Appearance: (See above) 6'1" Broad shoulders, strong muscular presence, Orange parts of cheeks and neck double as gills, skin has a scale "lizardlike" texture. Often seen leather letterman style jacket and loose fitting jeans.
‘Ace’ Name: Ethan Magsdock
Native Name: Aano'i'ethun Magsdock
Gender: Male
Age: While the Rakhana don't count age in the conventional means, he has been alive for 18 'ACE' years.
Planet of birth: The Rakhana were formerly a nomad race, most scientists and historians figure that they come from a semi aquatic planet that used to reside in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) galaxy.
Race: Rakhana (Pronounced Rock-Ha-na)
Personality: You know every football jock stereotype you've seen in movies? That's Ethan, it's not so much his fault as it is his raising. He has truly believed his whole youth that his race would one day hold the metaphorical crown of the universe. Compared to most races it makes sense why he believes he's superior. His race is full of warriors, they've trained to be physically superior. While no dummy Ethan is not one for maths, sciences or words really. This is a soft spot for him from time to time as he often questions how the most superior race ever aren't also the most intelligent race.
Ethan's biggest character flaw is obviously his arrogance, any competition of strength, speed or might is one that Ethan can't go without competing in. Ethan is prone to mental trickery as he tends to get by on the basest of mental ability
Opinion about 'Ace' and the other races: While not specifically rude to other races, Ethan has been bred to believe he is superior to other races, so while he doesn't hate anyone, he knows that everyone has a place below him.
Family history: The ACE program has had many issues recruiting the Rakhana, the Magsdock clan only recently agreed to be a part of the program after being expressly forced by the fleet's elder. Described as an information gathering mission.
Ethan's father has been a member of the fleet's guard ever since he became an "full-fledged adult". This has given the whole family a paramilitary level regiment.
Ethan's mother is one of the strongest fighters on the fleet. This isn't only hobby based, she goes out during the day and participates in government sanctioned bloodsport. It is a means of earning needs amongst the Rakhana.
None of the members of the Magsdocks are excited about the ACE initiative.
Rakhana 101
Race Anatomy: The evolution of the modern day Rakhana has changed significantly since they embarked from their home planet. Many Rakhana have lost their gills, while they are not shunned or seen as lesser by government, there is a classism felt amongst the citizens of the fleet. Many clans amongst the fleet have worked to stop the process by fighting and breeding with specific people to remain on amphibian class ships. The only difference between Gills and Gill-less population is the orange skin on the gill-less breed are 100% aesthetic.
Compared to the average human being the Rakhana have about 3x the muscle strength of humans (e.g. Average person can lift 50lbs, average Rakhana 150.) This doesn't only apply to strength it also applies to speed. Outside of the physical superiority the outward physical similarities to humans are very noticeable. The biggest difference between humans and the Rakhana is the reproductive system, as the Rakhana don't birth young live.
Race History: A planet in the LMC galaxy used to house the Rakhana. Back over a millennia ago, the planet saw a catastrophic implosion, the race used many of it's military ships to send off the survivors as the first iteration of 'the fleet'. A little over a century later, the race began running low on resources, so they landed on the closest planet. Unfortunately they came across a race of animalistic brutes that attacked on sight. The Rakhana exterminated a near continent's worth of inhabitants to build up resources. Even using the planet's hydrogen based gasses to build amphibious ships. The race became more savage in their resource gathering ventures as the fleet moved on from planet to planet.
The Rakhana officially became an openly hostile race when the Pyrr'ohnian people made contact with them as they passed by. The Rakhana decimated the peaceful weak planet but not without a few wounds. Since the battle with the Pyrr'ohnians the Rakhana have scaled down to only attacking other ships and fleets leaving planet attacking for when they can re-build their war reserves.
The aggressive nature of the Rakhana has earned them the racial slurs of ROX, Rakh's and rock-heads.
Magic: Ethan doesn't have any powers, he has heard rumors that there are some Rakhana have 'special characteristics' but hasn't been able to pin it to anything (the elder looks surprisingly young.) That being said, Ethan has two very aggressive parents who have spent the past 16+ years training their ilk. Ethan's fitness is closer to that of a earthling football player, able to lift 600lbs with little strain, and run a mile in just over 2 minutes. His parents being who they are Ethan is also proficient with both hand to hand and ranged weaponry.