We are FULL on new applicants.
Welcome to a world that you're trying to save that, for the most part, hates you. Well, not you. Mages. Yes, you are a mage of some type or another, or even just a magic user. Either way, you're joining a group that intends to take out threats and save people, villages, the world from threats that you may or may not be thanked for.
I am the omnipotent narrator. But don't worry, I won't appear very often. Maybe.
The OOC is small. No, really. It's starting small and going to grow if it needs to grow. My rules are "common sense and stop when I say stop". That's basically it. I assume the participants have at least some idea of how to handle themselves on the internet, and if not, they can bugger off. So, lets begin with the infohiders and such.

There are, as of yet, no real kingdoms of note. Each province has its capital, and all the capitals are named, though that isn't to say that the region shares its capital name (BS one into your backstory, eh?). Grey regions are independent city-states/kingdoms with a single province, and regions with unique colors are the world's kingdoms of note.

Basically, the northwest is a grassy plain region, the big bumps are some of the world's most notable mountain ranges (especially the mountains in the northeast, huge valleys and such), and the southeast has a big desert. It's a real game map, so screenshots can be made if requested. Might even make them anyways for the introduction.
Demons - The nastiest buggers you'll come across. Old creatures spawned of hellfire and possessing a vast suite of abilities, not least of which is their ability to corrupt virtually anything that they touch. They do not exist in bulk - typically, there is only one demon that will be involved somewhere at a time. Their lack of numbers is easily made up by corrupted pawns and murderous fanatics that follow them and feed them the foul energies that they sustain upon. Removing a demon is dangerous, and the work of a capable mage. Or multiple.
But, it is in large part because of demons that mages have the stigma against them that they do. A corrupted mage is downright terrifying, and it was corrupted mages that caused part of the current social problems in the first place. Magic is perceived as either evil or easily corrupted. The latter is not completely wrong. Every demon differs, but they should all be approached with great caution. Some are, of course, more powerful than others. You may get lucky and find a relatively weak demon, or a damaged one, or one that was banished to the mortal realm for failing to prove itself worthy to its brethren. Or you might find a very powerful demon that seeks to corrupt the entire world, and has tools that it can use to do so. Who knows...
Corrupted Individuals - Corruption is a messy business. Kill a demon, and its minions may still roam. They can be powerful, but they often lack the raw cunning and corrupting influence of a true demon, allowing them to be more safely disposed of. But, again, they should not be underestimated. They are often deranged, though there are some who blend right in. Either way, removing them can only make the world safer.
Rogue Mages - The bane of magic users everywhere. The rogue mage typically does not care about suppressing power, and attempts to use it to his or her upmost advantage. Sometimes they specialize in raw destruction, and sometimes they specialize in deception, working to undermine the politics of a particular state or city. Either way, a rogue mage is dangerous. They can sometimes be diplomatically handled, but other times they may be impossible to manage with diplomacy, making it necessary to get rid of them.
Supernatural Hostiles - Bloodthirsty vampires, feral werewolves, specimen gone wrong, any number of pest that terrorizes towns and kingdoms alone or in packs. While eliminating one of these is typically not going to save the world, it may make for an appreciative and more friendly populace.
Covens, Cults and Brigands - Terror inducing covens, deranged cults and particularly brutal bandits are the bane of civilization. Again, destroying or otherwise handling them does not necessarily save the world (though sometimes it might), but it may make for some appreciative NPCs in a world that otherwise doesn't like you.
Unwitting Destroyer - A child who blows up his home. A villager tempted by a cursed relic. A well-meaning individual who is prone to causing misfortune.There are some in the world with no malicious intent that cause damage without any desire to do so. Perhaps they can be saved, or perhaps it is too late to save them. Either way, they too must be handled.
But, it is in large part because of demons that mages have the stigma against them that they do. A corrupted mage is downright terrifying, and it was corrupted mages that caused part of the current social problems in the first place. Magic is perceived as either evil or easily corrupted. The latter is not completely wrong. Every demon differs, but they should all be approached with great caution. Some are, of course, more powerful than others. You may get lucky and find a relatively weak demon, or a damaged one, or one that was banished to the mortal realm for failing to prove itself worthy to its brethren. Or you might find a very powerful demon that seeks to corrupt the entire world, and has tools that it can use to do so. Who knows...
Corrupted Individuals - Corruption is a messy business. Kill a demon, and its minions may still roam. They can be powerful, but they often lack the raw cunning and corrupting influence of a true demon, allowing them to be more safely disposed of. But, again, they should not be underestimated. They are often deranged, though there are some who blend right in. Either way, removing them can only make the world safer.
Rogue Mages - The bane of magic users everywhere. The rogue mage typically does not care about suppressing power, and attempts to use it to his or her upmost advantage. Sometimes they specialize in raw destruction, and sometimes they specialize in deception, working to undermine the politics of a particular state or city. Either way, a rogue mage is dangerous. They can sometimes be diplomatically handled, but other times they may be impossible to manage with diplomacy, making it necessary to get rid of them.
Supernatural Hostiles - Bloodthirsty vampires, feral werewolves, specimen gone wrong, any number of pest that terrorizes towns and kingdoms alone or in packs. While eliminating one of these is typically not going to save the world, it may make for an appreciative and more friendly populace.
Covens, Cults and Brigands - Terror inducing covens, deranged cults and particularly brutal bandits are the bane of civilization. Again, destroying or otherwise handling them does not necessarily save the world (though sometimes it might), but it may make for some appreciative NPCs in a world that otherwise doesn't like you.
Unwitting Destroyer - A child who blows up his home. A villager tempted by a cursed relic. A well-meaning individual who is prone to causing misfortune.There are some in the world with no malicious intent that cause damage without any desire to do so. Perhaps they can be saved, or perhaps it is too late to save them. Either way, they too must be handled.
You're still writing in first and second person.
I know. Sue me. pls no
Player death?
Inactive characters will be written out, or eliminated, based on my mood.
How active do I need to be? What are the post requirements?
I seek a post from somebody IC once a day (won't kill me if it's two), with me being more likely to prod for a post the more players that there are. I'd like daily OOC activity. There is no strict schedule, and I would like this to be fairly casual. Basically, give this a peek every 1-2 days. I do not write huge word walls of IC posts, so I don't expect as much, nor should you expect huge walls from me. IC, I simply don't write that much. Write as long walls as you like, with the minimum being a paragraph/string of sentences that moves the story forwards. Basically, post something that advances the story as best as you can, and be legible about it.
Can I be <insert god-dragon, demon, angel, elves here>?
Stronger/more unusual it is, more likely I'll comment/nitpick. Angels/demons/dragons especially as they are practically top of the line characters and some of your potential targets. Human is easiest, something like vampire is probably fine, a being made of magic (such as a demon) probably not.
How powerful can my abilities be? How should I list them? Are there limits?
What I primarily want to know is what your character's niche is and what they can do. Are they water-based mages? If so, what can they do with water? Once you have that set up, stick to the rules that you define for yourself, and don't try to min-max your abilities in-character. Water bending does not mean you get to incinerate someone by draining all the water from them just because you influence it. I will not throw my magic book at people unless I deem a particular ability to be OP, and I may mention certain restrictions for what powers can do when sheets are presented. Conversely, I want character creation to be relatively free. I'm open to discussing character abilities.
Time manipulation and mind manipulation are hard "nopes" with a small degree of wiggle room. Little pockets of slowing down time may be allowed, but nothing that truly goes back in time. You can have an ability that influences/reads emotions and such, but you cannot pluck information from someone's head.
Will there be player vs player combat?
Not planned, but possible. If this happens, I do expect you to use a degree of honor and to know metagameing = bad.
How much of the world is previously built, and how much can I add?
I mentioned my canon above. For the most part, only small amounts of my canon will be used that actually affect players, and even then, mostly just to define the limits of OP when I'm looking at a sheet. I'll use larger chunks of my fantasy canon when creating enemies and such, but those factors are on my end. The world map is static, though you can say you are from x region and then come up with details about it as long as they fit the region's theme. You could also say you are from beyond the borders of the map, which allows you more pure leeway. Administrations for any 'major' factions will be controlled and determined by me, so if you want to associate with them, talk to me. I'll throw info into the OOC relative to what is discovered.
As for what you can do, beyond that, up to you. Make up towns, people, even nobles, cultural aspects, bits of story to use as the foundation of your backstory. It is not a static world - the limits are defined by the map I am using to create a clear structure so I know where the heck things are going on. Make what you like, and chances are, you will not have an issue.
Why post in casual?
I write at casual length. I have for quite some time, and I will not pull the "this is a high casual" blah blah, because as far as I'm concerned high casual can go straight into advanced a good portion of the time by the site's definitions. Casual in scope - this is not going to consist of seriously deep plots and themes on the player end; casual in length - my primary concern is players working to advance a story, not fill word quotas; casual in requirements - I'm open to just about everyone as long as they give this a good shot.
What if the site goes down?
A discord link magically appears below.
Can I have OP be a co-GM?
I'm a picky bastard when it comes to top positions, but send a poke if you are curious, and I will give you a look. More likely to want one the more likely it is that over 5 players will pop in.
What if there's a large group?
Good question, because this is designed for a smaller group. 4 people is optimal. Less means I might recruit a bit more. 5 is OK, 6 is mostly OK, 7.... iieeeeeh..., 8+ probably going to split the parties up, either by thread or simply IC interaction with the @mention system. More than 4 people and I think @mentions will be very important.
I know. Sue me. pls no
Player death?
Inactive characters will be written out, or eliminated, based on my mood.
How active do I need to be? What are the post requirements?
I seek a post from somebody IC once a day (won't kill me if it's two), with me being more likely to prod for a post the more players that there are. I'd like daily OOC activity. There is no strict schedule, and I would like this to be fairly casual. Basically, give this a peek every 1-2 days. I do not write huge word walls of IC posts, so I don't expect as much, nor should you expect huge walls from me. IC, I simply don't write that much. Write as long walls as you like, with the minimum being a paragraph/string of sentences that moves the story forwards. Basically, post something that advances the story as best as you can, and be legible about it.
Can I be <insert god-dragon, demon, angel, elves here>?
Stronger/more unusual it is, more likely I'll comment/nitpick. Angels/demons/dragons especially as they are practically top of the line characters and some of your potential targets. Human is easiest, something like vampire is probably fine, a being made of magic (such as a demon) probably not.
How powerful can my abilities be? How should I list them? Are there limits?
What I primarily want to know is what your character's niche is and what they can do. Are they water-based mages? If so, what can they do with water? Once you have that set up, stick to the rules that you define for yourself, and don't try to min-max your abilities in-character. Water bending does not mean you get to incinerate someone by draining all the water from them just because you influence it. I will not throw my magic book at people unless I deem a particular ability to be OP, and I may mention certain restrictions for what powers can do when sheets are presented. Conversely, I want character creation to be relatively free. I'm open to discussing character abilities.
Time manipulation and mind manipulation are hard "nopes" with a small degree of wiggle room. Little pockets of slowing down time may be allowed, but nothing that truly goes back in time. You can have an ability that influences/reads emotions and such, but you cannot pluck information from someone's head.
Will there be player vs player combat?
Not planned, but possible. If this happens, I do expect you to use a degree of honor and to know metagameing = bad.
How much of the world is previously built, and how much can I add?
I mentioned my canon above. For the most part, only small amounts of my canon will be used that actually affect players, and even then, mostly just to define the limits of OP when I'm looking at a sheet. I'll use larger chunks of my fantasy canon when creating enemies and such, but those factors are on my end. The world map is static, though you can say you are from x region and then come up with details about it as long as they fit the region's theme. You could also say you are from beyond the borders of the map, which allows you more pure leeway. Administrations for any 'major' factions will be controlled and determined by me, so if you want to associate with them, talk to me. I'll throw info into the OOC relative to what is discovered.
As for what you can do, beyond that, up to you. Make up towns, people, even nobles, cultural aspects, bits of story to use as the foundation of your backstory. It is not a static world - the limits are defined by the map I am using to create a clear structure so I know where the heck things are going on. Make what you like, and chances are, you will not have an issue.
Why post in casual?
I write at casual length. I have for quite some time, and I will not pull the "this is a high casual" blah blah, because as far as I'm concerned high casual can go straight into advanced a good portion of the time by the site's definitions. Casual in scope - this is not going to consist of seriously deep plots and themes on the player end; casual in length - my primary concern is players working to advance a story, not fill word quotas; casual in requirements - I'm open to just about everyone as long as they give this a good shot.
What if the site goes down?
A discord link magically appears below.
Can I have OP be a co-GM?
I'm a picky bastard when it comes to top positions, but send a poke if you are curious, and I will give you a look. More likely to want one the more likely it is that over 5 players will pop in.
What if there's a large group?
Good question, because this is designed for a smaller group. 4 people is optimal. Less means I might recruit a bit more. 5 is OK, 6 is mostly OK, 7.... iieeeeeh..., 8+ probably going to split the parties up, either by thread or simply IC interaction with the @mention system. More than 4 people and I think @mentions will be very important.
Bytania is a random campaign map made by some guy on Total War Center that I renamed underdeveloped world with small kingdoms and many independent provinces. Sure, there are expansionists, but for the most part, nations are small, though the distaste for magic users is universal at the moment. I could talk all about the nations now... or I could just reply when someone's curious/discovers them.
Not too long, not too bad in my estimation. I do seek enough writing to know that you actually put some thought into the answers. Minimalist apathetic sentences will probably not get far. Expand the CS/make it more fancy as you like, just know I believe in the glorious hider tags.
[img]Image, yea or nay?[/img]
[b]Name[/b]: Nicknames and such could also go here.
[b]Physical[/b]: A description or notes in addition to the image.
[b]Abilities[/b]: As much as you want to write about what your character can do. Which basically means, write more to explain what you can do depending on what it is you can do. If that wasn't a huge mouthful.
[b]Starting Gear[/b]: Different from physical description; what does your character wear/bring along, at least at first?
[b]Personality/Goals[/b]: A description of the baseline your character follows. What kind of individual is he? The sort to make people hate magic users, a guy legitimately trying to improve the world? A full fledged personality section? Up to you.
[b]Backstory[/b]: Smaller towns, general regions and cultural details are free reign for players. Ask if you have questions, want to integrate in more things, etc. Feel free to make connections and relations to players.
[b]Other Stuff[/b]: Rename this and put whatever you want here, or delete it, or use this as an excuse to make an entirely new sheet that provides the above information. Up to you.
I mentioned a discord, didn't I?
Ask questions. Post CS's in OOC. Obey guild rules, be good, give me your soul, etc etc...