Hello there, I’m the GM for this RP, Andreyich. This interest check if for an RP set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. The focus is on the Imperial Guard, specifically the leadership of regiments - you. In this RP you will be playing as the leader of a Regiment from a planet, having to coordinate with fellow commanders various attacks and defences, famous last stands or glorious charges. You will at times sit comfortably in an orbital command, whilst at others be right in the trenches with only metres of your own men separating you from madmen hoping to pull out your tonsils with their tongue.

Any sort of Regiment will be allowed, be you outriders, super-heavy tanks, flyers, mechanized or motorized infantry, support artillery, scouts, Tempestus Scions, drop troops; the list goes on! I will however insist quite heavily that your regiment be as homebrew as possible, with your own planet, recruiting tradition, arms and tactics, etc. If you do want to use a canon regiment, the sheet will have to be phenomenal, with a long list of battlefield experiences and fleshing out, preferably with some quirks that the regiments of choice don’t typically see (as an example, make your Mordian Regiment consist of outriders - a great rarity for the hive peoples of Mordia).
Beyond that, I am a rather persistent GM that will not give up on this, I will provide you with pictures, music, detailed descriptions, an experience to remember! You will travel the galaxy, see (if not quite meet) famous figures, fight extraordinary foes, have talks of your homeworlds in the officers’ lounge, whatever tickles our fancies!
Any sort of Regiment will be allowed, be you outriders, super-heavy tanks, flyers, mechanized or motorized infantry, support artillery, scouts, Tempestus Scions, drop troops; the list goes on! I will however insist quite heavily that your regiment be as homebrew as possible, with your own planet, recruiting tradition, arms and tactics, etc. If you do want to use a canon regiment, the sheet will have to be phenomenal, with a long list of battlefield experiences and fleshing out, preferably with some quirks that the regiments of choice don’t typically see (as an example, make your Mordian Regiment consist of outriders - a great rarity for the hive peoples of Mordia).
Beyond that, I am a rather persistent GM that will not give up on this, I will provide you with pictures, music, detailed descriptions, an experience to remember! You will travel the galaxy, see (if not quite meet) famous figures, fight extraordinary foes, have talks of your homeworlds in the officers’ lounge, whatever tickles our fancies!