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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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@LightningMaiden @Phantomlink959 @KatherinWinter

"I'll be sure to do that. I'll see you all back in HQ." Richard gives the rest of the group a farewell and gives a weary glance to the Dijin and the Part-elemental before turning away and heading to the parking lot he had left the bike in. Wondering on the way there if it would be a wise idea for the two to be going back to base together; considering, from his understanding, that the two races were not on amicable terms. Before he had a tentative answer to his own query, Richard reached his destination.

As expected from agency vehicles, the motorcycle didn't stick out of the rest of the parked vehicles and seemed to be just some other vehicle parked there. Though, truth be told, he was sure the engineers and techies from R&D must have done some modifications to it. He just wasn't sure what were the modifications just yet. He takes a seat on the bike and heads off to the motor pool near the BSA main head quarters.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Griffin shook his head. He didn't know if Argus could help him or not. It didn't matter. He didn't have the time to learn. At least not off the job. His time was limited. Even though the higher ups assured him that they were working on ways for him to function during the day he needed to sleep sometime. And hunt. It was much easier to hunt at night. There were few people who might spot him and more shadows to hid in. As much as he wanted to help others he could only do so much. Unlike the others he wasn't free to come and go as he pleased.

"I will meet you at HeadQuarters." Griffin told the others gruffly before he stormed back to where he had left his bike. This case had gone fubar so many times it wasn't even funny. He had no doubt that the higher ups would blame him. He was supposed to be in charge. He was supposed to be the one who knew he was doing. He had been working with agents at night for years. Of course he had technically been working under them but most of the humans had followed his lead when he told them something.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Amaya nodded to the dyjnn waiting for him.once he pulled up she listened and still decided to pick the front passenger seat shutting the door behind her allowing her hands to rest folded in her lap.she quickly remember to put her seat belt on."I am ready to go"she mentioned keeping her head turned to the
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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"See you later Griff." Argus acknowledged before driving away from the sewers with Amaya in tow. "Sorry for how I was acting back there, Amaya. I've got a bad habit of losing my cool under pressure; come by it honestly, my dad's the same way." he explained sincerely, "If you don't mind me rambling a bit, I'd like to explain myself." he offered, keeping his eyes on the road, "Of course if you'd rather I just shut up and drive, that's fine too. I get it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"It is fine, I am not really good with people....I grew up alone with just my mom and the magic I hold inside." She said continuing to watch the world outside the window fly past them. "I am not a people person, I prefer to be alone and honestly I still ask myself why I accepted this job from meeting some other agents yesterday were they found me."She said letting out a sigh "I have all my father element's memroeis, his feelings....his power...I know his hatred of this world but the love my mother held for this world...I am trying to decide myself...what I feel about this world."She said
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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"The world is a complicated place. When I was a kid there was a war, between my people and the Naiads. I'm not an expert on these things, but I think they're cousins to the water elementals?" Argus replied, "It was over some petty shit, neither side bothered to sit down and talk about it. They just started fighting." the Djinn gave a regretful sigh, "It was water vs fire, you can probably guess that my people didn't come out of it as the winners. So we hid. We found a place deep in the desert where nobody could find us, where our ancestral enemies couldn't reach us. About half a century ago, we started sending out agents disguised as humans; using our memory altering abilities to fabricate identities in the human world to learn more about the present age, in hopes of ending our exile." Argus didn't seem to stop and breathe as he talked, his attention split between the road and his own thoughts

"My father was one of our generals during the war, so I was selected to investigate the outside. I ended up attending a school here in New York. During the days I was attending classes, learning about this part of the world and what they'd been doing since we hid away; and at night I was seeking out other supernatural beings. Ran afoul of some rather unsavory types, a cult for some old god. Of all things, I was saved by a Naiad. Didn't care that I was a Djinn, just wanted to help me. We stuck together for awhile, me and her. Watching out for each-other. A few years later, a member of that cult turned up at our apartment looking to get payback"

The agent turned to look out the window, coughing slightly, "She didn't make it out that time. She would've been fine if she hadn't saved me. After that, I packed my bags and caught a ride on a smuggling ship to Egypt, walked my way home from there. Spent the next... 30 years? 40? trying to convince our king that the world was different now, that the Naiads had long since forgotten the war and that we could end our seclusion. I wasn't making any progress, so I decided to try and arrange a diplomatic meeting. When I tried to contact an emissary of their people, I was marked for death by my own kind, labelled a traitor to the Djinn."

Argus shook his head, instinctively reaching for the cigarettes in his pocket and stopping when he remembered he wasn't alone in the car, "I came back to the only other home I'd ever known, but things are a lot different now; I ended up living in the sewers, playing the street urchin until the agency picked me up and put me to work. And that's how I got here, given one more chance to make things right, to make sure my people can live peacefully with the other races without being mistrusted as parasites, beings who subsist by replacing other people's lives with lies. And the first time I meet another water spirit after all those years, I manage to insult her and piss her off when she's just trying to do the right thing."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I am sorry for your loss...I only had mother...I never really meet my father element or even know how mother came to have me....I grew up isolated...Mother loved this world but knew people like me wouldn't even fit in with the world up top. She always wanted me to be like other girls but with my abilities and the fact my body is still technically water and human...if the world above knew...I would have been some experiment...Something no parent ever want for their child...I learned a lot of my abilities from her but...I lost her years into my childhood and I guess I shut myself from the world above out of free...taking food and stuff when I absolutely needed to..."

Amaya sighed looking towards him before looking down at her lap. "I was fine living my isolated life before they found me Yesterday...the head of our agency convinced me to give this whole world a shot..."Said Amaya "I don't know social ques or what is right or wrong other then my natural instinct to fight...I know some of the world from what I learned from mom and books along with watching the world from storm drains." She added "So maybe the knowledge form my father's memories of a not so worth saving world, might show the more I use my abilities and maybe that is where my snappiness came from back there....my hatred towards a race I only know from his memories...I never meet any dyjnns on my own before, I only know what I was taught..."She replied
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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"The bridge between Djinn and the water spirits has long since been eroded by a river of blood. As a child I watched it be torn apart by war, and I've made it my life's work to rebuild it; no matter how long it takes me." Argus said bitterly, "This world, for all its chaos and hatred, is one worth caring about. One worth saving. It's taken as much from my people as from any other, but I've never lost faith that it can be made better."

He glanced over at Amaya, wearing a sympathetic smile, "Djinn are like chameleons. We can change ourselves to appear fully human, even alter our hair, eye, and skin color if we want. That ability is the one thing that has allowed us to survive. Even in our own city we wear human faces, so any who somehow finds their way to us will not know our true nature. You know the truth, though. A life in hiding is no life at all. It is an endless wait for someone to discover your secret."

The agent chuckled, "A memory thief in a car with an inheritor of memories. Our races really are polar opposites, aren't they?" Argus let out a contented sigh, "This agency is the best thing to happen to me in a very long time. It gives me opportunities to build bridges, new and old, that I never would have had if I'd been able to stay with my own kind. Give it time Amaya, you'll see. We have to make hard choices sometimes, but in the end we're really trying to make the world better -and safer- for everyone. So maybe one day we won't have to hide anymore. The world will be ready for us eventually. Just gotta give it time and keep fighting to achieve that dream."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

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The medics inside the truck began to patch Mason up the smoke began to rise up off him somewhat thicker as it seemed to watch them. One of them took out a needle to take a blood test, right before the needle entered it spoke "Keep that damned needle away from me". The doctors looked around the truck even checking to see if Mason was still passed out. "Up here dillweeds" shadow said as they looked up to see the smoke now had eyes and a mouth though it couldn't do much of anything besides talk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I don't know much about myself other then my lineage from the first maiden who meet my father element and just the fact we bare his power and somehow we get another female child ever thought we don't have any other males around...for as long as I can remember I only had my mom I had no male father figure in my life...Mom taught me my abilities the best she could in her old state...then i just learned them from memories that have began forming. the transforming between human form and a water form. morphing my body to what i need....all from memories of the father element."She said "I don't know if he is still away and hidden...maybe I am all that he is left..."She said with a sigh looking at her hand forming a orb of water above it before that orb wrapped around her hand before sinking into her skin. " we are strange creatures and as much as my being tells me to stay hidden away from this world...my human side says its worth being part of. His memories speaks of dangers of my kind to the humans but my mother taught me humans just make mistakes and don't understand till they see the good oppoertunities."She said

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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"Man, I thought Djinn were weird but whatever breed of elemental you are takes the cake on that one. We just do this ritual thing combining our flames with the wood of a sacred tree and poof, there's a new baby djinn." Argus joked, "Speaking as something of an expert, you can't let other people's memories shape your view of the world. Memories are filtered through thousands of layers of emotions and experiences, they become distorted from what they were originally; especially when you're looking at someone else's memories and not your own. Let go of what you inherited from your... father element? However that works, and focus on your own experiences." he offered knowingly, "I've seen the lives of more people than I can count laid bare, still got a few of those memories floating around in here from when I was still learning how to perform our magic" he removed one hand from the steering wheel and tapped his forehead with a finger, "But I know those aren't my memories. They're pieces of another person's life, and I don't let them shape who I am. No matter how much of someone else is in your mind, you can never afford to lose yourself in the tide."

The Djinn sighed, shaking his head "Humans are... complicated. They are fascinated by the things they don't understand, and yet fear or hate that which is different." The senior agent gave Amaya a ressuring smile, "But they've gotten better about it over time, they're starting to accept things unlike themselves. We just have to keep fighting their battles for them, keep them safe until they're not afraid anymore."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"First of all I am of the water element... I have control and access to all water around me but don't think I can do any blood manipulation...I don't think i control plasma...."She said in thought "I am trying my best but its because of his memories and my own that has me the way I was"She said "I am trying my best to trust the human race but so far...I don't know what to think or really trust to be honest...I at first wondered if i should have accepted the director's offer to be with the bureau and put faith in mankind and those around me."She said

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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"I know you're a water elemental, but you're different from the naiads of Greece like... the girl I mentioned before, who could also be called water elementals, " he shook his head, turning a corner as they neared HQ, "The important part is that you don't give up. Keep trying, and keep learning about the world for yourself. Just keep going until you can decide for yourself, not just because of the memories you inherited, if you think humans are worth the effort."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I will try but I must warn you sometimes....I tend to lose control of myself...call it a anger of sorts out of the blue...I don't know what triggers it but sometimes I feel like drowning the world...I again don't know what triggers but forgive me if I right out attack you like I kinda did the director....he got me to snap out of it but I still feel horible."She said "But I will try to find my own way in this life on my own choices."SHe said

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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"That... could be a bigger problem for me than for the director, actually. Kind of uh... literally made of fire, you know? I'm pretty air tight in this body, but when I'm in my natural Djinn form getting wet can be a problem." Argus explained nervously, glancing over at Amaya "I'll try not to swap over when I'm around you just to be safe. That said, I've got anger issues myself. Used to get myself in quite a bit of trouble when I was your age."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Then is it really safe for you to be in the same car as me let alone beside me."She said shrugging "I just wanted to give you a heads up so that way you wouldn't possibly get harmed cause I am horrible at apologizes and being social."She said "and at least you had a reason to cause trouble at my age....I really did nothing in my life after I lost mom."She said to him " I just hide away only came out to get myself some things to survive.'She said
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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"Like I said, as long as I'm in my human form I'm pretty water resistant; and there's not a whole lot of water around for you to work with anyways." Argus explained, seemingly indifferent to the potential danger, "And I felt like you deserved an explanation as to why I was being a bit of a dick to you in particular while we were dealing with the demon. Anyways, we're almost back to base now. Before we get there, I figure I should give you some advice on the anger management; don't just bottle things up. Nine times out of ten when I blow up it's because I've been repressing shit instead of venting properly. Find someone you can talk to about what's bothering you instead of letting your anger and frustration build."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Yeah , Kinda hard to trust strangers I just meet today...I hope someday that I can find someone I trust and can talk with enough to allow bottled up things to be known and out."Said Amaya scratching the back of her head before allowing her hands to stroke a piece of her hair. She looked towards him before looking out the window unsure what more to Say "I hope...I made the right choice coming out from the only home I had known."She said softly closing her eyes
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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"I mean, you're talking to me now, so there's that." Argus offered pulling into the agency garage, "From my own personal experience, leaving the nest so to speak is generally for the best. You made the right choice, just need to have faith in your decisions and believe it's all going to work out."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dawnblade
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(Alright...Where should I jump in?)
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