Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
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Kingdom walls rise out of darkness, out of the silent charcoal curtain that is night. The sky lights up the color of a summer peach, swallowing the skies dazzling freckles. A musical chaos would erupt throughout the Kingdom of Exodus, people bustling to prepare for the festivities to come. The streets of Exodus would be lined with decor, beautifully crafted lanterns hung to light the way when night would fall. Draped across balconies and over rails, were hefty silk banners, intricate designs sewn into the sleek material, the Kingdom's seal placed proudly on each and every one.

Guards and warriors would be found applying special armor, polished, never before touched, with elegant line work etched into every set. The citizens would work vigorously to ready themselves, pulling their finest jewelry and attire from their wardrobes. Bathing in multiple different baths for the upcoming event. Most would begin with a cream soak, the milk giving the skin a soft, supple appearance. The second bath would be that of blood, most of the wealthier citizens keeping a routinely stocked supply of the crimson liquid. Something the Freyja race was notorious for. The last bath consisted of any oil of their choosing, this left a desired aroma to waft from the skin.

Dozens of guestrooms in a wing separate from the King and Queen, would be tended to, bedding stripped and replaced with elegant duvet's embellished with the Kingdom's seal. These guestrooms would house the mass of incoming festival attendee's, a maid assigned to each.

Dinner and the main event would be held in the courtyard, large willow tree's, hedges with dazzling flowers intertwining with the leaves, and more of the previous decor would be found surrounding the large courtyard. Tables, would be set up, hand crafted from mahogany, hefty and strong, to be lined with banners similar to the ones that could be found draped throughout the Kingdom. At the base of the courtyard were four thrones, crafted from the same mahogany wood to match the tables. One for the Queen, the King, the Princess, and the Prince.

It was all coming together, the place was rich with color, not an inch lacking substance. The prior bustle, ebbing to a slow slumber, musical silence cascading across the Kingdom like a blanket. The finishing touches would be applied until the Kingdom was fully assembled for the event. A familiar freckled shadow would shyly sneak across a purple hued sky, the last of the suns brightly lit rays cosseted by a darkening sky. Night would arrive, the previous calm silence would be interrupted by the sudden uproar of music, a live band emitting the sweet rhythm that danced and twirled about the streets. Lanterns shown brightly, fire licking at the air, bringing the Kingdom out of the darkness and back to life. The large gates constructed at the entrance of Exodus would heave open, sweet smells of freshly prepared food, wild flowers, and a mix of essential oils would spill from the Kingdom, offering a welcoming warmth to those who awaited it.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by mercenarius
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mercenarius Good Bot

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Luthra's Grand Entrance

“So kiss meeeee, I’m shitfaaaaaced, I’m soaked, I’m soiled, and br--”


Mel stopped singing, but didn’t stop strumming. Leaning back in his chair, his feet propped on a barrel, he stared at Angeline, who stood cross-armed and scowling not three feet away. ”Any requests?” he mumbled flatly.

“Do you know a single song that isn’t about alcohol?”

“Oh, sure.” Mel cleared his throat and began playing a different tune. “There’s a place your mother goes when everybody else is soundly sleeping--” He stopped as Angeline’s hand shot forward and caught the neck of the instrument.

“We are almost in the harbour, and your voice travels on the wind.”

“And everyone loves a good shanty.”


Mel stared at the woman, clearly disinterested in what she was saying. He waited for her to finish her lecture, telling him about how important this trip is, how important it is that he doesn’t screw this up, how if he does screw up he won’t have a home to return to, and everything else he’d heard a thousand times over the past few weeks.

“Do you understand?”

Mel blinked.


“Yeah, got it.”

She released the instrument and started walking away. He began strumming again.

“Cause the gentlemen are calling and the snow is softly falling on her p--”

Angeline spun on her heel and once again seized the instrument, this time ripping it from her son’s hands. As she stormed off, she hurled it over the side of the ship into the water below.

Within the hour they were disembarking in Exodus. Angeline went first, demanding the first official-looking person she saw tell her how to get to the palace, her sickle twirling between her hands. A nervous guard escorted her as he welcomed her and her kin into the kingdom.

Mel emerged quite a bit later, after he was certain Mother was long gone. He stretched widely, as if he hadn’t the space to do so on the ship, and asked the nearest official-looking person where he could find a cheap drink. Another guard pointed him in the direction of the Frozen Candle, but cautioned him that, as a member of foreign royalty, it might not be the best--

Mel didn’t bother to hear him out as he made a beeline in the tavern’s direction.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by essends


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Music would resonate through the halls of the palace, lingering in every crack and crevice. Night was falling, cascading, tucking the Kingdom in. But Exodus would not seize to a rest, the festival was just beginning. Lanterns would ignite, licking at the darkness, fending it off to illuminate the Kingdom once more. Bright eyes would watch from an above window, examining the beauty before her was Aamaya. She heaved a satisfied sigh, a gentle smile tugging at her lips. She would peel herself from the window, returning to her boudoir where she met her reflection, hand meeting her cheek in a caressing motion. "Draw me my last bath."she would hum, eyes shifting to her lady servant. The servant would nod, not a word spoken before she scurried to the elegant tub nearby that previously held cream, blood, and now would be filled with warmed water and oils that smelled sweetly of lavender and lilac. As soon as the tub was filled to the brim, Aamaya would shed her silk robe, stepping into the tub to soak. This process would last an hour, the lithe girl returning to her boudoir where hair of dark mahogany tone would be braided. A line of dazzling jewels would follow down the middle of the braid, meeting at a intricate headpiece across her forehead. Stunning earrings and an assortment of neck pieces would follow. Aamaya was always one to go above and beyond, she desired to impress of course, but in her Kingdom this was nothing unusual. Adorning her curves would be a two pieced gown, a space between her bosom and waist left open to reveal her bronzed skin. This dress was mesmerizing, thousands of diamonds twinkling like little stars. It was as if someone captured fireflies and somehow fastened them to the gown. Plush lips would be lined with a darker taupe tone, a sweet smelling grease consisting of beeswax and oil mixed with the same deeper taupe tone would cover the rest of Aamaya's lips. Eyes lined with deep kohl, eyelashes flicked upwards to accentuate her large and alluring eyes. The last touches consisted of a mass of bangles being placed on either wrist, large rings adorning multiple fingers, and with that Aamaya was ready. The lithe girl would move to the body mirror beside her grand bed. She would nod with approval, her outfit was stunning, she knew it was sure to capture the attention of her guests."Thank you, you're all dismissed" With a swift movement of her hand and a soft command, Aamaya dismissed her servants, the ladies bowing before exiting the room to tend to more duties among the palace.

Aamaya would seal her door shut, lifting the skirt of her gown while her leg rested atop a seat. She would pull a garter up her thigh, sliding her blade into the small holster containing a venom handcrafted by someone she would keep unknown. This little dagger would prove useful time and time again, something she deemed a necessity, especially tonight with all of the strangers that would be lurking throughout her Kingdom. The Princess would finally exit her room, sauntering down the elegant halls of her palace, the music inviting her to the courtyard. But before exiting into the main area, Aamaya would pause, two heavily armored men arriving to stand beside her and finally escort her outdoors to the festival. The second the doors drew open, Aamaya was met with the savory scent's of her Kingdom's freshly prepared dishes. Music would warm her body, causing her to close her eyes momentarily. "Everything looks lovely, I do hope my guests are pleased." The princess would sing, eyes scanning the crowd of people chattering among themselves, drinks in hand, plates full of food. By the music she found people dancing, laughing and enjoying the festival to its fullest. It was something spectacular to see her own Kingdom mingling with those from another. She knew some guests would likely not get along, her own Kingdom sometimes prude towards strangers. She herself wasn't the kindest to those she didn't know, but tonight she would mask this flaw with nothing but maturity and kindness towards the stranger guests.

With gentle steps, Aamaya made her way through the crowd of faces. Offering a hand to fellow royals of her Kingdom, greeting those she had never met. Soon she found herself at the thrones, carefully seating herself atop of her own. "Would you like a drink your majesty?" A server would question, a simple nod would send him off to fetch the princess her drink. He would soon return, a deep crimson liquid inside a flute would be offered to her, a guard intercepting the transaction to take the first sip of the drink to assure it was not tainted with poison. Once he swallowed it with ease, assuring the princess it was safe, she would then take the glass herself. Lips curling over the rim, allowing the liquid to flow down her throat. This drink was a well known drink in her Kingdom. It consisted of a whiskey mixed in with nothing else but blood. She knew some of her guests wouldn't approve, but she was not here to cater to only their needs. Her Kingdom has needs as well, one just so happened to be the consumption of blood... Oh well.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

Member Seen 28 days ago

The Frozen Candle

"No coin, no play," a blacksmith said, he was a large man with a long dark beard and a quick temper. He crossed his arms across his chest and grunted as Dalious Durendail approached the table. There sat four of them, playing a game of pirate dice. The majority of the winnings seemed to be in the blacksmith's favor.

"Listen lads, I have a horse," Dalious assured the working men of Exodus. "There, notched just outside. Black as the night and as swift as a sparrow. I call her... He winced his eyes in thought briefly. "...Night Sparrow. Uhm. Winner takes all, savvi?" Dalious pointed through one of the windows to the horse, of which he stole from someone and somewhere else.

The blacksmith and the others went just outside to take a look, all agreeing by shaking their heads and nodding. They sat back down at the table, pulling up a new chair for the newcomer. Each man put five dice into a mug, shook them all up, then slammed them down on the table upside down. They got quiet as they were in thought, but upon the ending of every round became again loud and drunk. By the end of the hour, the last two men of the mini tournament were Dalious and the blacksmith, the largest pile of coin on Dalious' side.

"Three sixes."

"Exact!" the blacksmith spat. He had two dice left, one being a six and the other a three. He was confident Dalious had two sixes, plus his own six would justify his claim. They showed their hand. Of Dalious' three dice, he had zero sixes, leaving the blacksmith's six as the only one. "Damn you outlander! You've won every single damned game since we started!" His face was red and heavy in sweat.

"You've one dice leffft, mate,"he slurred. Everyone was either wasted or passed out. The drinks kept coming regardless.

They shook the cups of dice again and slammed them down. At this point Dalious was incredibly drunk, and realized this was not only a game of dice, but also a game of who could hold their liquor longer. Shot after shot they took, seemingly almost with every turn.

"One four."


"Three fours."

"Ahhh, lies!!"

They revealed their hands again. The blacksmith had a single four, while Dalious had two fours and a five.

"Three fours, I win," he said and smiled.

"Ahh cheater!!" the blacksmith yelled and nearly waved his drink off the table. He put his hand near his sheathed blade, but did not draw it out. Instead he stood there hesitant and drunk.

"Only if you catch me!" Dalious spat back. He actually had not cheated this time, so he took offense. He eyed the blacksmith suspiciously, his wooden club hanging from his belt was a quick first defense for him. However looking around the room he noticed that others were siding with the blacksmith's drunken ways and demeanor. "No need for murder so early into the festivities, gentlemen. I trust we can get behind this in a civilized manner, we are all here together." he spoke as he began transporting his earnings into his pouches along his belt.

"I'm pretty sure no one would miss your kind," the blacksmith replied and laughed, he sheathed his weapon completely and cracked his neck.

"Nonsense we are all the same kind, the coming togetherness of kingdoms," Dalious continued. "We are all fighting on the same side, mates. We are all brothers and sisters. Devine's bless us, one and all. All for one, or something like that. Who's with me?"

Someone punched Dalious square in the jaw and a fight broke out.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JustAlexandra
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JustAlexandra Mother of Tiny Lions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Vivianne had spent hours getting ready, as had many people in Exodus. It was a luxury, getting ready for this night. Vivianne wasn't particularly fond of the third and final bath, though. The scent of the oils often gave her a headache, as they were sometimes so intense that she felt she couldn't get any fresh air. That being said, she greatly enjoyed the feeling and when the scent lingered on her skin. Not to mention she was a stickler for tradition.

Vivianne was in her personal quarters, being adorned by her servants. Marilla, her head ladies maid, was the only one to whom Vivianne would allow to dress herself directly. There were others to help, but she simply did not feel that she wanted to be touched by them, most of them she barely knew. It was strange for royalty, but it was something she felt passionate about. The others were scurrying around, had run her baths and brought the various things she had asked for. It was quite the commotion and gave Vivianne the familiar feeling of anxiety in her gut. Nights like this were fantastic, but also a danger. A distraction.

It wasn't much longer before Vivianne was ready, leaving her personal quarters with her guards at her side. She was dressed in a beautiful traditional gown, but nothing like what she wore when she was young. It was much more "appropriate" for a queen of her age. That was what she was told, at least. She wished that she could dress like she used to, but she knew that time had passed. She was commited to her king and had things more important to worry about.

She arrived in the courtyard, which was already filled with guests. The scene in front of her was beautiful, and the smell was decadent. Vivianne made her rounds, greeting everyone and leaving out no one. She had taken it upon herself to be a social woman, and it did well for the general standing of the royal family. People liked to know who they were being led by.

Walking calmly to her throne, Vivianne took in the sight of her daughter, already seated. She was a beautiful girl, and Vivianne was certain that she also carried her mother's eternal youth and beauty. She took her seat, turning her head slightly in her daughters direction. She kept her eyes forward, as to not seem as though she was being secretive. "You look stunning, Aamaya. That dress suits your perfectly. I am proud to call you my daughter," she said honestly. She took a sip of her drink after it had been tested by her guard. Wishing she could take long gulps of the delicious liquid, she held it in her mouth for a moment, savoring it, before swallowing. The drink of Exodus was one of Vivianne's favorite, and while many people may disagree with the choice of beverage for tonight, she felt as though it was appropriate for the special occasion.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Laurel Mith

Whatever Laurel had expected, or perhaps feared, her first experience of Exodus had exceeded both with its extravagant displays of wealth and decadence. Life truly was different for those in the richer nations but if even half of the tales were true of the Freyja people, Laurel felt no incentive to move from her relatively impoverished realm. Rather, she had been reluctant to make the journey to Exodus but the Princess had insisted on her presence and Laurel had finally consented, sensing a degree of trepidation in her friend. Some of her own anxiety had dissipated with the decision, the knowledge that she could make certain of the Princess' safety with her own two eyes easing her worries.

She had bid farewell to the main group for a short time and had moved on ahead to explore Exodus as much as she could. Having some idea of the lay of the land would help boost her confidence but there was just too much to search out, the vastly more numerous population and their affluence creating a metropolis dwarfing Earthica several times over.

It felt wrong, though, to not have wilderness, such as it was, within easy reach. The comfort of easy isolation was something she would miss, Laurel realised, as she paced the streets of Exodus, noting the stalls and any significant looking buildings. Truth be told she had lost track of her surroundings some time ago but perhaps her memory might be sparked usefully if she was in the area again? It was the best she could hope for and, realising that she was reaching the limits of usefulness in her exploration, she turned back on herself.

Eyes followed her as she walked, the surcoat she wore over her hunting leathers emblazoned proudly with Earthica's insignia and marking her loyalty out for all to see. At first she had refused the garment but one of the older guards had insisted she wear it for her own protection, reasoning that no one would be stupid enough to attack someone from any of the royal entourages in broad daylight. A lone Levonian woman looking lost in the wrong part of a foreign city, though? She would be prey to near enough any desperate lurker and she had no desire to get into unnecessary fights so she had yielded to the man's wisdom. Now, she was happy she had for the looks cast her way were curious, searching and occasionally hostile but never threatening. The thin cloth was like a shield against indiscriminate violence.

She passed a tavern, hearing the sounds of brawling inside, and quickened her pace; getting into such a melee would surely not be expected of someone wearing Earthica's colours. A thirst for ale did rise, though, as she smelt the questionable aroma of stale beer and heard the raucous cheering of drunken onlookers to the brawl.

As she made her way back toward the royal Levonian entourage she offered up a brief prayer that the Freyja would not enforce their twisted taste for blood onto all their visitors.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 23 days ago


A Collaboration between Silence & Maya
Her eyes gazed through the small window of the carriage as it rocked slightly on the graveled road. She smiled slightly as they neared towards the Kingdom of Exodus for the festival. Her mind flashbacked on their journey towards the Kingdom as it wasn't bumpy or troublesome but because she was with her King and felt the love in the air around them. Antonette's eyes peered over towards him for the moment with a pearly white smile before she went back to staring out of the scenery again. Her mind did another flashback to whenever she was getting ready to travel to the festival.

Antonette's handmaidens had prepped and primped her to look her best, even though their wealth was a little low. She had thanked them for their services then quickly dismissed them while guards grabbed her belongings to take to the carriage. She had sat on the edge of her bed with a sigh then quickly rose up to her feet whenever her chamber doors reopened and the guards were ready to take her to the carriage. She nodded her head towards them and stood in the middle of four guards now.

When she arrived at the carriage, she had seen her husband, her King standing there as when she neared him, she planted a kiss upon his cheek. He had even helped her into the carriage. "How are you doing, my King?" She'd ask him whenever he was settled inside of the carriage. She was quite excited to be going to the Kingdom of Exodus for the festival and she was quite curious to know about their expenses and how they kept their wealth. But that was something she would keep to herself and not mention to the King.

She came back to reality then smiled over towards Klaus again before clearing her throat and speaking towards him. "Excited for the festival, my love?" She stood up, bent over because of the room in the carriage then went over to sit beside him. "I'm excited. Hopefully, you'll save me a dance." Antonette teased as she reached to grab his hand and stared into his eyes with her own.

The King sat silently, eyes sealed shut while he ran different scenarios through his head. His plan for tonight and the nights to come were to mingle, make as many alliances as he could, and return home to begin plans to build his Kingdom's numbers as well as popularity. He knew his Kingdom was not well liked, being one of the more dangerous, but at least they weren't Luthra. Earlier that same day he had be thinking on the festival while he prepared himself for it, he imagined what it would look like, what the Kingdom looked like. He had never stepped foot in Exodus, the people were odd, but they were also very wealthy.. The King was dressed humbly, his Kingdom wasn't that of much wealth but being a royal, him and his Queen had enough to look put together. On his hip he carried his father's sword, one hand always placed atop it in case he would need to use it. He assumed Exodus was a quite safe Kingdom however, but with all the strange guests and Luthra arriving, the unthinkable could happen.

The King's mind would once again wander to earlier in the day, he had just finished getting ready for the festivities when he would find his most trusted guards, muttering how he'd like them to keep a close eye on his Queen rather than himself. While he was a very stern and cold man in most cases, he still did care for his Queen dearly, he wanted her safety to be a top priority. Klaus would dismiss the men, telling them to fetch his Queen before he himself made his way outside to the carriage where he would greet Antonette. How're you doing my King?" The woman would chirp, the King offering a weak smile before kissing her cheek in return. He would usher her into the carriage, helping her to her seat before settling down into a seat himself. "I am well, how are you my dear? Your dress looks lovely, how much did that cost us?" He would begin his sentence sweetly, but all good things came to an end with Klaus. As soon as he had started, his kindness withered and the talk of money would arise. He knew Antonette was good with finances and wouldn't dare spend too much, but he couldn't help himself but to be snarky.

The sound of Antonette's voice would shake Klaus from his daydreaming, his eyes flicking open to gaze out at the Kingdom inching closer and closer. It was a gorgeous Kingdom, his blood boiled with jealousy. "Yes, very" The man would mutter in response to her question about being excited for the festivities, his eyes still glued to Exodus. The soft touch of her hand would release the lock his eyes had on the Kingdom, his blood cooling slightly. He would glance over at his Queen, a gentle smile tugging at his cheeks. "Of course my love, always have room for a dance with you." Klaus clutched her hand, raising it to his mouth to plant the softest peck atop it. Releasing her hand to turn his head away once more, eyes examining the grand Kingdom doors they were approaching. "Their Kingdom isn't that great is it? These blood drinkers need to be knocked down a level..." The King would huff out, his jaw clenching, it was quite obvious the man was under duress, a ticking time bomb by now.

Earlier she did not really answer how much her dress cost because it was indeed expensive for their Kingdom. She just chuckled and acted like she did not hear the question but now, the truth was going to set her free. "My King, I must tell you that this dress..." Antonette reached her hand down to tug on it before placing them on Klaus' hand now and gazing into his eyes with sincerity. "Did cost a fortune but I just wanted to make a good impression in Exodus." She admitted to him and hoped that he would not be upset with her. Hell, she did do the finances for the Kingdom so a little money to spend on herself and her King wasn't such a bad idea ___ At least in her mind, it wasn't.

Antonette smiled brightly whenever he mentioned that he'd always have room for a dance with her then chuckled like a little school girl, which ended with a snort, then slapped his arm playfully. Her eyes peered back out of the small window as the Kingdom of Exodus came more and more into view. "It certainly is magical. Almost memorizing, I'd say." She spoke openly about it then turned her attention back towards Klaus with another bright smile. She rubbed his hand with her own with a sigh.

"I wonder how they keep up their expenses and such." Antonette honestly hated being one of the lowest wealth Kingdoms around but she might sneak into the offices of Exodus to see what they are really doing with their expenses. A slight smirk formed at the corners of her lips as her eyes rolled up with the thought. She just might actually do that.

Klaus would clench his fist tightly upon hearing she had spent a fortune on the dress. He would close his eyes once more, sighing heavily before nodding. "That's fine, we should make a grand appearance, wouldn't want my Queen in rags." The King would glance towards Antonette when she spoke of Exodus's wealth and how they kept it up, his own questions running through his head silently. "I too would like to know how people such as Freyja's, keep their pockets so full..." His voice was that of a grumble, he was very clearly upset. The jealously thick in his words, his ego rising each time he spoke of the Kingdom.

The carriage would come to a swift halt, Klaus would exit, offering a hand to his Queen to help her out before standing at the entrance of Exodus. Loud music would flow from the Kingdom, smells of fresh food and different oils following.

It was no doubt that Klaus was mad at Antonette but he still complimented her anyway, which she could help but smile about. She raised a brow at his next statement then knew right then smirked as she knew right then and there that she must ask certain questions to find out. The carriage at finally came to a halt at the entrance and she looked as Klaus exited then offered his hand to her, which she gladly accepted then stood beside Klaus. Her eyes lit up with amazement at the Kingdom as she music and food along with many other things made her much more excited.

"Come on, my King." Antonette said as she clasped her hand with Klaus and practically dragged him through the entrance gate.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The Father

Avidan had been out of the loop for years, knowing nothing of the comings and goings of politics throughout the Kingdoms. He cared little for them to be honest, but he was no fool to know that many of these 'nobles' would be far more informed then he ever would be. Speech-craft and flattery were not his forte, this was true, but what he lacked in all things nobility defined themselves with, he made up for in other ways. Traits he could guess very few now possessed. For now he would play it smart, no need to bring any more attention to his title of Father.

What a surprise it had been to hear that the Freyja people were openly inviting all of the Kingdoms to some festival or another. Avidan was also told that it was the first time that anyone could remember such an event happening. In his lifetime, there were no such pleasantries to be had with other people, even his own kind. It seemed wrong to him, but for Luthra to ever obtain glory, the festival might just be a chance to assess the other kingdoms and what they could offer. Strategy was everything when it came to these little games, hopefully he could think of one without becoming too aggravated.

Once the Luthra entourage had arrived at port, the large man exited the vessel on shaky legs. In his years of travel he knew two things to be most dangerous, the desert and the sea. He avoided them at all costs, but this time he was assured the trip would be safe, as long as a storm didn't come crashing down. The trip had been smooth for the most part, but Avidan still didn't like boats. When he turned his gaze towards Exodus, he visibly grimaced. The city was too much for his tastes, blatantly flaunting wealth like it was some sort of disease. In Luthra, such a display would leave you dead the next morning, your house as empty as your cold corpse. This place, Exodus, it made Avidan sick.

He kept his demeanor blank however, following Angeline a ways back behind her. Avidan did take note that the young prince was not accompanying them and he wondered if mommy and son were fighting again. Only time would tell to Avidan, and he had plenty upon this night. For he was in the home of the rich, and the rich seldom cared for the poor.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by essends


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aamaya would continue to nurse her beverage, eyes drinking in the new faces, scanning each figure, watching their expressions."Thank you mother, you look lovely yourself."The princess would offer up a sincere smile in her mothers direction before continuing,"What are your thoughts on tonight mother? See anyone that peaks your interest?"The once sincere smile would morph into a playful smirk. Aamaya would shift in her seat before standing, "I suppose I should make some sort of appearance, as should you mother.. Mingle, make some friends. Who knows what you could find." She would sing out, sauntering off into the rush of people. She would converse here and there, making small-talk for a short while before seeing her way out of the commotion. Aamaya moved to a less populated area of the garden, a hum vibrating through her throat as she admired the blossoms that had laced themselves throughout the hedges that lined the garden. Leaning forward, she would inhale their sweet aroma, it was the perfect time to have a festival, for all of the flowers were blooming, putting on a magnificent show for her guests. Her peaceful stroll would soon be interrupted when two of her guards approached, they would inform her of the fight that had broken out in one of the Kingdom's bars. She assumed her mother and father had been alerted of the brawl as well, her head would give a small shake, chest heaving a sigh that was followed by a roll of her eyes. She had no interest in breaking up a fight, to her it meant nothing. "Boys will be boys..." She huffed out, eyes flickering back to the flower she grasped softly in her palm. "If they bring that commotion to the main event, I want them punished." Aamaya's calm demeanor would shift, the cruelness that ran through her Freyja blood emerging, breaking past the soft facade. Her delicate grasp would soon turn lethal, the fragile flower crumpling to a puddle of petals at her feet. "You're dismissed, leave."

The Exodus Princess would watch as the two guards followed her instruction and marched off, swiftly seating herself atop a stone bench within the garden. Bright eyes would be curtained by soft lids, the sweet murmur of the festivals music lulling her into a daydream. She wondered what would become of the festival, her Kingdom, her. She wondered whether or not she would be courted by a stranger from another Kingdom, she didn't particularly adore the idea but she was not a Queen nor a King and had to follow her parents instruction. While she was always one to appear very ladylike and stern, Aamaya wished she could let loose once in a while, her princess duties forgotten. She would be telling a fib if she were to say she had never imagined running away from Exodus in the shadow of the night, where she would go she had no clue.. but the visions of being free of her title was something she occasionally yearned. But that was all silly thinking, selfish even. People would give their life for the luxuries she possessed, her power and position something many sought out. These thoughts often brought guilt into her stomach, she would be ungrateful if she were to leave... "Enough Aamaya.. You are thinking too deeply, you need another drink.. maybe two." The girl would scold herself, abandoning her seat to swiftly move back into the sea of people, her eyes set on the elegant spread of food and drink. Her fingertips would tap at the table, catching the attention of the bartender tending to the drinks. His actions were instantaneous, a drink being filled and offered to her in no time. Aamaya knew it was dumb to consume things that hadn't first been tested for toxins, but she was in desperate need for a relaxer, her lips fumbling to grip the glass, the chilled blood soothing the burn that followed the alcohol with each sip.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by mercenarius
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mercenarius Good Bot

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Mel: Boys will be Boys
@Sol Grim

As Mel approached the Frozen Candle, he heard the sound of skirmish from within. He couldn't help but laugh. "Just like home," he said, turning toward the guard who had insisted on following him. "Yes, this will do just fine. Carry on."

"Your Highness, I really don't think--"

Mel threw open the door, took two steps in, and thew a left hook at the first guy he saw, immediately entering the fray. The other fighters thought little of the new face as they continued their wild brawl, those on the edges of the tavern cheering wildly for their friends and betting on who would go down first. This went on for not more than another minute before a voice boomed through the tavern.


The brawl stopped. Everyone began looking around wildly, and gazes quickly settled on the one-eyed newcomer. Mel froze; his face went red, partially from embarrassment and mostly from anger. He turned his attention to the guard, who had climbed up onto the nearest table to the door before making his announcement, and was now staring Mel down.

"And what a grand welcome I've received. Thank you for your kindness." He kept his tone as regal as he could, but couldn't prevent bitter sarcasm from leaking through. "Now, if you don't mind--"

"His Majesty requires the attendance of all foreign royalty at the palace."

"Of course. And I will--"

"Immediately, so that he may welcome you personally."

Mel inhaled sharply. Glancing around, he spotted someone who looked a lot like his friend Dalious; thinking quickly, he grabbed the man's arm. "I mean no disrespect. I am simply here to meet up with my personal bodyguard, who required alternate travel." He glanced at the man, Mel's eye begging for him to play along. "Now that we are reunited, we shall be on our way."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


“Thy!” Large man wobbled towards her and gave her a tight hug, squeezing nearly all the air out of her lungs. “It’s so good to see you again!”

Thyrri gasped for air and smiled. “S.. Seran. I was literally here two days ago.”

“And it had already been too long,” he winked at her. “Since all the people arriving to the city, I’ve been having more and more patients. Just hour ago I had to stitch up one Levonian guard who had gotten into a fight with some of that Luthra scum.”

Thyrri just rolled her eyes. Like most of the Freyja, Seran was always quick to jump to conclusions and judge people. But he was a good healer and she loved him anyway. “What do you know, maybe the guard was the one to blame. They are known to be hotheaded as well. Do you have any messages for me?”

“Hotheaded…,” Seran grumbled. “If I were the king, I would never invite this filth into the city.”

A loud giggle escaped Thyrri’s mouth. “No, if you were the king, you would spend all the wealth of Exodus on luxury food and courtesans.”

“And by that I would support local economy. Speaking of …er... economy, Mahita wanted you to come and visit her and help her with a problem.”

Thyrri sighed. Mahita only had two kinds of problems – being pregnant or catching something from her patrons. “I’ll stop there on my way to the palace.”

“You are so lucky to be able to attend the celebrations in the palace. It must be very… extravagant.”

Thyrri sneered, but knew it was pointless to make any comments on the matter. As she made her way towards the Mahita’s house, she noticed the increased number of strangers on the streets. There had always been outsiders in the city, but most of them were easily noticeable traders from Primfira.

One of Mahita’s servants lead Thyrri to a beautifully decorated living room. Mahita appeared a moment later, wearing an intricate bathrobe, her hair still wet. “Oh I am so glad you could make it today! I have one unnamed royal coming in later and was hoping the problem could be solved by then?”

“I’m not really sure about that,” Thyrri shook her head. “Let’s take a look.” ‘The problem’ was visible at first sight, but fortunately it wasn’t anything serious or contagious. Quick look around the huge bathroom revealed the cause of red itchy rash. “Where did you get this?”

Mahita glanced at the half-empty vial. “Ah, this was a very expensive gift from lord ‘very rich’.”

“Well either one of your maids stole the original content, or your lord ‘very rich’ is ‘very fake’,” Thyrri laughed. “This is basically itching powder in oily solution. I’ll give you something for it, but I’m afraid the rash will stick at least till tomorrow.”

“Oh no! I was hoping to hunt some fresh meat today,” Mahita gasped for air and laughed. “I heard those Luthra barbarians are something to look at.”

“Such words from a lady, scandalous!”

Thyrri giggled all the way to the palace, but the stunning display of wealth in the hallways wiped the smile off her face. And it was nothing compared to what was waiting for her in her chambers. No one with a sane mind would even call it a dress, it looked more like entire jewelry shop randomly sewn onto layers and layers of precious fabrics. “Yea, there is no way I’m wearing that,” she mumbled. “How would I even lift such weight off the ground?” The maid had already prepared a bath for her, fortunately she knew not to even mention the possibility of bathing in blood. Choosing something more ‘normal’ out of her wardrobe, a simple pastel dress and only a few of her favorite jewels, she quickly got dressed and headed towards the courtyard.

The soft sound of music and chatter was audible from a great distance. Thyrri took one last deep breath before leaving the relative safety of an empty hallway. Groups of people were promenading in the gardens, talking quietly and hiding behind mostly fake smiles. The servants carried plates full of all kinds of food, both local and foreign, as well as various beverages. Grabbing a glass of wine (and making sure there is no blood mixed into it) Thyrri stood in the corner, watching the crowd and looking for some normal people to talk to.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Krusader
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Ultfic was finishing his preparations for the royal trip to exodus. He wasn’t exactly happy to be going on the trip to the land of supposed blood drinkers and back stabbers but if the King was going so was he. He had heard that all Kingdoms would be present which of course meant that Luthra would be there and only the good lord knew what would come of them being present. Putting the last of his things in his pack he strapped it shut before throwing it over his shoulder. He took one last glance around the room to make sure he had forgotten nothing. Turning around he walked towards where the horses would be waiting for the party. As he passed the various people that worked in the “palace” he greeted them with a smile and a small bow which many gave back.

Stepping outside Ultfic saw the stable boys making the final preparation for the journey. He had arrived just in time to see his shield being fitted to the side of the horse a sleeping bag being strapped to the back. Taking Ultfics bag the stable boy quickly added it to the horses load. “Your horse is ready lord Ultfic.” the young boy had said with a bow. Ultfic quickly put his hand up stopping the boy from continuing “please don't refer to me as a lord for I am not one and most likely never will be.” Adding in a smile “but I appreciate the gesture.” he fished after tossing the boy a couple pieces of gold as payment which was far more than most of the stable hands were giveing if they were given anything.

As he turned around he saw his King and Queen had just arrived each wearing the best they had obviously trying to impress the royals of the other kingdoms. Giveing a small bow he greeted them “My lady and Lord” before getting onto his horse. He had already instructed his men on the formation they would be in for the trip. It was fairly simple one, on each side of the cart with two behind and Ultfic taking point in front of the caravan. As they continued on he could be heard humming a quiet little tune and perhaps even a whisper or two of some lyrics.

As they neared the city he could hear the loud music and yelling of what sounded like a city wide party was happening. Ultfic had to admit he was excited about what would come and who he would meet while in the palace. Though if he was being honest he still didn't trust anyone outside his kingdom which he was trying to get over for the Kings sake and for the sake of his land. When they finally reached the main gates he left his horse, after making sure to grab all his belongings, to the servants at the gate who would take them and keep them in the stable until there departure. Sliding on his shield he walked behind the King and Queen at a respectable distance, enough to give them space and not to intrude on them but close enough that he would jump in and intervene in any problems they may have.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

A cheery tune whistled through the forest as a colossal warrior marched his way through the neighbouring woods. Solveig Faermoor was asked to join the Royal Earthican entourage as a bodyguard for King Klaus. Of course, he gladly accepted with a huge grin on his face. Any opportunity to explore the world is one that should be taken. New sights, new food, new ale and new faces. However, it was that last point which made the Bear weary of Exodus. While he never visited the place, anywhere that was brimming with riches meant only three things. Thieves, mercenaries, and hired killers. Anyone looking to make their largest paycheck ever were going to have a field day. Every royal family all in the same place. Pigs to the slaughter, much?

Solveig shook it off. He took his promises very seriously, so anything that threatens his promise to protect Earthicans were something to be wary of. But Levonians were a hardy folk, no matter where they come from. King Klaus made his reputation through joining the very men he commanded on the frontlines. Paired with the captain of the royal guard, Ultfic, and the Ranger Laurel, it was already a mighty force to try and hurt... let alone kill. Hell, even the Queen and Princess have been known to use a weapon or two. Solveig knows all too well the begging of Princess Eve, desperate for another training session.

The roar of the city was new and exciting. Many bustling people, which Solveig towered over, as he remained in the neighbouring streets. With his axe resting on his shoulder, Solveig took in everything. Every food cart, tavern, entranceway and exit. He might need a bite to eat and know an escape plan in case something happens. It was then a curious poster caught his eye. "The Festival Brawl. Come watch the daring feats of fisticuffs to celebrate the Exodus Festival." He grinned heartily and immediately made his way to the entourage. As people avoided the large man, he walked up to the royal guard and saw Ultfic (@sly13) leading his men. Solveig raised the poster and showed his friend.

"What do you say, friend?" He laughed. "Why don't we show them how pure blooded Levonians fight!?" Solveig grinned.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Interactions: @Aamaya

The glaring lights of the glorious palace of Exodus dazzled the princess, but she didn’t ward off her eyes. Like an infinite amount of flashing stars they burst through the darkness of the night and lit up the facade. The astonishing ornaments of the building, the many details of the elaborately attached decorations, the enormous grandeur of the gates rising in front of her. Never before had she seen such luxury, such extravagance, such haughtiness.

As she stood there looking up to these impossibly high spires, fighting a slight giddiness which spooked through her head, her thoughts traveled (for what might have been the thousands time) back to this morning.

The morning, gleefully warm and inviting, began dreadfully horribly. Woken from one of her maids, still sleepy and already discontented, the princess got directed to an early morning bath, which she should, on behest of the Queen, give more of an effort than usually – the result smelled of some combination of flowers that Eve would not recognize. Perhaps a little mint, too? Yes, surely. Eve smelled of mint and other greenery. Luckily enough with a lot of persuasion - and much nagging – she was able to convince the maids to only add the oil in the very last few minutes of her bath; and so it happened that she only distinctly smelled of that nonsense.

Evangeline used the time at the fireplace (wich she got instructed to sit in front to dry her hair) with reading. She was reading quiet a lot these days. Whenever she did not get the chance to go out and get dirty, gain scrapes or bloody knees, she sat somewhere and read a book, sinking deeply into another, far away world.

But as soon as her red hair had dried, the Queen pulled her out of her fantasy world. Time was limited, she said, Eve should go get ready, the dress should be looking good. “Dress?!”, Eve exclaimed with soft panic.

A beautifully dark green gown with golden leaves and flowers draped over the chest to flow down to the waist sat in her room waiting for her, the maids ready to assist with dressing – something Eve absolutely couldn’t stand. The Queen firmly admonished her daughter to wear the gorgeous dress; it was important to appear presentable. Reluctantly, with much indecent muttering, the dress got pulled over Evangeline's head. But the torture didn’t come to an end there. Already in the tight, waisted dress, that pushed up her bosom uncomfortably, she got forced into shoes with heels. It had been a real act to get her to keep them on; five times she successfully slipped them off and put on her boots beneath the long gown – but five times the Queen caught her and put an end to it.

As departure was getting closer, the worst and last evil fell upon the nagging princess. With many pins and mild force her hair got pulled into a position, that Evangeline considered absolutely unnatural. Her hair, magnificently yet decently flaunted, ached at every root. After the red mane was handled, the princess came to notice that she was not left alone for one second anymore. Apparently her mother had, out of worry her daughter would pull the pins out shortly before their departure, instructed the maids to look out for her and hinder her from any attempts of sabotage.

When the time came to get seated in the carriage, the Queen admonished her daughter one last time to behave morally und like a lady of her status. She recited once more about the importance of an alliance with the Exodus Kingdom and that the princess should be fully aware of the impact her manners would have. She knew Evangeline all too well.

So a little later the princess sat in the carriage, taking her further and further away from home, towards Exodus, with her personal guard and friend sitting across from her. Laurel first had declined to join her, but after Eve’s agonizing begging she had given in and was now seated in the same carriage on the same uneven road. Hours of driving passed by, yet no end in sight. The dress hugged her waist and bosom in too tightly for Evangeline’s liking, it was too ostentatious, she could not move freely, her feet cramped in these unfamiliar shoes, her hair pulled at the roots in a way that felt like it was trying to lengthen her skin.

About two hours before arrival, the princess freed herself from that prison. She kicked the shoes away, hectically stripped her dress off, which got entangled with the hairpins and pulled them out halfway. She flung the gown to the floor and loosened her hair, dropped the pins onto the garment, shook her head and sighed with relief when she felt the familiar, soothing feeling of her hair against her cheeks. Half naked she sat in front of Laurel before fishing out shorts, t-shirt and boots hidden underneath the seat and dressing herself in clothing of her choice.

The carriage of the princess arrived a few minutes before the royal pair’s. Laurel decided to use some time to scout the city; she believed that in an emergency it was important to know their surroundings, she felt safer that way. As did the princess. Eve was glad that she had Laurel to count on. She gave her a feeling of security.

As soon as her friend was gone, Eve set off towards the entrance of the castle. The pompous lights dazzled her as she got closer.

Upon her entering the building, with dubious looks two guards helped Evangeline find her way towards the feast. The palace on the inside, even though she had considered it barely possible, was even more extravagant and intimidating. As she now found herself guided to the festive garden it became undeniable: She did not like Exodus. Everything was so big, exaggerated, brightly lit, like a poster child, like a boastful announcement, it was loud, crowded, seeming arrogant and overweening.

Eyes followed the barely dressed lady in her muddy calf-high boots, the very short khaki pants and that red, simple t-shirt while she slinked off to find a less crowded spot, hoping to not be seen or, worse, talked to. And foremost hoping she could flee from her parents for a little while longer.

The odor in the garden produced a certain unrest in her stomach. It smelled of so many different fragrance oils, she could not make out one scent explicitly, of alcoholic beverages, hot food, warm bodies, blooming plants and something else…

When a cool, fresh breeze blew in her face her stomach was more than welcoming it. Her head tilted into the direction of the soothing feeling. Relieved she breathed in the air, repressed the smell of superimposed oil on warm skin and enjoyed the chill of the evening.

After just a short moment the smell came back to her, alcoholic drinks and intensive oils dominating Eve’s senses, convincing her to move towards the bar, with the bold hope a drink underneath her nose would overpower the aroma of the night. Her feet moved over the ground with ease and precision until she reached the destination. She raised a hand to gain the attention of the barkeeper. “Whiskey, please.” The princess rested her forearms on the counter, her back against the bar, and only then did she notice the person next to her. In a conspicuous, luxurious, very glittery dress, the long black hair braided, with noble headdress and multiple bracelets the lady stood next to her. Eve knew exactly who she was… very obviously a citizen of Exodus. How had she missed this dress before, everything sparkled so intrusively?! She thought herself to be more inattentive than was doing her good.

Eve looked at the woman, she let her eyes gaze over her bronze skin for a short moment and became uncomfortably aware of her own pale skin. Quickly she shook the upcoming unpleasant feelings away. She looked directly into the face of the stranger – was that a broken iris? – before averting her eyes as to not stare. "Also escaping the masses?", she asked rhetorically.

She let her gaze drift over the guests, searching for a familiar face, people from her kingdom – guards or her parents. Laurel wouldn’t be here.

Her drink came quickly and she gratefully accepted it, long swallows burned in her throat and she repressed a cough. The alcohol spread warmth within her chest, a pleasant feeling she welcomed. The drink was different from back home. Maybe it was purer? Or maybe it was the environment and it was all in her head?

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Laurel Mith

Exodus was getting busier by the moment, the streets thronged with revellers and visitors. Merchants plied their wares, trying to take advantage of the massive influx of people not that many of them had the funds to pay the steep prices; Exodus was the richest nation by far after all.

Laurel weaved her way through the crowds, her height commanding some of the smaller races to part way for her while others seemed determined to frustrate her path for the insignia she wore on her surcoat. She pushed past those, muscles built from hours spent with the bow greater than those any civilian could boast, her eyes focused on the palace ahead. She could see the heads of her fellows rising above the sea of faces unknown to her, their Levonian blood plain in their stature, pale skin and fiery hair.

Standing out even from their own, the Captain of the Kingsguard and Solveig towered over everyone. The latter's face was more familiar to her, Ultfic being more of a passing acquaintance even after her years spent treading the Earthican palace halls in Eve's tow. Bursting free of the crowd she brushed herself down, adjusting the surcoat a little more appropriately before approaching them. Normally she would not be concerned as to her appearance, days spent in the wilderness on the hunt were mutually exclusive to the excessive cleanliness and scented oils these Freyjan people seemed to enjoy so much, but she was representing her people now. Even if Eve wanted to rebel against such sensibilities, it was not Laurel's place to do so as much as she wanted to cast aside the weight of responsibility the blasted insignia settled on her shoulders.

"Have you seen Eve? The Princess." She corrected herself, glancing over the entourage and spotting both the King and Queen as she spoke. She did not see her friend, the one person she was ostensibly charged with protecting in this foreign city, and stifled a groan. Where had she gone now? Her emerald eyes drifted toward the palace proper and she thought she spotted that unruly mane of red hair she was so familiar with, standing out amidst the glittering dresses and Freyjan complexions.

This time she could not conceal the grimace, remembering the way Eve had cast off the dress she had been made to wear for the event in favour of her more practical, if much less appropriate, every day wear. The Queen would be far from impressed, she knew, although she doubted any blame would be cast her way; it was well known that while she was close with the Princess she was as powerless to control her actions as Eve's parents.

She turned to Ultfic and Solveig, trying to keep a watch on Eve by way of her hair, bright as a bonfire in the night, and gestured toward the exclusive appearance of the gathering inside.

"So are we allowed in there? It looks a bit rich for my blood."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by essends


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Interactions: @KahleenCuthald

The festival was coming to life, people pouring in through the entrance of Exodus, streams of different races trickling into the palace, the garden, the bars, and anywhere else they were permitted to enter. It was something magnificent to see such diversity in Exodus, in any Kingdom at that. For years and years the Kingdom's had been so closed off to one another, so prejudice. Exodus was known to be friendliest with Primfira, often trading with the Kingdom because it also had wealth. The less fortunate Kingdom's were often left in the cold, Earthica stuck as a middle man while Luthra sunk, its own people destroying it. Aamaya pitied the people of Luthra, she wondered how they could be so vile and careless, fighting one another like stray mutts. She couldn't fathom how someone could possibly survive in Luthra, the place was not only incredibly poor, but nearly as dangerous as Black Water itself.

A soft sigh would escape the princess's lips, the drink in her hands rising to greet her mouth once more. The sound of a voice would catch Aamaya's attention, she averted her eyes from her glass to take in the image of a fiery haired woman, likely a Levonian. Hearing the Levonian's question, Aamaya would lower her glass once more, split tongue swiping across her top lip to rid it of any trace of her drink. "Mm, I suppose you could say that." She would reply to the rhetoric question thrown her way, a small smirk tugging at her features. "Earthica, yes? I am Aamaya, what is your name?" Her eyes would examine the Levonian girl's attire, scanning her from head to toe, a gentle and very short lived giggle following. "Your attire.. is very interesting. Most would dress to impress, but you dress for comfort. I like that." The princess would tilt her chin upwards, looking directly into the other woman's eyes now. She knew most people hated the appearance of Freyjan people, they were considered too vibrant, their attire loud and obnoxious. Their tongues and eyes taboo, serpentine, demonic even. Aamaya ignored the comments however, while she was very aware of her oddities, she found them to be unique and if anything were a welcomed addition rather than a nuisance. A dainty hand would reach towards the Levonian girl's face, bronzed fingers meeting fiery strands of hair. Aamaya would nod in approval, retracting her hand once she had fully admired the other woman's hair. "I have always been so intrigued by Levonian hair, it is as if someone lit ice ablaze. Contrasting beautifully against your people's pale complexions. Your skin is so youthful, do you bathe in blood?" The question was sincere, her eyes bright with a curious glimmer. She looked like a child, her proper casing receding for a moment while true and pure bewilderment took over. Aamaya had obviously seen other races before, but very rarely and never so close. Even tonight, as she conversed with others prior, she never talked for very long and was sure to be a good distance away. But now was different, she could really take in what the Levonian people looked like, it was amazing to her how unalike they were, yet how they emanated their own beauty.

Aamaya would clear her throat, blinking several times before averting her gaze after realizing she had drifted from her position as a stern and proper royal. The girl straightened up, chin returning to a slight upward tilt, her relaxed demeanor and posture no more. It was very clear the woman struggled within herself, almost battling two different identities on a constant basis. As if she desired another lifestyle or persona that was just out of her grasp. "My most sincere apologies, I've just realized you're the Princess of Earthica yes? My mind is cloudy, I am unfamiliar with such diversity, it must have slipped my mind completely... I hate to abandon this conversation so early, but I have somewhere I must be." Without another word, Aamaya would offer a small curtsy before excusing herself, trailing off into the palace before disappearing down one of the many halls. The girl would find her room, the door clicking shut behind her before she sat herself in front of the boudoir. A disgruntled huff would signify her annoyance in herself, disappointed in how easily she had drifted off in conversation, allowing herself to become much too comfortable.. She was made an easy target when she was comfortable, comfort meant you weren't aware enough.. She was to always be aware if she wanted to keep her title and life. Aamaya would gaze at her reflection, resting her chin atop her fist as she collected herself once more. She would have to be more careful, less friendly with these strangers. While she yearned to meet new people and make friends, she knew as a princess and future queen, she had to keep walls up.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Interactions: @KahleenCuthald

Thyrri stood in the corner watching the crowd. The colors swirled around, disrupted by brief flashes of light reflected by the expensive jewels. It was mesmerizing. Thyrri had tried some… not so legal substances before and the feeling she had back then was very similar, everything was bright and shiny, and the world turned around her at a nauseating speed. Leaning back against the wall she closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating on the soft music, which was barely distinguishable under the noise the people were making. She managed to regain her composure, or at least enough to look at the crowd again.

She didn’t see the queen anywhere near, which was probably a good thing, Thyrri was a bit too tired for a lecture on proper appearance and behavior for a member of the royal family. ‘Perhaps she is trying to find me a proper husband amongst our highly esteemed guests, so she could finally get rid off me. Ideally marry me off to some hellhole in Luthra.’ Thyrri had to suppress a very unprincess-like giggle, imagining the queen bribing a Luthran cutthroat to kindly marry her niece.

On her way to get her wineglass refilled Thyrri noticed Aamaya. She had to admit that while the extravagant display of wealth might have looked tasteless on other people, Aamaya wore it with graceful elegance, looking more beautiful than ever. Thyrri’s cousin was just talking to a Levonian girl who looked even more underdressed than Thyrri herself. A smile played on Thyrri’s lips when she headed to the princess and her guest. Finally, someone to her liking.

While waiting for them to finish their conversation, Thyrri had to hide her face in her palms when Aamaya asked about the blood baths. ‘By all the gods, cousin, do you really have to make us look like some illiterate barbarians in front of strangers?’ she thought, trying not to let a loud moan escape her lips. When Aamaya left Thyrri approached the princess. “You have to excuse my cousin, she has worked very hard to make sure that every tiny aspect of the festival is perfect, and she is a bit exhausted. You must be princess Evangeline Townsend. Welcome to Exodus.” Thyrri gave a perfect curtsy. ‘Too bad the queen isn’t here to see me behaving like a true lady,’ a quick erratic thought ran through her mind and she smiled. “My name is Thyrri. I hope you are enjoying the festival.” Somehow Thyrri doubted that. Princess Evangeline looked like she would enjoy a lot of things, but this classy party probably wouldn’t be one of them.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
Avatar of Sol Grim

Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

Member Seen 28 days ago

Dal and Mel

Dalious paused his fist and he huffed when he heard the loud guard announcing the arrival of an old friend, the prince of Luthra. Everyone stopped fighting, though Dalious still held up a nearly unconscious gambler by his collar. Wincing at the guards voice, he looked at Mel and smirked. He hadn't thought the prince would show to the festival, but then he remembered there was free booze.

Turning away from the grand entrance, he bawled his fist and went to punch the guy he was holding up when Melchior grabbed his arm and pulled him aside to other matters. The gambler he released fell limp to the floor as Dalious turned and nodded with everything the prince had to say. He gave him a wink to the patch and then picked up a nearly full bottle of whiskey from one of the tables.

"Aye, that's right you meesley vagrants, I'm with him," Dalious informed, kicking a downed man for good measure as he tossed his earning pouch to the bartender. "In the name of Luthra, drinks on me." He then tapped his cheek to feel the wounds he suffered, and after spitting out some blood he made his way back out of the tavern. "Come dear prince, you heard your man servant, best not to keep them waiting. Or, best to be drunk while you keep them waiting." He discretely pointed to the bottle of whiskey.

Mel couldn't help but laugh as he realised the man was, in fact, his good friend. "Indeed. Let us meet Exodus's esteemed King and Queen, and celebrate their beautiful daughter's coming of age." He bowed and made a motion as if tipping an invisible hat. "It has been a pleasure meeting all of you fine people." Then, quickly straightening himself, he strolled out of the tavern with his head held high.

"The father's not around is he?" Dalious wondered as he gave a few glances this way and that. The man was a mood kill and he felt in no state to be around such. After realizing they were free from any family members, Dalious was able to relax and soak in the festival. The colors and designs were all around them, and it was hard enough not to get sidetracked by something.

"No, I think Father is with Mother. You really think I'd be with them if I could help it?" Mel laughed as he grabbed the bottle and swigged generously. "By the gods, I needed that."

The guard, still lagging slightly behind, cleared his throat. "With all due respect, Your Highness, I can--"

"Holy shit, please stop calling me that."

"I can assure you that adequate protection will be provided. I don't believe that bringing... with all due respect, your less-than-refined bodyguard into the palace is--"

Mel stopped and scowled at the guard. The man stopped speaking, and they continued walking as Mel swigged again.

"They started it!" Dalious spoke toward the guard, then turned back to his friend. "Anyway, how are things? Havn't seen you in forever! Last I saw you, I was sailing away on my pirate ship with my very best in crew." He paused for a moment and sighed. "They were all brutally murdered and my ship sank to the bottom of the Black Water. I was stranded at sea in a rowboat for days! Best not talk about the details I'm not quite over it. More interested to hear why you're here, and don't tell me it's because you were invited. That's boring." Dalious rolled up some dragongrass while they walked and talked, taking a few hits of the weed before he continued. "If we're robbing this fancy lot, I'm with you until the end. However, if we're just hear to drink and have a good time, you have some catching up to do mate."

"Holy shit, man." He handed off the bottle to Dalious and gave a sympathetic look as he talked about his ship. "I wish I was here to rob them. No, trust me, I ain't here because I want to be. Mother thinks this thing will be... good for me. Whatever the fuck that means." He took the bottle, and swigged a couple times as he glanced around the street. Everything here was so... different than what he was used to. All the colours and extravagance... it was a little overwhelming.

"She keeps talking about a 'marriage of convenience,' like it's gonna solve all our problems. Pretty sure the only problem that'll solve is getting me out of her hair." Swigged once more, then handed the bottle off. "Not that I'd mind that. Bitch threw my lute off the gods-damn ship. How does she expect me impress foreign princesses without my lute?"

"Your lute playing was quite lovely," Dalious said and took another swig, smiling as he remembered a few of his old melodic songs. "Anyway, I suppose I'd have to see this princess in person before I could give off any trustworthy advice. Perhaps I might also find some work out here in the meanwhile, rich folk always need people dead."

Dalious had to pause for a moment when he saw the palace up close, as he had never seen it before. Once they reached the entrance he looked around and admired the structures built around them, but his attention shifted as people were now seemingly everywhere. He felt slightly underdressed.

"Whatever happens tonight, I want you to know that as your personal bodyguard, I will stay by your side this entire evening," he informed him. "I'll be your second eye. I'll protect your life with your life as if it were my own, savvi?"

Grabbing some wine from a passing server, Dalious followed as they moved closer toward the people. All of them fancy-like and ripe for the pickings, however tonight he would have to force aside his pickpocketing urges and pretend to be a bodyguard. The last time he was a bodyguard it was for some noble and another assassin murdered that noble while Dalious was passed out piss drunk in some barn. Needless to say he didn't receive many bodyguard jobs thereafter.

Being a bit lost in his own thoughts, as well as drunk, Dalious found himself walking amongst groups of people he didn't know toward the palace. The ground seemed to sway this way and that, all around him people from different parts of the world enjoying the festivities. There were so many passing people that Dalious took a wrong direction and found himself alone again. Melchior was nowhere in sight, he had lost him already.

"Mel?" he asked and turned to look. Not wanting to draw too much attention toward himself, he paused from searching and just continued walking. Ashing out his dragongrass and tossing the empty bottle of whiskey away, he kept toward the palace. "Well shit. I've got to be the worst bodyguard ever..."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Interactions: @Aamaya@Raylah

Her eyes kept drifting over the masses of people in the stunning garden, sipping on her whiskey, feeling the burning the alcoholic beverage left in her throat and then the warmth in her chest as she swallowed it. She wasn't fully aware of who she was looking for in the crowd, but she was searching for something. Eve stopped her gaze from wandering along the guests for a moment, trying to understand what exactly she was even looking for. Her parents perhaps? The next get-together with her mother would not be pleasant, giving her current attire, that was for sure. But no, she wasn't looking out for the inevitable trouble she had gotten herself into. She didn't feel threatened or unsafe, meaning she would not be needing the presence of guards - mostly she hated being guarded. She felt like she was getting babysitted, spied on even, to make sure she does not do anything her mother would disapprove of.

It was Laurel she was looking for in the crowd, Eve then realized. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought about spotting the woman in the crowd, how she would be looking for Eve and how her face would lit up when she would find her. That is silly, she scolded herself. Laurel was not lighting up when she saw Eve. There was no reason for that either. They had been friends for years. You're being absolutely unreasonable. Eve banished Laurel's beautiful face from her inner eye; she could not be so trapped inside her fantasies right now.

Her eyes wandered over the woman next to her again, just as she was licking her upper lip and Eve noticed the slit in her tongue. Her eyes widened for just a tiny moment as she had never seen such a thing before. To be fairly honest, it made her feel a tad bit uncomfortable. It was something new, strange to her, and she would have to get used to it first. She didn't know if she ever would.

"Mm, I suppose you could say that." Her voice cut through the loud environment with ease. "Earthica, yes? I am Aamaya, what is your name?"

Aamaya... Why did it feel like that name should be giving Eve any sort of information? She tried to recollect her memory about a name such as Aamaya, but she could not entirely grasp what it was about that name that felt off to her. If it was of any importance, she was sure Aamaya would have added that bit of information as well. Eve tossed the feeling aside. "It's Eve", she answered shortly, still quiet overpowered by the view of the split tongue and a little insecure around the confidence of the woman.

Before she could add anything else, Aamaya would examine Evangeline's appearance. Eve felt a little bit uncomfortable being looked up and down like that, unsure of how a lady dressed in a million stars would react to her improper plain attire. To her very surprise the woman let out a soft, short giggle. And even more surprisingly so, it warmed Eve's heart a little, the corners of her mouth would lift slightly. "Your attire.. is very interesting. Most would dress to impress, but you dress for comfort. I like that."

Now it was the red haired woman that let a short giggle be heard. "I appreciate that. I have to admit, this is not quiet my scene." Eve gave Aamaya a soft, sincere smile.

She wanted to add how surprised she was by the approval of a lady in a such light reflecting, shiny gown, but stopped herself from any more words when Aamaya's eyes met directly with hers. It felt intimidating, it feel intimate and yet Eve could not draw her eyes from looking back into hers. Hazel eyes, gorgeously bright with a certain curiosity in them, she could spot the golden and blue bits in them, mesmerized by the beauty of the intertwined colors. The broken iris of her right eye looking like a delicate drop of rain dominated Eve's attention. She felt trapped under the gaze and, what concerned her the most, she didn't even mind.

The stranger's hand rose towards her face, touching a ginger strand of hair and playing with it between fingers shortly. A visible blush appeared on Eve's cheeks. She had never met such behavior before - but once again, she didn't even mind. Something about the way Aamaya's hazel eyes had looked at hers, and were now examining her red mane, was raw, honest and she felt like Aamaya too was making her self vulnerable as she proceeded in those somewhat intimate forms of interaction.

"I have always been so intrigued by Levonian hair, it is as if someone lit ice ablaze. Contrasting beautifully against your people's pale complexions. Your skin is so youthful, do you bathe in blood?" Firstly feeling flattered by her words, Eve soon showed a moment of shock on her expression as the traditional blood-bathing was mentioned. She had completely forgotten about the odd, barbaric ritual while engaging so inappropriately with Aamaya, who after all was still a stranger to her. Evangeline felt slightly angered, mostly disgusted, that the woman would suggest such a thing about her.

Just then Aamaya repositioned herself. Withdrawing her gaze from Evangeline, she cleared her throat, blinked a couple of times and lifted her chin up high as though being above Eve. The Earthica princess frowned at the sudden change of behavior; it left a strangely heavy feeling in her heart she knew too well from her father. It was disappointment. What had she done this time to bring someone so quickly to change their attitude towards her? The bubble she now realized she had been in had burst.

Evangeline observed the woman's facial expression closely, trying to get behind the thoughts and struggles of her. As the heavy feeling in her chest disappeared, only lasting for a mere second, she was able to see that Aamaya was indeed struggling with something, she believed her behavior to be an act, and her previous interactions with Eve to having been sincere and upright. The intriguing curiosity was no more.

"My most sincere apologies, I've just realized you're the Princess of Earthica yes? My mind is cloudy, I am unfamiliar with such diversity, it must have slipped my mind completely... I hate to abandon this conversation so early, but I have somewhere I must be." - "Wait, -" But she had already slipped away gracefully. Eve wanted to tell her that it was just fine, she could be herself, she wanted to reassure her that she was not offended by her intrusive actions. Rather, it was a welcoming breakout of the strict environment they found themselves in currently. But she had been left standing at the bar, looking into the crowd that the strange woman had disappeared into.

Evangeline leaned her whole weight against the counter of the bar. Recollecting her thoughts, trying to process what had just happened. Much time for that she did not have. “You have to excuse my cousin, she has worked very hard to make sure that every tiny aspect of the festival is perfect, and she is a bit exhausted. You must be princess Evangeline Townsend. Welcome to Exodus.”

Evangeline's eyes gazed over the woman, like they had gazed over Aamaya minutes ago. If she did not know anything about this woman, she knew she was gorgeously beautiful. The women of Exodus seemed to have a standard of looking appealing to one's eye. The stranger, someone from so far away, who she surely had never met before, knowing her name felt odd and almost intruding to her. She realized that the guests and possibly the servants of the festival had done their required research about the other royal families, even though she hadn't.

There were two other things she made a mental note of. First, Aamaya had worked on the festival, which must mean she was working for the royal family. And second, she had a cousin, who seemed to also be working for the royal family.

“My name is Thyrri. I hope you are enjoying the festival.”

Eve took a long sip of her whiskey, which was coming dangerously close to being empty, before she answered. "Thyrri, that's a beautiful name. I have not yet come to enjoy much of it, to be entirely honest with you. It has not been so long since my arrival and I have so far only had time to indulge in a short-lived conversation with your cousin Aamaya. And please, call me Eve." Evangeline searched for similar oddities in Thyrri's appearance as she had spotted in Aamaya's, but she could not find a broken iris nor did she see a slit in the tongue. She was glad about the latter. The bronze-skinned Freyja woman also did not give away such a pompous appearance as her cousin had done, with a way more casual look than Aamaya, but still much more graceful and appropriate than Evangeline, she found the right balance between elegant and functional to impress Eve. The Earthica princess was somewhat intrigued.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by essends


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Interactions: @Lord Zee - @mercenarius

Just above the melodious ring of chatter and twinkling of lantern lights, stood Aamaya watching with sorrowful eyes. The young princess was observing the festival from her balcony, resting her cheek against her palm while her lithe body pressed against the balconies rail. She exhaled shakily, eyes welling with salty tears. Before the drops could escape her eyes and trail down her cheeks, a hand would swipe them away. "No crying Aamaya, you'll ruin your appearance.." The girl would hiss under her breath, heaving herself away from the railing to enter her room once more. She would tidy up her eyes, removing any sign of her previous endeavors. Once satisfied, Aamaya would exit her room, her once hurried and mournful stride now straightening to a proud, sensual saunter. The garden greeted her with the familiar sound of music and cheerful chatter. The guests seemed pleased, she was grateful of that. Bold eyes would scan over faces, searching for someone she'd recognize. She was met with her cousin, Thyrri and the Levonian Princess once more, her eyes quickly darting to the nearest attraction. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, blood rushing to give her bronzy features a soft, rosy blush. She despised how she had acted previously, how she wished she could redo it all. Something inside of her was so captivated by the other princess, she appeared so differently from anyone she had ever met.

Soon her attention was snatched from her thoughts, eyes focusing on the man before her. "Princess Aamaya, your guests seem to be entirely pleased. A tournament is to be held soon as I am sure you are aware, of course it shall only be entertainment and not to the death, is that correct princess?" The guard towered over the Freyjan girl, but her stance was strong, full of confidence. She would listen to him speak before nodding her head gently, glancing past the man to examine her guests. "Yes, yes.. That is correct. I do not want any death, this is not a battle anyone will be losing their life for. Purely for my guests entertainment, for it has been requested several times.." Aamaya spoke to the man with such sureness, offering a smile before she excused herself from the conversation. She would dismiss the man to whatever duties he was required to do, likely going off to get word out of the upcoming tournament for the night. Aamaya would mingle for a while, the appearance of a very large man who appeared to be from Luthra, ripping her attention away from her current guest. She was intrigued, the man was enormous, gruff and evil in appearance. She would presume it was The Father of Luthra, she had no desire to have any type of acquaintance with such man, but she knew she had to keep him on her good side. Clearing her throat and heaving a deep sigh, Aamaya would drift towards the large man, stopping once she was within speaking distance. "Hello, welcome to Exodus. I assume you are The Father of Luthra yes..?" Aamaya would trail off slightly, glancing towards the woman accompanying him. "And you, The Mother?" She would finally add, presenting a welcoming smile while one hand motioned towards the festivities behind them. "I am Princess Aamaya, I hope you will enjoy what my Kingdom has put together for you and the other Kingdom's.. I thank you for attending." Without another word Aamaya would curtsy gracefully before drifting off among the sea of people. She had no interest in conversing with such people, they were dangerous, untrustworthy people with bad intentions. She would offer a sincere welcoming and that was all, getting too close could leave her in hot water.

The night would go on leisurely, good spirits keeping the party alive well into the darkest of hours. Aamaya would be found lingering here and there, taking in the beauty before her. She didn't mind not speaking to the guests, she loved to see them interact, loved observing their facial expressions in reaction to their conversations. It was quite the spectacle, possibly a new beginning for the Kingdom's. But she wouldn't get her hopes to high, she knew how easily things could turn. Her jaw would clench, teeth grinding aggressively against one another while her eyes sat glued to the Thanatos Mother and Father. She knew what they were capable of, it terrified her but she wouldn't allow those emotions to seep through her mask. She had to keep up the act she was taught to offer.

Aamaya would soon find her way back to her throne, gently seating herself on the comfortably cushioned seat that nearly consumed the small woman. There were many faces she recognized now, King's and Queen's she remembered studying tediously for so long in preparation for a day such as this one. "M'lady, I must ask.. What are your plans for said festivities? Has anyone caught your attention? So many of your people are curious as to what their future Queen has in store for them. Will we be seeing a lone Queen in the near future? Or will you wed a man or woman?" The sudden question would catch Aamaya off guard, the voice familiar, once of her many servants handing her a new glass of alcohol while he spoke. She sipped the drink nonchalantly, eyes on the crowd rather than the man interrogating her. She would soak in the question, allowing it to linger before them a while. Frankly, she had no real answer.. She was unsure of what her future held. Would she wed? Possibly.. The woman hoped so. Ruling a Kingdom with nobody by your side could become lonely, possibly even drive her mad. "So my people are gossiping you say? Mm, delightful. Allow them to gossip. I have no desire to answer such questions, I feel they're rather inappropriate as of now. What I do with my title is my business and nobody else's.. Leave before I have you excused myself." Aamaya's eyes would quickly snap in the mans direction, an intense glare sending shivers down his spine. She was not known to be cruel, while she could be stern this was unlike her. These words came from a place of insecurity. She worried she would not wed and worried her Kingdom would refuse to accept her as a Queen. While that was unheard of in Exodus, the idea left the woman full of dread. Thus a spiteful side of her arose, sending the servant off in a hurry as to not displease the princess further. Once he had left her view, Aamaya's tense body would slink lower in her throne. An annoyed groan grumbling in her throat. She looked like a child, stuck in the form of a highly respected princess. Diffident eyes would lift from gazing at her own palms, reaching out to the sea of people as if searching desperately for someone to grasp onto. She felt so completely alone, the headdress atop her head felt like the weight of the world was resting comfortably above her while she sat in unbearable discomfort below.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 23 days ago


'Today was going to be a great day.' King Harold thought as he stood perched on his balcony and with his eyes peered down below as people from other Kingdoms and countries were coming through the entrance gates. This festival was what he needed right about now. He was going a little bit insane so being around other people and maybe flaunt his wealth slightly, would make him feel a little bit better. With a smirk, Harold turned heel and walked through the double doors that led into his chambers then stripped so that he could take his bath.

After that was done, he had dressed then waltzed over towards the floor stand mirror and reviewed himself. He was quite pleased with his attire then walked to his chamber doors and opened them, letting the guards present know that he was ready to make his entrance into the ballroom. The guards nodded their heads toward him as Harold proceeded to walk forward with at least four guards trailing behind him. Before he could turn a corner, his fanfare had already played and Harold walked into an explosive applause and chuckled lightly then smiled. "Thank you, thank you." He said as he walked up the aisle, people bowing before him.

Harold walked over towards his Queen, giving her a peck on the cheek then smiled towards her. "Hello there, my Queen. Enjoying the festivities thus far?" He'd ask as his eyes went to everyone present then saw Earthica's King and Queen make an entrance. "You should really be mingling with the folks, my dear. I mean, look at Aamaya..." He took a brief pause as he extended his arm out toward her direction then continued. "She's already getting to know the people around these parts. She'll make a great Queen someday." Harold stated as he then excused himself and walked passed Aamaya, sending her a fatherly wink her way then went up towards the King and Queen of Earthica.

"Your Highnesses. A pleasure to have you here." Antonette giggled at his greeting as she held her hand out for Harold to grab, which he did and gave it a little kiss. Harold's eyes then went to Klaus and offered him a nod of greeting. "Mind if I take this lovely Queen and dance with her, Klaus?" Antonette waved her hand in Klaus' direction then practically responded for him. "Oh, he doesn't mind. Come on." Antonette said as she grabbed Harold's hand then dragged him to the middle of the dance floor.

The band had stopped playing their previous tune then quickly started to play on that the King found quite interesting, which was his favorite. He bowed towards Antonette and she curtsied in returned then they started to dance with each other. She wasn't expecting a dance with the King of Exodus but was happy that they were dancing together anyway. "So, is it too soon to ask about your Kingdom's expenses for this party?" She asked with a slight smirk and a raised brow of deceit.

"No. I guess not." Harold responded confusingly and with a laugh. He shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at her. "I don't handle the expenses. I am too busy running the Kingdom." Antonette scoffed a little with an eye roll then pressed herself against Harold, whispering in his ear a little. "Running a Kingdom can't be that hard, your majesty." She then removed herself from being too close to him as they continued their dance. "When you are running the most expensive kingdom, it can be." Harold commented to her statement then twirled her around before bringing her in closer to him.

"What is it you wish to know?" Harold locked his eyes with Antonette's now as she smirked a little while finding a way to wiggle out of his grasp. "Oh, King Harold, I do not wish to know anything. I, too, have a kingdom to run." She muttered as she curtsied and he bowed towards her as the song had just ended. "Don't forget, you were almost mine."

King Harold left that expression to cloud Antonette's mind as she stood there a bit stunned. She remembered the days when she and Harold were in love but now, she has Klaus and he has Vivienne so they were both good in her mind. Harold roamed around the ballroom for the moment as Antonette went over towards Klaus and stood beside him, linking her arm with his. "Enjoying the festival, my love?" She spoke sweetly toward him then glanced up to read his facial expressions. Just to see if he was going to tell her the truth or not.
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