Name: Vizz, The Thief.
Age: 24
Personality: Vizz is a sarcastic little fellow who has no qualms in making snide remarks while slicing the throats of those in his way. While he's no Robin Hood, Vizz isn't cruel enough to steal from the already destitute. However, his gains are his alone, whether it's selling what he steals or completing a contract to "recover" something valuable. After a life of being hated for what he is, Vizz isn't too fond of keeping company, unless it's necessary or he's among his guild. Vizz prefers to fight when he has to, and usually from the shadows. Vizz is by no means physically strong or skilled in swordfights, but he knows he's good at sneaking and stabbing, usually together.
Height: 3' 8"
Race: Gibu
Home Nation: Unknown
Magical Capabilities: Gibu have an innate affinity to Metaphysical magic and Vizz enjoys using it, even if he can't use it often. Vizz has practiced magic to get him out of sticky situations, usually deploying his magic in escape trick tactics. Summoning a tennis-sized ball of light to explode as a flashbang, creating a noise as a distraction from the opposite way a guard is looking or changing his own gravity to help him jump incredible distances that his Gibu agility cannot cover are all techniques Vizz can employ. He has no directly offensive capabilities in terms of spells but, of course, that's why you bring a knife.
History: Vizz doesn't usually have much to say about where he came from. And honestly, it doesn't really matter to him. The Gibu Thief grew up in the streets of a small town in Marrenfell after his parents moved in from the Gibu Home Nation. They lived their life in secret, and lived off of lying and stealing. His father was a great teacher in the art of sneaking and stabbing, while his mother taught Vizz the ways of creeping and pickpocketing. However, they also taught Vizz a mantra to live by. "Let the poor be poor, but it's the rich who deserve it."
Of course, a thief's upbringing meant that he didn't grow up in luxury. Many, if not all, Gibu rarely did enjoy the finer life. However, Vizz wasn't content. Once he was old enough, he said farewell to his home and parents before moving on to another city, then the next one, and so on and so forth. It wasn't until a few years until Vizz met more of his kind. Just outside Berganfont is a Thieve's Guild, comprised entirely of Gibu. Vizz immediately set out to join, and was welcomed with open arms. It is now here in the neighbouring jungle that Vizz resides, eating and drinking with his brotherhood.
The Emerald Cutthroats usually accept contracts through secret drop-boxes scattered throughout the town. The contracts are posted onto the board and the Gibu pick which ones they wanna do to collect the promised reward, while picking up any extra gold or valuables during the mission. These contracts range from stealing valuable artefacts, sabotage or even assassination. The Gibu have no problem in using their natural talents for coin and Vizz certainly has no qualms.
Age: 24

Personality: Vizz is a sarcastic little fellow who has no qualms in making snide remarks while slicing the throats of those in his way. While he's no Robin Hood, Vizz isn't cruel enough to steal from the already destitute. However, his gains are his alone, whether it's selling what he steals or completing a contract to "recover" something valuable. After a life of being hated for what he is, Vizz isn't too fond of keeping company, unless it's necessary or he's among his guild. Vizz prefers to fight when he has to, and usually from the shadows. Vizz is by no means physically strong or skilled in swordfights, but he knows he's good at sneaking and stabbing, usually together.
Height: 3' 8"
Race: Gibu
Home Nation: Unknown
Magical Capabilities: Gibu have an innate affinity to Metaphysical magic and Vizz enjoys using it, even if he can't use it often. Vizz has practiced magic to get him out of sticky situations, usually deploying his magic in escape trick tactics. Summoning a tennis-sized ball of light to explode as a flashbang, creating a noise as a distraction from the opposite way a guard is looking or changing his own gravity to help him jump incredible distances that his Gibu agility cannot cover are all techniques Vizz can employ. He has no directly offensive capabilities in terms of spells but, of course, that's why you bring a knife.
History: Vizz doesn't usually have much to say about where he came from. And honestly, it doesn't really matter to him. The Gibu Thief grew up in the streets of a small town in Marrenfell after his parents moved in from the Gibu Home Nation. They lived their life in secret, and lived off of lying and stealing. His father was a great teacher in the art of sneaking and stabbing, while his mother taught Vizz the ways of creeping and pickpocketing. However, they also taught Vizz a mantra to live by. "Let the poor be poor, but it's the rich who deserve it."
Of course, a thief's upbringing meant that he didn't grow up in luxury. Many, if not all, Gibu rarely did enjoy the finer life. However, Vizz wasn't content. Once he was old enough, he said farewell to his home and parents before moving on to another city, then the next one, and so on and so forth. It wasn't until a few years until Vizz met more of his kind. Just outside Berganfont is a Thieve's Guild, comprised entirely of Gibu. Vizz immediately set out to join, and was welcomed with open arms. It is now here in the neighbouring jungle that Vizz resides, eating and drinking with his brotherhood.
The Emerald Cutthroats usually accept contracts through secret drop-boxes scattered throughout the town. The contracts are posted onto the board and the Gibu pick which ones they wanna do to collect the promised reward, while picking up any extra gold or valuables during the mission. These contracts range from stealing valuable artefacts, sabotage or even assassination. The Gibu have no problem in using their natural talents for coin and Vizz certainly has no qualms.