Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


A Grave Festival

The world around him was hazy, dark, unfamiliar, Kcalb couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on around him. "... You used to be so much more..." A familiar, eerie voice echoed around him, a voice that has haunted him for years now. "... You were the Devil that everyone feared... Evil, sadistic, terrifying... And now look at you... A mere shell of what you once were..." The voice's laughter seemed to echo in Kcalb's head. "You don't know me... My past... My past is none of your business!"

"Your past... Is history... And history can be learned... Especially through another's own thoughts..." Sweat dripped from Kcalb's forehead. "W-wha... What are you talking about?" Kcalb flinched as he felt something grab his throat. "In do time... Old friend..." The voice laughed maniacally.

"I always wondered... She is the only thing keeping you sane at this point... What would happen... If she were to vanish, would you lose yourself in your madness? Beg for an end to your suffering, an end that won't. Ever. Come!?!" Images flashed in Kcalb's mind, images of blood, destruction, death. Those he cared for laid at his feet, murdered in cold blood. His arms held the one he cared for the most, dead eyes staring at the monster that murdered her.


Kcalb woke up in a panic, sweat dripped from his face as he tried to get a sense of his surroundings. He was in his bed, sun shined through the window, lighting up the greyed out room. "Was it... Was it just a... A nightmare?" Still shaken from the terrifying dream, Kcalb got out from his bed and looked out through the window of his room. The village below was small, but it was clear that it was full of activity. Kcalb sighed and went to get ready, for the Grey Festival was today.

Grey Village buzzed with activity, angels and demons hurried around, setting up stalls and fixing up decorations for the festival tonight. Some stalls were already set up and had assortments of items, treats, and trinkets on display for passers-by. The sweet aroma of apples wafted through the air, the smell originated from a nice little stall in the center of the village. A young demon girl in a maid's outfit was cleaning the counter of the stall as a little angel in a blue robe carried a basket of apples over to her. "Thank you, Chelan... That should be enough apples for tonight." The girl said as she looked back at the dozen more baskets behind the stall, Chelan hummed happily as she set the last basket down.

On the western side of the village, two young looking demons were attending to what appeared to be a large, black portal. "Say, Ater... How many people do you think will attend the festival?" The black-haired one spoke. "I don't know, Arbus... We sent invitations to just about every world including ours, it's hard to say." The white-haired one spoke. "Well, you know what they say... The more the merrier!" They said at the same time.

To the east of the village, a stage overlooking a large field of flowers was being set up. A young angel in a green sweater was busy carrying things around and seemed to be in distress. "Oooohhh... I wish Rawberry was here to help... Or anybody really..." She set some tools down and went back to building up a part of the stage.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Eddie Cage

"Whoa. I'm never gonna get used to that." A certain actor-turned-traveler emerged from a the large, black portal manned by two cat demons. The human looked down to catch his breath for a moment.

When he looked back up, he saw that he was in the company of two girls. One had short black hair but white cat ears and white demon wings. She had a mischievous face on her. The other one was the complete opposite: She had long white hair but black cat ears and black demon wings. From what Eddie has gathered from his recent travels, they were Demons. He's just not sure what they were exactly but he was sure of one thing: They were hella cute!

"Uhh, ahem. Hey there!" Eddie began. "I was going to teleport to McDo for lunch but seems like I took a detour." He joked to the two demons. Seeing the village abuzz with activity with decorations and stalls and people running around, Eddie could not help but remark. "Ooh, you guys having a party up in here?"


Dorma was one of the many citizens of The Gray Garden who were helping out in the preparation for the Gray Festival. Not that she was needed to be compelled to, however easy that may be, Dorma had a stake in making this festival great. If the great Yosafire notices and praises her efforts, or even just enjoy the festival that she helped put up, Dorma would be one happy Demon.

One of Yosafire's friends, a Demon named Rawberry Preserves, told Dorma that she could start helping by going to an Angel to the east of the village where the stage would be set up. Rawberry was part of the group that saved The Gray Garden so she had Dorma's respect and admiration too. And so, the mask-wearing Demon went over to the stage area to do her part for the festival.

"Umm, hello?" Dorma greeted the lone Angel once she arrived. She then recognized the Angel to be Macarona, also part of Yosafire's group. "Ahh, Miss Macarona. I did not know you were the Angel here." Dorma was quickly humbled. She wondered why Rawberry did not help out herself. Wasn't she Macarona's friend? Considering her personality though... "Ah, do you need help, Miss Macarona? I can use my bow to lift heavy things for you."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Upon reaching the area where the stage was being set up, Aurelia’s arms finally gave out and she dropped the box of refreshments that she had been instructed to deliver to the workers there. Fortunately, she managed to avoid dropping the heavy (for her at least) box on her toes, though a few items did bounce out of the box with the impact. Aurelia quickly picked them up and returned them to their rightful location inside the box while scanning her surroundings for Miss Macarona, the angel she had been instructed to deliver the box to. It turned out that it wasn’t particularly difficult to find her, however, as there were very few people around currently. In fact, there was only one other person that Aurelia could see in the field, a demon girl wearing a red hair ribbon that was talking with an angel wearing a green sweater which would be Miss Macarona.

Unfortunately for Aurelia, the intended recipient of her package was on the other side of the field from where she was currently standing. And so, still panting a little from exertion, Aurelia picked up the box again and began shuffling across the field. While Aurelia understood the Healing Academy’s policy of having the newest graduates run all of the errands during the Gray Festival, she still thought it would have just been more efficient to just send someone who could easily carry the box. But, she wasn’t one to complain, and it had seemed important to the older members that she and the other recent graduates participate in their tradition, so she simply focused her energy on putting one foot in front of the other.

As Aurelia approached Miss Macarona and the demon girl, she decided to call out so that they weren’t just waiting for her to awkwardly cross the last few feet once they noticed her. ”H-Hello, M-Miss Macarona? This i-is a package f-from the Healing A-Academy tent.” Aurelia said, effort straining her voice. By the time she had finished her pseudo-introduction, she had made it to within a couple of feet from Miss Macarona and the demon girl. At about the same time, her arms gave out again, and she unceremoniously dropped the box again.

”S-Sorry,” she continued, blushing noticeably. ”It’s a box of refreshments like water and snacks for the people helping to prepare for the festival. They also wanted me to remind you to have people drink lots of water so they don’t get dehydrated. Oh! And also that if someone get hurt or feels off, they should head to the Healing Academy tent for treatment.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kcalb walked quietly through the castle, ignoring passers-by and not even acknowledging those who said "Good Morning," or "How are you?" or even "Are you ok?" He was completely out of it this morning and had a very stressed out feeling to him.

"Good morning, Kcalb." He was only a few steps into the courtyard when he was greeted by his other half, Etihw. He stopped and glanced at her before looking back down at the ground. "Well you seem cheerful today... Come on, it's the day of the festival, at least show some emotion..." she said in a bit of a sarcastic tone. He glanced at her again before sighing. "Not now, Etihw... I... Had a rough night..."

"A rough night? Heheh... That's an understatement... You're a grumpier old man than you usually are..." she said walking up to him. "How many times have I told you..." "Yes yes, you're not an old man... Tell me another 1000 times and maybe I'll get it..." Etihw said, again in a sarcastic tone. "Come on... What's wrong? You can tell me..." she said nudging him a little. Kcalb breathed a defeated sigh and looked at her. "Do you ever have... Nightmares?"

"Uhh, ahem. Hey there!" Eddie began. "I was going to teleport to McDo for lunch but seems like I took a detour." He joked to the two demons. Seeing the village abuzz with activity with decorations and stalls and people running around, Eddie could not help but remark. "Ooh, you guys having a party up in here?"

Ater and Arbus looked at eachother for a second before turning their gaze back to Eddie.

"Of course, it's the Grey Festival." (Ater)

"You did get an invitation, correct?" (Arbus)

"If so, great. If you simply heard of it, that's ok too." (Ater)

"Just don't cause trouble, ok? We don't want another incident happening." (Arbus)

"Any way... Welcome to the Gray Garden!" they said in unison before going back to attend to the portal. As they did, another visitor arrived. A witch in a white and red outfit followed by an avian familiar stepped out of the portal. "Blaaahhh... Why did it have to be portal travel? Portal travel is a major cause of motion sickness for a lot of people..." Vanilla said as her familiar, Zeal, rubbed her back. "Ugh... Thank you, Zeal... Number one cure for motion sickness... A comforting rub on the back..." she said smiling. Zeal gave her a small shake of his head and she tilted her head. "What? Bad wording?"

"Ah, do you need help, Miss Macarona? I can use my bow to lift heavy things for you."

Macarona gave an exhausted smile. "T-thank you, Dorma... I would appreciate that."

”H-Hello, M-Miss Macarona? This i-is a package f-from the Healing A-Academy tent.” Macarona looked to see Aurelia walking up with a box that looked too heavy for someone like her. She dropped it in front of her and Macarona covered her mouth as some items bounced out, including a bottle of water which she instinctively picked up.

”S-Sorry,” she continued, blushing noticeably. ”It’s a box of refreshments like water and snacks for the people helping to prepare for the festival. They also wanted me to remind you to have people drink lots of water so they don’t get dehydrated. Oh! And also that if someone get hurt or feels off, they should head to the Healing Academy tent for treatment.”

Macarona took a big drink of water before responding. "Thank you, Aurelia... We appreciate the help and the advice..." she said smiling. "Oh... Dorma... If you're looking for Yosafire, I think she and Froze went out towards the forest to collect apples for Dialo's apple pie stand..." she said knowing that Dorma would've want to look for Yosafire after helping with the stage.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Eddie Cage

"You did get an invitation, correct?"

"Oh, uhh..."

"If you simply heard of it, that's ok too."

"Oh, great!" Eddie then realized his mistake. "No wait, Gray Festival?"

Moments after that exchange, two more figures emerged from the black portal. Eddie saw a girl with blue hair wearing a pointy hat and a simple white and red dress. Probably a Witch, Eddie thought. And the tall guy with the facial markings, probably her familiar. He had heard of Witches before but he never actually met one. Well, he saw one before but never really actually met one. Eddie wondered if she was here for this 'Gray Festival' thing.

"If you guys don't mind me asking, what's a 'Gray Festival'?" Eddie asked everyone present.


"Oh... Dorma... If you're looking for Yosafire, I think she and Froze went out towards the forest to collect apples for Dialo's apple pie stand..."

"Huh? Really?" Dorma lit up. However, she wondered why Macarona would say that. Was her admiration for Yosafire that obvious. It mattered little for Dorma was immediately curious as to what her idol was up to.

However, Froze's name dashed Dorma's hopes. If she and Yosafire were together, no doubt that the Demon's attention will be focused solely on that Angel. Dorma could not help but sigh upon the revelation. "Oh, I'm not looking for her, Miss Macarona. I'm here to help you, remember?" Dorma made a crafted reply to mask her true feelings on the matter. "I was sent here by Miss Rawberry when I ran into her in the village. I thought she'd be with you." She added, derailing the topic.

"Well anyway, what's this stage going to be used for?" Dorma asked as she looked at the well-built stage standing in the open in the field.


@Darkmoon Angel @TaliPaendrag
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aurelia nodded politely while Miss Macarona thanked her for the delivery of the package, glad that neither she nor the demon girl felt it necessary to mention how she had dropped the box. In fact, Aurelia couldn’t help but notice that it seemed that the demon girl who had been talking with Miss Macarona barely took any notice of her at all. Not that being easily ignorable had ever particularly bothered Aurelia. ”It’s not a problem at all!” she said, smiling brightly as usual, once Miss Macarona had finished thanking her. ”It’s important that everyone pitches in so that we can have an amazing Gray Festival after all!”

As Miss Macarona talked with the demon girl, whose name was apparently Dorma, about the fact that Yosafire and Froze had gone to the forest to collect apples, Aurelia took the time to massage her arms a little through the puffy white sleeves of her uniform to try and alleviate some of the ache that had set in as she carried the package of refreshments. Though Aurelia was only somewhat paying attention to their conversation, she couldn’t help but notice how much Dorma perked up at the mention of Yosafire nor could Aurelia miss how quickly she seemed to deflate upon hearing that Froze was with Yosafire.

”I’m supposed to head back to the Healing Academy’s tent now that I’ve dropped off the package,” Aurelia said once Dorma reminded Miss Macarona that she was there to help with the stage. ”But seeing as how no one else is here to help, I suppose I could stay and help for a little bit as well. Though I’m not sure how useful I’ll be.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"...And what's so special about these nightmares of yours?" Etihw asked Kcalb as they walked along the path. "It's... Strange... They only ever happen around this time... And I keep hearing a name... Something that makes me shiver..." He explained as a flock of butterflies flew over them. "So..." "So... What?" "So what's the name? It takes a lot to make you of all people shiver. What's this big and scary name?" Kcalb went quiet again, only the sound of their footsteps could be heard.

"The name... Was Crow..." Etihw seemed to tense up a bit at the sound of the name. "But... That... That's impossible..." Kcalb simply shook his head at her response. "Something's going to happen... And we need to be prepared for it..." He said as they just came over the hill that overlooked the village.

"If you guys don't mind me asking, what's a 'Gray Festival'?"

"Well, the Gray Festival is an annual celebration for the denizens of the Gray World. A special occasion to celebrate the ending of the long, bloody war between angels and demons, a war that lasted hundreds maybe thousands (exact time unknown) of years. The festival involves many different things, including stalls of trinkets, pastries, and other goodies for any at all visitors from other worlds like us to enjoy. There are also fun games, and events, like a talent show, a musical, ooooooo I am getting excited just thinking about it! I could go on on about-" And with that, Zeal picked Vanilla up and carried her to the village, all while she was still talking. Ater and Arbus's jaws were down as they were just about to explain the Gray Festival to Eddie.

"Uhhh..." (Ater)

"What she said..." (Arbus)

"Oh, I'm not looking for her, Miss Macarona. I'm here to help you, remember?" Dorma made a crafted reply to mask her true feelings on the matter. "I was sent here by Miss Rawberry when I ran into her in the village. I thought she'd be with you." She added, derailing the topic.

"Ah... Well... She's more than likely bothering Dialo at her apple pie stand... I'm sure she'll come when... If she remembers..." Macarona said looking back at the village.

"Well anyway, what's this stage going to be used for?"

"Oh! It's actually for tonight's event... It's gonna be a bit of a musical, and then there will be big fireworks in the sky at the end." she explained.

”I’m supposed to head back to the Healing Academy’s tent now that I’ve dropped off the package,” Aurelia said once Dorma reminded Miss Macarona that she was there to help with the stage. ”But seeing as how no one else is here to help, I suppose I could stay and help for a little bit as well. Though I’m not sure how useful I’ll be.”

"Your help is appreciated, Aurelia... But you may want to rest a little after your delivery..." Macarona said with a warm smile.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Eddie Cage

"What she said..."

"Riiiiight." Eddie replied. He tried to listen to the witch's exposition. He really did. But he could only remember some key words after she was carried off by her familiar.

For now, Eddie knew that this world was of angels and demons that fought a war against each other but now were all friends. The festival was the commemoration for that. Still, the former actor felt that was not enough and wanted more information about this new world he stumbled into. He could ask the two cat Demons directly but that was not his style.

"Gray World huh?" Eddie began. "I guess I can take a look around, if I'm allowed. Although... wandering around alone in a new place sure sounds... lonesome, don't you think?" Eddie sighed. "Are you two, by any chance, busy? I'd sure appreciate a guide. You know, show me what this world and festival has to offer."


"Oh! It's actually for tonight's event... It's gonna be a bit of a musical, and then there will be big fireworks in the sky at the end."

"Oh! How lovely!" Dorma was already imagining how the event would go though she did not know who would be performing. Oh how she wished she could be one of the performers and be up there, singing and gaining attention and adoration from people like Yosafire. Of course there's the issue with Dorma's singing skills but a demon girl can dream as much as she wants.

"Do you know who will be performing for the event?" Dorma then asked Macarona. "Are you one of the performers?" She also asked. That one was more of a tease since she thought Macarona was... well, Macarona.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

”Oh, well, I think I will sit down and catch my breath for a few minutes then,” Aurelia said in response to Macarona’s suggestion, taking a seat on the ground near where she had been standing. Though she tried not to show it, she had to admit that it felt really good to get off her feet for even a few moments. She had basically been running about and helping the Healing Academy with preparations for the festival since dawn, so she was pretty grateful for the break.

As Aurelia sat there, listening absently as Dorma and Miss Macarona discussed the purpose of the stage and who would be performing for the event, she admired the construction of the stage for the festival. It certainly appeared well-built and durable, and it had probably taken a lot of time and effort to put together leading up to the festival. Though she couldn’t know for sure, Aurelia was fairly certain that it’s construction had required the work of both the angels and the demons of the Garden. In that way, it seemed almost like a monument to the community that the two groups had worked together to create following the war from so long ago.

All of a sudden, Aurelia realized that she had zoned out and started daydreaming a bit, coming to with a bit of a jerk before she stood up and addressed Miss Macarona. ”Now that I’ve rested a bit, is there anything you would like me to help you with?” she asked, still blushing lightly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Gray World huh?" Eddie began. "I guess I can take a look around, if I'm allowed. Although... wandering around alone in a new place sure sounds... lonesome, don't you think?" Eddie sighed. "Are you two, by any chance, busy? I'd sure appreciate a guide. You know, show me what this world and festival has to offer."

"Weeeell..." (Ater)

"We are busy looking after the portal, but if you really want a guide..." (Arbus)

"Oh, Arbus, let me! As important as the portal is... It's kinda boring..." (Ater)

"Very well, just come back after the tour." (Arbus)

The white haired demon gave a small smile before walking over to Eddie's side. "Anything you want to know about, or see, just ask." she stated.

"Heeeey, Zeal... I was talking to them..." Vanilla said as the familiar sat her down on a bench, before sitting down himself. "Ooooh fine... I guess I was getting a bit talkative... Again... But what's wrong with explaining something to someone?" Zeal gave her a quick look for his answer. "You're right... I guess not everyone wants so much information dumped on them..." She sighed before resting her head on Zeal. "But I know for a fact that this is going to be great! I've been to other worlds before but this one just seems so special to me, I can feel it... And admit it... You want to have some fun too, right?" Zeal shrugged and shifted around in his seat a bit, he couldn't hide it from Vanilla, but he was curious about the festival.

"Do you know who will be performing for the event?" Dorma then asked Macarona. "Are you one of the performers?" She also asked. That one was more of a tease since she thought Macarona was... well, Macarona.

"M-me? O-of course not... You know I get stage fright..." she responded in a nervous fashion. "But... I do know that the performer will be coming from the Sea... Honestly though, that's all I know... I've just been busy fixing up the stage..."

”Now that I’ve rested a bit, is there anything you would like me to help you with?” she asked, still blushing lightly.

Speaking of which. "Oh, of course, Aurelia. Now that the stage is put up we just need to put the decorations up." Macarona said with a smile.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Eddie Cage

"Anything you want to know about, or see, just ask."

Eddie nodded with a smile that his request was indulged. "Cool! It's a date then!"

The former actor and the white-haired cat demon took off for the Gray Village. "Say, we haven't introduced ourselves to each other yet, have we?" Eddie began. "Here, let me start. I'm Patrick Edward Culiar. Famous actor. Oscar Award winner. Martial arts icon alongside the likes of Chakie Jan and Luce Bree." He told the cat demon some details about himself. "Also an accomplished mage. That part's a longer story. Gonna have to sit down for that one."

"Okay, now it's your turn." Eddie passed the spotlight onto the Demon. "You also look like the other one back there. You two sisters or something?" He asked. "Also, I heard these kinds of worlds usually have a... a God and a Devil that governs the Angels and Demons respectively. You know 'em?"

"Oh yeah! There's that Witch from earlier too. She seems to know this world? Do you know her?"


"M-me? O-of course not... You know I get stage fright... But... I do know that the performer will be coming from the Sea... Honestly though, that's all I know... I've just been busy fixing up the stage..."

"Oooh..." Dorma wondered who this guest performer from the Sea will be. A mermaid perhaps? Or maybe a fish creature? The Demon had heard of a girl from the sea who was good at playing the ocarina and the piano. Perhaps it would be that girl then? "I shall look forward to her performance then." She remarked.

After finishing her last task, Dorma wondered if Yosafire and Froze would be done collecting apples and back at the village at Dialo's pie stand. There would be a chance that Froze would be away from Yosafire since they've completed their task. The chance was low sure but it was a chance anyway and Dorma took it. "Hey Macarona, I'm going to take a look at Dialo's pies. I'm sure you and Aurelia will be fine here. Bye!"


Back at the village, Dorma made her way to Dialo's stand. On the way, her eyes caught wind of a girl, a Witch from the looks of it, and a tall animal-like boy. The witch had her head resting on the boy's shoulder and it was just the loveliest thing Dorma saw ever. "Haaaa...." The Demon could only imagine her head being on Yosafire's lap and thus, Dorma spaced out all the while staring at Vanilla and Zeal.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Say, we haven't introduced ourselves to each other yet, have we?" Eddie began. "Here, let me start. I'm Patrick Edward Culiar. Famous actor. Oscar Award winner. Martial arts icon alongside the likes of Chakie Jan and Luce Bree." He told the cat demon some details about himself. "Also an accomplished mage. That part's a longer story. Gonna have to sit down for that one."

"Uhhh..." Ater had a hard time time keeping up with the apparent mage's introduction but at least got a name from him.

"Okay, now it's your turn." Eddie passed the spotlight onto the Demon. "You also look like the other one back there. You two sisters or something?" He asked. "Also, I heard these kinds of worlds usually have a... a God and a Devil that governs the Angels and Demons respectively. You know 'em?"

To these questions, Ater perked up a bit. "Oh, yes. I guess you could call us sisters. And you are correct, the Gray Garden is one of many worlds governed by a God and Devil. Me and Arbus serve under Lord Kcalb as his eyes and ears, also we just love to lay in his lap." Ater explained as she trailed off a bit.

"Oh yeah! There's that Witch from earlier too. She seems to know this world? Do you know her?"

Ater tilted her head in thought. "Not... That I can think of... She must have just studied our world before coming here." she explained. They happened to walk by a few of the stands that were up. "The festival should be starting soon, if you want to check out some of the stands you can." she said.

"Hey Macarona, I'm going to take a look at Dialo's pies. I'm sure you and Aurelia will be fine here. Bye!"

"U-uh... Ok, me and Aurelia will just... Huh?" macarona looked behind her to see that Aurelia had walked off. "Hm... I guess she was just tired, must've went home..." she sighed and went to work decorating the stage.

A sweet, apple smell could be smelled coming from the pie stand. Dialo had already made a good bit of pies, but the scent had attracted unwanted attention. "Come ooooon... Can't I just have a free sample?" Rawberry asked while Dialo just held her off. "Rawberry... Nearly half of the pies I've already made is not a free sample..." Dialo retorted. Chelan and Yosafire were laughing at the current scene, Froze was nowhere to be seen, she must've left to her house after delivering the apples.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Eddie Cage

"Oh, yes. I guess you could call us sisters. And you are correct, the Gray Garden is one of many worlds governed by a God and Devil. Me and Arbus serve under Lord Kcalb as his eyes and ears, also we just love to lay in his lap."

"Kcalb huh?" Eddie's encountered many unique names across his journeys but this one was definitely one of the unique-er ones. "Not looking forward to spelling his name anytime soon."

"The festival should be starting soon, if you want to check out some of the stands you can."

"Well, I would but... there's so many stands here, I don't know where to start." Eddie remarked, scratching the back of his head. He had seen stands that interested him but like he said, there was just too many that interested him. He knew he could pick one and go from there but he Eddie thought he could just do this. "Well, is there a stand here that you recommend?" He asked Ater.

"Oh and, you still haven't told me your name."


The smell of apple pies was a good indicator that one was near Dialo's place or the Demon herself. Sure enough, Dorma had arrived to Rawberry pestering Dialo for the latter's signature pies. There was also Yosafire and Chelan who amused themselves at the situation. But wait! Where's Froze? Dorma looked round and around and did not find the ice Angel. Could it be? Could she actually be absent? This was an opportunity for Dorma!

Dorma coughed and composed herself. Don't want to make a fool of herself in front of Yosafire after all. Then she brought her first step forward and continued on until she was near the near-legendary group. "Hello there." She greeted the group. "I... wanted to buy an apple pie but it seems you guys are a little bit busy right now." Dorma remarked at the scene.

"Oh, hello Yosafire. What a pleasure to see you here." She then said to her idol. "Would you like me to buy you an apple pie?" She then offered.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 10 days ago


From the portal a cloaked figure floated through. It's face was shrouded, hidden beneath a hood which shifted constantly, nothing visible within the darkness beneath it. The bottom edges of this ink black cloak seemed to flow with the wind as though there were no legs impeding it. Clutched in it's skeletal hand was a scythe, long and black with a silver line along the edge of the blade. Hanging from a loop attached to the end of the handle, joined to base and blade both, was an old black lantern hanging from a chain. Within it a blue flame glowed, bathing the area around this mysterious figure in an unearthly blue glow. Within the light of the flame one could almost make out the faces of those who's spirits now lay beyond the veil in the land of the dead.

It's other hand was still reaching through the gate. As it brought it's cold hand through it held in it's grip a smaller hand, it's skin only slightly less pale than the bones which gripped it. The mysterious cloaked figure assisted through the portal another figure, cloaked but with her hood down unlike her companion. With her hand in his he eased her to ground as she set foot in this world. Before the lone gatekeeper they stood, the young girl seemingly in her teen years and her grim companion looking out at the world they now stood within.

She was by no means tall, her imposing company making her appear far shorter by comparison. Her long wavy autumn hair was spilled over the hood which hung from her shoulders, her hair reaching all the way down her back. Her cloak was not as tenebrous as her companion's was but it's color was still a deep black, not unreminiscent of one's own shadow. Her emerald eyes peered through the near porcelain mask that was her face, an expression almost as emotionless as a doll's own with the mild exception that were the rings of tiredness beneath her eyes. Her expression though muted carried a faint air of gloominess. She wore no scowl nor frown but rather a weariness which peaked out from beneath the expressionless mask.

With a couple steps forward she took in the scene around her. Beings of horns and halos traversed the streets, manning the shops and preparing the festivities. Facing away from the portal she could see one such being to her left stationed as a guard of sorts. From what she able to gather before arriving here her kind were referred to as Demons. These ones weren't like the spirits which earned such descriptor back in her home realm. They seemed relatively uniform in general shape albeit differentiated by individual characteristics.

Reaching inside her cloak she produced a letter of invitation from The Grey Garden, the name of this realm. With but a single step forward she presented the crest upon the letter to the black haired demon, looking down to the ground as if concerned with making eye-contact. It wasn't eye contact that concerned her but the names which floated over their heads. Over every head be it angel or demon their fears were ever present, unseen by all except her. She had no desire to pry into these secrets of theirs hence she made an effort not to look up lest she bring such knowledge upon herself. She shepherded their fears nonetheless but it was never without burden. She was always left with the choice to either speak the truth and be surrounded with unsettled stares and wary glares or lie. She favored neither choice. It was all that she could hope that such topic simply was never approached to begin with.

"Good evening." She bid her greetings, her voice barely more than a soft murmur. It was no less elegant than her demeanor however her voice was no less unexpressive or gloomy than her either. She was not one to make herself overtly known despite how she stuck out from the vibrant crowds of warm friendly faces.

It was ironic that the one least eager to stand out was one of the least capable of blending in.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

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Arbus was trying her best to not look even a little frightened, she's seen scarier things in her life time (heck she's seen Etihw and Kcalb on a bad day), but something about this cloaked newcomer and her just as cloaked escort rubbed her the wrong way. Nevertheless, Arbus smiled as best as she could as the smaller cloaked figure greeted her and handed her an invitation.

"Good Evening, and welcome." she said bowing. "You showed up just in time, the festivities are just about to begin." she explained happily. "Oh, if I were to make a suggestion, you probably already smelled it, but a resident of our village here should already have made some of her famous apple pies, you should head over to her stand."

As Arbus was talking to Daisy, two figures slipped by out of the portal and into the crowds of people by the stands. "Ok, remember... Keep your face hidden... Don't want anybody recognizing us." "I remember, I remember."

"Oh and, you still haven't told me your name."

Ater giggled at her absentmindedness. "My apologies... I am Ater... And my sister's name is Arbus." she said. "And if I were to head to a stand, there's the souvenir stand that's run by the village shopkeepers, or if your hungry you can stop by Dialo's apple pie stand, her apple pies are to die for." she explained.

"Hello there." She greeted the group. "I... wanted to buy an apple pie but it seems you guys are a little bit busy right now." Dorma remarked at the scene.

"Oh... Hey, Dorma... Pies are done, just give me a minute..." Dialo said as she held off Rawberry, who was getting desperate and trying to push Dialo away with little success.

"Oh, hello Yosafire. What a pleasure to see you here." She then said to her idol. "Would you like me to buy you an apple pie?" She then offered.

"Hm? Ooo, really? That's so nice." Yosafire said with a smile. Chelan hummed happily as she headed to the stand. Dialo actually managed to fend Rawberry off, sending the vampire demon away with an empty stomach. "Ok... Now that Rawberry is gone, we are officially open."

"Ooooo, what do we have here?" Vanilla had been passing by the portal when she noticed the two cloaked figures. "Oh oh oh, your a witch aren't you? I've never seen or felt magic like yours. It feels strange, but also strong. I use barrier magic, what's your magic called?" Zeal was facepalming at this, what was he expecting really? First sign of magic power of any kind, Vanilla was there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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Eddie Cage

"And if I were to head to a stand, there's the souvenir stand that's run by the village shopkeepers, or if your hungry you can stop by Dialo's apple pie stand, her apple pies are to die for."

"Alright, Ater. This apple pie stand sounds pretty good." Eddie replied. "Lead the way."

Truth be told, Eddie was unsure about this apple pie that is supposedly very, very good. How could apple pies be made so good that it would be to die for? Considering they were Angels and Demons, there must be some sort of magic involved. That was probably it, thought Eddie. But such judgments would be reserved for later, after tasting the apple pies.


"Hm? Ooo, really? That's so nice."

"Of course! Anything for you..." Dorma held herself. There was so many things she could say after. All of them being potentially embarrassing. The seconds have begun ticking by as Dorma tried to find a suitable word that would not be awkward. "...Savior of the Gray Garden." Dorma continued with a wink at Yosafire's direction. While the words she had chosen would be embarrassing and awkward, the playful wink should make things relaxed. Right?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 10 days ago


"Good Evening, and welcome. You showed up just in time, the festivities are just about to begin. Oh, if I were to make a suggestion, you probably already smelled it, but a resident of our village here should already have made some of her famous apple pies, you should head over to her stand."

Daisy nodded, listening to their greeter's welcome. She was suddenly distracted as two figured slipped by the two of them. Looking aside to those that slipped them by her eyes followed not their backs but their fears as they sifted into the crowd and out of sight, at least from others. She was about to ask who those might of been but an older looking woman approached, merrily inquiring about her.

"Ooooo, what do we have here? Oh oh oh, your a witch aren't you? I've never seen or felt magic like yours. It feels strange, but also strong. I use barrier magic, what's your magic called?"

Daisy looked down at her feet, trying not to let her gaze drift above to the fears attached to her.

"My magic is... A form of summoning magic." She answered hesitantly, somewhat uncomfortable with her directness. She overlapped her hands in front of her, concealing each within the combined sleeves of both. This was largely to conceal the fact her hands were fidgeting a bit with discomfort. She took a step back, buying herself more personal space before looking up to the caster before her. She made a conscious effort not to let her eyes drift too far up lest she be caught staring above her without visible cause.

"If I may ask, are you a local?" She inquired, breaking the standing silence between them that was almost notable. She sounded composed but it was a mask. She was far less comfortable with this than the magician before her was, something she'd rather suffer for over letting the truth be known.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Alright, Ater. This apple pie stand sounds pretty good." Eddie replied. "Lead the way."

Ater nodded. "Ok, right this way." she said with a flick of her tails before leading him to Dialo's stand. As they walked to the stand, Ater caught a glance of two particular demons walking through the crowds. "Hm? Oh... Oh no... Uh..." she turned to Eddie. "Sorry, but I have to see Arbus about something that just came up. Just look for the red haired girl in black maid clothing, she's Dialo." she explained as she walked off rather quickly.

"Of course! Anything for you... Savior of the Gray Garden."

"Uhhh... Hehe... Right..." Yosafire said giving a nervous smile, the wink Dorma gave her kinda made things awkward. "Rrrright... Well... Here you go..." Dialo said handing Dorma and Yosafire each a plate with a slice of pie on it.

"My magic is... A form of summoning magic."

"Oh wow... So, this big thing is one of the things you can summon? That's so cool!" Vanilla said looking up at the tall reaper-like creature.
"If I may ask, are you a local?"

"Me? Oh no, I came here just like you. Oh! Did you know that the Gray Garden mmmhmhmm..." Zeal covered Vanilla's mouth before she could get going, he gave Daisy an apologetic look before letting go of Vanilla. "Sorry, Zeal... Uh... Sorry, miss... I can be a liiittle excitable when I sense magic, hehehe." she said giggling.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Eddie Cage & Dorma

The awkward stares were not unnoticed by Dorma. She internally screamed. She had embarrassed herself in front of Yosafire and her friends. Dorma dutifully accepted the pie and said nothing else, too down for any words.

Dorma was about to leave when she bumped into a certain human. "Ah, oh. I'm sorry." Dorma apologized, almost dropping her newly-bought pie.

"No worries. Could've been worse." Eddie replied. "Could'a splashed that pie all over me."

Dorma forced out a chuckle and noticed that this newcomer was no resident of the Gray Village. "Umm... who are you?"

"Heh, I'm..." Eddie was going to list off all his accomplishments again but decided now was not the time. "...a visitor. For the festival." The former actor then noticed that he was actually at the pie stand that Ater talked about. "Heeeey, this is that famous Dialo's Pie shop, isn't it? Are the pies here that good? You got one more for this wayward visitor?"

Dorma elected to stay quiet and let the others answer this 'visitor'.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 10 days ago


So it seemed the woman was quite enthusiastic. She mostly remained quiet and nodded along, even after being silenced by her... Servant? It wasn't quite clear what the woman and the other being's relationship was at that time. Daisy's own company had stayed quite still by her side, his lantern casting it's unearthly pale blue light upon the immediate area they stood within. Despite not moving much his cloak flowed with an unfelt wind, continuously shifting but never exposing what laid beneath.

"I see." Daisy's face exposed little to no reaction, even as she responded. Thinking on the matter if the girl did know a fair bit of this world and the festival in particular it might be beneficial to at least extract a bit of information from her before they'd part ways.

"I can see you are... Knowledgeable of this land. As I am new to this land myself I find I... Don't have a real idea of where to start. Forgive my peaceful interrogation but would you be able to provide me a few details regarding the land or perhaps even this festival itself?"

She glanced to the crowd but saw not the fears she recalled from those that had tried to sneak by earlier. It's no use She consigned herself to the fact that she wasn't going to be able to follow up on such characters until later if at all. She hadn't much tangible purpose to do so but any desire to left her conscious mind as she returned her attention to the talkative one.
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