Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago




The party didn't appear to be showing signs of slowing down. People were still drinking and talking and laughing and drinking. It would never cease to amaze Kriss how people were so willing to exchange a few hours of chemically-induced fun for an absolutely miserable next day. He knew the side effects. Vomiting, headaches, eye pain, dizziness, and loss of focus were a guarantee for many people, with the occasional DUI mortality. He looked at the different faces in the crowd, imagining what they would look like in the back of his ambulance after a crash. And yet, he could show the photos and tell the stories to any person in this room and none of them would stop drinking. They didn't care how much they suffered, or anyone else once they were hammered, but once you wake up in a cell with a migraine and a charge of vehicular manslaughter, it's too late.

Allison was silent beside him, likely considering her options. Admittedly he did feel a little bad for her, since she was obviously not comfortable being around this type of environment, but at the same time she should have asked ahead of time. Airhead, indeed.

The silence at their table was broken by an approaching woman, sporting a noticeable robotic appendage. The sleek design caught Kriss's eye and he raised an eyebrow. It was the first time he had seen a robotic prosthesis and he had to admit it was impressive. The woman didn't seem at all ashamed of it. His interest waned at the sight of the champagne glass in her hand, which she placed gently on the table.

Hello, you alright miss? Dr, Prof Marla Olympus.

Want us to find you first aid? I'm a medical doctor back home, trauma injury specialist.

Allergy? Or just need a taxi home after a few too many? Medic should have some anti histamine. Its a pretty mild but should make the reaction more mild and less acute. Majority of cases you Don, t need to resort to the stronger stuff.

Hmm. That sounded familiar. He wondered if this was the woman who had delivered the envelope to the squad earlier. He turned his head slightly to made side eye contact with her, twisting his upper body just enough to reveal the SCVRS badge on his chest. He couldn't help but notice the redundant job title. "Medical doctor," indeed. As if there were any other type of doctor. He was fairly certain that there was no such thing as a "trauma injury specialist" (trauma prevention, maybe) as well, though there was a rather large difference between a doctor and a trauma specialist, and neither were an EMT, which is what Allison would have actually needed if this were an emergency. The woman was right, he did in fact have antihistamine on hand, but he wasn't going to administer it without being sure Allison was having an allergic reaction. He wasn't sure if she was just a doctor and was giving herself a fancy title or if she was bluffing, but either way he wouldn't want to be treated by a doctor carrying a glass of champagne.

Kriss kept his mouth shut and waited for her to leave, maintaining eye contact. If Allison was any kind of capable EMT, she could handle the situation.

Allison Hawthorne

Location: City Hall

Time: Sunday, 8-ish PM

The color returned slowly to her face yet again as Allison retook control of her emotions. She was starting to sweat with the heat of the room and the embarrassment and had decided that the best course of action now would be to go home as soon as possible. The later she was, the more explaining she would have to do. If she had just up and left when she arrived...but it was too late to do that. She would have to work with what she had. She was certain she could convince her mom that she hadn't had anything. Her stepdad might take a little more convincing.

The clicking of heels nearby caused her to lift her head and she found herself facing a concerned-looking woman. Allison listened carefully to the woman and shook her head quickly.

"No no, I'm okay. No allergies or..." she shuddered. "alcohol. I'm just a little...tired. I'm going to head out of here pretty soon, I need to get back home."

Something clicked in her mind as the words left her mouth. Snap had asked her to work a 12 today. If she left the party, she would have to go home, get changed, and return to the squad building until her shift was up. Ugh. That complicated things. She would have to risk an argument with her parents on life choices and responsibility, but it would be better to hear one sooner than later. She mulled it over for a minute, finally sighing and nodding her head.

"Yeah, I'm going to head home. I need to get changed so I can go back to the rescue squad for my shift. Thanks, though, and have a nice night!"

She gave the woman a low wave of the hand as she stood and collected her purse. Waving to Kriss as well, who responded with brief eye contact, she left the building, closing the door gently behind her. That was enough partying for one night for her.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || City Hall || Sunday Approx. 7:30 PM

Victoria @PrinceAlexus

As Victoria started to sorta slur, Ashton shook her head as the pale woman called herself a bad luck charm, giving Victoria a pat on the back to reassure her. Then she shrugged at the mention why someone would invite a minor here. It was a little peculiar. Ashton had been aware of this sort of party, but attended because it was probably best to make sure Marine and Ein get home safely.

Giving a double thumbs up along with a bright approving smile as Victoria consented and drank some water. Ashton then pumped both arms at the mention of the awkwardness in the morning, as if trying to encourage her more high class acquaintance that she would get through it! Turning her amethyst gaze toward a man as he as well remeasured Victoria, Ashton gave a grin, crossing her arms over her chest and gave a approving nod about how Victoria would be able to sort this mess out.

The tall firefighter blinked, uncrossing her arms and brushing her left pair of fingers against her dirty blonde hair thoughtfully. It seemed Victoria was in capable hands now with her father, Ashton could sense some strength within him. Even if something happened, she was sure he'd be able to take care of it. Turning her gaze towards where Allison and Kriss were and saw Allison take her leave. Seemed like she was going home and seemed to be in better shape. Returning her gaze to Victoria and the man, she gave a smile before looking questionably towards Victoria. Cheery as always, the firefighter tilted her head curiously and pointed at herself. Wondering if Victoria was fine and would rather Ashton leave her be with her father now?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Online

Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Marla noticed his facial expression, he was not hiding his.. dislike, annoyance, passive aggression perhaps well. and people said she was a bitch and ice queen at times, he was hardly the social bedside manner expert. noting his badge and details from earlier. oh yeah, the mayor had asked them to drop off a letter at that small rescue center on the edge of the river. The boss, or whoever was on the desk was a sharp slightly older woman who had seemed to have some nature of running the show. where they all like that?

behind her Milo waited, finishing off a glass of beer and leaving it next to his wifes glass, a military tattoo viable on his lower upper arm and humming along to the music, a tad drunk. but who was not. it was a party after all, well maybe not this guy.

Oh, i remember, you where guys i got sent as postal woman too.

you boss seemed, a tad... sharp. Oh, and im in Private healthcare, so yes, we have odd different titles.

She could see his thoughts written like a book and reaction to her name and what she did, he was one of those, Volunteer, or what it some city funded rescue team, she had no idea but they had turned up, never hurt to have a extra first aider on stand by. Things had gone pretty calmly, she had a very well concealed ear piece under her long blonde hair and a very faint throat mic, and control hidden in her clutch. much as she was a guest, she also ran the show. Noting the shudder at alcohol, was she under age.. that kind of was Marlas Problem, the whole city hall deal did not include under age drinking.

Ok, have a safe trip back... you might be waiting a while for a cab tonight. better late and safe.

Marla Gave her a wave back, Ice queen she was, a woman alone in a city, better waiting here for a cab, it may be a delay but the city hall area was more well lit and safer than other sections of the city.

Milo gave him a glance and headed over, somewhat drunk, but also confident naturally, leaving a woman to walk it alone? in a city? was he meant to be her date or what? he seemed a rather lack luster choice if he was. with a easy going English accent, he had picked up tinges here and there as he traveled alot previously. still noticeable, Marla hated his southern expressions. having a quiet word.

Hi, see ya'll know, ,it a city, maybe walk her home pal, Women appreciate a Gentleman, and them streets aint always safe for a lone lady.

I met my lovely wife at a night like this, just a thought... enjoy life, maybe walk her home, before ya know it, you could be at the alter!

Live a little, Maybe you could even leave tonight with a date. Expectro Patromum! Cheer up mate, you could make a demantor extra from Harry potter! need a beer in ya.

Laughing, they had met at a Royal Marines formal Ball, Marla was one of his squad mates sister, and they had struck it off well, year later the two still acted like a pair of newly weds on a honey moon when together. sure they had a kid but the joy had never left the two of them, but being abandoned to sate as a child, he had found a family at last, even taken his wifes surname, discarding the one he had for one with meaning that was not merely those who had left him to face the world alone. Remembering the movie reference as Marla laughed somewhat, she would deny it in public but she loved the movies and had seen them far too many times.

pulling his wife over and spinning her into a kiss, holding her back, Marlas robotic leg took a second to register and moved a fraction slower than organic one, causing the metal tipped heal to dig into floor a second. smiling and returning it before noticing the rather less amused man at the table.

Excuse me, i owe this Lovely Lady a dance.

Leading Marla off away from the Dementor, wow, he should join Azkaban Recutment, the place needed people willing to suck the fun out everything, he looked like he be running it in record time. The two of them soon forgetting his miasma of gloom dancing the night away, with a a little slower pace letting Marla keep up and helping her balance in the more dramatic moves.

Vesarian gave a quick glance to scarred person by the bar, she seemed ot have been trying to look after her, noting a glass of water and nudged away glass of champagne. yeah she had had enough for now. Victoria cheered up a a little and soon found her self nodding to Ashton. maybe the was bad luck, but she did not want to ruin everyone elses evening as well as she had her own.

Thanks, think im in safe hands now. Enjoy the party. I took enough of your evening. Hope your love life works out better than mine!

If i see you, we can have coffee sometime.

Il figure something out... even if im making breakfast for the next month...

Vesarian gave the woman a nod, and thanked her for helping Victoria. She had got herself into a abit of a state, but was glad someone was there to keep her from making things much worse, bad hang over but she would no worse for wear. With a rather mixed accent both Russain and English, he had a natural authority from years a captain but also kept a more clam and tone that made it like they where sailing a flat sea even in the harshest storms.

Helping her down, even with the stick, somewhat shakey, he made sure she was steady before concentrating on Ashton.

Thank you, go enjoy as Victoria says. il make sure she gets home safe.

Managed it solo as a single dad for 15 years, think i can handle one drunk daughter tonight. enjoy the evening, theirs a few dance partners about... if your so interested. make most of a evening after all.

With a slight air of sadness behind the unyielding grey eyes, so much like Victoria, as he mentioned the ending, he had loved his wife, they had met after Maria and him had gone bad, this time he had not make those mistakes again and stuck with her from the first to the last, when Victoria was 8, she had died. but he had honored his promise to her, and later to Marinallia years later to support them whatever illness, argument or event had happened.

Victoria had been a raven haired athlete before the mystery illness had effected her so. even though he had been so scared, he had never let her see so, and the bond between them had grown closer over those months.

Heading off with a wave from both of them, and going over to a table nearer the stage, greeted with a hug from a woman who looked almost Marinalias twin, about 20 or so years older, Marinalia though the two sisters seemed to a little frosty but each kept calm and both seemed to be between the two parents who where holding hands, while both trying to look after there respective daughters. some jobs, where never done and despite both being women who could live on own, and eared own money in good jobs. sometimes, everyone needed a a little support.

Maybe at least they could stop them killing each other once the family left back for the UK, or out to sea!

@Silver Fox@Mattchstick

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
Avatar of Almalthia

Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 9 days ago

Siobhan & Joel

Location: City Hall Roof; Sunday

Interaction: Each other Siobhan (@Almalthia) Joel (@Pilatus)



Joel wasn't ever a smoker, but something about the moment felt like a cigarette. He smirked a little and shrugged to himself thinking he'd maybe seen too many commercials. The view from the top of City Hall was spectacular and he stood with one foot casually perched on the ledge as he looked out across the river, over the lights and beyond. In the far distance he could see all the way out to the international airport. The breeze blew lightly and there was just enough chill for a breath to be seen. An old song by Glenn Frey passed through his mind and he thought about the last few weeks and all that had happened. He still couldn't shake the broken expression on Marlin's face as the doors had closed between them. Though he knew he was right and was justified in what he'd done, he didn't like hurting people in any way. It just wasn't his nature.

Moments passed in sweet solitude until he heard a clamoring approach from the roof access. Watching carefully, he angled himself behind the opening so that he could still see when Sio came stumbling out the door like a like an alcoholic marching band. It was dim on the roof, but not so dim that he couldn't see his business card flutter to the ground as she made her merry way and the heavy door closed behind her with an authoritative clang. You gotta be fucking kidding me. He thought. Is she some kind of stalker? Tommy warned him about those too. He checked his phone briefly just to make damn sure he had a signal before slowly making his way quietly to the door to see if by an act of God it didn't lock. Walking slowly and watching her, he wasn't sure what to make of her drunken escapade, though he doubted Scott Weiland would approve of her slightly off-key rendition of one his favorite songs.

The door knob stopped firmly in his grasp, not budging a further centimeter. Shit. He thought. This is some stalker level shit. He wasn't paying a lot of attention to her ramblings, but heard his name mentioned and it made him slightly nervous. He felt like he was in that PlayStation game he played as a kid. What was it called? He wondered briefly. Metal Gear Solid...Yeah, that was it. He just needed a box to hide under and text Tommy to come to the roof.


Siobhan heard something behind her and whipped around almost spilling her scotch. That would be a crime if I spilled any… She backed up a step or two.What if it’s some weirdo? I really don’t need this on this night of all nights. Siobhan clears her throat. “Is there someone there?” Her anxiety clearly evident even though she tried to hide it. She was scared enough to be sober, at least in this moment.She was alone with someone possibly at just the kind of party where Genny had been assaulted four years and two weeks ago and tonight was the four year anniversary of Genny’s suicide.

It all came rushing back and the past crashed against her mind and she remembered the awful scene she had walked into that morning four years ago. She shook her head and tried to push down the memory. Maybe I’m just being jumpy. But somehow I don’t think so...

Siobhan looked around and in the dim light she could just make out someone by the roof access door. She froze like a deer in headlights. Eyes as round as dinner plates she slowly sank down and grabbed the scotch bottle by the neck and left her heels on the ground for now. Wearing heels might have been a mistake…and I’m an idiot. Paige is gonna kill me when she finds out.

“Look I don’t know who you are but leaving me alone would be best. I’m not in the mood to entertain and tonight is just not a night to piss off someone who still has a lot of anger that she can’t take out on her best friend since they killed themselves. So walking off now and disappearing back inside would be best for you.”
Siobhan tried to look intimidating, if a kitten could be intimidating she’d have nailed it. The outfit looked a little too sexy to be intimidating. Her over the shoulder fishtail braid was a bit mussed strands of coppery red waves falling around her face only reinforced the attractive flush of temper and alcohol. Her light blue-green eyes flicking from fright to irritation as the internal struggle went on.

Joel looked back from the door with a cross expression. “I would love to leave you alone,” He said flatly, “But you locked the damn door.” He knew better than to reason with a drunk. The fact that he was there first didn't matter. Bending down slightly he picked up his business card and flicked it at her.

Siobhan glanced at the card leaving it on the ground. “Yeah I'm not picking that up right now. And I didn't realize the door was locked. My apologies.”

Joel's eyebrow cocked a little at her words. He didn't think he'd ever heard anyone actually say, ‘my apologies’ it was more or less something people said in books or on the Hallmark channel. “If you still want that old junk Corvette looked at, you may just want to pick up that card, chick.” He really didn't care whether or not she did or didn't, but it annoyed him for it to continue laying there on the ground.

Siobhan looked back at the card and stepped forward to it. Sinking down to pick up the card managing not to flash him she grabbed it. “Thanks.” looking at the card reading the name on it. “Ah so you work on cars as well as race. Nice. Oh and this is yours.” She hold out the scotch within reach but only just. Still keeping far enough out of arm's reach , she hoped.

Leaning against the door, Joel's expression remained fairly critical. She was so forward in showing off her backside downstairs and now she was suddenly skittish and defensive. Just what I need. He thought. Another woman that can't decide who she wants to be. “‘I'm not picking that up right now.’” He said, slightly mocking and referring to the bottle to see if she was aware enough to catch on to the irony of her situation. “Just calm your panties while I get us down from here.” He took out his phone and started to type out a message to Tommy to come to the roof.

“Calm my panties?!? You know this situation doesn't have a damned thing to do with my panties. Being drunk and alone with someone was not my intention and if you don't want the Glenlivet then I can just keep it.” Siobhan stepped back and collected her shoes. Realizing she'd need at least something to lean on to put them back on she walked over next to Joel. “If we're getting down I'll put my shoes on. Assuming you are being a gentleman and not going to look...it isn't the easiest thing to do to strap these back on.” She puts a hand on the wall and puts down the scotch and starts to try to get her shoes on. Fumbling around with them she gets frustrated and sighs. “Normally I wouldn't ask this but can I get some help please?”

Joel snickered in amusement. He liked that he could piss her off so easily. One minute she's flirty and showing skin all over the bar, the next she's arguing over God knows what with Marlin, then she's stark drunk, then she's defensive and finally she’s back in his face concerned that he was going to be a gentleman while bouncing around in a dress that's a few inches too short. He wondered where they hid the channel selector for this one. This chick is friggin nuts, dude. He thought to himself.

“Yes I see the halirity of the situation. Look I don’t normally act like this...and yet here I am.” Siobhan laughed at herself and the situation. “Well it is rather amusing, and I deserved that. And the regurgitated comment about not grabbing the bottle. I’m drunk not stupid. I was keeping my distance. Lone drunk female blah blah blah. When you have a best friend that was...well you tend to be on guard after that. So...how are we getting down? Did you hide a lock pick in your snazzy suit?” She thought. Funny how him laughing let me think the situation is less of a dangerous one. Remember you’re not Genny and he isn’t Kenny and we’ll all be fine. He’s going to fix Karen. Remember that. That’s a safe memory. Unless you want him to add leaky female to the list of atrocities that you’ve already committed in the last ten minutes. God I hate leaky females and being one of them just pisses me off and makes me cry more. Vicious cycle.

“You weren't keeping your distance back there at the bar just now.” Joel said. He was glad some of the tension retracted. He'd already experienced all the drama he cared to endure within the previous hour. She seemed to keep wanting to talk about her deceased friend, but those sort of morbid subjects weren't particularly his favorite after a night of attempted drinking. He decided he would just let her talk and get it out of her system. He pecked away a message on his phone as she talked. “No, I'm just sending a text to my friend,” He said. “He’s down on the floor and will come up and get us.” Considering Tommy's extensive friends list, Joel wasn't sure how long that would take, but it was presently their best option. He didn't even want to think about trying to explain it.

“That is me being friendly. The flirty version you saw earlier may have been laying it on a little thick. Want me to lie to you and tell you that you're not the slightest bit attractive? Or if it had been me in your lap you'd have paid more attention to me than anyone else? Well we'd have been in a dark corner away from prying eyes…” She pauses to look at him under her lashes smirks and continues. “... but I made my point there. But that's not who you see now. Yes well, that best friend I was chatting about earlier? She committed suicide today four years ago and I was the one to find her.” Suddenly remembering that she still had a scotch she sipped it leaning against the wall next to Joel. “So I'm a tad maudlin at present. Normally I stay home but my parents requested my presence. And in a desperate attempt to find halfway decent conversation I decided, wrongly apparently, to sit with at least some people other than my parents and have a conversation to take my mind off things.” She turned toward Joel leaning on her left side and waited till she caught his eyes with hers. “And well you know the rest except that I honestly didn't know that anyone was out here. I'd say I'm sorry but this has been the highlight of my night so I won't apologize. I refuse to apologize for the first conversation that hasn't been a mass of political intrigue. But back to the distance part. You did state you wanted to be alone. Or have you changed your mind for some strange reason and actually want m- some company?”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || City Hall || Sunday Approx. 7:30 PM

Victoria @PrinceAlexus

The scar face androgynous woman gave a smile and a nod, however did blush bit scarlet as Victoria wished Ashton a fairer love life, scratching her left cheek with her index finger shyly. She was flattered, but she was pretty sure her luck in that department was quite worse. She wasn't exactly anybodies type and she knew and accepted that fact. Everyone could do better and that was okay. She was a bit too manly for guys and not handsome enough for girls. Plus, usually they'd like someone who could actually make normal conversation instead of playing charades or reading most of the time.

Still! It wasn't like Ashton was looking or anything! She was satisfied with her life and just helping other people out. If she could help someone else have a good love life, she would!

Giving a bright smile, Ashton returned the wave of farewell before walking through the crowd. Leaving father and daughter to their own devices. Her amethyst eyes flicked curiously around the crowd, easily looking over the sea of heads before spotting Marine and Ein chatting amongst themselves. Humming, the dirty blonde strides over to them with ease and happily waving her right arm in greeting to them.

Marine turned her aqua gaze towards the taller woman and gave a groan, rubbing her temples. "Geez Ash! Since when were you getting buddy buddy with rich person?! Why didn't you tell me before?! Especially a Romus?! I've barely managed to chat up anyone decent and your all happily hand waving with someone in one of the most esteemed families in this blasted city?!" the red hissed while Ein gave a slightly amused laugh.

Ashton simply blinked dumbfounded, raising her fisted left hand and sticking her thumb over her shoulder toward where Victoria was, tilting her head curiously. Before putting her left hand horizontally just above her eyes and looked left and right, then positioned both hands in front of her in the 10 o clock and 2 o clock positions as if driving a car and moved them left and right.

"Don't tell me you didn't fucking know?! And it was when you were watching the race?! What?!" Marine hissed while Ein gave a louder snicker as Ashton shrugged with the same confused expression.

"Of course she wouldn't, the dumbass doesn't pay any attention to that shit." Ein laughed, cursing as Marine elbowed him in the gut to shut him up.

Marine groaned and grumbled. "Why does the space cadet get all the lucky ones? Did you at least get her number?" she asked.

Ashton blinked, dropping her hands to her sides before shaking her head from side to side in a no manner.

Jumping with her hands curled up to her chin in a 'ouch, oh no' way after the red head smacks her arm, watching in astonishment and confusement as Marine fumed and rubbed her temples with her index and middle fingers.

"Oh my god if you're going to flirt with someone that up there at least try to get their number!" Marine growled as she just slowly thumped her forehead against the wall at her friends incompetance.

Ashton's scarred cheeks turned pink before shaking her head and panicky waved her hands in front of her sporadically.

"Oh please, the numbnutts doesn't flirt oh fearless leader. Doubt she could get any date if she actually tried." Ein scoffed, cursing again as Marine smacked him upside the head.

"Ah shut it debbie downer. Well, the night's still young, so might as well drink until we drop." Marine giggled.

Ashton blinked, slowly shaking her head as her lips clenched together almost seeming to tell her friend to please not to do that. But both Marine and Ein took another chug of a glass of alcohol. Giving a sigh, Ashton knew that indeed, she'd have to be the one to take them home later.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
Avatar of Pilatus

Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Siobhan & Joel

Location: City Hall Roof; Sunday

Interaction: Each other Siobhan (@Almalthia) Joel (@Pilatus)


Joel smirked a little, “You wouldn't be the first woman to tell me a lie.” He said with a comical matter-of-fact tone. Considering what she was wearing, it was damn near impossible not visualize her sitting in his lap as soon as she said the words, but he kept his expression level and only indulged partially in catching her glance as she leaned against the wall. She was tall, nearly his height without her footwear. He looked out over the skyline then turned back to her taking the bottle from her hand. He made a small show of wiping the neck with his jacket and returned a sly smirk. “You sure you're old enough to be drinking this?” He said. A bit of him did actually wonder since she mentioned her parents so much, but she seemed well spoken, which he liked and very much red-headed, which he also liked. He took a swig and looked at the bottle with raised eyebrows. It was really too dim to read it so he shrugged and took another drink. “Not bad.” He said ignoring her other questions.

“I’m positive that's true, but I'm not like every other woman.” Siobhan sipped her scotch and smirked. She looked up at him and grinned. “Old enough to be on my own.” She winked at him. “Young enough to give you a run for your money. Of course the scotch isn't bad. It's bloody Scottish single malt 30 year Glenlivet. Only some of the best scotch on the planet, well from personal opinion, which is the only one that counts, right?” Siobhan still didn't have her shoes all the way on. “Can I use you to balance while I put these heels on? Or are you afraid of a little thing like me?”

“I guess that makes you some kind of classy drunk then.” Joel said, referring to to the bottle. “And don't flatter yourself.” He continued, meeting her glance with amusement. Women had been after him all day since the race ended. This one just happened to have lucked her way into a more personal interview seemingly by chance, but he still had his reservations about that. “Might as well get comfortable,” He said slinking down to the bottom of the door and purposefully turning his head to keep her from accusing him of looking up her dress. He glanced at his phone, still no reply from Tommy. “I don’t know how long he's gonna be.” Just because he hadn't replied didn't mean it he didn't get it. Knowing fully what she was doing, he continued to look off in the distance until she decided where she was going.

Watching Joel banter back with her was fun and having someone else to call her out besides Paige was refreshing. At least sarcasm wasn't lost on him. Siobhan grinned at him turning his head. At least he's acting like a gentleman, for now. Siobhan sits down next to him and pulls up a leg and fixes the straps on the heels careful not to flash Joel and be rude. “Well if one doesn't flatter oneself then who will? Comfortable would be jeans, a long sleeved shirt and a nice pair of chucks. Old and broken in. But I lack that at the moment so this will have to work. Classy drunk. I'd say more picky than classy. A good beer, double meat pizza and Princess Bride and that would be heaven for me. But more importantly who is this ‘He' that is going to rescue us? At least you had the presence of mind to keep your phone on you. Oh I'm done fixing my shoes so I won't offend your sensibilities and prudish ways.” She smirked at him waiting to see if that got a rise out of him thinking that it was pretty much the opposite for him.

Joel huffed a little in amusement. She kept trying to get a rise out of him, but scant few had ever been able to accomplish such a feat. He grinned a little looking away. “You have a funny way of talking,” He said finally. “You use about forty words when ten will do.” He wondered how she wasn't freezing in what she was wearing, but figured the alcohol was likely burning steady under her skin. Once she started to really sober up, she’d be freezing her ass off. He yawned again, slightly tired. “That person is my friend, Tommy, he drove in the race with me,” He said. “I'm sure he's down there right now hob-nobbing with all those socialites you pissed off earlier.”

She wrinkled her nose at Joel's mention of the upper class mess that was downstairs. “I can tell you that I don't like to be misunderstood so I explain myself fully. As for Tommy, we might want to consider saving him. We're better off here. Although it is getting to where I'm starting to feel the cold. And I'll refer you to Billy Joel for the comment that I pissed them off.” She rubbed her chilled arms. Damn the fact that I stopped drinking. Now I'm cold… Siobhan crossed her arms loosely and quickly, hopefully not so quickly that she drew attention to the fact that she was cold.

”Pretty sure you started that fire.” Joel replied and continued on the Billy Joel nuances. It was becoming obvious that her layer of alcoholic protection was wearing away fast. Joel smirked a little. Being comfortably warm in his expensively tailored suit, he was a bit curious how long she would take to see if he would give her his jacket. There was no doubt however that she was right about the downstairs assembly and the thought of them pickled his nerves as well. In a way she had indeed pulled the cover away from their facade of pretending to care anything about him or Tommy. Joel knew they could have won without them, but Tommy's mind was in the right place and the publicity would pay dividends. It was a one-race deal and they were essentially done with them from a business standpoint. The social aspect was another matter altogether.

“Too bad that most of the time you have to kiss ass to get recognized for your talents. It's like that in the Art business too. You end up picking up different mediums to broaden your scope to keep jobs and money coming in. Paintings only pay the bills so far. You're lucky. You have a highly demanded job. Art is a cruel mistress.” Siobhan tilted her head at his direction rubbing her arms absently. I am not giving in to the cold yet. We'll be rescued before that and he doesn't need the stigma of someone finding me wearing his jacket.

“I think I'm done working on cars because I have to,” Joel said almost with relief in his voice. “After today I'll only do it because I want to.” The winnings from the race were enough to take care of him and Tommy for quite a while. Not that his former NFL quarterback business partner needed the cash, but it was no small sum and thanks to a certain wager Joel had made under the table, his jackpot was going to be significantly larger. His mind wandered briefly to his upcoming trip to Tokyo where he would be claiming a certain part of that prize. He hadn't spoken a word of it to anyone. If Tommy could keep his secrets about their sponsors then Joel figured it was fair to keep his own about betting on the race. “I wasn't sure if you were actually an artist,” He admitted. “I thought you were just talkin’ shit back at the bar.”

“Artist yes. Talkin’ shit; no I wasn’t. I’m serious about my craft. Not a trust fund baby either. I earned my way well after the age of eighteen that is. Really am working on a medical book for an Anatomy Professor. She asked what I wanted for my time and I told her a year of college. Wanted the experience and all that jazz plus it gets me a start on a Minor in Business. I already have the Bachelors in Fine Arts. But all that is boring and I’d put you to sleep with the differences in Manet and Monet and the beginnings of Impressionism. When I prefer the Pre-Raphaelite works like Waterhouse and Rossetti...and I’m sure your eyes are glazing over. At this point I’m going to let you talk cause I’m just doing it to keep my mind off the nip… the chill in the air.” She motioned around with her hands in graceful open gestures. Realizing that she was leading the conversation with her hands and astounded that she hadn’t dropped the glass yet. She blushed and loosely crossed her arms in front of her again and sipped more of the scotch. This is keeping me thinking that I'm warm at least. Fine line that I'll ride.

“I can think of plenty of things I would have asked for other than a year of college.” Joel replied. “All that ‘college experience’ junk is just a marketing gimmick.” He waved one hand towards the east. “I got my degree in business right over here in town, never lived a day on campus, I showed up when I wanted and I left when I wanted, rode the whole thing on a scholarship that they quit offering after I got it.” He was proud of the fact that he gamed the system in a way and feeling like he'd given the finger to the college-life establishment was very satisfying to him. Since she seemed somewhat interested in what he had to say, so he decided to run with it bit though talking about himself for extended times made him feel uncomfortable. “I've got a small business trip coming up and I'm going to be out of the country for a week or so,” He said. “So I won't be able to look at your car for a little bit.”

She raised an eyebrow at Joel. “Seriously? What’d you do pull a Van Wilder to get their panties in a wad? You’re going out of the country? Where to?” Siobhan was genuinely interested, which in and of itself was rare but to be interested in a guy? That was front page news worthy. Why is he so interesting? It's like he has different lights that highlight something different each time he talks. I just really want to sit and listen occasionally interjecting a comment here and there.

She’d made a few sales in different countries that she hadn’t visited yet. She rubbed are arms and legs for warmth and waited to see if he would answer.

Joel chuckled a bit at her comment. College had been a breeze for him and he’d only scantly applied himself to be successful. “Yeah, nah.” He grinned and considered his next words, not that he was afraid of telling or concerned who might find out, but because he'd been so disciplined in keeping it under wraps. He had to admit, however, that some part of him did enjoy a good piece of gossip. “I'm actually going to Tokyo,” He said, a smirk growing on his face that he was unable to restrain. “If I tell you a little secret, think you can keep it to yourself?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo sat it silence as he watched Paige head into the building, she left his coat even though he knew she was cold, the gravity of the evening was starting to set in, everything that he should have been thinking about was now flooding to mind, the most pressing of which being that he wasn't sure how he felt about Paige. The evening had transpired differently than he had expected, back in Delta he always thought that the two of them were like rivals, but this... he wished that they had been this way then.


The glare of the taillights in front of him and the driver now leaning out his window, shouting obscenities at him, Milo just shook his head and flipped him the bird, it wasn't like he had hit him, but he was definitely not paying attention, and to be fair, he was a bit drunk. Milo tried to think more on the night, he had had quite a time, but was it enough for him? The strange emotions he felt about it all started to mix with some deeper ones, anger, pain, things he had tried to leave behind in Delta, Paige was part of the reason that Ana shut him out, but could he blame her? He had done more damage to his own life than she could have, was it even fair to keep blaming her? She had gotten him out of one hell of a mess, someone that still hated you wouldn't do that would they? Then it came up, if Paige was able to speak to him again, why hadn't Ana? Was what he had done too much? Had she already moved on? It was likely he would never know, Paige would probably not tell him, part of him didn't want to know.

As Milo walked into his house the first thing he did was head for his safe, he took out the photo and his cell phone, he let the phone connect, and looked at the photo, maybe he really should just let it all go. Ana wasn't going to call him, even if she did, what would he even do? He at least knew that here, he could be what he wanted, and above all things he wanted to be free, free of those mobsters, free of his depression, and free of the pain. Milo sighed, Sol had given him more chance at freedom than he deserved, as well as a measure of redemption, time would tell if he deserved it, he opened the old flip phone and took it in both hands and snapped it in two, dropping the pieces and the photo in the garbage. Milo sighed giving up his hope that Ana would come back into his life was only weighing him down, he wondered as well, if maybe Ana was what made Paige act so strangely, the thought of how they all were making her regret having a fun evening? Milo laid in bed and just stared at the ceiling, maybe he would do this again anyway.


Ana Harlow

Ana was spending her sunday at home, she had a few projects that she had been working on for a while that needed to be done in time for a customer from her online store, she had been getting a influx of orders for doll clothing, and while she never minded making it, she was hoping for something to just end the monotony. It didn't take horribly long before she was finished with the little blue and white dress and she took a couple photos to send the buyer. Ana went to the fridge in her little apartment and grabbed a bottle of water, her apartment was pretty plain, other than the stacks of fabric and dress mannequins, her fencing sabre sat in one corner with all her gear and she just laid on her couch to watch television.

Ana heard the buzzing of her cellphone as she sat around, she took it out and looked at the ID, it was a friend she had made at a tournament, they usually hung out when one of them was near the other but there wasn't anything going on that she could think of. "Hey Britt, what's going on?" she asked as she answered the phone. On the other side there was a lot of music and the shouting from another voice came through, "Not much, was wondering if you wanted to come hang out, get some drinks?" Ana sat up that sounded like a lot of fun, the girl on the phone continued, "What hotel are you at by the way, I didn't get a chance to ask Milo, I only saw him for a minute before he left." Ana perked up, she hadn't seen Britt since before everything with Milo, she didn't know they weren't together now, "Britt, I'm not with Milo, where are you?" There wasn't an answer for a minute, "That's weird, I'm in Sol, he was hanging around at the gym we all practice at, gave one of the guys a bit of a bruising. Are you guys ok, seems weird you didn't come too." Ana tried to explain nicely before hanging up with the girl.

This was the first of Milo she had heard of since he left, he had just disappeared after a while, she asked around for him but nobody knew where he had gone off to, she had tried to call him after a couple weeks of him being gone, but every time she did, his phone was out of service, but now she had an idea of where he was and even better, she had someone there that could find him. Ana took out her phone and looked at it, the time wasn't too late, but knowing Paige she was probably already asleep, time zone difference and all, she chose just wait, she would try to get Paige to find him, get him to call her, but not til the morning, he wouldn't disappear in an evening she hoped, after all this time, he probably has forgotten all about her, but she still can't help but want to set everything straight with him.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago




The night proceeded as expected; loudly and drunkenly. Kriss going feel his energy sapping away as he sat at a table quietly and did nothing. It was just going to be this for hours on end, wasn't it. Just hours more. He glanced at his hands, wishing he had brought a book or something so he could at least attempt to justify not talking to people.

His phone started buzzing. He slid it out of his pants pocket and glanced at the Caller ID.

[Incoming Call: Chief]

Kriss flipped the phone open and pressed it to his ear, shuffling quickly to the door and out into the night air.


"Hey Kriss, am I interrupting something?"


"Didn't think so," she said with an audible sigh. "Where's Allison?"

"She has gone home. I suspect the alcoholic atmosphere upset her stomach."

"The...oh no. How much booze is there?"

He looked through the open door. "Quite possible every variety in existence. Wine, champagne, whiskey, vodka, rum, -"

"Oh, crap," Snap said through her teeth. "Are you okay?"

"I am fine."

"You want out?"


"Alright, come on back to the squad for the night. I'll swap out with you. I'm already at the building, so I'll drive the second ambulance over."

"I will wait until you arrive," he said, a wave of relief rolling over him.

"Don't bother," she replied, jingling a set of keys near the mouthpiece of her phone. "I'm leaving now. Come back and get some rest."

"Yes ma'am."

"Thanks, Kriss. See ya."

The call ended abruptly. Without a word, Kriss re-entered the building, retrieved his trauma bag, discarded his drink, and left, taking the shortest route possible back to the rescue squad. He passed Snap, who beeped the horn at him. It took him less than fifteen minutes to park and gut the ambulance, checking to be sure that everything was in its place and ready for the next call. A fellow paramedic was sitting at the front desk on her phone. She waved at him before going back to her smartphone. He didn't return the gesture and chose instead to head straight to the back to take one of the longest showers of his life. He changed into pajamas (a blank shirt and a pair of gym shorts), then headed back to the lounge area. The unfinished crossword puzzle was still sitting on the table, challenging him.

With a shrug, Kriss dropped onto the couch, grabbed the puzzle and a pen, and scowled. He was never going to get this thing done.

Allison Hawthorne

Location: Hawthorne aprtment

Time: Sunday, Late evening

Allison hauled herself out of her vehicle and slammed the door closed, clicking the auto-lock button on her key and heading for the front door. It was unlocked and she could see a light on under the door. Whispering a word of encouragement to herself, she opened the door.

"Mom, I've home," she said quietly, hoping she was asleep. She wasn't. The soft-eyed raven-haired woman on the couch lowered her book and looked over her reading glasses at her daughter.

"Hey honey, I got your text. How'd it go?" she asked. It was a simple enough question, but there was a seriousness to it that made Allison uneasy.

"It went pretty well. Kriss was there. I saw a couple people that I met at the racetrack so I got to say hi to them. Food was pretty good too. And I got to dress up nice! So it was fun."

Her mom narrowed her eyes slightly. "I saw it on TV earlier. Looked like there was an open bar. Were they serving alcohol?"

There it was. She knew the question would be raised eventually. At least she didn't smell like booze. Her mom would have known it in an instant. Instead she was giving her daughter a chance to be honest.

"Well,..." she said. The silence that followed answered her mom's question and she lowered her head. "Yeah. There was. I got invited by someone and I didn't think to ask. I didn't realize it was going to be...like it was.I didn't drink anything though! I swear, mom, I really didn't."

The familiar tint of red returned to her cheeks as her mom stared her down.

"I should have left when I got there. I almost did, but I wanted to be, you know, classy, I guess. I knew you were going to be really mad, but I saw someone I recognized, so I wanted to say hi. It was awful. Someone at the table had been drinking...you know..." Allison couldn't even bring herself to say the name "whiskey" in front of her mom. "I almost threw up and I left like immediately afterwards. You can talk to Kriss, he can vouch for me."

Her mom stared her down, reading her face carefully for evidence of lying, but she found none. She had to admit that, if nothing else, her daughter was honest. That didn't excuse her remaining present at such an event for so long.

"I should ground you. But I'm not going to. How about settling for 'get a shower and go straight to bed?' and we'll forget it ever happened?" she said in a softer voice, silently grateful that Allison hadn't participated. The girl nodded and stretched her arms.

"I'm exhausted anyway. Sorry again. And thanks."

It felt like days until Allison finally collapsed into bed, finally free of the weight of guilt that had followed her home. She was joined by the cat, who hopped onto a free area and claimed it as his own. She had just enough energy to wish it goodnight before the two of them passed out.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 2 hrs ago





Yes ladies and gents this is it, we've made it all the way through Chapter One for Sol City. With the Gala ending on Sunday night, the last time skip will encompass whatever you see your characters doing inside of the next week so keep that in mind for your posting and be clear what time you're in. We don't want to end with any spatial disruptions.

So the city is yours. There are no events this week. Everything is winding down from the Winter Party and the big race. Life is returning to normal for Sol.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 9 days ago

Siobhan & Joel

Location: City Hall Roof; Sunday

Interaction: Each other Siobhan (@Almalthia) Joel (@Pilatus)


Siobhan raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Tokyo! Well that's good news! Bet they'd love you over there!!” She scooted closer at the mention of a secret and leaned in. The excitement coming off him had her forgetting that she was keeping her distance. “Yes I can keep a secret. I have a problem with injustice and I love it when people get their just desserts for actions, you know karma. Go ahead.” She hadn't worn any perfume, she never did anyway. She knew to many people were allergic to the stuff. Just her coffee scented shampoo and conditioner as well as her vanilla body wash. She played with her braid absentmindedly as if it were something she'd do while concentrating. She was starting to shiver occasionally and she wanted to stand up and walk around but didn't want to flash Joel.

It was funny how she felt the need to scoot closer to hear what he had to say even though there was no one else around. His brow furrowed slightly in curiosity as she scooted right up next to him. She carried clean scent of coffee? And vanilla behind the smell of the scotch which, he would have to admit, he'd never come across before. Most of the time it was the usual flowers and fruit so he had to give her credit for uniqueness there. However,like all women, she loved the idea of getting in on a good secret. “A couple weeks before the race,” He began. “Some of the big wheels at Nissan offered me a… certain amount of money to not participate.” He said casually looking away. His grin was very smug as he thought about his words. “I turned them down and made a counter offer.” He paused briefly only for emphasis and looked over at her, telling a good story was extremely satisfying, particularly ones where he was the winner and betting big on the streets was something he'd grown up doing. “I told them to double it plus one more thing if I won.” He said. “If I lost, I'd never race the Grand Prix again.”

Siobhan laughed out loud. “You only bet on a sure thing then. How stupid of anyone to bet against you if you had anything close to that tone or that look. I wouldn’t bet against you if either of those things were a factor. I get this vision of how The Godfather should have gone.” She is laughing as she saying this barely able to get it out. “Marlon Brando and you glaring at each other and him taking the bet. Oh that’s rich.” She laughs a bit more and smiling broadly. “Well now is Tokyo business or pleasure?”

Joel shrugged, “I don't know if I'm that good.” He said, enjoying the sound of her laugh. He thought she might have a little too much faith in him for having only just met. “And I only got them by about a quarter of an inch, so yea....” He shook his head, “I tell ya, for that last eighth of a mile or so, I damn near pinched a hole in the seat.” He was now broadly smiling as he thought back to how close the finish had indeed been and how he’d essentially won because his front air dam was just a little longer than the the one on the GT-R. “No, Tokyo is business mostly.” He said. “Well, maybe more like fifty-fifty, I've gotta pick up the other part of my wager and ship it back over here.” He looked over at her to see that she was damn near on top of him at this point from the cold and decided to relent from withholding his jacket since she'd proved her point. “Here, I'm gonna give you this, because I don’t want you to keel over in the middle of this conversation from hypothermia.”

Siobhan laughed even harder at him describing the feeling in the last eighth of a mile tilting her head back covering her mouth with her hands laughing then catching his eye she cleared her throat as he started talking about Tokyo. As he moved to give her the jacket she smiled at him sweetly and slipped into it moaning as the warmth came in contact with her chilled skin. She’d decided that she’d let him give her the jacket but she’d be giving it back when that door opened. “Sure you don’t have some padding still left?” She laughed softly. “Thank you Mr. Nicolosi. So more like Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa and less like Marlon Brando. I can see that. I know a few names in the Tokyo area where my paintings went or I was commissioned to paint something. Haven’t been there myself. I only got as close as Beijing.” She moved back enough that they had some breathing room and smirked at him. “So what do you do for pleasure then?”

The cold steadily leaked through his formerly warm black shirt, but it wasn't unbearable. He had to give her credit for making it as long as she did in that tiny dress. “I've been over there a couple times, can't say I know much about the art scene though.” He said. “I actually do have a nice little painting of Mount Fuji I got over there, real simple, I guess traditional style, I like those, kinda pricey though.” He watched her scoot back slightly and was both disappointed and relieved that she had enough class to not instantly drape herself all over him in her fading inebriation. “For pleasure?” He shrugged. Not much. He thought to himself. His hobbies were admittedly narrow. There wasn't a lot he liked to do outside of work out and tune cars. “Drink coffee and read Wikipedia mostly.” He said slyly looking back at her. “Stay up ‘til around four and get up whenever.”

“There is a really nice coffee joint around the corner from my place called The Coffee Pot. I like to head out there after I get up to get a better cup of coffee than Starbucks. Read Wikipedia? You do know that is editable and that you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the...well not everything you read. For example Moby Dick. Boring. And they say everyone should read that before they die. I’ll stick with my subscription to National Geographic thank you. Would have thought you’d be the type of man to take life by the horns and shake things up. Like street racing or well hell...cause havoc and let loose the dogs of war. But stay up till four, drink coffee and read Wikipedia? You’re teasing. With a body like that? You’re...humm...rescuing damsels in distress while singing karaoke.” She teasingly replies as she pokes him in the side. “Cause those abs under that shirt scream great control of a diaphragm.” She laughs at her joke.

Joel laughed as it sounded like she was actually taking him seriously for a moment. He didn't feel the need to comment about the Pot as the locals called it. He'd been there plenty of times. It was a tad on the hipster side and he liked going in there if for no other reason than just to look out of place. “I tell ya what,” He said with a confident chuckle. “You have that Corvette hauled to my shop and you can find out what my hobbies are.” He said reaching into the coat pocket slowly so as not to spook her and took a pen out. Though he was genuinely trying not to, his hand gently brushed against her. He scribbled a number on the back of a new card and handed it to her. “I'm flying out on Wednesday, just call that number and tell him it's for me and he’ll take care of you. We’ll get it inside before I leave.”

Siobhan shivered as his hand brushed her hip. She held her breath as he got a pen of the side pocket of the jacket making a slight hiss through her teeth as she let the breath go. Snapping her eyes up to his to see what his reaction to the ‘accidental’ brush. He didn’t make eye contact. Maybe it wasn’t on purpose. It really could have been accidental. Her lips parted unconsciously and as he wrote out the number as she got herself composed and smirked as she took the card. Siobhan looked up at him smirking and said in a slightly husky voice. “So this number doesn’t exactly have a pocket.” She mused as she indicated her dress. “I was going for sexy rather than serviceable. Pockets didn’t rate high on the list.” She slipped it into his inside breast pocket. “Got it covered. So you’re not fixing me up with someone else to get rid of me are you? Cause I can tell you that I’m damned persistent when I want to be Mr. Nicolosi. I know my mind and if you say you’re the best than I want you. It’s a tall order, think you’re man enough to fill it?” She smirked at the double entendre that she wondered if he was going to roll with or comment on. [En garde. See what you do with that.[

“I'm sure you'll find a place for it,” Joel replied. “And that number is to my rollback driver.” He literally couldn't believe she was going to pay money to fix up a ‘73 Corvette. Though it wasn't normally his forte, he didn't have any doubt about his abilities. People had peculiar tastes and he was more than obliged to take their money for it. Tall order. What a joke “If I had a dollar for every old Chevrolet he's hauled, I probably wouldn't have needed to win the race.” He teased. He was really getting a kick out of her big talk as he knew exactly what he was talking about. “I hope you're planning on selling a lot paintings.” He said with an air of amusement.

Siobhan could feel them falling back into a comfortable teasing conversation. She grinned at Joel. “I’ve sold more paintings than you know Mr. Nicolosi. Karen isn’t really mine. Well she is but she isn’t. It’s a story for another time. I’ll tell you when I bring her in. Or when you start to work on her. I have to be there. I promise not to get in the way but it’s non-negotiable. You won’t even know I’m there. Still think you can deliver or can’t handle a girl in your shop?” Siobhan poked him in the shoulder lightly.

“That's pretty weird that you name your car,” Joel shot back. He couldn't help himself. “I usually let the factory do that.” He was trying not to laugh and when she poked him on the shoulder he let it all out heartily. She seemed so serious about it. Oh well. He didn't think a female had called him ‘Mr. Nicolosi’ since he had a crazy substitute teacher back in high school and the thought of that was equally as funny. “You can hang around all you like,” He said. In truth, he did actually like the thought of it. He loved to talk while he worked and she was especially easy on the eyes. A vast improvement from the bored old men and Southside factory workers that normally stopped by to chat outside his bay door. “I wasn't kidding about the hours though,” He continued and looked over at her matter-of-factly, “I’ll work all night and sleep half the day when I feel like it. ‘Think you can handle that’?”

Siobhan laughed along with him and answered him quickly. “I’m not a baby. I’m less of a morning person and more of a night owl anyway. So yes I can handle it, very well as a matter of fact. I’ll tell you all about Karen when you meet her. I don’t want to spoil the surprise. How much are we talking? Can you give me a ballpark?”

“Wait a minute here,” Joel said in a mock protest. “Just a little while ago you were miss high and mighty big shot parents at the bar. Now you're concerned how much it's going to cost?” He laughed some more and honestly could not remember the last time he'd laughed so much. It'd been a while for sure. “No, I can't give you a ‘ballpark’.” He said. The price game was one he'd played a thousand times. If people needed to ask, they were usually already in over their head. “It just depends what you want to do with it and then what I have to do with it to make you happy.” In his mind, he was thinking of what tools he was going to buy when he got back from Tokyo and that her little project would be a good test for some new toys. Since he was officially screening his work, he never dreamed the first client he took would be a good looking chick with a beater Corvette, but he'd managed to talk himself right into it.

He was starting to draw a picture of it in his mind, though he had no clue what she wanted. The damn things were narrow and long, the stance would have to widened and lowered to get it to handle. The old hydraulic valve assembly in the carbureted engine might as well be tossed for a simpler fuel injected setup which meant a crate engine. The figures were adding up fast when he thought he heard footsteps coming up the stairs behind them. He turned and looked at her, “I think our rescue is approaching.”

Siobhan smirked and laughed softly. “Good. That’s just the answer I wanted to hear. I was hoping you weren’t going to give an estimate so I could know if you had plans on low balling the price. I want to pay for what I’m getting at a fair price. Oh and I don’t expect it to be done super fast. I’m looking for quality. Plus that means I get damned good conversation out of it and I’m fine with that.” Siobhan went to stand up and managed to without flashing Joel. She reached a hand down for him to help him up if needed. Siobhan takes the jacket off and puts it around Joel and just before the door opens she reaches into the inside pocket that she put the business cards in and smirking kisses him on the lips lightly. “Thank you Mr. Nicolosi. See you later.” She waves as the door opens and brushes past the man who opened the door.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 9 days ago


Location: The Old Starboard; Monday Noon

Interaction: Paige (@Pilatus)

Siobhan had texted Paige about an hour ago ~Hey meet me at Old Starboard at noon for lunch. I need to talk about what happened last night.~ and so here she was. Sitting here so that she could sort through some things with Paige as a sounding board. She hoped that she had sounded coherent and not as mixed up as she felt. Siobhan looked down at her phone. She had gotten here early because she didn’t have anything better to do, but she was only about a half hour early. She was going to tell Paige all about last night. She got a coffee and smirked waiting for Paige. The coffee reminded her of the conversation with Joel.“For pleasure?” He shrugged. “Drink coffee and read Wikipedia mostly.” He said slyly looking back at her. “Stay up ‘til around four and get up whenever.” Siobhan sipped her coffee and grimaced at the fact that Paige was probably going to rake her over the coals about getting drunk and going off alone. Having Paige mad at her wasn't even the worst of it. Paige might pull strings and have someone tail her to make sure she stayed out of trouble. Ugh that'd suck. But she was still going to tell Paige.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Paige Kennedy

In spite of what she told Milo, Paige went in to work. On a best estimate of three hours of decent sleep, she staggered in to a standing ovation from her office. Overnight the news of the Sunday’s actions by the Marshal Service had spread all over the local media like wildfire. The capture of Bob and the gangster, Jackie Costa, were headlines at 5am and continued throughout the morning across TV and radio. Though her name was not mentioned publicly, the whole office was buzzing, particularly about the discovery of the Costa Operation and its multi-tiered connections. For the moment, the Marshal Service was at the top of the game amongst the task force brought in by the mayor. Paige perked up instantly in the praise and the hangover headache from the sake hurt a little less. She chatted with her Chief Deputy for a while and started some of the paperwork until he not so subtly recommended that she take a day, two if she wanted, and get some rest. The US Attorney wouldn’t be in until Wednesday. She could get her next case file then and get back in the hunt. They could hold the fort down for two days. She didn’t protest.

With her little M3 in hand again she headed back south to meet Sio. She didn’t have a clue where or what the, “Old Starboard” was, but some of the locals in the office assured her it was legit. She pulled up and as she got out, looked back at the scar the scorned cripple had left on her borrowed little piece of German engineering. Since the damage was down to the metal, the estimate from Sol City BMW had been considerably more than she wanted to spend and Uncle Sam didn’t pay for cosmetic damage on seized vehicles. She ran her finger over the mark again and sighed weighing whether or not to live with it or dip from the reward money she split with the bounty hunter to fix it. If she did fork over the cash, she resolved that second to hang on to the car tooth and nail no matter what. She glanced over her shoulder as the wind off the river ruffled her standard pony tail and looked at the boat traffic moving leisurely up and down the river. It was a little like home in a way, but she turned and went inside before her thoughts could get carried away again.

Walking in the doors, her polished silver star and the gun on her hip drew a few glances from the lunch time crowd and she never stopped loving the Old West feeling of it, but instead of boots and riding gear, she wore Converse and jeans with a similar white hooded sweater that she had on the last time she’d gone out with Sio. A waitress, looking at her slightly unnervingly, began to offer her a table, but Paige found Sio as she flipped her sunglasses back and headed over to the booth. She was still noticeably tired and walked with her customary stoic glance down the aisles mentally cataloguing the layout of the place as she went. She ordered a black cup of coffee and sat down across from Sio. “Sorry I’m late,” She said, honestly not sure if she really was.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Monday morning

Milo went into the closet in his bedroom, it was pretty early and was still a bit cold, but not as bad as yesterday, Milo was only a bit hungover but was determined to make the day a good one. He picked up his old fishing rod and his tackle box before heading out and down to the harbor, one of the reasons he had picked this location was that it was right on the river. As Milo sat down he put on some bait and cast out his line as he sat on the shore, he fiddled and adjusted a large hunting knife he had on his belt that was currently jamming itself into his hip, he was still sore from yesterday, but had checked his wound and it looked as though he was fine,casting was harder but not enough to stop him. Milo sat back against a large rock and pulled a black case from his tackle box, he pulled a cigar from it and lit it, taking a long drag he smiled and let out a small laugh to himself, This is the first time since I moved here that I have actually gone fishing in this river. Why did it take me so long? Milo didn't care too much, he put on a set of headphones and turned on some music, jazz, blues, a mix of his favorites.

An hour has passed before Milo finishes the cigar in his mouth, he only has one decent sized catfish in his cooler, but he fights to bring in the second, at this point he has no need to keep any more, so he starts fishing for the fun of it, as though he hadn't been this whole time, he can hear the cars passing by behind him in between the songs, and wonders why no one else wants to fish over here, he looks around and there is no one at all on this shore, even with the haul he has already pulled in. He sat back into his spot and started to let his mind wander, first thing to pass it is the recent events of Sunday, and of all the happenings, the one that stood out was his night with Paige, he wondered if she had thought it was a date, she didn't seem to. The way she was acting, was it because she felt like she didn't want to be there, or was it because she did? The more on it the more it moved to what he thought, he and Paige had been friends for years, but they never really had a connection like that before, right? he tried to recall if this was the first time... it wasn't, they had had moments where had they been alone, the same reaction could have been drawn, but they had always had Ana, she was the one that always kept the moments light, made them not feel weird. Milo only thought about it for a moment more before his mind wandered again, now the thought in mind was that she had looked really good in that dress, seeing as it was one of very few times he ever saw that of her, it was no surprise he would think of it, but maybe he thought of it a little longer than he should.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 9 days ago


Location: The Old Starboard; Monday Noon
Interaction: Paige (@Pilatus)


Siobhan looks up from the coffee and smiles. “You're not late just on time actually.” She motions the waiter over and has Paige tell him what she wanted. As the waiter walks off Siobhan continues the conversation. “So went to the stupid Gala thing and since you weren't there I decided to make friends. That didn't work out so well.” She recounts the story from last night. Of course pausing so that they could order. Siobhan slowed down when she got to the part when she was with Joel. “So don't yell at me too much for this next part. I was a little drunk and got locked out on the roof with a guy. Who turned out to be pretty cool. I didn't have my phone and we're lucky he had his. Like I said I was drunk. So who'd you have dinner with?” Siobhan looked a bit guilty. For all of the conversation they had she didn't know Joel...at all really. Well I wanted to get to know him and getting Karen fixed is as good as any a reason to get to know him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Online

Romus Sisters . City mixed locations

Victoria. Monday Lunch. Mixed Harbour. Marinalia Wensdaymorning. Sol International Airport .

The Chapter one Epilogue

It was a rather quiet and awkward ride back for the sisters, bot where upset by circumstances and it would take a few days at least to warm relations back to a normal level. A rather quiet and awkward ride back in a darknened SUV. Marilania sighed, great, a ball a guy and it all went fucked up... Not even thr good kind of fucked.


Victoria was slightly sombre, after they had said there various good byes, she knew she could restore relations with her sister eventually, but not quite now. Sio, Milo, why did she bother with this city except for fact Marinalia was having such a bad time with things. Much as forst she could not leave her alone to deal with everything. Maybe she could make up sorting out the shopping later once she got her car.

A nice little pot in a numbered bank account In Luxembourg, it had a use to keep payments anonymous when doing grey jobs and she rarely had accessed it. Designing cerberous, well it's security systems, patching a few radio commands channels to be encrypted between designed sets. Designing high security systems. She did Web design and apps, wanting to avoid grey work... But grey work always seemed to draw her back. Well the large pay packet did...

Milo... She was unsure what was going to happen there.

Arriving back. Marinalia headed pretty much straight to bed and dumped her dress on the chair, kicking off thr heals and massaging her feet she feel asleep near instantly. Not quite crying but she felt it all the emotions of thr morning, and evening hit home at once... She probbly was gonna take a few days off. She could not fly like this. Safety mattered more than a few late deliveries.

Victoria sighed as she headed to bed, Marinalia near banked her but that was to be expected. The night was a disastor. Remembering thr medic... Oh yeah. That guy who said I might die.... He was a charmer... Not exactly kind to his date either... They seemed a tad... Unromantic.

Marla was gonna have a field day though... They where meant to be medics...

At least Maria and Vesarian had finally admitted they loved each other. 27 years was a long time... And some 5 since the two sisters had med.

It was the morning as she had a flight to catch, Monday had been a lazy day and Milo and her had gone to the park with their son for a a little family time. Half the office could not belive she was same, pushing a pram and pretending to make aeroplane noises women as the ice queen. She had a rather compartmentalised personality.

As Milo seemed to be lazily asleep in his business class seat, Marla was always amazed. He could sleep anywhere... Jeez. It was like he just flicked a switch. Seeing little Michael fast asleep, she felt content with life. Even if traveling trans Atlantic with a young kid had been hell on the way there. This time. He had been sleeping most of it.

Tapping out the last of her email. She had only hered later from Victoria that the medic woman had been underage... Blimey... They could of got them shit down...

Technically under there rules. They where not meant to have anyone below 21 present thanks to the whole silly city drinking ordiences at the hall. Why could they not just use 18?

To SCVRS command.

Good morning local time.

My neice informed me of a intresting fact yesterday, though I was too busy to raise it, enjoying a day out in your fine city with my family.

Sending a under age woman, who seemed not to relise it was a alcoholic event. Risked our event being shut down. I am much aware of laws, as I planned it. You risked our event..

A male paramedic was quite rude to several members of thr family, next time please consider who you send more carefully. We also had a gap in medical coverage. While nothing happened. This is not ideal.

I hope your woman is feeling better. She was feeling under the weather that night. She was quite polite. If underage.

Much as the event was a success.. I request you reconsider your events planning provisions. A copy has been sent to mayor as a matter of record. If you wish to to discuss please reply or call me on my extension listed below in GMT 0 office hours.

Yours sincerely.

Marla Olympus. Prof, Dr MD.
Senior medical officer.
Olympus Heavy Industries.

Wanting to add more, Michael soon woke up and sighed slightly, it was gonna be a long flight, maybe she could cuddle him back to a restful sleep and keep the other passengers happy at least while they rested.

Monday came for Victoria and she already found the apartment empty. Marinalia has scribbled a note about going for a swim and that her car was ready early. It was polite, there was no X which was a obvious sign that she was still frosty.hoping at least that get some of the stress out her system, and maybe clear air a a little she leaned against counter and sighed. Seeing the monthly figures, with costs apps and websites plus taxes.... If she wanted to make any money she had to go back to security work... Her rent contribution, re hab..it all was not cheap. Least the car was paid outright from where numbered account in Europe.

She could always sell if after... And she needed some form of transport bar a uber. Contrary to what people thought she could legally drive. Plus Marinalia was not always about when she needed to get about.

Other things nibbled at her minds concerns, she had tried to ignore it but no... She did not want to worry her family, they knew... But she never had quite revealed the extent of risks too. She had told her dad, but not many more bar Maria knew exactly. She had worried them ernough times over her life. If only she had not messed things up... She have someone up talk to.

That morning, she was surprisingly able to function and soon had recovered from thr evening by late morning. For some odd reason she got drunk quick but burnt thr alcohol off at a normal rate and had stopped drinking earlier at Gala.

Locking the door, she headed out to find her freedom.

Walking over slowly, she found the dealership, rental place and signed off her paperwork before waiting with a coffee as last things where signed off. Hitting send on the funds electronically, they soon pinged into the dealerships account within a few minutes. Soon with a rumble engine a red mini, folding soft top and white stripes down thr bonnet. It was cute, but also a fun city car. The weather had improved abit and after a short lesson on the car, she activated the auto folding top and pulled away. Sunglasses on, wind flying by and engine quiet up front. It was not the biggest car but was perfect for her.

Driving out of thr city centre and pulling up a a small foreign supermarket, hopefully some food from home might try and bridge the gap with her sister. Heading onwards, she found herself near the final round armoury for some reason... It escaped her why she had driven this way... Somthing about guilt? Least the river was... A place to think. Reminding herself, he would reply if he wanted to take she headed out to the harbour for a walk, atleast outside the apartment she was distracted by things... Anything.

Parking and raising the roof near thr Harbour in a small car across from a large black truck... There we here alot of those in the city.

Walking by the harbour. It was abit noisey... But nice.. A place she could think on things and if to go ahead with the treatment.... Talking almost at the water as if it would give her a answer.

what would you do.... Risk what you have for what you lost.... Or keep what I have a cripple...

Is a chance to be who you should be worth it? At the risks of being... Like I was....

Sighing. The water would not give her a answer, it was not like Sol had a lady of lake advice line.

Noticing a fisherman next door, she had walked this route a few times and never seen one there... Strange. Then she recognised him, feeling her stomach twist somewhat. Kilo... Milo... How... Of all the things... The suprise caused her to drop her coffee in water she had picked up. A White Choclate mocha, extra shot, vanilla, cream and mini marshemmlows topped with some Choclate sprinkles. Her sister always favoured them when she was feeling sad, she had not got much through it... It was rather sweet to drunk quickly before it fell in the water with a splash.

Sorry... I was just talking to my...

Umm... Hey Milo... Of all the people to bump into.. Had a good weekend?

Fish snaring well on the reel stick? Cord, or hook thingy?

Making awkward small. Talk, she wanted to run but that would not work quite, one she could not run, two she did not feel like it would help any more than the damage she already done this past week. She knew gak all about fishing, it was a sport that held very little intrest to her, was it a sport, a hobby? She had strangely for her size after being unable to carry on athletics, apart from computers become fair with a 12 gauge shotgun, shooting clay pidgions. Despite her light build she could do it for a short time, taking a rest and a decent padded butt. Surprisingly she had also been taught how to use a Ak47 while on a trip to Africa. Despite the noise and recoil it had been quite fun.

Unsure what to do, she was not exactly a normal situation for her. She was with someone she had hurt, and she probbly had butchered fishing terms more than relationships.

Marilania had left early, Victoria was still fast asleep as she left a note. She did not want to see her this morning, she cared about her but... There alot of ice to break. The message cod not hert though. She knew how much Victoria liked being mobile. Though how she afforded it had decided not to ask. She never was particularly open about some of the work she had done.

Leaving, she drove down to the Luna Sports area, now free of Traffic and last of the race trucks gins or departing. It was handy. Parking was bad if not. Reminded of thr happy moments, how had it gone so wrong...

Several kilometres later, she had been swimming for a while and her water proof fit bit tagged and bleed the 4.5 km mark. That was ernoug.h. Her stress was reduced and was a theopy in itself. Next after showing and drying off she found herself at a place in city for counselling. A victim support service. She was a mess, much as forced she admitted she needed.

The week went on, and things with Victoria did warm up, she had tried to being her some local food and help out. It had been welcome, it would take more time but things where getting alot better.

Wensday came, she was leaning back in her chair in a quiet office. Neat office uniform with just above knee smart Skirt. Low heals and a light jacket. She had a few choices but this one was most comfortable one she found. That mattered in office. She had paperwork to do, the days off meant she had time to catch up a a little and no one else was in office. She was unsure what to do about Joel, she had sent a odd message just wishing him well and and a safe trip. Moaning about traffic round the international and dumb drivers not knowing their lanes. What happened was anyone's guess.

She was still hurt, it still hurt deep in places and others had noticed, she had quietly taken lunch with some of the women, a d enjoyed quietly watching thr airport from the old control tower. It was not used much for anything near rest of old airport was rubble, and rebuilt. It was merely a handy spot to mount the airpirts radio beacon. It was a nice view... Sol was a surprisingly beutherful city. She had tried to pretend but everyone had had been able to tell, her eyes and body language had been unable to hide what cover up make up and pretence tried. Everyone had rallied round though, despite being a big company the pilots where a small group and kept things close. She was helping someone's daughter with swim training, she was good working with her. Her fears had been weakened. They had helped a junior pilot on helicopter test. They had helped her.

Thinking back and working on her paper work at Sol International hub. She had been asked to cover for a illness, everyone else was busy checking things and she was running office solo. Extra checks since the whole incident, flight hours to record, blood tests and more... It was a mountainous pain the ass... Luckily the sofa was comfy and the coffee free!

Maybe she should book that plane for a flight some day... It was a open gift and already covered. It would be fun and relaxing to do a few high speed laps. She probbly was not going to have company though. Sadly... Part of almost considered rebounding... But everything was too raw right now. They still talked but she was unsure... Parts of her where all pulling in diffrent directions.

There was a few flights that concerned her department and a cargo flight due at some stage.. From east... Somewhere. She was only bothered about times and if it needed signing off rather than departing airports. They all had to undergo the same forms and customs declarations. Cargo normaly flew in via Old Sol but this one was too heavy for the runway lengh.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo heard the faintest noise of splashing from through his headphones, and then what sounded like words, but he couldn't tell. He tugged the line a bit to see if he had anything but there was nothing on it, that was when he noticed the wisp of silver hair in his periphery, Vika stood there on the bank looking flustered to all hell like she hadn't expected him to be outside of his own shop. Milo took out his headphones and set his rod down.

"Sorry, I was listening to music, didn't see you there." Milo shrugged his good shoulder, "Well, I am alive, so that is about the best that I can ask for." He kind of thumbed some of his equipment, "Got shot yesterday, not as fun." Milo chuckled, the pain from the wound wasn't bad so he wasn't to worried. "As much as I love all the small talk and the idea that your dad is a sailor but you know zero fishing terms, I think I should come clean a little." He didn't get up from where he was as he started to talk about everything that had been going on, the guns, the deals with Jackie, the reasons why Paige had been around so much, he told her all of it, with a bit of regret and relief in his face. "I shouldn't have hidden so much, but I thought that it was too deep to let someone know about, I thought I could handle it all, but I couldn't, it's over now though, and I am finally breathing again." Milo stood now, he leaned against the rock he was near and grinned, "Well, I guess this is the part where you should freak out, I really had no right to complain with all I had been hiding." Milo had a smile that was less amusement and much more of acceptance, the acceptance of what he had done and who he is becoming.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Victoria Romus. City mixed locations

Victoria. Monday Lunch. Mixed Harbour

The Chapter one Epilogue

So... That went well... Until he admitted being shot, and what... How did he end up shot over a weekend and now is not even in a hospital fishing... What kind of medical care did they have in Sol City? Surely have some kind of thing that happened. Did they let you out this quickly here?

Leaning against her stick and wondering that it be like to be less, or even not reliant on it day to day... What would she do with her hand.... It had become... A permanent thing.

Shot... Shouldn't you be in a hospital? That's not exactly a minor wound...

Yes... The cargo was... Diffrent. I got taught how to strip and fire a Ak47.. OK 103.. Technically, and fired a 40mm defense system.. ... not Trap a cord.

Though i did get to see some amazing places, most will never visit..

She kind of had a strange upbringing, Father away 6 months a year, losing her mother when she was young and more. He had taken her to see Africa, maybe not the safest bit of Africa but it had been fun and she had sren things, been able to do things that many people never would get to do.

Victoria had to admit she was not exactly normal...

Then came the whole explanation... Jackie, Paige, blackmail, illegal fire arms and more besides... She had come to try and find a answer to her question about if to go for the treatment or not and now only had yet more questions... His thinking, was he even thinking... How could she say she needed time to process all this without offending him or that she had too much on her own mind as it was.

OK... So you thought... That hiding all that and expecting me to understand all that from a few words on a doorstep? Your a strange egg...

Umm... That's alot to take in...

Im kinda gonna be away for a week or so anyway. I have a medical appointment in Austin. Either way... It will change things...

She paused a second, might as well. If it was gonna sink, or be a over.. Maybe they could at least remain civil or talk... She probbly could not judge him quite as harshly as she had. Plus being shot...

Well.. I might end up different.. Good or bad different. Iif it goes wrong... Well I won,t be needing my Mini..

So.. I'm. Can we talk when I have less on my mind? Il bring you back some sweet tea or so. I Don, t even know what to think right now.

Maybe lunch when we get back and I'm less confused, worried, scared and thinking straight about things...

Confused somewhat where anyone even stood at this point, they both had so much on there minds, she could not even think straight about important issues. A week or so in Texas probbly was a good idea. Good or bad. She may return as she was or stuck as before... Either way there would be no more stuck in the middle. She probbly sounded crazy... But hey, right now she was a bit crazy. She had been asking fish for opinions. The coffee had sank and not sure how fish liked coffee... Hopefully sweet.

Il see you in a week or so... Come as things do... Good luck trapping some fish.

Also well... In spirit of... I may have hurt a Blue BMW that night... Walking in I may have fell against it, on your drive and caught it with my ring... Diamond might leave a mark...

Oh and hope the fish like... White Choclate mocha, extra shot, vanilla, cream and mini marshemmlows topped with some Choclate sprinkles. There goes my Sol bucks... Might wake the fish up abit and Youl snare some more!

Giving a wave she headed away with more questions than she had begun with... Well she could visit Milo after either in a wheelchair or she could... Could be cured. A medical treatment that could lead to a cure. She had been a few times to have set up procedures in Sol and London. With this one... It was the decider.

Climbing into her car, she dropped the roof and drove past in a red convertible mini, stripes on the hood and everything. It was stereotype maybe... She had one previously in UK but it had been crashed into and written off... Shame she loved her little pink and white mini... Though she cringed now at her colour choices at 17-18...

Tuesday she was headed to Sol International for a deadaus internal to Texas, let the dice fall as they may.

Also she might have caused the combination Ed fisherman of world to cry out in pain and so...


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Paige Kennedy

Paige listened as Sio recounted the night shaking her head slightly in amusement at the amazingly brazen attitude of the hosts she described. What Sio didn't realize was the story behind her capture of Bob and the two sisters from the party. The pair seemed to be quite the socialites in Sol. She'd never met the older one, but if the girl was anything like her younger sibling, she didn't need Sio's validation. Still tired, but listening carefully, she propped her head on one hand and stirred her coffee even though it didn't have anything in it. Her trained ears couldn't help but listen for any detail that didn't add up and when Sio reached the part about getting locked on the roof, her glance perked up slightly and then narrowed across the table at the redhead. Paige had a passkey and could open any door in City Hall. She was familiar with the stairway and usually entered the building through the same corridor. "What do you mean you 'got locked out on the roof'?" She said. Her tone was not critical, more probing. "How did you get up there anyway?" She knew full well how, but the law officer in her was used to getting people to admit to things without thinking about it.

She wasn't upset, just a bit disappointed in her friend's recklessness. Sio was considerably sharper than most girls her age, but she knew that youth had it's lapses in judgment, particularly when paired with copious amounts of alcohol. It wouldn't have been as bad if she hadn't been alone. Paige was starting to feel some measure of responsibility for the girl, but by no means was she there to be her parent. When Sio asked about who she was out to dinner with, Paige's automatic response was simple: "What makes you think I was out with anyone?" Years of dealing with criminals gave her a delivery that was neither question nor statement. Though she had no problems with telling the truth, she was a bit interested in how Sio automatically assumed she was out with someone rather than being alone or with a group. She thought about Milo for a moment and like the whole morning and most of the night, he was just like a mental block she couldn't get around. She needed some real sleep and still had a slight headache.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo listened to What Vika was saying, for some reason she seemed to be hinting at something some miracle cure, something that may help her out, that would be wonderful for her, she would be able to shed the insecurities of her illness and really start coming back to the person she told him she used to be. Milo wondered if he would want to be with her then? Did he really want to be with her now? Before he could even really say anything, she had already started to head back to her car, they were like awkward friends now, nothing like before, Milo could tell, no matter the outcome of her trip, the relationship they had tried to make was over, he only hoped that she came back stronger, for herself, no one else.

Milo caught a couple more fish before heading back in himself. Four large catfish cleaned and filleted the way only a country boy could. Milo started to prep everything to make some lunch and set the rest for that evening. As he sat waiting for his oil to heat up, he pulled out his phone and flipped through the screens, he stopped on the text panel and pulled up Paige, for some reason he couldn't stop thinking about last night. "Hey, hope you didn't get too hungover this morning, let me know if you want to hit the bar again." Milo knew now that this was starting to get odd, he was trying to pay attention to his words to not sound off, but the acknowledgement that he could made him painfully aware that part of what started killing his relationship with Vika, was his own attraction to Paige. He sat back in his chair and sighed, How am I supposed to deal with this now? he wondered as his oil started to heat, he stood and put in some of the fish to fry, nothing like fried food to help a hangover.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 9 days ago


Location: The Old Starboard; Monday Noon
Interaction: Paige (@Pilatus)


Siobhan looked guilty. “I was curious and drinking didn't help. Found a stairwell and went up. Opened a door that I didn't realize in the state I was in was locked from the side I was then on. I can't be brilliant all the time. That's exhausting.” She grinned at Paige. “And I didn't know you went with anyone till just now. With that reaction...if you don't want to talk about it I'm cool with it. I'll just imagine that it's some really romantic tall dark and handsome man who swept you off your feet and you don't want to share the details because you barely believe it is real. I'll call it ‘Paige Novella’ and play it all out in my head. Don't mind me if I look over at you at some point and cry. That's the episode where he saves you by jumping in front of a gang banger for you.” Siobhan knew that would get something from Paige even if it was a laugh.
1x Laugh Laugh
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