"the blood of the dragon gathered in one …
… seven eggs, to honor the seven gods, though the king's own septon had warned …
… pyromancers …
… wild fire …
...flames grew out of control … towering … burned so hot that...
...died, but for the valor of the Lord Comman..."
- History Of House Targaryen By Archmaester Gyldayn
Discord: discord.gg/mJCbS5
Welcome friend to Game of Thrones: Summerhall! Have you grown weary in your recent roleplays with the absense of betrayal, gratuitous gore, character death and incest? Then you've come to the right place. This roleplay is very much in the ilk of prior GoT/ASOIAF roleplays in that each player takes the role of a house or lone character operating in a sandbox environment that revolves around a succession crisis. We're always accepting new applications so don't be shy, if you're not familiar with the books then you aught to read them (you're doing yourself a great disservice) but otherwise I'd recommend a glance at the Blackfyre rebellions and the Tragedy of Summerhall on the wiki to give yourself a feel for current events.
Make yourself at home, finalise your plots, book your weddings, push overly inquisitive children out of windows, the game of thrones is about to begin.
State of the Realm
Aegon V Targaryen had a controversial and divisive rule. A man of the people, he had always been a strong proponent for the rights of smallfolk, no doubt from his years travelling as the squire to a hedge-knight. This however has left him unpopular with nobility, doubly so from how his children wilfully broke marriage pacts from houses Tully, Baratheon, Tyrell and Redwyne. By the end of his reign he lacked the support to put his proposed reforms into action and instead turned to sorcery in the hopes of bringing back dragons to enforce his rule. While the exact details of the tragedy of Summerhall are not clear the end result killed not only King Aegon himself but his sons and almost all of House Targaryen.
Westeros is without a king and across the narrow-sea Maelys the Monstrous, last of the Blackfyre pretenders, leads the band of Nine-Penny Kings in an invasion against a leaderless Westeros. Lord Gerold Dustin the former hand to the king and de-facto ruler in the capital has declared himself king and traces of Targaryen lineage return out of the woodwork to stake their claim to the Iron-Throne.
The map!: http://www.sermountaingoat.co.uk/map/versions/speculative_map.jpg