disciple of someone serving a Goddess was a big step, even more since he didn't know a lot about the Eternal Mother.

Her tone of voice and repeating the question made it clear that this was very important to her though. He tried to think of the best way to put it. "Gina, I'm sure you know by now I'm not the type to rush into things and instead prefer to think them through and this is a big step. I'm not sure I'm willing to spend my entire life serving Shirila but I do trust you and so my answer is yes."

As she heard her answer she wanted to hear, she sighs as she faces to him still a little mad with his redundancy. “Then pray to the goddess… and uphold the balance of the forest… eat only when hungry and kill only if necessary… but, never too much.” She explained as she pulls in forward wrapping her hands around him.

After her head was aligned with his she pulled him in for a kiss a brief but sweet kiss. “That’s part of the ritual for the first one.” She said to cover her shame as she hated to admit that she made that rule up. “This isn’t a thing so start praying.” She ends as she started to pray too.

“Shirila I have gained you a follower, please grant him your blessing, and make him stronger and guide him when everything seems bleak.” She prays as she claps her hands together hoping that the prayer was going to be enough to get a responds or power the goddess up.

Just as Zats was about to ask what being an acolyte entailed Gina kissed him. He blushed deep red and didn't fully believe her excuse that it was part of any ritual, but decided not to ask with the others in hearing distance or in case he was wrong and it was part of a ceremony. Instead at least partly to avoid angering her again he did as she said and started praying, though his heart wasn't really in it.

"Uhm eternal mother I don't know what happened here but you clearly made a great impression on Gina and seem far more powerful than any creature I know." He knew it wasn't much of a prayer and hoped he hadn't messed up some kinda test to see if he was worthy or anything.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

--ignore this will be reposted, soon(tm)--
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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A well executed plan-

The goblins were smart in using mud to hide their scent as it made them harder to smell. Even so they were moving downwind from the rabbits so their scent wouldn't carry anyways. When goblin luz came out her attempt at a smile to calm the rabbits failed they quickly ran to bolt towards their hiding hole but her pinpoint strike and speed allowed her to wound the rabbit perfectly as she striked at its back crippling it from even moving and bleeding to death. The second rabbit kept running towards the hole but didn't realize another goblin till it was too late now with the element of surprise goblin gird strike the back leg of the rabbit and they both got quick clean kills.

Goblin Gird learned:Rookie camouflage. This goblin has learned how to use the environment to its advantage and hide even in plain sight. At higher levels will grant total camouflage regardless of environment.
Goblin Luz learned quick strike:this Goblin has learned to value speed above brute force. When used can inflict a quick attack on the enemy though lacking in stopping power will get the goblin quickly to its prey. At higher levels can strike multiple targets within moments of each other.


Goddesses warmth-

The goddesses statue gave a warmth when Gina kissed zats for the first time as if a mother watching with bittersweet pride as their daughter started to fall for someone. The goddess didn't speak until zats was finished his half hearted prayer. She then said "young Gina you need not force him to follow me. I am happy you are so willing to help me child but gaining followers must be done with a gentle hand not a hard fist" she told her before vines started to grow in front of zats as she then directed the statue to him as if speaking to him directly "I understand your hesitation young zats one must not be hasty in following a diety but the fact that you were willing to on only Gina's word speaks well of you. I don't have the strength to do for you what I did for Gina but I can give you something to help you protect her, careful it's heavy" she warned and throughout the entire time she talked to him she was creating a bark shield covered in vines. It used vines as the straps to hold it from, while it looked simple and unimpressive the second zats or anyone that wasnt a disciple of the goddess herself tried to pick it up they would feel incredible weight from it and was a struggle to pick up but it was also clear that such weight carried just as much protection.

Goblin zats gained Everoak shield:shield created and blessed by the goddess herself is said to repel even fire itself. A piece of 3 legendary items meant only for followers of the goddess, he who holds the shield is a friend to nature and is more likely to gain allies then enemies when presenting the shield to a forest race.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Goblin Ren
Location Unknown /// Time Unknown // Days 2 & 4


Day One -

At first.... There was nothing....Only light, a burning, blinding, horrible light....... Then screaming.... Who, or what, could be screaming? He realized that HE was screaming.... He didn't know how he got here, or why he was here, but he did know one thing, his name was Ren. As the light faded, Ren realized he was in a cave. Everything felt heavy, as Ren tried to move, he soon realized his limbs were not his own, they were small, pudgy, and green. Other pudgy green bodys lay around him, though they seemed to be more matured. The last thing Ren saw before falling into darkness was the a wrinkly, green, face.... smiling cheerfully over him.

Day Four

Ren awoke to find himself to be significantly larger than before, and, as he looked around, the others appeared to be gone. As he gained his bearings, and rose to his feet, Ren was astonished by the sudden changes to his body. He explored this strange new body of his (not sexually of course), looking for answers. He found himself to be skinny in form, and but a few feet high..... "Where are the others?" he thought, "Am I alone?" he began to wander the cave, curious about the world around him, searching for the smiling face that had welcomed him into this strange new place.....
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Luz


Luz smiles as she spills blood from the rabbits back, crippling it, and making it cry out in distress. Then she frowned slightly as she watched it being bleeding out and froze wondering what she should do. Meanwhile, the other rabbit ran near the hole and was caught by her partner. She watched him quietly as he killed the other so she doesn't distracted him. Once Gird deed was done, Luz looked at the rabbit she wounded before deciding to put it out of his misery. So she pointed the sharp end of her spear at his head before saying..."Nothing personal." She told it before moving the spear back a bit before thrusting it into the rabbit head as hard as she could.

Afterward, she then checked on Gird. "Are you okay?" She asked him calmly. Once she confirmed his well being Luz then held her kill under her arm. Her stomach then growled yet she did not yet pick apart the rabbit. "What next?" she asked him. Oh thought she was hungry she didn't want to show any weakness to Gird, for in her path life showing such weakness was counterproductive towards her past goals.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Goblin Gird
Hunting with Goblin Luz /// Day 4 // Morning - Afternoon

Gird waited patiently at the hole, the rabbits didn't seem to notice him. This alone gave him the confidence he was looking for to solidify the idea that the mud helped hide their presence. The rabbits soon turned toward the sudden rush of activity near the edge of the trees. Luz had shown him that she too could be patient and listen to his orders once again. She was certainly going to be a formidable ally once they were stronger.

Still even after the girl attacked and disabled one of the rabbits, Gird watched and waited for the other to draw closer as it headed for ground. It didn’t notice him, it didn’t see him, and it wasn’t prepared. He lunged forward as it dove into the hole, one hand gripping its leg while the other grabbed its back. The goblin was quick to sink his teeth into its back leg and tear its flesh from the bone. A loud pained squeak could be heard from the creature.

Gird wasted little time to dispatch the rabbit. Biting into its neck and snapping it ending the creature’s life. He proceeded to tear the head off the rabbit in a savage display before quickly skinning it and eating the still warm meat. Honestly, Gird wasn’t sure what sparked the brutality. Whether it was the adrenaline, the hunger, or the thoughts of his injuries from the last rabbit encounter. All he knew for sure was that he was hungry, so he devoured his rabbit while sitting on the ground.

After he was able to eat a bit of the meat he looked up at Luz, “had she been there the whole time?” he thought. He would have to take better care of paying attention to his surroundings next time he had an urge like that. She was saying something while offering her hand to help him up. Slowly her question filtered into his head. “Uhh sorry about that.” He said as he took her hand and stood up still eating the rabbit meat.

“Well we need to keep hunting. Get enough for the others as I think they are going to be at that stone place for a while.” He paused for a moment and looked the girl over. “Why wasn’t she eating? She should be hungry and maybe a little tired” he thought. “Eat your food or I will.” He stated, Gird wasn’t joking either even though he was already half-way through his rabbit he could still eat. “I’m ganna check this hole out. Once where done, we move on.” Short and simple, that’s what he thought they needed right now anyway. He smiled at the girl blood dripping down his face. After finishing the rabbit Gird would promptly search the hole before continuing their scouting and hunting patrol.


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Luz


OOC: Oh boy i forgot to say that Luz wouldn't begin eating until Gird does, in my last post. Sorry for the confusion.

Luz watched Gird looking dumbfounded as saw him kill the rabbit with his own mouth before quickly dress it to be eaten before he begins devouring it like a savage beast. Luz then turns her glaze when Gird turned to her watching his performance. After helping him up Gird then told her.
“Eat your food or I will.”
To which she jokingly replied. "You have seen what i can do yet you want to try taking food from me? My how daring." She told him with a playfully.

And just like that Luz then began dressing her kill to be eaten. First Luz removed it horn from the rabbits head, once that was done with that she then used the new horn to punction a hole in the both of the rabbit's hind legs, afterwards she then stuck her finger between the fur and the skin and begin ribbing apart a path from the rabbit's left leg the other before she began peeling all the rabbit's fur off it skin, all while watching Gird to make sure he doesn't try anything.

If he were to look like he was about to try and take her food, she would release a sinister aura while glaring at him kind of scary-like almost as if she was seriously considering harm him if he tried. Even seen one of those anime scenes were an where one of the characters suggests something that offense another character and that character has an evil looking aura as they advise against do that? Well, it would be a lot like that.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

That explained everything. What a lovely goddess, to save him the trouble of asking her what she wanted. And then more pleasant interactions between Gina and Zats. Truly a wonderful pair. Thus the quiet goblin stood there, looking at the pair and the show. He even got a gift for it. Regardless, her ways were ones that'd he'd have anything against following, it was basically what he had in mind for himself after all, so there'd be no problem to be himself in Her name.

That said, would there be a better moment to declare himself one of her followers than now?

"Goddess Shirila, please allow me to be your follower as well, now that I've understood better what it meant to properly honor and follow you."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Welcome to life-

Grandpa had relaxed against the stone wall of cave sitting in the same spot he did last time. He then looked over to see that the late birth had finally woken up and was no doubt confused on where to go. He tapped his staff against the ground to get the young ones attention before saying "morning young ren. You woke up late all of your brothers and sisters have already left to hunt and find the ones who stayed out last night. I should tell you that now you are old enough to hunt on your own. Nothing in this world comes without a price so you must go out and hunt for your dinners from now on" he said gesturing to the entrance of the cave.


The sculpture once again turned to see him as he spoke and declared himself to be her follower. The sculpture grew warm as vines appeared below him and started to snake it's way up to his wrist. She then spoke "thank you young arch. Having another follower will only help in me regaining my strength. This is something that should help you no matter where you are. Know that so long as you wear this you will be watched over by me" she said as vines wrapped around his wrist and then released as vines were braided around his wrist with yellow flowers on the vines themselves making him a unique bracelet by the goddess herself.

Goblin arch gained Earthen weave: this bracelet is a constant conduit to the goddess shirila allowing him to be protected even when alone so if need be he could speak to shirila if the situation called for it.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Goblin Ren
The Cave>>Cave Entrance /// Morning // Day 4


Listening to Grandpa's words, Ren decided to head out to find the others (and something to eat). As he stepped out into the light, he violently recoiled, as he remembered the painful, hellish light that engulfed him before he awoke. Yet, something seemed different about this light, as he cautiously stepped once more into the light, he became enamored with it. This wasn't like the other light, this was a soft, warm, beautiful light.... as he basked in the lights embrace, he looked up to see the source of this 'new' light... Ren gazed in awe at the mesmerizing golden sphere that sat in the sky; it warmed him, made him feel happy..... Ren would have stared for hours if it didn't hurt so much. Snapping out of his trance, Ren began to survey his surroundings, finding a stick that seemed like a rather decent weapon (as far as what is available), then began to follow any clues left behind by his fellow goblins (i.e. footprints, broken branches, etc.)...

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Goblin Gird
Hunting with Goblin Luz /// Day 4 // Morning - Afternoon

Gird could only smile at Luz. The look she gave him after his little 'joke' could almost kill. The hole that he searched through wasn't very impressive. A few sticks but none as good as the alphas. The goblin didn't spend too much time in the hole, he was trying to plan ahead. This area had proven to be fairly good so far. Perhaps in time other rabbits would move back into this area.

The goblin had moved a little ways away from the hole now and seeing as how Luz was still eating and being rather defensive about her food he decided to keep his distance. “So what do you think of this goddess business going on with the others? You going to join up with them?” he was curious and currently there didn't seem to be any danger around. This still didn't stop the young goblin from keeping his eyes out and watching the surrounding forest.

Seeing as how he still had some time as Luz was eating the goblin began to attempt to tie the new rabbit horn onto his tough branch. Although favoring his hands, he did know that it was only smart to have a spear handy. While doing this he continued to speak, “I don't think I will, at least not that god anyway.” he was using some more of the vines he had wrapped around his chest. They were beginning to dry but still felt strong just not as pliable.

Finally, feeling like the horn was tightly secured on the branch. Then he turned to the small rabbit pelt. It was a light brown and matched the color of some dried dirt. It was however, smaller and felt thinner than the alpha's fur hide from earlier. Gird looked at it for a moment and pulled his sharp stone from the vines on his chest. He had wrapped it in some leaves earlier to keep it from hurting him as he walked through the forest.

“That other god, Duvelna, the one for death.” he spoke up again while cutting the rabbit pelt into two smaller pieces. “I think that one will be more my style. Although I understand the importance of life, somehow I don't think we could have life without death. I for one enjoy keeping a balance between the two.” he would occasionally look over at her as he poked a few holes in each piece of fur. “That doesn't mean I'm going to go fight the others or convince them otherwise. We should still respect their choices after all we are a clan.”

Gird began to poke his fingers through the holes he made in the fur weaving it in-between the vines before tying the strips at his wrist. He was trying to make more padding between the vines and his hands, so he could strike things harder without risking as much injury. “Anyways, I do believe it’s your turn to lead. I think we should continue on our circle around the church though, then tell the others later what we found.” after putting the sharp stone away, Goblin Gird stood with his new hand wraps and spear in hand, food in his belly, and a smile on his face. He was happy to be out here hunting, it was exhilarating and a fun thing to do with a friend.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Luz


Gird may have been wise not to try something while she was eating. She was already halfway done eat and had food in her mouth when he came out and asked her a hard question, to which she took the eat to chew and shallow while she thinks. "Not really, To be honest serving that goddess just doesn't seem appealing to me. Though i am willing to protect this forest for the sake of my clan." She told him honestly and bluntly while the two was being honest with each other. Afterwords Luz tried to eat her food a bit faster than normal so the two can get back on their hunt, and yet what he was doing had interesting enough to take some of her attention as she ate.

“That other god, Duvelna, the one for death.” he spoke up again while cutting the rabbit pelt into two smaller pieces. “I think that one will be more my style. Although I understand the importance of life, somehow I don't think we could have life without death. I for one enjoy keeping a balance between the two.”

When Gird mention that he wished to worship Duvelna she didn't look to surprise, nor did she looked scared for him or of him. She just looked at him looking a bit more interested. "Duvelna huh? I suppose there is honor in death causing. After all, we can't live unless something else dies right?" Luz pointed out casually. "Take Our food, for example." She pointed out before looking at the food in her hand that was almost finished. And with that, she said no more, for their's nothing else she could say without insulting Gird intellects for she felt that he already knew the catch of surviving.

After Luz finished eating she then took her new rabbit's horn and used it to punch a hole near both ends of her rabbit hind. Then picked up a nearby flexible tree branch and bent it into a "C" like shape then she moves both of the branches ends through the holes that made in both ends of the rabbit's hind, making a makeshift cloak like the one had Gird made yesterday.

After Gird offered her a chance to take leadership and give her his 2 cents on what they should Do Luz then smiled at him and replied. "Very well, we will circle around the area but will keep time in mind. Though i do hopefully i can get the wind to blow in my favor, unlike the last time i led." She told him calmly seemly not bothered by her responsibility. So with that in mind, Luz led the hunt circling around the church area.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ & Goblin Gina & GOBLIN ZAT

Dᴀʏ 4

@Jangel13 @Wildman13@Darked13@Duthguy

As Gina saw the shield she was overjoyed but, decided to hide it. As she pats his back urging him to take it. “I won’t force you to be a devoted follower but, please at least try to be a good one…” She said blushing as she turns around the voice of another catching her off guard as he declares his desires to become a disciple of the eternal mother.

“Thank you Arch.” She said as she pats the lonely goblin. “Lets try our best to become a good follower.” She said as she pumps her hands up.

Even without Gina's urging Zats would have tried to take the shield, though he was surprised with how heavy it was and secretly wondered if a physically stronger Goblin wouldn't have been a better choice. Still he managed to lift it."Of course I'll try. Thanks Shirila." As he studied his new piece of equipment he wondered what kind of magic could protect wood from fire and if he could learn to do something similar one day, as he was sure that could prove useful.

And he also got something incredible! It was perfect for him. A way to always be able to contact Shirila, no matter where he was. He elated, it was even briefly shown in his face! Suddenly then, he was pat and came back to reality as it was.

His expression got serious again before nodding at Gina seriously and pumping his hand, "Let's do our best." He nodded again.

“YES!” She yelled out as she imitates the goblin as she pumps her hand up. Then she looks and goes up to zat. “ So you have a duty to protect me and our allies then.” She then pats him as a faint blush shows from her cheeks. “I’m going to rely on you, so do a good job.” She says as she quickly looks away to prevent him from looking at her.

”Now can you listen to me, I have something important to tell you all.” She says to the two as she wants to tell them of the skeletons. “I need your help, I need you two clearing the shrine from the skeletons.” She announces with a serious tone.

Goblin Arch nods at Gina before saying, with a good amount of confidence, “That is doable, however I’d need something better than a horn… a solid wood branch would be needed at least. Then if one lures and he blocks, I come from behind and break the legs. Breaking the legs always works.” With his VERY LONG EXPERIENCE, he knows that breaking legs have always worked with him, so breaking legs will certainly work. After all, what can fight easily with broken legs?

While Zats had to admit Arch's idea was good, if Gina had gotten her sword form one of the skeletons she was talking about he would like at least some training with his shield. "That could work, but if possible I would like to get some practice in with this shield first I would make a lousy defender if I can't move it fast enough to block. Also maybe we can have someone distract the skeletons while we're fighting by throwing rocks at them from a distance."

She listened to him as she produces a mischievous grin.“Oh I volunteer then.” She said as she readies her sword. Her leg now feeling a bit better than before. “I also need to practice how to use this too.” She without a word and warning she swung her sword to the right of his shield with a few of the rusty parts breaking apart as it contacts with the shield.

Fortunately they didn’t get flown directly to his or her face or eyes.

Arch nods at Zats, "Alright, I'll be getting some solid branch around, I'll be back in a moment." But before he can say much, Gina speaks... and attacks Zats? "Well, you two practice a bit while I get something. Just avoid getting hurt, I'd not want to search for herbs and stuffs for any more wounds today." He sighs a bit, before looking at the rabbit in his hands, "Also, anyone wants a bit? We can't fight while hungry."

Zats silently agreed that fighting on an empty stomach was stupid, but was too focused on another attack from Gina to reply. He had no intention of being caught off guard again, even though her only attack so far was focused solely on his shield. Keeping his eye on her he positioned his shield so that it covered him as much as possible. He quickly found out though due to his size wielding the shield like that also limited his field of vision too much and experimented a bit until he found a decent medium between defense and sight.

She smiled as she sees Zat’s changing the position of his shield careful to make sure that her strikes won’t get through. She pumps up as she sees that she can go a little rough, so she comes in raising her sword up in the air.

But, instead of swinging it down towards the defender, she drives the hilt of the sword onto the shield, then altering her sword’s angle to the sides sliding from the top onto the bottom of the shield. Focusing onto the shield as she didn’t want to hurt him despite how much of an idiot he was.

Once again Gina surprised him, if Zats didn't know any better he would think she was trying to destroy the shield Shirila gave him. He wasn't sure it would work but he had no intention of finding out, after all it wasn't like any of their lives were in danger. He let go and hoped and dropping it wouldn't worsen any potential damage the wood had endured.

It was certainly a surprising fight from a third point of view, Goblin Arch carefully watched his... commarades. He'd be fighting along them, understanding how someone else fights certainly helps in working along with them.

But as he did so he barely noticed himself ripping a rabbit leg out and chewing on it as the fight went on.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Goblin Ren
The Forest /// Midmorning // Day 4


After spending a good portion of his time unsuccessfully attempting to track the other goblins, Ren took a moment to sit and think.... He suddenly realized he was feeling somewhat.... hungry. Looking at his weapon, his confidence dropped, he didn't know why, but he felt as if it was missing something..... More force distributed over less area would penetrate much more effectively, Ren couldn't explain how he knew this, but he went to work immediately. Grabbing the sharpest stone he could find, he carefully began to scrape the end of the stick into a fine point. After some time, the once blunt end of the sturdy stick he had found, had now taken the shape of a simple, yet effective killing weapon... With this new tool in hand, Ren's hunt began, as he crept through the trees, seeking his first quarry.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Online


First hunt-

The goblin was clever in turning a plain stick into a wooden spear before finally getting on track and hunting. The sun was rising higher in the sky as the goblin walked in a random direction. Soon enough the goblin soon saw a horned rabbit feasting on some berries nearby clearly distracted and a worthy target.


Preparations for a Skelton sweep-

The goddess watched from her sculpture as the goblins became elated at her gifts though the truth was she expended to much energy and would need time before she could speak them all this clearly. She simply blew wind against them as if a silent hug goodbye before the light in the sculpture faded before vanishing entirely. They were now on their own. Gina's rabbit on the other hand stayed away from the two other goblins but was especially wary of the one with a dead rabbit in its hand. For now the goddess lumbered as they went about preparing for nightfall.


The goblins soon finished eating the meals for themselves before they decided to keep looking for more prey. While no rabbit would be caught dead within the area of the church itself they did live around it. As they walked through the forest they soon came across 2 alpha. Both had the trademark red fue and they were clearly stronger. What they saw were the betas fighting but not over territory because nearby their was a female rabbit simply watching. It seemed clear that they were fighting for the female to make it their mate. They would need to be extra careful since alphas are much stronger then regular rabbits they would need to execute this just right or end up in a fight for their lives
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Goblin Ren
Hunting /// Midmorning-Noon // Day 4


Seeing the rabbit was distracted, Ren realized it was the perfect time to strike. Creeping low to the ground, Ren slowly and carefully moved closer and closer to the rabbit, being as quiet as possible. Once the rabbit was in range, Ren lunged forward with his spear, looking to strike a killing blow.
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