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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Krewsial


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Yeah. It's crazy to see you here too. I didn't think anyone from middle school would tryout for U.A."

It was nice to see a familiar face in the midst of the crowd of aspiring students. It helped calm his nerves. After their greeting, Gale took at look at her outfit. He fought the urge to laugh. She probably felt embrassed to wear the suit that probably her parents made for her.

"You're right. I see your suit has just about everything you need huh?" He said jokingly. He couldn't let her off the hook that easily. "I'll see you around."

He watched her walk away awkwardly then noticed a patch on the back of the suit saying "Grab This."

"What's the patch for?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bigblack1394


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Malkell is watching the exam take place and a huge smile starts to come across his face as he sees aspiring souls get crushed and overran by the robots.

"I gotta remember to take Cloud out for dinner after this." He thought out loud. Looking at the timer clicking down.


"I know for a fact that Malkell has to be loving this" Cloud chuckles and sees the timer finally reach 5 minutes.A evil smile comes across his face. His head snaps back and the next thing he sees is that he's inside the biggest robot.

"Time for despair to take over"

Cloud made sure the timers he SET on the cameras went off so that the rest of the world couldn't see the mess that was started.


"Infinite Rage" Malkell says opening his hands and bubbles start to float everywhere.

Everyone around him who got touched by a bubble turned into angry people and started to fight in the stands and even some of the bubbles ended up inside the fighting field and hit some of the students. The place erupted into total chaos and Malkell just started fighting along with the people acting like he was effected as well.

Now controlling the giant robot Cloud starts attacking the students.

"This is way too easy" He swings his arms at the buildings trying to cause as much chaos as possible.

"Therapy" Malkell says as he uses the confusion to slide into the battlefield and he starts absorbing the emotions of the students.

"Infinite despair" Malkell yells out as he makes a large bubble and sends it rushing towards the student.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Faerzen Rozenfeldt

The dark clad young man found himself standing in one of the corridors of the UA main building, glancing every now and then out through one of the open windows.

The new batch of aspiring students, and likely more than a couple were troublemakers. Eager to test out their might or magic, their skill and will. In whichever way their quirk allowed them to. Faerzen blew some air out of his mouth in a sighing manner. The past year had been what he had expected, dull and without much progress. He knew what he wanted, but the way to get there was not an easy one. Those which had shared the previous year with him knew not to mess with him, and whilst that had it's benefits it also separated him further and further from other people.

"Maybe I should welcome the newcomers..." He said aloud in a ponderous manner, his right hand reaching up to grab unto his chin in thought.

"Heh.. how about you instead give them a beating? Show them their place in the pecking order!" The voice was fierce and with obvious malevolent intent. Faerzen reached his hand up from his chin, moving all the way up to his forehead where he focused.

"I am not going to let you have your way... not this time." He said quietly as he adjusted his shirt by the collar, before begining to walk down the corridor.

"Keeping ourselves in check are we? How dull! I know you want to show them whose the alpha of the pack! Why not use the power if you have it? It is so easy..." The young man heard as an echo in his head. The dark clad young man stopped walking and looked over his shoulder, at seemingly none at all. "I am going to handle things the right way this time. Be quiet..." He thought to himself.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
Avatar of Crystalmushroom


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alexa nervously laughed at his statement about her suit. Of course he’d notice the pastel blue suit.

“My parents did this to me, I swear..” She said as she scratched the back of her head. “I’m hoping for a better one if I get in.”

‘Thanks Gale! You could have kept that to yourself.’

She looked up at the clock and noticed how close it was to exam time. Before she had a chance start heading off, she saw Galen moving. She turned away started to to wave until she heard his question.

“Patch?! What patch?” Alexa said almost frantic. She reached up behind her to feel the harness and this “patch” he mentioned. The worry subsided. She totally forgot.

“ Oh this?! This is for anyone whose in a bubble with me. My barrier can be slick if you don’t have the right shoe wear, so they can grab onto my harness.” She said calmly as she pointed out the features.

“I want to make sure no one gets hurt while I’m trying to save them, You know?” She said as she stood in the superhero pose with her fist on her hips. (can’t say superman because he’s not in this universe lol) She erupted in giggles after that. “I can’t believe I just did that.”

She laughed for a good minute, then finally composed herself.

“Alright, I better get going. See you after the exam!” She’d wave as she headed toward the table.

When she got to the table, she grabbed the paperwork she needed to fill out. There were safety forms to review as well. She read thoroughly through the wording. With every word, she felt more fear building as she continued reading them.

“So many rules… What if I break them? What if I get hurt? I ...I-i mean my barrier isn’t that strong. Dad’s stomach is stronger than this.”

The paper felt heavy in her hands. She could fall to the floor from the pressure she felt.

‘W-What’s happening to me? I- I’m so scared.’

She looked around to see if anyone was feeling like she was. Their confident faces made her feel worse.

‘I’m not supposed to be here. I took the spot away from some stronger kid. I’m gonna let my family down. I should just leave. I’ll go now.’

Her hands slowly reached up to put her head in her hands. She pivoted to face the door, but she heard an announcement for the exam to start. Her head snapped in the direction of the doors.

“Go! Now!” Something yelled at her from inside. The voice was familiar, but she couldn’t make out whose it was inside her head. Alexa weakly change direction and joined the students entering the arena.

‘Why am I going this way? I’m going to get hurt. Maybe killed!’ The fear in her chest was going, but her body was running on automatic. Like someone was pulling her out through the doors.

The arena was huge to her. Here eyes darted about the contents of the room. Her head felt like it was spinning. It was so vast in there and the fear erupted into flame.

Before she turn to run, she could see students starting to fight each other. It didn’t make sense to her. The students were supposed to be fighting an enemy or at least trying to be more hero like.

“What in the world?!” Before Alexa could get a handle of what was going around her, a tight grip encircled her wrist and snatched her though the air. Unfortunately, she couldn’t she fight the force, but twisted her head behind her to see her destination.

‘A wall!’ Instinctively, her right hand pulled itself toward the one being pulled, they came together, and she sucked a big breath. She timed the hold just before the impact and closed her eyes. Her body hit the side of the barrier, but it wasn’t as nearly as hard as the cement wall. Instantly she slid to the bottom of the barrier and pulled her eyes open.

‘I have to find out what pulled me.’

Around her arm was a green whip encircling her wrist.

(Will be continued)
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RyanH901


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Riku continued to walking around, he noticed something, or rather Someone.......It was Cloud. "This Guy..." Riku rolled his eyes. Cloud was someone he previously met, and didn't exactly make the best of friends with. "I wonder what kind of craziness he has tied together for the Exam."

Riku met him during the time when he was a trouble maker himself his first year. Though they didnt have much interaction, he has seen his quirk in action, he remembered he could alter electronics and other computers by touch. "Lets hope he doesn't cause too much trouble today."

As Riku continued to his seat, he started seeing more students who were just Happy become distraught, "What is going on? They were just excited a minute ago. I get being nervous but what the hell is going on?" he looked around and thought, "Its gotta just be nerves, hell my first time i was scared shitless."

He found a nice seat, not too far from the front but just far enough, he enjoyed his solitude. He could see various students across the screens. However, something didn't quite feel right. He felt things were alot more tense then usual.

"Somethings up, Idk what but somethings off...." Riku said as he looked around during the exam, the participants who were lingering seemed to be antsy. Next thing he knew, the Cameras feed was cut. Knuck if you Buck starts playing over the loudspeakers. "Ok. this definitely isn't part of the exam. Damn, and i just started to relax. What the hell is going on?"

Riku jumps from his seat and sees bubbles floating, and as one hits someone, he sees them why into a Rage and attack the person next to them. "Yeeeaaaahhh... like thats not creepy. Someone is doing something. I need to find out whats going on and find out now!"

Riku moves in a way to avoid the bubbles and using his cloth to restrain some spectators. "I Gotta call Master! Someone is attacking the exam." He looks around sees a bubble growing... "What the hell is that growing on the field?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MoMochas


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the voice finished up explaining the last of the rules and guidelines, Tokiko rubbed her chin.

Villian robots would be impossible with my quirk, and I don't have a weapon to try ninja robots. Common robots it is,then.

Ok students. 3! 2! 1! BEGIN!

The other students ran ahead of Tokiko in the simulated city, quirks going left and right at the robots, breaking them with ease. Tokiko looked at the other students breaking the robots and noticed many students hitting their heads and arms, while others were literally ripping them apart. She scanned the area for what she had seen earlier.

Where is it...where is it...aha!

Tokiko found a couple of broken robots with their arms ripped off. She picked up the arm of a broken common robot and the arm of a ninja robot. The ninja robot arm was lightweight, like a baseball bat and the common robot arm had more weight to it, making it harder to swing. She tied the common robot arm to her back with her jacket and kept the ninja robot arm out to use.

Tokiko took off running into the crowd of students, hoping to break through to a clear area. As she went through, she noticed a few students looked like they were hitting...each other? There was some strange song playing over the intercom as well...

I know this is a competition, but...I'm pretty sure that isn't okay. Let's just get out of here befo-

Tokiko rolled out of the way of someone swinging at her, and they hit a robot instead.

"Hey, watch it!" She said, getting up and dusting herself off. She leapt out of the way again, as fire hit another robot.

"What are you doing? Hit the robots not me!" She said as she moved. A few students around her looked in her direction, but there was something unsettling about them. Something...she probably shouldn't deal with.

Time to get out of here.

She sprinted away, dodging a few quirks here and there, and eventually got to a less populated area.

Now...where to go?

She stepped towards the left, where she saw fewer students.

If there are no students, I can get all of the points for my- NOPE, NOPE NOPE! Not fighting one of those!

She went in the opposite direction, finding a few students destroying robots around. A common robot noticed her and moved towards her.


Tokiko dodged the robot, and it paused a second to try and find her again.


She smacked the robot's camera, breaking it. It began to flail about, attacking her previous location.


She smacked the robot with the arm enough for it to break its head, a puff of smoke coming up as it fell over.

One down, nineteen more to go. But...that took way too long.

Tokiko glanced at the robot arm she initially used. It worked, but now it was bent out of shape. She pulled the second robot arm out from behind her, tossing the other one at another common robot.


She narrowly dodged the new robot and swung the arm at its head. The camera and robot broke in one swing, falling to the ground.


Tokiko lifted the robot arm high and charged into a crowd of common robots, striking each one down in one blow.

Five more to go... with three minutes left. This isn't so bad.

She took the mangled robot arm tried to use it to detach an arm from another robot when she paused, diving to the left. A ninja robot landed on the common robot remains and sped towards her.

Crap, these are faster than I thought.

She dodged out of the way and began running further in, the robot hot on her heels.

Where to go, where to g-There's a dead end!

Sure enough, there was nothing at the end of the city street except a trash can.

It will strike to the left, then what?

She grabbed the trash can lid and held it up as a shield. As the robot struck, she shoved its arm as hard as she could in the opposite direction. The robot moved slightly but continued to press its arm towards her. The trash can lid began to buckle from the pressure.

C'mon future me, what do we do-There we go!

Tokiko let go of the trash can lid and rolled to the right. The robot smacked the wall, letting some bricks loose. Tokiko picked one up, throwing it at the robots head.

C'mon...c'mon...one of them has to knock it out...

One minute left! A voice said over an intercom.

The robot dove for her again, and she moved out of the way, grabbing onto its neck.

Here goes nothing...

The ninja robot grabbed at Tokiko, trying to get her off, and swinging her around.

Keep going,and....

Tokiko let go of the robot, falling on the ground. The robot slammed itself into a wall, and bricks fell on it, crushing it. Tokiko stood up and dusted herself off. As she looked at the pile of bricks, she sighed.

That was way too close.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Krewsial


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gale waved farewell to Alexa. He made his way to the registration table fighting through the wave of the crowd. 'So many people.' He thought to himself. The nervous butterflies made his stomach feel tight. Lost in thought, he bumped into someone. Quickly snapping back into reality, he turned his head to apologize.

"I'm so sorry." The words came out of his mouth before he got a good look at person he blindly ran into. The man he ran into was easily six feet tall towering over him.

"It's alright." The man said reaching down to grab something off the floor.

Gale followed the man's motions. He picked up a picture. It was of Gale and his brother, Bruce, on Gale's 8th birthday. It must have been in the jacket pocket the whole time. The man stared at the picture as if he was studying and dissecting it.

"Excuse me sir," Gale said, "that's mine."

"Oh," he said with his concentration now broken, "My bad. Here you go."

"No. Thank you. If you hadn't picked it up, I wouldn't have known I dropped it." Gale responded taking the picture. It was the last photo he took with his brother before he died. A wave of sadness as well as motivation ran over him. The man must have read his emotions.

"He definitely loved you and hopes you succeed today." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. "If you ever need therapy to help with your repressed memories or feelings, please don't hesitate to call me."

"Thanks. But I've dealt with this enough."

The man simply smiled and put the card in Gale's hand on top of the photo. "You may lie to yourself but you can't hide your emotions from me."
And with that, the man took off in another direction.

Gale finished the registration process and followed the other students down the hall into a giant arena. The room was built as a giant city. The registration form had instructions on what they were to do: destroy robot villains. Gale had never fought before and never used his quirk in an offensive manner. But he didn't really care. Whatever motivation he had prior to taking the test had subsided, almost as if it was never there to begin with.

Then something smashed into the side of his face. Gale stumbled and hit a wall. He face hurt terribly. He looked around for the assailant. To his surprise, it was another student. He took another look around and saw that the students were attacking each other. Gale was confused. There was nothing in the registration forms about students fighting each other. Turning his head back to his attacker, he saw him rushing again for another assault. Gale looked around and noticed that he was in the shadow of the building. He quickly took a breath and slipped into the ground avoiding another haymaker.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AyeYoWorm


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Setting: 9:30 p.m. CST Night Time Chi

*Andrew is just getting home after helping his father stop a bank robbery and mugging. He walks in to the living room and seats down. On the table is some food from his father. Some Harold’s chicken and a calipso peach lemonade. He sees a note on the table “Andrew, won’t be able to watch UA’s entrance exam with you on the count that I have other boring stuff to do and catch up on so just record it and I’ll watch it later.” *

*So Andrew turns the tv on and catches the very beginning of the exam as there giving the prospects the break down. They start battling the robots and Andrew watches not intrigued or impressed until he notices a young teen jumping though the robots shadows having them hit and destroy each other.*

Andrew: He’s using a different version of my shadow portal. He uses it more like a step a “shadow step”. 🤔🤔🤔

*As the exam continues he watches this kid use his quirk like he’s a pro but noticed how far he can go and his limitations.*

Andrew: He’s good. Can’t wait to......

*In mid sentence the camera feed when out and a look of confusion came across his face.*

Andrew: 😪 Let’s see what you’re made of hero. *finish eating his chicken and processed to finish his night with some meditation training*
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
Avatar of Weird Tales

Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jyn didn't feel too nervous about the exams. the rules seemed easy enough to get, just use his quick to destroy some robots and try to acquire as many points needed to move on to the next phase of the exams. He did some stretches as he prepped himself for the the start of the test and waited for the signal to begin from the judges. When the entrance to the simulated city opened, Jyn quickly rushed in and activated his quirk. a hula-hoop sized ring of glowing yellow energy materialized in his hand. He raised his arm and commands the ring to lift him up into the air so he can get a good view of the city and spot robots that may have hidden on building tops.

His eyes caught three ninja robots all hiding on the rooftops of three different buildings and Jyn smiled. Jackpot, he thought to himself and he landed on the empty roof of a building. He then shrunk the ring to the size of a ring and made it float up into the air high above the first ninja robots. He commanded the ring to drop down and expand to trap the robot before it could react. He then tightened it so the robot was restrained and then he sent a powerful shock through the ring and zapped the machine's circuits. The robot became a smoking heap and Jyn had the ring release the the robot.

He then focused on the second ninja bot and made the ring fly at the robot with insane speed and it became a glowing yellow blur. The ninja robot looked at the ring just as it bisected the machine at the midsection. that's 100 point and I got one more bot to take down. Jyn did the same as he had done with the first ninja bot and he restrained the third robot with his ring, but this time he didn't shock it. He then clenched his right hand into a fist and the ring shrunk almost instantly and snapping the robot in two.

Three down. All he needed was fifty more points and he would ace the exam. He decided to focus on the weaker bots and would only need to destroy five to finish the this test. Jyn decided to move quickly and took out five bots with ease and was proud of his accomplishments. He then heard the announcement for the students to head out of the city and proceed to the written test part of the exam. He was average when it came to school work so he wasn't sure how well he would do with this test, but he would still try and give it his all.

Before the test could begin all hell broke loose and students began erupting in rage filled acts of violence. Jyn had to move quick and try to stop this madness. He conjured the energy ring and quickly went about shocking as many students as he could in the hopes the shock would stun them long enough for them to snap out of their enraged state.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by NaesThePhantom


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Where the hell am...what the hell happened last night??" Xen muttered scratching his head looking around.

"Whew last night was a bitch. What is today? Im pretty sure I was supposed to do something important today...oh well"

Xen makes his breakfast and begins his morning routine of meditation. "After all this time I still dont understand you kid. Within you is the power to rule the world and here you are---

"Ugh please shut up. Im not interested in ruling the world. And unlike your past victims you can't entice me to fall to you."

Its going to be fun to break you. Better not get to close to anyone else or---

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" A burst of chaotic energy erupts around Xen that could be seen for miles in each direction.

Xen calms down in a matter of seconds because he understands the consequence of his anger. Sharing the body with a sentient quirk that's hellbent on ruining the lives of many people isnt as easy as he's shown. He then remembers where he was supposed to be.

"Dammit I'm late again thanks to you." Xen flies off into the distance towards the pre exams where he watches the younger heroes begin their journey.

"Seems like things have gotten interesting already....lets see where this goes" Xen says with a smirk which quickly turns into a concerned look. "If I'm right things are only going to get rougher from here."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Endrance
Avatar of Endrance

Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The newly inspired Yin was off to complete her paperwork. After doing so she took a deep breath and shook the last of her nerves off. Alright girl you can do this, she mused... Up until they finally disclosed the actual examination rules.

"GOOD MORNING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, PROS AND CIVILIANS! IT IS TIME FOR THE U.A ENTRANCE EXAMS! There are two parts to the exam. The first portion will allow aspiring heroes to show how they utilize their quirks. They will be put into a simulated city, where they will face several M3CH-3000 robots. There are different series of robots that award a different amount of points. You need 200 points to pass this part of the exam. The ninja robot is fast and agile and will reward you with 50 points. The common robot is a general enemy that gives you 10 points. The final type of robot is villain tier and rewards you with 100 points. There are only 4 villain robots in the city, but be careful, those robots are as strong as they get. Even a pro themselves would have a hard time. The students will have 10 minutes to acquire 200 points. Once completed we will advance to the written test portion of the exam. You are now in your prep time."

Robots? I have to freaking destroy robots? How am I possibly going to get 200 points with warping? The best i can do is run away...

She stopped that train of thought. Nah. Don't do that, Yin. We got thissss.

And they were off. Every aspiring hero scatted to their own recesses, while Yin decided maybe the best place to fight wasn't this big open space in the middle of the field and maybe rush to a side ally. There she found a common robot. It was slow at first and tried to lunge for her but she side stepped it and gave it a swift kick to the back. It seemed down for the count so she smiled.

At least thats one down...

But then she heard some electricity crackling, and she quickly turned around. The robot was back up this time moving faster than before. It hit her square in the stomach and she fell down a little out of breath. What the hell?, she grimaced as she got up. Again it decided to attack her as she moved back to dodge its strikes. Left jab (dodge), Right jab (dodge), hammer drive (dodge), up until she had her back against the wall. As it charged she slipped to the side and once again from the back, gave it a kick but this time, pulled the hands off the body.

A little sweat dripping down her face, she ran back out onto the street where she saw a participant, with drill hands standing off against a big robot. He looked like a humanoid gopher, but obviously frazzled as hell. Scared, he took a step back as the big robot looked ready to blast a rocket off against the guy. "Shit, theres a huge robot? They never said that in the beginning...", she said as she saw the guy running. It turned out to be not one rocket but three sent hurdling towards him. As the guy tried to escape the rockets, Yin outstretched her hand and created a black rift (her rifts looked like a torn jagged black hole in the fabric of reality), a couple inches from the dude so he had no choice but to run through it. With her other hand she created a portal behind herself and backed away from the outside of the street, back in to the side alley.

The guy started screaming as his round body hit the ground with a thud, but quickly, Yin covered his mouth. "Shhh!" she whispered as he looked up at her and then his surroundings. He was clearly dazed and confused.

"You're safe now." she mouthed in a low whisper. She heard the robots footsteps continue off into the distance, looking for a new target. Another weird sound she heard was fighting

"What the hell is going on here?" She turned to him.

"I'm not sure but all of a sudden...those robots went into massacre mode. And there's a giant robot? They never brought that up!! I'm too scared... I didn't sign up for this... I didn't even want to be a hero... my parents pushed me into this i...i..." Despair had washed over the poor lad.

Yin smacked him. "There isn't time for this. We've gotta help out the others. Whats your quirk like? We gotta figure something out."

"Owww..",he sniveled. "I can dig, fast. But can't you just do for everyone what you did for me?"

She shook her head. "No. It takes too much energy. I think i have one more portal in me..."

"Port us out of here then!"

She rolled her eyes. "No. We need to help. If I'm really going to be a hero, this is where it starts. There's got to be a reason they're testing us like this... I'm going to go out there and see if theres anything else i can do. You could help me out you know."

"I quit. I'm just gonna stay here and hide..."

"Suit yourself."She gave him one last wistful look as she ran around the corner. She guessed it made sense...weed out the weak.


Markel could feel his power growing on the opposite of the field. This was the perfect playing field to store emotion. Teenage hearts were always wild, and ripe for the taking. Soon he'd have enough for him to take the top spot in the league of villains, if he could just learn his limits better, and how to control his sanity while doing this... This was his experiment of sorts, a test field for chaos... and he was liking more and more how it was turning out.

Cloud smirked at his very own new creation he had been working on in the back there. The huge killer robot was sure to claim a few lives from the contestants and maybe even the ones in the stadium.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Krewsial


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gale hid in the shadows of the buildings trying to avoid the crazed students attacking each other. The downside to his quirk was that the longer he stayed in the shadows the longer it took his eyes to adjust to the light. Given the situation he would have to take that risk. Diving from shadow to shadow, he eventually found an area away from the students. He emerged from the shadows stepping into the blinding light. It made his eyes burn. He knelt down and rubbed his eyes.

Suddenly, he heard a noise. It was mechanical. He then remembered the actual test. His vision was still blurry so he couldn't properly see the robot but he could see the shadow it created. Not wasting time, Gale stood up and ran towards the robot. With his vision disrupted, he could still see the robots fist swing towards him. He ducked underneath the blow and slid into the shadow disappearing under the robot. He emerged behind the robot only to find another standing behind that one. That robot swung at Gale. He dropped into the shadow and caused the two robots to destory each other.

He came up from the wreckage and let out a deep breath.

"Nice." He said. Just then, several more robots converged on his position. Some looked different from others, but they all moved with a similar pattern with the same goal. He smiled. 'Too easy.' He thought to himself. He stood still until the last possible moment then dipped into the shadow of the closet robot.
He dove through the shadows of the robots causing them to destory each other. The whole deal last about 2 mintues. And when it was all said and done, he sat atop the wreckage of the destoryed robots.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jukatashi


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Continuing from my last post.

Juka: OSU! (As the tier 1 robots rush Juka, he lets off his first ability called OSU! This ability allows him to push objects with his mind. However, in order to do so his target has to be in his abilities threshold radius of 15 meters. Juka destroys a total of 7 bots, Knocking them back and crushing them back into each other and towards the buildings.

Juka: Eh... You guys seemed intangible at first but however, I almost got caught slipping. Now, I gotta wait a couple of seconds before i can use my ability again. Juka hears a ruckus of altercations coming from a distance away from the other block from the other examiners.

Juka: That makes 70 points. I should make haste and get more points, time is precious. Not to many points to go around. However, with the robots causing mayhem, its pretty hard to follow everything at once. I can either hep the other students of rack up more points. hate to toot my own horn, but with a quirk like mine i can be done in the next 2 minutes. Ah Bleh, what the hell might as well help out the other students.
Juka uses his ability OSU to dash to the main area to help the other students. But too much is going on. He see's a girl scolding a another student about hiding, an before he can say anything to her she makes some type of warping rift and vanishes.

Juka: Where are the damn faculty and teachers? This can't be how the exams are supposed to go. And I can't use the full capacity of my quirk, Ill get bed ridden for a week! *Sigh* This is so damn messed up.

Juka pauses and trys to find a solution, while sinking into deep thought Juka, hears a loud KADOOSH....!! He turns around to see its a Ninja Bot.

Juka: Wow... A Ninja Bot. At a time like this? I guess ill kill two birds with one stone.
The Ninja bot fires off some Rockets towards Juka and some other students and at the last minute before the missiles make contact, he uses his push ability to deflect them saving the other students in the process

If youre not gonna help, then get out of the way! OSU!!

Juka pushes the Ninja bot with some intense brute force, But it hardly did any damage to the robot.

*Sigh* This is just what I was afraid of! This is gonna hurt like shit later but lives are at stake. DEKAI..DESU..!! OSU..!

Juka lets off a barrage of magnetic energy that pushes and destroys several minor robots and a third of the simulated city block along with the Ninja Robot he encountered. He stumbles down on one knee then sits all the way down to contemplate.

Juka: That's all I've got left in me. I've probably got one more move in me before I can call it quits. An I think I've racked up enough points by now as well to get through the exam. Sheesh. To the gates I go, but there's people that still need my help. Shit, I'm damn near useless now though. I knew I shouldn't have used that ability. Plus for using that ability, there's a 20 second draw back. Calm down, I'm overthinking. I just gotta make it to the gate.

With his nerves calmed down and his head leveled, Juka makes his way towards the gates. Yet its still a bit hard for him to see due to all the debris and dust he caused with his ability he couldn't see what was in his midst. But he did sense it. Unexpectedly other students run out from the foggy dust and bomb rush Juka knocking him down trying to get away.

Juka: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?! The gate is the opposite way! Wait, WHAT!?!?!

Juka notices a huge arm grab the side of the building at the last minute and ends up frozen in fear. A giant robot erupts from the side of a building startling all the students on the block.

Juka: This can't be right!! They never said anything about this in the announcements!!?!?! I can't move. I'm Shook as fuck right now!I gotta do something! The gate's right there!. Get up! Move! I can use my OSU! to get there!. No, Not enough time. What to do!?!? Think!? Think!?! Got it!! This street is to narrow for him to make it all the way through. I can trap him. But I gotta wait till he gets 10 meters within range of my abilities threshold.

The Giant Robot makes it's way slowly towards Juka and the other students on the block. Juka gets up with a smirk on his face. He stands straight up and holds his head high. Then takes a deep gasp.

You Say Run OST from Boku No Hero Starts playing


Juka lifts up is arms to face each building from the opposite sides of the Giant Robot. The buildings start to nudge and tilt a bit on each side of the Giant Robot

Juka: I won't let you down. I'LL BE A HERO!! AMPLE HIKU..!

Ample Hiku is a ability that allows Juka to Pull objects towards him that are within a 35 meter radius, with a 10 second drawback cool down time. He can only pull things as strong as his mind allows him, making it very difficult him because the backlash is intense.

The two buildings on each side of the giant robot collapse onto the giant robot making it vulnerable and immobile.

Juka: *Breathing Heavily* Crap, that didn't demolish it...?
Juka passes out on to the ground and goes unconscious. Students in the far back are lost for words and shook, then next thing you know a couple of seconds later. KA BOOM! THE GIANT ROBOT EXPLODES and the shock wave from the explosion blows Juka away.


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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

‘A whip?’

Her eyes traveled the course of the weapon. It’s owner, a student with another whip cracking at the bubble. No noise could be heard, but the sheer anger in his face was easily understood. It shook her, like the test had. The pounding of the second whip made her slow to get up to her feet.

‘What is going on? Why is he acting this way? I didn’t do anything to him. Why am I even here?’

Her mind raced with more questions as she fought to stand against the waves of fear. This kid outside the bubble tried so hard to pull the weapon that was already lodged in the barrier, but the bubble sealed entirely around it.

‘I want to go home! I’ll be safe there. Why is this happening to me?’ Her brain screamed as she shook staring at the crazed green clad teen.

Something shined in corner of her eye. Alexa turned to take in what it was. A robot was rolling forward. A burst came from it’s main gun and struck the side the side of the bubble. The walls of the shield held with no issue.

‘The was a strong shot. Why would they shoot something like that at students? A-are they trying to kill us?!’

After the first shot, the robot turned it’s sights to the student still whipping her shield. Of course, Alexa expected the student to see the robot’s trajectory, but it wasn’t the case. Nothing but her barrier seemed to matter to this guy.

‘H-He's gonna get blasted! Look!’ Her arms frantically pointed at the robot rolling toward the whip kid. She mouthed “look”, but it was just adding gasoline to the fire. The pounding grew exaggerated in sight.

Time slowed as the robot locked it sights on the new target. The fear clutched her heart as she watched.

“Are you really going to just sit there and watch?” A voice whispered inside her.

‘What can I do? I’ll get hurt!’

Silence rang in her ears. Here mind raced with fear and obligation pulling her in separate directions. If she didn’t act soon, who knew how bad this would be.

“You got this! You got this! You got this!”

Something in her shattered. Alexa opened her mouth to suck in a breath as she put herself in a running position. The moment the inflation of her lungs started, the barrier fell. Her legs pumped hard, propelling her forward. Everything felt slowed down as Alexa charged forward. The owner of the whip was off balance because he wasn’t expecting the sudden release of his first whip.


Instinctively she knocked into his body. While falling, Alexa wrapped her arms under his shoulders to restrain his arms. The weight of his body on her hands against the floor hurt so bad.The vibration in the ground grew as the robot came closer to them. A small whimper slipped, but she couldn’t focus on the pain.

“Of course he didn’t forget about us.”

Alexa took a breath and got him into an arm bar.

“Don’t struggle! I’m trying to save you!” was through her teeth as she held tight. Her cheeks took a bunch of air in and she held it.

The barrier formed around the struggling pair.

‘Maybe the pain will bring back to his senses. I just hope -’

The robot fired another shot at the barrier.

‘Why me?’
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by J0shdking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Herito Tokai

"Heritoooooooooo Heritoooo get up i got some to show youuuu"

shouted Ryuujin as he kicked open my door

*loud explosion* "AHhhh why would ya just kick in the door like that granddad?" quickly throws book in to pocket space.
my face red in embarrassment as my granddad quickly sizes up the room to make out what i was doing.

"Oooh what are hiding Heri-boy? dont tell me my new edition of midknight tales of darkness came in and you were reading first huh?"
Ryuujin said with pervish smirk on his face.

"Hey you dirty old man dont worry about what i was reading are ya gonna tell me whyya here or do ya wanna fight??" shouting and posing.

"im not here to train with you i just want to give you this here." immediately a letter comes flying at my face.

i snatched it out the air yelling "aye ya old fool that could've killed me ya know?' as im complaining to my granddad i hear a snap.
"Oh man oh man did i seriously just break this? who was it from? was it the lovely ladies that came over last time?'
immediately fantasizes.

"look closely at where that letter came from boy and then come see me in the dojo. Ryuujin walks out with a serious stern tone.

after examining the letter i was shocked. i got accepted to UA, the best place for me to improve my powers and maybe even get to see some interesting subjects. With a big evil grin i proceeded to the dojo ready to see what granddad wants and also to leave this place.

As i open the door to the dojo a massive amount of pressure hits me, one that feels vaguely familiar like the one 10 yrs ago. the pressure is so strong i start losing my senses and getting excited, my blood boiling as if im ready to fight a strong opponent. i point to the sky and call out sosa komaki one of my very first and favorite weapon i forged after gaining the dna of a certain element quirk user.
i steeled myself ready to strike down the thing that emitting this dreadful pressure to only realize who it was standing looking at me with a smile fist clenched ready to fight, it was Ryuujin.... While im putting my blade away i try to calm myself to and not give into my bloodlust ignoring the pressure Ryuujin is blatantly throwing out i hear him say this " Herito i see that you have been improving on controlling that bloodlust are you sure you dont want to fight not even the tiniest bit i know how you get around people with *interesting* skills and quirks. at first i thought you would only be interesting in fights but i see you have other goals besides fighting would you like to share these goals with me ?"
Now my first thought was to just tell him what i really wanted the secrets behind quirks and to find some good specimens for research, but i lied instead saying "if i was able to attend UA i would be able to improve and control my powers and be able to test my skills make friends and also be a Hero! ill even get you some photo of the teachers too!" instantly the pressure he was emitting subsided.
Then Ryuujin walk towards me putting his hand on my shoulder whispering in my ear " ok but ima need those photos huhuhuhu you better not forgot or you will feel my wraith boy. now when do you leave you? " sending a creepy chill down my spine i knew he was serious.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yin hurried out of the side street as she could hear the voices of the restless crowd of people bickering and fighting. Bubbles were popping in the air and chaos ensued in the stands. Okay so...maybe this isn't a part of the exams. As the robot emptied it's ammo on Alexa, Yin came from behind and did a sliding kick to knock the thing of it's feet.

"Hey are you alright over here?" she smiled and saw the girl turn wide eyed. Almost instinctively, Yin turned around to see the robot aiming at her about to take its shot as Herito took a clean swipe at the robots arm. It's machinery fell to the ground and it sparked into diffuse mode.

Around them in the crowd, other students seemed to be using quirks to fight each other. Alexa created one huge impenatrable barrier around some of them as they knocked visibly annoyed with getting out. At the same time, The sky started to turn cloudy as Riku shocked most of the students. He had ran from the stands and could tell something was clearly fishy in the stadium as soon as he saw the large robot appear. Cloud definitely had played his hand in this, Riku just had a feeling. Light shocks seemed to snap some of the students out of their daze.

Yin saw him running towards their small group, and looked at him in awe as he mouthed instructions toAlexa to drop her barrier so he could shock the ones struggling as well. As they fainted, he continued on his way to help the rest of the students.

That what it's like to be a second year...?

Herito exclaimed, "I'll help you out if you agree to be experimented on" with a creepy grin.

"Uh yeah sure..."Yin said quickly with a weird look. She was too focused on their current situation and clearly wasn't serious.

As she created a rift, she and Herito grabbed the couple of students as Alexa helped pull them through the portal.

Galen, noticed larger shadows forming, and quickly used his ability to incapacitate unaware students, and sneak upon robots and remove their guns. On the side, Juka was pushing down students, mostly with his fists, as [color=yellow]Jyn[.color] formed his ring shocking them. Both confused by the situation, yelling at the students to get it together. Pro heros came rushing down to join the scene after quelling the incited masses. The physical exams were OVER, a good chunk of the students were safe, but 25 or so of them had to immediately be rushed to Recovery Girl's office.

Markell could see that his time was coming to an end but he got all the emotions he could handle as he escaped, slinking into the darkness, away from the scene, laughing hysterically. Cloud had done his job, and gathered all the information he could from the database. They now knew how to hit every student/pro-hero who worked there and when... If this didn't help propel their position in the league of villains, nothing else would.

Hours later...

"This was too calculated to be a random villain attack.", the principal stated. "I think we ought to forget about allowing the second years go to the provisional license exams tomorrow..."

"I don't agree with you. It is crucial we get more heroes out there. This wasn't the work of just one quirk. It seems like the league might be reforming in this last year or so. We need all the help we can get, especially with my retirement. The villains might think they've done something.", All might was resolute on this but his appearance was scary to say the least. Almost skeletal, he sat in his chair, clothes baggy and ill-fitting.

The principal sighed. All might was probably right, but with the fiasco that was going on...The news reporters would be sure to have a mine field.

"Don't worry. We'll apologize for it but play the situation down. It was a lone villain."

"And how are you going to play down the spectator issue?"

"Not all of them were affected. And they all think it was just a random burst of anger. They'll be fine, and those who aren't....Pro Hero oblivion helped wipe out their memories."

"How could you do that? You might have messed with more than just that memory."

"It's for the greater good and you know that."All Might stood up and took his leave, as the principal got up and turned towards his window, hands behind his back.

Is all this really due to his retirement...?, He shook his head, and tried to shake away the feelings.
[The Next Day]

Written Examinations were starting for the Aspiring Heroes and over at U.A classrooms. As the students took their seats, Thirteen passed them out he recited the rules.

"No cheating, No questions, you've got two hours to take it." He smiled but it wasn't like they could see it.

Yin took her seat in the very back and started bouncing her feet beneath her desk nervously. This written test seemed like it would be more nerve-wracking than the physical exam. She had a hard time trying to explain to her mom to let her continue on after yesterdays fiasco but she did it. Here she was...gone through all of that just to fail the written exam. She sighed, and clicked her pen over and over again.
Meanwhile at a stadium just outside of the city,

The provisional license exam was about to start as the announcer was explaining the rules, (with Libra, and Riku among the examinees). Eraserhead had barely allowed Riku to take the exam given his disobeying the rules the day before to help out the aspiring students, but here he was! Andrew was also taking the provisional license exam but in America where it came with a different set of rules

"The first 100 students to hit six targets will move on to the Second Exam of the Provisional Hero License Exam. Any questions?" As the walls fell, the provisional exam had finally begun.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Next day, the car was quiet on the drive. Her mother was very deep in thought. After everything that happened, It was hard to not think about it.

After the exam, Her parents were angry and scared when their daughter came out shaken and crying. She couldn't explain why she was so emotional, but she did explain that she had to protect multiple students from killer robots. It pained her that so many students were attacking each other and how that wasn't usually practice during the exam.

“Alexa….” Her mother finally spoke very slowly. “Are you sure about this?”

The sudden question surprised her. The question left her quiet as she thought about it.

“ ...Yes mom.”

“You could be in danger again.”

“I know mom…..but I could save a lot of people…. I have to try.”

The car came to a hard stop. Alexa looked around because this was too early. Luckily, there was no one behind.

“Alexa…” Her mother turned to her and stared hard. “You can walk away. Do you know that?”

Alexa felt scared by her’s stare. Why would she say something like that?

“Yeah...but why would I want to?” Alexa adjusted herself in her seat. “Mom, you and dad help people all the time. Why would I stop just because I finally felt some heat. It was scary, but it happens, right?”

They stared at each other for a moment. The words seemed to be penetrating her mother's face as seconds crept by. It was strange, Alexa never had seen her mother this concerned. The moment lasted until beep came from behind them. The piercing eyes moved from Alexa to the road. The car propelled forward again.

The car was silent again for the remainder of the ride.

Once they arrived at the school, Alexa quickly took off her seatbelt. Before she could get the door open, a hand grabbed her shoulder. She stopped and looked back.

“I want you to know I support your decision. I just wanted to make sure you wanted this…” Her other's grip tightened softly. “We came to this decision on our own and I want you to do the same. Your father and I will support you no matter what you do.”

Alexa smiled warmly.

“Thanks mom. After yesterday, I know how much I want this.”

Alexa was pulled into a tight hug and she returned the embrace. It was a good feeling. The moment lasted for a few minutes, then she was released to the school.

As Alexa climbed the steps, she tried to focus more on the test that would be happening. She felt pretty bad that she had no robot points,but maybe they would give her some points because she saved some students.

“Man, please be lenient.”

As she followed the signs for the exams, she felt a little nervous but nowhere near as scared as she was yesterday.

When she arrived in the class, she saw a few students in the room. When she looked at them, it made her think about what she was wearing. A sigh of relief bursted out. Her superhero suit was at home.

One of the girls stood out to her. She looked familiar. It finally clicked. She was the girl who asked if she was alright when she restrained the whip kid. She bounced over to and smiled big. She came over to the seat in front of her.

“Um excuse me? Is there anyone sitting there?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

SAHARA AKA The Slippery One

After all the commotion from yesterday, certain pro hero were placed on security detail. Sahara was placed on the left side of the inner gate for the school. Little did she know, she was standing outside the exam room window. She was just honored to be there.

Her left hand unscrewed the top of her water bottle as she looked around for suspicious characters. There was nothing, but she was there early and she didn't even see any students enter at the point.

“I really hope no one comes. These kids need to be free of distractions.” Her words were earnest as she brought the bottle to her lips and sipped. Her tanned skin shined in the sunlight like she was covered in glitter. Her red bikini, a perfect compliment to her skin. “No distractions at all.”

While she had some time, she brushed her hand across her collarbone, then threw a sticky substance onto her surfboard. Next she bent down to go inside her bag. Sahara pulled out a rag from her backpack, which contained a lot of waters. Delicately, she wiped the substance across the board.

“Can't ever let them catch me slipping.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Krewsial


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Joint post between AyeYoWorm & Krewsial

Gale's parents were already reluctant to let him become a hero and after the events of the first entrance  exam, they were even more apprehensive. Gale defended the exam and the school stating how quick the staff and second year students were able to efficiently subdue the situation. He said that if heroes aren't able to overcome things of that nature, then a lot of people could have been severely hurt. they let him continue to purse his dream. He returned to U.A. the following day prepared to take the written portion of the exam. Just like the physcial examination, he wasn't sure what to expect.

The students were seperated into different classrooms. From what he could tell, there were roughly twenty prospective students in the room with him. He recognized a couple of them from the first day test. A teacher handed him his test. Gale exhaled louder than he wanted to. There were a mix of personality questions, true or false questions, multiple choice questions on the history of heroas.

'Crap.' He thought to himself. 'I don't know any of this.' What made him feel worse about the whole test was that he was sure about several items. But the rest of the test might as well have been written in Greek. He tapped his foot nervously. His aniexty was getting the best of him. His shadow danced underneath his desk wildly.

still in his meditative state Andrew trying to gain positive control of the power of darkness. While training he feels a presence.

Andrew: What’s this strange but familiar sensation. It’s like my power but from when I was a child.

Andrew proceeds to use the ability shadow link which allows him to link to anyone he has a emotional connection with along with anyone with anyone who has some form of the darkness manipulation quirk. That took him to the mind of who he believed to be the young man from the UA entrance exam.

Gale's shadow slowly calmed down and returned to its normal state. He felt something. It was as of there was a person standing behind him looking over his shoulder. It was difficult for him to put it into words but someone was with him at this moment; someone was in his head.

"Hello." He thought to himself.

Andrew: ............so you we’re the one at the exam I saw on tv. So we share a common quirk more or less. Interesting.

Andrew walked around in the the dark space of Gale’s mind.

Andrew: So you’re taking the written exam and you’re struggling huh? I felt your shadow trembling all the way from the US fam. And then raise the questions you have.
How are we talking in your mind?
How can we understand each other?
You don’t know fluent English and me Japanese.
How did I feel your shadow trembling?
Stop me when I’m wrong.

Gale couldn't show himself freaking out in the middle of the exam. He dropped his head to the desktop hide the emotions written all over his face.

"Umm... how... what... is going on?"

Andrew: Gale. That is your name right? I’m Andrew in uniform I go by Noir. Im a hero in training in America. My quirk shadow manipulation lets me use my shadow to do a lot of things. When I meditate I enter the shadow world. When I train my mind to control my full power. While I was doing that I felt you shadow powers going crazy over stress. So do you understand now? Cause you don’t have a lot of time left.

"Yeah. I'm Gale."

The shadow world is what allowed Gale to use his Shadow Step quirk. He let his mind wonder to the other possibilities of his Quirk.

"Alright. So you'll help me?"

Andrew: .......Yes I will help you but I need you to make me a promise. One day we’ll meet in person and when that happens I want to fight you to see if you’re worthy of my time. Do you accept?

Gale hesitated for a moment. He was not much of a fighter. But he couldn't miss the opportunity to meet someone who could use shadows at a higher level than himself. The idea made him excited.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NaesThePhantom


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As promised Xen did not interfere with the apparent chaos but his hunch remained correct. Someone or someones are planning something and right now U.A is vulnerable to more attacks.

"The kids didnt do half bad, but I dont know how long they can keep this up. Maybe I shou....no I cant risk it just yet. The best thing I can do right now is get to the bottom of this by gathering information."

Xen turns into his Shadow Phoenix form and disperses into the night sky. His first stop. To talk to All Might.

You know it's not nice to come in without knocking right? says All Might with a smirk followed by a cough.

"Jeez you look like shit are you ALL---


"...RIGHT?" Xen cant help controlling his assholish laughter but quickly regains his composure. " You know why I'm here All Might. They know and the longer you keep this secret hidden the more it will hurt those kids in the long run. Those robots were one thing...and it took them everything they had to beat those. You and I both know that's NOT the end."

To tell them would do no good. It would just incite panic and they aren't ready for what comes when I...No. We can find a way to defeat them without telling them.

"Who are you trying to convince...me? or yourself? ...God I've always wanted to use that line in a badass situation and I finally nailed it.
Well, it was nice seeing you. You've been Mr. Right all your life. Don't let your last few decisions be the undoing of the world."

Xen flies away continuing his mission of gathering intel. "I smell it...there's someone really big behind this. Bigger than the league and anything this world has ever seen. Honestly, I dont get paid enough to know the shit that I know."
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