Also frequently nicknamed as 'Saffy'
In the appearance of a young girl due to a mistake in practising magic, Saffron stands at a height of 4'10 with light brown hair that drops down to her shoulders. Her nose is slightly pointy and she has large brown eyes to match her hair, a small mouth joining these features on her face, as well as a pair of slightly small human ears hidden beneath the sweeps of her hair. Moving down, Saffron is quite thin and has the smallest of bust due to the age she is trapped at. Along with her human features, she does have a pair of features that only a cat would have; it's ears, as well as it's tail. A pair of cat ears just a tad lower in tone than her hair sit above her head, along with a tail behind her that sits at the same colour as her hair.
Saffron has an affiliation with nature and it's various magics. She has a few simple magic abilities; she can communicate with every known animal in their native tongue, as well as has being able to understand new animals' languages after some exploration. She is very knowledgeable in knowing that makes the animals tick, and so can influence them into doing things such as defending or attacking for her, or having a bird fly overhead to scout the path.
Another ability Saffron has is altering the growth of cells, both of fauna and flora. In doing this, she very rapidly assists in the healing process, though this does have some drawbacks. The patient of this will suffer a large amount of pain for the duration of the healing, which means unless the person has a minor wound they'll end up begging for it to stop. This flux of pain also occurs to Saffron if she is healing herself, and so she is unable to heal herself due to the inability to force healing upon herself like she can others. The healing is also able to remove corruption from a person before it has fully set in, and from there on can only slow the growth of it, the cost being pain and Saffron's own strength. Saffron also have the ability to transform into some animals as well, most smaller ones, whilst the only large animal she can turn into is a leopard.
She does have some offensive capability as well, though this is limited by location. Saffron is at her best in areas with flora, as she can manipulate plants and their roots to entangle and attack foes, as well as create defensive and concealment barriers. Whilst underground in these areas, she can still utilise the roots, making them dig underground to assist her. Unintended side effects could include cave-ins. The less flora, the less she has to attack with. She
can do this is deserty and sandy areas, however the roots that she uses would be poor and weak, and as such not as effective.
As for (questioningly) non-magical abilities, due to a mistake that she committed whilst exploring the bounds of her magical abilities, she generated herself a pair of cat ears, as well as a cat tail. Whilst the cat tail doesn't form anything extra apart from the ability to hold things (to some extent) using it, the cat ears provide her extra aural perception. Due to her smaller size, she can't rely much on strength, instead relying on single-handed weapons, primarily daggers but she is capable of using shortswords. She doesn't rely on these weapons unless she has to, however. In terms of knowledge, she has the knowledge of a standard adult, as well as an mental encyclopedia of berries, leaves, and all sorts of natural things.
Saffron has the clothing that she is wearing, as well as a pouch that contains berries that she can eat from and a flask of water. Her belt also contains a trio of snares for catching small prey. On her left side is a small dagger, though she doesn't use it much. In addition to her clothing in the image, she also has a brown hood inside one of her pouches, which she can put over her head to hide her cat ears.
Saffron has three main goals, two of which link in with eachother as well as one that is generally her overall goal. Her first two goals are simple, yet hard to pull off; she wishes to undo the stall in her age that she had accidentally cast on herself, and the second is to undo the feline appendages that she had cast on herself. With the second, she admits that there is a small chance that she might come to terms with her new and non-human appendages, however for now, she wants them gone. The third goal is not as simple as the former two, and is more a hope than a goal: She wants demons to be eradicated, made extinct. She despises demons, as they spread their corruption and destroy innocents.
As a whole, Saffron is giggly, as though her mind is mentally adult, her childish form still prods at her mind. She tends to quickly dislike those who attack or damage nature without reason; she doesn't mind people picking blades of grass or anything tiny, unless they are doing it purposefully to annoy her, but if it's consistent without reason, she'll feel unhappy. Aware of her child form, she doesn't fear in using that to her advantage, whether it be for free food at towns or sympathy for the upset child.
Her cat features do grant her some supplementary additions to her emotions. Fish is a sufficient lure of Saffron's attention, as is catnip, though once she has figured out that she had been lured, she won't be happy (unless, of course, she is allowed to consume the fish or mess around with the catnip); she generally doesn't like being baited by her 'cat-side' as she calls it, and doesn't like people taking advantage of it. On the other hand, Saffron wouldn't complain as to her ears being petted or rubbed behind them. It's a matter of how you take advantage of the cat-side; to take advantage of or to comfort Saffron.
Moving was a large part of Saffron's life early: She didn't live in one place, often only remaining in some towns for at maximum a month before she was on the move again. This was due to the fact that her parents were mages, and were nervous about staying in one spot for long. The travel between towns was how Saffron developed her own nature magic, developing her abilities whilst on the road. Casting random spells was a child's way of exploring her bounds of magic, and one such spell trapped her age, though she nor her parents knew this had happened until Saffron herself realised that it had been too long before she had grown.
Saffron started to live on her own from a point where she had lost her parents in a deadly encounter with mage hunters. The only reason that she got survived the encounter was a spell by her father that removed her from the visible spectrum, though she didn't escape completely due to one mage hunter following his dog's nose. Knowing that her parents were going to die was one thing, however knowing exactly when her father had died was another; she knew he had died the second that she lost her invisibility, something which brought the mage hunter and his dog straight to her until she impaled them both using the roots of a tree, extended out from under the ground. She didn't know whether or not the rest of the mage hunters had found their companion because as fast as she could, she was out of the area. Once Saffron escaped, she began mourning.
After that, Saffron lived a life that varied. She would mainly live out in the wilds, practising her magic and attempting to hone it out of sight of passing folk. It was during one of these tests that she messed up a transformation spell, pulled from it at an early point of shifting by a passing animal that surprised her greatly. She barely managed to control herself and break the spell, and though successful was left with a pair of cat ears and a cat tail that she tried to remove desperately; those appendages alone would show that she used magics of some kind. Saffron soon came to realise that they were there to stay until she could figure out a way to remove them properly, which would not be achieved by way of panic. So, she learned to live with them.
Though Saffron did spend most of her time out in the wilds, she would sometimes venture into towns for various reasons, ranging from hiding out during winters and bad weather to acting as a child to get things such as food and other items. Hiding her cat appendages was sometimes tough, but was doable, and Saffron had plenty of practise throughout her time.