Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"This is not a story of heroes. This is not a tale of brave men risking life and limb, embarking on a quest to save the world from a coming evil, no. There are no heroes in Avalon anymore. This is a story of the forgotten, of women and men cast aside and left without hope. Wronged, cast out, beaten or belittled, perhaps even scarred or maimed ... this is a story of those the eye does not see, those chosen by powerful forces to do one thing:

"Nobody is a villain in their own story. We're all the heroes of our own stories."
-- George R.R. Martin

Sometimes it's boring being a hero. This is a story about those least likely to save the world. These people have secretly been chosen by the lingering souls of powerful mages to carry on a quest as old as Avalon itself. The Shadow Legion - twelve sorcerers imbued with the magic of the dark gods and a strength unmatched in all of Avalon - sought to unite the world by force, razing and levelling the great cities of the kingdoms they sought to destroy. The wizards and witches and warlocks of Avalon banded together to stop the Legion's onslaught, but to do so cost them the Nexus - the hub of the Aether: source of their own power and the greatest gift to Avalon. Five centuries have past and now the souls of the Legion's sorcerers have chosen their successors. With the power of the Aether stripped from Avalon, there is nothing to stand in their way. This world owes you nothing, and now you carry the power to redefine the world order. You are the Shadow Legion.

The Roleplay

The Expectations:
  • This is an advanced level RP due to the duality of the character you will play. You are essentially playing two characters in one, a task which not everyone will be up to. You are expected to be prepared for this coming in.
  • This is a dark RP. Violence, blood, gore, death and destruction are all common themes. I am not here to encourage holding back. You are expected to be aware of this coming in.
  • The standard rules of roleplay etiquette apply here. Godmodding, powerplaying, or metagaming will not be tolerated. Offenders will answer to the GM and offenses may result in ejection from the RP.
  • A soft content minimum is in place. One/two line responses are disrespectful to the GM and to the other players who are writing vastly more. If such brevity is in fact appropriate, consider writing a collab post with the relevant individuals.
  • Activity and communication are expected. I am rather lenient on delays if you communicate with me. Individuals who vanish with no communication are at risk for ejection from the roleplay following as little as one week.
  • The GM reserves the right to make final decisions as needed. Decisions clearly indicated as final are not open for discussion, contestation, or argument.

The Characters:
The player characters are those chosen by the remnant souls of the Legionnaires of long ago. They carry with them a small trinket, likely of no real value, that secretly harbors one of these souls: their totem. The soul speaks to them - just in subconscious whispers at first but regaining a full persona over time - guiding them towards a new fate. Over time the player characters learn to interact with their mentor souls and harness their power: the power of the wraith. Should their host allow it, the spirits can temporarily inhabit the host's body, lending them all their knowledge and mystical power for a time. While debilitatingly exhausting to the untrained, practice can allow its near-indefinite use.

These souls are not always the most benevolent creatures. After all, these are the spirits of the so-called "greatest evil to walk this world." Characters may not always see eye to eye with their companion, or they may embrace their rage. No two chosen will walk the same path.

There are twelve Legionnaires, which means there are twelve chosen including the GM's character. There are thus eleven places for players. These places will be granted based on order of CS approval. The first character sheets approved get the first slots.

The Plot:
Far-flung and as-of-yet unaware of just what they are chosen to be, the player characters begin finding themselves subtly drawn to a location, compelled by a force they cannot yet understand. Their totems guide them to assemble the Legion Reincarnate. Thus begins the quest to fell the great kingdoms and raise the black flag over all Avalon. The more battles waged, the more practiced and capable the reincarnate Legion becomes, but the more aware their adversaries become of their existence. The party will have to choose between toppling their greatest threats quickly through stealth and deception, or properly mastering their newfound abilities to overpower even their strongest opponents.

In some degrees, the plot for this is on rails. There are various plot elements I have planned for already and there is an ultimate end. However the amount of time between the between the beginning and the end is indeterminate. The roleplay can run for as long as interest exists. I encourage players to develop plot arcs they wish to see played out and discuss these. I will happily weave these in, as my own planning is ultimately finite, hence I will source plot content from players fairly regularly.

The World:
The world of Avalon has been heavily built out at the macro level. Nearly a millennium of history has been developed for it. However, the world is an open playground for micro-level worldbuilding. I have developed the framework sufficiently for this to exist. Players are allowed and encouraged to develop the details of the world as the roleplay progresses. This is a living project to be developed in collaboration with all those who participate. A fairly large (but far from comprehensive) overview of relevant information is included below. Additional info will be appended as people ask questions about things not already covered.

The Character Sheet:
This template is not strict. You are encouraged to change colors and reformat as needed. The provided sheet is primarily a framework to present the relevant information I want and is not binding. For convenience a raw code version has also been provided.

The World of Avalon

The Aether:
In the First Age at the dawn of the great kingdoms, the Gods Above gave a great gift to the world: The Aetherwind. A magical force flowing throughout the world, focused through a single massive crystal pillar reaching towards the Heavens: The Nexus. The aether flows through the world and all living beings. Since the destruction of the Nexus, its power has diminished to a faint trickle. Before every man, woman, and child could sense and wield its energy with minimal power, but now only the greatest sorcerers of ages past can conjure meaningful power from it. The aether used to shimmer in the skies, manifesting in its physical form as an iridescent cyan shimmer, but no longer. Now it is only seen at the hands of those struggling to conjure what little they can.

Growing jealous of the admiration it won them, the dark Gods Below sought to unleash their own force upon the world which would draw the races of man to worship them. The Dark Aether as it was called (the scholars of the First Age were hardly inventive with naming things) was far less gentle than its benevolent counterpart. Its influence is corrupting and its energy is poisonous to those not prepared to resist it's effects. In contrast to its beautiful glowing opposite, the dark aether is black as night, seemingly choking the light out of anything it touches. Its study and practice is strictly forbidden by every authority on Avalon, and is prosecuted extremely harshly since the end of the First Age. Yet it is ever present and since the destruction of the Nexus, a force of unmatched power.

The capabilities of the aether is virtually limitless. Conjuring aetheric energy takes only focus and a little practice. Wielding it as an unstoppable force is a pursuit that takes a lifetime to master. It can take on an elemental aspect at the will of the summoner, though its pure form is often more powerful and precise, if requiring more practice to utilize fully. During the First Age when the Nexus existed, a single wizard could move mountains.

The Pantheons:
The Gods Above in Heaven lead the races of man along the path of righteousness and kindness. Through the Second Age the piety of the people has faded as both Gods and men turned their backs unto one another. The Third Age has arrived as prophesied, and some archpriests claim the Gods Above have spoken, warning them of a coming great darkness. In their arrogance, lords and kings have ignored these warnings, believing the prophecy to be the last taunt of the defeated.

The Gods Below in Hell appeal to the basest desires of men, channelling power through lust and rage. Most who succumb to the temptation of powerlust are torn apart by the power of the dark aether they summon. Those who are not are found, sniffed out by the sorcerers of royal courts and practitioners of a bygone era who can sense the channeling of aether, light and dark alike. No one has since regained the godlike power of the twelve legionnaires ... until now.

The Shadow Legion:
As the races of man flocked to the Gods Above in droves in praise of the gift bestowed upon Avalon, the Gods Below grew jealous of their kin. Thus came the dark aether into Avalon: a blazing wind of malevolent energy that few could harness without being destroyed, but capable of infinite power. There were twelve who felt its strength and sought to harness it. The twelve were the first true followers of the dark ways. These twelve became the Shadow Legion: the most devastating force ever to exist in the world of Avalon.

Summoning the power of the Gods Below they served, they conjured army of horrors they unleashed in their wake, ravaging the lands and razing whole cities. No army in Avalon could contest them on open ground, yet the great strongholds still repelled their siege, marching dark energies with the light. To finally crush those who opposed their conquest they sought to destroy the aetherwinds, rending their enemys’ power from them and paving the way to victory. The Nexus needed to be corrupted, forced to channel the burning powers of dark aether and opening the doorway to the Gods Below to walk this realm.

Following their defeat, the Legionnaires were imprisoned and set to be executed. Before the sentence could be carried out, the twelve forged a hex upon the world, a prophecy of their return sealed with the remnants of their powers: “Bodies may bleed and wither and die. The souls of Shadow shall live on into eternity. Avalon may know victory and peace for five hundred years ... before the return. The souls of Shadow will return from exile to reclaim this world. Their hosts will know power like no other. We will rise ... to tear your world down.”

The Races of Man:
The races of Avalon all share a common genealogy, tracing lineage back through millennia. They all stem from the common man, but being the tribal creatures men are, their growing divergence often led to growing separation, and thus greater divergence with time. Nonetheless, that common ancestry could once unite the entire world when it was most needed. Only time will tell if it can be done again.

Contemporary Human: As Flawed as Ever
Little needs to be said about the hubris of man. They think themselves the rightful conquerors of all they lay eyes on, tolerate not those who appear different no matter the similarities, and thrive on conflict with their fellow man.

Wrelmsmen: Nature is Not the Enemy (elven/drow archetype)
Those living under the shade of the Wrelm Forests, the region from which their name comes, have grown adept at building civilization around the nature they inhabit, rather than leveling and paving it with iron and stone. They were the first to harness the fullest power of the aetherwinds when it flowed freely across Avalon, transforming the forest itself into a mystical place. Their lifestyle in the shade of the trees honed their vision, their agility, and their adeptness for aethercraft.

Most who survived the Legion’s onslaught fled the forests, living in the free cities or rarely within the Imperium. With every generation passing since the First Age, their lineage grows closer to the contemporary man. Some say that Dark Wrelmsmen exist within the forests now (they do). Most do not believe it is possible under the corrupting influences of the Gods Below. It is a matter of academic and theological debate whether or not it is. (It is, though they are rare.)

Northmen: Hardened in Fire (dwarven archetype)
They have grown shorter in centuries of living mostly below ground. Smithing work and heavy labor bred a race of men short and stocky who thrived in the heat of the forges. Though mildly lacking in stature, they are not to be underestimated. Their hardiness and skills are coveted. Despite their isolation, their communities are centers of academics, as the people of the mountains pride themselves on their engineering prowess.

Orcs: That Cannot be of This World
They came from beyond the known world, not sharing the Avalonian human lineage. They are brutal warlike creatures who put the bloodlust of the races of man to the utmost shame. They are savage beasts considered to be subhuman, yet that does nothing to dampen their sheer force. Their hulking stature and massive strength makes them unfathomably dangerous to engage with a blade, and their hides are not pierced by all but the strongest bows. They appear capable of speech, though it is commonly believed they are incapable of being reasoned with. This is not at all true, though their desire to attack and destroy makes carrying on a productive conversation effectively out of the question. (Not playable directly. I might be persuaded to allow a half-breed, but not easily.)

The Great Kingdoms:
The Vahkranite Imperium of Man: Peace Through Power
Some believe that his majesty Artuur Vahkran and his family are not true Vahkran family heirs, that they superseded the true bloodline sometime in the Second Age of Avalon seeking power. Such dissent is crushed under his iron fist. His critics call him a tyrant, but there is no denying that he has forged the largest, wealthiest, most militarily powerful empire ever seen on Avalon. The conversion from the relatively complacent Kingdom of Vahkran took Avalon by surprise early in the Second Age, propelled by lingering fear of the prophecy left by the Shadow Legion and the scars the world still bore from their rampage.

The seat of the empire, the fortress of a city that is Dawnguard, sits at the base of the Draekhor mountain range, home to the famous forges of Braldurheim. Many of the weapons, armor, and crafted goods that come out of Braldurheim pass through Dawnguard’s gates, affording his majesty the pick of the lot. The sheer strength of the Imperium and the ambition of its aristocracy instills fear of conquest across the free cities of the plainslands. Though they coexist peacefully with the other great kingdoms, no one is truly complacent with the Imperium.

Braldurheim: Eternal as the Mountains
The proud people of Braldurheim first carved into the mountains in search of precious gems. What they found instead was metals for an eternity, and boiling rock deep below. Their magma-fired forges run day in and day out, feeding the finest metalworks in all of Avalon. Almost every blade or plate of armor in Avalon today came out of Braldurheim.

When the Legion first laid siege to the Draekhor Mountains, the people did not fight them on open ground where their armies could run free. They retreated to the mines which became a veritable fortress. Today the villages seen built along sheer cliffs and in mountain passes are but a fraction of the underground enclave that is Braldurheim. The legion has passed, but the envy of his majesty Artuur Vahkran still exists. The people of Braldurheim make their peace supplying his insatiable demands for weapons and armor, but keep their impenetrable fortress of stone ready.

The Alliance of Free Cities: To Rise Above
Many of the kingdoms of man were shattered in the wake of the Legion’s march across Avalon. As the world picked up the pieces leftover, many of the displaced peoples settled in villages throughout the plainslands. Among them were those who believed the kingdoms themselves were at fault, allowing discontent to fester and giving rise to the Legionnaires. Villages grew to respected city-states under the idealistic thought they could be a better example to all of Avalon. Yet even in their idealism they are not perfect. The realities of governance and management make such lofty goals unattainable.

The free cities are bastions of multiculturalism not seen in the great kingdoms who often rally under the banner of a racial identity. Though they seek the path of peaceful existence, the rising power of the Imperium and the invading war tribes both threaten their safety. Each free city maintains its own garrison, and many of them have rallied together under a single alliance to come to each other’s aid.

They came in the Second Age from beyond the known world. They seek nothing but war, raiding and pillaging for no apparent purpose than to destroy things. They will fight anything and everything, including other war tribes. The orcish hordes attack without any formal warning, though the distant thundering of drums often signals their approach.

The Bastion of Wrelm: But a Myth
Almost nobody seriously believes it ever could exist. Fewer still suspect it does. The survivors of the Kingdom of Wrelm Forest, living in a rebuilt fortress-city hidden beneath the trees and guarded by powerful dark sorcerers ... a ridiculous idea. If it did exist, it would be more powerful than even the Imperium with the blazing energies of dark aether at its beckon call. It would be the one place that his majesty Artuur Vahkran could never touch, and the one place that may be spared the wrath of the reincarnate Shadow Legion.

The Ages of Avalon:
The First Age, the age of the aetherwind, lasted for two centuries before it came crashing down in a cataclysmic destruction. No one foresaw the coming destruction until the armies of the Shadow Legion - an unending horde of monsters and apparitions summoned from the dark Gods Below themselves - marched on Dawnguard itself to topple the great Kingdom of Vahkran. Only as half the empire burned in their wake was an answer found. The crowns gathered, rallying every wizard, witch, and warlock to do battle at the Nexus, a site the Legion sought to conquer and corrupt for themselves. Even at the very source of their power, this Righteous Army of Avalon could not hold them at bay. As a last resort, their combined efforts channeled aetheric power back through the Nexus, and the resultant surge of energy purged the Legionnaires of their abilities to channel the dark aether, at the cost of shattering the great crystal in the process.

The day was won, but only at a terrible price. Two whole kingdoms lay ruined, their people scattered. The city of Silverwick, capitol of Illya, was a scorched crater. The sister kingdom of Arc'zhaan was also shattered. Neither would recover from the diaspora, being relegated to a distant memory and a footnote in history. The Great Kingdom of Wrelm also suffered greatly at the hands of the Legion's army, though the people of Wrelm Forest fared better than their plainsfolk brethren.

The Second Age: In the wake of the defeat of the Shadow Legion, the world of Avalon did come to know peace as prophesized, but it was not to last. After two centuries of rebuilding the world without the power of the aether, a new threat presented itself. Brutal subhuman beasts from somewhere beyond Avalon arrived on the shores. The orc war tribes razed for sport, crushing any settlement they could and leaving nothing but burned, bludgeoned, dismembered corpses among the flaming wreckage. Some said this was the return of the Legion, a final curse they placed upon the world. Fearing for their lives, many of the remaining treefolk fled the Wrelm Forests to the free cities. They simply could not rebuild their serene bastions in time without their mystical power. Those who stayed were believed to be killed by orcs, but one after another different war tribes went into the forests of Wrelm, but never came out. Legend has it that the inhabitants were practitioners of the dark aether. Most believe such a thing is impossible, as the influence of the Gods Below would corrupt and destroy them.

Most of the kingdoms of man never successfully rebuilt after being scattered by the Legion’s march across Avalon. During this time, their descendants founded and grew great cities in the plainslands, uniting under the Alliance of Free Cities. They too, were forced to raise walls and garrisons to defend against the brutish hordes that ravaged villages without warning. All the while, fueled by paranoia, the Imperium of Man grew. Some say that the allegedly-illegitimate ruling family is certain of the Legion’s prophecy. Most in Avalon have since dismissed it as folly.

The Third Age: Five hundred years have passed since the legion’s defeat. Their souls have wandered all of Avalon floating from trinket to trinket, passing from person to person, all the while waiting and searching for their heirs. The people have dismissed it, yet the prophecy comes true all the same. The Legion has returned to once again rewrite the world order.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

@Sierra Oh. My. Damn.

I am SO here for this, but at the moment I can't really dedicate myself to any more RP's. Just know that I think this plot is beyond amazing and I will be stalking the thread. If something changes and I just so happen can join, I will let you know.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@HaleyTheRandom :) This is why I backed out on 1st magic. It's been a long time coming and I'll be glad to have you if you can manage it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

@HaleyTheRandom :) This is why I backed out on 1st magic. It's been a long time coming and I'll be glad to have you if you can manage it.

I can see why.

Honestly, it's more of a time management thing. At the moment, I am trying to finish high school and get my life together. xD I just don't want to join and then hold everyone up, especially considering that there are limited spots available. I think that would be extremely unfair to the group.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Valorous
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll be throwing my helmet into this.
But I'll need it back for this adventure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll be throwing my helmet into this.
But I'll need it back for this adventure.

That you absolutely will.

A note for everyone is that I will be quantifying interest for making the OOC based on the number of character sheets people have shown me. It's the only way to judge how many people will really come over from the int check thread. I am looking for at least three before a main thread is made. The upside to this is that once the main thread goes up, there will be no downtime before people can start writing.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Unfortunately guys its looking grim for the home team, and not in the ways that I wanted it to. Hard minimum of three ready CSs (I'd really like 4+) to make the main thread is seeming awfully out of reach at this rate.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The idea is interesting. But I won't be able to start on a CS until Wednesday
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Drunken Conquistador That still puts this in a slightly better position than it was thirty minutes ago. Welcome aboard.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rebirth
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Rebirth Roleplay idea generator

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I’ll put my interest in for this. See if I can make a CS sometime soon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

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Tentative interest, maybe I'll be able to get the creative juices flowing. I've still got another RP that needs tending to, but I should think this is manageable if inspiration for a character strikes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just to make sure, we come up with the Legionnaire same way we do with our character, right? There isn't anything established about them either besides the bare bones
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Legionairre mechanic sounds like it could make advanced RPing much easier! I've tried to make the jump from casual several times but always failed. Lots of canons seem to think that if you can't pre-plan your character's arc before you've even made a single rp post, you can't be trusted to write character development at all.

I'm interested in this!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You'll have a CS from me by Saturday at the latest.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Rebirth @Afro Samurai Welcome both of you. :)

@BurningCold You're always welcome whenever you find the time. I will take join-in-progress even if you don't make it for day 1.

@Drunken Conquistador Yep! I mention somewhere in all that lore that there is often some parallels between the Legionnaire and who they choose. It's also part of the concept's big gimmick. It's only fair to the players that they get to design that themselves.

@Silver Carrot Well that's fantastic to hear. I'm glad I could be helpful in that way. I certainly did hope going in that the structure of this would be able to encourage certain tendencies of advanced writing I value without any form of obtuse of overbearing restrictions. Most casual RP section frequents really can write up at advanced level with just a little nudge. Welcome aboard.

I've heard from some people that I could be getting CSs as early as today, and I'm also hearing out to Saturday. I will make sure that the additional materials I need are prepared for whenever I have enough sheets to make bare minimum. I also want to give a heartfelt thank you to all of you guys who've showed up. I've never known an interest check to go over 48 hours virtually unseen and then start bringing in players. Most checks I've observed either make minimum capacity in that first 48, or they die. Thus I was pretty crushed when I got so little during that time but this steady trickle of people afterwards has pushed the RP comfortably above bare minimum. This all took weeks to put together and I cannot wait to see sheets start coming in.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@SierraHaven't gotten around to really reading it in depth, but after a skim I'm very interested. Neat concept.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Isotope It took me weeks to write it. I don't expect it to be a quick read ... but I did try and put all of the relevant information up front and the more obtuse lore dump afterwards. Glad to have you.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Macro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

made a character! Impressed by the construct!

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YungTweak
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Is there any more room? I would love to join in on this
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@YungTweak Well the cap is eleven and we're nowhere close to that presently. I have one CS in, so only one slot is genuinely taken at this stage. Welcome aboard!

@Macro Oh my goodness I think I'm in love. I see she has a shred of an aetheric capability herself, a rare gem she is indeed. Giselle is absolutely fantastic and I give you my full endorsements on that. I may be a little bit biased because as I started reading she bears some similarities to my own character Adrianna, and then it diverged and only got better as I read. I'm not sure if her and Adi will be best friends or try to kill each other. I think both are possibilities.

I do have to voice an objection on Grogara however, for a specific timeline reason. Going back through I realize this is mentioned in the Kingdoms and Ages section but not the Races section which I think I'll need to fix for future clarification. Orcs only came about in Avalon two centuries after the original Legion's rampage, so there's no way a Legionnaire could be a half-breed. Other than that, I have no further criticisms.

I also want to take this time to talk more generally about character power level now that I have an example. Giselle having an aetheric capability (generally weak and uncommon) makes her on the strong side (and perhaps part of why she was chosen in the first place) but it serves a relevant purpose to her character, which is the most important thing so I dig it. Now Foresight I actually think I want to see dialed up. The Legionnaire abilities can get a bit more outrageous, since these were "the greatest evil to ever walk Avalon" yada yada. I would totally approve it still if it were perfect perception of the immediate future and all the dodging and evasion capabilities that come with that.

Do not feel a need to stick to the number of weapons/skills/abilities I put in the sheet by default. Nowhere did I say that a finite number are allowed. I will let you know if you've gone overkill, don't worry. Also do not feel a need to stick to the default CS color. That's yours to change as you see fit.
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