Sharadur's lips compressed into a tight line as the second pyromancer made his flashy demonstration, going so far as to blatantly hurl a ball of fire at someone's face. While she knew that her general demeanor certainly didn't help with some of the more prolific of stereotypes about her brand of magic-users, the shit this guy was actively pulling was the real heart of the problem. Though she could feel her fists clenching, she knew it would do little good to start a conflict right here and now. That would be downright unprofessional. Besides, she could deal with him in her own fashion later if he proved to be too problematic, for now it was time to hear some terms from the big guy in charge.
She wasn't too fond of the answer he provided to her question. Part of it sounded like he was mocking her, though the second part- that about appreciative townsfolk providing some measure of compensation- that was something she was more familiar with. They called that extortion in some parts, but sometimes you had to do what you had to do to make ends meet. Flexible morals were standard fare in mercenary work and sometimes the peasantry needed to be reminded just how valuable the services she provided were. Very well, she'd at least give one or two of this mage's chores a try to see where it carried her. The two options the old guy provided seemed simple enough, though she knew better by now than to take anything an employer said at face value. Frankly, she didn't give a shit which one they did first, since she guessed their employer ultimately wanted them to take care of both. She figured she might as well second whatever suggestion got thrown out first, so they could expedite the process and undercut the period of bickering that usually accompanied group decisions where no single individual had yet to demonstrate strong leadership capabilities.
"I'll have what she's having." Sharadur interjected after the first woman dramatically emerged from her spot lurking in the shadows to declare her preference before anyone else could voice an opinion on behalf of the second option. From her experience, the more people who quickly came out unanimously in favor of one option, the more it pressured the indecisive ones to just follow the crowd into the realm of overwhelming majority. "Let's all go play exterminators like the big happy mercenary company we are."