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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Final Protocol

"The Last Metroid has fled captivity. The galaxy is endangered."

The average citizen of the Galactic Federation doesn't have any idea what is going on behind the scenes in every engagement with the Space Pirates, nor they ever informed of the full impact of the results. They hear what cannot be concealed from the public. The Space Pirates ravage ships and colonies alike. They employ bio-genetic and mechanical weapons against both civilians and combatants alike, and the Federation does everything in their power to stop them, including the employ of certain specialized bounty hunters. Among the known successful hunters is Samus Aran.

What people know of Samus is what they tell them, or what is leaked out, because Samus largely keeps to herself. If the Federation tells you that she's successfully defeated Space Pirates a number of times and protected the galaxy from the hostile species known as Metroids, then you eat that up. That's generally the only reliable data you have. But one day, you're told something else: Samus has disappeared from known space, and has taken with her the last Metroid, which would ordinarily be okay...except that something has gone horribly wrong.

Outbreaks of an 'unknown plague' that is officially classified as a new Space Pirate weapon have occurred on several border colony worlds. Situations are thus far contained, but sadly...the Federation has been lying to the people...because the truth is far worse. YOU will be informed the truth behind the lies keeping the galaxy at peace, and you will be sent to stop this threat by any means necessary, one particular point of order being to bring in the Bounty Hunter. Samus Aran must be found and captured at all speed, as things begin to spiral out of control.

Everything is on the line.

Time is running out.

The Final Protocol will be engaged.



And now, for the OOC meat and potatoes.

The events of the core Metroid games are what this revolves around. After having played/seen these games, I have finally decided on how a final showdown is to be engaged. This takes place after Metroid 4 (AKA Metroid Fusion). For anyone not entirely familiar with Metroid, Return of Samus, Super Metroid, and Metroid Fusion...I suggest you look them up, but the main points I can recall from memory are below.

The destruction of the BSL Station and SR 388 was made known, but not WHY. They only explained WHO. That is all you know In-Character, for now, but you will be informed. You can probably guess what the 'unknown plague' is, so I'll say it outright. In this RP, the threat was not as contained as originally thought. Someone is moving the X around, and they are infecting populated planets. Now, these planets are being quarantined and/or destroyed, as needed, sometimes evacuation being possible and sometimes not. That will not be part of your mission. These are merely stopgap procedures in response to the situation. You - be you soldier of the Federation, licensed bounty hunter, or what-have-you (I'll even allow a Space Pirate turncoat if you sing it well enough to me.) - are on a mission to more-directly handle things. You will be given classified information, armaments and protection on top of what you already bring to the table, and freedom enough to act as you deem necessary, so long as the mission is completed to satisfaction. It's all in effect to complete the Final Protocol, the project to eliminate the greatest threats to the galaxy, once and for all.

Important Rules

I'm putting this on casual, but it may be important for me and for others to have certain details well-known. It can very-well effect the plot, as how it flows will depend much on your actions. You're deciding the fate of a galaxy, so be mindful that certain actions WILL matter, and so you may need to be clear on a few points.

NO SAMUS CLONES! Samus is a unique character in these games. Nobody has precisely her capabilities, and certainly none of her background. Be creative. Give your characters abilities and whatnot that are strange and unusual in their own way. Just don't make it like you're somehow on the level of the Chozo or something. Rule of Cool for some, but gritty for others. Try to make it balanced. (I'll entertain 'super' abilities like the Shinespark if I like it enough. The lady doesn't hold exclusive control over THAT.) I am aware that it is possible for other people to have some weapons that Samus would. You're just not going to be having ALL of them, like she does.

Before you ask, I have not played any of the 3D games, nor have I seen any of the playthroughs, really. I don't know what they mean for the continuity. This doesn't involve things like Phazon and whatnot, so I'm not gonna worry about it. Are you? Should you? I really don't think so.

Yes, you will encounter powerful creatures and risk possible infection by the X. You will have a means of protection FROM infection that will keep you from being swarmed by floating blobs and taken over suddenly, but don't get cocky. That protection is not perfected. If anything happens to the device responsible or if you are running low on energy, you will be at risk. That is part of the RP.

I mention possible infection, and now I say this: Don't try to deliberately tank the game just to get the bad ending. You might work with me if you get infected, or I might just take your character and tell you to write up a new sheet. You're here to fight against the doom of all species in this galaxy. If I ask that you direct some evil, then kudos to you, but the X - for instance - have no personality to speak of. They're monsters, like John Carpenter's: The Thing on steroids. You'd only be taking my orders at that point, anyway. The point is, just try to have fun saving the galaxy from all the threats within it.

Obviously, all the rules and provisos of fairplay and playing decently apply. Getting goddy or auto-playing and such-like... That's a no-no. Play to have your actions open-ended, so when you're fighting something, you state that you are trying to do a thing and to reach an intended effect, but I - or another player, if they're on the receiving end - determine the outcome. If you want to have something happen in your post immediately for expedient reasons, talk to someone and collab it. This is for fun, and if we're not having fun, then we have a problem.

And at the end of the day, I am the GM and I determine things going on in case of muddy issues, all the things not covered or by virtue of this being an RP and not the 'official' universe. Like...if you come up to me and say 'Well, this doesn't work, because in game-you-haven't-played, this happened.', and it doesn't really make much sense to me, I have to call that it doesn't follow on a basic common sense rule. You may come to me and say 'But hey, we know OOC that the Federation can be as bad as the Space Pirates. You even said so.'. And I would retort 'You were selected because your suspected leanings were enough in the Federation's directions to take on a galaxy-saving mission for ALOT of hazard pay.'. If you have suspicions, that's fine, but the premise here is that you were willing to sign up because of what's at stake. The plot is the plot, and if there is a legitimate issue with it, work with me to make it flow properly, 'cause I ain't shuttin' her down.


Your character sheet. Like so, with coding below.

Name: Identify yourself to the cosmos!
Alias: Got any nicnknames from your rep?
Age: How old are you, fella?
Gender: How gendered or not are you in this RP?
Species: What even are you? (Explain more fully in Physical Description.)
Occupation: What profession is it that brought you here, to a classified meeting for a secret mission?
Residence: You can just make up a planet name if you're of unique species.

Physical Description: Please be detailed enough that I can understand what your character is like, physically, including their attire and maybe some of their equipment. Bear in mind that the important details OF that equipment is really for below, under Equipment/Capabilities. Make sure that I can understand the nature of your character, the pros and cons alike.

Personality: This is your character's mental state, as well you know. Give me a good idea on the way he/she/it thinks. Are they clever and wild-cardy? Are they straightforward and destructive? Where do their confidences and weaknesses lie? How do they respond to situations? Do they get along with others? You get the drift.

Equipment/Cabilities: Here be the goodies, the fun part of any profile. What can you do? How well can you do it? How MUCH can you do it? I'm not going to get super-scrutinizing on ammo-count, but it would be nice if your character worried about it from time to time. The chance to resupply will be given if I think it's possible for that to happen. I may even lampshade the very weird habit of creatures swallowing munitions and batteries for laughs. Still, show me a very capable character, but remember that you have limits. You've been hired for your expertise, but remember that you've been hired because they couldn't get the usual one, for one reason or another.

History: I don't need this to be super-detailed, because I don't even know half the planets that exist in the continuity. Stuff is being made-up for use if it's not directly relevent to my master plans. I don't require ridiculous amounts of knowledge of the series, just a general desire to RP in it and have some fun. Still, give me a fair idea of how your character got to be what they are.

Final Notes

You may have questions, comments, death threats, etc. about this campaign. That's fine. I'm willing to hear stuff out if you have something to convey that may effect things. Should there be anything of importance to make note of in addition to all that is above, it will be here. So, relax. Go nuts! Show me what you've got.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Seems interesting to me o.o
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Kazemitsu Good to know. This topic is still active. I'm just waiting to get people. If, after a while, I get no one, I'll set up shop so that at least you can get in on this.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Wouldn't it be kinda silly if it were just me? o3o
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Only slightly, since I'm aiming for a team, but then it's not unthinkable since...these games always played with themes of isolation, anyway. At any rate, I will wait a while to get more people, but like...if you start getting impatient...well, you know.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 days ago

interesting, how did this go 2 weeks without people showing interest? I dig metroid stuff in general, so i'm good to give this a shot ;3 plenty patient while you wait for more too xD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Kazemitsu @Shoryu

Alright, we'll go the patience route for a number three. Yeah, I agree that it IS kinda' weird. While we're waiting, I'd surely like to hear what you two have in mind to play.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

I've got 2 options. My oldest oc Kaze who is a draconic being, insanely powerful. Or I use a newer oc who is very zerg based and evolves on the fly from thins he eats/has eaten
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Kazemitsu Oh, please don't be a character who might accidentally consume something the X were copying. That would actually be like Blair from The Thing, where suddenly you realize your biology may be compromised and quietly changing until you're no longer you anymore, because you've been consumed. And I know there'd be a question of this species being geared to take that on from the point of digestion, but I feel like the X would glob out and hopelessly infect him as soon as it enters the mouth.

So, tell me about this dragon, then.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

XD Iono if the zerg can even be infected by things but alright :p I only mentioned him cuz of the sci-fi theme of the rp.

As for ol kaze...well fully powered he's stupidly strong but for rping purposes He's essentially a walking tank. Lots of strength, endurance, some regen capabilities, being a black dragon he spits acid and is completely immune to acid, 10ft+ tall, can't fly due to being heavy as all hell, natural armor via scales but not opposed to putting on more armor :p, over long distances he's fast but to normal people he seems slow cuz of his size (the tail helps with this however). He's my go-to character <.<
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Oooh, I like zerg >3> ... actually, can we pretty much invent alien species for the setting for a character to be put into this mission? XD

That said, isn't there a limit to what or how fast the 'X' can infect? or is it literally canonically an infinitly infectious thing that somehow nothing can be immune to? XD [neverminding that Samus evolved to be immune to, or at least resistant enough to destroy it XD]
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Okay, you guys raise some fair questions, and I'm going to address them. The primary reason for considering the infection factor of the X to be so difficult a thing to overcome is largely due to the sheer plague-like quality that it has. Worse, it's a thinking and adapting plague, so consider the way it acts as whenever you play a round of Plague Inc, about how you make the virus adapt around human measures to contain it. Now, you guys do have a fair point in that there isn't really a case where the X come across a non-Metroid devouring species that has adaptation, and that it is TRUE that infection can take time. One sample of X Parasite hitting Samus was clearly taking hours to fully infect her and her suit. After they cut the suit away from her and used the Metroid-based antidote, it took hours more for the SA-X to become active. The difference here is that you are away from support that can help you, and the Federation either cannot or will not do the same for you as they did for the Bounty Hunter.

The other point is that I am not really being strict about the creativity of a species, so that you can go a bit wild. It's why I wouldn't actually care if you made a black-dragon-y guy, provided he could fit on ships and through corridors, because that's kind of a must in the situation. That said, I'm going to make a ruling here and change my mind about the Zerg-like character, Kaz. The X are still suppose to be this infectious horror that the Metroids were specifically the antithesis for, and that no other known species has the same qualities to combat them, but I'll let this guy go if you want him with just one condition: The X Parasites themselves do not fuel his adaptability, only the traits they were taking from other distinct creatures. The X should be incompatible to the character's disgestion, and that the body would excrete them ASAP. Part of the game and the plot is how they NEED a means to stop this menace, and that they don't exactly have it, so I can't give you perfect immunity. Fair?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

It honestly doesn't matter to me which character I use XD either way I'm having fun. Both are fairly..overpowered to a degree even in a lower power tier...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Kazemitsu How OP are we talking here? You mentioned the black dragon and his acid breath, but meanwhile Metroid has enemies popping out of lava or acid, existing in subzero temperatures, and so on. And on top of that, Ridley himself is a flipping SPACE dragon who works with giant lizards, a cyborg brain, and an interdimensional ghost alien. Whichever character you choose - or a new one if you're up for it - I'll have a look and see if anything doesn't make sense for Metroid. I mean, that's difficult, but you know...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Strength-wise they're both very strong. Rafael has greater speed, being of a smaller size/humanshape/not nearly as heavy as Kaze. It's actually rare for either character to rely on their acid stuff and more on their brute strength, endurance, and some cunning tossed in for flavor!

I've always been a brutish tank at heart...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Kazemitsu Well, figuure out which one works best and get back to me.

@Shoryu And what're you gonna make, hmm?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

I'm most like gonna use ol kaze since it's not often I get to use him. Did the other people who showed interest lose it?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Kazemitsu Possibly.

@Shoryu Well?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 11 days ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Please, by all means, show some interest. We might've just lost a guy, and that sucks.
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