Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thyrri almost managed to calm herself down, the pleasant atmosphere of dimly-lit room slowly sending her to nearly meditative state. But, as usual, someone had to barge in and disturb her peace. At first she thought the warriors are coming back from the arena, but when her eyes focused on the incoming figure, she had to suppress a sigh, realizing it was her cousin Aamaya. One of the very last people she wanted to see right now. Hew intricate jewels jingled quietly as she walked towards the pool, smiling as always. ‘Oh cousin, what are you hiding beneath that smile?’

“Thank you for your concern, dear cousin. But who would dare to assault a woman of my title and relevance?” she responded a bit ironically, even though Aamaya was technically right. “As for the Thanatos man, I think you should have more information than me, as you watched the tournament. I haven’t seen anything and sadly haven’t been able to speak to him, he was found unconscious, already having had lost a lot of blood. I would advise you to either talk to some of the other combatants or wait until he wakes up to see if he remembers something.”

She wondered why Aamaya had such sudden interest in a common Luthran warrior. She was the one who put those men in the arena in the first place. The princess was probably just shocked and offended that someone dared to defy her and go against the orders she had given.

Thyrri was actually surprised by the kindness that sounded from Aamaya’s voice when she asked if Thyrrri was all right. What was she supposed to tell her? The princess and the entire royal family were the main problem. Aamaya, while kind and caring at the moment, was blind and oblivious to the issues around, so used to her privileges that it was beyond her imagination that there was a different way to live.

“I am fine, thank you,” the healer answered with the sincerest smile she could manage. It wasn’t a complete lie though, she was feeling much better now, having recollected herself from her short breakdown. She had a strange feeling, as if her mind had made some sort of decision but didn’t bother to tell her yet. “I’m just weary from all the violence. I guess that man’s injury was the last straw for me, seeing someone nearly die for amusement.” She got out of pool and grabbed the towel from Aamaya’s hand and wrapped it around her body.

Just now she realized she had torn her dress apart while trying to take it off, so she had nothing to wear right now. With a sigh she walked to the back door to the spa, peeking out into the hallway, trying to summon some servant. Soon enough, a young girl appeared walking the corridor, carrying a large pile of fluffy towels. Thyrri called her over and gave her specific instructions on which dress she wanted the girl to bring. The maid run off and Thyrri returned to the pool, sitting on the side with her legs in the water, creating small waves as she moved them around.

Aamaya looked like she was about to leave when the door opened, and a redheaded woman entered. Thyrri recognized Laurel, Eve’s bodyguard, and smiled at her, seeing that she is all right. Although not completely all right, Thyrri had to correct herself, jumping up to her feet. The red on Laurel’s head wasn’t all just her hair, but also blood running from a large cut, heavily encouraged by the stream of water she was pouring on her head.

“Why didn’t any of the healers look at you?” Thyrri asked her as she moved across the room towards the warrior. Laurel said something about not wanting to bother the healers and Thyrri just rolled her eyes. “So you would rather bother our corpse disposal crew? By the gods, woman, stop it and sit down,” Thyrri directed tottering Laurel to one of the benches. The girl was clearly in shock, most likely had a concussion. The healer examined the wound, it wasn’t very deep, but as every injury on the head it was bleeding a lot. “This will need stitches,” she sighed, looking at the bandages in Laurel’s hand.

Fortunately, the maid had just arrived with Thyrri’s dress and she quickly put them on. “All right, we need to get you back to the infirmary, there is not enough light here.” She helped Laurel put a soft bathrobe on and helped her to the door. “I wonder,” she said when she was passing Aamaya, “how does one get such injury from a tournament where blows to the head are forbidden?” Laurel mumbled something indifferent, but Thyrri’s question wasn’t meant for her. “With your kind permission, princess Aamaya, I would like to borrow one of your guards for a moment, to help carry this woman to the infirmary.”

A few minutes later, Laurel was lying in bed, her head stitched up and bandaged properly. There was not enough space, so she had to share room with the injured Thanatos man, who was still unconscious. Thyrri leaned to the woman, noticing she was waking up. Laurel blinked a couple of times, trying to get up, but Thyrri pushed her back into pillows. “I am sorry, but you really need to stay in bed for at least a few hours. If you get up, you might faint again and injure yourself even harder. I will let princess Evangeline know where you are.”

Thyrri also checked on the Luthran, who looked slightly better – still pale, but his pulse was strong and steady and his injury didn’t bleed anymore. She sat on a chair, watching her two patients and thinking what to do next. She should go and let Eve know about Laurel, that was for sure. Maybe even talk to Mother and Father of Luthra. She yawned and closed her eyes, just for a second to rest a bit, and fell asleep nearly immediately.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Interactions: @Aamaya@Jinxer

Only moments after her and Thyrri had reentered the garden, the beginning of the tournament was announced. The roar of a trumpet would be heard and the healer left Eve's side. Exodus guards lead the guests towards the arena and Eve thought they could have very well lead them all into a slaughterhouse, they all would follow neatly.

Upon recognizing her an Exodus guard offered her an escort towards the royal seats while shielding her from the walking masses, but she politely declined. Walking within the crowd of people had something appealing to it. It was something normal within this craziness.

As they got close enough for Eve to make out the royals on their privileged comfortable seats with the sun-cover, she noticed two things. Firstly, Thyrri was not sitting with them. And secondly, it would be the first time she'd see her parents since their arrival. Her heart sunk a little bit, unsure of how their reactions towards her would be.

"Princess?... Princess?" Eve turned her head towards the voice, it was the same guard that had offered her an escort earlier. He was eyeing her with something like concern.

"Hm?", Eve simply replied.

"I apologize the interruption. You have been staring up there for a while now, princess. The tournament is about to begin. Everyone is seated. Do you wish me to escort you to your seat, your highness?" A look around confirmed his words. Eve stood alone, the guests had all taken their seats on the rows of stone around the arena's middle where the tournament was about to take place. She had lost her focus on reality for a moment.

You are being too inattentive. It will cost you your life, if you don't get control over myself soon, idiotic fool! Just in that moment the voice of the Exodus princess rang through the air, she was giving a quick few words. Eve could see her standing above them all with the expression of a true future queen, she seemed so confident in her role.

If there had been a single doubt left within Evangeline, it surely was gone now. The beautiful woman from earlier, the first person to engage in a conversation with her during the festival, was princess Aamaya Freyja. She felt her stomach twist uncomfortably at the thought. But somehow a teeny tiny part of her was glad she had not known. She knew if she had known who the woman was beforehand, she would have not talked to her so carelessly, so freely. Eve would have encountered her with prejudices and faked kindness. The revelation about herself stung a little bit, but she knew that everyone was doing just the same, pretending, smiling and chatting while trying to wrap their partner of conversation around their sneaky little fingers.

As she watched Aamaya get seated again, a small smiled formed on her lips. Yes, she was glad she had not known her title. Now the woman felt intrigued about the bronze-skinned lady. She had gathered interest in her personality, in her thoughts and what she had to say. Of course, she still had to make up for her massive mistake somehow. Perhaps this tournament was an opportunity for her to talk to the princess, while they were all tied to their bums, unable to leave without being disrespectful towards their hosts.

Evangeline shot the guard a quick glance and declined his offer once more. She began to stride forward again, her feet getting entangled in the dress she was now wearing, almost causing her to trip. With a displeased expression on her face she lifted the gown up and away from her shoes and continued her way towards the royal seats.

Stepping into the guarded area for the high ranked people, she dropped the dress to flow around her feet again. To her great displeasure Eve had to notice that Princess Aamaya was already wrapped up in a conversation with the Princess of Primfira by now. An unsettled feeling came over her again, just the same she had when she first spotted the pale royal woman during her entrance to the garden. Once again she asked herself if it had to do with prejudices about her appearance or if her gut was giving her a well-intentioned warning.

For now there was no time to dwell over such things, and so Evangeline pushed those feelings to a little corner of her mind. The fight had just began.

Her attention quickly got drawn towards the arena's middle, her eyes rapidly searching the place until she had found the red hair in the crowd of warriors she was looking for. Worry crossed her face for a moment, but was soon replaced with pride. Laurel surely was the most skilled warrior in this pit. Maybe Eve was a little biased with that opinion, but there was no doubt that Laurel Mith was one of the bests, slaying opponents to her left and right. Within minutes Laurel had made three Primfira and one Exodus warrior drop to the floor defeated.

Noticing she was still standing in the back, Eve moved forward to take a seat next to her parents, or at least give them a quick reminder of her existence. But she stopped in her movements once more, standing right behind her father, when Laurel got attacked by a bunch of Luthra men. Not only were they cowardly overpowering her in number, but striking for her unprotected head as well! Her fingers twitched, ready to jump down into the arena and pull out her slim throwing knives, which were neatly hidden within her bra.

But she did not need to interfere. A Luthra warrior, who beat his own men down to the ground, came to her rescue. The princess stood in shock. Had her friend really just been saved by a Luthra warrior fighting against Luthra warriors?

She watched as they had a very brief conversation, wondering what they were talking about. Was she thanking him for saving her? Something within Evangeline did not like the situation at all. She did not like that Laurel had been saved by a man. Why did he save her? What did he want from her? Was that jealousy she was feeling?

"Do you see this Antonette? Our warrior... The female, allowing a Thanatos to stay in the battle?" The voice of her father surprised her for a second, until she remembered that she had originally wanted to take a seat beside her parents. Anger rose within her. 'The female', she scuffed in her head. You know her name all too well! But she would not say anything. Her father was clearly intoxicated with alcohol and making a scene about his comment would be of no use.

But he would not be silent on the matter. "Blasphemy! This is punishable my Queen... I will have Laurel knelt down and whipped for this.. Helping our sworn enemies.. Ha!" The King's words paired with the uncaring chuckle he let out made Evangeline's anger reach a peak. A trait, she noticed, she had probably inherited from her father.

"No you will not", the princess said sternly, but quietly, only for him and her mother to hear. "Laurel is proving to be an honorable combatant, better than anyone else on the field. She is providing great representation for our kingdom, not taking the easy blow on the man. What would they say about us? Striking the one with the helping hand in such an unhonorable manner? The other kingdoms would surely think of us as disgraceful."

The princess rarely spoke up against the king and it certainly felt strange and risky to do so, especially in a public environment with every single kingdom present. But she was impulsive, and protective of her friend. She would not sit in silence while her father would talk down the warrior like that. No, she couldn't.

The fight continued, Eve's eyes glued to only one person entirely. How graceful, how elegant, how strong and independent she looks, she thought to herself. How attractive it can be to watch someone fight so skillfully. Evangeline noticed with pride that her personal bodyguard, her dear friend, made everyone who dared to think they'd be a match for her come to her, not running towards them in anticipation, but waiting, calculating their movements, striking them down by the time they reached her.

As Eve allowed her eyes to draw away from Laurel for a moment to inspect the rest of the battlefield and gain an overall view, she quickly came to notice that Exodus warriors were falling to their knees in rapid numbers. Faster and in lager numbers than any of the other kingdoms.

Her mind began to count the standing warriors and the rising numbers of defeated men from each kingdom, calculating the differences in numbers and taking the warriors' styles and techniques into account. Coming to a realization, Eve leaned forward between the heads of her father and mother to whisper into the king's ear. "The tournament is rigged."

One could say many things about Evangeline, yes she was impulsive, childish, foolish, but she was also smart, if she only payed enough attention. And she had no other need than to get Laurel out of there as quickly as possible.

She searched the arena for her friend, finding her just as she got hit on the head, tumbling and trying to hold herself up on her feet. Evangeline rose from her bent position and her right hand formed to a tight fist of anger.

The Earthica warrior struggled for a while, but continued fighting, Eve was close to calling her off the field herself, using her authority to end this senseless battle for her friend. She felt guilty, she should have never allowed her to participate in the first place, should have insisted she needed her protection, kept her out of that nonsense.

Laurel called herself defeated and left the arena with healers by her side. Eve did not wait a heartbeat, she pulled her dress up and hurried out of the royal's area, she grabbed a servant by their collar, causing their tray with alcoholic beverages to smash to the ground, looking them sternly into the eyes she insisted on them showing her the way to the healers immediately. The poor young boy, still plagued from puberty's pimples and shaking in his skin, gladly showed her the way and was more than happy when she left him standing at the entrance door to the infirmary.

Upon requesting to immediately be informed about the whereabouts of the ginger Lovanian warrior, she got told that her friend was in good care with a healer and that Eve would have to be a bit patient.

"What does that mean, good care?!", she spat out between gritted teeth, not even trying to hide her anger about the situation. In all calmness one of the healer's assistants informed her that Thyrri was the healer under whose care Laurel was currently and that the healer would need calm and quiet to take care of the injured warrior. Upon hearing that Thyrri was the one Laurel's wellbeing depended on Eve relayed slightly. She trusted the woman to do her very best.

The next few eternities, which it surely must have been, were considered one of the hardest times in Evangeline's books. Sitting and waiting, not knowing, controlling her tempter as to not march in without permission, worrying and fantasizing about all the things that could be wrong with Laurel. Guilt kept her company.

At some point, she couldn't tell how much time had passed, Eve could not stand it anymore. The healers were busy, not caring for her presence anymore as she had not interfered with them or caused trouble. She used their trust in her by getting up and sneaking into the room, which she knew Laurel was being cared for in, just to hear her name being said. " - let princess Evangeline know where you are.”

She put a finger to her lips, showing Laurel to be quiet about her presence should she have spotted her. Eve was just about to call out for Thyrri to make herself known, but the healer sunk into a slumber as quickly as her eyes closed. A soft chuckle left Eve's lips, it was cute somehow.

She walked over to Laurel, examining her expression, looking for any indication of suffering. She spotted a stitched wound at her head. Eve's fingers moved over the bed until she reached Laurel's hand, letting her fingers dance over the skin on the back of her hands softly, caringly.

"Hey...", she whispered, scared to wake Thyrri. "Are you okay?" Her eyes met with Laurel's, her expression showing guilt, fear and deep concern. Seeing Laurel like that, weak and hurt, pained her incredibly. "I did not want this to happen... I should have said something, done something, stopped you -", she sighed. "I am sorry."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
Avatar of Lord Zee

Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The Father

As the party went on, Avidan had found suitable replacement from the piss wine in the form of a strong honey whiskey. Though it pained him to admit it, the alcohol wasn't that bad, but still not as strong as a Luthran homebrew. Before long, the guard had announced the tournament would take place and that they should make their way to the arena. This news delighted him, but his lingering scowl yet remained on his face. He walked with Angeline and a few Luthran guards to the royal box, where he stood in a corner of the room, looking out into the arena to see who had signed up. In actuality, Avidan had not been aware of a tournament this soon but relaxed when he saw several Luthrans down on the sand, looking fierce as ever could be.

His wandering gaze then fell upon Dalious, the "pirate", best friend to Melchior. That drunken fool now represented them in this contest, and though he could fight, Avidan did not think highly of Dalious. Too talkative that one, as if he never enjoyed the sound of silence. That was music to Avidan's hear, being in a quiet place away from people like him. His thought remained on how he had entered, for no doubt he had drink in him and alcohol dulled the senses. He then watched the man walk over to a redheaded Earthican, a woman, and exchange a few words. Even in the face of battle, Dalious was a womanizer. Princess Amaya spoke suddenly, bringing Avidan back to the little booth they were in, where he noticed an empty seat next to Angeline down with the royals. His spot no doubt.

He sat down without a word, and watched as the battle started. He watched his Luthran's battle exclusively, he did not care for the other teams, and they would fight them anyways. The group that Dalious fought in were doing work, and that he could respect, Avidan liked winning. Let the other kingdoms see the prowess, the savagery of the Luthran, let them fear. But his hope quickly fled him, as he stood up, gripping the ledge of the stand till his knuckles turned white. Dalious had done the unthinkable, and struck down his own men to help the Earthican girl. His scowl grew fierce, as the woman ran off, leaving Dalious alone. Oh the things men did for a woman's touch, it seemed to be the only true power in the world. Turning friend to foe.

Avidan could not believe that he had done it, as Dalious faced a Primfira opponent and beat him too. What happened next was even more infuriating, as a Luthran and Dalious embraced. Men did not hug one another in the middle of a battle, especially a Thanatos, and their prolonged exchange lessened Avidan's scowl. Revenge had a funny way of catching up to those who deserved it after all. He suspected what had just occurred and sat back down. Dalious then gave up and his suspicions were all but confirmed as blood came apparent from the man. Luthran's had a way of dealing out justice among themselves. With all luck, he would die as he lived- drink in his belly and all wit gone.

It was not long however, when the event caught up to him. An Exodus girl, escorted by a few guards came to him and Angeline, explaining the situation that they now found themselves in. Avidan sighed visibly, he should have known the fool wouldn't have bled out that quickly. As the girl left to wait nearby, he leaned into Angeline's ear and whispered, "I'll take care of this. Stay here and watch the rest of the Tournament." Avidan then stood, and without saying a word, followed the girl.

On his way out of the Royal box, he motioned for his Luthra guards to follow, and Avidan slowed down his pace to walk beside them for a moment, speaking in hushed tones to the both of them, "Find Jori, fought in the tournament. Take him to the ship." One of the guards asked, "What for Father?" Avidan looked at him directly, "Being reckless." The guard then nodded and they both left him.

Avidan caught up to the girl again and followed her little escort all the way to the infirmary. The girl then brought him to the room where Dalious was in and excused herself. He went inside, with every intent on ending this embarrassment but hesitated when he found Dalious to be not alone after all. The Earthica girl from the tournament, head bandaged lay in a bed. Standing next to her was another woman wearing a dress, a noble of some sort? Then he saw an Exodus woman sleeping in a chair.

As it was, Dalious was lucky for the moment, and would not be suffocated as Avidan had planned. He walked over to the bed Dalious was in and spoke aloud for the room to hear, "A pity."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by essends


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aamaya said nothing more to her cousin as the healer tended to the injured female warrior, the two would leave the spa, one of her guards assisting Thyrri in carrying the wounded Levonian. The Princess stood alone in the spa for a moment, staring blankly at the walls speckled with precipitation, a dejected exhale breaking the rooms stillness. Aamaya would shift her feet, moving forward toward the rooms exit. She gestured for her guards to leave her be, trailing after the triage that had carried the wounded woman into the infirmary. By the time she had finally presented herself, Thyrri had fallen into a slumber, the warrior was bedded beside the Thanatos man that had been assaulted prior. Aamaya's richly hued eyes would observe the interaction before her, Princess Eve stood beside her Levonian friend, a solemn look upon her face. While Aamaya was required to get information from both wounded tournament participants, she felt as if she were interjecting. Without speaking a word, Aamaya would excuse herself from the room to find her guards who had drifted off elsewhere per her request. Just as she walked out of the room, the woman would nearly collide with a massive man, her gaze shifting upwards to see The Father's face. Aamaya, composed herself, swallowing roughly, a weak smile rendering after. It was clear the man brought the much smaller Princess discomfort, as she would soon find her way around him and continue down the corridor, glancing over her shoulder as if she were wary of her well-fare.

Aamaya was feeling a coalesce of emotions, all spiraling into one volatile emotion. She felt intense abhor in her direction, as if everyone saw her as this venomous demon out to cause mayhem. The girl stood still in the corridor a ways away from the infirmary, jaw clenching with her molars grit aggressively against one another in response to the thoughts running about within her head in a frenzy. Aamaya released a frustrated groan, raising a hand to strike the solid stone wall that stood beside her. The impact was astoundingly strong for such a lithe woman, her other hand grasping her now bloodied fist, winces of pain painting across her face. She had never felt such overwhelming feelings, being a Princess had always been difficult but feeling the opinions of other races and Kingdoms so openly, right in her face, was enough to drive her momentarily mad. Aamaya shook her wounded hand, grimacing at the sting that followed. Delicate beads of scarlet leaving their trace against the floor and wall as if each surface was a canvas, the blood paint. The mess would be disregarded and the girl would leave the hallway, stifling a mass of oncoming tears. Her face began to flush, the reaction a mix of despondency and vexation. Her direction was clouded, she had no set destination, eventually ending up in the dimly lit and now hushed garden. The music and lively chatter that had filled the area, now gone, shifted to the arena. Aamaya was thankful for the tranquility that now blanketed her favorite place in the Kingdom, it was breathtakingly colorful, different flowers radiating muted aromas. The verdure was lush, vibrant green tones that revealed the garden was cared for carefully. The Princess would find a seat among the greenery, sitting comfortably beneath the open-sided gazebo that sat tucked within the garden. The seats were made of stone, surrounding the interior of the gazebo as one slab, breaking only to allow an entrance and exit. Aamaya would begin in a sit, progressively positioning herself into a lay, back against cold that she welcomed, for it contrasted nicely with the warmer heat the Kingdom had. Aamaya watched the shadow belonging to a nearby lanterns flame, flicker against the ceiling of the gazebo. The light was a warm flaxen tone, lulling the woman into a meditative state. Her arm hung negligently off the side of the slab of stone she rested upon, the lacerations that riddled her fist secreting a final few drops of blood onto the stone flooring of the gazebo, the dry blood from prior halting the ability for more to escape her body. It stung, but her mind was elsewhere, thinking of other things that kept the pain at bay.

She wondered what it would be like being a simpler woman, of a lesser title, no presence within any Kingdom. It was a returning thought, something that very commonly found its way into her head. She would be permitted such freedom she would have no clue how to manage it, love whoever she pleased, express herself openly in a way her title forbade her from.

A curious raven haired vixen would excuse herself from the arena, having enjoyed the action thoroughly, but the warriors had all but thinned to a mere few people. She had seen enough, enough to know that it was likely a rigged event. Exodus would be weak if their warriors fought that recklessly, it was a smart tactic.. Knock the other Kingdom's down a bit, making them think Exodus was easily obtainable, but the place was huge, the warriors may not be the best but numbers would likely overwhelm an opponent. Zaya retired to wandering the Kingdom, slithering in and out of halls, her nose stuck in places it did not belong. The rest of the Kingdom was rather quit and barren, all the guests, servants, and guards mostly situated within the arena. This allowed Zaya some time to explore the place she once called home, memories of childhood running rampant through her mind. It was a bitter sweet remembrance, a place that hadn't treated her poorly, rather a family who just had no time for a orphaned child. A mother murdered, father unreliable, a liar, a killer. She had an ever growing hate for Exodus, an even more intense distaste for Primfira due to her father.

Zaya peered through hallways inside the palace, making sure to keep as inaudible as she could. If caught, she would simply lie, her name was likely somewhere on the entertainment list, she could easily use that as some sort of ploy or reasoning for her presence within the palace. She knew how easily men would succumb to her lies, even noble men, guards, those who were supposed to be so strong, a scoff would follow the thought. Most men were easily played, as if women possessed the power to enchant and bewitch them. Dark eyes would invade private spaces, searching for items to snatch. The woman would find herself in a room likely assigned to a female, the luggage containing mostly dresses and other lady-like apparel. But those were of no interest to Zaya, the pouch and jewelry rested on the boudoir however, intrigued her greatly. She would dig through the pouch, finding a few coins, the small pouch being briskly concealed within a strap beneath her dress, wrapped around her thigh similar to the one that holstered her dagger. Greedy fingers would toy with the jewelry, a ring or two finding their home snug about her fingers.

‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Krusader
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Member Seen 2 days ago


The exodus soldiers were closing in on Ultfic and he knew if he didnt think of something fast he would get knocked out like many other fighters. The four that had encircled him had chosen, unlike him, to wear a helmet, but he could still see there eyes focused on him with a kind of hatred he was somewhat surprised by. Smiling a bit he dropped his stance and stood up seemingly putting down his defence “Well i'm still waiting.” looking closely he saw one of the Exodus cowards turn to look at one of the others for a split second. The poor boy didn't even know what hit him as he was instantly forced to his back with a loud thud. Not a second later a thounders crack sounded as Ultfic slammed his sword into the chest plate leaving quit a large dent in it. Pressing his advantage Ultfic ran at his next target who was still stunned by the display of both power and speed that Ultfic had just shown. To his dismay by the time he regained his senses Ultfic had already planted his shield under the man's own and was lifting him over his own back. With a loud crack the man was hurled over Ultfics head before seeing his shield slammed into his chest signifying his elimination. Looking up Ultfic saw the other two rushing him. Sliding out of the way Ultfic narrowly missed a spear being thrusted at his head. Spinning around he tried to bring his shield down onto one of his assilents back but was surprised to see it was blocked by another shield. Jumping back Ultfic began analyzing how they were fighting they really were used to fighting with one another. “You got lucky your friend was there to save your arse.” he yelled with a smile somewhat enjoying the battle. As soon as he was done the two rushed him yelling as they got closer. Smirking Ultfic kicked up a spear that was on the ground and chucking it at the one that was just behind his friend forcing him to bring his shield up to defend. The small time frame in which he had to raise his shield and stop allowed Ultfic to strike at the fronter most assailant. Bringing down his sword in a downward slash the he forced the poor mans hand as he instantly went to block to save his life leaving his midsection open for what would be an uppercut had he not had a shield that would strike first attached to his arm. Having the wind knocked out of him the man doubled over in pain before being thrown by Ultfic into his own partner causing them both to fall to the ground. The last man quickly got to his feet his feet not wanting to be left defenseless but it was to late as he felt a pain in his shoulder as a sword was forced into the shoulder pad.

Feeling quite proud of himself Ultfic took a moment to catch his breath “That's what you get for relying on numbers.” he jabbed towards the two as they left for the exit. Looking across the arena he noticed that the herd had been thinned greatly meaning the end was coming quick. On closer inspection he noticed that there were fighter who were going through the same problem he had just got out of as they were being surrounded by a swarm of exodus spears. Moving towards were one such fight had just finished he made quick work of what was left of the exodus fighters disarming themselves of their spears before denting their armor.

Just as he had finished with the last Exodus soldier in that small area he heard a whistling sound. Raising his shield just in time he felt and heard three small thuds as throwing knives had been hurled at him. Looking up he saw a very pale man with hair as white as snow. “Ah you're one of those Primfira people arent you. The cockroach of the 4 kingdoms am a right how am i not surprised one of you made it to the end?” The mans smugg looked turned to one of anger at being compared to such a horrible insect. Pulling out he ran towards Ultfic hoping to use his speed to outflank Ultfic. The two dance around each other as they exchanged striked that narrowly missed one another. To most it was very elegant which was in stark contrast to the rest of the tournament which for the most part had been very brutal mimicking a real battle for life and death. The turning point came when the assassin from Primeira jumped back from one of Ultrics slash's allowing Ultfic the opening he had been waiting for. Doing a 360 in quick fashion Ultfic released his shield causing it to head straight at the man. Slamming into the mid section of the Assian just as his feet hit the ground he had nowhere to go but down as ultfic jumped on top of him driving the girl of his blade into the man's chest ending his time in the tournament.

Grabbing his shield once again Ultfic realized he appeared to be the last one standing. His joy was quickly cut short as he heard the sound of heavy feet behind him. Raising his shield just in time and moving to the side he managed to avoid a strike that very well could have ended his life. Unfortunately for him however the man had so much force that he managed to break the shield on impact sending splinters and other debris flying into Ultfics face. Giving Ultfic no time to move the man proceed with a massive up swing with his won the collided with the remaining portion of Ultfics shield. The force was enough to life Ultfic off the ground for several feet as he was hurled away from his attacker. Struggling to get to his feet he saw the giant of a man standing before him. Giant was quite an understatement even for someone who grew up in Earthica. Looking at the man's weapon he saw a massive mace which would ,in the best case senior, break a few bones if it hit him. Giveing a few heavy breaths Ultfic could feel the toll the battle was having on his body. Even a seasoned fighter like him could only fighter for so long in a battle like this especially when he was constantly fighting more than one opponent at a time. HE could also feel the blood beginning to flow down his head from his shield shrapnel and his impact with the ground. "I feel like I was just hit by a bull." he though to himself as he looked at the man with anger Looking he notice the man had turned his back to Ultfic which did more to piss him off than anything. Taking the small bit of wood that was left from his shield Ultfic threw it at the back of the man's head yelling so even the people in the stands could hear “A you ugly. Am not out so why don't you quit celebrating an fight me now that I can see you.” The man clearly took offence to his verbal jabs and rushed straight at Ultfic. Well kind of brought that on my self he said to himself as dodged attack after attack only ever able to give the giant small cuts here and there as he knew standing in one place for to long would leave him open. “Funny isn't it? You’re the literal definition of the Lurans stereotype. Big and stupid.” dodging yet another strike from the mace Ultfic this time was able to put a strike into the man's arm. It wasn't much as Ultfic was trying his best to adhere to the rules of the fight. Seeing the man seething with anger he could tell he just needed one more little push. “Im sorry big fella. I forgot to mention ugly as well. I mean it looks like you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down before falling face first into the mud at the bottom.” he said in between the man's strikes. He could the tell the man had heard everything he had been saying but the viewers could hardly hear over their loud cheering for who they believed would win. The man had clearly heard enough as he lashed out with even less control than he had originally. Throwing wideal blow Ultfic was able to dodge even easier now that the strike had no real aim to them. Finally as he lifted up the mace Ultfic jumped forwards knocking the man off his center of gravity making him fall back towards the mace which just helped in pulling him down. Stuned the man had little time to realize his mistake as Ultfic was already there planting the dulled blade into the man's chest piece finishing his last opponent in the tournament.

Stumbling backwards slightly Ultfic raised his arms in triumph giving out a triumphant roar to to many spectator as he had proven to all the Kingdoms the might of the warriors of Earthica and of himself. Feeling a little light headed from over exertion and blood loss he nonetheless waited for the royals of Exodus to conclude the tournament before he left hoping he had impressed the people watching.

(end of tournament after his shield broke).

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

With fuddled memories, Laurel slowly came to. She was not sure whether she had truly passed out or merely become so concussed by her injury, and the ensuing blood loss, that her mind had fallen into a temporary state of inattentiveness. Either way, it was dangerous and a foolish error on her part, being surrounded by potential enemies in a foreign kingdom when she was supposed to be responsible for a high ranking official’s safety.

On instinct she attempted to sit but firm hands pushed her back to the bed. Her mind cleared and she recognised the face of the Freyjan Princess, Thyrri, the one whom Eve seemed to have brefriended.

“I am sorry, but you really need to stay in bed for at least a few hours. If you get up, you might faint again and injure yourself even harder. I will let princess Evangeline know where you are.”

With reluctance she yielded to the healer’s instructions and did not attempt to rise again, instead mumbling a thank you although it came out so quietly and hoarsely she could not be sure Thyrri heard, especially as the woman seemed exhausted and soon fell asleep in a chair set against the wall. Before she did, she checked on the other patient in the room whom Laurel had not noticed in her dim-witted state. With surprise she recognised the face, and clothing, of the Lutheran warrior who had struck down his comrades while protecting her. His face was abnormally pale and she could hear how faint his breaths were, indicating he was severely injured. She wondered who had inflicted such harm on the talented warrior but her thoughts were interrupted by Eve who had swept into the room, now wearing the dress she had spurned earlier.

If she were more alert, Laurel might have been more surprised by the Princess’s sudden change in heart with regards the vestment but she had grown accustomed to Eve’s rapid changes of heart over the years. She was not so inconsiderate to be called whimsical but she often acted before thinking and often found herself regretting her words or actions, working backward to correct her mistakes after the fact. It was a sometimes frustrating trait her friend possessed but it made her all the more interesting and attractive, at least in Laurel’s eyes.

"Hey...", the princess whispered, fingers caressing the back of Laurel’s hand, "are you okay?" There was guilt that did not belong in Eve’s eyes, roaming over Laurel’s face and darting to the stitched wound on her head. "I did not want this to happen... I should have said something, done something, stopped you -" Laurel shook her head but her mind was still foggy and the words she wanted to say formulated slowly in her head. "I am sorry."

With an effort she clasped Eve’s hand, the gentle touch igniting emotions she was in no fit state to examine and understand and, at times, made her feel uncomfortable. Focusing as much as she could she stared into Eve’s eyes.

“You’re not to blame at all, Eve.” The words, though simple, felt heavy in her mouth but with every effort she felt some small sense of normality returning to her body; she had always found that ‘resting’ made her feel sluggish. Movement was her natural state of being. “I gave my name out without thinking and this is the consequence of that. At least I can still carry out my duties. None of this is your fault, we both have things expected of us here.”

She stopped as a huge, mountainous man entered the room. Levonian people were not small but this man made Laurel feel so, his size and presence a weight on her body with every instinct she had screaming that this man was dangerous. His eyes had a threatening stare to them and she could almost smell the bloodlust and rage rolling off of him as he saw the wounded Thanatos warrior laying in the room. Disappointment was reflected in his posture when he noticed them, the man becoming more guarded as he approached the resting man of his kingdom.

"A pity."

Laurel forced herself up despite the banging raging inside her head and the shocks of pain the movement sent shooting through her body. Hiding it as best she could, she looked to Eve. Her protective nature wanted to send her away, knowing that this man was here with murder in his mind but the part of her that was slowly coming to, the quick-witted young woman who had become used to politics despite her distaste for them through her friendship with the princess, told her that having two princesses in the room would be enough to thwart this man’s intentions.

Although her memory was dim she had finally identified him by reputation as the Father and pieces of the puzzle began to fall in place. The potentially fatal wound that had been inflicted on the Thanatos warrior, his actions on the battlefield, Luthra’s reputation as an unforgiving people and the Father’s presence all drew her to a conclusion that, by protecting her, the warrior had condemned himself to a quiet and discrete murder by his own people.

“You should be grateful to him, you know.” Lacking the energy, she found herself forgetting the deference which she should be showing toward the Father but he was not truly royalty so it was not a proper grievance or lapse. Her mind was too preoccupied, racing to keep ahead of her mouth as a desperate, and pathetic sounding, solution crystallised in her thoughts. ”Your other warriors apparently forgot the rule about not aiming for the head. Luckily he stopped them before they could break the rules and cause an incident.” She pointed to her own head wound. “Now it’s just the Exodus lot who’ve broken their own rules and you’re in the clear. To me it looks like judgement has already been rendered but not enough to demand uncomfortable questions.” Laurel looked pointedly at the almost still figure of the Thanatos warrior, totally in the Father’s shadow.

”I’d like to thank him, once he wakes up, even if his attention was misguided.”

Her mind strayed a little, vague memories of her short loss of control returning and seeing the shocked face of the man, a boy really, who had inflicted the injury which weakened her so upon her. She doubted that he had meant to do so, probably lacking in experience and forgetting what little training he had in the heat of the contest. Later she would need to find him and make sure he was not executed for his mistake but for now she forced herself back to the present.

“Princess,” she spoke to Eve, using her friend’s title now that they were in the presence of strangers, “could you send someone to find the warrior who hit me? I want to speak with him, before he is punished. This was only meant to be a friendly contest, after all.”

She felt exhausted, knowing that she had overstepped her bounds as a mere bodyguard and warrior but she would regret feeling that she had done nothing to protect others in front of her. Perhaps she had the wrong sense of affairs but she thought that this entire festival was meant to bring peace and build alliances and, although it was above her station to think she could impact anything, she wanted to at least make sure she did not cause that well meaning intention to be turned on its head and start unnecessary bloodletting.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

Member Seen 28 days ago


"Need another shot!!" he shouted as he sprang awake, instantly regretting it from the pain he felt. Glancing over to one side he saw that he was not alone. Cursing himself for forgetting to tell the servant to be discrete, his vision soon came into focus of the earthican woman from the arena. She appeared to be wounded from the fight as well, her princess and one other near to her. "You just had to see me again..." he spoke toward Laurel.

Looking down at his bandaged wound, he felt it around a bit to see that it was well taken care of. He then nodded over to the princess of Earthica, feeling far underprepared to speak with royalty. "My lady, you should be proud of your fighters. I feel sorry for whomever stands across the battlefield from them. Who won, by the way? Eh, doesn't much matter, what's say the lot of us head back over to that fancy garden bar, eh? We could..." Dalious just then glanced to his other side, seeing the Father looming there silently. His cold expression read a thousand words, stopping Dalious from speaking further. His mood and tone shifted, as he found himself getting out of the bed.

"If you could send my best to the healer of my wounds, my lady," Dalious said as he exited the room. "This wound was not caused from the tournament, but happened prior in a bar brawl at the Frozen Candle. A mere scratch, reopened." With that he left and walked a few paces past the Father to speak with him privately.

"I was just having a bit of fun, those fighters chosen to represent us were garbage. If I only had your son, it would have turned out differently," he told him. "Means nothing, I'll make it up to you. What would you have me do?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The Father

“You should be grateful to him, you know.”

That voice brought the Father's attention to Laurel, who now sat up and addressed him in a candid manner. He liked that, could even respect it, though she sounded pathetic. He looked into her eyes, and he saw fire. A knowing wisdom, a clever fox, such was the ways of the forest people. She knew why he had come to that chamber, and for one brief moment, the Father gave her a smile. A devilish thing while he listened to her speak. Avidan didn't care much for what she had to say, but he listened regardless, there was always more to the story then at a first glance. When she finished, he looked down to Dalious for a long moment.

So, the pirate protected her from foul play. Misguided as it was, it held a semblance of honor, something he thought not possible from a man such as he. Though he felt Dalious deserved a more severe punishment, his stabbing was more then sufficient after what Laurel had told him. That would be his punishment for this transgression against Luthra, however, there were others who's punishment would be far more severe, as his thoughts turned to the one who stabbed Dalious and that one who would have hit Laurel- a blow that would have been far more severe. He thought upon this for a moment, then turned to Laurel and spoke, "No, it is he who should be grateful." he then turned to Dalious, watching the man awake. His message to Laurel was one laced with bluntness, one that she would understand, for she had just saved this man's life.

When Dalious finally turned to him, Avidan watched his expression change from his usual self to that of a scared dog. This amused the Father and he listened to Dalious speak with a passive expression. He looked at the figure in front of him, and spoke at last, "A bad excuse boy. No scratch would open with so much blood...they know." The large man whispered, "What happened, happened boy. Your punishment is that." He pointed to the bandaged wound, but Avidan's face grew fierce as he spoke again, "Don't thank me, boy. Would have killed you if not for that Earthica girl, not for the truth she told." With that said, his tone shifted again to his more normal one, "Now, I'd have you go lay back down, out of sight. This is no place for you. Besides, that girl wishes to thank you, maybe you learn a thing or two about integrity...Instead of slinking off to drown yourself in drink."

With that said, the Father put a large hand on Dalious' right shoulder and guided him back to the bed. He then turned to Eve, stating, "Princess." Then to looked to Laurel for a brief second, before leaving the room entirely.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thyrri was sleeping, her head full of swirling and confusing images. Did she hear Eve somewhere close, quietly saying some kind words? That was possible. Did she walk around a pool of blood, full of pale white corpses, trying to drag her inside and drown her in the crimson liquid? That was… also possible, but unlikely. Did she catch a glimpse of a giant in the room, scary with murder in his eyes? That was a subject to consideration. Did she really see a calm forest, a quiet and peaceful place with a cozy cabin build by her… husband? And their children running around? Now that was a dream. Wasn’t it? A faint smile appeared on her lips, she wished to stay in this happy moment forever. But the dream already changed, sweet sound of birds chirping replaced by dozens of boots marching. The faces of the warriors were hidden behind metallic masks, their robes colored in bright red. She stood there motionless, as they approached a crib, pulled a newborn baby out and then watched silently as streams of blood poured from its slit throat. Thyrri screamed and jumped to her feet, her hands extended, trying to reach her child. Panting heavily, she frantically looked around, attempting to distinguish what was a dream and what is real.

The realization came to her slowly, the pain of loss still crippling her mind. ‘All right calm down. There is no child. No husband. No cabin in the woods.’ She noticed Eve sitting by Laurel’s bed, both women now looking at her, and started feeling a bit silly. ‘Scared by a bad dream like a little girl,’ her inner voice commented. Her fists clenched, trying to stop her hands from shaking.

“I’m sorry I disturbed you. Just had a bad dream,” she said in Eve’s direction, her voice trembling. Then she noticed her other patient standing beside his bed and her healer instincts took over. “What are you doing standing up? Do you really want to die so much? You nearly bled out a couple of hours ago, you need to rest.” She stopped to think. Yes, he needed to rest, but perhaps this place wasn’t the best for it, given the number of ‘accidents’ that could occur here. “I’m sure your delegation has rooms assigned in the palace, but if you would prefer something less… formal, I have a perfect spot for you to stay at for couple of hours,” she grinned, imagining how happy her friend Mahita would be to actually have one the of famous Luthran warriors in her boudoir for the night. The thought helped her shake of last specks of fear and sadness from her nightmare.
“And you,” she turned to Laurel, “I suppose you will want to stay near the princess? You should be fine provided you rest a lot and make no sudden movements, not even talking about running or jumping or similar endeavors. And of course, no alcohol,” she smiled, knowing the last remark probably wasn’t necessary, as Laurel seemed responsible enough not to drink when on duty.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Interactions: @Jinxer@Sol Grim@Lord Zee@Raylah

It felt so good to be near her again. Her heart was slowly picking up the pace. The beautiful fiery red hair - oh how she adored it! And that pale skin that was so familiar to her - now looking even paler, concerning her - looked so inviting, she desired to let her fingertips move over the soft skin on her cheeks tenderly.

The hand beneath hers moved and with a grip stopped the motions of Eve's fingers. Her heart jumped and then relaxed. She softly squeezed her friend's hand. How glad she was that the woman was awake and seeming to do alright.

“You’re not to blame at all, Eve”, the Levonian warrior spoke. Her words hit Evangeline harder than she would admit. Her heart sunk a little as guilt poured over her once more, the heavy crown of responsibility invisibly resting on her head, reminder of just how much she was to blame. From a friendship point of view Laurel was right, she was not to blame. From a royalty point of view on the other hand she would have had to forbid Laurel from leaving her side during the festival. If she had just insisted on her personal guard, Laurel would have never gotten injured from such unnecessary cruelty. She felt responsible for her. Overwhelmed by those thoughts she couldn't bring herself to more than a shake of head.

“I gave my name out without thinking and this is the consequence of that. At least I can still carry out my duties. None of this is your fault, we both have things expected of us here”, she continued. Evangeline knew Laurel was trying to make her feel better, but she found it hard to accept that she had nothing to do with her friend's decision. Not only had she been irresponsible and naive enough to let her personal guard leave her side for such a long time, but the tournament had been rigged from the very beginning. The need to inform her friend about her discovery arose, but she had to postpone that to a time of day when they would have more privacy. Who was to say that Luthra warrior wouldn't wake up and eavesdrop on them?

Just as she had these thoughts another man entered through the door, interrupting their conversation. Tall and with an authority that filled the whole room. Undoubtedly the Father of Luthra, Evangeline recognized. She adjusted her posture to a more royal one, straight back, chin held high slightly. She did not want him to suspect anything other than a princess checking on her wounded guard, feeling that she had to protect Laurel from him, she moved away from her friend a few inches, turning her body towards him and pretending to be interested in his sudden appearance.

Evangeline spotted a hesitation in his movements, it was not more than a split second, but her gaze caught it and she made a note of it. He had not expected company. Something about his presence made Eve feel unsettled. While she did not let it show, she was alarmed and ready to pull out her throwing knives from under her gown should she have to. Her mind had already calculated all the ways in which she could use her environment to her advantage. Parcours was one of her strengths and so was using her environment in a sudden fight.

She kept her eyes on him as he hovered over his warrior. There was no worry in his eyes and surely no pride. If anything, it was cold despise. Without a doubt he had come to punish the warrior for his behavior in the tournament, for going against his own men, for saving the Earthica woman on the battlefield. Strangely enough Evangeline didn't care. And frankly she had expected him to show some faked respect towards her and greet her with a swift few words, but he had simply ignored each one's presence in the room, the first words coming from his mouth being meant for the injured man beneath his gaze. "What a pity."

To Evangeline's shock Laurel turned out to be the one to intend conversation. She sat up, causing Eve to instinctively reach her hand to her back in support - and quickly withdrawing it as she realized what she was doing. Evangeline's eyes wandered over her friend's face for a short second and she saw the need in her expression to fulfill her duty, to protect her princess. So Eve was glad when she did not jump up on her feet, ready to throw herself in front of her, but she chose words instead.

To say the least, she was very surprised - and even more so alarmed! - by the intention of those words. Her conclusion seemed to be of similar nature as Evangeline's, but other than Evangeline Laurel did seem to care. “You should be grateful to him, you know.” She was obviously at a loss of energy, still unable to sound as fierce and demanding as she was usually able to, still looking so unhealthily pale. ”Your other warriors apparently forgot the rule about not aiming for the head. Luckily he stopped them before they could break the rules and cause an incident.” She pointed to her own head wound. “Now it’s just the Exodus lot who’ve broken their own rules and you’re in the clear. To me it looks like judgement has already been rendered but not enough to demand uncomfortable questions.” Her great and rather foolish attempt to talk some sense into the Father alarmed Evangeline. Did she not know how dangerous her words could be? Did she not know that she could possibly do more harm than good? And why even did she feel the need to defend the man? Did she feel like she was in his debt? Did she think she owed him something? ”I’d like to thank him, once he wakes up, even if his attention was misguided.”

To her surprise Laurel then dared to ask her to fetch a servant for her. It was innocent and it was not a big deal between them, but it was something much else in front of a stranger, a politically strong enemy. Her father would have had her whipped for treating Evangeline like that. Of course not because he cared for his daughter's image, but because he cared for the image of the kingdom in general. And a personal guard speaking to her princess like that was not accaptable in front of Luthra's biggest scum, the Father. 'Or would you not, father? I hardly ever know your intentions, you so rarely speak to me.' Eve gave her friend a soft, but distant smile. "In a moment", she whispered.

Just then a scream came from the sleeping Thanatos man as he shot up to a sitting position in his bed. He took a second to notice Eve and Laurel at the bed beside him, but he quickly caught himself. His first words, beside his awakening scream, going directly to Laurel, no greeting to the princess. "You just had to see me again..." Disgust formed in Evangeline's stomach. 'Men are real scum', she thought to herself. A little fire began to dance in the pit of her stomach and not the good kind. She felt anger, yes possibly even hatred towards the man. Those seven words had ensured him of the princess' disliking of him, to say it kindly. Eve suppressed the need to grit her teeth as her jealousy rose together with the fire in her stomach.

He then attempted to approach the princess. But Evangeline had had enough of him already. "My lady, you should be proud of your fighters. I feel sorry for whomever stands across the battlefield from them. Who won, by the way? Eh, doesn't much matter, what's say the lot of us head back over to that fancy garden bar, eh? We could..." He stopped as his eyes met with the tall figure of the Father standing on the other side.

Eve's chin tilted upwards a tad bit more, as she looked at him sternly. She would not leave his comment go by unanswered. "I am not your lady. The proper approach is Princess Evangeline of Earthica. As for my warrior, she is the best and I never had a doubt in her. Your men fight unfairly, but I do not put any blame on them. You need to heavily outnumber a so much stronger opponent in a battle, I am aware." She did not mention them striking at her head, breaking a core rule of the tournament.

Eve could not be sure if he had heard her after spotting his leader in the room or if he was just choosing to be disrespectful, but the man would ask of her to thank the healer for him, calling her my lady once more. She shortly considered if he had been talking to Laurel instead of her, but that only made her anger worse. She would rather him being disrespectful to her than calling Laurel his lady.

The Father and the Luthra warrior then took some privacy to talk. Eve did not let it show on her face, but she hated these Luthra people. They did not seem to have any manners. 'And that coming from me means something.'

With no chance or even interest of overhearing their conversation, Eve used the chance to turn back to Laurel. "That was reckless of you", she scolded her, meaning her attempt to change the heart of the Father in order to save the Luthra warrior. "You have no reason to -"

But before she could say any more, the two men had finished their private conversation. Evangeline wished for nothing more than for both of them to disappear. She would insist on Laurel getting a private room, she should not be sharing it with anyone, let alone a Luthra attempting to be a womanizer. And the thought of the Father possibly returning to the room without Eve present unsettled her massively.

The Father shot a look towards Evangeline and said his first words directly towards her - "Princess." - and she responded just as cold and uninterested, "Father." He left. One down, one more to go until she could speak freely with Laurel and not as her princess.

Yet another scream pierced through the room and Evangeline shot around. The previously sleeping Thyrri had awaken in a state of fear, her mind clearly trying to grasp reality and let go of the nightmare she must have had. Her expression spoke of horror before she captured herself.

The Exodus healer confirmed Eve's thoughts lead by an apology, her voice trembling as she looked at Eve. “I’m sorry I disturbed you. Just had a bad dream.” If they had been alone Evangeline would have went over to comfort her. She wanted to let her know it was alright, tell her she'd be safe now. But she could not dare such a move with others present. 'But there we have the difference between men and women', she thought. 'Addressing the highest ranked person in the room first, even apologizing to me without having to. Very much unlike the men, who had all not seen me as worthy enough of their respect.'

Her mind traveled back to their first meeting, how quickly it had gotten intimate with the kind healer helping her into this terribly uncomfortable dress and even lending her the shoes she was wearing right now. 'Women are so much purer.'

Thyrri snapped out of her shaky state quickly, tending to the injured man and scolding him for getting out of bed. Evangeline didn't think he was worthy of her attention or skills. Her sudden mention of him moving to a new room made Evangeline appreciate her even more.

“And you,” she turned to Laurel, “I suppose you will want to stay near the princess? You should be fine provided you rest a lot and make no sudden movements, not even talking about running or jumping or similar endeavors. And of course, no alcohol.” The smile that formed on her lips enlightened Eve's heart and she had to smile as well. The princess lowered her gaze for a moment, fearing she would only blush if she looked at that smile of Thyrri for longer, the crazy situation they had shared replaying in her mind over and over again.

"Thank you", she finally spoke. "For taking such good care of my warrior. I would have not put her wellbeing into any other healer's hand." Eve turned to Laurel, her hand swiftly moving a red strand of hair out of her own face before looking at the other woman seriously. "And you", her voice was harsh, yet caring. "Don't you even think of going against the healer's words. That is an official order. Do you understand me?"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
Avatar of Jinxer

Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

She breathed out heavily as the Father left, his gaze lingering briefly on her before he left. Tension, pent up in her body, faded and left her feeling exhausted with a fresh headache pounding its way from side to side inside her skull. At a moment's notice she would have been ready to leap up and push Eve out of the door, had the Father proved violent, but the man was in much more control of himself than the murderous air he had been generating had suggested. Perhaps it was because she saw him through the lens of, oft exaggerated, tales about the Luthrans and their cut-throat nature, coupled with her current sense of weakness, but she had felt sure that at least one person in the room would not be leaving alive.

Her gaze drifted back to Dalious, pushed back to the bed bodily by his leader, and eyed the wound at his side. Now that she could see the dressings, she saw that her suspicion had been correct and that, although the Father had not lived up to the Luthran reputation, some Dalious' fellows had not taken his intervention lightly.

"If I owed you anything before, we're now even." She grunted, nausea rocking through her but she ignored it and turned to Eve. She could see the concern in her friend's face but she could see the disapproval there also, her risky actions in saving the pirate not winning any admiration from the Princess. Now, however, was not the time to try and explain the responsibility she had felt although it was certainly the time for an apology. "I'm sorry, Princess. I did not mean to make an inappropriate request of you but I was worried for your safety..." She trailed off, knowing that the direction she was taking would hardly fend off Eve's temper at all. How hard it was to carry out one's duties properly while still being a friend! On the surface the task seemed one and the same and indeed, in many ways, it was but the method was so different that it frustrated her efforts and everything felt awkward and buried under formality between them.

The matter with Eve was something that she would resolve later, when they had a private moment. It would, perhaps, be an idea to plan how they acted around one another with so many unfamiliar ears surrounding them. Coming here to Exodus without any agreement in place was fraying her nerves and, she sensed, getting in the way of their friendship as were all of the new, foreign experiences forming around them. Suddenly, Laurel felt a burning moment of jealousy as the healer, having woken up in shock, gave out her orders to the two wounded and then smiled at her. She was grateful to the woman who had gone some way to allaying her concerns about the Freyjan people but the way Eve responded to her made her feel uncomfortable, like she herself had suddenly fallen into shade and had been forgotten. She was a guard here, though, and nothing more so surely it was only reasonable for that to happen? The feelings, along with the pounding of her head and the accompanying weakness it inflicted on the rest of her body, were competing too much for her attention and she had to fight to think properly.

"Thank you, for your ministrations." Laurel gingerly felt the stitches, wincing at the touch but she had to acknowledge that the Freyjan had done a good job, better than she could have done herself. With an effort she lifted herself slowly off the bed to stand, shooting a look at Eve as the Princess instinctively moved to help her; they both knew that it was not normal for a royal to assist their guard so much. "I will be most careful, Princess. I feel strong enough to depart, I do not want to keep you or the Princess from the festival any longer." She bowed to Thyrri stiffly, her wound shouting in anger at the movement, before walking from the room as confidently as she dared.

It was only outside of the room that she realised she was still lacking her proper attire, the bow delivered back to Eve's quarters and her leathers left outside the spa and presumably sent the same way. The robe she was currently wrapped in was certainly not appropriate for rejoining the festival but she also did not want to leave Eve alone, even if she herself was no longer in any real position to protect her.

"I might need to change, before we go." She said to Eve in a low voice, once they were out of earshot of the others, gesturing at her clothes. "Your father won't be pleased I was injured, I can't be bringing any more shame on Earthica or else he'll have my head.

Erasmi Andora


The battle down in the arena drew to a close with a final, titanic clash before the Earthican warrior was crowned the champion. From the corner of his eye Erasmi could see the pleasure on the face of the man's king and allowed himself a small, satisfied smile. He respect their strength as warriors, it was not something that could be denied after all, and he respected the ruthlessness of the Luthran people which carried them through to that grand finale but they were all fools, unused to the machinations of a proper kingdom like Exodus or Primfia. Too few in number to understand politics and schemes, they had seen the tournament merely as what it was presented as and thrown their all into it.

Still, it had surprise Erasmi that so many Exodus warriors had taken part, even if there was barely a veteran to be seen on the field. He wondered whether he should have thrown some more of his men into the ring but chastised himself as soon as the thought began to take hold; second-guessing past actions was a fruitless and wasteful activity. For now, he would ignore the 'shame' his kingdom's loss in the tournament would bring and move forwards. He had never expected anything more, having only committed some of the green-behind-the-ears warriors onto the field to gain some experience; his real warriors had watched from amongst the crowd, learning and eyeing up potential threats as he had ordered them to. Information was power, after all.

He rose, bowing farewell to the Exodus monarchs and then gazed across the crowd. She would be hear, somewhere, he knew, but he would never see her. That was why she was so good at what she did and now he had a task for her, something she might actually enjoy after the miserably boring job of infiltrating the royal household. With that useful groundwork laid he had so many options available to him and plans and schemes layered in his mind, one atop another before the more fanciful being dismissed.

His signal given, Erasmi left the royal box and headed back to the carriages, some of his guard falling into line protectively around him but he left them at the entrance to the stables and walked inside. There was silence except for the sounds of resting horses but he knew as he headed to his carriage that he was not alone.

"Aziza." He called, confident that she would be nearby.

It was time to end her boredom, time to set things moving.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
Avatar of Lord Zee

Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Valeri Andora

Interacting with: @Aamaya

"I have heard many things about you."

"All good things I hope." Valeri giggled in her rich voice, trying to contain a smile but failing. But as the topic of blood made headway into their conversation, Valeri would settle down and grin slightly as the princess spoke. The game had begun so soon, as to be expected with one such as her. She watched with eyes full of curiosity as Amaya twirled her blooded drink and take a sip of the crimson liquid. The pale girl watched her lips for a moment, before returning her gaze with soft eyes. The rumors of the broken iris were true it seemed.

Valeri listened to Amaya speak again of blood, while biting her lips occasionally. Her eyes becoming very inviting. Though the talk of blood was unsettling to her, it was a topic she could stomach. Indeed, she had to give Amaya due respect for attacking the supposed weakness in which she had given her, but Valeri, well...She knew how to play the game likewise. Amaya was attempting to make her uncomfortable, but Valeri would look anything but that. Instead she chose to play the part of the girl engrossing herself with how the Princess looked, how she spoke- Valeri wanted to be seduced by her or seduce her, it didn't really matter. Amaya's smile, though slightly exaggerated, made Valeri smile ear to ear.

Valeri would then speak to her in a very soft voice, "I like beautiful things too.." But a sudden commotion in the arena broke both their attention away from one another. Valeri spotted the Luthra man, bloodied, and she thought that it was quite fitting in that moment of time. To her great disappointment however, she realized Amaya was leaving her, but before the Princess of Exodus had left her seat, Valeri would speak to her once again, now slightly pouting, "Oh my, how unfortunate. Farewell then, Princess Amaya. I do hope we can... continue this chat of ours." And Valeri watched Amaya go, very satisfied with what she saw, before turning her gaze away.

As events unfolded away within and out of the arena, Valeri had stayed seated, in thought of what had just transpired between the two Princesses. Amaya hadn't really surprised her, but she would be a challenge indeed. The girl was good, she had to admit that, but Amaya had gone for the obvious and she could deal with that. Valeri fidgeted in her seat, hoping that her display hadn't been too unnerving for the young princess, or too straight forward. Valeri was at a slight disadvantage, she didn't actually know if Amaya liked women, but she was determined to find out. She had gazed into Amaya's eyes, had seen the strange beauty of the broken iris and knew that the Princess hid secrets, just as Valeri did.

After awhile of brooding, Valeri perked up to look around the room. She noticed her father, which wasn't at all very hard to see, the King of Primfira was a giant after all. All the other royals were there, besides the Father who she saw was absent, perhaps it had something to do with the bloodshed from earlier? She also failed to see the Princess of Earthica, which was another unfortunate circumstance, she would have liked to talk with her too. Her sources on the way Princess Evangeline swung were more resourceful, but Valeri wouldn't know for sure until they talked. But she knew also knew that would have it's own set of challenges.

Valeri, so caught up with those around her, was slightly startled when she heard a man roar, then the arena burst into applause and cheering, especially from the Earthica people. She spotted the lone man down on the sand, a proud warrior no doubt, raising his weapon at the royal box. She supposed he would handsome, if not for all the sweat, blood and grime. Well, with the tournament over, she felt no need to stick around and so left, following her Father for a ways, before she split off from him. She couldn't imagine what her King was up too, but she knew it wasn't anything good. Like she, her father had a penchant for Exodus hate, she would have to talk to him alone to really know what was going on however.

For now Valeri walked the halls, wondering what next was in store.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
Avatar of Sol Grim

Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

Member Seen 28 days ago


"...Instead of slinking off to drown yourself in drink."

He was just thinking about that very thing as the Father had said it. Not wanting to cause any more upsets, he just nodded and went along with everything as told. Walking back to the bed he let out a huff, at least the Father didn't say anything about whether he could get revenge or not. "He's so caring that one..."

“What are you doing standing up? Do you really want to die so much? You nearly bled out a couple of hours ago, you need to rest.

Dalious stared at the healer woman with wide eyes for a moment, before complying by sliding back into bed. "Yes, madam,"

“I’m sure your delegation has rooms assigned in the palace, but if you would prefer something less… formal, I have a perfect spot for you to stay at for couple of hours,” she informed him while grinning. Dalious paused in response as he didn't know what 'delegation' meant, so he just stared at her with confused eyes.

"If I owed you anything before, we're now even." Laurel said to him.

Dalious just gave her a kind nod to say he agreed. The Earthican princess stopped him from speaking his mind further as he did not want to cause any more outbursts from her. He could tell she didn't like him, also noting the bond she shared for her warrior. Things were becoming clearer for him. He stayed silent as they conversed, until they all left the room leaving him alone with the healer.

"I'm actually feeling much better already," he told her with a grin, patting the clean bandages over his wound. "Perhaps I'll visit your 'perfect spot' another time, I've got a few things to do...revenge to obtain, you know, little things..." He lifted himself only to fall and slunk back down in the bed. The pain had sharpened, and his body felt weak and fragile. "Or, maybe I'll just stay here a bit longer..."

A moment later the losers from the arena battle had started to pour into the room from the halls. They were loud and obnoxious, their armor dented and their mouths filled with complaints of the arena winner, Ultfic. He was the captain of the kingsguard for Earthica, and the way they spoke of him made him sound like he was two stories tall and could breathe fire.

Dalious ultimately kept to himself, up until one of the wounded men howled over to the healer as if she were an animal. The rude man called her over, ordering her to help him next. Dalious forced himself out of bed this time, taking a second to collect himself before he walked over and kindly told the man, "Piss off, you wait your turn like everyone else."

There was an awkward pause, but the man oblidged with a shrug of a shoulder. He and a few of the other wounded all walked out, deciding it wasn't worth getting into another fight over. For the few wounded that remained, Dalious decided that he would help the healer in caring for them. Not because he cared, but if he was to stay here any longer, he'd need something to do. He didn't much like rest.

"Let me help you," he told her, and without waiting for a response he grabbed the first injured man he crossed and looked at his wounds. "The bloody hell, a mere scratch! Get out of here you big baby!"

The next one was a bit more serious, as the arena champion appeared to have knocked him a good one on his forearm. Dalious began cleaning it with a rag though his attention stayed on the healer. "What is your name, and why do your people have those dots on their foreheads?" he asked, while the man he was caring for let out a sigh from the discomfort he was feeling. Dalious pointed a scolding finger at the wounded man and told him, "Shut it!"

"...I am Captain Dalious Durendail," he continued to speak toward the healer, of which he didn't yet know was part of the royal family. "One of the most famous sea captain's of our era, as shitty an era as it may be." He bowed to her, then continued to wipe the blood from the man's wound. "I'm sure you've heard of me....how did you come to be a healer?" The wounded man grunted again as Dalious carelessly wiped his blood clean. "Or should I ask why?"

Finally a servant came by with a tray of drinks, Dalious flagged her down and grabbed two glasses of wine in each of his hands. "Well, I suppose that's as good as it gets, mate."

"...but you didn't do anything," the man said, attempting to grab one of his drinks but it was pulled away.

"I'll hear no lip from you, off you go!" he shooed him away and took his bed. After downing one glass, he moved on to the next as he would listen to anything the healer had to say.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aziza and Erasmi Andora

collaboration with @Jinxer

Aziza carefully balanced large tray in her hands, collecting more empty glasses and adding them to it. As the tournament continued, people ate and drank as if there would no tomorrow, picking the finest dishes and most expensive drinks they could get their hands on. It seemed to be in the human nature, to eat and drink much more than you would normally do, as long as there is someone else paying for it. Her hands were occupied, but her mind currently wasn’t presented with any challenge, so Aziza slipped off to her old games. They weren’t games really, more of an assassin’s way of preparing for every possible situation. But her teachers forced them on her ever since she was a child, and she quite enjoyed it, hence it would still be considered a game, even though it could be a matter of life and death moments later.

First, there were the exit points and routes. There were three corridors nearby, two wide ones for the audience to leave the arena, and a smaller one leading directly to the kitchen and background for servants. Aziza walked casually to the top lines of seats, checking the outer arena walls. The drop was long and walls steep, but there were small crevices and cracks between the stones and given enough time, she could climb it up or down without any problems. Of course, there was also an option of jumping into the arena itself and get lost in the hallways beyond one of the entrances, but that was hardly a stealthy way to leave the area.

The second part of the game usually started with some assignment. ‘You are supposed to kill that fat guy in the purple tunic. What do you do?’ Aziza thought about it for a second, handing the full tray of dirty dishes to a maid in the hallway and taking and empty one from a counter. When she returned to the arena, she took a closer look on the purple tunic man. He was a Freyja, probably some rich merchant, having a loud conversation with his friends, cheering when the Exodus warriors took someone down, cursing loudly when one of them was defeated and sent out. Given her current disguise, it wouldn’t be hard to get close to him, she had even seen him pulling one of the maids down to his lap, trying to kiss her before she managed to jump back up and run away. It was almost too easy. What remained was the actual method of the kill. It couldn’t be something obvious, so she would have enough time to get away without raising suspicion. She had three small blades hidden on different places under her dress, but none of them were poisoned, which would be ideal for this situation. A simple stab would have to do, probably to his back into a kidney.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud roar from the arena. Apparently one of the Earthican warriors was the last one standing, and he was now celebrating his victory. Aziza shook her head. Such stupidity. Only the dumbest people would show their skills off in front of the world like this. And for what?

The fat purple guy jumped up in anger, cursing and swearing, shouting something about a lost bet. The people in the arena applauded, the applause was loudest in the sections where redheaded Levonians were seated. Aziza glanced towards the royal box and saw her king stand up and then eyeing the crowds. He couldn’t see her, of course, not amongst all the people and dozens of other maids dressed just like her, but she knew he was looking for her. As she saw him leave, she quickly snuck into the service corridor and grabbed a pile of fresh linens and a basket of scented oils, just to appear busy.

King’s tall figure was hard to miss in the crowd and Aziza followed him to the backyard, her disguise making her invisible even to his own guards. Finally, he came to stop next to his carriage and called her name, her heart nearly stopping from all the excitement. ‘Finally!’ she thought and carefully checked the yard, making sure there are no curious ears or eyes nearby before walking to him.

“My king,” she said quietly, her head bowed down, her tone not showing any of the joy and excitement she felt.

Erasmi turned as she approached, unsurprised by her soundless entrance. Aziza was the best at what she did, raised into an unerring weapon for him to wield in the shadows and what an eager, willing blade she was! She hid it well but he had known her for all her years, the girl would be bored of her mundane assignment and eager for something more active. He was only too happy to please her in this, two present tasks requiring her attention.

“I assume that you have worked your way into the household staff by now? A dull task, to be sure, but it will pay its dividends later.” He paced to the carriage and leaned in through the door, retrieving a small package from a hidden compartment under the cushioned seat. “An easy job and then a challenge for you, my dear. First, find the Exodus boy who attacked that Earthican woman and kill him. Make it look like he was running and leave this with him.” He dropped a pouch of coins into her hand. There was no need to explain his plans to her, if she understood then all the better but a good blade did not need to know the meaning behind its purpose.

“Your second task should be a better use of your skills. Find a way to have the Earthican Princess, or her guard or even their champion, consume this; I'm sure you can work out what it is. It's important that you're not caught in either case, although I know you won't be.”

He handed her the second package. “It should not be fatal but it will achieve my aims. Do you have any questions?”

Aziza thought for a second, trying to remember exactly which one of the Exodus champions was it who struck the redheaded woman, as she hadn’t been paying full attention to the tournament. A mistake, surely, but one she could fix. Of course, she had to deal with the slight problem that these Freyjans looked all the same. Fortunately, she did notice something special about this man – a small decoration on his spear, a few ribbons tied under the hilt. The second part of her assignment seemed like much better challenge. “Which of the three targets has highest priority, my lord? The princess?” Evangeline would surely be the hardest one to get to, her bodyguard being an easier target, especially now that she was wounded. The tournament champion fought bravely and fiercely, but he was just a man used to a face to face type of combat, and he probably won’t be on a lookout for assassination attempts on himself.

”The Princess would be the optimal target, followed by her bodyguard. The champion is a last resort but I suspect that he will be more aware, having served his king for some time. The Princess is whimsical at best and her guard untrained and unskilled.” The small glass bottle he had handed to Aziza swirled with dangerous intent. Beautiful. ”If the poison is discovered so be it, as long as the attempt is made and not tied to us then all is well.” He smiled wolfishly, a vicious glint in his eyes ”Of course it'd be all the more satisfying if you're successful, these festivals deserve dramatic events.”

Aziza took the bottle, a dangerous smile playing on her lips. Finally. She knew her king had plans and political schemes in motion and finally she could also play her part. Killing someone in the process would just be an unexpected bonus.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
Avatar of Lord Zee

Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The Father

Avidan left the infirmary, his large body casting a large shadow as he walked through the halls. Though he had wanted to murder Dalious, now was not the time. He would give the boy one more chance, and if The Father saw him again at this festival where he shouldn't be, he would be dealt with accordingly. Meanwhile he had other business down at the ship, so he forbade the rest of the tournament, and went there instead.

His men were waiting for him at the ramp, the same two guards and a Thanatos named Drot. A small bald man with a scrunched face, bearing a large grotesque scar down the right side of his face, from the corner of his eye down to his chin. His blue eyes were about the only feature on his face that weren't ugly.

"Father, we got em." Came Drot in a sleazy voice, "Good old boys had to be persuaded some, in the cargo hold waiting for ya."

"Good." came Avidan's voice as he walked up the plank.

He heard the tournament fighters before he saw them, loud laughter coming from their throats. There view obscured of him, as Avidan and his men walked down the stairs.

"Ya should have seen him!" said a man, "That pirate fuck thought I was actually congratulating him, the shock on his face when I knifed him like a stuck pig was priceless!" his laughter followed, along with the others. At least his guards had found Jori.

The laughter died down and another voice could be heard, "Damn him and damn that tournament! We would'ha won if it weren't for em." This was followed by a couple of Ay's.

"Fuckin' Earthica bitch. Shouldn't let her fight. Woman's are for fuckin, not fightin." Came a third man.

It was Jori who spoke again, "Oh come now, Harrow, your loins feel a bit'o fire seein' her fiery hair?"

"Oh shut up Jori, I'd have er' in a heartbeat and you knows it to. They say Earthica girls smell like flowers, and I ain't just talkin' about their hair! She couldn't resist ma Luthran charms." said Harrow, which was followed by more laughter.

"Oi you wish Harrow, you ain't ever even been with a woman, less see their cu-"

"Enough." came the father's stern voice. The men, playing cards on a small table immediately stood up at attention. In their mirth, they had failed to see the father come close.

It was Jori who broke the silence, "F-Father, you wanted to see us?" he said as his voice broke slightly. Avidan looked at the men in front of him with disgust. Jori was the only one wearing respectable clothing, Harrow and the other man wore filthy rags stained with sweat and blood. All of them avoided eye contact with the Father, and shifted nervously.

"Sit." said the Father, and he joined them at the table. A dingy lantern hung above them, providing a dim light. "A good display in the arena, unfortunate with what happened."

"Ye-Yeah!" Piped up Harrow, "That Dalious, weren't even supposed to be there and he dun fuck everything up. Father."

"Dalious acted against me. But, as I learned, for good reason. Prevented a head injury, an illegal move."

At this, the men began to shift uncomfortably. "Thanatos fight dirty, yes, but should not have in that place. Makes me look bad, then the stabbing. Did you think I wouldn't notice... Jori."

Before the man had time to react, Avidan grabbed him by the back of the head, and slammed his head on the table. He spoke aloud as he repeatedly slammed Jori's head, blood going everywhere, "Such. A. Fool! To. Think. You. Wouldn't. Be. Seen." The table finally broke in two, and Avidan let Jori's corpse fall between his two friends, who expressed horror. He looked at them, "Either of you say a word, your dead. Now clean this up, then fuck off back to Luthra!" He bellowed.

The two got to work immediately, as Avidan left up to the deck of the ship. The guards and Drot keeping their distance as they followed. It was unfortunate to loose a fighting man, but Avidan needed to punish someone tonight, and who better then a fool. Upon stepping up to greet the setting sun, Avidan noticed he was splattered with blood. A dark crimson in the fading light, he would have to change, but for now he watched the sun set.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by essends


Member Seen 8 mos ago

The evening dwindles on, dusk casting a brilliant vermilion hue that
shadows over a once brightly lit Kingdom. The sun resigns sleepily to
a lower position in the sky, hovering just above Desert hills and
mountains off in the horizon. Its brilliance glimmers against the
pure lake, waving its last farewell. Birds ring out in a final
melody before putting the earth to an almost noiseless rest.
Stillness interrupted by the soft chirp of crickets welcoming
the curtain of freckled darkness.

Night would fall gracefully over the Kingdom, blanketing it with a dull darkness.
The patter of rain becomes apparent, a drizzle coating the Kingdom and
surrounding forest. Lantern flames parish, leaving Exodus streets nearly pitch-black.
The only visible light originating from bedrooms, casting shadows over Exodus streets.
Guests scatter from the outdoor areas, ushered away from the arena and into the
palace to seek shelter from the pour. Most find their chambers, resigning for
the night to get rest in preparation for the day to come. Chatter and bustle cease,
the only activity within the Kingdom coming from the guards and men atop watchtowers who
assure the guests safe slumber.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The evening shade was spreading across the land and the lights of Exodus winked out, one after another, in supplication to the oncoming night. In the dark, however, all was not silent. Just a short distance beyond the gate, a group of cloaked and hooded men walked with long but patient strides through the strengthening rain on their way to the city. They were an imposing bunch, tall and broad shouldered, with longbows and longswords being visibly carried by most of them. Yet, there was no malice or secrecy about their approach. Dult horses, a tough and hardy mutated breed that often helped work the fields in Earthica, followed the gentle guidance of the men. Led by leather straps and weighed down with large packs stuffed full of goods, these horses marked the men as just more seeking to sell their wares at the festival.

Moreover, they were far from quiet. Though most of the group only let out an occasional sound to calm or encourage a horse, there were two voices that carried farther as they continued an argument that seemed to have lasted for quite some time already.

“You know that a man your age can’t afford to be too picky in choosing a wife, son.”

“I know, Father. But I also know that everything I’ve worked for could come crashing down about my ears if I pick the wrong one!”

This conversation, in truth, had lasted from the morning when the two had begun their preparations for the journey and had continued, almost entirely unabated, to the present moment.

“We’re going to the biggest party since the world burned! There should be plenty of lasses wise enough to see the merits in a skilled and capable man.”

“Most of those lasses will be busy making eyes at the famous warriors and Royalty. I’m a man with a name known all the way from the stead where I was raised to the village ten miles down the road!”

The two men walked side-by-side with one horse each following behind them. The elder held his bow in his left hand and carried a sheaf of arrows at his hip that occasionally peeked out from beneath his cloak as the two led the group closer to the gates of Exodus. The younger carried his bow on his back, well wrapped in oiled leather, and had three blades on his belt. One was just a knife, typical of an Earthican man, while the other two were a short sword and another blade just a bit longer and wider than an average longsword. None of the blades were adorned with anything more than a set of specific knots in the leather that wrapped the hilts. The elder of the two lifted his chin to look at the gate before turning his white streaked beard to address his son once more.

“What were you expecting!? Lovely lasses and Highborn Ladies to faint at the sight of you? You’ll have to work for this, son. Have some confidence in something other than your work for once!”

“I’m prepared to work for this, but I’m not so sure that what I have will impress anyone when surrounded by such legendary finery and grandeur.”

The younger man raised his head just as a distant bolt of lightning cast a sudden flash across the landscape, throwing stark lines and harsh shadows across his handsome features. He was not a young man, but far from old, with only a few strands of white in his full, red beard. Yet, as the men passed through the gate, the flickering lights of torches and the lanterns of the guards danced and glittered in the frigid depths of his eyes. For just a moment, one of the guards was taken so aback by the sight that his hand went to his weapon, fearing some kind of monster. But there was no threat in those glacial eyes, despite their piercing intensity, and the men continued their argument to its final and long-awaited conclusion as a more seasoned guard waved them on.

“Boy, listen to me and let this be the end of it. You have skills and experience that surpass many of our Kingdom’s most famous families. You have a stalwart and patient heart and an honorable and honest character. And, even more to your credit, you’re managed to develop some little wisdom too! We’ll put our wares on display and you’ll take care of your other business on the side. If all goes well, you’ll be heading home with a betrothed and enough wealth to build her a proper home too. For now, trust your father and save the worrying for your wedding night!” This last was said with the flash of a grin and a firm clap on the taller man’s shoulder which he took in good enough humor, answering quietly with resignation in his voice.

“Yes, Da.”

“Good, you’re finally done!” Broke in a gruff voice from one of the other men. The rest broke into sudden chuckles that held enough warm mirth to provide a strong contrast to the gloom of the rain and the stillness of the night. “Now, let’s get to an inn with a good view of a good street and get some rest. It’s been a long trip and we need to set up early tomorrow. Most everyone else has at least a full day on us.”

The group continued on until they found an inn with an empty upstairs room and a large enough stable. The men unloaded and cared for their horses before hauling everything but the horses themselves up into the room with them. They were here for profit, not comfort, so the half-dozen men crowded together in one room. The oldest three slept in the three beds while the others slept on their bedrolls. The room was silent, but for heavy breathing and the occasional snore. But, three of those silent shapes spent half the night with a hand on a hilt. The tales of Exodus were not all of a welcoming and peaceful sort.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Krusader
Avatar of Krusader


Member Seen 2 days ago


Upon hearing his daughter's accusation, Klaus's anger only heightened. If Exodus had rigged the tournament that meant darker schemes were boiling behind the scenes. Klaus released a thunderous laugh in response to her insisting he would do no harm to her friend Laurel, the warrior who had willingly teamed up with a Thanatos. As soon as the female warrior had fallen victim to an illegal hit, Klaus grinned deviously. "Good riddance..." The man would huff, eyeing the dwindling number of warriors. Ultfic, one of Earthica's own, ravaging through man after man. Klaus rose his head up in anticipation, knuckles turning white with the tight grip he had on the seats armrest. As soon as Ultfic had delivered the victorious blow, Klaus stood and clapped in appraisal. Surely this would show the other Kingdom attendee's the strength of Levonian warriors, despite the tournament's falseness. Klaus found his way away from the crowd and out of the arena, being directed to the infirmary where he would be able to find his warriors and the champion. He would first come across Laurel, eyes narrowing with pure dismay. "You, stop where you are." The King called out roughly, staggering towards the wounded woman to stop before her. "What the hell was that? You are Levonian, not Thanatos... In what world did you think I would approve of such an atrocious act?" Klaus glared down at Laurel, his daughters presence neglected. Before either of them could speak, or Eve could intervene to protect her friend. Klaus shoved past them with aggression, storming off to find his triumphant warrior.

"Ultfic! You are a blessing to our Kingdom.. You did your home well." The King gripped the other mans hand with force before pulling him in for a brief embrace. Stepping back, Klaus would examine the other man. "Were you injured?"

"I thank you my king." Ultfic was glad that he could make the king proud and show off his peoples power. shrugging a bit he replied "I'll be fine just a few cuts and bruises but nothing to bad. Mostly just blood from my damn shield that broke right in me face.” he took a long heavy breath clearly exhausted from the fight. “I’ll be ready to carry out my normal duties as soon as i get my head patch and stop this damned blood from getting in my eyes.” he said to the king not wanting to appear weak in front of the man. Looking around him he could see that most of the fighters had left or were being patched up by the nurses. Some looked at him with a look of fear while others had a look of anger at the crowned champion some even held a mix of both. “The rest of the men did well for them selves, quite hard to survive three on one attacks.” he looked around for a moment. “Have you seen Laurel anywhere? I wanted to talk with her.”

The King grinned giddily, almost as if her were a child in a candy shop. He was impressed, more than impressed and wanted to show off his shiny new champion to the world. Klaus grabbed the man by the shoulder with force before turning to face the infirmary. "I need a god damned healer over here, your champion is wounded and needs tending to.. Get on it!" The man would howl out, glancing back towards Ultfic as they awaited the arrival of a healer. "Laurel? What in the hell do you want with that bloody bit-.. woman?" Klaus would tilt his head curiously, eyes squinting in question while his hand would motion behind them. "She was back there, with my daughter I do believe.."

Ultfic just kind of shook his head at how his king was acting. Not that he didn't apreatie the king being proud but he wasn't really one to flaunt his achievements to much. Upon hearing how the king referred to Laurel he knew she must have done something wrong in his eyes. “Just wanted to talk with her about the tournament and go over a few things about our time here.” he said calmly as his body was slowly becoming more stable. “I'll also talk to the rest of the men when i can but they will be easier to find considering i have authority over them.” looking around again he noticed most of the fighters had already left except for the ones that had genuine injuries from fighting. He wasn't lying he did want to talk to Laurel about what happened in the fight and thought it odd that she had not made it to the end. But the main reason was because he had felt something was very off about the whole tournament. He had felt like it was almost to easy to over power most of the fighters in the arena expect for those of Earthica and Luthra. He shook his head slightly maybe it was nothing and he was just being paranoid about everything but it came with the job he suppose, but either way he wasn't going to spoil the kings mood for right now. Looking past the king he could see a Nurses beginning to walk towards slightly frustrated by the kings request by hid it perfectly once she came closer putting on a ‘proper’ look for foreign royalty.

Klaus eyed Ultfic carefully, searching his expression for a reason as to why the other man would want to speak to a trader. The King rubbed at his beard in thought, a simple nod in response to Ultfic's words. "I have some.. business to attend to." Klaus gave one final parting pat on the warriors shoulder before excusing himself from the conversation. It was clear he was simmering with some annoyance, his eyes darting to his daughter and her friend once more. "Eve, If you spend all your time gallivanting with Laurel you will never get anything done. Night is falling daughter, a woman of your status shall not be out at this time in a stranger Kingdom. To your chambers, now..." The King stared at his daughter, his tone pressing, expression unwavering, "You are here for a reason daughter." With that the King dismissed himself from the area, finding his way to the palace where he would retire to his bedroom, soaking in its elegance and luxury.

The woman had arrived just as the king had left which was good thing as far as Ultfic was concerned. Turning to her he bowed slightly apologizing for how she was treated. “Terribly sorry my lady for how my king demanded for your assistance im sure you are a very busy person.” after finishing he tried to give a smile before a sharp pain shot through his midsection causing him to wince slightly. “Though if you could I would greatly appreciate the help.” Ultfic hated asking for help from people but he knew if he tried to leave then his king would surely raise hell over it thinking it was the staffs fault. The women he was talking to seemed as though she was nice enough but he didn't know if that was just a charade for the sake of the whole kingdom. “If not though that is perfectly fine I just ask that you point me in the direction where I can wash off the blood.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by essends


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Interactions : N/A

Rain would patter against the gazebo's roof, a rhythmic tune that nearly lulled Aamaya to sleep. However, the frigid breeze that wafted in the open-sided shelter, left Aamaya quivering. A subdued exhale would break the silence that hung over the small gazebo, bright eyes watching as cracks of pure energy clawed their way across the dimmed sky. The way the lightning expanded was similar to the roots of a tree, sprawling out in every which way. Aamaya finally lifted herself off the cold concrete slab that had previously been so comfortable, the rain causing the atmosphere to change entirely. She gripped her arms tightly, hugging her body to deflect the cold that was nipping at her bare skin. Beside the pitter-patter that beat against the roof, the gazebo was rather silent, each step closer to its end would lessen its muffle, the roar of downpour drowning any other noise. Aamaya quickly ran out into the rain, the drops immediately berating her skin, draining it of warmth, replacing the rich olive tones with gray's and blues. The sound of voices would snatch her attention as she made her way toward the palace, an entourage of men marching their horses into the Kingdom. Aamaya watched for a moment, but would continue her journey to sanctuary, desiring the warmth her palace offered.

Finally arriving, the guards would quickly usher her inside, providing a large woven blanket draped over her shivering figure. "Princess Aamaya?! Where have you been! Your lips are violet, you look sickly..Your hands, what happened? They're bloody!" One of the men would state, moving briskly to get the woman a maiden to tend to her. Aamaya would stay silent, proposing no explanation for her whereabouts. Gaze shifting to confirm her knuckles were indeed tarnished with blood once more, the rain likely allowing the scarlet to flow freely once more. A maiden would soon arrive, a worried tone followed by her arm wrapping around Aamaya's waist to guide her to her chambers. Aamaya did not resist, allowing the woman to undress her, the elegant dress she had been wearing falling to the floor in a soaked pile. A bath had been drawn, steam spiraling up into the air to reveal the heat the bath would provide. Aamaya stepped in, relishing in the sudden burst of warmth that consumed her body. Goosebumps would rise on her skin, a chill trickling down her spine. The woman slunk down into the water, stopping when it hit her chin. It smelled vaguely of lavender, enough to give her skin a soft scent. She would relax for a long while, her maiden tending to her wounded hand, dabbing at the bloodied gash before wrapping her knuckles with a thin strip of cloth. Once the bath had lost its purpose and the heat had diminished, Aamaya rose from the water, wrapping her body in a towel while the other woman scurried to retrieve her something to wear. The gown was simple, soft cotton perfect for sleeping in. Her hair would be undone, brushed out into soft waves that would cascade down to her bottom. Her makeup removed, leaving her face bare, jewelry stored away safely. She looked much simpler, but still radiated with natural beauty, no longer appearing as a princess but a normal girl.

The maiden would be dismissed and Aamaya would too leave her room, wandering the palace's halls before ending up in the study. The study welcomed guests, numbers shelves stocked with books of different genres. Soft cushioned seats provided a comfortable place to read, this was one of Aamaya's favorite places in the palace. Aamaya stepped before one of the bookcases, resting her hand against her lips as she scanned over each option. She adored poetry and literature, often times taking the time to write her own.

The palace was beginning to settle, guests finding their rooms to retire for the night. The lanterns would remain lit, allowing guests to see if need be. While Aamaya knew her mother and father would likely discourage her walking around in a sleeping gown, she would neglect that thought as she knew sleep would not come easy to her if she tried. Her body was exhausted yes, but her mind was not. If she were to try to rest her head would keep her tossing and turning all night, leaving her even more restless once morning came around. So reading was what she resorted to, it always coerced her thoughts to unwind.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thyrri and Dalious

mentioning @sly13, collab with @Sol Grim

Thyrri watched as Eve and Laurel left the room, the princess clearly wanting to help and support her friend, but their social status not allowing her to do so. Laurel still seemed a bit dizzy, but with some rest, she should be all right the next day. And the healer knew that Eve will make sure that Laurel gets enough rest. There was a strange dynamic to their relationship, as she had noticed before, something they both tried to hide, but must have been obvious to anyone who saw them.

Her lingering thoughts about the Earthican princess and her bodyguard were interrupted by a commotion in the main infirmary room. The defeated warriors were just returning from the arena, their loud voices breaking the peace and silence. Thyrri didn’t really pay much attention to what they were talking about, but she had overheard enough to know that some Earthican warrior had won the tournament.

The champion himself entered the infirmary a few moments later, after someone yelled for a healer. Thyrri ignored it, as she had her hands full, and the voice didn’t sound desperate or in great pain, just angry and impatient, something she was used to. Some men just thought the world revolves around them entirely. She smiled at the warrior when he apologized, slightly surprised that the annoying voice before came from Earthican king. The royalty should have better manners. “Everything is fine,” she replied calmly, examining his wound. “This is nothing serious, I will have one of my assistants clean it up and bandaged.” She summoned one of the girls and gave her instructions, turning to the other warriors who filled the room meanwhile.

There were undoubtedly some political schemes behind all this – she had noticed that there were no veterans amongst the Exodus and probably also Primfira contestants, while Earthica and Luthra seemed to have sent their best and brightest into the tournament. She had no time to wonder what the king and queen wanted to achieve by that, as she had her hands full treating the wounded warriors. Fortunately, most of their injuries were just minor, save from one or two broken bones.

She didn’t even notice that her Luthran patient left his bed and walked into the room, he seemed too weak and in pain to even get up by himself. But nevertheless, he was here now, yelling at some of the more impatient men.

"Let me help you," he said to her and before she could say anything, or even think about any response he started to examine patient’s wound, deciding it wasn’t worth treating and sending the man away, proceeding to wipe a cut on another warrior’s arm with a dirty piece of cloth. And what was even more shocking, his mouth didn’t stop moving for a second. Thyrri just stood there, not knowing whether to be angry or to burst in laughter. She was used to overly polite people around the royal family, and while she spent a lot of time amongst the ‘common’ people of her kingdom, most of the Freyjans were still pretty uptight and proud of their flawless manners. This man was probably the opposite of all that, babbling about being a famous sea captain and asking her one question after another before she even had time to respond.

She finally gathered herself a bit when he finished his ‘treatment’ and sent the Exodus warrior away, still bleeding from a long cut, with blood smudged all over his arm. “No, wait,” she stopped his from leaving, directing him to sit on an empty desk. “I’ll stitch it up for you, just give me a second.” She turned to Dalious, who was now sitting on a bed, casually sipping from a wine glass. Thyrri opened her mouth to say something to him, but only a long laugh came out as she realized the absurdity of this situation. ‘What a weird day it is today,’ she thought.

“I am very pleased to meet you, captain Durendail, my name is Thyrri,” she said to him when she finally stopped laughing. It was surprisingly refreshing to talk to a person like that. “I appreciate your efforts, but please, do NOT help me anymore,” she told him calmly and turned to the wounded warrior, cleaning his injury and preparing needles and thread for stitches. “As for the ‘dot’ as you call it is called bindi and long time ago, it used to have big religious significance,” Thyrri talked, as she made tight knots on the stitches. “Nowadays it is just a tradition and a fashion accessory for some people. All right, you are all set,” she told the warrior, who was throwing evil looks in Dalious’ way.

”Ah, tradition!” Dalious said. ”So, it is like my tattoos, sort of. Not really.” He pulled down his collar to show one such design. ”That’s a shark, got it to remind me of the one I killed many years ago. They are rare these days.”

The infirmary was now empty again and Thyrri lowered herself on another free bed, sitting there with her back leaning against the wall, grateful for some rest. “So, what is one of the most famous sea captains of this era doing in an Exodus arena?” she asked him, ignoring his questions about how and why she became a healer, as it was none of his business. He was kind of cute, but she knew his type. These men would do anything to seduce a woman, hiding their true self behind a cover of flattery and boasting.

”I wish I knew, love,” he replied, sipping from his wine. ”Lost my ship. Exodus threw a party. One thing led to another, now I’m here. Stabbed and hungover, I’m having a lovely time.”

He rechecked the bandage and then sat up against the wall from his bed as well. ”Thank you, by the way. You’re very good at what you do. I’m only good at killing. Which is why, after I down this wine, I’m going to go find that scum bloke who stabbed me and slit his throat! An eye for an eye, my way of life.” He took a few more sips, realizing he was saying more than he should. ”I mean, I jest of course! Ha! I’m going straight to bed, as you instructed. Maybe you could take me to that place you mentioned earlier? What was it again? I’ll follow your lead, Thyrri. A lovely name, by the way. Feels right on the tongue. Not, not you...I mean, never the mind.” He finished his drink.

Thyrri giggled. Maybe it was just her brain being exhausted, but she was actually starting to like this guy. “Hmm, are you even a captain, if you don’t have any ship?” The talks of killing people made her feel uncomfortable. With other people she would believe they were just dark jokes, but this man was from Luthra and even though he tried to hide it, there was a cold steel look in his eyes when he said it. He meant every single word and the thought sent shivers down her spine. She wasn’t even surprised that someone stabbed him on purpose – the wound didn’t really look like an accident in the first place, and this man looked like he was good at making enemies, even if it were just by his dumb jokes and tendency to speak before he thinks.

”Of course I am! I’m just, in the ship market.” he quickly added in before she continued.

“I wanted to take you to my friend for the night, she is… well, she really likes men and she would love to provide you with accommodation for the night. But you will have to stop drinking, at least for tonight. There is currently not that much blood running through your veins and replacing it with alcohol is really a bad idea. Unless you want to wake up dead tomorrow morning, which would be a great waste of my skills and time,” she tried to sound serious but failed as a brief smile appeared on her lips. She moved closer to check his bandage, which looked good, there were no signs of blood. Still, she was surprised that he was able to sit and talk like this, let alone walk around. The people from Luthra seemed to have surprising amounts of strength hidden inside.

”She sounds lovely,” he said, now walking with her toward the destination. ”Ah, I wouldn’t worry too much about it, alcohol has little effect on my kind. However, I will obey your words. No alcohol tonight, deal!”

As he followed her, he couldn’t help but to think of her friend. ”Is she a whore?” he spoke bluntly. ”I suppose I could use one right now. Is she expensive? I’m afraid my coin pouch is empty at the moment. I thought they would give me coin for participating in the tournament, cheap bastards! Most expensive kingdom in the world and they can’t even shed off a few meesley gold pieces!?”

”That Earthican princess seemed to really like you, and really despise me. Royalty’s sort of always been a pain in my ass. Though, I’m sure if she got to know me she would give in. What do you think of her and her bodyguard? Are they together? Seemed pretty close to one another to my eyes. The Father and I are close as well, but more in a ‘if you fuck up again I’ll murder you’ kind of way. He’s swell.”

Thyrri lead him through the town, which was still celebrating – a lot of drunk people wandered the streets, singing and cheering, some of them arguing with citizens of other kingdoms, some trying to befriend them. Even under normal circumstances, the streets of Exodus were busy, flowing with life, but the festival brought it to a higher level. She chuckled, when Dalious asked if her friend was whore. ‘Wow, there is really no beating about the bush with these people.’ “She considers herself more of a companion, but it is true, that she expects gifts from her patrons.” ‘So yes, she is a whore, but you were the one who said it, not me.’ “So I suggest you wouldn’t use such words as she might get offended.”

[”Of course, some like to be called prostitutes…” he quickly shimed in.

Thyrri was glad that they left the palace and servants stopped offering Dalious free alcohol. That man had almost mysterious power to summon them to his proximity. She thought what to answer to his remarks that royalty doesn’t like him. It was no surprise to her, he was a bit of pain in the buttocks, his blunt and brutal honesty and straightforwardness must drive people, who are used to tight manners, lies and political intrigues, slightly crazy. “I wouldn’t worry about princess Evangeline and her bodyguard, as long as you manage to stay out of their way.” ‘Which by the looks of you won’t last long,’ she thought.

“All right, here we are.” They stopped in front of one of the houses and it was just in time. Dalious, even though he didn’t show any sign of weakness, was pale and barely standing on his feet. Fortunately, the servants recognized Thyrri and took them into one of the luxurious rooms. “Only water for this gentleman,” she instructed a maid, who, no surprise, appeared bringing a glass of wine to Dalious. ‘That surely must be some sort of magic,’ she shook her head.

”Water!?” he was to protest but thought better of it.

The lady of the house appeared a few minutes later, dressed in a beautiful semi-transparent gown, that left very little room for imagination. Thyrri grinned when she saw the spark in Mahita’s eyes and a seductive smile that followed. “This is my friend, captain Durendail, a very important member of the Luthra delegation. There have been some misunderstandings in the palace, and I was hoping you could provide him with accommodation for the night. I will pay for your expenses of course,” she grinned at her friend, knowing that no payments will be necessary.

“Of course, that will not be a problem. As you know, there is plenty of room around here.” Mahita positioned herself in a comfortable armchair next to Dalious.

“But accommodation only. Strict doctor’s orders – rest and a good night sleep. For both of you,” Thyrri added, giving Mahita an important look.

”Emphasis on ‘good night’,” he said, looking Mahita up and down with a grin. ”...for both of us.”
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