Name: Joseph Moore
Age: 21

Height: 183 cms
Weight: 97kg
Likes: Anime, gardening, cooking, games, reading, writing, most forms of spirits, the occult, martial arts.
Dislikes: Wine, Beer, boring normies, confrontation he doesn't initiate, himself.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Special Talent: Joseph is a surprisingly good cook, a talent that comes from living alone for a few years now, wandering the country and doing what he can to make the food he scrounges up somewhat edible.
He is also a decent writer, keeping several journals filled with stories from his travels, often adapted into a fantasy setting.
Finally, after he left Sol city in chapter one for a training arc, he is now somewhat skilled at martial arts, or at least as skilled as one can get learning from a fellow homeless man living under a bridge who called himself the Pigeon King.
Profession: Unemployed, and technically homeless. If you were to ask him, however, he'd probably say he's a wanderer, like Kenshin. He would then get into a small mental argument with himself over whether he should be embarrassed or not for talking to a 'real' person about anime or not.
Bio/Personality: For pretty much his entire life, Joseph has been a fairly withdrawn person. He never quite managed to get the hang of social interaction, and he had an annoying tendency to miss a lot of social cues.
This got to the point where, by the time he was fifteen, he had only ever had two friends, a pair of sisters who he knew when they were all kids. They managed to be friends for a good six years, before they moved away to somewhere across the country. After they left, he all but gave up on talking to other people entirely, retreating into the magical digital world of games, anime and writing. Things were going great, right up until one day when he was sixteen. What changed, you ask?
Well, his parents died. Car crash.
This led to a problem, in that back when they got married, it wasn't exactly with the approval of either of their parents. In fact, according to the stories they told him, it was with very adamant
disapproval. Therefore, they did something that, in their minds, was the obvious choice, and ran away to the other side of the country to elope. Honestly, Joseph could kind of see his grandparents points, considering that his mother was the only child and 'heiress' to an honestly
ridiculously wealthy family, his father was the son of an abusive heroin addict of a mother and a father who quite possibly didn't even know of his existence, having disappeared before his mother even learned of the pregnancy, and they were seventeen and sixteen respectively at the time of their escape. However, it also led him to a problem.
He was still a minor, and the government would probably try to place him in his richer grandparents care. He'd seen enough anime to know how they may very well see him, especially considering how they apparently saw his dad.
And so, out of fear of being put in the care of resentful grandparents, combined with the less than stellar mindset you tend to find yourself in when both of your parents have suddenly been stolen away from you, he did the only thing he could think of at the time.
Ask uncle google what you would need to survive on the road, gather it up along with your important keepsakes, and run away from home.
For the next four years, he traveled all across America. He managed to make enough money to not starve to death doing odd jobs, usually helping out on farms and the like. However, he still remained fairly withdrawn socially, never connecting with the people he helped in the way he would have liked.
However, this all changed when he arrived in Sol City and accidentally wandered into a karaoke night at Swan Song, simultaneously befriending and starting a war with two out of three of the richest, most powerful idiots in the city while only semi-conscious due to running on a week without food.
Things quickly spiralled out of control for Joseph, as he found himself a nice little alley to live in, attended a fancy party in a suit made entirely out of cardboard and duct tape, and took a new friend he'd made to hospital after she collapsed, only to have no idea what happened to her since he left the next morning. Eventually, realising that Sol City was actually a hotbed of localised chaos, he left the city to continue his wandering. However, things changed again when he ran across the elderly homeless Korean man he would soon come to call teacher. However, he only referred to himself by one name, the Pigeon King. After spending a couple of days beneath the bridge with the old man, Joseph came to realise that he was actually quite the martial artist when he fought off a pack of feral dogs that had been trying to steal his food. Excited by this well of knowledge, he asked the elderly man to teach him, and despite some initial reluctance, he soon decided to pass his knowledge down to Joseph. For a little over a month, Joseph trained day and night in the hodge-podge, makeshift martial art that his teacher called Hatojutsu, which as you've probably figured by now, means Pigeon Arts.
However, the name isn't what's important now. What's important is that, after training with the Pigeon King for a little over a month, Joseph decided that, even with the general craziness he'd seen in Sol City, he truly felt like he really belonged there. And now, with an outlook on life that was clearly
far more eccentric and easygoing than it had been in the past, it had probably never been more true! After all, he'd just spent a month learning martial arts from a homeless man who talked to pigeons. He might actually be
overqualified to survive in that crazy goddamn city!
Your character's favorite song:
I'll put one in here when I have time to pick a new one that fits his new outlook, but it's late now. Same with the actor, although I'm thinking Robert Downey Junior, or maybe Johnny Depp. Someone who can act a little kooky, you know?
Tell us about yourself:
*Your age:
*What part of the world are you from?
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: (if you're on your first year, that's totally fine too)
Well, I started around January of last year, so I'm still kind of inexperienced compared to a lot of other people I've met. Not too bad, of course, but I see far better fairly often.
*How often do you have time to post? (this is just a general, honest question, no judgment)
Gonna be honest, it kind of fluctuates. Sometimes I'll be able to post once a day, or even more, and then other times a full week will pass before I can get to it.
*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Put as much as you want.
Honestly, I don't really know what to say. I'm currently looking for a job, but don't have one at the moment. I'm dreadfully shy in real life, so that makes it a little difficult. Apart from writing, I don't have a whole lot of real hobbies. I guess martial arts and cooking could also count, but I haven't cooked in a little while.
So yeah, not really a whole lot I
can say...