I feel super bad about stealing this deviant's work
scarringblight.deviantart.com maybe give em some love?
Appearance: (See above) she’s 6’9” and weighs about 70 pounds in earth weight without her mechanical arms.
‘Ace’ Name: Samantha
Native Name: Humans describe it as a teeth chattering sound
Gender: Female (similar to human anatomy (little more in Samantha’s case))
Age: 17
Planet of birth: Pyrr’oh (A cool planet in the Sombrero galaxy)
Race: Pyrr’ohnian (pronounced Peer-OH-knee-an)
Personality: Upbeat and naive. Can form a negative opinion but only after being burned more than once (think Kimmy Schmidt)
Opinion about 'Ace' and the other races: Excited to meet everyone, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Family history: Samantha is sorta special to the Ace program, she is proof that the peacekeeping between planets has been working, her mother is human, and her father Pyrr’ohnian. Their love is still frowned upon but when Samantha was born there was nothing left to say, their love worked. Samantha’s father dubbed Armie, as a cruel joke, still holds his race’s racism especially for anyone or thing remotely reptilian. (There was a fight between Armie and earthling bearded dragon in a pet store once…)
Pyrr’oh 101
Race Anatomy: The ‘Ace’ initiative made it very easy to accept Pyrr’ohnians. they wanted nothing but peace, kept pretty well to themselves and as far as anatomy outwardly look mostly the same. Well, except the arms… Humanity was surprised to find a race with four mechanical arms each. The problem is no one told humanity that’s not a natural phenomenon, the first human to see a newborn Pyrr’ohnian were amazed to find the race is born with 4 very small flesh arms (think human t-rex arms, skinny weak and ineffective.) They then spend the rest of their lives in a bio-mechanical back brace that gives the Pyrr’ohnians arms more proportionate to their above human average height. (Average male being close to 8ft and women being closer to 7ft.)
Race History: Centuries ago when Pyrr’oh first made contact with an alien race, the Rakhana (Rock-Ha-na) an intergalactic war began, one that the Pyrr’ohninans were ill prepared for. A planet coming close to breaking 1 billion citizens was reduced to a mere 79 thousand. The surviving Pyrr’ohnians became paranoid of another encounter that would wipe them out. So they began investing in sciences, both for war and otherwise. The average Pyrr’ohnian is paranoid and generally racist. Not out of true hatred but more a general passed down fear that alien races are inherently dangerous.
Magic: Pyrr’ohnians are a race of scientists, as proven in the real world the two have issues mixing.