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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ratattack
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July 1st, 1905 - month of Cadian

Soldiers on Cadia-Helrox Border

Soldiers were moved to the Cadia-Helrox border July 1st , the reasons why at the moment were unknown but King Roy Carl ordered that these units now commit war games to train them for a possible conflict. With the tyro-helrox war going on people were on edge because they didn't know if Helrox would pull a Vigentino and fuck up the world for the worst. Howevever, Cadia was ready! There was a reason the army existed anyway, it was to kill foriegn invaders. Yes there was a influx of .... Cadian cash but that would soon be burned in the fires of war and the gold the Cadians would get would fix the inflation.

The Harald car was getting ready to be sold this month - the ACT 10 would be sold around the countries even in Itherae who refused to sell artillery guns to Camreon Graham but King Roy Carl was benevolent and his people were kinda of poor. In January 1905, Cadian ladyboys were ranked #1 for sofest lips, with the pride of having the sofest lips King Roy Carl had to keep up the Cadian spirit in some fashion. The fashion in this sense would be reclaiming land taken from Helrox, in one of the old wars in the 19th century. A messenger was sent to Helrox early July - Graham was spared a possible firing squad this time as if he was sent the Kaiser would probably murder him!

This time - Graham was going to Tyria though the neutral country of Cydernia - why??? So he could propose something really fucking good, something that would change the world and make Cadia more than just the Junkyard country. The dumping grounds, the prominent whore house nation. Cadia would truly be Cadian, sorry minorities but this time the war is going to side with the underdog and Helrox, they might catch a case of savagery from us!

The Helrox Empire was given 14 days from the date on the letter to reply.

(+1 all orders)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Illesia Today

Our Front Page story today is an interview with King Avandre VII himself, who has recently come under some minor international fire for the actions of the Illesian 1st Expeditionary Force in Toubrian Serranthia.

Your Majesty, is it true that the Empire of Toubres is a puppet state of the Kingdom of Illesia?

"What kind of a nonsense statement is that? For one, I do not see how a Kingdom can have an Empire as a puppet state. It is well known right now that Illesia is merely a burgeoning regional power. To suggest Illesia is controlling Toubres is equivalent to suggesting that Queen Athena pulls the strings of the Tyrians. Such a statement is hardly worthy of even being a joke."

Of course, Your Majesty. Illesia is indeed a Kingdom and Toubres an Empire. Though, there are a growing number of detractors of Empress Bastos, claiming her to be incapable of solving Toubrian issues with Toubrian might or of 'flip-flopping'.

"Empress Bastos is perhaps the most capable young woman I've ever met. Most young women are dainty, frail things with hardly more than the thought of fashion in their minds. But not Empress Bastos. Truly, it is the rare mind I meet that contains such depth and ability to carefully plan. I will state that it was absolutely a mistake to call the Conference on the issue of the Tehmig Savages. That became apparent from day one when, as we can see from transcripts of the event, the Conference was immediately hijacked to attempt to benefit the Great Powers that had attended it. Furthermore, these Great Powers intended to create rules regarding Serranthia, without the Tarans being represented. If that fact alone doesn't discredit the ridiculous sham that the Conference became, then I do not know what will. Her blessing for Illesian intervention in Toubrian Serranthia was a master stroke in my opinion, allowing the ridiculous Conference, which had gone completely off the rails at that point, to simply fall apart and fail to create any nonsensical decisions about Serranthia that would've been unenforceable anyway."

And what of the tiny minority of Illesians and Toubrians who are apparently pacifists calling the suppression of the Tehmigs 'slaughter'?

"I say they are fools who believe the Serranthian to be equal to the Euranian. Such a belief is nonsense and has been documented time and time again to be false. If the Serranthian were equal to the Euranian, he would have great empires just as we do. But he does not. And because of that, it is the mission of the Euranian to bring civilization and empire to the Serranthian. Those that resist will be dealt with accordingly. The Tehmigs attacked and raped numerous towns full of Euranians, and so I personally sent the 1st Expeditionary Force to crush their rebellion. And considering the reports from Major General D'Amos, it has been a raging success, a true display of glory as the first Illesian offensive military action in decades, if not centuries. I also personally call upon all peoples wherever you are, if you encounter this kind of drivel about Serranthians being equal to Euranians or whatever else, to defeat their argument with the facts we all know to be true."

Absolutely, Your Majesty. While I'm here, might I get your opinion on the Second Tyro-Helroxi War?

"I fully hope for a swift end to the hostilities and a return to peace for those two nations. The war seems to have clearly developed out of a misunderstanding as far as I can tell, but such things are always clouded until history can clearly pick them apart."

And finally, what about the Cadian demands of Helrox that were recently issued?

"Vultures, the lot of them. The foul-mouthed King Roy Carl seems intent on threatening and insulting every neighboring country of Cadia, to the extent that I expect the Cadians to cease to exist as a nation within twenty years. Their only hope is overthrowing their failure of a 'King', and I use that word half-jokingly, or listening to the guidance of another nation on how to more peaceably run their affairs."

Thank you, Your Majesty, for the insights.

(+1 to all July rolls.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Tyrian Empire

"Unbowed and Unbroken"
July, 1905

The Emperor's Journey

With the days of July dawning and the Second Tyro-Helroxi War still raging in the west. To galvanize the nation and assure to all that the Emperor is with them, Emperor Adalar I has declared his intentions to visit Tyrian forces at the front. The Emperor's journey will take him via rail through several townships and cities where stops will be made to commune with his peoples, before completing the excursion by carriage, horse and foot.

Outside of the town hall of Ruppin, the first stop on the Emperor's journey, the monarch, clad in military dress and overcoat stood alongside the Mayor of Ruppin before a crowd of the public and assembled journalists. With confident words the Emperor assured those present of a swift return to the "Blessings of peace." while also affirming that "Within our heart, the armed forces of Tyria are held in total confidence. Our defenders and protectors whom with ample elan and righteous spirit will bring our foes, those enemies of peace and suiciders of Euranian civilization, to heel."

The next day, with news from Toubrian Serranthia reaching Tyrian newspapers, the Emperor, holding an adhoc conference for press crews outside of the train station of Neustadt would declare that "Ourself and our government have been made aware of the belligerent actions having taken place in Toubrian Serranthia while a peace conference attended by this venerable nation to resolve the crisis at hand was still being held. My government have resolved that we can no longer, in good faith, attend such a conference when it has been made evident that such was simply a game to a coven of powers in the east. Let it be known that Tyria will take no part in deceitful plots and intrigues."

Emperor Adalar I (center front) received by crowds in Ruppin during a royal visit, circa 1905

OOC: +1 to all actions of July
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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High Kingdom of Itherae

”Here ye! Here ye!..."

Néo Méros, following the events of Black June, would open its borders to any Tehmigs fleeing the from the persecution of the Illesian Expedition that had landed. Following Etelian example in this way, would make the Itheraen colony a safe haven and it was a political move to make the colony less likely to be the target of Tehmigs who were expected to still rise up against colonial powers in the area. This move was sent due to the fact that Itheraen settlers in the area were already establishing trade with the native Tehmigs, and keeping peaceful relations between one another.

Another move, either to stick it to the Illesian Expeditionary Force for causing Black June or an imperialistic need to expand the Itheraen culture to the native population, would be that of the offer to any voluntary Tehmig would be eligible to become a citizen of Itherae, and would be taught the basics Itheraen History, Laws, and the Itheraen National Anthem. Those Tehmigs who did accept were sent to, “Native Halls”, impromptu schools for the Tehmig people, nicknamed by the Itheraen colonists, where teachers would instill these subjects into their students It was made clear that the native Tehmig people would have the same rights enjoyed by those of any other Itheraen citizen.

There were no attempt to take the native land away from them or relocate them, as the Itheraen Colonial Committee knew that doing such a thing would be an open invitation for rebellion which the colony was trying to avoid. At least until a colonial garrison would be established, which would occur later into June where the Itheraen Army would recruit five hundred volunteers to go through basic training before being sent to Néo Méros where they would act as the standing garrison against the various rivaling colonial powers than a Tehmig rebellion.

Many conservative elements in the Supra Dobranie were against the idea of letting Tehmigs join Itheraen citizenship, it was noted by Queen Athena that to do so would be an act of oppression against a minority people that were living inside Itheraen territory, which was outlawed by the Itheraen Constitution. This would sway the votes enough to allow the action to pass, but many were still skeptical on allowing a minority for Serrenthia to be a part the Itheraen sphere.

(+1 to July rolls)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World Undone

Turn 7
July, 1905
July 1st
In the High Kingdom of Itherae, the Supra Dobranie voted on the world's first Income Tax, a taxation based on a person's workable income to be given to the state. It passed with a 104-91 vote in the legislature. The initial rate, selected at 2% of a person's average wage was expected to bring in roughly $30,000,000 a year in extra revenue--but implemented starting August 1st, was expected to add only $13,000,000 for the remainder of the year.

The Supra Dobranie when not in session, circa 1901

Understandably, the general population was disappointed in the government taking additional interest in their lives. Some protests were held outside the national assembly, numbering only in the hundreds. Several members of parliament were harassed on their way to work but the situation never escalated to hostile.
July 2nd
The government of the Coastal Empire of Tara receives ten Forino Saetta's from F.E.A in Vigentino, purchased earlier in June. The Army Corps of Engineers were then assigned to dismantle five cars and work to design a military automobile of their own, the ideal goal of the design is the following:

- Lightweight frame and build.
- Must be able to carry 3 people.
- Ability to go aprox 15 MPH on unpaved roads and 20 MPH on paved roads.
- Have four wheels, an engine and frame (just like the automobiles in the west do).

Their work was expected to take some time, but Taran reverse engineering was dutifully considered to be some of the best in the Known World.
July 3rd
Requests to license production of new weaponry in the Kingdom of Illesia were finalized with the following results:

1. Austerf MG05: A Tyrian built machine gun. It was the second native designed light machine gun platform in the world and was the only license offered to the Illesian government at a potential cost of $1,500,000. The cost per weapon for production was $314. [Illesia must Accept or Reject. Rating is 0.05. Illesia can name it's Licensed Version.]

Tyrian Austerf MG 05

2. Simon-Lowell Mark 1904: Undeniably one of the most robust rifles in the world, the Taran built Simon-Lowell is a six round, bolt action rifle firing a 7.55mm rifle with exceptional punch. The license production was offered for $2,500,000 at a cost per weapon of $119. [Illesia must Accept or Reject. Rating is 1.14. Illesia can name it's Licensed Version.]

Taran built Simon-Lowell Mark 1904

Second Tyro-Helroxi War
The Helroxi June 5th Offensive nears it's first month. The Tyrians have entrenched and functionally ended the violent attack with repeated creeping artillery barrages and concentrated fire. The Helroxi High Command orders the offensive continued, with two more infantry divisions are ordered to the assault, bringing the total to 60,000 men again. Antony Kylov's 90th Cavalry is ordered to act as a diversionary flanking force, but it will take several weeks to regroup his cavalry officers after being ordered to scout for weaknesses.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

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The Illesian Army decided to accept the Austerf MG05 and Simon-Lowell Mark 1904, christening the Austerf MG05 license production model as the Maskingevär 1905, or simply MG1905, and the Simon-Lowell Mark 1904 as the SL1904. From there, they honored their prior agreement with Tournesol Armureries by sending a secret request to the small arms company for the number and ratio of rifles and machine guns desired, as the number itself of delivered weapons was to be viewed as a highly confidential state secret. It was expected that Tournesol would adhere strictly to this secrecy, maintaining only records of weapons produced for itself and general revenues for tax purposes, and delivering the weapons in sealed crates to the Army's logistical centers for distribution.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World Undone

Turn 7
July, 1905
July 4th
In the High Kingdom of Itherae, the Cereal and Grains Tax law passes the Supra Dobrani by a vote of 94-93. Already with a population dissatisfied with tax raises, another tax raises passes. Another 2% increase on cereal and grain production in Itherae, a nominally important industry in the agricultural section had dire consequences. Niklaus Katsaros organized the Oikologoi Kómma and called for a General Strike of all grain farmers. By the end of the day, nine in ten farmers had walked from their fields in protest, causing a massive upheaval to a $40,000,000 industry.
July 5th
In the Helrox Empire, the Arms Procurement Ministry places an order for 350,000 Toshterin K1888 rifles to equip its armies. The first 60,000 rifles would be dispatched by the end of July.

Julo-Vigentan War
The City-State of Julia formally capitulates following a nearly two week long artillery bombardment. Viscount Zach Nato is among the dead, found clutching a Mataxis rifle in the rubble of the once majestic city. Military attachés are in attendance while the remaining Homeguard signs the letter of surrender. In the following Treaty of Tepeste (1905), the City-State of Julia is formally annexed into the greater Holy Empire of Vigentino.
July 6th
The Tara Lottery and Gaming Commission is formed and will begin operations in the following months.
July 7th
In the Toubrés Empire, a military recruitment campaign is begun in Toubrian Shirito and Toubrian Cyraxia. The campaign will call for men between the ages of 18 and 30, using posters with the phrase "Your Empire needs you, to maintain the honour and glory of the Toubres colonies!", and posters with the phrase "Defend your family against the savages!" and featuring an exaggerated negative cartoon of Tehmig tribesman. The campaign will focus on swelling the garrisons of the colonies. Ernesto Duarte, governor of Toubrian Shirito, will be given $350,000 for the campaign, while Roldao Alvim, governor of Toubrian Cyraxia will be given $15,000 for the campaign.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The Kingdom of Zellonia

Courage - Duty - Honor

A treaty was sent out to the nation of Tara from the Kingdom of Zellonia, The Monarchist party - the absolute monarchist power in Zellonia ran by King James Conrad. The party has heavy ties to Tara and is Pro-Tara in that nature so it only seemed fitting to get approval and perhaps benefit from them. While the treaty is taking place, or rather being read over by the Empress or her underlings the King wasted no time in effectively moving on and working on other areas of intrest. In this case being unemployment in Zellonia, some Zellonians were simply lazy!

This, was a problem and a problem King James Conrad would certaintyl fix. No Zellonia has gotten fat off another Zellonian's lazyness! No, this was not the case. Starting Mid July, the intitative would allow the government to help unemployed Zellonians to gain employment in viable industries like agriculture and services. Either by funnelling them in or assigning them to the industry, the plan wasen't clear as Minister of Labor Tyler Jenkins and his team were left to deal with and employment centres appeared to be the plan as of now.

Internationally the call for the Automobiles in Zellonia appeared to grow, as horse back carriages and the sorts were growing out dated. It seemed that everyone had a car, not everyone but every country had a car/automobile company. The idea of having their own in Zellonia was lucrative and the use of a car had many uses but at the moment the paper that was drafted for the automobile was simply a international bid and it was unsure if anyone would follow through. Companys the King had in mind were F.E.A. of Vigentino and A.C.T of Cadia, sources close to the king were unable to verify the rumors though.

(+2 Employment order)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by krismer22
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The Coastal Empire of Tara

Headline from July 1st, 1905

It was around the mid day of July 1st when the news really started to hit home at Tara, while there were definetly tensions in the Serranthia it was unfathomable that the menance may be closer than expected. While the intial thoughts were the Temigs were terrorists, rebels in a sense the view changed when 40,000 Temigs vanished from the face of the earth. Simply erased by a small army contigent, originally it was thought to be the Toubrians who sent their army but an unknown force from Illesia was the ones who heeded the call. Small in numbers, the army regiment of presumed criminals or mentally ill persons tore through the Toubrian Serranthia and ended a rebellion which was once called to Conference to resolve.

Empress Susanette de Jaloie was at a loss for words and send home cabinet members during an emergency meeting about the situation. The military operation had shocked the world, Etelia & Tyria both had statements regarding the conference and the attack itself. If the Temigs were to come back from this, things were surely spin out of control and the last thing that would be needed in the Serranthia is another insurgency or war. In the end, Illesia would be the one to blame for the blatant attack in the Serranthia & playing nations alike in a conference which was suppose to end the conflict.

After speaking with Jesus Al-Teboro the Taran foreign affairs minister the Empress met with military officials to plan for a mobilization in the Serranthia. Should more military operations take off in the Serranthia mobilization would definetly happen, not so much to invade and take the Toubrians but to protect intrests in the Tarantine Serranthia. Who is to say the Illesians wont march to the Tarantine or the Etelian? Looking over the carnage the Illesians did, while they did stop the rebels they spilled a river twice over of innocent blood. It's unclear if the Toubrian hostages were even rescued too, the Empress resided in her study for a few days perhaps due to the headache of such a international disaster that would haunt the region for years to come.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

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Holy Empire of Vigentino

7th of July, 1905

Corso Bascio’s face was grim as he looked out over the city of Julia. The bombardment had not been kind to the city, and swathes of it had been reduced to rubble. But the evidence of the cities greatness was still evident, proud structures that had weathered the shells rising above the ruins, and even as Corso watched, he saw dishevelled figures moving through the city, continuing their lives as best they could. Feeling a presence, Corso turned to see that Lando di Prioli had joined him in the square.

The two men had met at the Università di Cogoli when they were both studying there, and had become firm friends ever since. When Corso had received the call to become Governor of Julia, his first thought was to have Lando at his side. He managed a smile at his old friend.

“What news?”

Lando handed a report to Corso, scrawled in his distinctive handwriting, and spoke as Corso’s eyes scanned the figures.

“The population of Julia are still scattered to the four corners, but they’re starting to slow their flight as reports of the annexation reach them. The city is all but deserted, but most of the towns are still populated, and they’re continuing as before.”

Corso nodded slowly, before glancing back up to Lando.

“The Viscount did all he could to run this proud nation into the ground, I doubt the people will mourn his death too greatly, but we still need to make our position clear.”

As Corso spoke, Lando had pulled a leather-bound notebook from his jacket pocket, already scrawling out the instructions as Corso spoke.

“Send out messengers across Julia, make it clear that all Julian’s are welcome to remain in their homes and continue their day to day life, and the refugees forced to flee from their homes are invited to return to the city and help us in rebuilding their proud city. We will do our best to make the transition of power as easy, and as painless, as we can, doing our best to reverse the damage done by the Viscount. Any who have problems that they wish to be resolved are welcome to come to the city of Julia, where I will be setting up the new local government, and lay out their problems before myself.”

(+1 to July Orders)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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High Kingdom of Itherae

”No more tax!”

These words were echoed all around the streets of Thermydon after the introduction of the highly controversial Cereal and Grains Tax on July 4th, two weeks passed while the Head of Government, Prime Minister Gregorio Netxais, sat and did nothing on the situation. He was one who supported the tax increase, believing the people would either not notice the increase or they would just accept it like they were expected to. However the ‘Megáli Agrotikí Apergía’(translated to Great Farmers Strike) of July had arisen in protest over the tax increase, not leaving Queen Athena surprised nor most of the politicians within Supra Dobranie.

The Great Farmers Strike of 1905

Yet, the Prime Minister sat and did nothing, not wanting to give into the people’s demands, until the Queen had to personally threatened him to call for a vote on the fate of the tax. That was when Gregorio had caved and in July 29th, called for a vote on the repeal of the tax, which passed on an astounding 167-15 after a mere two hours of voting, returning the tax to its original total of 19.5%. While Gregorio would attempt to take credit for repealing the tax, Queen Athena would not sit idle and would instead release a statement regarding the situation.

”...Gregorio Netaxis may claim that the repeal of the dreaded Grains and Cereal Tax was his doing, it was most certainly lies that he had spoke to the people of Itherae. The truth of the matter is that I, your most beloved Queen, had to personally visit the Prime Minister and force him to call upon a new vote so that our farmers might enjoy their most important job of providing our people with the staple of our economy. If he wishes to lie to the people, how can we trust him or his cabinet? With this breach of trust, I am announcing that my name shall be put into the ballot as an official candidate for Prime Minister. No more will I tolerate lies and corruption from politicians, it is time for the Itheraen people to prosper!”
-Queen Athena’s ‘Speech of July’

It was a shock to see that Queen Athena would be running for office of Prime Minister, it was so much of a shock that news had began to cover the situation, calling her the ‘Queen-Minister’. While many statesmen objected to the claim of being governed by a woman, Athena would respond to these claims with If you didn’t want a woman to be put on the ballot then perhaps you should have a head of state that isn’t a woman.” The reply silenced, mainly due to shock, any further complaints in the status of her right to the ballot, ushering forth an internal Suffrage Movement in the process.

Queen Athena would launch a merciless campaign for the September vote, attracting people to be a part of her Cabinet and giving many rousing nationalist speeches on how the future ‘belonged to the Itheraen people’. While women were not legally allowed to vote or be elected, there was little the Supra Dobranie could do to stop the Queen as doing so would be persecuting their symbol of unity. It did not help that the leading party of the Dobranie was staunchly conservative and monarchist, leaving them utterly shocked at what to actually do in the situation.

(+1 to all orders)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World Undone

July, 1905

July 8th
The Vigentan Imperial Guard is ordered demobilized, with only the 2nd Infantry Division remaining in the city of Julia to maintain order. All soldiers who fought in the Julian War will be allowed two weeks paid leave on their return, considerably raising morale. In Cogoli, there were great celebrations of the expansion of the Vigentan empire--the breadth of it's domain, now sharing a border with the Seljuk Empire as well as the Senurjji Sultanate, a client state of the aforementioned empire. The average Vigentan soldier had proven himself capable, while the Vigentan High Command was still finding it's feet in the New Century. They fought valiantly and with respect. Their armaments were inferior to the Julians but proved capable of handling adversity with superior logistics. The 5a Divisione had seemed exceptional combat and were the decided veterans of the campaign.

Vigentan soldier during the Julo-Vigentan War, 1905

Demobilization would take the remainder of the month but would cut monthly Army expenses down by two thirds, effectively halting the hemorrhaging of Vigentan coffers who had amassed nearly $4,500,000,000 in debt for the 1906 fiscal year. While no attempts were made to finance this, the country seemed destined for economic ruin. A minor bright spot was the consolidation of nearly $64,000,000 Julian denares, almost $30,000,000 in viable Julian assets. Prime Minister Antonio Gorizia met with the Pope on the steps of the Grand Cathedral on July 8th, a week following the official end of the war. To much fanfare, the assembled crowds. The Gorizia government was now facing it's highest approval rating yet.

Prime Minister Antonio Gorizia, Prime Minister of Vigentino (1904--)
Second Tyro-Helroxi War
Itheraen ammunition, rifles and guns finally reach the front. The June 5th Offensive reaches a critical point with the Tyrian reserves being admitted to the battle. With 60,000 men committed to the salient--the Helroxi passed into Tyrian territory for the first time, entering the border town of Meggendorf where Tyrian soldiers of the 2nd Field Army had been pushed back. Antony Kylov's 90th Cavalry was still reforming, with soldiers who had been ordered far away now being ordered back. Casualties on the Helroxi side are immense, with nearly 14,000 men being wounded or killed in four days of fighting from July 8th to July 12th.

June 5th Offensive entering the Tyrian town of Meggendorf, July 9th, 1905
July 9th
In the Illesian Kingdom, the Naval Triumvirate sends out a request for a new battleship. The request for international bids went out to every nation capable of building a warship of the requested specifications:
1. Mount a uniform main battery of ten 12-inch guns with two guns each in five turrets.
2. Mount at least 10 but not more than 16 rapid-firing 4-inch guns for defense against smaller vessels.
3. Have an armor belt with a thickness ranging from 4-11 inches.
4. Have a deck armor thickness ranging from 0.75 to 3 inches.
5. Have barbettes of 4 to 11 inches in armor thickness.
6. Have turrets with armor thicknesses ranging from 3 to 12 inches.
7. Have conning towers with 11 inches of armor.
8. Have bulkheads with 8 inches of armor.
9. Ability to load 80 rounds for each 12-inch gun and 200 rounds for each 4-inch gun.
10. The vessel should ideally hold enough fuel to sail for at least 6,000 nautical miles.
11. It is hoped the vessels will have a top speed of 20 to 21 knots.

Two bids were received, as the Helroxi & Tyrian Shipyards, embroiled in a war with one another, could not afford to build international vessels:

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Illesia Navy sent notice to both the Toubrians and Tarans that they had decided to go with the Toubrian design. Unfortunately, they were disappointed with the capabilities of both shipyards as the Illesians believed it was entirely possible to go from four 12 inch guns to ten. This, apparently, would have to wait.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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High Kingdom of Itherae

In light of recent events regarding the Queen announcing her name in the vote for Prime Minister, the initial shock had prevented the Supra Dobranie from releasing an official statement on the matter. However, the ever silent Gregorio Netaxis would release a very simple statement on the breach of civil liberties regarding the Itheraen Constitution.

”I am a quiet and simple man. I have allowed the Queen to whine and nag. I have allowed her to flaunt around status as Queen of our fine nation. But I cannot condone her actions of running for a position that was made in the prospect of limiting the monarch's power. The way she acts as if her power is absolute is something in no way beneficial to what Itheraen tradition of honor and loyalty to the constitution we hold dear. I will allow her to hold these rallies, but she does not, under any constitutional right, have the chance to become a part of our government.

When the September election comes around, it will be found that she is not going to be a part of our vote, no matter much she nags or whines like the child she is. Ever since her father, our beloved King Ares the Great, had died, Queen Athena has acted like the child she always has been, constantly ignoring her duty as Head of State, while constantly bombarding myself and The Dobranie with pointless attacks. She thinks she holds an absolute power over our government, but this seventeen year old Queen will learn her place in our government quickly.”

The majority of the Supra Dobranie rallied their support behind the Prime Minister and some even outwardly spoke to carry on his words. However, the people, more notably the media, was still focused on Queen Athena’s blatant outcry for attention. Many were skeptical on whether they could actually believe in the Queen’s ability to be an appropriate head of state, but the Prime Minister’s words did help ease some of the people’s worries about the situation.

(+1 to all orders)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World Undone

July, 1905

July 10th
The second riots protesting the Illesian Intervention in Toubrian Serranthia begin in the Toubrés Empire. Marches were held in outlying towns. Business owners of merchant shipping and grain farmers came from Toubrian Serranthia to protest. "Illesian soldiers killed twelve of my employees, and two of my friends" one merchantman reportedly said. Initial reports from the Colonial Office report an estimated loss of $47,000,000 in loss revenues from the colony in the remainder of the fiscal year. Support for the Toubrés government dipped to below 70% for the first time in ten years.
July 11th
A local tribal government well known to the Euranian powers on the Serranthian coast--just south of Néo Méro has fallen into ruin, causing a minor incident in that the once free city of Siankouri was always considered a friendly and neutral port for merchant vessels in the area. Having fallen under control of a local tribal warlord has opened an opportunity for a Euranian power to send a "peacekeeping" mission, along with supplies in a bid to wrest control of the city.

The Free City of Siankouru (Serranthia)
- Any Nation may choose to send one of the following vessels: Battleship (-1 DRM), Armored Cruiser or Destroyer (+1 DRM).
- Any Nation that has chosen to send a vessel will roll a 1d6, with 6 being the fastest and 1 being the slowest. First to arrive wins.
- If a larger ship arrives second, the leading nation will have the opportunity to Fold or have a relations drop of 35 with that nation.
- PM the ship, class and name of vessel if participating.
- Siankouru will great [500 Tons on Station for Mittel Sea and generates $9,700,000/Year in Income.]
July 12th
Jesus Al-Teboro, Foriegn Affairs Minister of the Coastal Empire of Tara condemns the Toubres Empire & Illesian Kingdom for Black June.

"For nations that were for peace at the Toubrian Conference, it's appauling to see the Toubrian Empire allow a bypass by it's partner the Illesian Kingdom which allowed the slaughtering of thousands of innocents in the Serranthia. The Taran Empire stands for peace aswell as protecting the innocent, further military operations in the Serranthia will result in a mobilization of naval and army forces in the Tarantine Serranthia. We stand with the Kingdom of Etelia, and we too also open our borders to those who seek shelter and safety from the Toubrian Menance."

On the same day, the government of the Kingdom of Etelia announced that Tara had signed and finalized a five year agreement to a defensive military alliance, promising an immediate declaration of war in case of attack of "local belligerents" as well as a clause for the termination of the alliance if either nation moved to closer relations with the Illo-Toubrian Alliance.
July 13th
In the Helrox Empire, Kaiser Directive #1 is issued, immediately calling for the conscription of 200,000 men to be arranged in to ten new conscript divisions. An arrangement of $4,000,000 was made as a "signing bonus," which was $20 per conscript--or $500 in 2016 dollars--to be given to every man who willingly signed up. Given that the Helroxi government was without any funds, these $4,000,000 had to be printed in new currency.

Starvation in the Western Hinterlands as well as in the Sladic Southeast are becoming prominent. Inflation, nearing 11.75% means that a loaf of bread was now 12 Hel, or $328 in 2016 dollars. Within eight weeks, the first Kaiser Directive was estimated to be completed with some basic training for the soldiers.
July 14th
"Three Ronasatto-class Destroyers are sent out by the Toubrian navy. With the supplies to last the crew eight months and accompanied by some of the finest Toubrian cartographers, they are given the mission to scout the coastline, do their best to map the area and interact and greet with the natives, and then return to Toubres with their reports no later than four months after leaving Toubres. The first Destroyer, NMI (Navio da Marinha dos Impérios) Leão, is given orders to sail along the coast of Serranthia, beginning along the coast of Toubrian Serranthia before continuing West. The second Destroyer NMI Tigre, is given orders to sail along the coast of Serranthia, beginning along the coast of Tarantine Serranthia before continuing East. The third Destroyer NMI Touro, is to sail to Saldorria.
July 15th
In the Kingdom of Illesia two functional prototypes of two submersible combat ships are revealed. The LA Type-1 and the LA Type-2. The LA Type 1 was a 22 long tons with a crew complement of 3, a single fore facing torpedo tube. The LA Type-2 weighed in at 61 long tons with a complement of 7 with two fore facing torpedo tubes.

Picture snapped of the Illesia LA Type-2 at it's mooring at Los Silencios Testing Facility, Illesia

These vessels remained secret until July 15th, when news broke of the Newsita Nationale paper, a fiercely anti-jingoist paper that deployed militarism and aggression. While deploring the weapons, international observers were reportedly impressed. However, given that the navy budget had just been increased tenfold in service to the deployment of three major battleships, those few naval officers who saw the use of these submersible weapons were however fraught to learn their voices were not heard in military circles. The Fleet Faction Rivalry that began between the Big Gun Officers and the Submersible Corps (impromptu names that were never officially recognized) was now on.

- Kingdom of Illesia sees political factions Big Gun Officers and Submersible Corps generated. May spend 1 Military Order "Influencing" one of the factions in your favor to 1d6% increase. Maximum spending on those weapons (Big Gun Officers = Battleships, Submersible Corps = Submarines) cannot exceed their influence as a faction.

Second Tyro-Helroxi War
The June 5th Offensive ends with 30,000 Tyrian dead, and nearly 60 field guns lost or captured, while the Helroxi suffered 98,000 dead. A massive salient had been created, where the Helroxi Army Group Reselven had fought their way into Tyrian territory and whose offensive had now stalled.

The end of the June 5th Offensive. Without a proper goal, the Helroxi offensive stalled
July 16th
In the Kingdom of Cadia, five infantry divisions and two cavalry divisions are moved to the Helroxi border where they begin performing war games. [-15 Relations with the Helrox Empire.]

Toubrian shipyards lay down the keels of the INV Castor, INV Nightshade and INV Hemlock, the three Illesian battleships of the Dreadlord class. Weighing in at almost 14,000 tons, these will be summarily be the largest battleships in the world--and it is a wonder if the international community will react to these events.

INV Hemlock, sometime in October, 1905
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by krismer22
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The Coastal Empire of Tara

July 16th, 1905

Headline from July 16th, 1905

Empress Susanette de Jaloie had recieved noticed from the Kingdom of Illesia, it was regarding use of the ship yards for an Illesia prototype of sorts? Not only was the Empress unamused by the babykiller nation, the request seemed absurd and since the the naval industry was for the most part publically owned the chance of the Taran docks to priotize and build a oversized battleship was absurd. Empress Susanette gave the notice to her three year old son, James who began to play and rip up the paper over time. A fitting end for a unremarkable notice, from a agitator state.

In the High Kingdom of Itherae things began to kick off with some apparent political play by the queen who tried to run as prime minister as the queen, the queen minister? Was it some kind of switch-aroo, it was unclear what she was actually doing but for an apparent child the press crucified her for her idiotic mistakes. It would cost her but if she could pull the agricultural crisis around with taxing all the farmers together maybe she could save her crown, while foolish a constant reminder of how much power a cow or goat could have over an entire nation. The war in Tyria was also rising, while away in a sense two great powers fighting was cause for concern.

Empress Susanette met with the military council earlier today to discuss options, while the nation was isolated by the conflict there may be future plans to intervene in the war should it spiral out of control. On short notice, today the "Imperial Justice" Battleship departed from the Fringe Sea to Siankouru. The mission was described to media officials as "Peace keeping around the known world."

The crew departed with little to say on the matter.

Imperial Justice, 1904 Tarantine Serranthia

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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High Kingdom of Itherae

Following his statement on the Queen’s actions, the Prime Minister held a rally in the city of Pelliraki, a city most devastated by the Great Farmer’s Strike of 1905, where he would give speeches on Itheraen unity as a people. While he was still a soft-spoken man, many could tell that his words did have a passion to them, not wanting the Queens actions of his own words to turn the people against the Queen in any way, as, despite her childish actions, she was still the symbol of Itheraen nobility, pride, passion, and, most importantly, the heart of the people.

”My words may have, at first, seemed to belittle the Queen and that my initial silence may have seemed like cowardice. It should be noted that our enemy is not the Queen or myself, the enemy is not another Itheraen for we are all together, as one nation should be. The enemies that currently plague us are abroad, either sharing a direct border with us or are overseas, these enemies to us are Illesian jingoism and Taran economics. The Illesians acting on the whim of an Empress, wholly fine with letting foreign armies march through her lands and slaughtering her people. Tell me, is that what you see happening to our people? It would be like the Cadians marching on Thermydon to slaughter Tyrian residents. While our government has not always made the correct judgements, it is noted that we are not Illesia, and we are not slaughtering helpless people who have been persecuted by the act of the few.

Though, our Queen has showed herself inept in recent days, it was with her blessing that our colony of Néo Méros was established, bringing in a significant growth to our industry as a whole. It was with her words that swayed the Supra Dobranie to air the fleeing Tehmigs. It is with my words that we shall not turn on each other in this time where unity is way of the future. It is with my words that we shall hold the peace in Siankouru. It is with our spirit that we shall hold in the face of adversity and strife. Together Itherae shall stand. Together Itherae will fight. Together Itherae will continue to be great.”

-Excerpt from Gregorio Netaxis’ Unity Speech July 29th 1905

His words would bring back some approval to the government, or at the very least bring more nationalistic zeal to the people. It was reported that after his speech, those who had gone on strike clapped for their government once more, whether it be for the Prime Minister showing a genuine interest in the country’s well being of he was attempting to sweep the entire situation of the queen under the metaphorical rug. However, he got his point across and media slowly began to turn away from the Queen’s childish ways, and to more pressing matters of Illesian militarism or the poverty that gripped some of the people in Itherae.

(+1 to all rolls)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SonOfALich
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The Imperial Palace, The Empire of Toubres. Early July, 1905

Empress Maia Bastos took a deep breath, absentmindedly running her hands down the front of her dress. She could hear the low murmuring of the room beyond, even through the ornately carved doors, but she set her jaw and pushed through regardless.

Her face became the very picture of cordiality as she greeted the crowd of men that quickly rose to their feet as she entered, already calling out questions to her. She simply smiled until she had taken her seat, before holding up a hand for silence. The noise dropped away as the men sank back to their own chairs. There was a long moment of silence, the Empress watching their tentative faces, before gesturing towards a man she recognised in the front row.

“Silvio, your question?”

The short, heavily bearded man, rose to his feet, nodding politely.

“Silvio Martins, reporter for the ‘Correio Da Noite’. I was hoping that I could get a statement from you regarding ‘Black June’?”

The Empress all but winced, but she managed to hide her reaction as she nodded slightly.

“Thank you Silvio. Firstly, I’m afraid I can’t stand the name ‘Black June’. From a Toubres perspective, just as from an Illesian perspective, I’d prefer it to be referred to as ‘Operation Crusader’ from this point onwards.”

There was a murmur of agreement from the assembled crowd, which the Empress allowed to die down before she continued.

“My statement is as follows. The Tehmigs were holding our colony to ransom, and threatening only greater bloodshed if we refused to co-operate to their absurd demands. Initially I had hoped we could resolve the crisis in a Conference, trusting that the other Great Power’s of the region could aid us, but unfortunately greed is a primal sin, and the conference was quickly becoming a wrestling match to carve up our proud colony. Thus myself and King Avandre devised a plan to solve the issue ourselves, and to put the rebels to the sword.”

A mass of hands shot up, and voices rose up with questions, but again the Empress held her hand up for silence, gesturing towards a tall,
lanky figure.

“Olavo, if you would?”

The figure unfolded his long frame and rose to his feet.

“Olavo Mendes, of the ‘Notícias Toubres’. What is your response to the protests currently happening across Toubres?”

“Thank you, Olavo. Those of you who know me, will know how much it pains me to see my people in such distress. But I understand your anger. If I had been able to warn you all of the Operation, then I would have, but we could not risk the meddling of those who stand against us to interfere. It is true that we will take some losses in our budget, but I want my people to know that they are still our first priority, and that this is only the beginning of a new age for the Toubres Empire, and a time that our people must unite behind our leaders.”

There was a general murmuring of agreement amongst the reporters, and before they could begin crying out for her attention again, the Empress gestured towards a young, clean-shaven man sitting in the back row.

“Afonso, isn’t it?”

The man smiled, rising slowly to his feet and waiting till everyone’s attention was turned to him before speaking, his voice soft.

“Afonso Ferreira, your Imperial Majesty. Of the ‘Exclusivo’. So far your answers have very much been in line with those of Prime Minister Davi Rego, but I am curious to hear your personal thoughts on the condemnations from Tara and Etelia?”

The Empress was silent for a moment, feeling the eyes of the room on her as she watched Afonso’s confident smile. When she did reply, it was with a smile of her own.

“Thank you for your question, Afonso. I do not doubt that my previous answers have been close to those of the Prime Minister, and it is important that we present a united front during these troublesome times. The declarations from Tara and Etelia concern me greatly. With an alliance between our two great nations all but signed a few months ago, only to have it thrown in our face due to my engagement to King Avandre, and now to be publically condemned by Tara breaks my heart. We were so close to committing to a lasting friendship between our two nations, and in all honesty I do not fully understand their motivation for discarding our offered alliance, and instead seemingly rallying against us. To have the same thing happen with Etelia, for the the young King Armando di Mavoia IV to offer us a hand of friendship in the form of a Non-Aggression Pact, only to rebuke our agreement and now ally themselves with Tara, even going so far as to announce the termination of their alliance if either attempt better relations with us, seems nothing short of a total change of heart. I can only hope and pray that the two great rulers of those nations cease this needless increasing tension, and we can maintain to the prosperity of peace.
Does that satisfy you, Mr Ferreira?”

The young man smiled, bowing his head slightly.

“Very much so, ma’am.”

Rising to her feet, the Empress nodded towards the group of reporters.

“If that will be all gentlemen, then I trust that the Prime Minister will be able to answer your further questions. It has been a pleasure as always.”

OOC: +1 to all July Orders
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World Undone

July, 1905

July 16

The Kingdom of Cadia dispatched the following communiqué to the Helrox Empire:

July 17th
The next day, the Tyrians and Cadians negotiated the following agreement:

The Tyrians rejected both Article I and Article II but agreed to dispatch military advisers to the Cadian government to begin training their military.
July 19th
Two days following the end of the June 5th Offensive, Operation Mystic begins with a counter-offensive by the 2nd Field Army. Following a six hour long bombardment that saw over 6,000 shells fired, 80,000 infantry began surging forward, with the 4. Infanterie Division and the Itheraen Volunteer Guard Division attempting to close the Helroxi salient of a wounded and fatigued Helroxi Army Group and encircle them completely.

Tyrian soldiers on the move during Operation Mystic, July, 1905
July 20th
In the Toubrés Empire, the garrison of several Toubrian regions is to be increased. In the political strongholds of the Partido Liberal, the garrison is to be increased by 750 each. The soldiers are to be supplied with batons and shields of sheet metal, ordered to respond to and subdue any political or civil unrest, such as riots. If there are protests, then they are merely to observe and keep the peace, only moving in to subdue any parts of the protest that become violent. In Amzores, the garrison is increased by 1500, and given the same orders.

An MP of Partido Liberal was lauded for a speech in the National Assembly, saying "It is apparent that the Empress preys on our insecurities of civil discourse and a constitutional right to hold protest against an incompetent government. Nay! Instead, she has leashed the dogs and planned to put down those who might say, 'no, the Empress is not perfect.' I implore you, all of you, let not this behavior become the norm, lest she decides next to place armed soldiers at the ballot box!" The speech was printed in local newspapers and while these soldiers were now garrisoned and would almost certainly put down any violence--confidence and approval in the Toubrian government continued to fall, now sliding to 68%.
July 21st
On July 21st, the merchant vessel carrying 31 Illesian military advisers--24 army, 7 naval--arrives in Helrox. Surprisingly, no Tyrian ships were met during the journey. The military advisers would arrive in Flegleen on July 24th.
July 22nd
The Helrox Empire requests the building of five Dynis-class destroyers and two Bolshoii-class light cruisers, all of which are laid down on this day. The total cost is expected to be $650,000, money which must be printed up due to the Helrox's crippling debt. The first bouts of starvation in Flegleen is seen and 5,500 conscripts in training go AWOL. The first Starvation Riots begin in Flegleen, 15,000 factory workers marching in the streets in protest to the government. Given that there was no Flegleen garrison, in 24 hours the riots destroyed nearly $400,000 in property and the Flegleen Provincial Police were hard pressed to put the protesters down.

Flegleen Starvation Riots, July 1905
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

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Statement by King Avandre VII on the Tara-Etelian Defensive Alliance

"It has come to my attention today that the great nations of the Coastal Empire of Tara and the Etelian Empire have decided to form a defensive alliance that seems poised directly against the Kingdom of Illesia and the great nation of the Toubrian Empire. This fact saddens me greatly, as Illesia shares an age-old heritage with the Tarans, though we have clearly drifted apart in recent centuries. It remains my hope that Tara, Illesia, and Toubres will be able to form friendly relations with one another, as I had originally hoped when I heard that the Tarans had practically already signed an alliance with Toubres not long before my proposal to my betrothed, Empress Maia Bastos. However, Illesia and Toubres will now have to stand ready against a Taran-Etelian alliance headed by an Empress who describes Toubres as a 'Menance', whatever that word means. As for this supposed slaughtering of 'innocents', my men assure me they were rebels, Serranthian ones at that, and I stand by the Illesian Military at all times. Thank you, and good day."

Selection of the Illesian Marine Corps Commandant

Recently Promoted Lieutenant General Gareth D'Amos, circa 1905

The Illesian Naval Triumvirate today announced the selection of Major General Gareth D'Amos as the first Commandant of the Illesian Marine Corps upon his return to the Illesian shores with an immediate effective promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General. Lieutenant General D'Amos has long written of, and pushed for within the Illesian Military, the formation of a Marine Corps to project Illesian power to distant shores. With his exemplary tactical and strategic performance in Toubrian Serranthia as head of the first Illesian offensive in a great amount of time and first overseas military action ever, Lieutenant General D'Amos has more than proven his capability to helm the Illesian Marine Corps. It is expected that upon his return, he shall immediately begin forming the command structure of the Corps and all other items necessary to create the Corps.

Illesian Small Arms Production

With the licensing of the Tyrian Austerf MG05 and Simon-Lowell Mark 1904 as the MG1905 and SL1904, Illesian small arms production was finally in a position to begin manufacturing high quality small arms instead of the old, obsolete Tournesol-Kamber rifles, as well as adding the innovative new machine gun to the repetoire of the Illesian Military. As such, the Illesian Military handed down the following request for small arms production:

Illesian Military Arms Requisition Order:

The Illesian Military orders the maximum production of SL1904 rifles and MG1905 machine guns that Tournesol Armureries can manufacture every month in perpetuity until otherwise notified by the Illesian Military, with the following ratio of manufacture; 7 SL1904: 1 MG1905, and that the manufactured amounts of each item be sent to the Illesian Army logistical centers for distribution with monthly reports to the Illesian Army Logistics Command on quantity of delivered items.

This essentially meant that if the Illesian small arms industry could produce $500,000 worth of weaponry and ammunition per month, assuming that rifle ammunition cost $0.40 per round, the Illesian small arms industry would produce this ratio 435 [Math: 500,000 / (314 + 7*119)] times, meaning that that month the industry should deliver 435 MG1605's and 3045 SL1904's to the Illesian Military.

((OOC: I did this math to help you out Theo, so you don't have to extrapolate the math too much.))

More Dreadlords Ordered By Illesian Navy

After further consideration by the Naval Triumvirate, the Illesian Navy has put in a request to the Toubrian shipyards to lay down and construct six more Dreadlord-class battleships for the Illesian Navy as soon as they can for the prior proposed cost of $2,050,000 per ship, for a total additional cost to the Illesian Navy of $12,300,000. This additional order resulted in a signficant amount of drinks bought and backs patted at pubs serving primarily Naval Officers in both Regoth and Marneille as the Big Gun Officers seem to entrench themselves further within Fleet circles. However, there are rumors within the Illesian Navy that as soon as the prototype submarines can be finalized, a large order will be made of them to be constructed in Illesian docks, by Illesians, for Illesians.

The names of the six new Dreadlord-class battleships will be as follows:
1. INV Cassava
2. INV Rosary Pea
3. INV Wolfsbane
4. INV White Baneberry
5. INV Belladonna
6. INV Angel's Trumpet

Los Asesinos Silenciosos Submarine Testing

A small conning tower dipped back below the ocean surface off the coasts of Regoth before a torpedo entered the water a minute later, practically invisible to anyone in the path of it. It screamed through the ocean and impacted a small wooden target sailing boat some distance away, obliterating it in a shower of wooden shards and metal shrapnel. Civilian fishermen not far away were astounded by the sight, having been cordoned off beforehand by a few tiny vessels of the Illesian Navy.

Not long after, the prototype LA-Type 2 submarine resurfaced and docked within the secret Los Asesinos Silenciosos testing facility docks, allowing Captain Akeles to climb out first, followed by his six fellow crewmembers who were eager to stretch their legs on dry land after having been within the cramped prototype sub. The Chief Engineer of Los Asesinos Silenciosos, Fernand Dubois, approached Captain Akeles, whom spoke thusly, "It works well. Firing the torpedo causes the ship to buck a bit though, maybe even enough for the vessel to have shown through the surface of the ocean."

Dubois nodded and wrote something down on a slip of paper, remarking, "We'll probably have to develop a procedure for adjusting the ballast as torpedoes are fired. Maintaining balance is crucial to the operation of the submarine. Fantastic work as always, Captain Akeles. We'll commence another test firing in a few hours once my men determine what to do about this issue."

While Los Asesinos Silenciosos had initially been intended to be an entirely secret operation to veil the Illesian development of effective and offensive submarines, with the Newsita Nationale paper blowing the lid off their cover, the submarine research division of the Illesian Navy had ceased trying to be completely secret about their development and instead now operated quite overtly, though security had been tightened significantly in the test facility in order to keep out pesky reporters. The personnel of Los Asesinos Silenciosos and Admiral Castago of the Naval Triumvirate remained steadfast in their mission of developing the first effective military submarine.

Illesian Advisors Land in Helrox, Make Headway Towards Flegleen

July 21st

Major General L'Etadre stepped briskly off the bridge leading from the IV Winter's Glory in a Helroxi port not far from the borders of the Republic of Escya, followed closely by his fellow military advisors. At the other end of the bridge awaited... no one, to which Major General L'Etadre could only balk as he muttered to himself, "Dear God, did the Helroxi not send anyone to receive us?" The advisors were forced to arrange for transport to Flegleen on their own, partially contributing to the time it took to travel there.

July 24th

When the advisors finally arrived in Flegleen, they arrived to find a city stricken by rioting protestors struggling with provincial police, forcing the small group to find a map of Flegleen from a local and plan a route to the military headquarters after talking to a few people who knew the area. In order to not attract attention, the advisors stowed their military garb and took on Helroxi civilian clothes, making their way carefully through the city while trying to avoid the worst hit areas. Finally, they would arrive at the Helroxi military HQ, convincing the guards to let them in by showing the Illesian military uniforms, medals, and ribbons they had stored in bags on their back. Upon entering, they changed back into their Illesian military uniforms, marching furiously into the building to consult with the foolish Helroxi and figure out how to salvage the situation.
2x Laugh Laugh
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