Ezekiel Brady was obviously not a frequenter of clubs.
Perhaps that's what made this sort of exciting but it was also what made this sort of nerve-wracking. There were a lot of people pouring in. They had gotten there relatively early, and it had been fine with the twelve patrons that had arrived around the same time but now it was starting to fill in more and more. He was steadily starting to feel boxed in, canned, like a sardine.
This feeling and the incident with his friend had been amongst the main reasons that he had stopped attending parties. Admittedly, it was easier to manage his anxiety with Colin around, it was as if his brother was a shield between him and the rest of the people in the club. If anyone approached him, he'd redirect them straight over to Colin. He was the more social of the two and Zeke figured that he wouldn't mind any conversation that came his way.
"Alright, officer," he said, smiling. "We've made it inside, we're still in tact, I'm proud of us."
He kept trying to smooth his blazer out, a nervous tick that made it seem as if he were obsessed with every little wrinkle. He considered asking Colin if he'd get him a drink but not only would that be illegal, it was also just a cheap cop out for communicating with anyone tonight. If he was absolutely smashed then he'd be a lot more social, but he'd also get annoyingly flirty. He didn't need to get fresh with some rando in a club.
It was best to remain sober through this experience, someone had to. That was another thing that he knew he shared with his brother, a fondness for alcohol. He didn't know if substance abuse ran through their family but it had certainly presented itself through the two Brady boys. He was at a lesser degree than Colin, he mostly just drank because it calmed him down, sometimes it helped him sleep.
His insomnia had been bad lately with the stress of his job and the approaching party. If Colin hadn't asked him to join him then he would have likely spent the rest of the night with his insect collection and his journal. A lot of the entries in his journal were insomnia fueled entries, entries that rambled vaguely about how tired he was. He was glad that nobody had ever read that thing because it was a mess.
He had an internal promise to himself to destroy all of those journals some day, just so he didn't have to look back at them. Sometimes it just seemed unhealthy to keep an entire monologue of his life between the years of thirteen to nineteen. He had been a pretty mopey kid, his entries reflected on that a lot. Not to mention that the moment he started looking at men romantically could be tracked over hundreds of entries, which was much less sad and much more embarrassing.
When he got home, he'd have to finish the entry that he'd started before he'd decided to pin his moth down. At least being here would give him something new to write about, hopefully something a little more exciting than a four page long entry about how he'd worked all day and watched Elliot fraternize with a blonde chick. Boring, boring, boring. It was about time he did something interesting.
"I'm not used to the whole club scene but I'm going to attempt not to embarrass myself and then you by association."