Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Ezekiel Brady was obviously not a frequenter of clubs.
Perhaps that's what made this sort of exciting but it was also what made this sort of nerve-wracking. There were a lot of people pouring in. They had gotten there relatively early, and it had been fine with the twelve patrons that had arrived around the same time but now it was starting to fill in more and more. He was steadily starting to feel boxed in, canned, like a sardine.

This feeling and the incident with his friend had been amongst the main reasons that he had stopped attending parties. Admittedly, it was easier to manage his anxiety with Colin around, it was as if his brother was a shield between him and the rest of the people in the club. If anyone approached him, he'd redirect them straight over to Colin. He was the more social of the two and Zeke figured that he wouldn't mind any conversation that came his way.

"Alright, officer," he said, smiling. "We've made it inside, we're still in tact, I'm proud of us."

He kept trying to smooth his blazer out, a nervous tick that made it seem as if he were obsessed with every little wrinkle. He considered asking Colin if he'd get him a drink but not only would that be illegal, it was also just a cheap cop out for communicating with anyone tonight. If he was absolutely smashed then he'd be a lot more social, but he'd also get annoyingly flirty. He didn't need to get fresh with some rando in a club.

It was best to remain sober through this experience, someone had to. That was another thing that he knew he shared with his brother, a fondness for alcohol. He didn't know if substance abuse ran through their family but it had certainly presented itself through the two Brady boys. He was at a lesser degree than Colin, he mostly just drank because it calmed him down, sometimes it helped him sleep.

His insomnia had been bad lately with the stress of his job and the approaching party. If Colin hadn't asked him to join him then he would have likely spent the rest of the night with his insect collection and his journal. A lot of the entries in his journal were insomnia fueled entries, entries that rambled vaguely about how tired he was. He was glad that nobody had ever read that thing because it was a mess.

He had an internal promise to himself to destroy all of those journals some day, just so he didn't have to look back at them. Sometimes it just seemed unhealthy to keep an entire monologue of his life between the years of thirteen to nineteen. He had been a pretty mopey kid, his entries reflected on that a lot. Not to mention that the moment he started looking at men romantically could be tracked over hundreds of entries, which was much less sad and much more embarrassing.

When he got home, he'd have to finish the entry that he'd started before he'd decided to pin his moth down. At least being here would give him something new to write about, hopefully something a little more exciting than a four page long entry about how he'd worked all day and watched Elliot fraternize with a blonde chick. Boring, boring, boring. It was about time he did something interesting.

"I'm not used to the whole club scene but I'm going to attempt not to embarrass myself and then you by association."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

LOCATIONThe Edge Nightclub
TIME11:45 PM

From the parking lot to the Edge of the Square, the Brady Brothers were met with a somewhat lengthy line, though due to Colin's connections formed through his secondary employer, he was afforded some influence with the bouncer. It helped to have a few extra c-notes on your person. Despite how Colin might've felt about Mr. Castillo, for moments such as these, the extra cast had its perks. Of course, Colin made sure that Zeke knew nothing. As far as he knew, the bouncer, the very tall, very bulky, bouncer had taken a liking to Colin's infectious charm.

Once inside the club, it became painfully obvious that it was in full swing. The dancefloors had all sorts of people dancing. Some of them appeared to actually know how to dance and the rest were just letting the music and drinks and drugs guide them into less-than-adequate dance moves. When the brothers traversed closer to the bar, Colin saw it was like a madhouse.

While Colin felt like he was at home in this chaos, he couldn't help but notice how Zeke was way out of his element. As much as he loved his brother, he did know that this wasn't particularly his scene. Still, Colin's mission tonight was to get Zeke to loosen up. After the day that Zeke had told Colin that he had and what Colin himself heard some small tidbits throughout the day, he was motivated to make his little brother forget about his work life and how stressful it might be at home with Shawn down his throat whenever he could.

They took two seats at the bar that was somewhat off from the crowd that was currently trying to hit on the female bartender; she was a blonde that Colin knew as that Eva Zima chick. "You get used to it. But don't focus on the people so much. All you need to do is relax and have fun." Colin reminded Zeke, patting his little brother on the neck, "now, let's get us some drinks." Colin waved to the blonde bartender, "Two Rum and Cokes," Colin said.

"Right away."

Colin looked at his brother. It wasn't apparent if the blonde was going to ask for ID, to which Colin charmed her with his smile. He was either that good or she was so preoccupied that she forgot to ask. When they came, Colin winked at his brother. "Don't worry about being underage." He raised his glass, "now to us."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Interacting with: The bae Elliot @spooner

The rest of Aliana’s shift had gone by without so much as another hiccup. After that morning’s incident, she was very thankful that the world seemed to understand that she’d completed her quota of shitty events for the day, and that things had just gotten better. The promise of some much needed time alone with Elliot was enough to give her the boost of positive energy she needed to go through the motions with a smile, and it provided for a nice distraction in the moments she could daydream. El getting his own apartment was a step in the right direction. It meant that Ali would have a safe space when things got too much, and that they could make it their little love nest a few times a week. With this thought in mind, the redhead’s smile widened. No matter who or what tried to get in their way, there was no stopping the strong relationship they’d built.

As soon as the clock marked seven, Aliana was clocking out and rushing out the door without a glance back. She quickly got into her Lancer and drove straight to El’s apartment, where she was excited to see that she’d been welcomed with a fancily-set table and an even fancier dinner being prepared by the spectacular cook that was Chef Elliot Horton. A few glasses of wine and a three course meal later, their clothes were flying off, and the morning’s misunderstandings were forgiven and forgotten in the heat of the moment between the sheets.

The two lovebirds had been snuggling bed, laughing at nothing and everything, when Elliot’s phone chimed. He read the text aloud, which was about Lorenzo asking his his siblings to meet him at The Edge. Aliana watched with a smile as the wheels turned in Elliot’s brain, and the thought process that went to her boyfriend’s final decision of joining the rest of the older Hortons at the club. When El extended the invitation to her, Ali hesitated. She’d wanted to spend the rest of the night right where they were: chilling and snuggling in bed. Of course, El managed to convince her in the end, with the promise that she could spend the night with him. With one last round of cuddles and a kiss, Aliana left to get ready.

The process of getting ready for a night out was not a long one when it came to Aliana Brady. A quick shower, spritzes of perfume, pulling on the first decent-looking dress she’d found in her closet, pairing it with some heeled combat boots, tying her hair back into a braid with a few loose strands for ‘decoration’, a super basic makeup look and DONE. The young woman was never one to care much about appearances, so it took her less than an hour to get herself looking how she wanted following the steps mentioned. Once satisfied with her look, she was once again out the door and driving to the club.

Upon entering the parking lot, she noticed Elliot’s car parked a little bit further away from the majority of the others. The trail of smoke coming from the front of it gave Ali the reason as to why he’d chosen to park there, which only made her shake her head and smile. She quickly took the empty space beside his Ford Fiesta, and after giving herself one last once-over in the mirror, she exited the car, locking the doors behind her.

“Hey there, handsome.” Ali said seductively, slowly walking directly into Elliot’s field of vision. She took a moment to provocatively model her choice of outfit to him before closing the distance between them. “What’s a stud like you doing here all by himself?” she asked him, taking the cigarette from his hand and taking a long drag from it, never once taking her green eyes off him.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Lorenzo jumped off Grant's bed as the soft knock was heard, pumping his fists in front of him excitedly. Someone was getting excited already, it seemed. Jess would be likely culprit, considering Olivia was underage, and he was proven right when their sister opened the door. The eldest Horton sibling was glad she was still down to party despite her injury. He was practically bouncing in place as she announced that she was ready to go. "We have our first Party-Hardy-Horton-Volunteer!" He pretended to have a microphone in his hand as he spoke.

There was no getting used to Lorenzo's level of energy, there was only an eternal exasperation to be held. Grant watched Lorenzo bounce around for a moment, and when he noticed he wasn't stopping, he rolled his eyes. "Let's get going, then, I suppose..." He shrugged, taking his jacket.

"Yes! It's happening! It's actually happening!" Lorenzo cheered, shaking Jess' shoulder. "You're the eternal witness to the glorious event that is William Grant Horton leaving his room to go somewhere that isn't a library or his job!"

Grant tried to ignore that, but his glare said otherwise. "You drive, then..." He grumbled as he put his jacket on, holding the door open for Jessica to get through.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 3 mos ago


""Don't worry about being underage," said Officer Brady, right before he lost his job." the resounding grin on Zeke's face was all in good humor though, he took the glass and raised it to clink it against Colin's.
"To us!"

After their glasses touched, he wasted no time in tipping the glass back to his lips. If Colin had wanted him to loosen up then he'd sure chosen the most efficient way. Copious amounts of alcohol had been the only reason that he'd survived any social situations as a teenager. Some people were sad drunks, some people were angry drunks, Zeke was a happy drunk. It was the one thing that always made him open up, it was a lot easier to be himself when he wasn't second guessing everything that he said.

He was grateful that Colin seemed to realize that he was floundering in this chaotic club scene. Though he wasn't sure who was going to drive them both home tonight, he was glad to just enjoy the feeling of alcohol warming his throat. It was a sensation that he was all too familiar with and one that had an immediate calming affect over him. He knew that his parents, specifically Shawn, would kill Colin if they knew that he'd supplied Zeke with alcohol for the night but he definitely wasn't going to be the one to tattle.

"You're taking full responsibility for any stupid things I do or say," he made an eye to eye motion at his older brother. "I'm a pain in the ass when I'm plastered."

It wasn't a lie.
It didn't take him very long to drain the contents of his glass, he wasn't a novice to pounding down alcohol and that was glaringly clear. The pleasant humming in his head was a good start, but he wasn't going to be entirely happy until he was good and hammered. He was quick to flag the waitress down again, feeling bad that he hadn't brought his own money. It wasn't polite to burn Colin's wallet dry. He'd have to pay him back when he took him home, he really didn't like to be a mooch. Even if he was mooching off his own brother.

"What have you been up to lately? I gotta imagine that it's more exciting than making coffee day in and day out."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

LOCATIONThe Edge Nightclub
TIME11:45 PM

The Edge seemed to gain some rather impatient momentum in the past five minutes or so. Among the pushy club-goers were some that Colin recognized. There were a couple that he remembered just got out of Salem Penitentiary and were out on parole. Their faces were those that you would remember after first arresting them. They were non-violent offenders, so Colin had no real reason to worry about them causing any trouble, though it didn't set his mind to rest entirely.

Colin leaned back against the bar countertop, his upper-back planted firmly against the smooth wood. He gave the club a quick scan, seeing the faces of the younger Salem crowd letting loose after an obviously-difficult day (or so Colin assumed). Who knew what sort of day they had. For all he knew, they could just be the sort of people that frequented the club scene so much that they let loose any chance they could get. Colin himself, as well as Zeke, weren't such people. In fact, this was Colin's first time in weeks that he was actually able to relax. His secondary job - the one that he, if at all possible - would like to avoid thinking about.

And to no fault of his own, Zeke asked about that very job; even if Zeke didn't know it, that very question was centered around his alternative means of employment. Around the same time, Colin's phone vibrated against his right pant leg. Just to ease his mind, he took it out. The name of the contact that had sent him that text was enough for Colin to grimace with disgust. And enough for him to swiftly put his phone back into his pocket without even checking what it said. In his mind, at that very moment, he had very little interest in what it said.

Instead, Colin would swiftly answer Zeke's question. "It sucked, which is why I'm ordering us another drink." Colin waved at the bartender. A different one than the Zima girl brought them another round of rum and coke. Colin shrugged and slid Zeke his second drink. "Let's see if you can handle your liquor, little brother!" Colin gave Zeke a teasing smirk, downing his second glass in an effortless swig. Once done, he set it down, no doubt noticing that Zeke was a slow drinker,

Colin scanned the dancefloor once more, his eyes going from one corner to the other. He was growing weary looking at the same people. Some randoms who were trying to make themselves look important as they tried to impress whoever it was that had been nearby was, if nothing else, tiring for an already-irritated Colin Brady. Seeing their idiotic faces made him want to puke. It certainly wasn't the second glass of rum he just drank. He knew how to handle his liquor, though he found himself viewing his brother's visage briefly. He smiled at him before speaking.

"So, got anyone special in your life, bro? And I don't mean family. I am referring to romantic interests."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

INTERACTING WITHMarlie@Dirty Pretty Lies
TIMELate Night

Everyone's Golden Boy

When he arrived at the gas station it, Blu quickly got out of his car and stepped inside. It seemed like everyone wanted to get gas at this one station so the line was long enough that he would have to wait. The teen at the register was lazily wringing up customer after customer with a bord look in his eye. The men and women in line droned on slowly climbing to the front until it was their turn, the entire setting was mundane and kind of bummed Blu out. With a sigh he looked at the gummy bears next to him and picked them up, holding his spot in line and attempting to seem more interesting the those that surrounded him. He was only thinking about how his night would continue with this boringness, Blu would go home, make some food (try not to wake anyone up) and then go to sleep after reading a book. His life had been on this constant repeat of boring and dullness for a while now lacking color in many forms.

The door had chimed two or three times since he had got in line but he paid no mind to it, and once he reached the top he told the boy his pump number and handed him his card. The transaction was quick and fluid, but when Blu turned around he got the shock of his life. Standing there in all her radiant beauty, was the slayer of his heart, the one who tore down his temple, she threw him in a whirlwind of emotions and then left Blu for dead, it was Marlie. Blu stopped and stared for a while, no smiles, no bright eyes filled with hope (he stopped that a while ago), no twitch or fighting, just shock, and a blank stare. He assumed that they both agreed to avoid one another; it hurt too much for him and like a predator she was already onto her next prey. As these thoughts crossed his mind he quickly sobered up and walked past her like he didn't stare for three minutes, but once he got to the door he saw that their cars were parked next to each other and something ached inside his chest. Blu turned around and walked up to Marlie, their entire summer seemed to flash in his head like a slide show. All the laughs, the joy, the connection they shared. Blu was certain she felt the same way, he felt that you couldn't fake those smiles, that glimmer in the eyes, that familiar warmth... but apparently, Marlie could.

She had not acknowledged him but he gave her a timid smile and put his hands in his pockets. "H-hey Mar, long time no see." Blu said with a stutter in the beginning but finding his ground towards the end. If this was going to work he could not show weakness in front of her, Marlie was dangerous, a burning flaming waiting for her next source of fuel, but for some reason, Blu liked playing with fire even if he knew he was going to get burned.

"How have you been, beautiful?" He said with his normal confidence and smile.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

LOCATIONThe Edge Nightclub Parking Lot
INTERACTING WITHKat @Fabricant451, Eli @spooner, Ali @Dirty Pretty Lies
TIME11:30 - Midnight PM

No matter how many under-the-desk shifts that Eva had at the Edge, none of the ones previous to her the one he was working currently prepared for the hectic chaos that had been happening in just the first hour of her shift. On top of going back and forth to serving sweaty customer after sweaty customer, she was also dragged onto the dancefloor by some of those customers. They were quite handsy and insistent that ‘the cute blonde girl’ dance with them. As much as every fiber in her being was telling her to say no, Eva was the sort of young woman who, by no fault of her own, simply couldn’t. When it came down to it, she was a people pleaser.

Thankfully, some other attractive woman, one who caught the eye of her over-friendly customer, drew the attention away from her just in time for Eva to head back to the bar.

“Two shots for my friend and I.”

Never had Eva been so happy to serve customers from the safety of the bar. “Coming right up!” Cheerfully, Eva gave the elder male and what seemed like his brother with a smile, getting two shots of top-shelf tequila lined up in a row.

And then more rounds went flying from bottle to glass to mouth, Eva’s sole thought was how expensive this would be on the man’s credit card when the night was over. She honestly felt bad. Part of her wanted to inform him of the price, but at the same time, five percent of the total profits went into her pockets, so she found herself conflicted. What to do, what to do?

She turned around, looking to her co-worker, Ashton. “Should I tell that guy he’s drinking over 5k’s worth of tequila?”

“Your call, but that’s 250 bucks you won’t be seeing if you do.”

He had a point. And as she thought about it some more, like really thought about it, in the end, she did need that money. So, she opted to let him drink away his money, though Eva felt really horrible about it. What if that money was something that guy really needed?

Ashton noticed a now-mopey Eva, which in turn made him feel guilty. “Go take your break. You could use the fresh air.”

“But we’re swamped.”

“Listen, don't fight me on this. Just do it before I change my mind, got it?”

Ashton was her supervisor and it wasn’t like him to let his employees take breaks only an hour into their shift. But, to her knowledge, he had a soft spot for her. So much so that he let her slide on certain things. It just so happened that when she was feeling down, he couldn’t help but let her off easy.

“I promise I won’t lollygag.”

“Just go, will ya?”

Eva hugged Ashton tightly, then she would take off out of the back entrance of the club that led straight to the parking lot. As soon as she was outside, a cold breeze of summer’s night wind hit her like a tornado. The difference from all of the body heat inside The Edge and Mother Nature’s natural fragrance was such a stark difference that she actually was shivering for all of two seconds. When she adjusted to it, Eva was able to take in the scents around her. Though not initially appealing, she inhaled past the smoke and vomit and took in scents of floral and the aromas in the surrounding area. It was divine, really. This was just what the doctor ordered - well, for the time being, at least. She couldn’t linger for that much longer, but Eva was at least able to relax for a few minutes.

At the height of her gleeful state, Eva took out her phone, texting her dear sister. “Kat, I wish you could be here. Salem’s night wind is so cooling and refreshing and it’s just what you would like.”

She hit send and pocketed her phone. Eva scanned the parking lot just to see how many cars there were and how many people still were around. As to be expected, there was a large quantity of both. The Edge was easy to get in if you worked there or was a VIP like certain people. The rest, like with any place of business that hosted an entertainment appeal, had to wait. After she briefly returned to the sights in front of her, Eva was alerted by what she thought was a familiar sound. This caused her to return to the parking lot. It was in the moment her eyes met a pair of two people that she spotted someone familiar. Not familiar to her in the long term, but it was someone she had met just earlier in the day.

And then, as if possessed by adrenaline itself, she ran over to the pair with nothing but good intention and a smile fitting of Dental Weekly. Eli! Eli! Do you remember me? It’s Eva Zima from earlier. The girl whose coffee you spilled,” she said, nearly out of breath. She was hunched over slightly, “Just..one moment. Running is not my forte, as you can see,” she panted into laughter.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Interacting with: Blu Carver @TayTay

The waiting seemed to drag on and on for Marlie. The young woman’s impatience and annoyance grew stronger at every second spent standing in this stupid line and in this stupidly uncomfortable situation as evidenced by the consistent tapping of her heel on the concrete floor. Why she have to live in such a small town, where you couldn’t go two steps without running into somebody you knew? And why were people so sensitive, anyway? Didn’t any of them understand the concept of messing around and having fun? Was it too big for their small-minded brains? Why did she even agree to be Blu’s first, anyway, knowing fully well that all it would bring was a shitstorm to both of them? Hell, who knew if she and Anna would still be friends if she’d politely declined his advances that night? But noooo, she’d had to listen to the alcohol and hormones in her body and blindly follow along with what Blu wanted. And yet people had the audacity to call her the perpetrator, when she was, in fact, the victim of this all? These were the existential questions Marlie asked herself as the seconds in line slowly ticked onward.

One customer gone, then another, then it was finally Blu’s turn to be tended to. Once more, Marlie closed her eyes and silently wished nothing more than to vanish into thin air and disappear without a trace. But, of course, her wishes went ungranted. No sooner than Blu had finished his transaction than her fears were made a reality when she opened her eyes to find his piercing dark eyes looking straight at her.

She knew he was just as surprised to see her as she’d been to see him by the way his whole face seemed to just paralyze in shock. Marlena pretended not to notice this, though. Instead of acknowledging him in any way, she took the few steps to the register to complete her transaction and took off as fast as she could without looking desperate.

The Mexican teen reached her car in seconds, and quickly busied herself with grabbing the pump and starting the process of filling out her Ferrari’s gas tank. She discreetly tried to calm her nervousness, and was kind of succeeding… Until, out of the corners of her eyes, Marlie watched in horror as Blu Carver made his way towards her. He looked... determined? That was the only word that would come to her in this very moment. The chocolate-skinned man seemed determined to confront her, or at the very least talk to her. It was not a conversation she wanted to be a part of.

"H-hey Mar, long time no see." he began, hands in his pockets while giving Marlie a timid smile that broke her heart into a million pieces all over again. "How have you been, beautiful?"

“Absolutely scrumptious,” Marlie replied dryly, showing no signs of weakness herself. She was thankful holding the gas pump hid the fact that her hands were shaking, and prayed that her uninterested attitude was enough to keep him away. She wanted to be nice to him; God she did. She wanted nothing more than to run to him and wrap her arms around him in a big hug and have everything go back to the way it was before. But she knew that things would never be the same, and she was scared he would misunderstand her if she was nice. Of course, the last thing the young woman wanted was to be nasty or cruel to the poor man, but she knew that engaging in any sort of conversation would probably send them down a rendezvous path neither of them wanted to go.

As if her prayers had finally been answered, the numbers in the gas pump's dispenser's screen finally stood still, letting the young woman know that the amount of gas she had paid for had been successfully injected into the tank. This was her queue to leave, and she quickly embraced it.

"Now, if you'll excuse me..." she said, putting the gas pump back in its designed slot and opening the door of her car. "I'll see you around, Blu. You're looking really good tonight."

And with those words still hanging in the air, Marlie boarded her car, closed the door behind her and sped off, leaving behind nothing more than the lingering sound of a roaring engine.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by spooner
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spooner *cough*

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: ►Edge Nightclub – Parking lot◄
Interacting With: ►Ali @Dirty Pretty Lies Evangeline @Altered Tundra

Elliot flicked open his pack of cigarettes and grabbed another one with his mouth, he lit it with his first one before throwing it down and stepping on it. As he stood there leaned against his car looking up at the clear night sky he felt his phone buzz yet again in his pocket. “What now?” he groaned, Elliot's eyes shifted around the parking lot looking for the glare of a camera lens. But to his great relief it was a message from his colleague Archer from the restaurant. He wanted to know if he could swap shifts with Elliot tomorrow, which would mean he would have the day off. Elliot's face lit up as even more relief washed over him, he finally felt like he could enjoy this evening out.

His fingers tapped frantically on his phones screen as he wrote back an enthusiastic reply to his work friend. As he sent it he also checked the time, the others where running late. He contemplated to just go inside and wait, but just then a familiar car pulled up beside his. He turned back to lean on his car again as he heard his girlfriend exit her car, her heels clicking on the pavement as she walked around to his side.

“Hey there, handsome. What’s a stud like you doing here all by himself?”

A sheepish smile spread across Elliot's face as Ali took the cigarette from his hands and took the last drag from it. ”I'm waiting for a babe to escort me in to this fine establishment.” He gestured behind him. When Ali had put the cigarette out he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him.

”But first...” he planted a kiss on her lips ”...I need some more alone time!” he held her closer to him his hand on her hips. He looked down in to her green eyes, the very eyes he fell in love with so many years ago when they played together as children. Even the thought of her leaving him made anxiety bubble in the pit of his stomach. His deep thoughts got cut of by a voice calling out behind them. Eliott turned around in surprise since it wasen't the voice of his sister or any of his brothers. What met him made his gripp around Ali's waist tighten.

”Oh! Yeah of course I remember you Eva.” Witht todays events how could he forget her. Eliott's free hand subconciously went up to the back of his head and in to his hair, it was a nervous tick he have had since he was little. ”So... you work here at The Edge?” He asked looking at her uniform, didn't Ali say that the Zima familly were made out of money? Why did their daughter need to work at a nightclub? Elliot shook these musings out of his head when he saw the expresion on Ali's face.

”This is my girlfriend Aliana... We're uh... having a night out with my siblings.” He tried to fill the akward silence with a small nervous laugh, begging for his sister to come and defuse this situation.

Location: ► Castillo Villa - The Edge Nightclub◄
Interacting With: ►Hector [NPC] Colin@Altered Tundra Zeke@Prosaic

With a sigh Adrían fell back on his bed his documents spread out all around him, spending the day figuring out how to fix what his father messed up had given him a pounding headache. For what felt like the 100th time today his phone buzzed next to him, without even looking he held the phone up to his ear.

“Yes Hector, what do you want?” He grunted in to the receiver. He could hear a dry laugh coming from the other end “What's the matter hijo, you tired? I have secured a meeting with one of our suppliers and I need you to come handle it since your father is out of commission as you know” Hector ordered not giving Adrían a chance to say no.

“I don't have a choice I presume, I'll be ready in about one hour” Adrían conceded and hung up, he sat back up and gathered up his papers together in his file again and put it in his cabinet and locked it. Seeing as he was still in his swimming trunks from earlier that day he needed to smarten up before he could leave. He headed for the bathroom to take a shower, while in there he took of his shirt and trunks and folded them in an almost manic precise manner and put them away in his hamper. He turned the shower on and waited for the water to get to his preferred temperature which to most would be scalding but to Adrían it was perfect. Stepping in to the scorching water helped him to melt away some of the stress and problems that were clouding his mind, and as he was washing his body he almost felt like he would enjoy a night out of the villa.

He wrapped a towel around himself as he got out of the shower steam billowing around him. While he was drying his hair with an other towel he wiped the condensation from the mirror with his hand. He stared at himself in the mirror, flexing his muscles a little to see if he still looked what to him was perfect. When he felt satisfied with his grooming he returned to his room to pick out a suit. After some deliberation he opted for a navy blue Armani suit with a plain white shirt underneath with a deep green tie to match, he finished of with a spritz of his signature cologne that his mother developed for him called “Dark by Castillo”.

As if by some cosmic force just as Adrían finished putting on his Louboutin oxfords Hector messaged that he was outside. Adrían pocketed his phone in his jacket pocket, and headed downstairs. At the base of the stairs Hector was standing with Emilio and whispering in rapid Spanish, they stopped when they spotted the eldest Catillo.

“This is important so do not mess this up Adrían! Ok?” Emilio said and put a hand on Adrían's shoulder, as out of instinct Adrían pulled his shoulder away from under his fathers hand. “When have I ever messed anything up?” he said with a glare as he passed Emilio on his way out, in the corner of his eye he could see Hector chuckling shaking his head “See you later El Jefe” Hector said as he closed the door behind them.

“You are lucky you are his son, talking to him like that.” He said as he climbed in to the driver seat of the Bentley they where taking to The Edge. “What is he going to do, fire me?” Adrían scoffed from the back seat as they drove of. A quick drive later they arrived at the club. Stepping out of the car Adrian looked around, the parking lot was relatively empty except for some kids who were arguing or selling cocaine. Adrían ignored them and buttoned his suit jacket before he entered the club that was already packed with people. Hector was busy on his phone heading over to the VIP table where the meeting was presumably taking place.

Adrían scanned the club and saw something or rather someone that would be useful tonight sitting at the bar. He walked up to the bar and took a seat next to Colin Brady.

“Having a good night Brady? Out with what I assume is Little Brady?” He asked as he waved the bartender over to him. “Three Laphroaig 2001. Neat, please” he ordered when the bartender got to him. When the drinks where put in front of him he handed them out to the Brady brothers with a nod to each of them.

He leaned in towards Colin “It's good that you are here actually, we are having a private meeting here tonight... and we would need it to be very private. So can I ask you to keep it that way?” Adrían whispered so that the younger Brady wouldn't hear what he was asking. “We will be sitting over there” He nodded over to the table at the back of the club where Hector was sitting still on his phone.

He turned back to the bartender “Everything they order is on my tab, alright?” Adrían asked as he handed over his black card. “Can I count on you Brady?” he said as he stood up and patted Colin on the shoulder.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

LOCATIONSalem University Hospital
INTERACTING WITHLorenzo, Grant and Elliot Horton @Hero @spooner

Jess glanced at her phone as Eli’s text came in, her expression changing to one of confusion as she read through. “What the hell are you on about Eli…” she spoke quietly to herself as she punched in a few replies to her younger brother, before tossing the thin metallic device back in her purse. Now it was time to have some fun.

“No fighting you two, I’ve had a long enough day as it is and I want to actually have a little fun tonight.” Jess lectured to her brothers as the three of them entered Lorenzo’s car. She looked between her brothers from the back seat and she had to admit, the two of them certainly cleaned up nice when they wanted to. With a sly, fox-like grin that could only really be portrayed right by Jess herself, she placed her hands on her brothers’ shoulders as Lorenzo backed the car out of the laneway “I have to admit boys, despite your usual attire you both look quite handsome tonight. Maybe one of you will get lucky tonight? Y’know, since Olivia drove off the last little blondie you brought home Enzo.”

It was only a matter of minutes before the trio of the eldest Horton siblings pulled up to the parking lot of the Edge. Jess carefully exited the car, opting to leave her crutches in the trunk rather than look even more out of place. At least she’d look almost normal now. She looked between her brothers and her signature grin spread across her face once again. The young woman limped along with her fellow offspring as the three of them came to the entrance and stood in line. Jess clenched her jaw as she did her best to hide the aching pain in her ankle, something she’d have to deal with for the rest of the night. Hopefully once she got enough alcohol into her, it’d be better.

After a good, long ten minutes of uncomfortable standing, the trio was finally in. Jess limped through the doors and into the cool, dark atmosphere that was the Edge. As her eyes adjusted to the new setting, she took in the new and unfamiliar environment around her. Having been rather anti-social in her younger years, going out to a club of any sort was a new experience for her, let alone a club that was as nice as this one. Before she got herself into too much trouble, she pulled out her phone and texted Eli once again.

I’ll be at the bar if you want to talk. Just come quick before I get too wasted.

The young woman squeezed her way through the growing crowd and made her way to the bar, eyeing up it’s occupants before taking her own seat alone near the end. She flagged over the bartender and slid across a crisp twenty “I’ll take two whiskey sours.”

The bartender nodded and walked off for a moment to prepare her beverages before returning a moment later with the two glasses. He placed them on the counter and slid them over to Jess, who promptly gave him a gentle smile. “I envy the gentlemen who managed to find a woman with such good taste in drinks.” A devilish grin broke out across Jess’ face as she heard the young bartender speak, before returning her gaze to him. “You couldn’t be further from the truth. These are both for me sweetie~” she spoke just loud enough for him to hear before knocking back one of the drinks in one swift movement. “Much better.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 4 days ago

Mention of: Eva @Altered Tundra

When dreading tomorrow it always seemed like the present day went faster than usual; normally Kat wouldn't have minded a short day if it meant she got her work done all the quicker, but today was a notable exception. The looming threat of an upcoming birthday hung overhead like the sword of Damocles and no amount of focusing solely on work could help Kat forget that. After about age twenty one, birthdays stopped mattering and served only to remind that another year went by and suddenly people you hadn't talked to in that entire year suddenly start caring about you for the duration of a birthday song and cake at the office. Sure, she would enjoy the get together put on by her family - no amount of her saying it was okay not to do anything could ever persuade them - but when people she worked with started wishing her a happy birthday out of the blue she never found it to be anything other than asskissing.

Which was doubly as insulting given that she wasn't even in much of a position to give them favors in return. Yet.

After her diner breakfast the only other noteworthy occurance was when Kat checked the books for the month of June. There was a discrepancy in them that couldn't have come from within; no one was stupid enough to try and embezzle from the Zima family businesses. While Kat did have eyes on taking over and dealing more directly with the family affairs, until then she could do little other than dream and work with local government and businesses to keep the public relations strong and ongoing. Of course, this also provided her ample opportunity to make sure that the businesses that Zima supported were getting their proper benefits as well. It was an unspoken rule of business that kickbacks happened and when it came to the books it fell to Kat to make sure everything went smoothly. Nothing became quite as annoying as when an up and coming business thought it could skim a little off the top.

Kat didn't handle the actual collection aspect, she just recorded and made sure the totals were consistent and regular. When they weren't, that was when she passed the information along to sorts that didn't have the most sterling reputation with the community. In that way, Kat could shake hands with the same small business owner who twenty four hours prior had a rather unfortunate business meeting and feel no ounce of remorse. That was how business worked.

With all the talk of Independence Day, Kat's day at the office was a constant reminder of her birthday even if it was inadvertently so; she was glad, then, that she didn't have to spend the day on the phone making calls to town hall reps checking on rsvps like she was a mother planning a birthday for her six year old. Going over June's profit margins, both the recorded ones and the ones in a little red book, was a much needed distraction that unfortunately wasn't long enough to last the full work day. At lunch time her secretary knocked on the door after already letting herself in and extended an early birthday greeting for Kat, interrupting Kat's recording. While it certainly wasn't a fireable offense, in that moment Kat had a curious revelation that secretaries with a cute face like that couldn't be all that hard to find.

After lunch, which was a wholly unsatisfying tuna melt, Kat bit the bullet, confirmed attendees for Fourth of July celebrations and then took the rest of the day off, making sure on the way out that she was explicit in telling her secretary to screen all calls for the rest of the day. On any other day she would have let her secretary go early too, but the early birthday comment stuck with Kat and she was not above her moments of pettiness.

How many hours passed, Kat didn't know. After returning home and enjoying a cigarette, around the time the sun was setting she cooked herself a fillet of tilapia and a glass of wine. Two glasses. She was worth it. Time seemed to be speeding towards the Fourth in exact accordance with Kat's whole indifference to the day. How many smiles would she have to give. What were her siblings planning and why was she bracing for something other than a small get together over sushi or something. What time was it, when had she dozed off on the couch and why was her phone buzzing so late? In the brief period of uncertainty between waking and sleeping, Kat assumed it was her non-personal, non-business phone that was buzzing but that was impossible. She never booked two nights in a row.

The text message from Eva required two reads for Kat to fully process it, and then a minute more before she was even able to thumb up a response.

"I'm not the night owl I used to be, Eva. But thank you for thinking of me." She wrestled with the idea of changing the send off but decided to just send it as is. Eva was family, and family was entitled to a bit of cordial response. But Eva's message did at least give Kat an idea.

Grabbing the pack of cigarettes from the coffee table, Kat made her way to the balcony of her apartment, tossing on a nightgown, and enjoyed the evening breeze as the smoke from her cigarette wafted upwards. It was refreshing, to say the least.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 3 mos ago


"Unfortunately, no," he seemed a bit amused about it despite himself. "Your little brother still has no game."

Though Colin could pound down his liquor with the best of them, Zeke seemed to be keeping up in adequate time. He wasn't used to harsher liquor, he wasn't afraid to admit that he didn't like the burn in his throat. He had been glad that Colin had chosen to get him something though, it had saved him the trouble of awkwardly asking. He didn't like being drunk in public but he didn't really care right now, there weren't many ways that he could do anything stupid.

When he had asked Colin about his job, he had been more than aware of the shift in his amiable expression. It had been immediately obvious that he wasn't all that excited about discussing his job. While Zeke was rendered curious about this, he didn't press because he had learned over the years that pressing could often end badly. He just let it roll with Colin's assurance that his day had just been shitty.

"My last relationship was the last romantic contact that I had and that was a year ago and with a girl." he sighs hopelessly, "I think that's a good summary of me and relationsh-"

He cut himself short at the approach of an intimidating looking man, he was built very tall and very broad. He had brown hair and it was a bit too dark to tell but Zeke thought that his eyes might be hazel. He was handsome but there was something about his eyes that was just a bit... hawkish. It was his height that made him scarier, Zeke was fairly short and he disliked being towered over. He also had a presence about him that immediately put Zeke on edge but he was ordering him another drink so he let it slide.

He nodded a greeting at the guy, lifting the new glass up and starting to down it as quickly as he could. He had never been a big scotch drinker but it was better than nothing, even if it was making him do everything in his power not to cringe at the taste. Colin's choice of rum and coke had been easy to stomach, this one was a bit more than what he was used to. He debated over whether it was worth chugging it down or not, as he continued chugging it down.

It was only around then that he was realizing that he was becoming a bit tipsy. He could see that the shady looking fellow was whispering to Colin. It was hard to make out anything that was being said, but he was curious nonetheless. It was a whispering session that only lasted for a brief moment, it was all very suspicious but he was too buzzed to care at the moment. He watched as the man stood up and made an offhanded comment to Colin about "counting on him".

Zeke wondered if he knew the dude from work or something, he was quick to ask. "Y'know 'em from work?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

LOCATIONThe Edge Nightclub
INTERACTING WITH Zeke @Prosaic, Adrian @spooner
TIME11:45 PM

Everything in the club was as perfect as it should be. Colin was having a fun time with his little brother, Zeke. People were flowing into the club. Colin even saw some of the Hortons ride on in. It was hard to miss the cast on Jessica Horton’s leg. And the drinks kept coming, though Colin immediately took notice of how Zeke was starting to show the effects of downing so many drinks in such a short amount of time. Nothing against his brother, of course, but Colin was older and had a lot more time and, most importantly, experience, in dealing with the toxins of alcohol. His body was more tolerant than Zeke’s was and, well, Colin drank more than the average person should. Perhaps that was an additional reason why Colin was falling over on the bar countertop.

Though he was having a good time, Colin did feel bad for his little brother about having no romance in his life. He knew it was hard being in the closet and might even be scary given how cruel people can be. Colin got closer to his brother, bringing him in for a hug. “Listen to me, little bro! You have all the time in the world to explore what kind of man you want to be for another man,” he whispered to his brother, “don’t be like me and go through the best thing that could’ve happened to you because you chose artificial substances over someone who loves--loved--you,” Colin said to his brother, a sorrowful tone in his voice.

Shaking off that bitter memory, Colin clapped his hands. He was going to move on to a better topic--a happier topic--than whatever he was just remembering. And just as he was about to do that, Colin’s smile, though it remained, went from natural to artificial as the sudden patting on his shoulder and the voice that the hand belonged to wasn’t one Colin was wanting to see, especially on a night of celebration such as tonight.

Colin turned his head and saw the face of one Adrian Castillo, the eldest son of the bane of Colin's existence. The same Adrian Castillo that recently came back to Salem after getting his law degree. Whether that was a secret or not, Colin knew that fact about the eldest Castillo child. He also knew that, if a Castillo was personally approaching Colin on a day like this. A day that Colin had told Emilio himself that, after doing what he ordered him to do, that he was off-limits until morning, but that obviously didnt register with Adrian. Granted, this one was less of an eyesore than his old man was. That didn’t mean Colin was going to treat him differently.

As much as Colin wanted to tell him off, he made it his mission not to oust himself in front of any member of his family, especially if it was the one family member who didn’t think of him as a screw up. “Zeke, meet Adrian Castillo, the pride,and joy of the Castillo Corporation. And, as it would turn out, a personal friend of my captain.” Colin greeted Adrian with a firm, almost threatening, handshake. He took the drink that Adrian ordered him and Zeke. “How’s it feel to be back home, Adrian, huh? I bet your father is just thrilled to have you back home.” Colin said, completely ignoring what Adrian had asked of him.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Color-changing, pulsating lights and the loud beats of pop-meets-EDC music welcomed Marlena Castillo into the main dance floor of Hush Nightclub. In an impulsive move, Marlie had decided to move her business from The Edge to the bigger and better nightclub located in a nearby city; a decision motivated by her desire to have no more run-ins with any Salem folk. As soon as she’d stepped foot in the crowded room, she knew she’d made the right choice. A rush of excitement went through her body as the dance party vibes instantly made her forget about the earlier fiasco with Blu Carver. In Hush, there was no time for moping around or lingering upon stale, bitter memories. Tonight, it was all about having some much-needed fun.

Smirking and with her head held high, Marlie sauntered across the dance floor in the direction of the VIP section. The skirt of her lavender mini dress flowed along dangerously at her every step, earning her some male attention on the way. When she’d reached the bouncer guarding the entrance to the VIP, a smile and a handshake was enough to secure Marlie’s entrance. Once inside the exclusive section of the club, the young woman walked straight to one of the empty stools by the bar and took a seat. With a wave of her hand, she flagged down the bartender, who recognized her as one of his regulars and quickly came back with her signature drink: an apple martini. The flirtatious Latina shot him a wink as thanks, to which the bartender responded with a nod and a smile before tending to other customers.

Taking a dainty sip of her glass, Marlie smiled in delight as the sweet, bright green liquor burned down her throat on its way to her bloodstream. Her brown eyes scanned the room, hoping to find somebody worthy of her time. Nothing so far… But the night was ripe and young. And if there was something she was sure about, it was that she wouldn’t be leaving this club empty-handed tonight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ejected
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

LOCATION — The Edge Nightclub
INTERACTING WITH — Each Other @SpicyMeatball
MENTIONS — Elliot Horton @spooner
TIME — 11:50 PM

Cool air blew out of the vents at full power, circulating around the inside of the car and temporarily shielding the two girls from the sweltering Summer weather. Anna, having just finished putting the final touches on her hair and makeup a few minutes prior, refused to have it all ruined by the heat before she even got the chance to show off her handiwork at the club. Anna had only taken about twenty minutes to apply a face full of makeup, throw on a leather, form fitting dress, and curl a few loose strands of hair, but she had to admit that she’d done a pretty bang up job in the short amount of time that she’d allowed herself. She sneaked a few glances at her eyeliner in the rear view mirror as she pressed the sole of her lace-up heel onto the gas pedal, carelessly speeding down the road towards the nightclub.

“Okay, so I think I’ve figured out a way of getting you in,” Anna said as she absently tapped her fingers on the steering wheel. Her manicure was still in acceptable condition, the long, bright yellow nails sharp enough to poke out an eye with ease. “I mean, I know one of the bouncers. If he’s working tonight then it shouldn’t be a problem as long as I tell him that you’re with me. If not, I’ll have to figure out something else…”

Olivia pulled at a few stray hairs in her short ponytail, looking at her reflection in the visor mirror as Anna sped down the road. Her hair, now dyed with fiery red highlights, was cut short enough that it no longer touched her shoulders when it was down. The hair that didn’t reach the end of the ponytail bordered her face in thin locks on either side of her face. She had spent a little more time than Anna on her makeup, given that Olivia had started before her companion had even arrived. Olivia had dressed to kill tonight, having mimicked Anna’s dress with her own form-fitting dress, only Olivia’s was a little more reserved in its appearance and showed more of her back. She had also opted to wear a set of black strappy high heels to compliment her choice of attire.

The young girl glanced away from the mirror and towards Anna as she spoke, only to return her gaze to the reflective glass to fuss over her makeup one last time. “I mean, is faking an ID out of the question? If not, I may be able to bullshit a blackmail given that I have something of a reputation for spying on people.” Olivia flipped the car’s sun visor back up and relaxed in her seat. She’d have to be careful that none of her siblings saw or recognized her. It’d be game over, especially given Elliot’s current feelings toward her. She gritted her teeth for a moment as she heard his voice in her head, calling her that name once again. With a quick sigh, she put the thought out of her head and returned her gaze to the road. Tonight was her’s and Anna’s night, and they were gonna have fun goddammit!

Anna cracked a smile and shook her head as she turned the steering wheel, pulling into the crowded parking lot that was closest to The Edge. Even though they were a ways away, Anna could faintly hear music coming from the inside of the club. There was a short line of people waiting to enter, which came as a slight surprise to Anna; she hadn't expected many people to be there on a weekday. At the mention of blackmail, the woman couldn't help but think about the events that had taken place earlier at the pub. ”Yeah, let's just hope that my guy is here,” she said as she cut the engine and tossed her car keys into her clutch. ”That, or I can just use the fact that I'm the Mayor's kid to my advantage. Threaten to get them fired or some shit.” Truth be told, Anna wasn't entirely sure if she even could get someone fired, even if she was Abraham Carver's daughter, but the bouncer didn't have to know that.

“Alright, so what’s our plan of attack then? We just gonna walk up to the bouncers and pray for the best?” While normally a little spitfire that didn’t really fear much in the way of breaking rules, Olivia couldn’t help but to feel a bit nervous about what they were about to do. If she was caught-- no, this was a night to enjoy. Olivia popped open the car door and stepped out, taking a moment to straighten her dress and compose herself in the dim reflection of the car’s paint before looking over at Anna. She had to admit, Anna looked damn good tonight. Not that she looked bad any other time, but there was something about seeing her in that dress that just made Olivia feel something…different inside. She was drawn to her friend in a way. Olivia shook her head and put the thoughts out of her mind before walking over to Anna's side. She looked to her literal partner in crime and held out her hand before grinning “Shall we?”

“Don’t worry,” Anna said as she stepped out of her car, “We won’t get caught, I promise. Well... I hope.” After Olivia had stepped out of the vehicle, Anna pressed a button on her key chain and locked the car doors. The young woman was apparently unaware of her friend’s peculiar gaze; she’d been taking a quick glance into the car’s side view mirror herself until Olivia appeared at her side and held out a hand. Anna took it without hesitation and grinned back. “We shall!”

As the two girls made their way towards the club doors, the sound of excited chatter and loud music grew louder. Anna felt good so far; she was looking forward to finally having some fun with one of her friends. It wasn’t very often that she got the chance to let loose and act wild since she was almost constantly under the watchful eye of her overbearing father, but tonight she didn’t want to worry about any of that. Anna took in a deep breath as she caught a glimpse of the tall figure who stood next to the entrance, but let out a sigh of relief once his head turned in their direction and she spotted the familiar face. “Ashton’s here,” Anna said to her friend with a wide grin. “Come on, he’s cool. He won’t ID us.”

“Let’s do it.” Olivia matched her friends grin with her own and returned her gaze to the club as they closed the remaining distance. On the inside, Olivia was extremely nervous about the entire situation, but she’d trusted Anna since shortly after they’d met and tonight was no different. Somewhere inside she knew that Anna would keep them both out of trouble, at least for now.

As they got within a few feet of the bouncer, she slowed down just enough to let Anna take the lead and waited anxiously for her friend to do whatever she needed to do to get them in. Part of Olivia was curious as to why this Ashton character was so lenient with Anna, but her thoughts quickly went away as she noticed Elliot standing near the club not thirty feet away. “Shit!” Olivia quietly exclaimed, shuffling in closer to the crowd to hide herself from view. “Alright Anna, we’d better get in quick before I’m seen. Eli’s here. Do your thing.” Olivia stood nervously, checking over her shoulder every few moments to see if her dear brother had gotten any closer.

Anna hadn't even noticed that Olivia's elder brother was standing a few feet away until she mentioned it. The last thing Anna wanted was for her friend to get caught, especially not before they've even had a chance to have some real fun. Nodding her head, Anna quickly approached the bouncer, tapping the tall, bulky man on the shoulder so that he'd turn to face her. Anna could tell that Ashton wasn't surprised in the slightest to see an old friend at the club; in fact, the younger girl had used him multiple times in the past as means to gain quick and free entry into the club, even before she'd turned eighteen. In one moment, Anna was standing on the tips her toes and whispering into his ear, and the next she was grabbing Olivia by the hand and tugging her through the front doors of the bustling nightclub. It took a moment for her to adjust to the environment, but soon she was smiling and nodding her head to the music. “See, I told you we didn’t have anything to worry about.”

Olivia’s eyes almost twinkled as they glanced around the club. Her heart raced as a huge, devilish grin spread across her face. She was actually here against all odds, all thanks to her best friend and partner in crime. Olivia looked to Anna with the grin still plastered across her face and hugged her “You are the best Anna, lets go have some fun!” The skirt of Olivia’s short black dress danced behind her as she practically dragged her friend onto the dance floor, the thunder of the subwoofers pounding through her chest. It was going to be an awesome night.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Interacting With: Elliot @spooner, Evangeline @Altered Tundra

Aliana could only smile at her boyfriend’s response: this was one of the little secret games they played along the relationship, to have fun more than anything else. She absolutely loved the sheepish smile of his that he wore every time they did this, and the way he would go along with her playing pretend without so much as missing a beat. Absolutely smitten with him in this moment in time, she put out the cigarette and locked her thumbs in his belt loops, closing the distance between them at the same time he pulled her close. The redhead smiled after he kissed her the first time, and giggled when he pulled her in even closer after declaring he needed some more ‘alone time’ with her. She was leaning her face forward to lock her lips with his in one of those Earth-shattering kisses when an unknown female voice began to call out Eli’s name.

Frowning, Aliana took a step back from Eli and tilted her head in the direction of the voice. The shock in her face was instant when she recognized Eva Zima in the flesh. Yep: the very same woman who’d been photographed with her boyfriend that morning, as she quickly confirmed herself. The redhead’s gut feeling had told her that Eva had shown a little too much interest in Eli that she would have liked in those pictures. And from the way she was positively beaming at him now, she was certain the feeling hadn’t been wrong.

Elliot’s response to the situation wasn’t much help either. Aliana didn’t miss the way his grip tightened on her waist when he saw Eva, nor the way his other hand went up to run the fingers through the hair of the back of his head. He was clearly nervous and uncomfortable with the situation: certainly not a response an innocent man with nothing to hide would have. This only further intensified Ali’s suspicions and deepened the frown in her face.

From the way color was rising to the young woman’s face, it was clear Aliana was well on her way to losing that short Brady temper of hers. And Eli knew this, of course. The minute he took a peek at Ali’s face, his own paled. His attempt at damage control was mediocre at best; with introducing the redhead to the blonde as his girlfriend, explaining what they were doing at the club (something that further infuriated Ali, because why the fuck was he giving out explanations to a completely irrelevant stranger if he wasn’t interested in her?!), and letting out a nervous laugh that was pretty much the final nail in the coffin. No matter how hard she’d tried to stay level-headed, the Brady in her finally came roaring out.

“Girlfriend is damn right,” Ali drawled, taking a confrontational step forward towards the blonde. “And who the fuck are you, anyway, calling to my boyfriend like that? First you show up in some suspicious-looking pictures looking at Elliot here as if you want to just kneel down and suck his dick right there and then, and now you decide to go out of your way to run towards us and interrupt us? You think this is some kind of game or something?”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Of course, he was getting kind of drunk, a lot of things weren't making sense but it wasn't normal to hear Colin become so emotional over something. His response had stricken Zeke as important, it was something that he was going to ask about later. It was something that he couldn't ask about right now with a few drinks in his system but he was definitely going to bring it up later. It was natural for him to worry about his older brother, especially with everything that Colin had gone through. He hoped he hadn't accidentally dug up some bad memories.

This was a night about having fun, which neither of them seemed to have enough of. It was about time for things to start running smoothly and maybe they could have kept running smoothly if it weren't for the appearance of Suspicious Tall Man. Zeke didn't like the look of him and he wasn't warming up to him over his glass of scotch, so he was sure that he wouldn't be warming up to him any time soon.

Colin introduced Adrian with flourish, though something in his mannerisms suggested to Zeke that he didn't like the other man at all. It was hard not to pick up on the distinctively threatening stance that he had taken at the sight of him. Though it made Zeke a bit more comfortable to know that he wasn't the only Brady getting bad vibes from Adrian tonight. Of course, he couldn't be so bad, right? He was friend's with the Captain so he couldn't be so bad, right?

As Colin began to ask Adrian about returning home, Zeke finished off his drink. He wondered if he could get another if he flagged the bartender down himself. It was steadily becoming his primary goal to get as plastered as physically possible before he left here. It had been a good while since he'd been able to sit back and drink in excess, he appreciated Colin for giving him the chance. He'd been having fun so far, even if he was a little drunk.

As Colin and Adrian talked, he allowed his gaze to scope out the room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 5 days ago

It’s a brand new day in Salem, Illinois. After an eventful day for some of Salem’s most prominent citizens, this new day presents its own batch of challenges to test the limits of their patience and how much they can handle. But it is also a day to let loose and have a little fun. Whether you’re a member of the Horton, Carver, and Brady families hanging by the lake for the 55th Annual 4th of July Celebration, a member of the Castillo Family enjoying the day with either your family or somewhere in town, or a Zima at home, celebrating the 26th birthday of the second-eldest child, Katinka Zima, this is a day full of wonders and happiness. It’s filled with love.

Whatever happened before today, it does not matter. Be with the ones you love. Enjoy the day as much as you can. Give your all to the celebration. Give your all to your family and friends. Have a blast and never forget that the Sands of Time stops for no one, so savor each and every moment while you can.

H a p p y 4 t h o f J u l y !

LOCATIONEva's room
INTERACTING WITHZeke [@Proseiac], Dmitri Zimma (Papa)
MENTIONEDAli, Colin, Adrian, Kat, and Eli

As she sat there in her bed for nearly thirty minutes, Eva thought about yesterday and how so many things happened. Some good like seeing her big brother, Alec back in town. It was nice seeing him, though he did look like he had seen better days. There were also some unfortunate like running into Eli Horton and how his girlfriend, Ali Brady, thought that somehow she had something worry about by Eva and Eli knowing each other. The fact that someone put the idea in her head that something was going on with Eva and the redhead’s boyfriend was outrageous. Eva tried to explain it to her that it wasn’t what it looked like, but by the time Eva finished, Ashton told her to get back inside.

No one would have ever thought Evangeline Zima would willingly leave a conversation, but when her supervisor requested her back in, she took it without a moment’s hesitation. And then, when she recalled the moments that followed, Eva met this boy. She had served him drinks earlier in the night. “I think he was that cop Brady's brother. Uh, Colin? No, that’s the brother’s name. Zeke?” She murmured, trying to remember his name. “Oh! Zeke. Ezekiel. I don’t know. He was cute, though.”

Suddenly, she found her thoughts about yesterday leave her as the blonde would now be solely focusing on Zeke. His face. The way his hair seemed to compliment his boyish features. And those eyes of his, they were like two pieces of delicious milk chocolate that she could get lost in forever. And unlike most boys/men around her age, who all seemed to be concerned with getting her into bed, by the way, Zeke was so nice. She only talked to him for a few moments, but when Colin had stepped away with Adrian Castillo (yes she knew of him from her encounters with his siblings), she was able to squeeze in words here and there. Though short, Eva got a really good vibe from him. She gave him her number before he left so they could perhaps meet up later today before all of the celebrations.

“Well, actually…”

Eva rolled off her bed, reaching over to her nightstand. She struggled to get her phone on the first try, though she managed to snag it on the second one. Scrolling through her phone, she landed on Zeke’s name. She started to type a message - a message that said the following:

Okay, that felt good. Like really good. Eva had a positive feeling surge through her body after she sent the trio of text messages Zeke’s way. She hoped he didn’t think she was weird or anything. Oh god, what if he does? She nearly lost it again and was going to pick up her phone and send him another one. Thank Allah that she was stopped by a knock on her door. Oh the God was being good to her today.

“Eva? You awake?” She heard her father knock a few times. Hard.

“I’m up, papa!”

Under normal circumstances, her father would’ve left well enough alone, but today was obviously not like all days, so he walked in. Eva wasn’t improper, but she wasn’t presentable in the way her father would’ve liked. She was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. And as Dmitri walked in her room, dressed like he was about to walk into Zima Enterprises and run the empire like he did every day.

“You’re still not dressed, Eva?”

“I’m sorry, Papa. I had a late shift at The Edge last night. I didn’t get home until 3.”

“Is everything okay, sweetheart?”

“Oh yeah, it’s all fine here. Just tired, is all.” That was the biggest fib that left Eva’s mouth. And she knew that her father knew it.

Damn it.

Dmitri took a seat next to Eva. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”

Eva hesitated, unsure if she wanted to take the focus away from Kat. Today was her big day. Though Kat wouldn’t make a big fuss about it, Eva wanted it to be as special for her. Talking about her silly schoolgirl crush on Ezekiel Brady was not only doing the total opposite of what Eva wanted to do, she didn’t know how to explain it to her father without setting off his overprotective dad instincts.

“You know I won’t leave until you tell me. So, out with it, Eva!”

She pouted, though she eventually just sighed and gave into her father’s persuasive demands. She couldn’t possibly say no to him. She was, after all, daddy’s little girl. “I’m not sure how to say it, but I kind of like this guy.”

“Kind of?”

“Well, it’s all still new. I met him while at work last night. His name is Zeke Brady.”


That’s all that Dmitri said, but it held such weight in poor, Eva’s heart. “Oh? Why ‘oh’?”

“I know of a Brady. He’s a detective on the Police Force. Not a bad guy, I suppose. He has issues.”

“What sort of issues?”

Dmitri seemed to be thinking about it. “It’s not really important. What matters is that you seem quite smitten with this boy. I can just tell by the way you speak about him. You should invite him to your sister’s party.”

“I mean..” Suddenly Eva was grabbing at her blanket, looking away.

“Unless you already did.”

“I texted him. No reply yet.”

Dmitri laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“Oh, no I’m not laughing at you, angel. You just remind me so much of your mother when I first met her. Believe it or not, but she was just like you.

She didn’t know what he meant by that. Her mother was nothing like her. Eva was so sunshine happy-go-lucky all the time, though this morning was an exception since she’s been all butterfly-nervous. Natasha, her wonderful mother, was confident and her hero. She was the type of person Eva hoped to be. Her mother and Kat, though her sister’s demeanor was sometimes more like their father’s, have almost the same level of grace and confidence. Then there was Eva. Now, that wasn’t to say she didn’t have her own confidence, but there were so many better women than her. She just didn’t compete.

Eva, once again, got lost in her own thoughts and completely forgot to respond to her father. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Papa!”

Dmitri smiled at her, waving away her apology. “No need for that.” He clapped his hands, standing up. “I’m going to go downstairs. Why don’t you shower and join us whenever you’re ready? Your sister, I’m sure, will be thrilled to see you, as will your mother.” Dmitri held his arms out, inviting her to give him a big hug.

And so she did. She hugged Dmitri as tight as she could, almost holding on for dear life. “I love you, Papa,” Eva said affectionately.

“And I you, angel.”

She stayed on her bed a few minutes after her father left, letting all the thoughts that had come and gone from her mind return only to leave again. This time, however, she took this as the perfect time to do something productive. Today was hopefully going to be a good day for her and her family.


LOCATIONThe Edge Nightclub
INTERACTING WITH Shawn, Jess @SpicyMeatBall
MENTIONSThe Cunstillos, Jess, and the Brady Family
TIME11:45 PM

Nothing in the past twelve hours gave Colin any joy. If he could erase the last day from his memory, then he would, but nope! He had to remember being reduced to a lapdog for that god-forsaken Castillo family. If it was bad enough that he had to do their bidding during the day, when he was trying to enjoy his night off from the hell at his day job - running on little sleep and a lot of caffeine, mind you - that bold Adrian Castillo had the gall to pull him away from Zeke, whom Colin was trying to get to let loose, so he could serve as a bodyguard. The only upside of that whole ordeal was the free drinks that were put on Adrian’s tab. The downside? Colin woke up with the worst hangover of his life.

But thank that stupid Jesus Christ for his family’s hangover cure.

“Let me guess? Hungover again.” Shawn shook his head at his son. “Honestly, Colin, this is the fifth day in a row. You need to pace yourself or that liver of yours will give up on you.”

Colin didn’t bother responding to his father. One, he didn’t feel like wasting his words, especially not when it came to Shawn. And honestly? Colin was feeling like shit. He didn’t even want to hear the sound of his own voice, let alone the sound of Shawn’s judgmental tone.

“Not going to talk, huh? Fine, have it your way.” Shawn rolled his eyes, pouring Colin a cup of coffee. “Your Clam Chowder will be ready in five minutes. And, if you can make it, come by the lake later. I don’t care if you don’t want to see me at all. Do it for your mother and siblings. They’ll miss you.”

He pretended he didn’t hear any of that, but Colin had no choice. And as much as he didn’t want to admit it, his father was right for a change. He could harbor a hatred for his father all he wanted, Colin would never hold that same kind of negativity towards the rest of his family - least of all those who never judged him like Shawn did. His mother, his sister, Ali, and brother, Zeke - especially Zeke. those three were the main reasons he hasn't offed himself. They are the reason why Colin didn’t drown himself even further into an early grave, or, god-forbid, retreat back to the reason why he’s a recovering drug addict.

“Fine, I’ll stop by this afternoon,” Colin said as Shawn had stopped. He didn’t turn around, though one could assume there was a sense of pride and happiness in Shawn. Of course, Colin wouldn’t know this. Both men were too proud to even ask that question. Shawn simply went back to his duties as current manager of the Brady Pub.

Not before long, Colin’s order of his Great-Grandmother’s famous chowder came in a bread bowl. Growing up, Colin always loved eating her chowder. He knew the recipe, but he couldn’t make it worth shit. Thankfully, the chef they had working at the Pub was a genius. It was so tasty. It had a salty, yet spicy, flavor to it. The secret was to toss in an extra pinch of red chili flakes and a dab of the house specialty hot sauce. Colin liked it extra spicy, especially when he needed a quick fix for his consistent hangovers.

Colin finished the bowl in record time. The same waiter came by to refill his coffee and take the empty bread bowl to the kitchen. When they left, Colin took out his phone, going to a specific contact. It was Jess. He sent the following text:

As he set his phone down on the table, Colin let the thought sink in about Jessica Horton - the one who got away, or maybe instead of that, the one Colin screwed up with. Yeah, that sounded more accurate. He didn’t even know if she would be willing to meet up. Truth be told, one other reason why he wouldn’t have shown up at the lake today wasn’t just because of his father. It wasn’t just because of his strained relationship with some of the members of the town. It was not wanting to dredge up old, painful memories for Jess. If he removed himself from her social life, she wouldn’t need to be reminded of the shit time they had during their high school days.

Oh well. Only time will tell if she wants to or not.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

LOCATIONHorton Household -> The Brady Pub
INTERACTING WITHTom and Alice Horton, Colin Brady@Altered Tundra

It couldn’t have been a more perfect day for the Fourth of July celebrations to happen on. The sun was shining bright in the early morning and illuminated the commotion taking place within the Horton household.

“For the last time mother, I did not take Olivia to the god damn club with me. Jesus, I thought you had more faith in me than that.” Jess said with a venomous tone, her head still pounding from the partying of the night before.

Alice Horton’s face contorted into a frown as Jess spoke “Do not use the lord’s name against me young lady, I taught you better than that. And this is not a matter of faith, Olivia is in there puking her insides out and you have no idea why!”

“Exactly! I have no idea why! Here’s a thought, ASK HER YOURSELF!” Jess shouted back at her mother before storming away towards the garage. Jess heard her mother calling her name but thought nothing of it, her mind instead wandering to one particular question to herself. Why the hell did she still live here?

The young woman’s gaze wandered across the garage before shaking her head and walking over to her trash heap of a car. It was old, it was falling apart and was in desperate need of almost every part you could think of. But it still got her from point A to point B, and Jess couldn’t really complain. Plus, no one would ever think of breaking into it either.

Jess unlocked the doors to her aging, black Nissan Sentra and hopped into the driver’s seat. After a few desperate attempts at starting the vehicle, she was met with only the disappointing whine of the starter and nothing more. Having already been riled up by the argument with her mother, Jess through a mild fit in the seat of her car before opening the door with a newfound rage and storming inside once again.

“DAD! My piece of shit car isn’t working again so I’m borrowing your truck!”

She paced into the kitchen, practically ripped the keys off of their hook and whipped her own down onto the counter. Then, after grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl, Jess proceeded to storm back into the garage and hop into her dad’s brand new Ram 2500. She took in a deep breath as she sat in the spacious truck before starting it up, the roar of the turbodiesel engine bringing a grin to her face. Jess sped off out of the garage and into town, hoping she wasn’t late to pick up the catering order that her parents had placed.

As she pulled up to the deli, her phone buzzed. With an irritated huff Jess retrieved her phone from her purse and was about to just ignore the message before she read the name. Colin. Her heart both skipped a beat and stopped in the same moment. God, that was someone who she hadn’t thought about in a while. Jess slammed her hand into the steering wheel and let out a frustrated cry in the isolation of the truck. Why now? After all of these years with absolutely nothing, why today? Jess wanted to scream Then, with literal years of practice at work, Jess composed herself in an instant and exited the vehicle, proceeding towards the deli.

After a few moments inside, and then a few more moments loading the massive amount of food into the air conditioned back seats of the crew-cabbed Ram 2500, Jess was back in the driver’s seat staring at the single message from Colin. She wanted to be happy, wanted their old relationship to be back what it was for that one good year. But then the memory of what happened rang through her head, what he had said, what he had done both to her and himself. Jess clenched her jaw and forced out a text in reply. Then, without a second thought, she pushed the gas pedal to the floor and roared off toward the Brady Pub. What else did she have to lose, its not like this day could get much worse.

Not even three minutes later, Jess rolled up to the Brady Pub and parked her father’s truck before taking in a deep breath. There was no going back now.

Jess pulled open the door with a confidence bolstered only by the meager amount of caffeine in her system and the giant diesel truck behind her in the parking lot. The brunette put on her signature resting bitch face and paced up to the only man in the building that could possibly be her ex-boyfriend. After sitting down across from him, she let the air settle around her for a moment before opening her mouth. “Has the whiskey been treating you better than me Colin? Or was it rum, I can’t remember.”
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