Guinevere Stark

"Wait...Why do you wonder if it'd be better or not?" Guin asked him, unable to help her curiosity. Sure, there were some perks to being famous. Bill Nye followed her on Twitter, for example - and Neil DeGrasse Tyson once Tweeted about her Stark Expo project. Yeah, most of the benefits, at least for Guin, involved famous figures on social media...The downsides were easy to think of as well. Her personal struggle with addiction had been put into the spotlight thanks to her attention grabbing mother. She and her best friend were targeted by Kilgrave and Hammer. There were numerous kidnapping attempts, a few of them having some degrees of success. And while she could keep on brainstorming reasons for both sides, she still wanted to know her father's reasoning.
Banner nodded at Lance, vomiting a bit more but at this point, it was just stomach bile coming up. There were dark shadows under his eyes. He hadn't been sleeping lately - and it was partially because he was working, but also because he was afraid to. He'd been having horrible nightmares and sometimes, he couldn't help but wonder in the middle of the day if he was living in a nightmare. Everything he loved was on the verge of being taken away from him and he was powerless to do anything but watch. "...I wish you had a normal life, b-buddy..." he whispered.