Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VerusEbullio
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VerusEbullio Truth of the Bubble

Member Seen 8 mos ago

20 years ago the sky opened and monsters, twisted creatures that had no place being in our world came raining down from the sky. Great warriors come and began to fight them off. Fighters from all races, from the ground, the sky, and the sea. Some lost their lives to defend the world they loved, and others found heroes within themselves and went home to their families. No matter the outcome no one went home quite the same. Mages and magic users from all over the land gathered together to try and close to gap in the sky, however, nothing prevailed and soon new plans were hatched to fight off the strays.

Today small groups and even single monster pass freely through the gap in the sky, however, no one has ever tried passing into the place where these creatures come from. At least none that have come back. These monsters can take many shapes. Most appear to have a main animal component, while others appear as a single creature that have been bend or twisted limbs in unnatural fashions. Many humans and other humanoid races tried giving them names. This only ended up offending the creatures that live in our world. Some were called "demons", "ogres" or "Chimera". These never stuck as those that were those creatures became angry, and some even refused to defend the weaker races for their ignorance. We will win, we will defend them and restore the sky.

"The Investor" Claudius

Sunrise was never long enough. Beautiful colours dances a crossed the sky. Purples, red, pink, yellow, and blues, and of course the big black hole. Something about this hole brought comfort to Claudius as he thought about what today would have in store for him. If the hole wasn't there he might not be getting a group of new friends, or rather specimens. The young man looked like he got crunched between two beds. His hair stood straight up and his morning groan sounded more like he had drank too much ale the night before. Maybe he had just a sip more then he should have, but after all he had just finished watching over the people and deciding who would be coming to his castle today.

The black haired half demon stretched out on his bed. With a waves of his hand five little foxes appeared and began jumping over the bed and cooing at him. Claudius grinned devilishly. His little friends were all he had as companions for many years. It would be fun to have his halls filled with noise and arguments and fun times. The demon had never had so many people as he would here soon. The foxes jumped up up on his desk and grabbed a letter in their small mouths. Each with a different name that Claudius had hand written on in ink only the name bearer could see. Another flick of the wrist and a black portal opened for the foxes to jump through.

"Remember to call me and I will open the portal to the dinning hall for our honoured company. Now off you go." Claudius's voice came out in almost a hiss and with his command the foxes jumped into the blacken portals and vanished. The muscular man rolled out of bed and found his best robes. He wanted to insure that he would make a good impression on the other races. Walking over to his mirror, the demon dusted his shoulders and tightened his clothing, tailoring it to his fit.

As he walked down the halls foxes jumped up with long, lit matches in their mouths, lighting the candles that mounted into the bricks. As the candle light burst to life, the the foxes melted away. When Claudius arrived in the dinning hall he began setting plates for everyone, placing a name tag written in the same ink as the invitations. This would allow for their favorite meals to be made in his kitchen. That way there would be no guessing, no allergies, no whining that he eats human while she is on a strictly bird seed diet. They could have their hearts desire for food and drink. The man chuckled softly with excitement to himself. He couldn't wait for his guests to arrive.

One by one the little foxes popped up, from the shadows of trees, buildings, and even people. They seemed friendly and non-threatening. If one tried to touch, pet, or pick up the odd creature they would happily do so as they loved the attention. However, if one were to show slight fear towards them then they would disappear, leaving the letter behind, and upon the invitee opening the letter would reappear. These little creatures are the minions, helpers of Claudius. They also provide guidance and safe passage to and from Castle Havoc. They have their own little personalities, but all of them love melon. Upon cooing a black portal would open and take the chosen ones to or form the castle. One might also had seen them before as Claudius had also used them in spying on the people that took his interest. It started out as quite a large group and with time, grew smaller.

@Invader Len@onenote@Noxxis@DivineIntervention93
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Depleted. Drained. Worn Out. Wearied. Dead. How bemusing was it that one of the synonyms for exhausted was dead? He certainly felt dead. Who knew traveling on foot was so difficult? He'd been out of Mizora for a week now and only just made it past the border and to his first human village. He'd eaten through all the food he'd packed with him already, and his attempts at hunting had only turned up a few lizards and a bird nest. All of which tasted horrible when set on fire.

He had known that it wasn't going to be easy, this quest for knowledge, but he hadn't expected it to be so very uncomfortable! The air at night was cold, the rain was wet AND cold, there were far too many insects to convince him he wasn't really dead and in hell, and at one point a bird had defecated on his cloak. The roads were muddy and slippery, things smelled awful, and he hadn't even met anyone to talk to until the village. Traveling, he learned, was exceedingly boring work after the first 4-5 hours.

But now he was in a village! A real human village! Full of real, living, breathing humans! He'd never seen real humans outside of picture books or meat markets, where they were more likely than not in... pieces. But no, these ones were intact! And from his way to the edge of town to the shabby tavern and inn, quite skittish. The guard at the bridge paled and hid when the wind blew his hood back. Perhaps he was shy? Interesting, but not enough so to deter the exhausted Rakshasa from seeking out a soft bed and hot meal.

He'd found the tavern quickly enough, and a few pieces of gold were all it took to get a room and a bowl of soup and half a loaf of bread. It was hardly a feast, but after scorched lizards and eggshells (How was he supposed to know you had to peel the eggs first??), it was enough. Afterwards, he'd fallen deeply asleep on the first bed he'd had in a week, only to be awoken by the faint scent of melons.

Blearily opening his eyes, he took in the room around him. He'd slept so long the sun was now awake, as evidenced by the bright beams trickling between the cracks in the curtains. His wet clothes had dried, tomes and staff on the floor beside his low cot, and there was a black fox staring him in the face.

Ithiel blinked hard. Yes, that was most definitely a fox. Albeit... quite different from the red or mottled ones he'd spied in the woods. It almost didn't seem quite real, as if conjured by his own imagination, but nope. It was there. Curious, he reached out a hand to pet it, touching its head gently. It didn't seem to mind. In fact, it seemed quite pleased, dropping the small envelope in its mouth to give a big happy pant of enthusiasm. Huh, how come he hadn't noticed the letter? Clearly he was still tired.

Picking up the letter, Ithiel sat upright on the bed, examining it as he started getting dressed. It had his name on it. Strange, he couldn't remember telling the tavern keeper his name, or rather anyone since he left Mizora. He'd heard humans used birds to send messages to one another, perhaps one of his friends or family had sent him a letter? He turned to the fox, wondering if perhaps it had any answers.
"Did my family send you? Jahaziel, perhaps? Or Asher? Couldn't be Mary, she'd be happy I'm gone. Mom or dad, maybe?" he asked. The fox had no answers, instead hopping onto the still-warm spot he'd been sleeping in, and curled up in it. Well, he probably should have expected that.

Turning his attention back to the letter, he tore open the seal, reading its contents.
"Dear sir, I hope this letter finds you in good health, blah blah blabbity blah... Castle Havoc? Never heard of that place. But, if it's a castle it has to be better than here, right? Claudius... Maybe a human monarch or something..." he paused, turning and looking back to the fox. Did human kings employ strange foxes?
"Well, I don't see why not. They've already gone through the trouble of inviting me. It would be terribly rude not to at least show up."

Making his decision, he fastened his cloak and pack, grabbing all that he owned, before turning back to the sleepy animal.
"Alright, I'm ready to go. Now, what to do with you... I suppose I could just follow you back to your home, logically that would be the residence of the sender of this letter. Alright, little fox-thing, let's go. We probably have a lot of walking to do, don't we?" he asked, not expecting a response. As if understanding him, the fox stood up, hopped from the bed, and uttered a small, high-pitched howl. And then the unthinkable happened.

Some... Thing appeared! Right there, in the middle of the room! A black vortex, woven from shadows, the size of a door yet impossibly thin! Ithiel staggered back in an undignified manner, letting out a surprised squeak. A portal! Oh gods, this wasn't like the one in the sky was it? He fumbled for his staff, bracing himself for a abysmal monster to come crawling out of it... But nothing. It was quiet. The world was quiet. The fox looked at him curiously, then walked right on through, melting into the blackness.

Ithiel took his time getting up, his heart beating much faster than he'd like. This... Was this how he was expected to travel? Step into the gaping maw of darkness? What if it was an elaborate trap? A ruse? What if there was nothing on the other side and he was trapped in a world of pitch black void? The thought was daunting, to say the least, but... What if there was something? Whoever had sent him the letter could have killed him in his sleep, but didn't. And, though the portal before him was certainly... Unnerving... He'd be a liar if he said he wasn't in the least bit interested in what was beyond it.

"Well... It beats walking." he muttered to himself, steeling his nerves and stepping through into the unknown.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The rain was unbearable. It always was but more so now than ever because after Zephyra waited out this storm out, there would be no flying up into the clear blue sky. Just her getting out from under the tree she was taking shelter under and continuing down her path on foot. She had no idea where she was going either. She couldn't bring herself to go back to her mercenary work if she couldn't be in her element, the sky. She had thought about finding her parents but...she couldn't go back to them in this state. She couldn't face any Avariel like this! One's wings were everything to an Avariel and while she wouldn't die because she lost one, she lost a vital piece of herself and all any of her other kind could do for her was give her pity which she didn't want or need.

Zephyra sighed and shook her head. That was another bad thing about the rain. It gave her to much time to think and the worst part it was just the same line of thinking that she had thought since she first learned that she no longer had two wings. She needed a way to take her mind off of it. It didn't take long for that way to appear, though it took a bit for Zephyra to notice it. What first caught Zephyra's attention was a slight movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned to see...a little fox? Just sitting there, twitching its tail every now and then as it stared at her. Zephyra froze for a moment, not really out of fear but out of surprise. Zephyra had never seen anything like it and thought it looked too cute to be a monster, she couldn't fully rule it out as it looked, unlike any animal she had ever seen before. Zephyra was starting to go for the dagger in her boot when she noticed that the little fox was holding something in its mouth. A letter? Was this a messenger?

"Is that for me?" She asked tentatively and the little fox came over and placed it the letter down next to her before sitting back once more. "Oh um, thanks?" She said as she picked the letter up. It had her name on it alright. Zephyra took a minute to rack her brain on who she would know that would send her a letter under such strange circumstances. She had come across several magic users over the years but none with...was the fox a familiar? Who knew, but none of them seemed to have any connections to this strange little shadow fox. Well, the quickest way to find out who sent the letter and why would be reading it. In seconds Zephyra had the envelope opened and the letter unfolded in her hands. The first thing she noticed right away that it was a job offer. Just from the pleasantries from the beginning of it. It almost was enough to get her to throw it away right then, for how could she do it now that she was land bound. But she continued on and was surprised to learn that the sender knew of wounds and what really got her attention, a promise that they could return her missing wing to her.

An offer like that was surely to good to be true...but what really did Zephyra have to lose by going to check things out? She had been wandering aimlessly after all. She turned to the fox, "Okay, this says you can take me to your master," Zephyra looked down at the paper again, "Claudius? Okay, take me to him." Zephyra grabbed her things and got up, already dreading the possible long walk to Castle Havoc. Though the second that Zephyra was up a dark portal appeared in front of her. Without even thinking Zephyra dropped her pack and grabbed her bow, quickly letting loose an arrow into the hole that was in front of her and quickly readying another one. She had a hole appear before her before in the sky and that time had almost cost her life, she wasn't about to let that happen again. But after a tense minute, with nothing happening and the fox making frantic noises, Zephyra came to a realization. "That...was your masters doing wasn't it?" She asked as she relaxed her bow. The fox seemed to nod. "Oh, well shit. Uh, I'll apologize to him in a bit then." She added sheepishly, hoping that there was no one on the other side of the portal when that happened.

The fox quickly ran through the portal, probably to see if its master was alright. Zephyra grabbed her things again and followed shortly behind it, thinking about how well things were going already.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“This weather is intolerable,” stated Marcaunon as he awaited in the forest for his next victim. Mundane best described the current situation as he kept his eyes sharp, keeping out of view from any sign of life that would soon make way, yet was becoming difficult both ways as rainwater was pouring at a constant mass. Though minutes turned into hours, the elf stayed positioned but was growing weary from no activity passing by.

His mind had wandered onto what his next move would be if nothing would come up as opportunity. Maybe a walk into the next town or village could promise more for better findings, or so he thought. His luck was fortuned more into using what abilities he used best, not merely resulting into a measly action of becoming nothing more than a pickpocket, but at a time like this, it was becoming clear. The more he waited, the more agitated he was becoming, and irritation was not something he could adjust to well.

It wasn’t like he wanted to wait in the woods, but he was more under the assumption that a flow of common folk or a many array of creatures would present themselves passing by. It was showing that just the slightest of bad weather could postpone any sort of activity, and it looked as if nothing more would happen through the remainder of his stay.

Just as Marcaunon was forming out of position, hopping down from the trees of which he was found still and waiting, a sound of crackling limbs was becoming heard, and they were coming close to his surrounding. Considering it was too late to ascend back into the trees and hide, his position was to remain behind the tree to keep hidden away from his apparent target, armed with a dagger just in case the encounter would make a more difficult turn.

Once he heard the steps of whomever this creature was become close enough to him, Marcaunon was ready to take advantage, but for some apparent reason, the sounds had stopped. It was as if it had known Marcaunon was hiding from him/her, and was ready for him to present himself. Though it deemed unusual, the elf wanted to be sure this wasn’t any trap of some sort, considering that he has been wanted in many towns and villages for thievery and hostile situations. Whoever it may be though, he wasn’t going to let it have the chance to take a hold of him.

Now arming the crossbow in hand, Marcaunon wasted little to know time as he stepped out from his hiding position with haste and pointed his weapon to whomever stood in front of him, yet to his surprise, the apparent foe deemed to be of a much smaller and unlikely circumstance.

“A fox?” questioned Marcaunon, surprised to see a small, gentle but dark creature present itself in front of him. For what purpose he was certainly unsure of, but he also sighted what looked to be a piece of paper being held in its mouth.

As the fox laid the letter in front of him, Marcaunon slowly reached and picked it up to observe what reason a creature would bring something of the likes to him. It deemed harmless, yet it was also a shock to see that his name was presented on the folded paper as well, but the question was why? As curiosity bested him, he opened the paper to find it was a written letter to him.

Reading the letter, it seemed that someone was in need of Marcaunons talents, offering him a job. Reading through to the end of the letter, it had a name signed at the bottom reading Claudius, a name the elf has never heard of.

“I assume you work for this ’Claudius’ fellow,” said Marcaunon to the fox, “And it seems that my abilities are to be deemed useful for him in a certain matter to whatever this apparent job may be. Enticing to say the least, but I only do for myself, not for any other man or creature.”

Dropping the letter onto the ground, Marcaunon was not easily convinced as he turned the other way to walk away from the fox, but he stopped as another surprised had became present to him. Seeing a portal had formed in front of him, it was obvious this was of immediate action, yet Marcaunon still had no interest in taking up the offer.

“Am I suppose to step into this?” said Marcaunon, “I’m taken to assume this will lead me to your master, correct?”

As he turned to speak to the fox, the creature remained still, awaiting for a final decision from the elf if he had one. It had Marcaunon thinking for the moment what could come out of this offer. Maybe this person could give him whatever he wanted. Or even better, he could take whatever he sees that is in possession of this Claudius fellow and keep for himself. It seemed promising, but he would be taking a risk as well.

“Hmm…” quietly spoke the elf as he though to himself, “Fine. I shall see of this man you follow and find out what his purpose is of this. Take me to him.”

As the fox heard Marcaunon’s response, the fox wasted no time and rushed into the portal, Marcaunon sighing heavily as to not knowing what he could have possibly gotten himself into. Once he was ready, he too stepped into the portal.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VerusEbullio
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VerusEbullio Truth of the Bubble

Member Seen 8 mos ago

”The Little Healer” Kaida

The rain felt so nice against Kaida’s skin. She wanted to burst into her dragon form and take flight into the wind that blew the rain around the darkened sky. The days prior had been so dry that the young Knucker had been having problems keeping herself from drying up. Raindrops ran down Kaida’s soft skin, in little streams that soon conjoined into large rivers as she let it freely flow down her body. How her scales would love the gentle feeling of the rain. However, she couldn’t transform, not now. If there were someone in trouble, or getting attacked by a monster how would Kaida help them. Dragon’s, although most were good in nature, were not widely appreciated among the human race, especially after they had alright just been attacked. The young dragon did not want to be attacked by the very people she was trying to protect.

Pulling out the skin she used to carry water, Kaida pulled the rain into the bottle. She waved the bottle in a huge circle above her head, and using her powers, created a funnel appearing as a little tornado into the bottle to fill it. ”Ahh nothing like fresh water. Won’t be like home, but just as good!” She said to herself in a cheery voice.

After the girl had her fill of getting wet and playing in the rain she decided to take shelter. Kaida used a big tree with thick branches. Shs was used to sleeping in a cave in the mountains, so sleeping in the cold, in a tree, would not be a problem for her.

Awoken by the morning sun beaming through the leaves of the tree, the girl let out a long yawn. Her human skin was slightly cold, but it didn’t bother her too much. Kaida jumped from the tree and landed on the ground on her feet. Quickly looking around to see if she could spot any humans, she let out a giggle. Her giggle turned into a roar as her body began to change. Kaida’s teeth became huge and pointed, her nose flattened and jaw grew outward. The tanned human skin she wore faded to a pure white and silver and grew course with scales. A breaking sound could be heard as her shoulders bend and wings sprung out. With her transformation complete the dragon stretched out once more and gave a low pitched growl from deep in her throat. She would walk the path like this for awhile, and enjoy her true form.

Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw something, but when she turned to look at what it was, it disappeared. ”Just a trick of the light.” She said to herself with a sigh. ”But just encase…” The dragon began before changing back. ”I should stay like this. I wouldn’t want to scare someone.” Her voice grew lighter as she thought of someone finding and hurting her. With her mind deep in thought the dragon continued down the road she had been taking in hopes that it would lead her to someone that needed her assistance, she ran into the most unlikely creature.

”Oh my goodness, aren’t you adorable.” Kaida cheered to herself before reaching down and picking up the small creature. It tilted it’s head to the side and gave her a growl of approval, trying its best not to drop the letter it held in its mouth. ”What’s this? A letter?” The girl gripped the letter lightly and the fox let go. With its mouth free of the letter, the fox runs up and sits on Kaida’s head. The girl giggles softly before opening the letter. It’s an invitation to a castle. Excited, Kaida jumped up. The fox on her head holding on for dear life. She nodded her arrival to the little fox. A high pitched coo came from it’s mouth making a black portal open up before her. Kaida jumped and waved her hand in front of her, drawing out a ball of water into her hand. The fox jumped off her head and disappeared into the portal.

”I guess that’s not a bad portal. But a good one...? The dragon said to herself before stepping through the portal.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VerusEbullio
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VerusEbullio Truth of the Bubble

Member Seen 8 mos ago

”The Investor” Claudius

The demon sat at the table in the dim candle light that illuminated the dining hall. His elbows placed on the table with his finger tips tapping together in anticipation of his guests. Claudius neared jumped out of his seat when the first coo rang through his head. His grin grew devilishly high as he brushed off his coat and readied himself to open the portal.

Moving his arm in a full circle motion in front of himself, and flicking his wrist at the end, the world spun and sucked itself into a blacken shadow portal. It took a moment for the his first new friend to step through, and in the time Claudius began brushing himself off and looked to the fox that had been sitting by the doorway.

”I’m getting nervous now.” He told his little friend before releasing a small breath and putting his smile back on his face. The first to step through was a man with red skin, horns, tail, and a staff. ”Hello! Welcome to Castle Havoc. You would be the first of few to arrive. My name is Claudius Ravenwood. I’m sorry I am horrible with names, what’s yours?” As the man talked he grew closer to the other man, not quite familiar with personal boundaries. However, after a only a moment he backed off and reached his arm out towards the table like a show girl showing off a prize new car, the portal closed behind Ithiel.

”Welcome again, please have a seat and will wait for the others to arrive.” His smile stayed upon his face, and that fox that had lead Ithiel through the portal ran over to where the lone fox had been laying by the door, cooed at Claudius before curling up to make two foxes.
A second coo rang and Claudius again waved his hand, to open the portal. This time the man was greeted by an arrow, it glided with ease through the portal and may have been a fatal blow for the half demon if his reflexes had been just a tad slower. A fox soon jumped through and joined the other 2. This time it was the winged, or rather half winged elf that stepped through after a few awkward silent moments with Claudius looking between Ithiel and the portal infront of him. ”Hello! Welcome to Castle Havoc. You would be the first of few to arrive. My name is Claudius Ravenwood. I’m sorry I am horrible with names, what’s yours?”. Once getting the elf’s name he asked her as well to take a seat.

The last coo to join them was followed by an elf. The fox once again joining the others in the doorway. ”Hello kind sir. Please take a seat, we will get this meeting under way.” Claudius noticed that he would grow tired of introducing himself soon and would just wait a few more moments before introducing himself again. He took his place at the head of the table, and as he did he heard another signal from his fox.

Opening another portal, this time in front of the chair in which the girl would sit. When Kaida appeared before everyone she looked around, confused by the whole thing and grew very shy. ” Um… oh… he-hello.” She said before taking her seat and looking shyly around the table.

"Great, we are only waiting on a few more. As some of you know. I am Claudius Ravenwood. The one who has invited you here. Please interact and introduce yourselves, and ask any questions you see fit. I will do my best to answer them! We are expecting a few more, but I can fill them in when they get here." Claudius finished with.

He knew these people, for the most part, but they didn't know one another. Claudius's devilish smile didn't fade for a moment as a shadow person opened up the door to what would be the kitchen. They appeared to be a solid black figure with smoke coming off of him. The shadow person started at Claudius. "Raspberry wine Adam" With the command the figure pulled a bottle of wine out from behind him and filled his glass. Then moved on to the Rakshasa on Claudius's right. "You tell him what you want to drink, and later to eat. He is endowed with magic allowing him the access any food or drink in the known world. You just have to ask him." Claudius talked with pride. It had took him a lot of time to make this little guy and he was proud to finally show him off.

@DivineIntervention93@onenote@Invader Len
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
Avatar of Invader Len

Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This new method of transportation was... bizarre, to say the least. Barely had he stepped through the portal than whatever behind him vanished in blackness. In the space of a step, he felt as though her were transported to another dimension. The shadows felt almost real, caressing his face and tugging at the fabric of his clothes, like the sensation of wind that wasn't truly there. Total darkness, total silence, it was as if he had lost the use of his eyes and ears. Then his foot hit the ground and he was through, the entire experience lasting less than a second.

He stepped out to a dimly lit room with a long table, seemingly prepped for a meal. And a dark-haired man- a human? No, something felt off. It reminded him almost of his brother Asher, particularly when this mystery man approached him- standing a little too close for comfort- with an eager grin on his face.
”Hello! Welcome to Castle Havoc. You would be the first of few to arrive. My name is Claudius Ravenwood. I’m sorry I am horrible with names, what’s yours?” he asked, Ithiel barely having a chance to breathe between words.

The first thing he did was take a step back, careful not to back into the portal behind him. Just to put some space between himself and this very peppy mystery man.
"A-Ah, Ithiel Ralte, a pleasure to make your acquiantance?" he asked more than stated, still gathering his bearings as the man backed away, gesturing to the table and inviting him to sit.

Still unsure of his situation (Were all humans this strange or was this man merely an unusual specimen?), he reluctantly did so, sitting and putting his tomes and staff down, watching as an eerie howl rang out, resembling the one that had summoned his portal. Ithiel leaned forward, fascinated as Claudius waved his hand and a second portal opened. Immediately, an arrow flew through it, nearly making its mark in the man and embedding itself in the wall. Ithiel stared at it, dumbstruck, then back at the portal as the person who had presumably fired the arrow, a strange looking elf, stepped through. Ithiel quietly picked his staff back up, placing it in his lap. Just in case more arrows were fired.

Soon more portals opened, and Claudius welcomed another elf, wingless this time, and a presumably human girl who stammered through her greeting. Claudius then turned to them, finishing with encouragement to introduce themselves and then summoning a... shadow... butler? Ithiel wondered if maybe he was still asleep and having a surreal night terror from fatigue. Claudius, unfazed (of course he would be unfazed, it was his own shadow butler), informed them that "Adam" would give them any food or drink they desired.

Terrifying amalgation of nightmares and darkness or no, such a bold assertion had to be proven. As the shadowy figure waited on him, Ithiel quickly searched for the most obscure, rarest beverage his mind could reach. Something no human would surely have, regardless of their summoning magic.
"Alright... I'll have a glass of Namuci's Bloodwine, spiced with salamandyr tail, aged 35 years." he stated smugly. Namuci's Bloodwine could only be made by fermenting the flowers and buds of the Mara tree, which only bloomed once every 10 years. It was extremely difficult to make, and even more expensive to procure. That and the alcohol was, according to his books, poisonous to humans, so there was little sense in them having it.

Well, as it turned out Ithiel really wouldn't need to be served dinner later, because he was now eating his words. The figure pulled another bottle, seemingly from nowhere, and as it uncorked the bottle the unmistakable acrid scent of salamandyr filled the room. Ithiel watched in dismay as his glass was filled with the deep red liquid. He didn't even like bloodwine.
"Ah, perfect. Thank you, um, Adam." he said, reluctantly taking his glass. He should have asked for blueberry lemonade instead.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Marcaunon had stepped out of the portal that had seamlessly taken him to the planned destination, he was immediately presented into what had appeared to be a dining room. Accompanying the room was a long table, presumably for dining, along with chairs pushed under formally for neatness. Odd enough was the light trip from the middle of a forest to a questionable meeting of mystery and strangeness, but Marcaunon handle it best by simply allowing himself to process the situation carefully while staying alert.

As the fox that had greeted him earlier came in after, the portal closing behind, a mannerly voice had greeted the elf.

“Hello kind sir. Please take a seat, we will get this meeting under way.”

Though he had seemed formal and polite, Marcaunon spoke no words as he did what was kindly told of him. Such things as nice gestures weren’t of importance as things still remained a mystery for now, but hopefully soon will the answers be revealed of what brings such an occasion of strangers to meet.

As he promptly found a seat, he witnessed that he was not the only creature to be brought up into this mysterious event. In the room before him was the likes of a devilish looking creature, familiarized with the sights of red skin and horns. Unusual it was for the elf, but the situation started becoming more strange as another elf had made an appearance through a portal, one wing on her back.

One more person had made their way into the dining room, this one being a humanly looking woman of a very timid personality as she made her presence known by simply saying hello in a stuttering tone, taking a seat afterwards. Marcaunon was becoming suspicious as to what the purpose was of brining not only him, but the people that had now surrounded him as well. What is the purpose of all of this?

Stating that there is more beings to arrive, the man that had brought them here made his name known as Claudius Ravenwood. Simply suggesting that everyone was to greet each other and try to know one another, Marcaunon did the opposite and kept to himself. He had no interest in knowing anyone else in the room, nor did he care to hear of what they had to say. Instead, he kept his eye closely on Claudius, wondering as to what his intentions were.

Soon after, a shadowed figure of a man made his way into the room, using what looked to be a bottle of wine as he poured its liquid content into the glass next to Claudius. With superiority, Claudius stated that this figure named Adam would give any sort of food or drink if asked as the dark smoking figure began making his way around the table.

Once he was done with the red skinned creature, the figure made his way towards Marcaunon, awaiting to what request would be made, though the elf wasn’t in need of anything offered to him.

“No, thank you,” spoke the elf with a tone of condescension, “I’d rather keep myself attentive than drown myself in beverages that devolve me to intoxication.”

Declining the offer, Marcaunon rested his elbows onto the table in a position of careful thought, focusing on Claudius carefully.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Going through the portal was a bit uncomfortable truth be told. It was kind of like going through a tunnel, dark, cramped, and she had no real idea what was waiting for her on the other side. Thankfully the trip took only moments and soon Zephyra was stepping out into what looked to be the dining room of a mansion. Looks like she was getting called by not only someone powerful but rich as well. Of course, Zephyra didn't get to focus on that for too long as she noticed both a man (human it seemed?) standing in front of the portal looking slightly flustered and the arrow she shot right behind him stuck into the wall. Oh geez, she had almost hit someone.

Despite the fact she probably almost hurt or killed him though, the main seemed very...chipper. Cheerfully introducing himself as Claudius and asking for her name since he was terrible with them. "Zephyra Southworth." She replied tentatively. Zephrya had worked with eccentric magic users before and this guy seemed like he would be one of those. And if she learned anything from the others, its that she could never really be sure what to expect from them. After the greetings, Claudius asked her to take a seat and looked to see who all was there already, surprised at the ensemble. There was...Zephrya wasn't sure exactly, she had never seen any of his kind before. He resembled a demon in a lot of ways but he wasn't a demon either. Well, learning about him was going to be interesting. There was an elf here (of the non-flying variety), who seemed to be keeping to himself, and a timid girl that looked to be human. An interesting ensemble that made whatever job they were being recruited for seem very interesting indeed.

After Zephyra took her seat, some sort of shadow opened a door and walked out. It was humanoid in shape and seemed physical if just a tad bit unnerving. Claudius told them that it could give them whatever food and drink they so desired, which the red not demon boy set out to test with his asking of bloodwine, and seemed disappointed that he got what he wished. The other elf got water, mentioning that he didn't want to become intoxicated, before going back to stare at Claudius intently. Zephyra followed suit (with a slight apology for this must have been some complicated magic here) and asked for water as well, as being drunk did not make for good flying conditions, of course, if Claudius couldn't deliver on being able to grant her the gift of flight again, then it would have been for naught.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VerusEbullio
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VerusEbullio Truth of the Bubble

Member Seen 8 mos ago

”The Investor” Claudius

Claudius chuckled lightly as he watched the Rakshasa take a drink of the wine he had ordered from Adam. ” I do not lie young one. However, if you wish to change your choice of beverage I would allow it. Now that you have finished testing my range of beverage gathering” The words were flowing smoothly from Claudius’ mouth, however his word choice was almost odd, as if the man had never interacted with a group like this before, and to be honest, he hadn’t. The man’s eyes watched each guest order their drink, or not order anything at all. Claudius gazed closely, surveying the reactions of each member closely. Joy ran through through him as he imagined what each would order to eat.

”Mister Elf I can assure you I am not here to poison, betray, or trick you. And Adam would get you even something as simple as berry juice or water.” Claudius said with a smile, a slight annoyance in his tone. He had never heard of such behavior, and he didn't like this elf’s attitude. The man watched the winged elf order water and the girl sitting to Claudius’ left order strawberry juice. Both choices made Claudius confused, but he didn’t mention it to the group. The man shifted in chair slightly as he got ready to announce why he had brought this group together. He would have a quick one on one chat with the members after dinner and really see where everyone stands on the idea, if they didn't express themselves at the table.

”Now then, let us talk business before we eat.” Claudius said as he stood from his chair. His posture changing into something of a more serious aspect as the foxes that had been sitting in the doorway rise and run to sit straight up and in a straight line behind Claudius’ chair. ” The demons, the monsters, the creatures, whatever your people have called them. They will attack again. I have devised a system and selected you to defend this land, and your own against them.” Claudius finished, surveying the room again, this time waiting on the reactions of the table.

”Some of you have greatness to offer this group, and others need a hand to find their greatness, but I believe I have arranged the best group to close that gap in the sky.” The man seemed to relax, taking his seat once again and taking a sip of his wine. He didn't know hat to expect from people. He hadn't gauged enough reactions from enough beings to truly understand if his group would even want to engage the creatures that plagued their world. But he did believe that they possessed the right skills to close the gap.

@onenote@DivineIntervention93@Invader Len
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Once Marcaunon had declined the offer of a beverage, it had seemed to show an indication of disrespect towards Claudius, stating with irritation that anything that no form of trickery was to be had, and anything he could ask for that was drinkable could be requested without complications. Instead of replying back to him, Marcaunon kept quietly to himself, refusing to say or request politely for anything.

Once everyone had settled in with their beverages had, Claudius rose from his seat as he began speaking of the reason as to why Marcaunon and the other creatures were brought together on such occasion. With the elf paying close attention and his hearing fully focused, Claudius spoke of the various monsters that has been plaguing the sky and descending down onto the land, known to be happening a for only a few years now, yet Claudius mentioned that they will indeed begin to terrorize once more.

As he continued listening, Marcaunon hears that the purpose of their arrival was to band together and help protect and defend the land from anymore incoming evil beings, Claudius stating that with their skills and abilities that together they will work as an alliance to end the terrorization of monsters destroying the populace of many races. Once the man had finished his statement, Marcaunon seemed confused.

The biggest question that was running throughout the elf’s mind was to how did this man know of him? What purpose would he want of him and the others specifically to endure such a task, and is there something in it for them? Questions clouded Marcaunon’s thoughts, yet him being convinced that this would offer something of value to him was the opposite.

“So if I can understand you properly,” began Marcaunon, “You want to link us all together and use our supposed skills to inherit a task that many other beings have been carrying out for quite a while now, correct?”

The elf laughed to himself, thinking that the idea was of nothing more than a ridiculous manner, feeling that there is more than meets the eye with this purpose. Clenching his hands together on the table in front of him, he kept quietly giggling to himself, merely finding the situation humorous yet ridiculous as well.
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