I changed Riko's profile up a bit. I hope this is acceptable.
Name: Riko Fuwa
Alias: Anguish
Age: Sixteen

Quirk: Pain Transferral (Emitter)
It allows Riko to transfer the sensation of pain from her own injuries to someone within visible range. Only the sensation of pain will be transferred and not the actual wound. The Quirks effects will stay in effect as long as Riko injuries remains unhealed, or if she cancels the transferral, making the pain return to her own body. Pain Transferral is effective in battle but it does have drawbacks. The more pain transferred the more energy will be used, making her extremely tired.
History: When Riko was twelve she loved Heroes and the one that she admired the most was All Might, that soon changed however. She was walking home from school one day and her house somehow caught on fire leaving her family trapped inside. Riko couldn’t do anything but frantically wait for someone to help, she waited and waited but no Hero showed up, not even All Might, the one that she admired so much. None of her family members survived, so she was left fending for herself. She had now lost all hope in Heroes and despised them immensely, so she decided to become a Villain. It’s been four years since then and Riko will stop at nothing until she finally takes All Might and all the Pro Heroes down. Thanks to the help of one of her acquaintances, she managed to enroll in U.A. High School without any trouble. Now she can finally put her plans into action.
Faction: Villain
Gear: Standard Issue U.A uniform,
her costume, and a hunting knife.
Other: Riko is decently skilled at Martial Arts and she uses that to her advantage when she fights. Even though she’s a Villain she has never killed anyone before. The only crimes that she has committed are theft and arson.
Motto: “ You? Defeat me? I’d like to see you try!”