Name: Michael (Mike) Fertar
Age: 25
Species: Bloodwolf
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetro
Get distracted easily when he sees a beautiful woman though he is at least 75% successful at convincing said women to have sex with him even if she's married.
If he's bored, he will often tinker with weapons to make them stronger
Mike claims he has no fear but it is noted he is frighten of losing the only family he has, He's also always worried there going to say or do to him when they discover what he really is. He's not human, in fact he's probably the closest thing people would call a monster.
Likes and dislikes:
Women, Drinking, Tinkering with things
Fire, People judging him, his secret lust for blood
The Jack of all trades, Mike basically has trained himself in all kinds of things so while he may not be an expert, he is very knowledgeable and is willing to help out whenever.


Personality: Mike is probably one of the most charming pirates you will ever meet, despite what a pirate is meant to represent. Mike is a very kind and caring man who believes strongly in his family, Mike can make friends pretty easily but he can also leave behind a trail of broken hearts. Mike is quite a romantic kind of man, willing to do a lot to get into any woman panties and he is quite successful.
One of his greatest conquests was when he was able to seduce a noble daughter, three of her friends and even a princess from a visiting country into a large season of love making. However he also used this chance to steal keys to all their valuable and let the crew steal everything of vaule.
Dispite all this confidence thought, Mike also has a pretty dark secret that he has not told his family, He try's to hide the curse that has plaged him all his life, When the moon is full, Mike transforms into the fearsome creature known as bloodwolf, a creature of pure unbridle rage who only seeks out its next meal or it next fight.
Quote: "What do you see when you look at me? Am I cursed or am I the Monster you've feared all your life?".
"Why are these treasure map so dam annoying?",
"A noble woman you say, well I can certainly tell your a beautiful young woman. But I wonder is beauty all you have? Maybe you and I can go somewhere more private so you can ... show me how much you know?
Theme Song: Black winter night - Dragonforce
Other/Bloodwolf powers/Bloodwolf weaknesses:
In human form, Mike is twice as strong as a normal human being, has an almost hypnotic glare to his eyes which is proably why he's so successful at getting with women, He has a form of night vision.
In bloodwolf form, Mike is twice as strong as an Alpha werewolf/Vampire lord, has a powerful healing factor, can see in the night, has enhanced sense across the bored allow him to track down pray, he is twice as fast as a normal werewolf, can fly using his large wings and has a powerful bloodlust
Although they are two different forms, Mike and the bloodwolf share the same weakness
Golden weapon
Holy water
A siren/Water Nymph song can be used as ether a weapon or a way to calm the beast down to allow the human side to take control.