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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This is the OOC/Sign-Ups for an RP I am starting (find the interest check here). The RP takes place in the Low/Dark Fantasy setting of Provinka, an isolated sub-continent in which magic is present but exceedingly rare and generally not believed in.

The RP will be centered around several characters exploring (read: looting) some recently rediscovered ruins belonging to a hitherto unknown, and by all appearances quite advanced, civilization from Provinka's murky past. See above for a little more info, but the gist of it is that these ruins are rumored to contain untold treasures and or a wealth of archaeological discoveries. As such, your characters can be quite varied. They might be a greedy treasure-hunter looking to strike it rich, a scholar seeking a new fount of knowledge, or perhaps just an adventurer who can't resist the call of the ruins of a once magnificent city. Whatever might motivate your character and draw them towards this lost city.

On the topic of characters, a couple things. I won't be accepting too many, at least not at first. I'm still getting back into the swing of things, and I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I don't really have any hard limit, but probably not more than five or so, unless I see a character that I like too much to leave out. Also, as per the "low" in my low fantasy setting, humans are very much so the norm. However, I'm of course willing to accept a couple fantastical raced characters. There are a few Elven communities scattered through Provinka, and the Western Mountains are home to several Dwarven realms. I'm also willing to accept any creative, custom-made races you might come up with so long as they're interesting/not-overpowered. Where am I going with all this? I'll probably only accept a couple non-human characters, and I'd honestly probably expect a bit more out of you quality wise. A tad unfair, probably, but them's the breaks.

Anyways, here's a character template:
Physical Description:
Brief Bio:
Any other interesting tidbits about your character:

Now, just a few ground rules. Most importantly, don't be rude or disrespectful (unless it's in-character, naturally). We're all here to have fun guys. :) Secondly, I'm honestly not too big a stickler on quality control. Just keep the length and grammar up to a reasonable level. I make grammatical errors on a daily basis, and I understand not being able to make every post a masterpiece. Just be mindful of punctuation and try to give the next person something to go off of. Also on a somewhat-related note, I like to encourage character building. If there isn't any action going on around you, chat with the other characters, explore your characters, develop relationships. This isn't a solo project. Last of all, feel free to make any suggestions you might have or ask any questions that might be on your mind.

*One final note on equipment. Keep it simple for now. As a general rule of thumb, no powerful magical items. Minor accessories with some significance to your characters with some magical gimmick is perfectly fine, of course. Don't worry, you'll all be getting better and shinier toys as the RP progresses. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

One last bump
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just to restore your faith.

Name: L
Gender: female
Race: Beastman
Age: 19
Physical Description:

A srange amulet.
A small pack with traveling essentials (food, blanket etc.)
A gold capped wooden staff. Seems to be for channeling her power.
Brief Bio: No matter who you ask, they will tell you there's more to this timid little girl than meets the eye. Likewise, nobody will be able to tell you why they think that besides vauge guesses. L is shy for the most part, rarely volunteering her opinion. Nobody really knows why she chose to join the group, though the markings on her pendant look like some found on those ancient walls.
Any other interesting tidbits about your character: L seems to have a strange power, letting her heal people and mend broken objects. Without her staff the process is slow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alright, look good so far. I'll make final reviews and whatnot when we (hopefully) have a few more for me to look over. Until then, any questions or suggestions or anything?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

All the questions i had were answered when you accepted the CS.

(Are we allowed to have beast races. Are we allowed to have magic. Can we uses pictures instead of a description.)

The only one left is can i invite some people to speed things along.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Khane Greavas




Taller than your average man, standing around six feet five inches tall, lean as a whip. His eyes are a pale brown, underneath bushy, weather-beaten eyebrows. His skin in white, but heavily touched by the sun over the years, tanned to the color of leather. His hear is long, grown down to his shoulders and usually kept tied back, brown as well, with some streaks of grey already there. He is dressed well, if somewhat blandly besides his armor and weapons, usually warm as he has grown used to spending the icy nights in the north out in the open. A plain silver necklace is around his neck carrying the signet ring of his family.

Arming Sword
Long Dagger, sometimes used in his shield hand as a surprise weapon.
Horn Bow and 20 bodkin arrows, used mainly for hunting.
All these weapons, while there is nothing magical or special about them, are masterfully made and the sword, shield and dagger have been at his side for almost two decades, showing no sign of wear and no blemishes on the blades of the weapons.

Brief Bio:
Born to a lowly noble family with small holdings, but proud and history seeped deeply into these lands, Khane was the youngest of three brothers and 2 sisters. His father was among those that followed the King Beorn the Old in his youth, and thus was rewarded with lands and a strong placing among the nobility. Sadly, the man had little other ambition than that. His eldest son was not quite so, quickly making a name for the family, equally the second son who moved to the capital and made a name for himself as a gifted politician.

The two youngest sons, however, were quite different. They were twins, with Khane the youngest by a few minutes. Not surprisingly, both fell in love with the same young woman. Both were sixteen at the time, and with passions inflamed by the energy of youth, both dueled each other for her hand. Khane killed his brother in the duel, much to their father's dismay. For the crime of Fratricide, Khane was banished from his father's lands and removed from his name. From that moment on, the Young Khane set out on his own, selling his sword skills to the highest bidder as a mercenary, bounty hunter, and just about anything else that can put coin in the purse of a man with a blade and skilled in it's use.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Good, certainly accepted. He'll get along well with my planned character. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Amras Telemnar.
Gender: Male.
Race: Wood Elve.
Age: 225.
Physical Description:

Equipment*: Elven Longbow, Elven leather armor, Hooded cloak, Dagger, medical, repair and herb pouch.
Brief Bio:

Amras Telemnar eschews the fineries of Elven life and enjoys greatly the thrill of the hunt, believing that the hardships of survival build character and gives him his strength. In his eyes, the civilised elves have abandoned this way of life and become weak as a result. He is a passionate person, who follows tends to follow his heart instead of his head, trusting in his instincts and intuition, because they are the best tools for survival in the primal forests.

He's also intense in thought and demeanour, with a straight connection between his heart, mind and body. He always say what He really think about something and does not hesitate to act when He knows he is doing the right thing. Amras can have two faces, the one they show to to his people and the one He wears for outsiders. To other Elves, He is attentive, kind and protective, but to others he is aloof, uppity and with more than a measure of arrogance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

here's a question. if we feel like it can we hve more than one character?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

chukklehed said
here's a question. if we feel like it can we hve more than one character?

I'm tempted to say no, but I'll amend that by saying no, unless the second character is accompanied by a truly exemplary character sheet and a very interesting background.

EDIT: Second amendment: Things such as animal familiars, spirit companions, ect, so long as they are well done do not count as multiple characters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

well, i wasn't planning on it right now, just wanted to know for later
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Also, after giving it some thought, I'll make a second amendment to that. Things such as animal familiars, spirit companions, ect, so long as they are well done do not count as multiple characters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


I mean, what? Totally not planning for her to have a spirit companion. I don't know where you got that idea.

I'm really bad at secrets.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Munk


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay, I give in. This sounds too good to miss—I'll think up a character. Looks like L's got the magic covered, so I'll go with a mundane character. A scholar, maybe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


Member Offline since relaunch

I wanted to make two characters that are tied to each other but since it looks like we are allowed only one I will make one playable and the other a NPC. Anyways here is my CS.

Name: Tyr Ethelson
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 29
Physical Description:

- Composite bow(shown in appearance pic.);
- Quiver with 48 arrows(also shown in appearance pic);
- Short sword.
Brief Bio: Born in the kingdom of Dalria, Tyr was fascinated by archery ever since he was a child. It was his childhood dream to be an archer. At the age of 17 he made his dream come true after he joined the Dalrian army as an archer. The instructors were impressed with how fast he was learning and how good he was becoming. At the age of 25 he was already one of the best archers in the kingdom. Everything was going perfectly for him, up until he met a woman named Alana, who he fell in love with. Tyr had no idea that Alana was a professional thief. He found out after she was captured and sentenced with execution. Apparently the last person she stole from was an important person amongst the king's ranks. And he insisted with the execution, although life in the dungeons was more enough. Tyr became very conflicted and had no idea what to do. To let the love of his life be executed for thievery or damn himself for good by attempting to save her life. When execution day finally came, Alana faced public execution. But just as the executioner was about to drop the axe and chop off her head. An arrow that came out of nowhere pierced his heart. Tyr then dived into the crowd and climbed on the wooden stage as he began fighting off the few soldiers that were there for security purposes. Then he grabbed Alana and they both fled. Tyr has been on the run ever since, with Alana accompanying him.
Any other interesting tidbits about your character:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Munk said
Okay, I give in. This sounds too good to miss—I'll think up a character. Looks like L's got the magic covered, so I'll go with a mundane character. A scholar, maybe.

oh man, that would be great. So far it's just L and a bunch of Meatheads. (no offense to said meatheads). It'd be great for L to have someone to talk to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Munk


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

chukklehed said
oh man, that would be great. So far it's just L and a bunch of Meatheads. (no offense to said meatheads). It'd be great for L to have someone to talk to.

So far the plan is having my character be an old adventurer/treasure hunter who heard the stories about the Old Gods and decided to learn more from the cults in Turizi. Initially just from a desire for treasure and excitement, but eventually he became so interested and obsessed that he settled in Turizi to study the Old Gods. And now, well, the stories may just have turned out to be true ;) should be a lot of fun to play.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sounds good... my character can be the skeptic in that case *grins*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I'mma gonna pull your bunny ears
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