Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Winter of 1799

3rd of October

The Conference, held by The Holy Territories of Edoniras, is a revolutionary diplomatic event, bringing together the representatives of fifteen different nations. The summit quickly seems to resolve the Sescosi War, peace treaties being written up, and agreements made. However, an allmost unanimous vote against the demands for reparations from The Redcliff Empire from The Echyan Empire sours the occasion, and the representative of the Redcliff Empire deserts the Conference, voiding all of their involvement in the treaties they had already agreed upon. Regardless, the other nations carry on, and few doubt it will be long before these new treaties are put to the test.

4th of October

The armies and fleet of The Republic of Oflua withdraw from the territories, and waters surrounding, The Kingdom of Sescos. They honor their agreement to end hostilities and return to their own lands to lick their wounds. The Sescosi City of Sarad, which had previously been under Ofluan control, is quickly seized by forces of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar.

6th of October

The Republic of Toubres continues it's rapid colonial expansion, its global holdings already dwarfing what any other nation can claim. Colonists travel south from the already established colonies of Toubrian Guerra and Toubrian Matos to found the colony of Toubrian Paiva. While the colonies of The Redcliff Empire descend into chaos and bloodshed, the colonies of Toubres only seem to be going from strength to strength. The ships travelling from the Toubres homeland to the west often provide passage for bright-eyed and hopeful colonists, and the returning ships are laden with rich and valuable resources. In a bold stroke, the Republic of Toubres announces that the five colonies to the west will henceforth be known as The Western Territories of Toubres, and be largely self-governed, the region's capital being in Toubrian Rilos, the oldest of the Toubres colonies in the area. This announcement is met with joy from both the natives and the colonists of the Western Territories, as the Republic acknowledges their importance.

8th of October

The army of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar, still marauding across the lands of The Kingdom of Sescos, and besieging the city of Osnic, seems to hesitate during the events and discussions of the Conference, waiting to see how the pieces fall. But following the large scale of the peace treaty, it seems that Dashkatar's patience runs out. With worrying ease, their army shatters the garrison, claiming the city, and in turn controlling the Province of Osnic itself. The army takes a moment to resupply and take stock of the situation, but few think they will hesitate for long.

10th of October

Already benefiting from it's closer relations with The Republic of Toubres, The Empire of Rubrus receives engineers and craftsman from Toubres, and begins refitting and bolstering it's navies, turning the Empire into a fledgling naval power. What this will do to the power balance in the region, is yet to be seen.

13th of October

Perhaps over-buoyed with confidence due to their alliance with The Kingdom of Aontas, and attempting to emulate Aontas' rivalry with The Republic of Toubres, The Kingdom of Vendsyssel resumes it's tension with The Kingdom of Claidor. Moving troops along the border, and beginning extensive training of it's armies, the relations between the two bordering nations plummet.

16th of October

Despite The Redcliff Empire abandoning the conference, The Echyan Empire honor's it's pledge, and withdraws it's forces from the Province of Ventir. This is a clear offered olive branch to Redcliff, although few realistically expect that even this gesture will sate their apparent appetite for war. The Echyan armies return to their own land, and begin digging in.

19th of October

In reaction to the inflammatory actions of The Kingdom of Vendsyssel, The Kingdom of Claidor begins preparing it's own armies for a potential war. They act with the full support of The Rubrus Empire, with The Republic of Toubres issuing a strong warning that Vendsyssel stands down it's armies. All this creates a maelstrom of tension. While the Conference attempts to put out one fire, another is already threatening to whip itself into an inferno.

23rd of October

The Republic of Oflua licks its wounds. They begin a large-scale resupplying and repairing of the damage done to their fleets and armies. Even while they pour money into healing their own injuries, money is siphoned off and paid up to the Kingdom of Sescos, to help the Republic's neighbors recover. This quick and scheduled payment of the first string of reparations is a clear symbol of good faith, and it goes some way to repairing the deep rift between the two nations.

25th of October

Faced with a growing roster of enemies, The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar turns to it's ancient allies, The Akkadian Empire. However they find that Akkadia has had honey poured into their ear by The Three City's Republic of Ianian, and they are hesitant to launching into a war with Europe. However even as they are given a cold response by Akkadia, Dashkatar finds a new ally, newly formed The Naziim Caliphate. The newly free natives are keen for a guiding hand, and Dashkatar is all too happy to oblige.

28th of October

The Hastel Dominions, with the Sescosi War effectively drawing to a close, or at least changing its face, withdraw their armies, which had only recently begun to march. Rather than concern themselves with wherever the next war occurs, the Dominions launch an extensive economic reform scheme. It takes off to a shaky start, but as time passes, and the right people are moved into the right places, the Hastel Dominions emerge as a richer, and more modernized, nation.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Winter of 1799

1st of November

The army of The Redcliff Empire, despite its colonies falling into ruin behind them, continue their march into the territory of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar. They head towards the port city of Bulam, and arrive their uncontested. They find that the city is well-defended, news of their approach arriving before they did and giving the garrison time to dig in. The siege begins, but not before messengers are sent across the province. With the Redcliff force cut off from any supply lines, and not expecting any support, the invaders suddenly find themselves on uneven footing, as the other forces of Dashkatar in the region begin to converge, with the intent to break the siege.

4th of November

In The Akkadian Empire, work continues to revolutionize the industry of the nation, making full use of the advisors and industrialists from The Three City's Republic of Ianian. The historically agriculturally based economy begins to shift, as the first factories begin appearing across the Empire. While the old guard of the population protest this sudden change, the movement away from tradition, and the collaborating with a European power, even the most stern amongst them cannot complain about the new money flooding into the country.

6th of November

Choosing to act quickly, before their enemies can organised themselves, the sizable force of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar in the newly conquered province of Osnic marches north, once more entering the territory of The Kingdom of Sescos. The Kingdom has been bloodied, and its repairs have only just begun, but King Pieter Mátyás rallies his armies nonetheless, and prepares to defend his people once more.

10th of November

The Kingdom of Sescos pours all of its efforts into repairing the shattered defenses of their capital, Larymnas. The walls were breached in several places during the Siege, and with another hostile army marching towards them, they cannot hope to defend a badly damaged city. With the enemies to the west and to the east having made peace, one freedom is that the armies of Sescos can focus entirely on the threat from the south. The armies from the north of the country, still un-bloodied, marches to defend their countrymen.

13th of November

With war becoming a seemingly ever present, and very real, danger, the Council of The Republic of Toubres launches an ambitious and radical scheme, almost a total overhaul of their army. With a staggering budget, and a almost unstoppable driving force, the scheme is remarkably an undeniable success. The historically poorly equipped and poorly trained army of Toubres is transformed allmost overnight. The brainchild of months of engineering and design is unveiled for the first time, and 1799 Rifles are thrust into the hands of the eagerly waiting soldiers of the First Army. Toubres now boasts a highly-trained and well armed force that, while still small, is only in it's infancy, and has the backing of one of the most formidable navies.

15th of November

The Empire of Attolia announces it's plans to open it's borders to any refugees, whether they are religiously or politically prejudiced, bankrupted by a failing economy, or ravaged by war. Perhaps expecting to welcome refugees affected by the Sescosi War, and while they still do, in a sense, they are surprised by just where the refugees come from. Thousands flock across the border from The Redcliff Empire, desperate for a better way of life. How many more will follow, still stands to be seen.

16th of November

The army of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar reaches the Kingdom of Sescos port city of Edisos. With the sizable and experienced army, supported by the vengeful Dashkatar navy, the Sescosi garrison quickly finds itself nearly overwhelmed. Their cries for help do reach the main Sescosi army, still converging at the capital, Larymnas, and King Pieter Mátyás prepares to march out and meet the Dashkatar army head on.

20th of November

In response to the bloodshed of The Empire of Attolia at the hands of The Shuren Dynasty, The Three City's Republic of Ianian prepares one of its fleets for the long voyage to the Attolian colonies to the far east. The fleet embarks, and although the journey itself will take months, this is a clear sign of solidarity and kinship between the two nations.

22nd of November

The Kingdom of Aontas seems to awaken from its stupor at last. With tensions between The Republic of Toubres and their respective allies only increasing, the Kingdom begins rigorous training of it's armies, preparing for a potential war right on their doorstep. This, of course, only further increases tensions, and conflict becomes ever closer to a reality.

25th of November

In an action that sends shock-waves through much of the European community, The Redcliff Empire shows total disregard to the treaties that it had agreed upon at the Conference, before it excluded itself. Their army marches across the border, into the territories of The Republic of Oflua.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A short proclamation was issued by the Heralds of the Empire of Attolia to the Leaders of Europe. Seeing it's brevity and concise nature, the message told any literate that the Empire was now busy mustering its forces rather than taking the time to write a flowery declaration. It read:

"In response to the continued Dashkatar aggression against the Kingdom of Sescos, the Empire of Attolia formally declares war upon the Dashkatar invaders in accordance with the recent agreements of the Summit. May God bring a swift end to this conflict."

The honor bound soldiers of Attolia began to march.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by DELETED264297


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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Winter of 1799

29th of November

Aid for the garrison of Edisos is too slow in coming. With the army of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar only growing in confidence and experience with every victory, supported by the Dashkatar navy, they are able to shatter the defenses of the city, and tear down the flag of The Kingdom of Sescos. But the main army of Sescos, spearheaded by King Pieter Mátyás himself, is on the move, marching along the River Livas with the intention to shatter the invading army before they can reach the nation's capital.

2nd of December

An ambassador of The Redcliff Empire is sent to The Akkadian Empire, with plans to attempt to lower the tensions between the nations. This, however, is a resounding failure. Redcliff's position on the international stage is in tatters after their actions during the Conference, and their following behavior has only further damaged their reputation. And Akkadia's new friendship with The Three City's Republic of Ianian, a nation quite clear in it's stance towards Redcliff, only further strengthens their position. The ambassador is sent home with empty hands almost before he even arrives,

3rd of December

With only a handful of artillery, the army of The Redcliff Empire, cut off and far from home, has been unable to break through the defenses of Bulam. And while they have struggled to bring an end to the siege, the forces of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar have gathered in response. It is still early in the morning when the Dashkatar army reaches the besieging city. What follows is bloody and brutal. The Redcliff soldiers are well-trained, and well-equipped, but they have been out-maneuvered, and they are heavily outnumbered, caught between the relief force, and the garrison which quickly seizes the opportunity and sorties out of the city. Thousands of men are cut down in a relentless crossfire, and after only a matter of hours, the battle is decisively over. The Redcliff army is shattered, and the survivors are forced to flee. The Dashkatar commander allows them to go. They have nowhere to go but the desert.

5th of December

The Republic of Oflua is not one to lay idly by, and let The Redcliff Empire army rampage through their land. Their army had yet to truly disband, and the soldiers are all too ready to take up arms again against an invading army. The garrisons of the city ready themselves, and once again the Republic calls on The Kingdom of Ilastiri for aid. As luck would have it, the Ilastiri army is yet to return, and agree to continue their march, quickly bolstering the army that the Republic can bring to bear to defend itself.

8th of December

Honoring their pledge during the Conference, The Three City's Republic of Ianian declares war on The Redcliff Empire. They call for The Akkadian Empire to join them, and the Akkadia's readily do, already on the verge of declaring war on their own after Redcliff's actions against Dashkatar. The flames of war continue to spread through Europe.

10th of December

A considerable force is gathered by The Redcliff Empire, and it marches north to 'retake' the province of Ventir. They find, of course, that there is no Echyan army to drive out, The Echyan Empire already having withdrawn from the province some two months prior. Nonetheless, the Redcliff army claims the province again. Where the army will be sent next, is yet to be revealed.

11th of December

The army of The Holy Territories of Edoniras, self-dubbed as the 'Holy Light', is given it's marching orders. It quickly becomes apparent that despite their deep-rooted religious connection, Edoniras intends to keep their pledge, made at the Conference, and they march forces into the territories of The Redcliff Empire, declaring war on Redcliff. Bizarrely, this proves to be the second time that an enemy marches into a Redcliff province and finds it totally undefended. The province of Salid is now in the hands of the Holy Territories.

13th of December

On the banks of the River Livas, the armies of The Kingdom of Sescos and The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar meet. The Sescosi force is outnumbered, but King Pieter Mátyás is quickly proving himself to be a highly accomplished military commander. Using the weapons in his arsenal to full effect, King Mátyás fights a vicious and brutal series of raids, guerrilla attacks and rearguard actions that all but cripple Dashkatar's advance. Blood stains the fresh snow for miles, but the Dashkatar army continues to grind forwards. The Sescosi army is forced to largely retreat, back to Larymnas, to brace for the inevitable siege. A handful of volunteers remain, continuing to fight Dashkatar for every step they take.

14th of December

The Kingdom of Ubren sinks a significant portion of its budget into creating an Academy of Ballistic Sciences, focused around improving the artillery of Ubren. This clear sign of intent is an impressive step by the Kingdom of Ubren, and is largely the first such step by any nation into improving artillery, which is quickly proving to be one of the most powerful tools in the arsenal of Europe's armies.

16th of December

Moving in support of the army already in the newly-conquered province of Salid, a fleet of The Holy Territories of Edoniras also embarks. In truth, they have little to do, due to the lack of any garrison in the province, but they still serve as a useful deterrent to any Redcliff counter-attack.

17th of December

Far away from the spiraling tensions in Europe, a colonial party of The Three City's Republic of Ianian sails south, and docks into territory that it will come to dub as Resia. With their continuing colonial expansion, the Three City's is quickly becoming one of the prominent global powers. How they use this power, still stands to be seen.

19th of December

The Empire of Rubrus announces a large-scale civic scheme. Faced with vast territories, the Empire engages it's huge workforce, and puts them to the task of renovating the outdated roads that connect the far-flung settlements of Rubrus. A new scheme of highways is laid out, and although the cost is undoubtedly high, and the work will take months to complete, it has at least begun. Some new vigor seems to have grabbed the Empire of Rubrus, and a new player has joined the game of politics that is consuming Europe.

20th of December

Even with their armies on the march, The Holy Territories of Edoniras continues the great religious festival that is still occurring across it's lands. The Pope himself gives a speech, and it's message is clear. A new era of religious expression and expansion is laid out. Vipionism will burn like a fire that consumes Europe, whether it is through the power of speech and diplomacy, or through bloodshed and war.

22nd of December

Admiral Topi Valtonen, of The Empire of Attolia, embarks from Europe at the head of a sizable fleet. It's intentions are clear; vengeance. Attolian blood has been shed, and blood must be paid in blood. Joining the fleet already set off by The Three City's Republic of Ianian, the Attolian ships begin the long journey. It will be months until they reach their destination, but the intent is clear.

23rd of December

The Royal Academy of The Empire of Rubrus is founded, developing the already-established Academy of Rubrus, and making a clear statement for the encouragement of study, and of scholars. In a day and age of war seeming to be the only constant, this is an unusual, but largely welcomes move. The resurgence of Rubrus does not seem to be losing momentum.

26th of December

In a move that very few saw coming, The Kingdom of Ubren marches its army to war. But it is not the army that comes as such a surprise, but rather the direction. North. General Janik Tillich leads his forces into the territories of The Kingdom of Aontas. The province of Torrik is fortified, but spies of Ubren have filtered into the province over the months, and as the Ubren army marches north, sabotage attacks erupt all along the Aontas defenses. However Mother Winter has gripped the frozen north, and the Ubren progress is slowed.

27th of December

The Empire of Attolia establishes the Attolian Stock Exchange. One of the first of it's kind, the Stock Exchange goes on to promote economic growth throughout the nation, as well as opening the doors to a whole world of new opportunities. Wealth floods into the coffers of Attolia, which is quickly forging it's reputation as one of the financial hearts of Europe.

29th of December

For weeks, the rebels in the colonies of The Redcliff Empire have carried out guerrilla attacks against their oppressors. However recently, the severity has only heightened. Somehow, the rebels are being armed, muskets and cannons arriving from some unknown vendor. The attacks quickly become more brazen, and more effective. The garrison suddenly finds itself on an even playing field, and every turn they take, they find that the rebels are one step ahead. The streets run red, and with forces of The Naziim Kaliphate amassing over the border, Redcliff's grasp on their colonies is quickly weakening.

30th of December

Despite the winter continuing to grip Northern Europe, the cogs of The Empire of Rubrus continue to turn. They are nothing if not hardy folk, and they are not the type to be put off by subzero temperatures and near-constant night. Making use of their already established close relationship with The Kingdom of Claidor, the Empire looks to open wider trading channels with Claidor. Unsurprisingly, Claidor agrees, and trade caravans begin the long journeys between the two nations trade centers.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by DELETED264297


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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Empire of Attolia

The Attolian War Council sat around the grand map of Europe. Miniatures sat all around the map, signifying various armies that were known to be stationed in those regions. However, once thing was very clear in the mess that was Europe. The borders of the nations were changing, swiftly. While the Empire of Attolia had declared war upon the heathens of Dashkatar, there was currently little that the Empire could do. Sescos was far, and the bulk of the Empire's fleet was heading to the Orient. The only solution was to march, but that was in itself a problem as they would have to cross numerous borders and battlefield to reach Sescos. Attolia had to find a way to bring peace to Europe so that they could march upon the Dashkatar.

However, the situation could not be worse. All their neighbors were embroiled in war within the continent. The Ubren marched north to Aontas... but were bogged down by the brutal winter. Redcliff just went through more military disasters as the HTE took the province of Salid without a single shot and reports also came of how the Redcliff Empire's armies were shattered in the east as well. Now, more nations were joining the coalition against Redcliff. In addition, the Redcliff colonies were going through an even worse rebellion as a certain... party likely armed the rebels in a move that Lothair believed would come to bite its mastermind's arse in the future. It was never wise to arm radical religious militants. In fact, Attolia issued a statement, denouncing such actions and reprimanded whoever armed the rebels.

Lothair II shook his head in disbelief. "How bull headed does an Emperor have to be to lose virtually every battle in a year? Military losses, administrative losses, diplomatic disaster... I fear for the citizens of Redcliff." General Rehn replied "Aye... it is not too surprising now that our open borders are inviting mostly Redcliff refugees." Lothair II replied "Redcliff has failed its own people. Would anyone expect its people to remain loyal to the state when there are disasters occurring everywhere? Even worse, they could have all been avoided."

General Rehn replied "My Majesty... why did you not agree to join the coalition? Our men could be marching into those lands and securing the safety of the people?" Lothair II replied "That is not for us to decide for the people. If people wish to leave Redcliff, then they must do so on their own volition. I will not subvert the authority of Redcliff through force, but it appears that many others are not above such reprehensible actions." The General nodded. Attolia would continue to be the voice of reason and sensibility in this time of strife and conflict.

Lothair II continued to speak "We will not take any military action yet... but know that we will march in aid of the Sescosi soon. I am in the midst of securing safe passage to the south for our armies and have sent diplomats and emissaries. Continue to monitor the situation. We will soon be marching in our Crusade against the Dashkatar. I must now head to my meeting with a recently arrived group of village elders from war torn provinces around Europe. They will soon be proud, hard working Attolians living peacefully in Attolian lands with grand children speaking Attolian."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Holy Territories of Edoniras (The HTE)

The chorus of cheers and cacophony of praise echoed around the great basilica of the Serene Palace; constructed around two thousand years prior by a monarch of antiquity, the pagan iconography had been stripped bare during a great iconoclastic schism in the centuries that followed. Blood, invisible to the eye but still very present in the soul, wept down the white marble of the sanctuary and even as the worshippers announced their devotion to the platform high above them, the Pope saw the crimson stain in his mind. Stepping out into the light the cheers erupted into a deafening roar and for a moment the elderly statesman and disciple of God was almost knocked back. The very earth shook with the stamping of feet and the call of voices, this was the kingdom of God. Sitting atop the ruins of kingdoms gone before, the thought of which could only bring a smile to the lips.

A God of victory, survival and righteousness. There was no greater God.

"Blessed children of God-" The Pope's voice rang out across the space as people fell silent. Despite his years the voice of the Invictus was clear as twenty years younger and would need to remain as such if he intended to hold his office for long. A Pope unable to preach or proselytise was no Pope at all. On either side of the there was three men. The Tetrarchs, except Marcellus Lucio. He had returned to the Redcliff Empire. His time would come. "I welcome you to our capital, the home of these most holy of states and the home of all of your eternal souls. I have called this festival to celebrate this flock and show you the kindness of God to his faithful - to honour our Father and show him our dedication to the righteous cause." The cheering ruptured the social barrier again as people uncontrollably expressed their joy forcing the man to raise his hands, smiling as he indicated for quiet again.

"I must be serious now, you are not foolish people - as the sceptics might claim - and you are all aware this air of celebration occurs whilst Europe consumes itself in the flames of war. Most shocking of all brother kills brother now in the east to the tune of gain for only the most despotic of rulers. Our brothers, the people of Redcliff have been led astray. Denying the authority of the church and God. Furthermore the heathens of the Hadeen continue their advance on the beleaguered kingdom of Sescos - some of you here now I am sure have fled this very conflict to seek shelter. And so, the Holy Light now marches east. In it's wake we will liberate believers in the land of Redcliff and return it to the glorious bosom of our Lord. Then, from the lands of the Might of Arms we shall depart on crusade." A stunned silence, a moment of shock. Crusade had not been declared for hundreds of years - considered a medieval practice it was believed such a call would not happen again.

"For many years the people of Europe have been disconnected and disorganised, giving into their lusts and the desires of the flesh, whilst the throngs of people like you call for betterment. Until now there has been no safety. The tinderbox is ready to be set alight and return us to a kingdom devout to the true word of God and his son, Christ. I call you now not to take fear into your hearts; instead, take joy. Joy that we will welcome back the people of our faith and bring back so many of the lost into our flock. There is no safety for the heathen and we will show that not only do we guard the souls of the people, but also do we guard the very borders of Europe from incursion of all sides. We are the guardians of the light, the peace and the heavens. We are the children of God and - together - we will carry forth a new golden age for Vipionists across the continent."

The following days...
The province of Salid

"What are y'saying, boy?" The gruff infantryman said as he stood guard from the watchtower at the north of the town. Leaning on his musket he spat a thick globbet of plegm in the direction of his partner who - much to the veterans delight - recoiled practically in horror.

"I-it's just that those buckle are not nearly cleaned to regulation and given our duty I doubt you'll have time to bring them up to code." The rather thin recruit had the first spouts of hair appearing on his chin which only made him look even younger than he actually was. "And if-"

"Listen, you greasy little toe rag, whatever they are saying about why we are here make no mistake. Redcliff won't take kindly to this. Whilst their navy is about as effective as that Edo toast, your so fond of, floating in a marsh, their army is at least something to be reckoned with. If the leadership is any good we'll be camping here over winter and waiting before going any further..."

"But, what about being in Tr-"

"Travton? By the end of the year? If only. No, if God is kind we won't be there by the end of the year."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Macadamia Hut

Macadamia Hut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Irena heaved yet again. She had been bent over the edge of the ship railing for the past day it seemed. Most of that time had been spent staring into the thrashing waves that had buffeted them all the way through their journey which only made things worse. Worse yet, when she wasn't feeling seasick and looking miserably into the water she was keeping a nervous eye on the coast of Aontas. She was being ridiculous, there was no way the fighting that was going on right now would come for them in their little diplomatic ship but she couldn't help but worrying.

This was an amazing way to start the new year at least. Irena was still just an apprentice in the Royal Academy's new education program, one that would see her with a guaranteed place of work once she graduated but that was several years off. Still, right now she was the top of her class and was among those chosen to be a part of this blasted trip to Attolia. Even if her inclusion was just a way of showing off the new open policy on the academy and a fresh generation of women students this was still a fantastic opportunity. She'd be the first daughter of her family to see a new country and she could find a whole range of future connections at this stock exchange place.

Now she just had to get there without smelling of sick. Maybe some light reading would help distract her from job the rolling deck was doing to her stomach. They didn't have much with them in the way of light literature, but access to such a tier of literature was still so new to her and Irena was willing to devour any form of writing that crossed her path. The latest piece she was going through was a series of essays on military tactics. It was by an anonymous author but there were plenty of rumors claiming it had come from a general by the name of Rogozin. Irena had never heard of the man but he had some interesting ideas on cavalry and infantry tactics, and a writing style that liked to wax poetical about the warrior spirit of the ancients and looking to the past for inspiration.

Looking to the past was not something Irena was a fan of. To her the past was the former Dean of the Royal academy, the man that had put his foot in his mouth and talked about how the inferior minds of women could never understand the academic arts... right when the Empress was visiting. What followed was an imperial edict to open the academy and all other institutes of higher learning across the empire to female students! People were still debating as to whether this was a wise move on the part of the empress or if her motivation was even valid.

As far as Irena was concerned the empress had won herself at least one supporter for life. After all, how could a woman be deemed capable of ruling an empire but too weak to go to school? Such ways of thinking were maddeningly outdated and belonged left in the past. And Irena for her part would dive into her studies and show people just why. She would start by amazing all those who met her in Attolia, perhaps she'd even find a young officer and start a whirlwind romance while she was there, all while rising through the academic ranks and publishing a new generation of scientific papers and making a name for herself.

But for now she needed to be sick for the hundredth time.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Captain Lannes stood at attention at the Port City of Caux in the province of Attolia. It was the main port that serviced the Capital, which was a bit more inland. He himself was a Captain of the 2nd Guard, typically held in reserve in Attolia and assigned the protection of key people and cities. Rarely did the Imperial Guard of Attolia march to fight. Nay, they were the final line, the Triarii. When other soldiers would break and flee, they would hold the line and rally the men. However, during peace, they were often seen protecting government officials and diplomats. Today, he was tasked with greeting an envoy of the Empire of Rubrus and escorting them. It appeared that they were going to discuss a trade agreement and begin sending scholars to learn from each other, which Attolia had no problem with. Such cooperation helped to encourage peace.

It was oddly peaceful in the City... but it was really a false alarm. Many of the soldiers were mobilizing and getting ready to march south to join the Crusade against the Dashkatar. Thus, when you would usually see numerous patrols everywhere throughout the city... things seemed empty and peaceful in the city. Although, just a few days ago, the city was filled with patriotic fervor as a festival took place to encourage the men who were marching off to fight in the crusade. The flag of Attolia now flew around every corner of the city as the Empire also welcomed immigrants, refugees and natives with open arms as new brothers and sisters. The local governments of settlements seemed to take the responsibility of settling these newcomers and making sure that they were getting accustomed to the area, culture and the language.

This seemed especially so in the Attolian colonies where full citizenship was offered to those who settled and took up the Attolian language in the cities. Without a doubt, they would quickly find jobs in the revitalized Attolian economy. The numerous economy reforms and ventures that Emperor Lothair the Second had taken were outstanding successes as a daunting deficit was quickly corrected within a year. In fact, many began to call Emperor Lothair II, the Wise. His administrative capabilities were outstanding. Finally, in the distance, the Captain saw a ragged ship, which flew the flag of Rubrus. The Rubrus were not a sea-faring people, which explained the state of the ship, but regardless the Empress was a beacon of progress and enlightenment in these times, much like Lothair. Both Imperial Majesties were bringing progress to their nations and people. They could accomplish and learn much from each other.

The ship would finally dock, and the Captain barked his orders to the honor guard. They stood at guard, and as the delegates disembarked, the Captain walked up to introduce himself as a new friend to the people of Rubrus.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Spring of 1800

1st of January

As the new century dawns, war continues to consume Europe. The army of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar reaches the walls of Larymnas, and for the second time, the capital of The Kingdom of Sescos is besieged. King Pieter Mátyás takes command of the defense, calling for aid from those who have already condemned Dashkatar at the Conference, even while he rallies his own soldiers. He also sends a messenger to the army of The Redcliff Empire, still in the lands of The Republic of Oflua just to the east, imploring them to abandon their self-serving war and instead join against the threat of The Eternal Hadeen. The garrison is experienced, and determined, but the formidable defenses of the city still bear the scars of the First Siege, and the Dashkatar army is hungry for a quick victory.

3rd of January

A colonial expedition of The Three City's Republic of Ianian embarks from the nation's homeland. Their voyage will take them along the same route as the fleet that set off just a few months earlier, skirting the southern coast of Africa and to the far east. But while the fleet sailed in full support of The Empire of Attolia, this colonization could almost be perceived as a threat, settling lands in what is quickly becoming Attolia's colonial stronghold. Regardless, the journey will take some months, but the bright-eyed voyagers are full of hope and trepidation.

6th of January

While the army of The Redcliff Empire continues to languish, seemingly without orders, the forces of The Kingdom of Ilastiri is not so idle. Rallying the armies of The Republic of Oflua to aid him, it is General Andrei Obnizov, of Ilastiri, that takes command of the defense. The Redcliff army has only faced a heavily-outnumbered, and weak force of The Echyan Empire during their march. But the soldiers of the Kingdom of Ilastiri are not weak, they are hardened warriors, led by a experienced and decorated general. This will not be such an easy fight.

7th of January

Seeming to awaken slightly from their slumber, The Kingdom of Aontas readies it's soldiers to defend their homeland. They begin a rigorous operation to root out the spies of The Kingdom of Ubren, executing those they do find with a ruthless efficiency. With the rot purged, the garrisons of the province's city dig in, preparing themselves for the coming Ubren army.

9th of January

Despite the ever-present threat of The Redcliff Empire on their borders, The Echyan Empire continues to try and avoid war on it's lands, instead opting to lend it's considerable navy to the Conference's pledge against The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar. The Echyan fleet takes a moment to prepare itself, before sailing along the coast. Their navy is the greatest weapon in the Echyan arsenal, but they have yet to be bloodied, so are keen to prove their worth, as well as to hopefully appease the war-hungry Redcliff.

12th of January

With their other rivals otherwise occupied, The Kingdom of Claidor grows brash. With the full backing of The Empire of Rubrus, Claidor continues ever-escalating troop movements along the border with The Kingdom of Vendsyssel. Perhaps inevitably, one of these patrols eventually collides with a Vendsyssel patrol. With tensions already at a boiling point, a shot is fired, and a skirmish breaks out. The truth of which side fired the first shot is lost forever, but both nations use it as the spark to ignite the flames of war. The two nations prepare to go to war, officially declaring war on each other. What the rest of Europe will be watching for, is how The Kingdom of Aontas, The Republic of Toubres and The Empire of Rubrus will respond.

13th of January

Perhaps as a sign of intent, or perhaps a random coincidence, but the day after the deceleration of war between The Kingdom of Claidor and The Kingdom of Vendsyssel, Claidor's closest ally, The Empire of Rubrus, begins a strenuous training regime for it's forces. Spearheaded by General Vadim Rogozin, the training focuses on how best to bring the formidable strengths of the nations infantry and cavalry to bear as one concerted force. With war erupting, this training could be put to use far earlier than anticipated.

15th of January

Larymnas is a city on the brink. The Kingdom of Sescos is hard-pressed on every side by The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar, the garrison outnumbered, and forced to defend a city who's outer defenses had been breached before the siege even began. There is only a glimmer of hope, that the armies of the Conference, that pledged their support against Dashkatar, will march to their aid. The meager force of Sescos that is still stationed elsewhere, rally themselves and begin daring raids against the Dashkatar siege camps, but they do not realistically believe they can break the siege, just as the defenders do not believe they can sustain it for long.

18th of January

Pledging their armies under the command of General Andrei Obnizov, The Republic of Oflua seizes the initiative as The Redcliff Empire continues to seemingly wait for instructions. The Redcliff army has made camp on the outskirts of the Ofluan village of Kirosyt, and histories will remember the following conflict as, perhaps unsurprisingly, The Battle of Kirosyt. The combined army of Oflua and The Kingdom of Ilastiri numbers nearly ninety thousand men, and for the first time, the Redcliff army finds itself heavily outnumbered. As dawn breaks, the two sides collide. In what is by far the bloodiest battle that Europe has witnessed in living memory, the great military power of Redcliff is truly tested for the first time. Redcliff's general, Melezio Parenti, is a phenomenal commander, undoubtedly one of the greatest to ever live, but he is no god. On the back foot, outnumbered and on unfamiliar territory, his legendary offensive tactics count for little. When the smoke finally clears, thousands of men lie dead, and the Redcliff army is shattered, forced to flee back towards the relative safety of The Kingdom of Sescos.

20th of January

In a shocking move, Centrix, a province of The Redcliff Empire, secedes to The Empire of Attolia. With the tide seemingly turning against Redcliff, morale continuing to plummet in the face of high taxes, a string of defeats, and a lack of any garrison in the province, the population almost unanimously agrees to pledge it's allegiance to Attolia. How Redcliff will respond to this, is yet to be seen.

21st of January

The European Trading League continues to grow, as The Three City's Republic of Ianian invites The Republic of Toubres to join the swelling ranks. Toubres is quick to accept. While the move does bring more trade into all involved nations, some question Toubres' apparent desire to be exempt from the Strait Tax, despite their commerce being little affected by it. Only a handful truly understand the true motive.

23rd of January

Just to the south of Centrix, in the newly-conquered province of Salid, the army of The Holy Territories of Edoniras digs in, preparing for a defensive campaign against any counter-attack from The Redcliff Empire. Edoniras knows that Redcliff is wounded, but a wounded animal can be the most dangerous.

25th of January

Ships of The Three City's Republic of Ianian arrive into the ports of The Akkadian Empire. With the Redcliff threat to The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar effectively wiped out, and The Kingdom of Ilastiri committed to their own campaign against The Redcliff Empire, Akkadia commits a sizable portion of it's forces to their allies. Over fifty thousand Akkadian soldiers embark onto the ships of Ianian, ready to go to war.

26th of January

The forces of The Kingdom of Ubren continues it's slow but steady advance through the biting cold of the winter that has descended over The Kingdom of Aontas province of Torrik. The present garrison of Aontas is horrifically outnumbered, more than ten to one, but they dig in nonetheless, grit and determination steeling their will. The Ubren army reaches the city of Inversen, and digs in, beginning a siege of the city. Although the city is strongly built, it's garrison is woefully outmatched, and few believe they can hold the city for long.

28th of January

The fleets of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar and The Echyan Empire clash for the first time in the mouth of The Nalci Strait. Although it is only a relatively small skirmish, it shows the prowess of the Echyan navy, as they break the Dashkatar force, forcing them to retreat back into the relative safety of the Strait, and the larger Dashkatar fleet.

29th of January

The Holy Territories of Edoniras reinforces the province of Sul. The move raises some questions among the observers of the developing war. Do the Holy Territories fear action from The Empire of Attolia, or even plan actions against the Empire themselves? Or is it simply further strengthening the forces they can bring to bear against The Redcliff Empire? Only time will tell.

30th of January

For the first time, The Republic of Toubres truly weighs in on the conflicts consuming Europe, and tests its radically reinvented army, officially declaring war on The Redcliff Empire. Sailing with the protection of a formidable arm of the Republic's fleet, the army moves through the Mediterranean Strait, and descends upon the Redcliff island of Resdian. The garrison of Resdian is still badly bloodied from it's attempted crossing, and they offer little resistance. Although they are highly trained, their morale is low, and they are facing a well-prepared and well-equipped invading force that heavily outnumbers them. Wherever the Redcliff garrison attempts to dig in, the Toubres ships turn their cannons. In less than a day, the flag of Redcliff is torn down, and replaced by the flag of the Republic.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Letter to the Emperor of Echya

"The two Empires of Attolia and Echya have long been bitter rivals as our merchants seek to undercut each other, fleets often engage in standoffs, and colonists fight to grab land at the expense of the other. However, in the face of the greatest threat to Europe and Viponism since antiquity, the Empire of Attolia is glad to see the Echyan involvement in the crusade. Without a doubt, Echyan naval support provides much needed strategic abilities for the crusade to take on the invading Dashkatar. It is with hope that our men will be marching side by side against the heathens and that this will be a new chapter of friendly relations between our two Empires and people. I pray that the Redcliff issue soon resolve itself so that Europe can join in a unified front against the foreign invaders. As a sign of good faith, I hope that you will accept the gift that I have sent. It is a relic of Saint Touryan who, as your Majesty knows, was an Echyan Priest in Attolia who cared for and miraculously cured those stricken with consumption. May our two Empires look after each other for despite our political differences, we are still brothers under our father."

His Imperial Majesty Lothair II of Attolia, Emperor of the Attolians, Lord-Protector of Centrix, Lord of the Attolian Far East, and Loyal Son to the Holy Father
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Spring of 1800

2nd of February

The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar, while it's armies continue to wage war abroad, begins an intense industrialization process. Perhaps inspired by their neighbors to the north, The Akkadian Empire, Dashkatar attempts to abandon it's old, traditionally agriculturally founded industry, and instead invest heavily into the most modern technologies that their Engineers are able to get their hands on. It quickly becomes clear that every nation is attempting to embrace the new century, abandoning the ways of old.

5th of February

The outer walls of Larymnas are breached, the forces of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar flooding into the city itself. Somehow, King Pieter Mátyás rallies the remaining garrison, fighting ferociously for every inch, and making a desperate last stand in the solidly build citadel. The capital of The Kingdom of Sescos burns, and the guns of Dashkatar pound relentlessly on the one surviving strong-point, but the thick walls of the citadel, and the iron will of the defenders, continue to stand resolute. For now. The nation cries out desperately for aid, from any who will listen.

6th of February

The defending army of The Holy Territories of Edoniras, still bracing itself in the province of Salid, has it's ranks swollen. Thousands of fresh troops, proudly marching under the flag of the Holy Territories, make the journey west. The position of Edoniras is greatly strengthened, any counter-attack quickly becoming more and more daunting for The Redcliff Empire.

10th of February

General Andrei Obnizov, marching at the head of the force of both The Republic of Oflua, and The Kingdom of Ilastiri, takes a moment to compose himself, before moving in pursuit of the army of The Redcliff Empire. Although the enemy is broken, Redcliff still possess a sizable force, and one that cannot be allowed to linger on the borders of the Republic. The sizable army begins it's slow chase.

13th of February

Continuing to promote their self-founded European Trading League, The Three City's Republic of Ianian extends an invitation to The Echyan Empire. Unsurprisingly, due to the two nations already sharing a strong bond, Echya accepts, and the League's influence, and power, only continues to grow.

15th of February

Once more, the Nalci Strait becomes a battleground of roaring spray and cannon fire, as the fleet of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar and The Echyan Empire collide. The Echyan's are outnumbered but they fight with a burning fury that shatters a sizable portion of the Dashkatar fleet before they can bring their enemy can bring their numbers to bear. The Echyan fleet fades away as quickly as they appear, leaving the damaged ships of Dashkatar to limp back to safe ports.

18th of February

In the first battle of the war between The Kingdom of Claidor and The Kingdom of Vendsyssel, it is Vendsyssel that strikes first. Rallying an army, General Kobus Lennips marches from the province of Rogosz, over the border and into the Claidor province of Lahoya, calling on their allies The Kingdom of Aontas to support them. The army has only marched a few miles before they collide into an army of Claidor. Although fairly evenly matched, the men of Vendsyssel are fierce warriors and, spearheaded by their legendary cavalry, shatter the Claidor army. The province opens up before them, and they march for the nearest Claidor city, Batko.

19th of February

The two nations of The Empire of Attolia and The Empire of Rubrus announce the opening of naval trade lanes, hoping to establish a closer relationship between the two. However the threat of war between Rubrus and The Kingdom of Aontas casts a shadow over this agreement, as those same naval lanes could quickly find themselves closed by Aontas ships.

22nd of February

The fleet of The Three City's Republic of Ianian, ferrying the army of The Akkadian Empire, quickly finds itself facing it's first hurdle. The only path to their destination of The Redcliff Empire lies through the Nalci Strait, a war-zone stalked by ships of both The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar, and The Echyan Empire. While Echya has openly sided with Ianian, and Dashkatar with Akkadia, it is the reverse that is not so clear. Will Echya allow Akkadian soldiers to rampage through Europe, and will Dashkatar allows European ships to sail, unobstructed, through their waters. What follows is quite possibly a diplomatic marvel, as the two nations cease their skirmishes to allow the Ianian fleet to sail through the Strait. Perhaps some clandestine meeting ensures their safe passage, or perhaps it is simply an unwillingness for any of the involved parties to make more enemies than they need to.

24th of February

The Kingdom of Aontas, faced with an overwhelming force of The Kingdom of Ubren literally at their gates, is forced to react. Still possessing a powerful navy, Aontas brings it's full arsenal to bear. Even while the Ubren army throws itself against the walls of Inversen, the Aontas fleet begins a relentless bombardment of the besieging army. With no navy of their own, the Ubren forces have little to counter this new threat, forced to instead continue focusing on attempting to break the cities defenses.

27th of February

The army of The Kingdom of Vendsyssel reaches The Kingdom of Claidor city of Batko. Both sides dig in for a long siege, cannons roaring out a thunderous crescendo. But the balance of the war is tipped in favor of Vendsyssel, for now. How the two nations allies react may well decide the very fate of the war.

28th of February

With their path cleared, the forces of The Akkadian Empire land in the province of So Tren. But for once, the garrison of The Redcliff Empire is prepared to defend their homeland. Although they are once again outnumbered, they are unbroken, well supplied, and determined to clear the name of the Redcliff Empire, and cast the invading heathens back into the sea. The Akkadian's attack the Redcliff coastal city of Avedua, an imposing port that dominated the Mediterranean Sea in a bygone era. They are faced with well built defenses, and iron-willed defenders.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

To General Andrei Obnizov, Commander of the Ofluan-Ilistari Coalition Army

"The screams and shouting of the Sescosi fill the continent as the Dashkatar slaughter our brethren. The valiant King Mátyás rallies the last of his men to valiantly hold and protect the heart of the Kingdom, the gate of Europa. Your men march into the Kingdom of Sescos' lands to pursue the remains of the Redcliff army, yet with your large army... the chase is slow. I ask of you. Would sending a portion of your men to the aid of your European brothers not be prudent? Not only will your chase of the shattered Redcliff army be quicker, but you will also help fend off the heinous heathens who will continue to further encroach upon Europe and subjugate all under the shadow of the scimitar. The ambitions of the Dashkatar are clear and the Republic of Oflua will likely be among the next in their sights after the fall of the Secosi. Will you not attempt to not only win this war with the Redcliff, but also all future wars with the Dashkatar? You, at your very hands, have a golden opportunity to secure peace and prosperity for your people in the years to come.

I ask of you. Help save the Secosi so that we may bring peace to the region and bring forth a new chapter of peace and prosperity in the region."

Emperor Lothair II of Attolia
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Spring of 1800

1st of March

King Lucious, of The Redcliff Empire, is dead. The exact circumstances of his death are never entirely clear, but the news is spread to every corner of the Redcliff Empire, and to every corner of Europe as well. The throne passes to his nephew, the newly crowed King Marino, acts quickly. His uncle is barely cold before he issues his first commands, all too aware of the dire situation which the Redcliff Empire finds itself in. His first act is to issue a declaration to The Echyan Empire, ensuring an end to the hostilities and dropping the crusade for reparations, even issuing a public apology for his predecessors actions. Unsurprisingly, Echya accepts this, and the tension along Redcliff's eastern borders quickly cools.

3rd of March

The Empire of Rubrus takes a controversial and radical step. The universities scattered across the nation are ordered, by the Empress herself, to open their doors to female students. This is an unheard of step at such a scale. While there has been a scattering of female's passing through universities, in some cases dating back centuries, opening all universities to both sexes is a old stroke. Unsurprisingly, this is met largely with staunch protest from the established patriarchal communities, but they can hardly argue against orders from the Empress. University is still an expensive prospect that only the elite can afford, but a slow stream of young, ambitious women begin to seize the new opportunity.

6th of March

Outside of Europe, The Republic of Toubres continues to colonize almost relentlessly. With The Western Territories of Toubres established and thriving under their new relative independence, Toubres continues to follow the tried and tested methods. A colonial expedition embarks from Toubrian Getares, sailing west and founding the new colony of Toubrian Valente with no difficulty.

7th of March

Continuing his slew of new policies, King Marino, of The Redcliff Empire announces a controversial symbol of goodwill. Sending a ragtag merchant and civilian fleet as transport, the King summons all of the Redcliff colonists, and the remaining Redcliff garrisons of the colonies, back to the homeland. With this gesture, he abandons Redcliff's empire, knowing that the newly formed nation of The Naziim Kaliphate will quickly move in to take control of the new land. He also outlaws slavery, freeing the handful of slaves that Redcliff still own. Through this action, he ensures at least the relative safety off his people, and although it weakens Redcliff's international renown, with far more pressing issues at home, few complain.

10th of March

The Republic of Toubres continues it's militarization by launching a recruitment program. With the recent resounding success of Toubres against the historically military powerhouse of The Redcliff Empire has been greeted with celebration across the Republic, and the patriotic fervor that has consumed the Republic leads to thousands of men signing up. With colonies across the known world, and already an intimidating naval force, this swelling of the Republic's ranks is a clear sign of intent.

13th of March

Finding themselves at the mercy of The Kingdom of Aontas guns, the invading force of The Kingdom of Ubren begin constructing a series of trenches, attempting to give themselves some cover from the bombardment while tunnels are dug beneath the cities defenses. Despite the naval attacks, the Ubren army still hugely outnumbers the garrison that faces them, and before long, the city falls. With the Ubren flag raised, Inversen becomes a refuge for the Ubren forces while they plan their next move.

15th of March

Across The Empire of Attolia, a sweeping social policy is adopted. With the influx of new immigrants, citizenship is freely given in exchange for an embracing of Attolian culture. The stream of immigrants does begin to slow, citizens of The Redcliff Empire tentative as they wait to see the further actions of their new king, but in the newly-seized province of Centrix, this exchange is well-used, the people keen to embrace their new rulers culture.

16th of March

Larymnas falls. With it's walls breached, and the citadel standing as the last bastion of defiance against an overwhelming enemy, there was little hope for the defenders of The Kingdom of Sescos. Like his father before him, King Pieter Mátyás dies defending his people. He is finally gunned down, deep in the heart of the citadel, with a musket clutched in his hands, and valor burning in his heart. With the Sescosi capital in The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar hands, the Kingdom of Sescos is suddenly on the brink of surrender. Only one city remains in the capital province, the city of Hodov. If Hodov falls, then so does Sescos.

17th of March

Diplomats of The Three City's Republic of Ianian travel to The Republic of Oflua, seeking to offer assistance for their payment of reparations to The Kingdom of Sescos. However the recent developments, and the seemingly imminent downfall of Sescos, makes Oflua hesitant to engage in any economic scheme for payments, so the diplomats return home empty-handed.

19th of March

Across the territories of The Three City's Republic of Ianian, the Ianian Foreign Legion is formed. The force, operating largely independently from the bulk of the Ianian army, quickly takes on a romantic ideal, seemingly promising a life of adventure across the globe, and to rub shoulders with men from all across Europe, and the world beyond. Several thousand men quickly sign up, seizing the opportunity before them, and undergoing the rigorous training.

21st of March

Continuing to strengthen their hold in the far east, The Empire of Attolia sends colonists on the short journey south-east from New Caledonia, and settle the new colony of Java. There is an undeniable sense of trepidation in the air, as the combined fleet of Attolia and The Three City's Republic of Ianian draws ever closer, it's arrival expected within a month.

25th of March

The city of Avedua is quickly proving itself an imposing obstacle. Marines of The Three City's Republic of Ianian join the offensive, supporting the army of The Akkadian Empire, but The Redcliff Empire garrison is resolute. The Ianian Marines begin organizing night attacks, inching through the darkness and using explosives to damage the walls of the city. This is certainly successful, but wherever the walls are damaged, soldiers of Redcliff willingly fill the breach with their bodies and muskets. This will be a long siege.

26th of March

With it's borders threatened, The Redcliff Empire recalls the army of Melezio Parenti. Relieved to be returning home after their bitter defeat, the army makes quick time, The Echyan Empire giving them passage as a sign of goodwill. With all of Redcliff's forces returning to the Empire's homeland, their position is steadily growing stronger, as they still possess one of the most powerful forces found in Europe.

28th of March

The Kingdom of Vendsyssel siege of The Kingdom of Claidor city of Batko continues. With neither side having allies rally to their call yet, both armies are tentative, and the siege becomes more of a waiting game than a prolonged conflict, as both are wary of committing their forces too soon. However armies are still being raised in their respective homelands, and the conflict is on the verge of escalating into a maelstrom of war.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Open Letter to the Nations of Europe:

"With the peace brought forth by the end of the Redcliff-Echyan War, the coalition against Redcliff now no longer has legitimate cause to continue hostilities. However, the Empire of Attolia is disgusted by the actions of the Three Cities. Bringing heathens to the Redcliff lands? Throwing hordes of Heathen soldiers against the war mongering Redcliff when it was Ianians who proposed this mutual defense against Redcliff? Such dishonorable actions are detestable and the Empire of Attolia formally condemns it. Withdraw the Heathen Army."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Summer of 1800

2nd of April

It's people angry, and rightly so, The Redcliff Empire, under the personal request of King Marino, slashes the nation's tax rate's back down to their original rates. While some view this as attempting to paper over cracks already too wide, for the majority, it is a very welcome change. For now, the riots that had been consuming Redcliff like a wildfire draw to a cautious pause, the population watching King Marino's actions carefully. What they have seen so far, they begrudgingly approve of.

4th of April

After it's peace with The Echyan Empire, the war surrounding The Redcliff Empire draws to a close. The Conference, albeit of course absent of a Redcliff representative, convenes once more, and the concerned nations agree to withdraw their forces. Around the provinces of Centrix, Salid and Resdian, there is still some doubt, but for now, the war is over. The fleet of The Three City's Republic of Ianian makes it's return journey, the soldiers of The Akkadian Empire willingly following their allies and abandoning their siege of Avedua.

5th of April

The amassed fleet of The Empire of Attolia and The Three City's Republic of Ianian, under the de facto leadership of the Attolian Admiral Topi Valtonen, reach the waters in which the original expedition first encountered The Shuren Dynasty. Admiral Valtonen has a burning vengeance in his heart, remembering all too well the men that died under his watch, but the Shuren forces have had months to prepare, and they have not been idle. A huge fleet of 'war-junks', the ships of the Dynasty, sails out to meet their European counterparts. But the lightly armed and sluggish junks are poorly matched, and the superior strength and firepower of the Ships of War, and of the Frigates, tears apart the more rudimentary ships. The ships of the Shuren Dynasty hastily retreat, and the Attolia-Ianian fleet returns to the friendly harbors of The Jinje Kingdom, in high spirits after their easy victory, and awaiting further orders.

10th of April

With it's full military might returned home, The Redcliff Empire begins a long, and laborious re-modelling of it's armies. With the threat of war temporarily alleviated, it has become all too apparent that the Redcliff army, while an immensely powerful weapon, is cumbersome and, more importantly, almost unbearably expensive. What follows is a rigorous 'cutting of the fat'. Huge swathes of the army are released, allowed to return home and live out the rest of their days on pensions provided to them. Only a hardened, and formidable core of regulars remain, with thousands more placed in 'reserve', in case war should trouble Redcliff again. For now though, the budget required for the Empire's armies plummets.

13th of April

Although slightly bloodied, the soldiers of The Akkadian Empire are in fine spirits as they return home. Perhaps growing over-confident due to their own new alliance, old tensions flare up along the Akkadian border with The Republic of Oflua and, in turn, The Kingdom of Ilastiri. Armies begin the well-used pattern of increasingly scaled patrols along the border, and as has already happened several times across Europe, war becomes an increasing possibility.

17th of April

The force of The Kingdom of Ubren, fresh from conquering Inversen, and enjoying the current respite from the naval cannons of The Kingdom of Aontas, does not waste time. They begin the march north, their sights clearly set of the city of Hjorth. Unsurprisingly, the fleet of Aontas follows them, sailing north to defend their city.

18th of April

The Attolian East Asia Trading Company is born in the colonies of The Empire of Attolia. Unlike anything that had been seen before, the Company takes its Imperial Charter and quickly puts it to full use. The powerful, and wealthy, shareholders of the company, are wary of the unrest in the region, and dockyards, purchased by the Company, begin the construction of a private navy.

21st of April

The army of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar pushes onwards, ever onwards. The city of Hodov is garrisoned by a tiny fraction of the forces that Dashkatar possesses, and their morale is badly broken by the death of their king, and the falling of their capital. None expect Hodov to hold, and if the capital province falls, then The Kingdom of Sescos will be forced to surrender. And so, Dashkatar continues it's march.

26th of April

The fleet of The Echyan Empire continues to hound and harass the fleet of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar, trapping them in the Nalci Strait. Under the cover of darkness, or seizing the slightest opportunity, the Echyan ships carry out daring raids against Dashkatar, both her ships, and her ports. As the Dashkatar army continues to rampage almost unimpeded, these are the closest actions to victory in the ongoing Dashkatar war. Even with them, the balance is quickly swinging in Dashkatar's favor.

29th of April

The siege of Batko continues to drag on, both nations tentative to act as they await the actions of their allies. They also delay the movements of their other forces, aside from The Kingdom of Claidor moving forces to sit in reserve, ready to come to support the garrison of Batko if the siege escalates. For The Kingdom of Vendsyssel, they call out for the aid of The Kingdom of Aontas, all too aware that their only allies are fighting a war of their own.

30th of April

The army of The Kingdom of Ubren reaches the walls of Hjorth. Again, the force of Ubren hugely outnumbers The Kingdom of Aontas garrison, but also again, the fleet of Aontas arrives with it's cannons, and begins to bombard the besieging army. The Ubren army engages the same tactics, digging trenches and tunneling beneath the cities defences, but the cannons of the Aontas ships still take a bloody toll.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"To His Majesty King Marino of the Redcliff Empire

God be with you as you find yourself reuniting your people and Empire. These are surely trying times for yourself and your people. Thus, the Empire of Attolia wishes to offer its support in the form of naval support and advisory to rebuild the Redcliff Empire's fleets. The Empire of Attolia views the Redcliff's colonies in Africa as its rightful lands, not those of the civilian murdering heathens of the self-proclaimed Naziim Kaliphate rebels. When the Redcliff Empire finds it's footing, the Empire of Attolia will support the Redcliff endeavor to remove these rebels from those lands.

However, the Naziim Kaliphate has friends in the form of the Dashkatar who continue to march into the heart of Europe. The Kingdom of Sescos, who you came to their aid and defense, survives by the skin of its teeth. Much blood has been split against the Dashkatar and in protecting the Sescos. Please do not let your people's sacrifice go to waste. While it may be much to ask for you to go to war once more, I simply ask to allow Attolian soldiers to march through the province of Ventir. I am aware that the Empire of Redcliff has contentions with the recent events that took place in Centrix. However, do those contentions outweigh your people's sacrifices made in the war to aid Sescos and to fight the Heathens? I look forward to your response on this matter.

Truly yours,
Emperor Lothair II of Attolia"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Summer of 1800

1st of May

The Kingdom of Sescos is not yet forsaken. The combined army of The Republic of Oflua and The Kingdom of Ilastiri, still enjoying their triumph over The Redcliff Empire, marches once more. For the second time, soldiers of Oflua cross the border into Sescos, but this time it is not as conquerors, but rather as saviors. With the support of ships from the Ofluan navy, General Andrei Obnizov quickly smashes the meager garrison of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar that had been left to hold the city of Edisos. The combined army pauses for a moment, deliberating over it's next move. They may march to liberate Larymnas, pursue the main Dashkatar army, or even march and attempt to free the Province of Osnic. Only General Obnizov truly knows where the army will move to.

3rd of May

A diplomatic party of The Holy Territories of Edoniras travels to the capital of The Redcliff Empire. The Pope's representatives are quick to congratulate King Marino, both on his ascension and his actions to attempt to reverse the damage done by his predecessor. The Province of Salid threatens to cast a dark shadow over relations between the two nations, but King Marino is impressively charismatic and welcoming. He agrees to the Holy Territories suggestions of a soft border wholeheartedly. And keen to rebuild international relations, the King agrees to restating the nation's faith in a public ceremony, offering to host the Pope in the Redcliff capital, or to travel to the Holy Territories. The rift is quickly beginning to close.

8th of May

The people of The Kingdom of Sescos begin to have a fresh resolve. With support coming from the East, and the soldiers of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar slowly dwindling away. Across the occupied territories of Sescos, murmurs of rebellion begin to grow in volume. In the name of the two kings who readily gave their lives for their people, the population rises up. What begins small at first, protests and petty crimes, quickly begins to spiral into riots and open attacks on the soldiers and people of Dashkatar. A fire has been lit.

11th of May

Hjorth falls after only a matter of days. The army of The Kingdom of Ubren shatters the cities defences, and the pitiful garrison quickly surrendered. The fleet of The Kingdom of Aontas fades away, called back to friendly harbors as the admirals of the powerful fleet meet to discuss their best tactics. Only one city remains under Aontas control in the province, Fjall. The garrison braces themselves for the coming storm.

13th of May

The army of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar reaches The Kingdom of Sescos city of Hodov and smash through the cities defences with ease. But the province does not fall, thanks wholly to the actions of The Republic of Oflua and The Kingdom of Ilastiri to the east. The Dashkatar force composes itself, carefully watching the combined army that stands against it.

16th of May

A colonial fleet of The Three City's Republic of Ianian sails from the Colony of Resia, travelling south and claiming the new Colony of Venito, expanding their quickly burgeoning colonial empire. By chance, the Ianian fleet that embarked months before also reaches it's destination on this day, although on the other side of the world. With the war against The Shuren Dynasty quickly swinging in the Republic's favour, this new colony of Tilandia could be a crucial friendly harbour to co-ordinate their movements from.

17th of May

The Hastel Dominions, no doubt in response to the war of their closest ally, The Kingdom of Ubren, begins readying it's armies. But perhaps most crucially, they also begin preparing their navy to sail to war. With Ubren lacking any navy of their own, the ships of Hastel may prove vital if they are continue to wage their war against The Kingdom of Aontas.

21st of May

Once more, The Akkadian Empire denounces the people of The Republic of Oflua. War becomes an increasingly likely reality, and some across Europe begin noticing stark contrasts between the allies of the respective nations. With Oflua and The Kingdom of Ilastiri clearly allied, and having waded into the war against The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar, it puts The Three City's Republic of Ianian into a difficult position. Will they stand by Akkadia and acts against Oflua and Ilastiri, and aid Dashkatar, even if only by coincidence? Or will they forsake Akkadia in favor of Europe, and no doubt drive the Empire back into the hands of Dashkatar?

24th of May

In a move that seems peculiar to those not in the appropriate positions of power, The Kingdom of Ubren begins the construction of fortifications all along their border with The Empire of Attolia. Unsurprisingly, tension between the two nations take a sharp climb, although what will come from it is still yet to be seen.

25th of May

The combined fleet of The Empire of Attolia and The Three City's Republic of Ianian begins a ruthless hunting of the remaining ships of The Shuren Dynasty. The junks of the Dynasty are almost comically weaker than the Frigates of the European powers which hound them relentlessly. Before long, almost the entire naval presence of the province of Tian is wiped out. The fleet sits back, waiting for it's next move, as the province finds itself almost defenseless against the ships that have sailed from the West.

28th of May

Engineers of The Empire of Attolia travel to the newly claimed province of Centrix. Once there, they travel the length and breadth of the nation, assessing the industrial capabilities, as well as seeking out any new ideas that they are yet to implement themselves. What they find is that the until-recently Redcliff citizens possess a greater work ethic across their lower and middle class. The experts quickly begin attempting to implement these methods across Attolia as a whole.

30th of May

While one of it's armies continues to fight shoulder to shoulder with The Kingdom of Ilastiri, The Republic of Oflua sends another of it's armies to the border with The Akkadian Empire. The flames of war continue to be fanned, quickly threatening to consume the two nations in a roaring inferno.

31st of May

Finally, another voice weighs in on the conflict between The Kingdom of Claidor and The Kingdom of Vendsyssel. The Empire of Rubrus refuses to forsake it's ally for any longer, and the armies of the Empress march to war. More than one hundred thousand men mobilize and begin the journey to aid Claidor. Once again Vendsyssel calls out for it's allies, suddenly feeling the balance of the war beginning to slip away from them.
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