The general idea I have for my faction will be a civilization of slimy critters who hull themselves up in clean, glistening shells who are absolute germaphobes who have accrued considerable amounts of power in the vacuum the Orionics left. I'll put slow work on them, but I intend to really get into this NRP after June 10th since that's when I get tons of free time. (Current app is WIP)
@Dinh AaronMk Seconded, it pays to at least have some regard for astronomy in a sci-fi setting even if it's a space opera. I find the Universe Atlas maps pretty useful for that.
@Willy Vereb It's hard to write accurate scaled galactic scale sci-fi. Which was why I experimented with single star system sci-fi NRPs. Not much of an audience though since the people who want that already have eclipse phase.
-Expect a flag eventually-
The metasyndicate is a society of scavengers and technophilic upstarts built on a very highly materialistic outlook of the universe. Ran by an oligarchy of Fosskemians fused with AI minds, yet infused with an outlook that demands conflict and chaos as fundamental aspects of the universe even as they simultaniously seek open, free trade with others and a general obsession with increasing the flow of data whatever the content.
The denizens of the Metasyndicate have come to prominence mostly in the wake of the collapse of the Orionic Empire as one of the various “xeno barbarian” forces out there. The Metas themselves tend to view themselves much more as a fire in the dark, finally free to spread across the volatile environment left behind by the storm of the collapse. The entities of the metasyndicate are notorious for their scavenging, piracy, tendency to go basically anywhere they see fit and their advanced information warfare capabilities. The metasyndicate has been, like with other alien forces, a common go-to for other civilizations for mercenaries as it is well known that that the most common species of the metasyndicate does not fear death. Only silence.
A syndicate within syndicates is the way it is usually described. A greater organization of self-aware space craft runs a large shadow government within the system of organizations that the metasyndicate consists of. These organizations act as independent organs of the Greater Metasyndicate government with private initiatives and goals within the framework system that the metasyndicate itself creates for its inhabitants. While claimed to be a free trade society, intervention by the Anvayat class is a regular feature of their society without really much accountability. The oligarchic nature of this society is complicated by the local sector polities being usually either monarchic or anarchic with little in between. They are usually described as a federation of sorts as a result, though with organizations having much more power within the system than local governments and their private armies who tend to play off these organizations.
The general structure looks like a web more than a pyramid with the metasyndicate government itself meddling frequently, but not to the kind of institutional degrees most governments do. This weak control on what local actors within the greater metasyndicate means the metasyndicate as a federal force has been very unstable an actor, at times behaving more like a massive terrorist organization than as a coherent government with their ideology seeing the fall of the Orionic empire as one of the greatest things to ever happen in galactic history.
The Metasyndicate have very overt AI custodianship like other civilizations in the region, though these AI systems are unique in how they don’t hide themselves and tend to be more manipulators of the overall metasyndicate. These AIs don’t really have borders and have been known to attempt to meddle in the affairs of other societies as well. These AI systems have a relationship with the Fosskemians that is described below.
The early interstellar societies the Metasyndicate descends from were not really societies as we think of them. Instead they were drone swarms, with AI systems mining aggressively across a portion of the galaxy to create ever larger machine swarms. Said AI swarms were slaughtered by the Orionic empire long before the Orionic Empire fell however and that ended the enigmatic first generation of AIs known as only the Harlapa. It is still unclear if they are of human or alien origin. Theories range from them being some alien civilization that had a grey goo catastrophe to something rogue human colonists from ancient times. The exact truth remains nebulous and hard to discover due to lots of lost records and data, made worse with the Orionic Empire’s collapse.
Fast forward a several centuries and a remnant population of these AIs comes across a civilization of beings who suffered a nuclear catastrophe of their own making- the ancient Fosskemians in their Opulence Era that ended nearly in their extinction. This remnant AI population was a weird one- it instead of euthanizing this species uplifted them, giving them warp drive technology and the ability to make an interstellar empire on the fringes of imperial space. The remnant AIs became beings fused with the Fosskemians known as the Anvayat, whose general motives beyond their borderline nihilistic outlook include the propagation of harmonious thought. This society developed with some imperial incursions, but by this time the Empire had its hands much too full to handle some peripheral xeno barbaric force. And so, the network of societies that converged into the metasyndicate developed as did the web work of infrastructure for their confederate union of interstellar organizations. However, the institution of the Auditor only appeared after the Orionic Collapse just 150 years ago.
In the current era of darkness, the Metasyndicate has thrived in the general chaos of the collapse with not much in the way of their ability to explore the galaxy, harvest ancient technologies for their own use or intervene in the affairs of others for the end of preventing anything like the Orionic Empire from arising again. Ongoing tensions with other xenobarbaric forces have continued to make the metasyndicate itself use whatever options they have on the table when dealing with others in this shattered galaxy. (Anything more I add to this will be collaborative)
I am using this section for both military and technology since with the Metasyndicate, civilian tech and military tech have no defined lines. Civilians can become militias in many cases within the Metasyndicate, and so what you will get here is a grab bag of various Fosskemian tech products and some lore connected to them.
The military of the metasyndicate has no real standardization due to multiple factions and the tendency to use tons of self-organizing smaller squad groups whose general movements often are loosely coordinated with the intent of increasing uncertainty for their opponents. This is what they do instead of the traditional armadas. The general tech the metasyndicate uses is usually reverse engineered and taken from other factions when it isn’t based on older designs from the AI era plastered over with various artistic touches by the pilots.
In general, the Metasyndicate’s military is not known for being well organized or competent even with the professionalism to which the major factions try to hold their members. However, it does make use of some shockingly developed means of subterfuge and interception of communication systems. The Metasyndicate's military technology is instead strongly rooted in amplifying their power through a powerful array of espionage based technologies.
--Multipurpose tech--
Spoofers are the main stay of Fosskemian gadgetry, they are small energy teleportation devices that are the basis of much of their civilization. It is one of the main achievements of the reverse engineering efforts of Metasyndicate researchers building off the prior attempts at this tech and making a heat sucking device. The implications of Spoofers are massive- they allow for wireless energy transfer in their devices for instance allowing them to get away with set ups normally limited by needing to transport batteries around or having to carry a power generator as they can source the power through spoofers.
Spoofers have a military application not just logistically- they can overclock a missile with more or less energy dynamically thanks to spoofers allowing for tiny bombs with far more massive explosions than first expected.
Spoofers are limited by light lag however, and do not exhibit FTL properties.
Spoofer energy transmissions are interceptable if you know where one is, something the metasyndicate knows well and so much of Fosskemian tech does whatever it can to obscure the location of a spoofer to make it harder to flood out the media it is using to transmit the heat.
Zippers are amphibious flycrafts used by the Fosskemians that can be deployed from orbit and dive down into the depths of a world's oceans. Zippers are called such because of their incredible manuverability and speed, being mostly used as scout craft, smuggling crafts and as hit and run crafts. Their craft makes them a bit pricy, but the Metasyndicate has organizations dedicated to their production that has tried to satitae demands for the Zippercrafts and their mixed and flexible capabilities.
Better skins are a series of various exosuit systems made from very flexible materials to help with navigating higher gravity environments. They also act as a still suit for the amphibious fosskemians in more arid environments where they would normally risk dying from drying up. Most better skins are non-powered suits, but Spoofer powered bettwer skins have been used in their militaries in many cases.
Wavekill is one of the more bizarre tech systems- if a vessel is unshielded or some part of their infratsurture is vulnerable this device can launch disruptive waves to destabilize the infrastructure of vital components of whatever it hits, be it a car, a building or anything with many sensitive parts. It is wide reaching in use- for instance if used on a biological creature, it can give them heart attacks, intense pain and profuse internal bleeding.
Wavekill systems have also found usage in therapy for various neuro-disorders (mainly since light wavekills can cause a 'jump starting' effect within the target) and encyrpted communications.
--Spaceship Classes--
There is no one kind of these spaceships, the main thing to know about them is their mixture of ceremonial and organizational roles in ceremonial hargonian fuedal conflicts. Noble Spacecrafts are literally called this because they are the spacecraft only hargonian princesses get to pilot in theory. In practice they get auctioned off all the time by princesses who are needing money or found a new spaceship to make into a Noble Spacecraft.
The general idea is similar to that of military officers on their horses from earlier human eras- a specialized craft that says "I am the one in charge here" and is made intentionally to incite direct engagement with a rival princess. It is also because it increases ratings when rival princesses destroy each other in "honorable" space combat instead of the normal kind.
Despite being blatantly ceremonial, they have still been used by Hargonians in battles with other societies in the galaxy to varied, varied results- and the princesses tend to take these spaceships everywhere, even on foreign meetings despite often being armed enough to wipe out a continent. Hargonian princesses tend to not to like leaving their spaceships as is, living in them much like hermit crabs live in shells. This is not due to security alone- it is also due to how communications filled their ships are and because it makes them feel more powerful to be in a spaceship and very weak and pitiful to not be in a spaceship.
Energetic-Class Vessels are a Boundless innovation and their signature vessels, made of a mixture of reverse engineered tech their main property is that they are able to absorb energy, transfer energy between other ships within a brigade and make use of particle array cannons alongside semi-automatic railguns. Such high powered, hard hitting and heavily shielded ships ranging from frigate to cruiser sizes (up to 1 Km for their long journey mothercraft) are a specialty within the Metasyndicate and are used by the Boundless as exploration vessels since the kind of exploation the boundless do sometimes requires being able to bring worlds to submission with one squadron of spacecraft. They can absorb energy from the kinetic force of weapons that hit their shields even as it also harms said shields and can absorb energy more when near a star. This allows them to go on long distance expeditions where they stop by bright stars to recharge on energy.
And so the Energetic Vessel was made.
Still, sustained fire on one ship can cause other ships to also take damage to their own shielding systems to due to the interdependent energy distribution systems used by other ships within their brigade group.
Starbodies are what Anvayat store themselves within and control through possession, their fused AI interfacing with them and their spaceship as they feel themselves as the spaceship itself in a state of extreme intimacy. The Starbodies become themselves and they act as such- the Starbodies very often overtake the Anvayat identity.
The technical capabilities of the Starbodies are wide ranging, having a spinal mount mass driver mixed with particle array systems and multiple layers of shielding making for a much more resistant, hard to destroy ship made all the worse by spoofer energy flow allowing them to constantly get more energy for their shield systems. Still, if you can find ways to disrupt spoofer energy flows, they become somewhat weaker. But still will prove hell to deal with, starbodies are made to take over the infrastructure of a local world and can also make attempts at hijacking the tech of other spacecraft through wave based means to destabilize their reactor cores or life support.
((Very incomplete for now as the metasyndicate is meant to have all sorts of powerful, peculiar gadgetry and that takes time to percolate. That being said the general gist has been given, I doubt it is enough to qualify as "enough" for IC positng however.))
As a free minded society, Anchorism nor Kineticism has had much bearing on the Fosskemians of the Metasyndicate with the dominant belief system being more a mode of thought than any actual spirituality. This mode of thought comes from a centuries old proto-auditor whose ravings and rants are regularly played known as Auditor Rovii. Rovii is often retroactively considered the first auditor despite being centuries old, long before the institution of auditor even existed. The basic tenets of Harmonious Action are that silence and stability are fundamentally connected within the triangular moral gradient that is silence, harmony and dissonance. The harmony the "intellectuals" of the Metasyndicate frequently go on public rants about effectively must do with the loose pattern of ebbs, flows and concerted shifts to which all civilization follows. Large, stable empires are viewed in general as an unnatural state and the Metasyndicate is structured in a fashion usually described as a mixture of logocractic and corporatist governance. However, mob rule also tends to be a common feature of the metasyndicate on a local level. With the high degree of automation seen in their civilization, citizens usually tend to do a lot of very strange activities to keep harmonious and not dull themselves. One example is that highly suicidal stunts are a very common trend among their citizens. For the weak fear of death mixed with the moral system that pervades the metasyndicate encourages behavior of this nature. Coming from a desire for “resonance”- something often confused for “legacy” means dying in a gruesome, but beautifully impossible to ignore way is a common behavior among their citizens. Disturbingly enough, even by other species assimilated into the harmonious/Rovite mindset.
The metasyndicate is also characterized by being highly cosmopolitan a civilization, with inhabitants from all over even with the fosskemians being in the majority due to their high reproduction rates (they’ve industrialized their egg fertilization). The Fosskemians as a species value communication and being able to communicate to others highly and so lack the degree of xenophobia other species may have even if they press their worldview onto every other species, even animals. Variations within the Metasyndicate exist, mainly due to the different organizations that act as the organelles for the greater metasyndicate.
----- Examples ----
Boundless Association
The Boundless Association are the most widespread group of Metasyndicate denizens, being both a research organization and a historical society that have a significant share of the industrial-military complex of the Metasyndicate and make use of their military to harass societies for their tech, artifacts and such when they don’t make use of their spy networks to get said resources for themselves. The Boundless Association makes use of a specialized group for these spy networks known as the Collectors who have found use by the Hargonians, the Kazzlehorf and the Waywards. The Boundless view themselves as the vanguards of information collection and as the prime innovators of the Metasyndicate, with a deeply prideful outlook missing from the other factions and a sense of optimism and seemingly idiotic wonder for the galaxy in general. They are always friendly even towards their enemies and victims as everyone to them are friends and having company that wants to change your state forcefully (killing) is still preferable to no company. The boundless are also dogmatic recruiters for the metasyndicate and indeed get viewed as the “outside interaction group” while the Hargonians and Waywardians get viewed as much more domestic in nature. The boundless are the most common grouping of Metasyndicate civilizations other factions will come across as they explore the furthest out.
The Hargonian Dynasty
The most notable is the Hargonian Dynasty, an ancient Fosskemian dynasty that has claims all the way back to the Opulence Era that makes use of queens and a nobility that consists of many ‘princess’ Fosskemians who come from the eggs of the queen Fosskemian. The Hargonites of the current era have gained notoriety for there being multiple self-proclaimed Hargonite queens and selling their “royal” eggs on the market knowing full well they can be externally fertilized. The hargonites generally aren’t taken seriously by the other factions, mainly being viewed more as a source for viewing screens than as a actual society- a massive endless drama play the other organizations have to deal with from time to time when they start wars with others. Still, they are a pretty significant faction of the metasyndicate and have attempted all matter of diplomatic action with other societies despite being aliens who can’t cross breed to make heirs for any marriage alliances. They often suggest an AI heir instead in such cases. The Hargonians are also distinct in how they are more sedentary than the other two major groups.
The Waywardians are a group whose general mindset is that of dysfunctionality and a form of nihilism much stronger than the Rovite ethics traditionally followed by the other groups. The Waywardians fear determinism and so act in ways intentionally arbitrary as a means of fighting the deterministic nature of the universe itself. They have experimented with vast ranges of peculiar technologies they stole from the Boundless, (of whom stole from other societies) to try to break reality itself and have also figured out enhanced warp drive systems that were quickly copied by other societies before the Waywardians were able to get any major advantage. The waywardians as a group also make a heavy use of cloning, with usually the general desire of watching new individuals sprout from the process. Still, their society is perhaps the most Anvayat infiltrated of them and the most directly ran by them beyond the traditional meddling and so the Waywardians get often viewed as just a test bed for the Anvayat’s endless search for a purer harmonious state.
((More to come, I can always extend this))
Fosskemian 67%
The Fosskemians are tall creatures, around 7-8 feet in height on Average. However, they aren't strong creatures due to their biomechanics not being apt for strength. Their prehensile limbs are weak compared to ours, and this has affected how they interact with the environment around them by making them prone to using smaller tools or working in aquatic environments; they tend to craft underwater.
The Fosskemians have adapted to using their 'wings' as a versatile type of "leg" which allows them to skid, slide and gallop around their environment which has a denser atmosphere than our own. The Fosskemians breathe through their skin for the most part, with the blow holes in their backs being more for their wing systems more than actual respiration. The Fosskemians have a small, sharp beak at the front of their long heads. They hear vibrations from the ground better than we do, but have difficulty hearing high pitched sounds.
The Fosskemians are amphibious beings, which is how they colonized so much of their world so fast as they literally drifted to other land masses. Their long history of civilization, stretching over 12000 years is something often neglected by their own kind- especially since a lot of this history is revised on a regular, persistent basis with lots of lost knowledge about ancient times for them. The Fosskemian have 15-20 year generations instead of 30 year generations even today, and can have children as early as 7 years of age. The Fosskemians in general are shorter lived than us and this may factor into their mentality of resonance on a fundamental level; they live short existences after all.
The Fosskemian are L-handed beings like us, and so there is some compatible food products. Their nutrition is like ours except in certain areas, primarily in fibers. They seem to eat proteins just like we do, although Terran plant matter is not nutritious for them (and likewise, Vopallian balloon matter lack nutritional value for us).
Fosskemian sub-species are rare; most have already converged. Communities of non-common Fosskemian such as the spotties or the pink Fosskemian tend to isolate themselves in distance around the galaxy, usually being literally thousands of light years from the common Fosskemian. The common Fosskemian, being comprised of multiple sub-species have quite a bit of genetic variation (I may have to draw this).
The Fosskemians are a species who lays eggs, with males being the caretakers of said eggs. The Fosskemian tend to live in large groups, in multiple mass nests and sets of complexes. These colonies tend to contain internally functional markets which trade with other nests in global networks somewhat like nation-states, but much more tightly knit and with less centralized authority. These complexes can be highly dangerous for the surrounding environment, as they tend to leak waste into the surrounding area. There is no real single male-female mate; it is more a series of mates’ females have, males tend to communally take care of eggs and raise children along with expand the nest.
Females tend to leave the nests far more frequently than males, although females taking males where they go is all too frequent (since having a consistent system of places in society is too hard for them, even if there is blatant gender roles in their species. The Fosskemian don't seem to recognize they even exist, despite how painfully obvious it is to human observers. Males that question this have highly varied consequences, sometimes ignored, sometimes ostracized, other times socially humiliated in public). There isn't really much consistency in authority or law; there is very little concept of law to begin with, just guidelines that change depending on what the local auditor, princess or plutocrat says is the rules now. Their science is rife in a range of psuedoscientific madness that is only tempered by obsessive experimentation by scientifically minded Fosskemian that tends to find new technologies to play with. Science in the Fosskemian sense is really a range of experiments made not to solve problems, but to have new things to possess.
Fosskemian psychology on the whole has many human-like traits, though there is a couple significant deviations. The most significant being their fear of silence and not fearing death. This fear of silence is usually viewed in terms of "lacking noise" and has informed their cultural beliefs/norms throughout their history, manifesting in a wide array of different means. The Metasyndicate being just one example of this.
Humans 11%
Humans, often from the Aurorian Republic or the USS Chaim who have been a part of the metasydnicate and even before with older generations of imperial exiles making for a diverse and colorful community of humans of many backgrounds. Who tend to really not like each other, some even have made identitarian organizations trying to assert their home faction's ideals in alien territory.
Others TBA
Characters: (You don't need to go that in depth in the NS, but once we get to IC, definitely have them fleshed out, at least mentally.)
Relations: (Talk to people! This section in NRPs often goes neglected, but it's important for other characters making their own NSs.)
Habitation: The Fosskemians as a species are traditionally amphibians and this shows in their infrastructure, with lots of water pools just to stay wet and their control pads being built for them to use machines they operate lying down with their huge flippers stretched out instead of standing up. The Fosskemians also use their massive flippers to make all matter of bar and friction based infrastructure that wouldn’t make sense with a human body plan. Having to make this different infrastructural need work with the more humanoid (or otherwise) species of the galaxy has been one of the great headaches of Metasyndicate architects.
((Probably could include way more detail here, I promise pics on this in the future)).
Still very much a WIP, but this is what I've got thus far.
The Planets and Territories under the Protection of the Imperial Crown of Astrana
The Empire of Astrana Astrana
Brief Description
Astrana is a human-centric country that tries to balance a strong autocratic ruler with the protections of more liberal forms of governments. While not necessarily anti-xeno, it is exceedingly rare for a xeno, or any immigrant for that matter, to gain citizenship in Astrana. Astrana does allow some foreigners to live in the country under a long-term residency status and it does encourage foreigners, both human and xeno, to come as tourists, but its society as a whole shows little interest in allowing immigration and dealing with the issue of having multiple ethnicities. Astranan emperors of the past focused on conquest, but over the past hundred years there has been little interest in conquest, with the emphasis being on the expansion of the country’s economy.
Claim: (As stated in the OOC, keep it smaller than usual; the empires have fallen.)
Type: Constitutional Monarchy/Liberal Autocracy The government is ruled by the reigning monarch, whose powers are limited by a constitution. A parliamentary body, elected by individual planetary populations, helps with the administration of the government while ensuring that the needs of the citizens are met without infringing upon their constitutional rights. The reigning monarch assigns viceroys to govern over star systems and individual planets; these viceroys in turn have a counterpart parliamentary body that deals with the system or planet’s laws and taxation. These viceroy assignments are held until the viceroy either dies, retires, or is recalled by the monarch.
Perhaps the single greatest power of the parliament (both Imperial and planetary) is its control over taxation rights. Constitutionally it is the parliament that sets tax rates, collects taxes, and sets the government’s budget. While reigning monarchs do have their own personal holdings to gather funds from, these are not nearly enough to meet the needs of the government, thus giving the parliament great leverage over the monarch.
Technological Overview
Astrana possesses fairly advanced energy weaponry in the form of particle beams which can even be used in strike craft and armored vehicles. Shielding for spacecraft is commonplace and even some infantry possess personal shields. A few choice pieces of technology, such as the zero point generator and widespread use of cyberware, does make Astrana stand out slightly.
Cyberware: A broad term, cyberware refers to essentially any machine or hardware that is implanted into an animal. Cyberware can be divided into two categories: interfaces and prosthetics. Interfaces are implants that are used to interact with other machines, usually wirelessly, or store information. Specialized interfaces are used by the military to allow soldiers to link with their hardware to achieve better control or gather more information quicker. Interfaces are also used to accelerate the learning process. Prosthetics are hardware used to replace limbs or re-enable their use should they or the nervous system be damaged. A darker side to this technology involves replacing limbs with prosthetics to increase a soldier’s physical capabilities or use interfaces as a means of surveillance and control.
Defensive Smoke: By placing a charge on the particles created by a zero point generator and then dispersing those particles in an area a magnetic field can be generated. These particles essentially form a “cloud” of plasma that can vaporize projectiles and cause intense diffusion and blooming in energy weapons that go through it. It is important to note, however, that defensive smoke isn’t as effective of a defense as shields generally are and that multiple attacks will cause it to disperse. It is also important to note that a sufficiently powerful attack can punch through defensive smoke, although it will lose some of its strength in doing so. A ship technically has an unlimited amount of defensive smoke to employ, however using defensive smoke means there are less particles available for other applications such as propulsion or weapons. There have been instances of defensive smoke being used offensively as well in a sort of “shotgun” attack against strike craft or larger ships that got too close, although this is comparable rare.
Imperial Swords: Soldiers in the Imperial military have access to a variety of melee weapons called swords. While named after an archaic weapon, these swords have been updated for use in the modern battlefield and range from having plasma based blades to monomolecular blades.
Particle Beam Weaponry: These weapons function by taking the particles produced by a zero point generator, giving it a charge, and then accelerating these particles with a circular accelerator to produce a beam. These weapons are useful as they have more impact damage than lasers and possess greater penetration. On the flip side they have far less range, about one light second for the largest and most advanced models. Advancements in the miniaturization of the circular accelerator have resulted in even fighter craft being equipped with these weapons, although they are much weaker and have far less range than the models found on larger ships. Particle beam weaponry effectively have unlimited ammunition due to how the zero point generator functions, but this means that there are fewer particles available for other applications. Continual use can also overheat the weapon, decreasing its effectiveness.
Personal Energy Shield: Some of the more expensive suits of infantry armor used by the Empire, usually those used by elite forces, are equipped with energy shields capable of protecting the user from a variety of attacks. While effectively useless against large calibre/power attacks, these do provide some additional protection from small arms fire and shrapnel.
Q-thruster: Short for quantum vacuum plasma thruster, Q-thrusters are a type of drive used to propel almost all of the ships used by the Empire. Q-thrusters make use of the virtual particles produced by a zero point generator by charging the particles, effectively turning the particles into plasma. The particles are then exposed to a crossed electric and magnetic field which induces a force on the particles. As the particles are expelled in one direction an equal force is applied on the rest of the ship, thus propelling it in the opposite direction. Because of the way they function Q-thrusters do not require fuel, thus saving space in the ship and eliminating the risks inherent with many conventional fuels.
Squire AI: Squire AI are specialized AI designed to push human capabilities beyond their natural limit. Usually these AI are integrated into a piece of equipment such as a strike craft, warship, or armor and interact with its user via their implant. Squire’s are set up in a way that they are intended to make it as if the equipment they are installed in is a part of the user’s body; but it does more than that. The AI helps process large amounts of data for its user and supplements its user in a way that greatly increases their decision making abilities and reflexes. Some high ranking officials even have these AI permanently installed in their cyberware, although this is somewhat rare. Commonly Squire AI are simply referred to as ‘Squire’, however some users decide to give them a real name.The use of limited purview and sophisticated moral and reinforcement coding ensures that Squires do not become a threat to those who made and use them.
Zero Point Generator: Using the dynamic Casimir effect, two reflective flat plates are placed a few nanometers apart. These plates are then manipulated in such a way that they osculate, producing particles and energy in the process. The zero point generator first saw use in spacecraft, which they were used to power and propel without traditional fuels. Later developments allowed for the construction of massive zero point power plants that provide power for entire cities. While the virtual particles produced by a zero point generator are inherently useless, due to ceasing to exist after a short amount of time, by charging these particles they can be made usable for a wide variety of applications. It wouldn't be an understatement to declare the zero point generator as the foundation of modern Astranan technology.
Astrana’s military is divided into two general components: the Imperial Armed Forces (shortened to AIAF) and the planetary self defence forces (PSDF). The Imperial Armed Forces themselves are divided into three branches: the Navy, the Ground Forces, and the Aerospace Forces.The Imperial Armed forces have very high standards for recruitment and training that, while resulting in fewer personnel overall, ensure that AIAF troops are amongst the best. AIAF prefers firepower and mobility over defense. The planetary self defense forces usually end up with those who didn’t meet the high standards of the AIAF. As their names indicate, the PSDF’s roles include protection of planets, anti-pirate operations, and rescue operations.
Maneuver-Firepower Doctrine: The combat doctrine of the Imperial ground forces revolves around incapacitating the enemy’s decision making ability through shock and disruption. This doctrine revolves around punching through enemy lines, or outmaneuvering the enemy, in order to strike their command structures and logistical bases.
Imperial Infantry The bread and butter of the IGF, Imperial infantry are well trained and decently well equipped soldiers. They are notable for being great marksmen. These soldiers are equipped with railguns, usually a semi-auto variant, and a monomolecular blade. Imperial Infantry are organized into sections of eight soldiers, which can be further divided into fire teams of four. Each fire team has one soldier equipped with a heavy weapon that can be anything from an LMG to an anti-armor rocket launcher. Each soldier is outfitted with a physical shield that has been further enhanced by a direction energy shield. These shields can repel a little small arms fire before being rendered useless, providing the soldiers with a little extra protection.
Imperial Knights These veterans serve as shock troops, focusing on breaking through enemy lines and destroying vital targets. Imperial knights are equipped with powered armor that are further enhanced by a personal energy shield. These soldiers are stereotyped as using swords, but also make use of grenades, rockets, high rate of fire railguns, and just about anything else that will help them complete their missions.
Cataphracts Veterans pulled from the ranks of the Imperial infantry and knights, these are Astrana’s elite troops. They are equipped with the best weapons and armor available to Astrana, making use of powered armor that are further enhanced by a personal energy shield and squire AI. Much like the Imperial Knights, Cataphracts are stereotyped as using a sword in battle (specifically a beam sword), but they’ll use whatever is necessary to get the job done. In battle cataphracts are used sparingly, usually held in reserve to stop any enemy breakthroughs in their tracks. Their rare use in battle has resulted in the saying “Its come to the cataphracts” being used throughout Astrana, basically meaning “they have broken through and this is the last thing we can do to respond.” Cataphracts can also be used to great effect to take advantage of any breakthroughs made by Imperial Knights.
Praetorian Guard Originally established as an organization tasked with protecting the Imperial parliament, the Praetorian guard’s role has expanded to protecting all high level government officials and the Imperial capital of Truica. They excel on the defense, but aren’t equipped or trained for offensive operations. While it is common for them to work alongside the Imperial Guard, the Praetorian Guard are neither part of the Imperial Guard nor required to follow the Imperial Guard’s orders.
Imperial Guard Tasked with protecting the Imperial family and Imperial Capital, Imperial guards are well trained and equipped, but typically serve a ceremonial role more than anything. They take orders from the Imperial family alone and are not technically even part of the IGF. Imperial guards are equipped with the highest quality infantry armor outside of powered armor, and even have personal shield generators. They possess large shields capable of emitting a directional shield as well for added protection. Historically they served on the battlefield much in the same capacity as the cataphracts, but over time their role became increasingly ceremonial.
Heavy Knight Standing at four meters tall, Heavy knights act as both infantry and armor. Their heavy armor, equipped with shield generators, grants them the durability of conventional armor, while allowing them to retain much of the flexibility of conventional infantry. Most of the time heavy knights will be equipped with a particle beam cannon, although heavy anti-armor railguns are also common. Heavy knights are intended to work alongside knights, although it isn’t uncommon to see them providing support to other Astranan infantry as well.
Heavy Imperial Guard Imperial Guards outfitted with mechanized armor that stand at four meters tall, Heavy Imperial Guards are a more combat oriented version of the Imperial Guards. Like their infantry comrades, Heavy Imperial Guards are tasked with the protection of the Imperial family and Imperial capital world. Historically they have been tasked by the Emperor to oversee battles and act as elite soldiers on the battlefield, although this has fallen out of practice recently. The mechanized armor of Heavy Imperial Guards are equipped with a shield general, is capable of prolonged independent flight, and there are even some variants made specifically for use in the void of space. Like their lesser armored brothers, the shields these soldiers carry are capable of producing a direction shield for added protection. These soldiers are commonly equipped with a plasma sword and heavy particle beam rifle.
Heavy Cataphract Much like the Heavy Knight, the Heavy Cataphract are mechanized soldiers who are intended to support their less armored comrades. Heavy cataphracts stand at six meters tall and are equipped with an incredibly advanced shield. Its built in squire AI is intended to provide the pilot with support including information, countermeasures control, and is even capable of operating the armor by itself and continue combat in the event that the pilot is incapacitated.
Tetrarch Tankette The Tetrarch tankette is a tiny tank with a single person crew. Strictly speaking it is a tank-walker hybrid vehicle, capable of switching between the two modes during battle. It was designed to support infantry in combat and serve as a reconnaissance vehicle. Towards this end the Tetrarch tankette has good top speeds, acceleration, and agility. Its main cannon is capable of loading a variety of different types of rounds ranging from high explosive and armor piercing to shrapnel and EMP; it is important to note that even with armor piercing rounds the Tetrarch tankette struggles to pierce the armor of any vehicle larger than a light tank. On top of this the Tetrarch tankette’s armor is very thin, so much so that some of the larger infantry based rifles can pierce it given the right circumstances. The Tetrarch tankette is capable of being dropped into combat both from the air and orbit. Because of its drawbacks the Tetrarch tankette sees a lot of use in an auxiliary and logistics capacity instead of actual combat. Even so these vehicles excel in rough terrain and urban environments and should not be underestimated as they are a potent tool when used correctly.
Scorpion Light Hover Tank The Scorpion light hover tank is small sized, thinly armored hover tank intended to serve as an armored reconnaissance vehicle, artillery observer, and skirmisher. Its main cannon is almost identical to the Tetrarch tankette’s and is capable of loading a variety of different types of rounds ranging from high explosive and armor piercing to shrapnel and EMP. Although the Scorpion possess superior armor to the Tetrarch, the Scorpion is also a much larger target. In addition to its main cannon the Scorpion has one anti-air missile and two anti-armor missiles.
Striker Anti-Air Artillery The Striker is an old, almost ancient design, even so it has more than proven to be a highly reliable piece of equipment. Originally outfitted with ballistic flak guns, most modern Strikers have either railguns or particle beam cannons. The Striker excels at destroy hostile aircraft. More importantly some of the particle beam variants, when equipped to an outside power source and extra cooling systems, have been able to hit objects in low orbit, including both satellites and starships. In addition to destroying aircraft, the Striker is quite good at engaging infantry and can even fight head to head with light armor.
Chariot APC The Chariot APC is a hover transport designed to carry two full squads into combat. These combat transports possess decent armor and speed. Their only armament is a heavy machine gun, meaning they can not engage other armor. Chariots also serve as logistics vehicles, carrying ammo or serving as a combat medical vehicle.
Crusader IFV The Crusader IFV was designed to replace the Chariot as Astrana’s primary ground combat transport. While this certainly hasn’t occurred, due to a variety of issues, the Crusader is still a widely used vehicle in the army. The Crusader has two different variants: the Crusader IFV and the Crusader Tank Destroyer (picture above). The IFV variant is equipped with a railgun and can carry a squad of soldiers into combat. The tank destroyer variant sacrifices its ability to carry troops in exchange for a heavy particle beam cannon capable of destroying even the most heavily of armored vehicles. While reliable, the Crusader doesn’t handle rough terrain as well as the Chariot and, due to having wheels, is prone to be knocked out when moving over rough terrain.
Warrior Hover Tank The Warrior tank serves as the Empire’s main battle tank. It is noted as possessing phenomenal mobility and firepower, but at the cost of armor. Typically, the Warrior is outfitted with a railgun for its main armament, however particle beam cannons are not uncommon. Because of its comparably light armor, the Warrior suffers in engagements where it is close to its foes. There have been known instances of light tanks or IFVs disabling or destroying a Warrior at close range. Despite this the Warrior excels at long range battles, where its superior cannon often times outranges those of contemporary main battle tanks and its comparably superior mobility allows it to better dodge incoming fire. Even with these comparative advantages the Warrior struggles against contemporary main battle tanks, especially in defensive engagements.
Titan-class Planetary Assault Ship The Titan-class planetary assault ship is a specialized warship designed to operate in any environment. Titan-class ships are roughly the size of the average corvette and can operate in space; however, they are designed primarily to function within a planet’s atmosphere. Their primary purpose is to transport troops and equipment to planetary battlegrounds and support those troops in battle. Titan-class ships possess a single heavy particle beam cannon, missile launchers, railguns, and a variety of point defense systems. In many ways Titans act simply as a premade bases or airfields, however they can also serve as a large scale transport or supply depot.
There are three generally accepted classes in Astranan society: the imperial family, the nobility, and the commoners. As the name indicates, the imperial family is the ruling class in the empire. The nobility is made up of viceroys, military officers, and those given a permanent title by the monarch. Anyone can technically become a noble. This is accomplished by either progressing in rank to an officer position in the military, or being granted a title by the imperial family. The commoners are a bit different from the other classes as they are easily subdivided into other classes that include indentured servants, business entrepreneurs, and high level politicians.
Most people view the military as an honorable, and desirable, career choice. This is not only because it can lead to a title of nobility, but also because it was the military that held the Zuukid back, preventing them from wreaking havoc on Astrana’s worlds. The saying “Shield of the people, Sword of the Emperor” is often used to describe the military’s duel nature as the defenders of Astrana’s citizens, while also the tool by which the monarchy destroys its enemies. This mentality of the Astranan people, as well as strong traditions in the military itself, has allowed the military to serve as an important pillar of society while also preventing any kind of military coups or general corruption that stems from an overly influential military. Another interesting saying that has come from the military is “Its come to the cataphracts.” The saying meaning that ‘they have broken through and this is the last thing we can do to respond.’ It's a pragmatic and optimistic saying as it is essentially saying “there’s a major problem and its time for the real adults to step in and fix this.”
While Kineticism was once the dominant faith in Astrana, it is now practiced by only a small minority of the population.The dominant faith in Astrana is currently the Faith of the Children of the Stars. The Faith of the Children of the Stars is less a religion and more of a spiritual outlook and moral/philosophical framework. Important components of the faith involve viewing the stars as being the “birthmothers of all life” and reverence of the ancestors.
~98% Ethnic Astranans (Humans) <2% Other species and non-Astranan humans
Brief Description & History When the Earth was slowly dying, a private space exploration corporation decided to leave behind the Solar System and start anew. They helped out a few hundred thousands escape Earth while offering them an one way ticket out of the known galaxy. Androids were designed to maintain the ships while the crew and their citizens slept until it escaped the known galaxy. Eventually, they were awaken to a new system and a new Earth.
Once the ships landed on this new world, they found the Republic of New Terra and construction began which lasted for hundreds of years. The survivors had a chance to restore the democratic values that Earth lost a long time ago. Now after a few thousands of years of isolation within the Forever Free Space, the government voted in majority favor to send a crew back to known galaxy in hopes of learning the fate of the Solar System.
Government A democratic federation with the system being similar to the United Nations.
Military Unlike the former authoritarian government, military service isn't forced by law. Instead, people who are willing to join the military are reward greatly. If they either can't or don't want to join, they aren't heavily punished for it. Currently, forty-two percent of the population is working with the military in some form. Many of them are in space while a small percentage are in the navy. Each country has control over their military; however, the Republic of New Terra has direct access to them if needed. There are defenses throughout the world ready for a possible invasion.
These defenses contained anti-space guns and artilleries designed to last years of fighting. Meanwhile, trenches were made for the troops while underground bunkers were built for citizen use. All of this was designed for the day that some unknown life form would invade. However, it cost them much of the planet's resources to construct. As a result, the republic is looking to expanding beyond their planet in hopes of acquiring resources for their military and defenses.
Religion/Culture The old religions of Earth were making slowly making a comeback especially Catholicism and Christianity while Transhumanism was on a rise. Meanwhile, the avenge citizen was taught at birth about the original Earth and its downfall. Many of them are distrusting of species, especially those that support a galaxy wide empire. And several old cultures of Earth survived the escape to New Terra including Western and Eastern cultures.
Demographics 99.5% - Humans (52% male and 48% female) .5% - Androids
Habitation Anywhere really. That includes ships designed for living.
Here's an updated version of my sheet. Still a WIP.
The Planets and Territories under the Protection of the Imperial Crown of Astrana
The Empire of Astrana Astrana
Brief Description
Astrana is a human-centric country that tries to balance a strong autocratic ruler with the protections of more liberal forms of governments. While not necessarily anti-xeno, it is exceedingly rare for a xeno, or any immigrant for that matter, to gain citizenship in Astrana. Astrana does allow some foreigners to live in the country under a long-term residency status and it does encourage foreigners, both human and xeno, to come as tourists, but its society as a whole shows little interest in allowing immigration and dealing with the issue of having multiple ethnicities. Astranan emperors of the past focused on conquest, but over the past hundred years there has been little interest in conquest, with the emphasis being on the expansion of the country’s economy.
Claim: (As stated in the OOC, keep it smaller than usual; the empires have fallen.)
Type: Constitutional Monarchy/Liberal Autocracy The government is ruled by the reigning monarch, whose powers are limited by a constitution. A parliamentary body, elected by individual planetary populations, helps with the administration of the government while ensuring that the needs of the citizens are met without infringing upon their constitutional rights. The reigning monarch assigns viceroys to govern over star systems and individual planets; these viceroys in turn have a counterpart parliamentary body that deals with the system or planet’s laws and taxation. These viceroy assignments are held until the viceroy either dies, retires, or is recalled by the monarch.
Perhaps the single greatest power of the parliament (both Imperial and planetary) is its control over taxation rights. Constitutionally it is the parliament that sets tax rates, collects taxes, and sets the government’s budget. While reigning monarchs do have their own personal holdings to gather funds from, these are not nearly enough to meet the needs of the government, thus giving the parliament great leverage over the monarch.
Technological Overview
Astrana possesses fairly advanced energy weaponry in the form of particle beams which can even be used in strike craft and armored vehicles. Shielding for spacecraft is commonplace and even some infantry possess personal shields. A few choice pieces of technology, such as the zero point generator and widespread use of cyberware, does make Astrana stand out slightly.
Cyberware: A broad term, cyberware refers to essentially any machine or hardware that is implanted into an animal. Cyberware can be divided into two categories: interfaces and prosthetics. Interfaces are implants that are used to interact with other machines, usually wirelessly, or store information. Specialized interfaces are used by the military to allow soldiers to link with their hardware to achieve better control or gather more information quicker. Interfaces are also used to accelerate the learning process. Prosthetics are hardware used to replace limbs or re-enable their use should they or the nervous system be damaged. A darker side to this technology involves replacing limbs with prosthetics to increase a soldier’s physical capabilities or use interfaces as a means of surveillance and control.
Defensive Smoke: By placing a charge on the particles created by a zero point generator and then dispersing those particles in an area a magnetic field can be generated. These particles essentially form a “cloud” of plasma that can vaporize projectiles and cause intense diffusion and blooming in energy weapons that go through it. It is important to note, however, that defensive smoke isn’t as effective of a defense as shields generally are and that multiple attacks will cause it to disperse. It is also important to note that a sufficiently powerful attack can punch through defensive smoke, although it will lose some of its strength in doing so. A ship technically has an unlimited amount of defensive smoke to employ, however using defensive smoke means there are less particles available for other applications such as propulsion or weapons. There have been instances of defensive smoke being used offensively as well in a sort of “shotgun” attack against strike craft or larger ships that got too close, although this is comparable rare.
Imperial Swords: Soldiers in the Imperial military have access to a variety of melee weapons called swords. While named after an archaic weapon, these swords have been updated for use in the modern battlefield and range from having plasma based blades to monomolecular blades.
Particle Beam Weaponry: These weapons function by taking the particles produced by a zero point generator, giving it a charge, and then accelerating these particles with a circular accelerator to produce a beam. These weapons are useful as they have more impact damage than lasers and possess greater penetration. On the flip side they have far less range, about one light second for the largest and most advanced models. Advancements in the miniaturization of the circular accelerator have resulted in even fighter craft being equipped with these weapons, although they are much weaker and have far less range than the models found on larger ships. Particle beam weaponry effectively have unlimited ammunition due to how the zero point generator functions, but this means that there are fewer particles available for other applications. Continual use can also overheat the weapon, decreasing its effectiveness.
Personal Energy Shield: Some of the more expensive suits of infantry armor used by the Empire, usually those used by elite forces, are equipped with energy shields capable of protecting the user from a variety of attacks. While effectively useless against large calibre/power attacks, these do provide some additional protection from small arms fire and shrapnel.
Q-thruster: Short for quantum vacuum plasma thruster, Q-thrusters are a type of drive used to propel almost all of the ships used by the Empire. Q-thrusters make use of the virtual particles produced by a zero point generator by charging the particles, effectively turning the particles into plasma. The particles are then exposed to a crossed electric and magnetic field which induces a force on the particles. As the particles are expelled in one direction an equal force is applied on the rest of the ship, thus propelling it in the opposite direction. Because of the way they function Q-thrusters do not require fuel, thus saving space in the ship and eliminating the risks inherent with many conventional fuels.
Squire AI: Squire AI are specialized AI designed to push human capabilities beyond their natural limit. Usually these AI are integrated into a piece of equipment such as a strike craft, warship, or armor and interact with its user via their implant. Squire’s are set up in a way that they are intended to make it as if the equipment they are installed in is a part of the user’s body; but it does more than that. The AI helps process large amounts of data for its user and supplements its user in a way that greatly increases their decision making abilities and reflexes. Some high ranking officials even have these AI permanently installed in their cyberware, although this is somewhat rare. Commonly Squire AI are simply referred to as ‘Squire’, however some users decide to give them a real name.The use of limited purview and sophisticated moral and reinforcement coding ensures that Squires do not become a threat to those who made and use them.
Zero Point Generator: Using the dynamic Casimir effect, two reflective flat plates are placed a few nanometers apart. These plates are then manipulated in such a way that they osculate, producing particles and energy in the process. The zero point generator first saw use in spacecraft, which they were used to power and propel without traditional fuels. Later developments allowed for the construction of massive zero point power plants that provide power for entire cities. While the virtual particles produced by a zero point generator are inherently useless, due to ceasing to exist after a short amount of time, by charging these particles they can be made usable for a wide variety of applications. It wouldn't be an understatement to declare the zero point generator as the foundation of modern Astranan technology.
Astrana’s military is divided into two general components: the Imperial Armed Forces (shortened to AIAF) and the planetary self defence forces (PSDF). The Imperial Armed Forces themselves are divided into three branches: the Navy, the Ground Forces, and the Aerospace Forces.The Imperial Armed forces have very high standards for recruitment and training that, while resulting in fewer personnel overall, ensure that AIAF troops are amongst the best. AIAF prefers firepower and mobility over defense. The planetary self defense forces usually end up with those who didn’t meet the high standards of the AIAF. As their names indicate, the PSDF’s roles include protection of planets, anti-pirate operations, and rescue operations.
Maneuver-Firepower Doctrine: The combat doctrine of the Imperial ground forces revolves around incapacitating the enemy’s decision making ability through shock and disruption. This doctrine revolves around punching through enemy lines, or outmaneuvering the enemy, in order to strike their command structures and logistical bases.
Imperial Infantry The bread and butter of the IGF, Imperial infantry are well trained and decently well equipped soldiers. They are notable for being great marksmen. These soldiers are equipped with railguns, usually a semi-auto variant, and a monomolecular blade. Imperial Infantry are organized into sections of eight soldiers, which can be further divided into fire teams of four. Each fire team has one soldier equipped with a heavy weapon that can be anything from an LMG to an anti-armor rocket launcher. Each soldier is outfitted with a physical shield that has been further enhanced by a direction energy shield. These shields can repel a little small arms fire before being rendered useless, providing the soldiers with a little extra protection.
Imperial Knights These veterans serve as shock troops, focusing on breaking through enemy lines and destroying vital targets. Imperial knights are equipped with powered armor that are further enhanced by a personal energy shield. These soldiers are stereotyped as using swords, but also make use of grenades, rockets, high rate of fire railguns, and just about anything else that will help them complete their missions.
Cataphracts Veterans pulled from the ranks of the Imperial infantry and knights, these are Astrana’s elite troops. They are equipped with the best weapons and armor available to Astrana, making use of powered armor that are further enhanced by a personal energy shield and squire AI. Much like the Imperial Knights, Cataphracts are stereotyped as using a sword in battle (specifically a beam sword), but they’ll use whatever is necessary to get the job done. In battle cataphracts are used sparingly, usually held in reserve to stop any enemy breakthroughs in their tracks. Their rare use in battle has resulted in the saying “Its come to the cataphracts” being used throughout Astrana, basically meaning “they have broken through and this is the last thing we can do to respond.” Cataphracts can also be used to great effect to take advantage of any breakthroughs made by Imperial Knights.
Praetorian Guard Originally established as an organization tasked with protecting the Imperial parliament, the Praetorian guard’s role has expanded to protecting all high level government officials and the Imperial capital of Truica. They excel on the defense, but aren’t equipped or trained for offensive operations. While it is common for them to work alongside the Imperial Guard, the Praetorian Guard are neither part of the Imperial Guard nor required to follow the Imperial Guard’s orders.
Imperial Guard Tasked with protecting the Imperial family and Imperial Capital, Imperial guards are well trained and equipped, but typically serve a ceremonial role more than anything. They take orders from the Imperial family alone and are not technically even part of the IGF. Imperial guards are equipped with the highest quality infantry armor outside of powered armor, and even have personal shield generators. They possess large shields capable of emitting a directional shield as well for added protection. Historically they served on the battlefield much in the same capacity as the cataphracts, but over time their role became increasingly ceremonial.
Heavy Knight Standing at four meters tall, Heavy knights act as both infantry and armor. Their heavy armor, equipped with shield generators, grants them the durability of conventional armor, while allowing them to retain much of the flexibility of conventional infantry. Most of the time heavy knights will be equipped with a particle beam cannon, although heavy anti-armor railguns are also common. Heavy knights are intended to work alongside knights, although it isn’t uncommon to see them providing support to other Astranan infantry as well.
Heavy Imperial Guard Imperial Guards outfitted with mechanized armor that stand at four meters tall, Heavy Imperial Guards are a more combat oriented version of the Imperial Guards. Like their infantry comrades, Heavy Imperial Guards are tasked with the protection of the Imperial family and Imperial capital world. Historically they have been tasked by the Emperor to oversee battles and act as elite soldiers on the battlefield, although this has fallen out of practice recently. The mechanized armor of Heavy Imperial Guards are equipped with a shield general, is capable of prolonged independent flight, and there are even some variants made specifically for use in the void of space. Like their lesser armored brothers, the shields these soldiers carry are capable of producing a direction shield for added protection. These soldiers are commonly equipped with a plasma sword and heavy particle beam rifle.
Heavy Cataphract Much like the Heavy Knight, the Heavy Cataphract are mechanized soldiers who are intended to support their less armored comrades. Heavy cataphracts stand at six meters tall and are equipped with an incredibly advanced shield. Its built in squire AI is intended to provide the pilot with support including information, countermeasures control, and is even capable of operating the armor by itself and continue combat in the event that the pilot is incapacitated.
Tetrarch Tankette The Tetrarch tankette is a tiny tank with a single person crew. Strictly speaking it is a tank-walker hybrid vehicle, capable of switching between the two modes during battle. It was designed to support infantry in combat and serve as a reconnaissance vehicle. Towards this end the Tetrarch tankette has good top speeds, acceleration, and agility. Its main cannon is capable of loading a variety of different types of rounds ranging from high explosive and armor piercing to shrapnel and EMP; it is important to note that even with armor piercing rounds the Tetrarch tankette struggles to pierce the armor of any vehicle larger than a light tank. On top of this the Tetrarch tankette’s armor is very thin, so much so that some of the larger infantry based rifles can pierce it given the right circumstances. The Tetrarch tankette is capable of being dropped into combat both from the air and orbit. Because of its drawbacks the Tetrarch tankette sees a lot of use in an auxiliary and logistics capacity instead of actual combat. Even so these vehicles excel in rough terrain and urban environments and should not be underestimated as they are a potent tool when used correctly.
Scorpion Light Hover Tank The Scorpion light hover tank is small sized, thinly armored hover tank intended to serve as an armored reconnaissance vehicle, artillery observer, and skirmisher. Its main cannon is almost identical to the Tetrarch tankette’s and is capable of loading a variety of different types of rounds ranging from high explosive and armor piercing to shrapnel and EMP. Although the Scorpion possess superior armor to the Tetrarch, the Scorpion is also a much larger target. In addition to its main cannon the Scorpion has one anti-air missile and two anti-armor missiles.
Striker Anti-Air Artillery The Striker is an old, almost ancient design, even so it has more than proven to be a highly reliable piece of equipment. Originally outfitted with ballistic flak guns, most modern Strikers have either railguns or particle beam cannons. The Striker excels at destroy hostile aircraft. More importantly some of the particle beam variants, when equipped to an outside power source and extra cooling systems, have been able to hit objects in low orbit, including both satellites and starships. In addition to destroying aircraft, the Striker is quite good at engaging infantry and can even fight head to head with light armor.
Chariot APC The Chariot APC is a hover transport designed to carry two full squads into combat. These combat transports possess decent armor and speed. Their only armament is a heavy machine gun, meaning they can not engage other armor. Chariots also serve as logistics vehicles, carrying ammo or serving as a combat medical vehicle.
Crusader IFV The Crusader IFV was designed to replace the Chariot as Astrana’s primary ground combat transport. While this certainly hasn’t occurred, due to a variety of issues, the Crusader is still a widely used vehicle in the army. The Crusader has two different variants: the Crusader IFV and the Crusader Tank Destroyer (picture above). The IFV variant is equipped with a railgun and can carry a squad of soldiers into combat. The tank destroyer variant sacrifices its ability to carry troops in exchange for a heavy particle beam cannon capable of destroying even the most heavily of armored vehicles. While reliable, the Crusader doesn’t handle rough terrain as well as the Chariot and, due to having wheels, is prone to be knocked out when moving over rough terrain.
Warrior Hover Tank The Warrior tank serves as the Empire’s main battle tank. It is noted as possessing phenomenal mobility and firepower, but at the cost of armor. Typically, the Warrior is outfitted with a railgun for its main armament, however particle beam cannons are not uncommon. Because of its comparably light armor, the Warrior suffers in engagements where it is close to its foes. There have been known instances of light tanks or IFVs disabling or destroying a Warrior at close range. Despite this the Warrior excels at long range battles, where its superior cannon often times outranges those of contemporary main battle tanks and its comparably superior mobility allows it to better dodge incoming fire. Even with these comparative advantages the Warrior struggles against contemporary main battle tanks, especially in defensive engagements.
Titan-class Planetary Assault Ship The Titan-class planetary assault ship is a specialized warship designed to operate in any environment. Titan-class ships are roughly the size of the average corvette and can operate in space; however, they are designed primarily to function within a planet’s atmosphere. Their primary purpose is to transport troops and equipment to planetary battlegrounds and support those troops in battle. Titan-class ships possess a single heavy particle beam cannon, missile launchers, railguns, and a variety of point defense systems. In many ways Titans act simply as a premade bases or airfields, however they can also serve as a large scale transport or supply depot.
Command of the Stars Doctrine: The Imperial navy’s doctrine revolves around maintaining complete dominance wherever it operates. This is achieved by either finding and crushing hostile forces in traditional battle or attacking and destroying their logistical base. Towards these ends Imperial ships are made to be both fast and powerful.
Tribal-class Corvette Length: 109 meters Role: Planetary patrol craft, Ground support craft Description: The Tribal-class corvette is a low endurance ship designed primarily to patrol the area around inhabited worlds and star bases. Although small and comparably weak, the Tribal-class’s primary armaments are very accurate. Mix this with the craft’s ability to enter a planetary atmosphere and the Tribal-class is more than capable of supporting troops on the ground. Later modifications allowed the Tribal-class to be refueled and armed by larger ships, allowing it to operate as part of battlegroups and to partake in planetary invasions. Although small in size, the Tribal-class has been used as a troop transport and can ferry supplies to ground forces. Tribal-class corvettes are also designed to carry a single fighter craft, on the outside of its hull, to aid it in its duties, although the corvette lacks the ability to rearm and properly service these fighters. Tribal-class corvettes are a common sight throughout Astrana, as they are often used by planetary defense forces as well as the Imperial Navy.
Leopard-class Frigate Length: 153 meters Role: Anti-fighter/torpedo screen, Scout ship Description: Originally designed to replace the Tribal-class as a patrol ship, the Leopard-class frigate’s design was altered after navy decided it needed a ship to fill scouting and more traditional screening roles instead of another patrol craft. It possesses far greater endurance than the Tribal-class, allowing it to easily support battlegroups. Oversized engines makes it one of the fastest combat ships around, although this has resulted in them being fairly exposed and prone to damage. Despite this potential weakness, Leopard-class frigates have shown themselves to be excellent scout craft. While generally lacking in offensive weaponry, its surplus of close-in-weapons systems allows it to fairly easily swat fighters and torpedoes out of the sky. Like the Tribal-class, Leopard-class frigates are designed to carry two fighters on the outside of its hull, although like the Tribal-class it is unable to rearm its fighters.
Huntress-class Destroyer Length: 208 meters Role: Torpedo ship, convoy raider, capital ship hunter Description: The Huntress-class destroyer was designed to be a true ship killer. It packs heavier weaponry and greater mobility than ships of similar size, although its defenses are generally weaker, especially its armor. This ship is not to be underestimated; although its torpedoes can, and often are, destroyed before reaching their target, they have been known to instantly destroy battlecruisers. Besides their torpedoes, Huntress-class destroyers have four particle beam cannons that can be used to great effect against frigates, cruisers, and even capital ships. Unfortunately these ships are comparably fragile, with few point defenses and comparably weak armor, although their shields are fairly decent. Like Leopard-class frigates, the Huntress-class is designed to carry two fighters on the outside of its hull, although like the Leopard-class it is unable to rearm its fighters.
Tiger-class Light Cruiser Length: 250 meters Role: Gunboat, Flotilla flagship Description: Tiger-class light cruisers are designed to destroy any frigates or destroyers that come too close to the fleet. These warships are armed with an array of particle beam cannons that can seriously damage smaller ships in a single volley. As for most Imperial ships, the Tiger-class is quite fast for its size and can keep up with the Huntress-class destroyer fairly well, resulting in it commonly being the flagship for destroyer flotillas. These ships carry a complement of four fighters and, unlike smaller ships, can rearm their missiles, although their hangers have room for only a single fighter at a time. Unfortunately the Tiger-class is quite a fragile ship. Its point defense are lackluster at best and it's armor is no thicker than that of the Huntress-class.
Honor-class Heavy Cruiser Length: 255 meters Description: The Honor-class was designed to fit the roles of convoy protection and ground forces fire support, all while still retaining the ability to act as a capital ship in combat; this all required a solid combination of good cruising range and speed as well as independent fighting capabilities.The Honor-class is notable for being a generally well rounded ship and a go to for just about any task. Eight torpedo launchers, mixed with its variety of railguns and particle beam cannons ensured that the Honor-class was a threat to any ship it came across. It was also designed with two small hangar bays with a combined capacity of eight fighter craft. Unfortunately the Honor-class did have its fair share of issues. The largest issue of which was its needless complicated particle beam turrets which were originally designed with the requirement to be able to provide anti-aircraft/torpedo fire, despite the end result having the inability to train and elevate quickly enough to track such targets. However this does not mean the the Honor-class is unable to engage torpedoes and fighters: it has a fairly sizeable battery of point defenses at its disposal.
Illustrious-class Escort Carrier Length: 283 meters Role: Carrier Description: A comparatively small class of carrier, Illustrious-class escort carriers were designed to escort convoys or act as the flagships of patrol squadrons. To this end it was made to both be inexpensive, relatively speaking, and fast. Later on it upgunned in response to some of the Aurolian Republic’s developments in carriers, sporting six torpedo launchers and an absolutely obscene amount of point defenses. It has a total carrying capacity of 112 fighters, which can be launched very quickly. It can also act as a sort of assault carrier, aiding in the transportation and deployment of ground forces for planetary invasions, in which case it would only carry half or even a quarter of its capacity in fighters.
Courageous-class Battlecruiser Length: 305 meters Description: Designed to serve as “enhanced” heavy cruisers, the Courageous-class battlecruiser was originally outfitted with comparably weak armaments for a ship of its size. After the outbreak of hostilities between the Resurrectionist State and Neo-Scorpine front it was determined that the Courageous-class was too underpowered and was refitted with some of the largest armaments ever used by the Imperial navy excluding spinal mounted weapons. More recent retrofits further enhanced the Courageous-class’s power source. These ships were fast, even for a battlecruiser, but possessed only a few heavy armaments in the form of particle beam cannons. A small hanger allows the Courageous-class to carry and service four fighters.
Revenge-class Assault Carrier Length: 330 meters Description: The Revenge-class was originally designed and built to replace the Illustrious-class escort carrier, which at the time was viewed as being too fragile to survive the battlefield. Towards this end it was designed with substantially more armor, closer to that of a battlecruiser than a carrier, as well as additional torpedo and missile launchers. Ultimately the Revenge-class never replaced the Illustrious-class, due to being substantially more expensive and slower. It was noted as being able to carry only slightly more fighters than the Illustrious-class, 120 in total, and being much slower at deploying them. Despite this it earned itself a niche role in providing close carrier support to the navy’s battleships and battlecruisers as well as deploying atmospherical aerospace fighters into battle; although it can’t linger in an atmosphere indefinitely it can do so long enough to launch its fighter compliment.
Invincible-class Battleship Length: 365 meters Description: The Invincible-class battleship is something of an oddity in the Imperial navy as it tries to more evenly balance speed, armaments, and armor, even putting a slight emphasis on defensive capabilities. The Invincible-class’s spinal particle beam cannon has become somewhat iconic of its class and has proven to be invaluable in the few naval engagements that these battleships have participated in. Numerous other particle beam cannons and close-in-weapons systems makes this a very powerful warship. There have been complaints about the Invincible-class’s slow speed, in comparison to other Imperial warships, as well as its complete lack of fighter carrying capacity.
While its own branch, Aerospace forces tends to be subordinate to both the Navy and Ground Forces. Officially the Aerospace Force is responsible for the airspace of any planet and the area of space around the planet, as well as providing fighter craft for the Navy’s carriers.
TSF-6 Tempest Role: Aerospace Interceptor Description: Originally designed to counter the Aurolian Republic’s Havoc Interceptor, the TSF-6 Tempest is a small fighter notable for its high agility, top speed, acceleration, and ability to perform well in both atmosphere and void. While decent in a dogfight, the Tempest distinctly lacked durability and firepower, thus wasn’t useful against ships or even larger strike craft. Its original design called for it to help screen the fleet or ground forces from strike craft assault, which it did a good job at. It possessed a single anti-fighter particle beam cannon and a single hardpoint that could be used to store either fuel or an anti-fighter missile. After the development of the TSF-7 Hurricane it was quickly replaced and regulated to a role as an interceptor.
TSF-7 Hurricane Role: Navy Multirole Fighter Description: Designed to replace the Tempest, the Hurricane is more durable and possesses more firepower while retaining much of the Tempest’s agility. It is outfitted with two anti-fighter particle beam cannons and nine hardpoints. Eight of the hardpoints can carry anti-fighter missiles or small bombs, while the center one is designed to carry an anti-ship torpedo or bomb.The Hurricane is capable of entering and exiting a planet’s atmosphere and providing close air support to troops on the ground.
TSF-8 Sabre Role: Aerospace Multirole Fighter Description: Designed alongside the TSF-7 Hurricane, the Sabre was designed to ensure that Astrana maintained air and space supremacy around a planet. Its agility, speed, and reliability have made it a mainstay of the IGF and widely sought after by the Imperial planetary defense forces. While intended primarily to operate within a planet’s atmosphere, the Sabre does have the capability to exit the atmosphere and operate in the void of space, although it lacks the endurance to go very far. Its armaments include two railguns and six missile hardpoints.
TSF-9 Swordbreaker Role: Aerospace supremacy fighter Description: Designed from the ground up to utilize Squire AIs to their fullest extent, the TSF-9 Swordbreaker is considered a far superior fighter to the Hurricane and Sabre. First and foremost the Swordbreaker has far superior processing power than the Hurricane or Sabre, allowing for a much more powerful Squire. This greatly enhanced Squire grants its pilot even greater reflexes and battlespace awareness. The Swordbreaker also comes with modular internal bays that allow for easy upgrading and the installation of processing and Ewar modules to name a few. While not a durable fighter, it does come with a fairly weak shield generator. However it relies on its phenomenal agility which is so great that a limiter had to be placed on it so the fighter didn’t snap itself in half while operating in an atmosphere. The Swordbreaker has two forward facing particle beam cannons and two weaker rear facing particle beam cannons, all of which are gimbaled. It also has an interior bay that can hold four missiles. Each wing has two hardpoints that can carry a number of objects including anti-air missiles, bombs, fuel tanks, and particle beam cannons, and even extra zero point generators. A single reinforced hardpoint on the underside of the fuselage can carry a torpedo, heavy anti-ship particle beam cannon or two missiles. All of this comes at an incredibly high price, making the Swordbreaker a fighter reserved for the most elite of pilots.
TRF-2A/V Stiletto Role: Reconnaissance Fighter Description: The Stiletto is a specialized reconnaissance craft is packed with sophisticated sensors and can carry specialized reconnaissance missiles and sensor suites on its hardpoints. Not intended to partake in actual combat, it is lightly armed and armored. It has two variants: one of use in the void of space and one for planetary environments. The void variant is noted for being very fast, whereas the planetary variant is highly agile, but comparatively slow. Both variants have four hardpoints that are intended for recon missiles, but can be loaded with anti-fighter missiles or even unguided bombs if necessary. The void variant possesses a single anti-fighter particle beam cannon while the planetary variant has two anti-fighter railgun cannons.
TSA-3 Strike Sabre Role: Close air support, Forward air controller, Bomber Description: Designed exclusively for use within an atmosphere, the Strike Sabre fighter is a close air support craft capable of attacking armored vehicles and tanks, and providing quick-action support against enemy ground forces. It can also direct other aircraft to provide air support to ground forces with a degree of accuracy they would be incapable of achieving on their own. The strike sabre is a very durable aircraft, capable of shrugging off blows that would down most other fighters. Its equipped with two railgun cannons and eight missile hardpoints.
TSA-4 Tornado Role: Torpedo bomber, Strike Fighter, Close air support Description: The naval cousin of the Strike Sabre, the TSA-4 Tornado was designed first and foremost as a torpedo bomber. Its primary purpose is to close with the enemy fleet, launch its torpedoes, and then return to the fleet. Towards this end the Tornado was made with speed, above all else, in mind. Its four large engines ensures that it's one of the fastest craft in a fight. The Tornado is also capable of entering and exiting a planet’s atmosphere and, it's been noted to the surprise of many, its agility in an atmosphere approaches that of a dedicated fighter when it's hardpoints are empty. This has resulted in the Tornado being used in CAS missions when Strike Sabres are unavailable. The Tornado also has some ability to act as a fighter, although this is mostly in atmosphere and more of an act of last resort than anything else. The Tornado is armed with two particle beam cannons and four hardpoints, each capable of holding either a torpedo or two missiles/bombs.
TST-3 Kukri Role: Gunship/Transport Description: The TST-3 Kukri is the workhorse of the Imperial military. It's Astrana’s main gunship and transport for all environments.There are two main variants of the Kurki, the gunship and transport. Both variants quite durable, although the gunship variant is certainly more so. The transport variant can carry up to three squads of soldiers into battle.
There are three generally accepted classes in Astranan society: the imperial family, the nobility, and the commoners. As the name indicates, the imperial family is the ruling class in the empire. The nobility is made up of viceroys, military officers, and those given a permanent title by the monarch. Anyone can technically become a noble. This is accomplished by either progressing in rank to an officer position in the military, or being granted a title by the imperial family. The commoners are a bit different from the other classes as they are easily subdivided into other classes that include indentured servants, business entrepreneurs, and high level politicians.
Most people view the military as an honorable, and desirable, career choice. This is not only because it can lead to a title of nobility, but also because it was the military that held the Zuukid back, preventing them from wreaking havoc on Astrana’s worlds. The saying “Shield of the people, Sword of the Emperor” is often used to describe the military’s duel nature as the defenders of Astrana’s citizens, while also the tool by which the monarchy destroys its enemies. This mentality of the Astranan people, as well as strong traditions in the military itself, has allowed the military to serve as an important pillar of society while also preventing any kind of military coups or general corruption that stems from an overly influential military. Another interesting saying that has come from the military is “Its come to the cataphracts.” The saying meaning that ‘they have broken through and this is the last thing we can do to respond.’ It's a pragmatic and optimistic saying as it is essentially saying “there’s a major problem and its time for the real adults to step in and fix this.”
While Kineticism was once the dominant faith in Astrana, it is now practiced by only a small minority of the population.The dominant faith in Astrana is currently the Faith of the Children of the Stars. The Faith of the Children of the Stars is less a religion and more of a spiritual outlook and moral/philosophical framework. Important components of the faith involve viewing the stars as being the “birthmothers of all life” and reverence of the ancestors.
~98% Ethnic Astranans (Humans) <2% Other species and non-Astranan humans
Brief Description: The Confederate Free Nests are a collection of largely non-human populations dwelling in the Outer Arm Vacuus, sparsely banded together under a lax, mostly democratic governance. While mostly descended from exiles and refugees who fled the Zuukid wars, their numbers include aggregated and absorbed local dominions, as well as the occasional group “liberated” and extradited from chaotic regions of the galaxy. The relative extension and demographic scarcity of the CFN have led to cloning being widely adopted as a solution to the general lack of xenopower, and a sizeable part of its citizens (and not) are to date vat-grown.
Government: Although the Free Nests technically operate under the direction of a national government, the latter’s impact on the day-to-day life and business of most of their inhabitants is minor. The great majority of non-core worlds are administered by local authorities, which, being appointed by the often ethnically and culturally diverse citizenry in accordance with its own customs and traditions, tend to vary greatly in both scale and form. Thus, one may often find such things as a continent-spanning hierarchical theocracy under the rule of an Ulthari High Skotarch flanked by a collection of regional Zsresriir corporate holdings on a planet orbited by Scorpine tribal habitats. The relative abundance of territory relatively to the exiguity of the Nests’ overall population allows those micro-states to coexist without conflict, the coveted territories of a core world can occasionally become the prize of subtle political confrontations.
Overlooking this largely even conglomeration is the Transstellar Assembly, a sprawling parliamentary body comprised of representatives from (ideally) all formant sub-governments, as well as what amount to officially recognised lobby groups of major corporate entities based in Nest space. The Assembly’s functions include deliberating on and sanctioning policies of nation-spanning effect, maintaining the central codex of laws that regulates the activity of the sub-governments, and acting as direction and point of reference in foreign policy. Effective executive power is detained by distinct bodies subordinate to the Assembly. Those include the Pacifiers, which have gradually assimilated, in the interest of efficiency, organisations such as the CFN military, peacekeeping organs, corporate mercenary syndicates and intelligence gatherers; and the Repopulators, a more vaguely defined, but possibly also more far-reaching entity responsible for the supervision and at times direction of large-scale applications of the almost ubiquitous cloning technologies.
History: The ancestors of what would become the core of the Confederate Free Nests, non-humans of the Perseus Arm, have for the most part a history of grievances with the Orionic Empire. Many of the early Zsresriir interplanetary states, whose irrationally furious defense of their independence was virtually encoded in their genetic memory, famously refused to submit to imperial rule even when threatened with forceful invasion by their superior foe. Reasoning that it was more practical to appease the uncooperative aliens than waste time and resources in subjugating them, the young Empire offered them the nominal status of tributaries, which they were forced to accept in the face of threats of trade embargoes and isolation. While this position officially guaranteed their continued freedom, in practice the Zsresriir eventually found themselves under tacit Orionic control, and, due to their unruly nature, were quietly marginalised and pushed towards the outer fringes of the galaxy.
The second majority species of the CFN, the Ulthari, fared little better. Already not very widespread due to their stringent environmental preferences, the Yre-Kelthan faith that many of them professed became fairly popular among some of the populations they had come in contact with (the Zsresriir among them). This lead to an unfortunate perception by some of the more devout imperial officials that they intended to wholly supplant Kineticism as part of a subversive ploy, and an equally unfortunate generalisation that every Ulthari was a Yre-Kelthan. As a result, practically the entire species was considered suspect, and attempts at further expansion on its part were curtailed.
Harsh though the conditions of these aliens, and various others besides, might have been under Orionic rule, their positions were at least stable. This changed with the Zuukid coreward crusade and the ensuing wake of destruction that swept over the galaxy. While few actual invaders reached the outwards regions they inhabited, that space was soon overrun by raiders, rebelling subjects and would-be usurpers. The Perseus Arm vassals, many of whom had been wiped out in the first years on the collapse, chose not to try their chances any further, and fled in mass on a flotilla of captured or repurposed ships and hastily built evacuation arks. Their destination was the southern void of the Outer Arm, a zone known to be forsaken, forgotten and virtually empty save for a handful of exiles.
With much of the Orionic interstellar infrastructure having collapsed, and their goal never having had any to begin with, the journey was long, and further whittled down the numbers of the fugitives. When they finally left the old edges of the Empire behind, they found that their promised space was infested by renegade Scorpine warlords and other assorted outlaws. Though exhausted, the self-exiled motley were hardened by the perils of their way, and their enemies were disorganised and largely occupied in warring among themselves. Having beaten back some of the locals and struck truces with others, they began to settle the Vacuus in a somewhat sparse fashion, thus laying the foundations of what would in time become the CFN.
Centuries later, the Nests had not lost their initial unity - in fact, it had even grown, such as it was - and spread to cover an area of space rivalling the territories of more solid governances, but they remained a nation in the building. Their numbers had still not recouped from the disastrous events of the collapse, and even the assimilation of some Vacuus dwellers and the ample introduction of cloning, expected by many to be a miraculous solution to their problems, did not suffice to fully consolidate their new position. Thus, though they might have found a home, the peoples of the Nests continue to seek for more.
Military: With the Nests’ population being numerically far from impressive, their founders deemed further depleting it through drafts either in war- or peacetime to be inadvisable. Thus, the Pacifiers serving as the Assembly’s strong limb were born and grew as a professional force, with largely voluntary admission save for its clone troops - although cases exist where one is given little choice in enrolling, such as being constrained by debts. Service is, however, rather lengthy, and even at its end the able-bodied are considered as remaining in reserve and may be recalled at the high command’s discretion.
Vat-Swarm Infantry
Hybrid clone soldiers molded on the base of the feral Zsresriir genetic template form the backbone of the Nests’ ground armies. They are typically organised in groups of six to eight, individually directed by sub-officers nicknamed “queens” or “mothers”. While physically strong and capable with their burst energy rifles, these troops are highly dependent on their leaders to operate efficiently, and are easily disoriented if left without directions.
Confederate Pacifier Unit
While unintelligent clones are the bulk of the CFN planetary forces, the latter’s true strength lies in these specialist units. Cognizant members of the Pacifiers are organised and trained depending on their background’s traditional military customs, which they usually perform best in. Depending on the situation’s needs, they are then either assembled in uniform groups for greater efficiency, or mixed ones to increase versatility. Thus, one may easily find Ulthari electro-troopers fighting alongside Scorpine railgunners, among others. Pictured above are Zsresriir commandos and various Qiormu war-forms.
Vat-Breacher Heavy Infantry
For the most part, even hybrid clones can be visually traced back to their component species. This is not the case for vat-breachers, hulking monstrosities standing as high as some nations’ mechanical combat suits, and with muscular strength to match. These brutes wield heavy railguns capable of piercing moderate armour, and equipped with bayonet-like incandescent buzzsaws that make them fearsome at close range. However, the very size that gives them their advantage also makes the vault-breachers visible targets.
Skorr Guard
In the days of the old Zsresriir stellar nations, the Skorr Guard earned a legendary reputation in the skirmishes with the nascent Orionic Empire. This body of veteran soldiers distinguished itself for its ruthless efficiency on the battlefield, and the greatest fault most could find with it was its excess of zeal in pursuing and eliminating enemies, combatant or not. Throughout the centuries, its name never truly died, flaring up again during the collapse when its members strenuously led the defense against the waves of marauders that washed over the Perseus Arm, and later when they shattered the bulk of the opposition the Confederate fugitives met in the Vacuus. To this day, Skorr Guards epitomise the elite of the Nests’ ground forces, being experienced and well-armed to a xeno, and their mere presence on the battlefield is often enough to rouse the spirits of the most battered of troops.
Despoiler War-Leaper
A small, light vehicle, intended primarily for scouting and skirmishing purposes. Though not very effective in a direct confrontation, War-Leapers are good raiders and harassers, their agility and long striking range allowing them to mount rapid assaults on vulnerable targets and withdraw before reinforcements arrive.
Pestilent War-Skulker
The slower, stealthier relative of the War-Leaper, this crawler is built to operate in exceedingly difficult terrain, such as bogs and forests. While nowhere as fast as its counterpart, it has far greater mimetic capabilities, making it ideal for traps and ambushes in strategic spots.
Savage War-Shredder
The closest the Nests have to a mainline battle tank, the War-Shredder is a robust, versatile machine, capable of contending with enemy armour and infantry alike thanks to its diverse armaments. Its main disadvantage is its relatively slow movement speed, which it sacrifices in favour of better terrain viability.
Ululant War-Breaker
A tank and artillery platform in one body, the War-Breaker is the Nests’ response to both atmospheric support and large armoured engines. Its dorsal energy cannon can strike at impressive ranges with precision, and its heavy base makes it a difficult foe to engage frontally. These strengths come at the expense of mobility, which, however, ought to be offset under the lead of a capable commander.
Steel Hunter Armatures
Due to the abundance of mechanical battle-suits on the galactic battlegrounds, the Pacifiers have for once deviated from their formula of emphasising versatility above all and devised a specialised weapon to confront this sort of adversaries. Steel Hunters are designed to engage enemy suits at close range, shredding their armour in such a fashion as to leave it in salvageable condition - metal is, after all, a good an interstellar nation is always in need of.
Sanguinary Gash-Claw
Fairly small in comparison to most battlesuits, the Gash-Claw is a nightmarish sight to face up close, being capable of striking with any of its sharpened limbs at dizzying speed or ramming unstable armours with its considerable weight. Variant models exist, either providing it with supplementary limbs to engage larger foes, or giving it a form considered easier for the acclimatisation of Scorpine pilots, complete with a dorsal weapon suited for targeted strikes against vulnerable cockpits.
Cruel Steel Bonebreaker
A more direct analogue to the bipedal suits seen elsewhere in the galaxy, the Bonebreaker is designed to grapple with that sort of enemies, incapacitating them and damaging their weapons while carving through their plating to expose the pilots. As such, it is faster and more agile than most such machines, but lacks any meaningful long-range striking ability.
The CFN fleets, not unlike their planetary counterparts, are built for versatility, in this case translating to improved mobility and hybrid fighter designs. The tactics they adopt tend to emphasise these aspects, relying on targeting vulnerable segments of an enemy force to disrupt its formation with minimal losses to their own numbers.
Ve’rssesk Screamer
The baseline CFN superiority fighter, the Screamer can operate both within and without an atmosphere, often proving equally deadly in both cases. Though boasting solid armour and good manoeuvrability, it is, ironically, not as fast as various of its foreign equivalents, and must often rely on the range of its armaments to close early gaps.
Ve’sstral Howler
A general-purpose bomber, the Howler is most often seen supporting troops planetside, but can, if the situation requires, assault large ships in droves. Being fairly large for a fighter craft, it can deal impressive damage while not remaining entirely defenseless against interceptors, but can easily become an inviting target for enemy defense systems.
Ve’insir Skynest
A lightly armed, but well-armoured hybrid craft, the Skynest serves as the Pacifiers’ dropship, a role which it has been observed to perform admirably even in more perilous zones. Being comparatively ill-suited for overt combat, Skynests are usually accompanied by Screamer wings, which tend to scatter as the transport is about to land in order to conceal its exact deployment spot if necessary.
Vsar’isske Tremor
Straddling the line between heavy fighter and small corvette, the Tremor can fill either of these functions as the situation requires, all while being equally capable of doubling as a gunship in atmospheric conditions. The obvious downside is that it tends to be less effective than dedicated craft, although its ability to contend with larger ships on an almost even footing slightly offsets its disadvantages.
Sar’ussk Predator
Unlike most destroyers, the Predator is known for its aptitude in damaging capital vessels, which a combination of fluid lateral manoeuvering and impressive range and power in its cannons allow it to engage surprisingly well. In sufficiently large numbers, these unassuming ships can be deadly for anything larger than a light cruiser, though they are markedly less effective in dealing with destroyers or other smaller ships.
Sar’serek Voidnest
The staple carrier of the CFN fleets, the Voidnest’s hangar “mouth” is of proverbial capacity, and its armour is sufficient to grant it some survivability if it should somehow find itself in the line of fire. Nevertheless, these ships are clearly not built for direct confrontations, and will move elusively behind the screen of their more robust comrades in most cases.
Sar’issrar Armbreaker
The manifestation of the sum of the Pacifiers’ naval doctrine, the Armbreaker, despite being easily as large as most cruisers of the line, attacks in rapid dives and strikes against exposed targets in the enemy’s array, inflicting heavy damage with its almost omnidirectional armaments before retreating. While its strength lies in its fast and powerful blows, therein is also its weakness - if confronted by an equally larger ship in sustained combat, an Armbreaker is almost surprisingly easy to destroy. These vessels will therefore avoid confrontations that have a risk of devolving into a match of endurance, paradoxically enough for their reputation as reckless chargers.
Sar’vassre Eradicator
The polar opposite of the Predator, the Eradicator is a large ship armed to destroy swarms of smaller ones, be they fighters, corvettes or even frigates. These imposing vessels tend to assume forward defensive positions, screening the rest of the fleet from an opening assault and paving the way for a counterattack. Since such a stance tends to draw the attention of most of an opposing force, Eradicators are not entirely unqualified to clash with larger foes; however, beyond their durability and the shock and awe of their attacks, they are not much of a threat to a heavy enough ship, and can be usually disregarded in favour of more dangerous targets - albeit ignoring one altogether is never a wise choice.
Tkkalk-Ukor Dreadnought
Relics of a better age, the Tkkalk-Ukor dreadnoughts are the last surviving great Ulthari warships. Despite the age of their design, their combat capabilities are tremendous, with their array of colossal weapons being capable of wreaking untold devastation on the most hardened of adversaries. However, the sheer cost of building and maintaining something so enormous means that there are no dedicated assembly structures for the production of these leviathans, and the restaurated ancient models form the majority of their existing number. As such, they are rarely ever deployed, the risk of the potential monumental loss outweighing any tactical advantage they may bring to bear.
Religion/Culture: Given the diversity of species, cultures and heritages gathered in the Nests, it is inevitable that the resulting picture should be much too varied and at times incongruous to comprehensively portray in brief. Nonetheless, some general tendencies have emerged within their society, and some traits have by transmission become widespread enough that, to an outsider, they might appear to be distinctive of the CFN as a whole.
Ideologically, the Nests’ more politically-minded inhabitants are roughly split into two categories, or rather currents of thought, known as the Constructors and the Vindicators. The Constructors argue for the CFN’s efforts to be directed towards establishing themselves in their home space, mostly without avoidable conflicts, and resolving their internal issues and troubles before turning outwards too much. The more radical of them are generally opposed to involvement in foreign affairs, and advocate an altogether peaceful, if isolationist style of existence. The Vindicators, on the other hand, claim that the CFN must take active measures to prevent a new overgrown, stifling empire from rising again, calling for outward safety before inward satisfaction. Some go as far as to say that the only way of reliably accomplishing this would be to bring the galaxy under Nest rule and maintain it under control, while others promote the disruption of other nations’ activities. While the extremes of those movements are easy enough to recognise, the distinction becomes blurred towards the center, where they often mingle or recognise at least some of each other’s points as valid. It is nevertheless possible to discern that the Constructors are currently the dominant “faction” both in the Assembly and among the public at large, while the Vindicators are for the most part in the opposition.
Religious practices are somewhat more difficult to accurately describe. Upon a first impression, it would appear that Yre-Kelthanism is dominant; however, its permutations are so numerous and mixed with different faiths that it is impossible to be certain. In its most basic form, the Ulthari religion teaches that the universe is the physical manifestation of the power of the deity Yre-Keltha, which is so vast that this is the only possible form in which one could begin to comprehend it. Beyond this point, interpretations vary. Most Ulthari consider it an exhortation to explore and contemplate the marvels of nature and the cosmos in order to better understand their god. Many Zsresriir, on the contrary, view Yre-Keltha as a distant creator and adopt a gnostic approach to the doctrine, inventing a demiurgic figure responsible for wisely guiding the course of natural events, such as their own providential evolution (an interpretation that traditionalist Ulthari find rather simplistic). Others yet see in this an invitation to a spartan lifestyle, dedicated to enhancing their own strength and honouring the god through feats of courage and endurance. Nor have the imperial religions remained untouched; the Kineticism practiced by the Nests’ human minority has nowadays little in common with that of their forebears. Some combine originally separate teachings, worshipping Yre-Keltha as the Universal Spiritus and the Zsresriir demiurge as its Divine face. Others have proclaimed themselves oracles and prophets, preaching messages of cooperation and tolerance, or simply their own more or less complex contributions to theology.
Even aside from religious aspects, the Zsresriir way of life, being found everywhere and at every level of the Nests, has gradually seeped into popular consciousness and spawned some quantity of imitations. The family (the archetypal “nest”) is seen as a vital component of society to quite extreme extents - it is not uncommon for some relatives and mates to be collectively invested with certain authorities and duties of a position, and often they are seen as interchangeable, both by themselves and others, when interacting with outsiders. Large, typically polygamous families are the norm, though the inverse has also been occasionally observed, with Zsresriir pairs deciding to adopt a monogamous lifestyle. A natural exception to all of this are the Ulthari and other species whose biology is not conducive to the formation of family units.
A socially relevant subject which has arisen in relatively recent times is the role of clones. Vat-grown individuals (not always replicas of a matrix; the mixing of genetic codes allows for the design of newborn equivalents, as well as normally impossible multi-species hybrids) have become an integral part of the Nests’ populations in an attempt to accelerate the settling of the Vacuus. While many of them are granted full control of their senses and function as ordinary members of society, this is not always the case; clones bred for basic military purposes or hazardous occupations are often restricted to functioning as mindless, animalistic drones following implanted instructions or rote commands. This has caused no little controversy, especially among Zsresriir, who so greatly value personal freedom, and given rise to a number of clone rights movements. Opponents of these advocates either disagree with their positions on utilitarian grounds, or point out that many of the clones in question are constructed from the genetic templates of feral Zsresriir, who by nature lack individual self-determination. Rebuttals notwithstanding, the argument continues to be contested to this day, and has even made its way into the Assembly.
Characters: (You don't need to go that in depth in the NS, but once we get to IC, definitely have them fleshed out, at least mentally.)
Martian State and Coalition: Though effectively somewhat wary of the strength and significance accumulated by the Martians, the Nests consider both them and the Coalition at large to be allies of opportunity. Secretly from most of the population, the Constructor majority likewise makes use of the two states' relations to weaken the more radical elements of its Vindicator opponents and prevent them from assuming greater power.
The Great Resurrection: With many of their citizens being Scorpine, the Nests had little choice but to officially condemn the actions of the Resurrectionists, already viewed with distaste by Vacuus aliens and humans alike. Further yet, many suspect that the movement's claim to the Orion Arm is but a pretext for greater galactic conquest. Support to the Neo-Scorpine Empire has thus been slight, but steady on the CFN's part.
Zuukid Remnants: With the Zuukid having been the original cause for the decimation and displacement of the Nests' predecessors, it is unsurprising that their memory should not be regarded with much sympathy. Nevertheless, the Nests consider some of the fragmented empire's former subjects to be potentially contributive members of their society, and have taken it upon them to "liberate" any willing (usually) ones from the warzones left in its wake.
Habitation: In terms of demographics and infrastructure, it is fairly simple to separate CFN worlds into two distinct categories: the original colonies, now known as core worlds, and more recently settled planets. The former, while still dotted with gaping stretches of wilderness easily visible from orbit to the naked eye, are relatively heavily urbanised, boasting large metropolises and industrial centers connected by a stable transport network, though there is always someone complaining that the magnetic convoys don’t run on time. The appearance and conformation of each cluster varies depending on its inhabitants: thus, Zsresriir will live in tubular constructions riddled with den-like holes, Ulthari burrow in shallow caverns and well-humidified subterranean chambers, Scorpine inhabit flat, dry expanses of squat buildings and so forth.
The second class is far more numerous, and far more sparsely inhabited. Cities are either small and scattered, or gathered in a single sprawling bulk; transportation is either scarce, or entirely left to the means of individual inhabitants. Colonies of feral Zsresriir are often released into the wilds of untamed planets, often with deleterious effects on the rare, but sometimes present local fauna.
One noteworthy detail is that the terraforming practices of the Nests attempt to strike an equilibrium between the biochemical needs of its majority species. While a form of fragile balance has been found, albeit one involving some rather jarring variations between biomes, minorities are not equally favoured. As such, when travelling outside their dwellings, most are required to don an usually standard-issue (it being the cheapest alternative) respiratory apparatus, which may give them a distinct image in the eyes of their kin elsewhere in the galaxy.
Brief Description: Permanently nomadic people living in a flotilla of spaceships, traveling between the stars inside massive generation ships, traveling along the northern edge of the Empire, pillaging and trading with the half settled outposts in turn. During the collapse of the Empire, the small time bandits grew vast preying on the refugees. Now with the constant stream of easy pickings having died down, they have turned towards what used to be the heartland of the Orionic Empire.
Claim: The Star People don't maintain land in the same way as their planet bound neighbors do, so their concept of borders is a loose one. With their homes aboard their ships, Star People hold no attachment to planets. Nonetheless, the traditional traveling range of the Star People was along the northern edge of the Orionic empire.
Government: The Star People is the title and collective name for a loose confederation of five semi-autonomous states with referred to as Tribes. Though Each Tribe self governs and is free to do what they will, a rudimentary centralization exists in the form of the Admirals counsel. Every Tribe chooses an Admiral to represent them at the counsel. The Admirals convene every four years to settle grievances, agree to new laws, and organize the Star People. The Tribes are:
Originally formed from a fleet of colony ships headed to Canis Major, the Mykolli were especially feared by colonies during the time of the Empire, who were brutalized during Mykolli attacks. Even today Mykolli are considered pugnacious, with a willingness to start fights that more cautious Tribes would avoid. Mykolli government and society is run by hereditary captaincies. Mykolli captains appoint one man (women, under Mykolli law, can't inherit) from the crew to become heir after the current captain retires or is killed. Since individuals can captain and crew multiple ships (captain and crew have different meaning among the Mykolli) heirs can have the opportunity to multiple ships. Slaves are used by many Mykolli captains to prop up their crews. Every nine years the captains elect an admiral to represent them at the Counsel. Presently, the Mykolli have been led by the same Admiral for the last fifty years, Admiral Shunbach
Cadet Tribe to the Mykolli, like all Cadet Tribes the Corvalli were formed when the Mykolli Tribe became too big to manage. Corvalli society is near identical to Mykolli, though the ships are in worse condition and few captains own more than a single ship.
The most populous of the Tribes. House Bear is made up of massive generation ships capable of supporting megalopolis cities in them. House Bear also has the most biome ships, which produce and the majority of the other Tribes food and air. House Bear is a representetive democracy, these representtives elect an Admiral to represent House Bear at the Counsel. Given its more urbane nature, artists, scientists, and tradesmen are drawn to House Bear's many cityships. While slavery is present, it is not as relied upon as it is in other Tribes.
A powerful faction inside House Bear that consists entirely of industrial biome ships, the Growers Union collectively negotiate with House Bear and other Tribes for the biomaterial that is produced by the Union. While many of the biome ships are nothing more than algae growing factories, others are perfect recreations of natural enviroments, highly complex systems of interconnected plants and animals that provide stable habitats in space. The Growers Union doesn't permit slaves, and the nascent abolitionist movement is found here.
Elder Tribe deeply involved in the slave trade, the Families comes from the crime syndicates that began to follow the Star People during their raids, forming a symbiotic relationship with the Tribes. The Families have a near monopoly on the slave trade, raiding remote colonies or establishing trade connections with slavers on planets. The Families are constantly bickering, and hitting a rival ships engines or asasinating the head of a rival Family is common. The Admiral is a role granted to an outsider, typically a clergyman or a clerk, who is then expected to act as the peacemaker among the Families. Since the Admiral has no real power, they (either gender can be made Admiral) mostly try and facilitate goodwill among the Families and prevent all out war. They mostly succeed. Obviously, slavery is key among the Families.
The Families personal coterie of slavers, cut throats, murderers, and cheap muscle. This criminal army comes from washed up warriors, released slaves, and otherwise brutish people. Their name comes from the saying that when they raid anything, they'll take everyone, including the dogs. Most Dog Snatchers were born planetside, Star People struggle under planetside conditions without specialized suits.
Oldest and wealthiest Tribe, the Firstborn can trace their history back to the 15th interstellar colony ship ever launched by humanity on Old Earth. Living among the stars before warp drives made the galaxy accesable, the Firstborn adapted themselves genetically to survive in space. Visual reliance on horizon lines removed, motion sickness a faint memory and bone structure adapted for life in space. These people survived on the harsh emptiness north of the galactic core. In countless systems all habital worlds had been slagged, incinerated, or irridiated to death and back. The only ruins left on any of them just twisted masses of metal amid deserts. No species in the galaxy knows how long ago the stretch of space known as the Wastes came to be. The Firstborn survived by luck and a willingness to embrace what it took to survive in space.
The Firstborns foreign legion, Golden Ray consists of master warriors.
The smallest of the Elder Tribes.
History: The earliest roots of the Star People can be traced before the Empire, when early human colonizers sent out colonization ships to reach then distant stars that would take generations to reach. To solve this problem, ships that could maintain populations of thousands for hundreds of years were built, sent out into the dark to spread humanity. And while most of these ships eventually reached their destination and colonized planets, some remained among the stars, traveling to new planets endlessly. The number of these ships began to grow, and they assembled into fleets. At this time the Empire was in it's infancy, and found the nomadic people to be a problem- they weren't easy to tax or control, so the Empire issued an ultimatum- settle on planets or leave Empire territory. A portion of the Star People settled and quickly forgot their heritage. The rest went beyond the eyes of civilization, surviving a hardscrabble life far past any support. Still, as the frontiers continued to grow, the Star People found that piracy and trade were much easier ways to live than try to manufacture everything yourself in the middle of nowhere. They soon became one of the Empire's favorite problems- just troubling enough to keep the unruly colonists planetside in line, but not actually a threat to the concerted might of the Imperial Fleets. During the collapse of the Empire, the Star People grew vast preying on the refugees. Now with the constant stream of easy pickings having died down, they have turned towards what used to be the heartland of the Orionic Empire.
Military: generalisations concerning the Star Peoples technology and military tactics are inacurate, individual tribes must be examined.
Cadet Tribe to Mykolli.
The most populous of the Tribes.
A Cadet Tribe To House Bear that consists entirely of industrial biome ships.
Elder Tribe deeply involved in the slave trade.
A Cadet Tribe of slavers, cut throats, murderers, and cheap muscle.
Oldest and wealthiest Tribe.
Cadet Tribe of master warriors to the Firstborn.
The smallest of the Elder Tribes.
Religion/Culture: While individual Tribes have different religious beliefs, a unique tradition shared by all Star People is the creation of Reliquaries. Ancient ships that have become imbued with value through one way or another (the fighter craft of a great leader, a medical barge that saved many in a disaster) and are turned into shrines. These ships act as chapels and museums for Star People, a way to permanently commemorate heroes and ancestors and keep ties to the past. They are also the pride of the Star People, who dedicate their finest decorative arts to the Reliquaries. Star People made ships have long been a subject of fascination, as the Orionic art historian Rult Tiklo said in their landmark study Harsh Lives and Beautiful Sights, "To see a barbarian's spaceship is to see Spiritus work in a godless people."
Demographics (Species): Human dominant across all Tribes, different Tribes have different alien minorities.
A young Myklonii spacefighter pilot.
An apprentice artist dwelling aboard Hona, House Bear's Capital.
A struggling Aystari trader.
A recently enslaved man serving his sentence for the Families.
Relations: Complex and ever changing.
Habitation: Star People inhabit a wide range of spaceships capable of surviving in deep space. The Star People are perhaps most famous for their Generation Ships, the largest of which are capable of supporting 6 million in perpetuity.
Brief Description: A mercenary company made up entirely of those of the female sex, whether they were originally female or not doesn’t matter as long as they are female now. The company prides itself on professionalism, and its willingness to do whatever the job requires no matter what efforts it would require.
Claim: Valkyrie Station: The Main Space Station hub for the Starburst Valkyrie Corporation.
Hades Void Prison: A privately owned space prison ran and owned by the Starburst Valkyries.
Kevos 2 Research Station: A desolate Ice planet, the Research station is built into the side of a mountain, the area being chosen for the volatile weapons research taking place there so that if something goes awry there will be no damage to a local populace since it does not have one.
Government: The current leadership is made up of different department heads, each of whom makes up a board of directors that ultimately decide the course of the company, what jobs they accept, and who they work for.
History: The Corporation was formed one hundred and twelve years ago by women displaced after their military service, they felt that an all female mercenary group would garner a certain standard of publicity, which it did. Being rather successful they went on to grow larger and larger, purchasing a small fleet of freighters. This worked well for them as it allowed to do the jobs they needed in order to gather the funds to continue to increase their workability in the galaxy.
As their funds grew, so did their quality of equipment, troops, and even gained them new ships. Soon enough they were a Mercenary company capable of travelling anywhere in the known Galaxy, and with this ability came even more funds, which brought them to purchasing a space station which they could operate from, capable of docking their new fleet of frigates. This money also allowed them to work on a new venture, they funneled incredible amounts of funds into a custom built space station that would be utilized as a prison that would take infamous, political, and other types of prisoners from nations that didn’t want to execute or keep said people imprisoned themselves, it was also a place where the company kept many of its prisoners from combat missions. These prisoners tended to disappear eventually though, and seldom any reason was given, most theories are that it was due to being sold into slavery, or used in experimentation by the Corporation itself.
Military: The Military is made up of several different branches, though they all ultimately answer to the Board of Directors.
Infantry Weapons
Ranged Energy Weapons: The ranged energy weapons are that of a top quality, the Starburst Valkyrie Corporation now developing, and manufacturing their own weaponry after having gained a rather large manufacturing ability, and a sizeable R&D team that works on such things. These weapons utilize powerful energy cells that focus said energy into
Energized Melee Weaponry: Energized melee weaponry comes as a standard or collapsable hand to hand combat weapon such as swords, batons, and maces. These weapons come with their edges, and areas used for striking to be powered by energy to make a more powerful blunt attack, or cut.
Ballistic Weaponry: Whether small arms, or mounted, ballistic weapons are made with a similar method of propulsion all around, magnetic rails. Rail weaponry is the mainstay of ballistics for the Valkyries, and it has not failed them yet.
Missiles: the Valkyrie Corporation has obtained an impressive variety of missiles, whether they are used planetside or in space, they are versatile and useful in many situations.
Troop Types
These soldiers are typically captives from past missions, deserts, and slaves purchased from traders. They’re fitted with a brain implant that makes them completely subservient to a controller, their bodies are typically modified with firearms, and other weapons, and are given partial armors. They are also experimented on and typically have some sort of experimental tech implanted on their bodies to keep from having to test it on loyal soldiers.
The Standard trooper wears a set of powered armor, complete with magnetic holsters for their side arm, carbine, or rifle. They also have a series of energized daggers, or short swords. This armor is capable of distributing the the impact of ballistic weapons, and explosions to a certain degree. The armor also contains a certain amount of reflective capability to lessen the damage of energy weapons against it. The armor also has a powered arm attached to the back of suit that works as a helping hand when carrying ammunition boxes, steadying heavy weapons, or even carrying inured comrades. These troops are typically deployed via drop pods, aerial transports, and APCs
Void Jump Troopers are specialized troops that wear a lighter armor, and jump pack. They are used for quick assaults, scouting, and void combat. They are typically armed with a carbine, or SMG, and a energized sword.
The Valkyrie Police are a mercenary police force capable of being hired by private companies, or even nations who are lacking in a proper law enforcement in certain places. Typically utilized on colonies where a police force would be difficult to build, or where crime is incredibly prevalent and the local police cannot handle it. They are normally equipped with a simple ballistic armor, and energy pistol, and energy baton of the stun variety.
The Valkyrie Riot police are similar to the Standard law enforcement officer, and are typically simply a standard officer in riot gear, this includes a riot shield, heavier armor, side arm, stun gun, and energy baton. These are also the same type of officers use in the Valkyrie’s Hade Space Prison.
Scout riders are troops outfitted in a armor similar to that of a jump troop but given a single person hover vehicle. They typically perform scouting missions and are outfitted with a side arm, a light automatic weapon, and the small energy cannon mounted inside the vehicle. The Law Enforcement wing also takes advantage of the single person hover vehicles.
The MK46 is a all terrain Hover IFV, and it carries an interchangeable rail cannon, or energy cannon depending on the needs for the mission, as well as a rocket pod capable of firing up to twenty rockets every 30 seconds. The IFV is armored, albeit a bit lightly, but it’s speed and agility make it a hard target to hit on the battlefield and capable of carrying up to 20 troops inside, albeit they are cramped.
The x4006 is an incredibly powerful tank, it’s thick armor, and sports and awesome assortment of cannons easily changed out for situational needs. The impact of this vehicle is moreso when you consider the anti-infantry aspect of the heavy automatic weapon it sports on its topside. The tank only requires a minimum of two people, one to pilot the inside, and one to aim and fire the cannons. Though typically they go in crews of three with another manning the automatic hull weapon.
The KV22 Ravager is an assault mech, with heavy plating, and reflective surfaces it is an enduring beast of military equipment, and to go along with this they are armed to the teeth. The Ravager sports a single energy edged blade on its left arm, an automatic weapon either ballistic or energy as well on its left arm, on the right arm it sports a gauss rifle, as well as a fist with rather dextrous fingers. On it’s shoulders it sports a smoke launcher, shuttered spotlight, and rocket pod capable of firing up to four rockets.
The command mech is a mass six legged vehicle with plenty of space on the inside for battlefield commanders to watch over combat, and give orders out as needed for the best plans of strategy. These vehicles are incredibly well armored, and extremely hard to destroy, there have been situations where they have even survived orbital strikes albeit they remained immobile afterwards due to extensive damage. They carry a multitude of powerful weapons,a nd can host up to thirty troops.
While not an incredibly fast starfighter, it makes up for its lack in speed in its heavy armor and powerful weaponry, sporting several energy cannons, in dog fights it takes a beating and keeps dishing out destruction in return. These ships require only one pilot, and typically carry a single energy bomb, or a single missile used for attacking larger ships.
The Longship troop transport is just as it says, a troop transport, heavily armored, though lightly armored sporting only a few blaster cannons on it’s immense hull, these ships can carry up to a thousand troops a piece, and are capable of performing boarding actions on larger vessels, though they are typically used for transporting troops planetside.
The Freja frigate is a strong vessel, they typically accompany a series of troop transports guarding them as they make their way to their appointed destinations. With powerful cannons, and multiple energy weapon turrets it’s a hard hitter in combat, with heavy armor to boot.
The Mjolnir Cannon is roughly the size of a frigate, it was made to be manned by a crew of five, and using advanced VIs to perform tasks the crew is unable to. The Ship is essentially just a large cannon, they were manufactured due to the company’s lack of dreadnoughts or capital ships, so that they could actually take the battle to the enemy in a way when needed.
The Hades Void Prison is a rather large space station, it lacks any sort of propulsion system, but has multiple openings to vent cells, and entire cell blocks if necessary. The entire station is lacking in terms of escape pods, and the only ships allowed to dock with it are Frigates of the Valkyrie Company itself, and they are not allowed to dock more than two hours at a time with either depositing inmates, new guards, or much needed food stuffs. It is in this place that the Company keeps their POWs, and any prisoners other nations might want to disappear without killing or keeping somewhere secret themselves, and while this does cost a annual fee to keep the prisoner it is well worth it considering the hidden nature of the Prison’s whereabouts.
Valkyrie Station is the headquarters for the Starburst Valkyries, it is an enormous station that the Company bought long again, and renovated it. It has been made to have hold massive amounts of fuel, an enormous training facility, barracks, multiple businesses, and even a red light district. The Station itself is mobile so that if there is a danger it can move to avoid that danger.
Air Force
The Veorfolnir is an excellent fighting jet, with incredible speed, and 360 degree turning energy turret, and target locking missiles makes it a deadly force in the air. Though it is lightly armored.
The Sleipnir Transport VTOL is a fairly average transport densely armored but lacking weaponry it can usually carry troops to the front of any warzone, and release its max payload of twenty troops.
Religion/Culture: It’s a mercenary corporation, they tend to be have an aggressive, yet professional culture, there is a pride in their work, and they take whatever they are tasked with seriously. Though the Corporation is made up only of women in every field possible, they are not sexist in the idea that they dislike men or think they are inferior, the Corporation uses this as a marketing ploy, and personal preference. The thought behind it being that why hire skilled and deadly men, when you can hire skilled and deadly women and have some eye candy at the same time.
Demographics (Species): Human majority Other Alien species are included. Females only are employed.
Anita Lyesmith is the current CEO of the Starburst Valkyrie Corporation, she is an intelligent and resourceful woman who seemingly lack any remorse or mercy for the necessities of such a cut throat market, and position.
Directors and Important Support Staff
Not much more to say here, she is in charge of the finances of the Corporation and is in charge of recruiting for higher ranking members.
Dr. Eden is a brilliant mind and has since being employed very much advanced the gear that the Corporations troops use.
Dr. Krauss always insures that troops have adequate enough medical supplies, though she doubles in this aspect as she also is the Corporations leading Chemical Weapons researcher.
Mrs. Simmons was the latest addition to the Corporate team, her expertise in negotiations, and customer relations skills. A valued member of the time they look forward to seeing how she performs on behalf of the company and its affiliates.
Miss Boyd is an expert in her field and was quite costly to hire, but Starburst Valkyrie knew a good investment when they saw one. Her mechanical engineering skills were the best they'd ever seen and since joining her improvements to pretty much everything they have has taken the quality of their troops to the next level
Military Leaders 10
Katrina is a stern woman with years of experience in law enforcement and another decade under her belt in being an administrator for a prison. With this experience in mind she was hired on as the Warden of the Void Prison where the inmates have come up with a nickname for her. “The Iron Maiden”
Also known as “Chief” Annette is the no nonsense head of the law enforcement branch of the military a practical woman she tends to take things in stride, but she also tends to be inquisitive and not believe a word someone tells her without proof which has led to some Corporate issues in the past
Commander Yentela is the main ground forces commander of the Valkyrie Company, but only attends to the most vital of Operations.
Captain Maria is the leader of Bravo Company, one of the most fiercest infantry units in the Corporation, she wears experimental power armor complete with two power arms, and a variety of Energy swords, she is known as Bladed Octopus for the multiple appendages and love for melee weapons.
Captain Theresa is another Officer who volunteered to wear experimental armor, in this case she allowed implants to be placed within her spinal column and connected to her nervous system. The Armor connects to these implants allowing her full control of the four extra arms, and the multiple systems existing within the armor in the same way she would control her own body, after some genetic modding of course that allowed her to use her brain functions in this manner.
Major Ally Green is a veteran of the Company, having been on more than 433 operations, she lost her right arm during her 201st. Her arm was replaced with a high end top of the line cybernetic prosthetic allowing her to fire the heaviest of weapons without much trouble.
Admiral Adrianna is the Lead Admiral Company’s naval forces, she typically takes command when a large force of ships is needed in a conflict they have been hired into, other than that she can often be found either practicing defenses for the main station, or simply accompanying other ships to evaluate lesser officers
Katya is a Mech Pilot of some fame among the Company, she has proven herself time and again in combat, and as such has become somewhat of a celebrity and someone they often use to advertise for recruitment and new customers.
Janice is an up and coming Mech pilot, having already proven herself quite capable and deadly, she is Katya’s protege and now rival, she seeks to become as famous as her former teacher in terms of prowess, working fervently at such endeavor
One of the most secretive members of the Corporation, not much is known about Miss Krushev other than that she likes lots of creamer in her coffee, and has a avid love for homemade bread. Her position is mostly classified, it’s only know that she has been sought in connection with at least one terrorist attack, of which each of the investigators that took on the case looking into her ended up dead.
A famous assassin among the Company, she has yet to not complete a mission or kill a mark. She wears a quality set of armor complete with a stealth system that allows her to hide in plane sight and blend in with just about any environment, as well as hide her heat signature.
Only the Directors know her real name, she is known for having spies throughout the galaxy, learning what she can wherever she can, and with a budget that is seemingly unlimited. In a place with so many factors and so many factions Knowledge is true power.
Even less is known about Miss Dread, her name is not even known. And ultimately what she does for the company is only known by top executives.
Kerry Fitzal is the Company’s best bounty hunter, she has yet to lose a target, and is relentless in her hunt of said people. Of the hundreds of bounty hunters Kerry has a small team of five females, and takes no others with her on her hunts. If you have a bounty, and Fitza is on that contract, then you might as well turn yourself in before she hits you with her iconic M99 Energy blaster that carries variations of stun to kill.
Field Research Team Alpha
Laney Davis is a leading researcher for the Valkyrie Corporation, she excels in studies of ruins of past civilizations, and processing their technology
Science Lab ships are capable of carrying up to five thousand employees, it is completely equipped with the most advanced lab equipment available, complete with holding cells for alien species and animals.
Religion is rule, and by its guidance the people live and serve. Those who enter into monastic life are taught the ways of balance and order-- a necessary harmony to the great entropy of the Universe. As such, these righteous faithful are given the duty of keeping the peace and enforcing the will of the collective good.
All austerity is ultimately overseen by the enlightened Father Orvium. However, the carrying out of these acts is highly decentralized. The neighbors are called upon to have their hearts govern themselves. The thick heeled boot of the faith is meant to serve only as a shepherd to its flock. As such, no definitive laws exist. All things are interpreted as subjective, a thread in the web of the Universe.
The spiritual collective own all means of production. The sale of its natural resources are used to house and feed those who toil for the universal good. Those not on official assignment by the government are bound to the land which they were born on, or traveling harvester which the case may be. Such privileges are only granted by those who prove themselves truly enlightened and pure of heart. A decision reached by the all-reaching compassion of Father Orvium.
Well nestled in a family of nebulae, Ehec-Tahdet was once furnace of discourse. In the shattered remains of the empire, the once burgeoning colonies of this sector crumbled into poverty and political upheaval. Those wise or wealthy enough to escape the chaos did so long ago, fleeing to more stable civilizations further afield. However, those who stayed in these fatherless colonies dug in their heels to reap the natural riches of the land. Marauders, refugees, and carpetbaggers swarmed on the political vacuum. Years of turmoil ripped apart the already desolate landscapes. Death and famine was an acre that threatened to dissolve the entire region into anarchy.
However, by the grace of the Universe, came order. Father Orvium, the Saviour of His Flock, descended upon the galaxy with hope and promise. He instituted a national welfare system whereby the hungry were fed, the sick were proffered new organs, and the lost were found by the Universal Light. Prayer and faithfulness to the state brought the people of the fold together as one. The sinners of the galaxy, wholly repentant.
All economic parity now belongs to the state as the people work and trade via the edible currency Vitium. This economic policy was deemed quite necessary by the Father, as the fringe worlds and mining colonies lacked foodstuffs to maintain their labor. Tasting of slightly sweet cardboard, the currency also relieved the pinnacle sin of greed. No man would take more than his share of such sustenance, and thus he may store it and offer it to his kin or neighbor as the Universe would bid his heart to do.
By the grace of the Universe, Ehec-Tahdet thrives to spread its enlightenment throughout the galaxy.
The ground forces of the Ehec-Tahdet rely on their strength of artillery, light from the Universe above. These heavily emplaced units, peppered with anti-air assets, win or lose the battles of the Ehec-Tahdet. True living cavalry sired from the strange, fowl, and forlorn animals of the Ehec-Tahdet’s territories feast in the chaos of wayward ordnance. Infantry and small, mobile mechs entrench themselves in the divide between these two more honorable forces. Sustained by unreliable, mounted theatre shields these light troops serve as a speed bump from oncoming attacks.
"From the heavens the comets rain, forward unto dawn and forward unto death." - Meditations of a Father Chapter 93, Verse 434.
"He who giveth life, giveth love." - Meditations of a Father Chapter 13, Verse 34.
”May we take unto the lesser beast. Drive the vessel unto the light they are morally blind to see.” - Meditations of a Father Chapter 5, Verse 856.
In much the same way that the Ehec-Tahdet ground forces are tethered to artillery, so too is fashioned their fleet. Giant, cumbersome railgun stations are lugged through space with small frigate and corvette escorts to stay off strike craft assaults. These artillery behemoths require their own supply chains of ammo to be hurled. However, once these weapons are in place, it is truly an act of god to stop their long range firepower.
Universal Kineticism could not find more loyal and observing servants. An unfathomable and incomprensible religion of universal connectedness, the faithful of Tahdetian Universal Kineticism are lucky to have Father Orvium to interpret its divinity in their lives. Prayer and self abnegation are the only true fruits to sustain the transient and interconnected life of the Universe. Mandated prayer is imposed by the state at any given hour of the day, to keep the believers humble and accepting of the entropic will of the Universe. Righteous toil for the good of thy neighbor is seen as epitome of piety. As such, the citizens of Ehec-Tahdet are kept faithful to their duty, less their mortal bodies be repurposed for the good of thy neighbor.
Rule of the collective falls to three main tenants: -Right view -Right intention -Right action
These three heads of faith, mirrored in the sigil of the nation, determine what should be done, why it should be done, and how it should be done. The Rightness of such is in the eye of the collective good.
And from this collective good has erupted a fountain of harmony: -No man may starve, lest he make others hungry -No flesh shall perish, lest he take from life more than he hath given -No man may need, lest he hath coveted
Various sentient species inhabit the folds of Ehec-Tahdet. However, due to the radiation of the nebulae and general inhospitality of the colonized planetoids within, most neighbors remain heavily covered. The culture as such has embraced this necessity with the women in particular being shielded from the rays hardships of the Universe for the proper proffering of children. Furthermore, with such high radiation levels has drastically increased the prevalence of cancers and genetic malformations. The believers of Ehec-Tahdet, in holy patronage to their neighbors, often donate portions of their bodies. These organs are then replaced by machine parts or parts of other beings as the state is able to provide. Thus the citizens of Ehec-Tahdet are truly an amalgam of eachother, with entirely different species often serving as prosthesis for their neighbors. Truly the Universe smiles on all life and welcomes it’s growth.
~80% Human ~20% Other ~100% Enlightened
The most giving of hearts. His ascendence upon the anarchy and unrest of the region formed Ehec-Tahdet into a sovereign power. His selflessness extends even to his own body, much of it being donated to his neighbors and replaced by mechanic augmentations. Truly his altruism will bathe the galaxy.
All are welcome to receive enlightenment.
Life in Ehec-Tahdet is difficult. Though most of the colonized planets appear desolate at first, they are often quite rich in natural minerals, particularly components for stellar and industrial fuel. These drilling colonies are the lynchpin of their civilization and the infrastructure of planets is often solely built around these sites. Many inhabit planetoids which closely orbit or are buried in the folds of gas giants to reap the resources they contain. Caustic, methane rich atmospheres abound and the dress and culture of the humans settling these environments has adapted in turn. Breathing apparatus are frankly a must on all worlds, and skin is wise to be kept from the wrenching grasp of the nebulae and stars above.
Only a handful of agricultural worlds exist and are responsible for feeding the prodigiously dispersed population. Kraxmal, a starchy root which is later processed with the necessary nutrients and vitamins to sustain life, is transformed into the local currency Vitium. This literal cash crop is the only foodstuff grown on scale. All other yields found, foraged, or farmed are handed over to the government for flash freezing and sale to international markets.
The people of Tahdet, “Ehec-Tahdet,” owe their name to this great home. It is where Father Orvium began his life, sacrificed much of it, and lit a fire that would reach the commune of its surroundings. This spiritual home to Tahdetian Universal Kineticism is often colloquially called “a total fucking shit-hole” by endearing foreigners. However, this planetoid is a jewel in the stellar fuel trade. A moon of its matron gas giant, Tahdet orbits on its axis with half of the sphere submerged in her billow. Mobile crawlers constantly flee from the lethal miasma. These levitating cities travel the moon’s wastes in order to harvest gases collected by emplaced mines which endure the orbit. These foundries harness the resources of the gas giant with each pass. Theirs is a fluid lifestyle which cannot afford stragglers.
Brief Description: A fledgling empire, born from the ashes of those who once held dominion over their sector. They extend a strong but fair hand to all those who would take it Government:Dictatorship - The Commissioner is the supreme leader of the Star Network. The Commissioner delegates power to individual Commissaries to oversee different provinces, called Commissariats. While all having the same title and rank, the power of individual Commissaries is arbitrary and some Commissariats are several degrees larger than the others. All, however, can be revoked by the Commissioner for any reason, at any time. History: Once upon a time, there was a great empire. They built great towers and great ships, and their great men traveled in great spaceships across great distances to form a great empire with their great weapons and great technology. Then one day a great disaster happened and that kinda put the kibosh on that plan. One of the planets they had graced with their presence was the humble Synnse, a Class O planet with a rare resource - Deritrium. Deritium had its use as starship fuel, and could power a spaceship for months, sometimes years, though it was notoriously slow to harvest and refine. Sinnse had greater than average deposits, making it an ideal colonial nation for any greedy star empire looking for some cheap fuel. Then, of course, the empire collapsed, leaving behind all its useless crap. Unlucky for some, lucky for others. Without the brutes who had once pretended to own the planet maintaining it, most of the equipment stopped running. Slowly, it was reclaimed by nature, their mighty engines silenced, never to be sounded again
That was, until the Sinnsyk came along. During the Empire, the Sinnsyk didnt exist. Too busy swimming about in their oceans and stuff. When they all fucked off, there was suddenly a lot more room to expand on to land, which they promptly did. The early Sinnsyk were mystified by the magic glowing boxes and their metal gears, and the big shooty machines that made hunting so much easier. Convinced there was more to these big metal shelters than met the eye, the Sinnsyk set up base around them and studied them to get them working. You can imagine the Sinnsyk industrialised rather swiftly with all this equipment lying about. The big purple rocks also helped with that. Made everything a hell of a lot simpler when it came to the space race, I'll tell you that. Anyway, some genius managed to get the big box working and noticed it made even more of these big purple rocks, so now they had a limitless supply of big purple rocks to put in things! Well, limitless if you could stand to wait the ungodly amount of time it took to make one of the bloody things.
It took a bit of technical wizardry, but reverse-engineering the various machines was a fruitful venture. Some of them, like the magic shooty pipes, had been taken apart and put together centuries ago, but the big rock-making box proved far more formidable. It took several attempts to find out how the bloody things worked, which meant a lot less big purple rocks lying about. Still, one it was taken apart and put together, the Sinnsyk knew what they needed to do to make more.
From there, it was a matter of getting into space. There were plenty of ships lying about, but they were old and rusty and had long since run out of Deritrium. Even if they did get the engines working, the damn things were just as likely to blow up as they were to fly. For decades, the development of space flight was treated like an orphan child, but work continued, albeit slowly. The Sinnsyk were more focused on the creation of their universal government, and aligning Those Above with Those Below. Took years just working up the courage to face one of the fucking things... That said, eventually they managed to get the damn things sky-worthy, but it took years of probes, experiments and unmanned flights into the cold, dark grasp of space to get to that point. Again, they had the advantage of having ships already capable of FTL lying about, so they got out and about rather quickly.
First thing they did was colonise the solar system. And if they couldn't colonise the planet itself, they built a big outpost over the planet that they were supposed to colonise. Then they started colonising other solar systems. Then they hit a snag - aliens. The ones they found had not yet industrialised and were still living in small cities and towns in fractured nations. Now, the Sinnsyk could rock up and proclaim themselves rulers. They could, but they didnt. Instead they felt a kinship with these aliens who didnt have the luck of a massive fuck-off empire having the gall to occupy their planet, and they didn't want to just claim the planet as theirs. So they did something different - they negotiated. They had long, civil discussions, drawing up boundaries, co-operative efforts, even trade. And when you're some medieval society who still uses clubs and swords to wage war, making friends with the men from space with the fire-spitting death pipes sounds like a very entertaining prospect. Through this huge technological advantage, the Sinnsyk were able to pick and choose sides that were friendly to their ideals and spur them to world domination. By removing the most radical elements, and ensuring the continued survival of their chosen governments were linked to the Sinnsyk remaining on their side, then letting natural cultural exchange do its work. Cause who's going to argue with the lads who just came from space and gave you the entire planet on a silver platter?
It was here that the policy of arms-length alien co-operation was devised. Adopting the system applied to their home planet for their new comrades, the Network commissioned a Protectorate over the planet until they had the capacity to manufacture weapons, medicine and consumer goods on a large scale. The Protectorate would give the planet the chance to negotiate through the Sinnsyk via the Commissariat, who would take their case to the Commissioner to discuss it further. Initially, the Commissariat was given very few roles, and the planet was left to develop for itself under the watchful eye of Those Above, who secured what remained of the solar system. This would set the precedent for foreign interactions in the future.
The end result is that the Network is now operating with probably a dozen alien races under its belt, each with their own living area dedicated to them, for them, and are represented by Commissariats to the Commisioner of the Network. The Network even allows sufficiently developed cultures the chance to choose their own Commissariat, often their leader Military: The role of the army is a multi-faceted one, and it can be argued that its the best industry for a young Sinnsyk to get in to. Alongside Traders and Ambassadors, Soldiers are amongst the few who are allowed to be stationed on foreign planets without a visa. They learn a variety of skills, such as mechanics and information systems, which stands them in good stead if they ever want to re-take their Vocational Aptitude Test, and the pay isn't bad at all. The military can offer a soldier a driver's license and a pilot's license, the latter of which is especially rare, and are given free bed and board.
The army believes that accommodation should be barebones, but comfortable. No rock hard beds or cold showers, Network soldiers have access to a variety of of comforts that make their postings a little more tolerable. There is a vast variety of roles beyond just shooting things, as well. Humanitarian aid falls squarely within the jurisdiction of the military, typically as peacekeepers and sometimes as builders. All in all, its a fairly cosy position.
The Network's equivalent of the police is the Security Forces, although they are trained alongside the Army and have a highly militarised role, serving as much as a territorial army as peacekeepers and lawbringers. One could be forgiven for assuming Security was a branch of the Army, which it technically isn't.
Ground forces work in four man squads, comprised of a Medic, Marksman, Grenadier and a Heavy Gunner, and are equipped with their Pulse Disruptor rifles. The Pulse Disruptor works by, what else, disrupting pulses in a small area of effect. This is pretty much fatal if applied to somewhere like the heart or the brain, and can cause someone to lose a limb if the disruption is not somehow removed before blood circulation is stopped for too long. The four man squad method gives every squad the equipment they'll need to face off against just about every threat, from enemy gunners to tanks, permitting a variety of potential tactics.
Sinnsyk vehicles are built for quality, not quantity. They are tough, reliable, fast and powerful, but incredibly slow tomproduce and require many rare materials to make, meanimg the Sinnsyk have one of the smallest fleets in the galaxy.
The mainstay of the Sinnsyk Fleet is the Warlord, the resident Frigate. The Warlord is fast, maneuverable and well armed with five Class 10 repeater cannons and two EMP torpedo tubes. The scanners are powerful, but have a low range. The Warlord is given regenerative Type-4 shielding and a double thickness iridium hull. Warlords are the "average" Sinnsyk ship, and the most noticeable on the front line
A much faster pair of ships are the Dagger and Sabre. Respectively, they are the Network's fighter and scout class ships. Both have the ability to cloak, have non-regenerative Type-2 shields and are clad in lightweight titanium hull armour for improved agility. The Dagger is equipped with two Class 8 repeater cannons and a high-powered EMP torpedo tube, whilst the Sabre has three Class 5 disruptor cannons and an Ion torpedo tube. However, to make up for its lack of armaments, the Sabre has much more powerful scanners that reach a longer range.
The Gehenna is the Network's Destroyer. Five Class 10 disruptors, 2 EMP microtubes and one EMP high powered tube, double iridium hull and regenerative shielding are all hallmarks of this intimidating vessel, which sees deployment in small fleets behind enemy lines. The Gehenna is favoured for its anti-dogfighter capabilities and its raiding abilities, but is not really seen on the front lines
Next is the Retribution, a cruiser class ship and a hallmark of Sinnsyk engineering. Retribution-Class ships are equipped with a staggering ten Class 10 distributors, two Class 12s and a Class 12 repeater, and three High Power EMP torpedo tubes. Add on some double Iridium hull armour and regenerative Type-5 shields, you've got an assault ship perfect for besieging planets and systems with.
The Nightmare, a battleship in the Sinnsyk records, is the second largest ship in the Sinnsyk fleet. This terrifying titan is well protected with, as standard, a triple iridium hull, regenerative Type-8 shields, ablative armour, and a huge twenty two Class 12 distributors, two Class 18 heavy disruptors and a class 18 repeater disruptor. On top of this, it has four Triple-Fire EMP torpedo tubes, and two High Power EMP torpedo tubes. Odds are good that if you see a Nightmare amongst a Network fleet, it will be the capital ship.
Unless, of course, you catch sight of the Perdition. Perdition-Class ships are an especially terrifying sight to behold. Eight Class 18 Disruptor cannons, eight Class 18 repeaters and eighteen Class 12 distributors, alongside eight Triple-Fire EMP tubes and two High Power EMP tubes. It's the only ship with regenerative Type-9 shielding, and a triple iridium hull makes it especially hard to crack open. Religion/Culture: Sinnsyk society is a conservative, though egalitarian affair. By their standards, it is the role of every capable member of society to provide what they can to their family and their society in general. Sinnsyk are arranged into work groups, whom they are expected to live with and work next to their entire lives. Men and women are seen as equals, though women do get a major advantage with paid pregnancy leave. Because of the communist elements of Sinnsyk society, coming from a wealthier family does not necessarily earn you respect nor guarantee an easy life, and bragging about your heritage is a good way to earn scorn, not admiration.
Family units are broken up early, with children sent to mandatory training academies at the age of four. From here, children are educated in a variety of subjects, including maths, language, science and music. This primary education continues until the child reaches the age of 13, where they are made to take an exam that determines their entire future. This test decides what future the child ends up going in to. Those who show a particular knowledge for clerical work may become clerks, bureaucrats or ambassadors. Culturally gifted children may become clergymen, artisans or curators. Economically gifted children will doubtlessly become traders, and physically gifted children may become soldiers, security or craftsmen. There is a job and a role for everyone, from the greatest to the poorest, and this helps avoid undesirable issues like unemployment. It helps that whenever the economy is lacking in something, the state is happy to nudge the test scores a little to suit their needs. After this test, children are sent to vocational colleges, if skilled, or given apprenticeships if unskilled. Only when the child has become an adult are they given the relative freedom of joining the workforce proper in a workgroup, comprised of adults roughly the same age as them.
The state is highly moralistic and expects a minimum amount of decency from its citizens. Public protests are permitted, however they may not disrupt the daily activities of others, and should be reported to the local Security Centre prior to their commencement, so local government can ensure the proper precautions are in place. Whilst homosexuality is legal, gay Sinnsyk may not marry and it is expected of every citizen to have at least one child. Interbreeding with an alien race is expressly forbidden and can see one exiled under threat of permanent imprisonment. Public intoxication is also illegal, and can see one struck with forced labour sentences and a lifelong substance ban, and public displays of affection are highly frowned upon, though not necessarily illegal. Prostitution is legal only in government-approved and regulated areas, to deter violent behaviour or the transmission of disease.
The government also works with charitable organisations and religious temples to provide a decent welfare state for its people. Obviously, with everyone being designated a job, unemployment is incredibly low, but occasionally security forces will find teenage runaways, homeless vagrants or other unfortunate individuals and be required to take them in for care. Domestic abuse of any kind is illegal, and will be punished with hard labour. The state also makes sure that anyone who is a victim of circumstance - such as spouses whose partners were arrested, underage pregnancies or physically disabled Sinnsyk - are given the appropriate treatment.
Most crimes are punished by forced intensive labour sessions, though the severity of the crime can change how long a prison is performing the labour. Petty theft is obviously given a much lighter sentence than assault or murder, and so most thieves can expect to be released fairly quickly. Forced labour camps are only occupied by regular labourers when there are very few prisoners there. Currently, only premeditated serial murders are punishable by execution, though some criminals are given release quotas so large they cannot possibly fulfil them before they die, essentially making it execution by labour.
The state keeps an arms-length relationship with foreign aliens. Sinnsyk are expressly forbidden from permanently moving residence to another faction's planet, or even a planet within the Network that has been designated a different race's planet. Permits to visit other planets do exist, but these do not last long, are expensive to purchase and have a long cooldown period during which another permit may not be attained, thus ensuring that almost all foreign interference with exception to government business is highly limited. An exception exists for traders, who are permitted to leave and enter as they please. Laws regarding relationships with aliens still apply, however. Violating the laws regarding foreign relationships can see one's citizenship revoked, as can the expiry of a permit while abroad. Sinnsyk who violate a host planet's laws while abroad must face the justice of that nation. The same rule applies to foreign aliens staying on a Network planet - diplomatic immunity is a foreign concept to the Sinnsyk. Demographics (Species):
One half of the Sinnsyk Star Network is comprised of Those Above. They are the main face of the Network, and the ones who control most of the government and all its affairs. They are on average taller than humans, both men and women between 6'6" and 7' as standard. Their skin is smooth and glossy, pale but not quite as pale as those below, and their eyes dark and monocoloured. Facially speaking, their noses are flat and blunt and often one can be forgiven for assuming they don't have any at all. Only the women are capable of growing hair, and even then only on their head. Men remain hairless from birth to death.
Those Above are the "face" of the SSN, and generally what one thinks of when they hear of the Sinnsyk. They build the ships, tend the farms and do most of the fighting and dying in a combat situation.
The other half of the Sinnsyk Star Network, Those Below spend their lives in subterranean tunnels and caverns. Those Below detest the sunlight and prefer to spend their lives in dark, cramped tunnels, working on the ancient technology left behind by Those Who Came Before. Because of the time they spend in the dark, their bodies are pale, almost white, and slim to the point of emaciation. Their dark eyes see well in the pitch black, but are sensitive to all kinds of light. They are hairless in most cases, and have long, sharp claws for tunneling and hunting prey.
Those Below are key for controlling the land under the crusts of planets. They live deep under the ground, and run the Star Network's "Planetscape" technology. This tech allows Those Below to shape and form the planet above them, growing forests and flooding valleys overnight. This technology only works if one is sufficient distance underground, as it involves controlling the movement of tectonic plates, tapping into underground reservoirs and running them through replicators in order to work