๐กowena ๐enrietta ๐mperia-๐irwright @ayzrules
๐lodie ๐a๐ฅerre @bloonewb
๐rsenio ๐ennard-๐ones @Stern Algorithm
๐lexander ๐amien ๐midale @MorningStar1399
๐ฅincent ๐ionel ๐alverson @ayzrules
๐lyssana ๐rey @shylarah
๐innegan ๐aks @Briza
๐udora ๐ay ๐handler @MorningStar1399
๐ฅisia ๐eontine @TwilightShadow
๐enelope "๐epper" ๐ฅan ๐uthen @TwilightShadow
๐lizabeth ๐ockheart @Mr Rage
๐hester ๐ockheart @Mr Rage
๐ameon ๐rown @Mr Rage
๐กoderick ๐errington @buffykdh
๐กeeza ๐ฅalarios @RavensMuse
๐elena ๐nnette ๐urton @Majoras End
?? @FallenTrinity

๐lodie ๐a๐ฅerre @bloonewb
๐rsenio ๐ennard-๐ones @Stern Algorithm
๐lexander ๐amien ๐midale @MorningStar1399
๐ฅincent ๐ionel ๐alverson @ayzrules
๐lyssana ๐rey @shylarah
๐innegan ๐aks @Briza
๐udora ๐ay ๐handler @MorningStar1399
๐ฅisia ๐eontine @TwilightShadow
๐enelope "๐epper" ๐ฅan ๐uthen @TwilightShadow
๐lizabeth ๐ockheart @Mr Rage
๐hester ๐ockheart @Mr Rage
๐ameon ๐rown @Mr Rage
๐กoderick ๐errington @buffykdh
๐กeeza ๐ฅalarios @RavensMuse
๐elena ๐nnette ๐urton @Majoras End
?? @FallenTrinity


๐ucius ๐lliot is a member of the Scholar Guild, seemingly gifted with a near-photographic memory. Lucius is, to put it mildly, rather anti-social. He has a habit of overthinking and over analyzing everything, though his analytical skills are something that his teachers at the Polytechnique Institute thought were one of his greatest strengths. Lucius is very awkward at parties, and he is a bit disdainful of most people that he meets. He was told by his patron and benefactor, Mordecai Sullivan, that he became severely ill and lost his memory and was in a coma for several years. As such, he started at the Polytechnique Institute when he was 16, although he managed to graduate at 18 due to his rather...precocious nature.
๐t the Institute, Lucius met Victor Bennett. The two became fast friends, and Lucius even helped Victor with his ambitious goal of using automatons for a good purpose. However, after Victor died, Lucius became increasingly erratic, pulling away from his friends and girlfriend and continuing the automaton research on his own until his arrest. Lucius is thought to be thirty years of age.
๐n truth, Lucius was raised in the middle of nowhere by two scientists from Gearinggate Harbor (Richard and Darlene Elliot) who were attempting to create the first automaton. A cruel twist of fate had them experimenting on their own son, and after they succeeded in basically transferring Lucius's consciousness to a clockwork body, a new personality emerged through a combination of wacky dark magic and the trauma. The alternate ego named himself Dirk, and Dirk killed Lucius's parents and snuck aboard an airship bound for Gearinggate Harbor. In Gearinggate Harbor, some of the Elliots' old contacts and their apprentice, Gerald, recover Lucius. They spent a few years attempting to fix the alternate-ego issue, but Lucius is ultimately written off as a failure and they move onto other approaches. Lucius himself is supposedly deactivated and dumped, although Mordecai Sullivan was able to recover him and re-activate him fourteen years ago. Lucius is completely unaware of the fact that he is an automaton, though Dirk knows. Dirk is sadistic and malicious and really does not like humans.
๐irk had remained dormant for twelve years before Victor's girlfriend, Charlotte Vernell, informed Lucius that Victor had an incurable disease. This, combined with Victor's death two years ago, caused Dirk to re-emerge.
๐irk had remained dormant for twelve years before Victor's girlfriend, Charlotte Vernell, informed Lucius that Victor had an incurable disease. This, combined with Victor's death two years ago, caused Dirk to re-emerge.

๐aptain ๐drianna ๐phigenia ๐ingsford was born to a moderately important Legionnaire family. Adrianna has followed the footsteps of her parents and grandparents and great-grandparents and devoted her life to serving the Legionnaire Guild, and by extension, the Council. Her mother, however, firmly believed that simply knowing how to shoot a gun was not enough-a Legionnaire needed to be able to spy and manipulate, as well. She sent Adrianna to Madame Geraldine's, where she excelled in courses regarding guns and swords and physical confrontations, but did not do as well in the etiquette classes. Nevertheless, Adrianna enjoyed her time at the finishing school, and she is finding some of the skills she learned there particularly useful in her career, especially now that she has to lead this investigation. She became best friends with Rowena Imperia-Airwright during finishing school. Their relationship is...complicated, at best, but Adrianna definitely values Rowena's input on anything to do with etiquette and espionage.
๐drianna possesses the usual enhanced physical abilities characteristic of Legionnaires-augmented senses, a seemingly infinite amount of stamina, lightning-fast reflexes and speed, and whatnot. Steadfast and reliable, Adrianna never seems to tire, and she throws herself wholeheartedly into her duties. Adrianna is extremely loyal, and very analytical. She can be a bit cold and unfeeling, sometimes, and she's not very people-smart. Adrianna is a bit on the quiet side, and she can be rather stoic, but one must admit that she is pretty damn good with a gun. She is currently twenty-nine years old.

๐ฅictor ๐ennett was a member of the Scholar Guild, and an accomplished scientist renowned for his work with mechanical wings. Lauded as "the most brilliant mind of his generation", most people were surprised to find that charming, charismatic Victor was close friends with the standoffish Lucius.
๐ฅictor's grandmother, Helen Bennett, was afflicted with a disease that even the healers of the Apothecary Guild could not cure. This inspired Victor to take an interest in automatons and creating a way to retain somebody's personality when their Myalo was transferred to the metal body. Victor himself also had the disease-it ran in the family-although he refused to get tested for it, and thus remained unaware. Victor and Lucius worked together on this project for a couple of years, until Victor himself succumbed to the disease.
๐คnbeknownst to most everybody, the work that Lucius did independently after Victor passed away was aimed at somehow bringing Victor back to life. Lucius extracted Victor's Myalo less than an hour after the scientist died, and he has since, with Dirk's help, preserved it until he had built an appropriate metal body. Lucius had successfully animated automaton Victor just hours before his arrest. Victor is now living with his former girlfriend, Charlotte Vernell, who has kept the news of his miraculous "resurrection" quiet. He was twenty-eight at the time of his death.

๐harlotte "๐ottie" ๐กosalind ๐ฅernell is a member of the Apothecary Guild. She is a Patho-healer, and works as a nurse in the Cindergate Hospital, specializing in brewing and administering medicines. Sweet and chattery, Lottie is extremely friendly, if a bit...silly. She met Victor Bennett through his grandmother; Lottie was one of the nurses assigned to Helen at the hospital, and the two eventually became very close.
๐ graduate of Madame Geraldine's, Lottie's smarter than she looks. She has discovered that Lucius somehow brought Victor back to life through highly illegal means, and she has kept this a secret from everyone besides her closest friend because she can't bear the thought of losing Victor again. She has been invited to join Captain Kingsford's investigation, and has accepted. Lottie is twenty-eight years old.

๐read ๐udding, whose real name is Edna Cogsmith, appears to be nothing more than the wife of a fisherman. To supplement their income, Edna pushes a handcart around all day, selling dried fish and kippers. The two live in a small run-down house in the slums of New Toppingham.
๐owever, Edna and her husband are part of the rumored "Thieves' Guild" that has recently risen to prominence within Hourglass City's criminal underworld. Not much is known about them, other than the fact that they are, at most, a loose conglomeration of various small factions-a mediator and/or a "middleman" between groups, of sorts.
๐dna herself is nothing more than a gossip-monger...though she is extremely skilled at her job. While she is out and about selling fish, Edna is able to collect a vast array of information, ranging from the trivial and the crude to the world-changing. She may have no idea that the Scholar Minister is hosting a ball for whatever reason, but she does know more than she should about the extensive espionage network of the Minefield Triarchy.
๐lunt, brash, and as stubborn as a mule, Edna comes off as a grumpy old man but is actually quite kind, even if she has a propensity to insert inappropriate language into every sentence that comes out of her mouth. Adrianna was forced to rely on her assistance some years ago while investigating an underground smuggling ring, and as much as it pains Captain Kingsford to admit it, Edna is quite good at what she does.
๐dna is currently twenty-two years of age, and does not belong to a Guild. She is, however, almost inhumanly fast and agile.

๐ieutenant ๐athaniel ๐nright went missing around the same time that Victor Bennett passed away. He was a member of the Legionnaire Guild and the air-navy, and by most accounts, he was dedicated and dutiful; loyal, if a bit gruff. He is forty-seven years of age, and was born into a long and influential line of Legionnaires. He is married to ๐lizabeth ๐nright, and they have a son, who is twenty years of age. Elizabeth has been particularly distraught since her husband's disappearance, although she has not let it affect the quality of her service within the Legionnaire Guild.

๐ohn ๐acob ๐ขmith was a member of the Scholar Guild, and he went missing about one year ago. He is now twenty-three years of age, and graduated from the Polytechnique Institute of Arts and Sciences as a Discourteous Genius. Although John is very scatter-brained, he is quite intelligent, even if he expresses his intelligence in the form of well-intentioned but rather useless inventions. He began experimenting with building automaton parts on his own during his time at the Institute, and allegedly continued this research after graduation, although his efforts did not yield significant results before his disappearance. There is no evidence that he dabbled in black magic/Myalo during the course of his research.

๐hilomena ๐ขhoreditch went missing in July of 1891, and is currently twenty years of age. She was affianced to one ๐ขebastian ๐ay, who reportedly went missing at around the same time. A member of the Craftsmen Guild, Philomena-who was referred to as "Lo" by her close friends and family-grew up an orphan, though she spent most of her youth as an apprentice to a clockmaker. She ran a small shop that sold a wide variety of clockwork trinket before her disappearance. Her younger brother, ๐ขilas ๐ขhoreditch, is reportedly a good friend of Edna's (Bread Pudding). She was spotted in December of 1891 outside of Silas' place of employment-a dressmaker's shop owned by a woman referred to as "Miss Dorothy".

๐ขebastian ๐ay-"Bash", to his friends and family-also went missing in July of 1891. He is currently twenty-two years of age, and was a member of the Scholar Guild. He worked as an archivist, and specialized in translating documents written in ancient languages (it should be noted that he was especially proficient in the languages of the Wasteland Cities).
๐hillip ๐sborne, the ๐ขupreme ๐ommander
๐leanor ๐ฆinchester-๐arwood, the ๐ขurgeon ๐eneral
๐axwell ๐handler, the ๐aster ๐rtisan
๐alcolm ๐mperia-๐irwright, the ๐ord ๐aptain
๐eorgina ๐rmelinde ๐ฉhang-๐angridge, the ๐ead ๐ขcholar
- Had a hand in the death of Eleanor Seward, earning him the eternal enmity of General Victoria Seward, an instructor at Madame Geraldine's
- Easily manipulated by the Council
- The Minister of the Legionnaire Guild (FC: Benjamin Bratt)
๐leanor ๐ฆinchester-๐arwood, the ๐ขurgeon ๐eneral
- Served on the emergency-response team for many years
- Runs a very tight ship
- The Minister of the Apothecary Guild (FC: Salma Hayek)
๐axwell ๐handler, the ๐aster ๐rtisan
- A skilled glassblower and mechanic
- Graduated from the Polytechnique Institute of Arts and Sciences in 1865
- The Minister of the Craftsmen Guild (FC: Michael Fassbender)
๐alcolm ๐mperia-๐irwright, the ๐ord ๐aptain
- The leader of a vast criminal empire; has ties to the Minefield Triarchy
- Lost everything to rival air-merchant families (including his brother and his wife) but came back twice as strong
- The Minister of the Merchant Guild (FC: Jackie Chan)
๐eorgina ๐rmelinde ๐ฉhang-๐angridge, the ๐ead ๐ขcholar
- There's a 99.99999% chance that she's smarter than you are
- Graduated from Madame Geraldine's ages ago
- The Minister of the Apothecary Guild (FC: Cheng Pei-pei)
๐adame ๐eraldine ๐therington
๐ady ๐atherine ๐olding-๐rassmott
๐r. ๐onstance ๐arwood
๐rofessor ๐ฅivian ๐eggley
๐rofessor ๐ฉylphia ๐ฆrayburn
๐eneral ๐ฅictoria ๐ขeward
- Headmistress; teaches dance, dress, and diversion
- Pronounces "quality" as "quali-tay"
- Loves her girls to pieces
- FC: Poppy Montgomery, Guild: Scholar (Scholarly Society)
๐ady ๐atherine ๐olding-๐rassmott
- Teaches music and creative arts, intelligence gathering, principles of deceit, fundamental espionage, and rudimentary seduction
- Related to the Minister of the Pirate Guild
- Rather frivolous
- FC: Charlize Theron, Affiliation: (unofficially) the League of the Armored Parasol of the Minefield Triarchy
๐r. ๐onstance ๐arwood
- Head of household management at Madame Geraldine's; teaches medicinal cures and poisonings and encrypting with flower arrangements
- Related to the Minister of the Apothecary Guild
- Gentle and kind (but she does love her poisons something fierce)
- FC: Paz Vega, Guild: Apothecary (Pathocura)
๐rofessor ๐ฅivian ๐eggley
- Teaches modern languages, weaponries, modern inventions, and truth extraction
- Severe and intimidating
- Loves machines
- FC: Lucy Liu, Guild: Pirate
๐rofessor ๐ฉylphia ๐ฆrayburn
- Teaches history, deportment, manners, etiquette, and genteel dress
- Very dignified
- Fashion is everything
- FC: Kerry Washington, Guild: Craftsmen
๐eneral ๐ฅictoria ๐ขeward
- Teaches fighting and "finishing"
- Strict
- More knowledgeable about the Council than she should be
- FC: Michelle Fairley, Guild: Legionnaire
๐ord ๐athan ๐enderson-๐ipps
๐r. ๐emetrius ๐owles
๐aptain ๐ulius ๐layfoot
๐rofessor ๐ฃhaddeus ๐eaton
๐r. ๐กoderick ๐swald
๐ajor ๐alvin ๐sborne
- Headmaster; teaches the philosophies, comportment, and mannerisms needed to become an evil genius
- Cultivates a dark and brooding air but is in reality quite jocular
- Doesn't take too kindly to Madame Geraldine's girls posing as men to attend his academy
- FC: Christian Bale, Guild: Craftsmen
๐r. ๐emetrius ๐owles
- Teaches mathematics, physics, the theoretical sciences, and the life sciences
- Has a passion for outrageous fashion statements
- Very sparkly in a strangely malicious way
- FC: Godfrey Gao, Guild: Scholar (Society of Science)
๐aptain ๐ulius ๐layfoot
- Teaches mechanical and aeronautical engineering, piloting, and airship-hijacking
- Notorious for his deadly gadgets and gizmos
- Strict but charming
- FC: Taye Diggs, Guild: Pirate
๐rofessor ๐ฃhaddeus ๐eaton
- Teaches history, methods of plagiarism, rudimentary espionage, and the art of going insane
- A bit absentminded
- Hates the Council for keeping secrets
- FC: Farhan Akhtar, Guild: Scholar (Scholarly Society)
๐r. ๐กoderick ๐swald
- Teaches chemistry, poisons and potions, maintaining a mad laboratory, and botany
- Will not eat anything with powdered sugar on it (cyanide is too easily disguised as it)
- Paranoid
- FC: Jake Gyllenhaal, Guild: Apothecary (Pathocura)
๐ajor ๐alvin ๐sborne
- Teaches basic self-defense, weapons development and use, and hiring henchmen
- Loud and commanding
- Supreme Commander Phillip Osborne's estranged brother
- FC: John Leguizamo, Guild: Legionnaire