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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Spring of 1799

3rd of January

The state funeral of the recently deceased King of Ubren is a lavish and grand affair. The respected rulers coffin is paraded through the streets of the Kingdom's capital, Wolund, and is attended by King Lucious of The Redcliff Empire, and Emperor Erhard Hastel, of the Hastel Dominions. The old king's son, the newly crowned King Otto Fichte, watches the procession with little interest. He never cared deeply for his father, cursing his isolationist and bitter ways, but now that the crown of Ubren rests on his young head, and he finds himself with wolves at the gate to the North and West, he is ready to take the reins of the Kingdom, and lead it into a new age.

5th of January

The border skirmishes along the border between the Echyan Empire and the Kingdom of Sescos continue, as they have for months. The two nations continue to clash, their radically different cultures and stubborn leaders dragging the skirmish ever closer to outright wars. Armies have been raised, and moved into position, and fleets have been spotted prowling along the coastline, ready to descend upon their foes.

8th of January

In a shock move, the Senate of Oflua votes almost unanimously to publically condemn the Kingdom of Sescos, damning their neighbours as warmongers, and moving their own forces to the border. The Kingdom of Sescos suddenly finds itself assailed by rivals on two fronts, rapidly scrambling their forces to defend their borders as war seems to become a near certainty.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Inside the Imperial Palace of Attolia

Lothair II sat in his private office. While the throne room was where he held his court, this little private sanctuary was where most of the decisions and planning were truly made. It was rather austere and simple compared to the throne room, but the Emperor preferred it like this. There was less distractions. Needless to say, what was there was still rather of considerable value. The desk and chairs that were the centerpiece of the room were made of imported wood from the East with fabrics and rich silks serving as the cushion and adornments for these chairs. These were rather recent riches that had come from their eastern colonies with much more to come or so it was hoped. Lothair II began to draft a letter, written to Admiral Topi Valtonen and bearing the Imperial insignia.

To Adm. Valtonen,

Your progress and performance so far in overseeing the Imperial Colonies of the Far East have been promising. As my Admiral, you speak on behalf of the Imperial Throne, ranking even the governors of the Colonies. Thus, as the voice of the Empire, you are now tasked with a further objective in the name of the Empire. Take your fleet in the Far East and establish contact with the rumored Kingdoms and civilizations there so that we may begin friendly relations with the natives and further our trade. Needless to say, this time of exploration and trade is of utmost importance to the Empire as it will provide with wealth unimaginable. We already have established trade with most of our neighbors in the Old World, but the Far East and the New World present opportunities that will give rise to the grandest civilizations ever seen in on the planet. You will be the herald of this Golden Age for the people of Attolia. May your journey be fruitful and I await to hear of your successes.

His Imperial Majesty, Lothair II, Emperor of the Attolians

With his first letter out of the way, he also began to draft another one addressed to his Holiness...


Later that day, General Ilppo Rehn walked about the Imperial garrison where his men were drilling. He personally oversaw their training and made sure that everyone was performing to expectations and beyond. Not to mention that the Emperor himself was coming to inspect the troops today as well. To make sure that these men were properly equipped, numerous blacksmiths and gunsmiths were on retainer with the Empire to supply the Attolian military. He also had to deal with the logistics of his army as well. In the background, the sound of metal being hammered could be heard as the soldiers drilled. He could distinctly hear the blacksmiths talking:

"I would give a pinky for an assistant or an apprentice right now..."

"No wonder we're so busy."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have any pinkies!"

From behind, the General heard "An apprentice? That should be easily done." The General turned and saluted. "Hail Emperor!" Lothair nodded in acknowledgement.

"I did not expect your Majesty to arrive so early."

"Si vis pacem, para bellum. Although, I have drafted the letters and sent them. We must still be ready to defend ourselves if need be." Lothair replied. He then turned to the blacksmiths who were standing at attention. "How many apprentices do you need?"

"If we could each have one apprentice, then I believe we can all get a lot more done around here, my Emperor!"

"Then it will be done."

Lothair looked at the General and said "Continue to drill the men as you have been, General. I will go mobilize the youth of Attolia." With purpose, Lothair walked away from the garrison after his rather quick and impromptu visit.

The General didn't expect the Emperor to suddenly appear with little fanfare, but he wasn't surprised. The Emperor had a tendency to move at his own schedule and to see things with his own two eyes. With that, the General and the other officers continued to drill the men under their command.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by DELETED264297


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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Holy Territories of Edoniras (The HTE)

The door to the room was rather plain, carved out of simple word and only engraved with the insignia of the papacy, leaving any who might see it and not know it's purpose to be shocked for what occurred behind those hallowed doors. The attendants, dressed in ornate and flowing yellow regalia of the Attolian Guard, held their muskets close as they maintained a constant vigil on the hallways leading to this most sacred of rooms. Though, despite the imposing gaze of the men meant to protect the most holy of individuals whom made even the strongest of people wither, it was impossible to do away with many of the highest ranking members of the clergy whom stood with bated breath just in sight. Travelling over the polished stone floor, through the thick wood, and into the room proper we are greeted to a cell.

The dim light of a single candle set in an alcove at the room's far corner cast the faintest of orange hues over the few features. A man, prostrate in the centre of the room, trembled in a cold sweat as he held himself as still as he could whilst gently whispering prayer in a melancholic timbre. Off to his side, still in the long shadows of the room, a basic cot sat with a small wax tablet atop it that already bore the scars of mad scribbling from the nights gone past. A cry as the man suddenly convulsed as his prayer was cut short as the air escaped his lips. Struggling to his knees and pushing himself over to the bed he brought shaking hands up to scratch more text into the tablet as quickly as he could. The words on his lips faster than they were in his hands.

Two days later the humble doors were parted as the slightly short man walked out, lidded eyes carried great dark bags under them whilst clutched to his chest was the closed wax tablet he had been writing on until only a few hours ago. His off-white robes swung loosely and despite having been recently fitted the few days without nourishment already meant they hung off here and there. His salt and pepper hair was closely cropped to his head and with a nod to one of the Attolian Guard, he was followed as he made for his private quarters to freshen up and prepare for his public announcement. The first Great Communion of 1799 had been completed.

A few days later...

"A summit, your Holiness? I am not sure I understand." The hesitant tone of the special adviser spoke a million more words than he would ever actually utter. Pope Invictus XI waved a hand dismissively.

"Am I not clear enough, Ferrus?" The Pope answered, the silence of the special adviser forcing him to continue. "The place of religion is challenged now on an almost daily basis. The rise of 'rationalism' and 'atheism', whilst not an epidemic, is certainly endemic and draws even more from the flock whilst heresy and heathenism continue to plague the great dream. I have convened with God, his will is clear as are the words of the Communion. Unity in the face of ever growing adversity. So, I wish for an open letter to be drafted for all to read."

With a sigh, clearly aware that despite protest none of the court of his Holiness would convince him against this course of action, a tall - lithe - wearing the cloth of the cloister lifted a parchment and started to write;

Blessed rulers of this world, God has spoken to me - as is our way - and with his wisdom and guidance I have deemed it necessary to gather as many of you as is possible to realign the wheels of this world and place us both onto the path of spiritual, as well as corporeal, perfection. In six months time the Serene Palace will play host to a religious festival of the Summer and at this time I invite the purest to attend and meet to discuss matters of state and the soul.
His Holiness, Invictus XI, Father to all Vipionist children and Shepard to the Great Flock

Some confusion spread against the clergy again at mention of a festival. "Yes!" The Pope cut in, silencing the voices. "A festival, the land - as well as the toil of the people - has been good to us. We shall now repay this back tenfold and remind every blasphemer and non-believer that the greatest place they will ever find is in our herd and not out in the wilderness with the death and decay." The tone of the Pope had become agitated, aggressive almost, as he finished speaking. Daring anyone to challenge him.

"Your Holiness-" A gentle and soothing voice spoke up. "I admire the plan, I do, there is not here amongst us who would dare to question God's directives. So, if I may lead us into the next point at hand?" A smile as smooth as honey blossomed on the soft features of the foreign adviser.

"Yes, Biblius." The Pope sighed, leaning back in his seat as he rubbed his temples, internally scolding himself for the outburst.

"Our informants report - alongside most of the media in all countries - the violence between the Kingdom of Sescos and the Echyan Empire are about ready to flare into full conflict. Alongside that a recent condemnation from the Senate of Oflua means this war could become incredibly volatile and spread much further than expected. It is time his Holiness made a papal bull on the matter, and I believe I know what we should say." A nod from the Pope caused the foreign adviser to carry on, amidst the focused faze of the others in council. "His Holiness, Pope Invictus XI, is disheartened and shocked to hear of any occurrence where children of God are at each other's throats for blood. The incidents to his east bring only a future of calamity."

The Pope tipped his head to one side. "That sounds like nothing more than a diplomatic statement, Biblius, what is the need for mention of a bull?"

The foreign adviser raised a finger and smiled. "The lands on the precipice of war are to the direct east of one of our more amiable friends, the Redcliff Empire, and cover some very strategically important positions for the rest of the inland sea. If they were to fall countless followers would likely die. So, I believe his Holiness should make a papal bull, declaring a 'State for the Protection of the Faithful', in which any nation incapable of providing evidence that it makes provisions for the people - occupied or not - who adhere to our faith will be requested to bring in papal forces, alongside any others from other nations in the flock, to set up relief zones to supply the people with basic food and water." The room was brought to a standstill by the proposal. Nobody said anything, finally a rather fat man at a far end of the table coughed slightly.

"And what, foreign adviser, are we supposed to do if the pertinent nations view this as a declaration of war?" He sniffed slightly, causing the moustache under his nose to ruffle.

"Military adviser Hillard, if you had been listening you would know that the bull requires that-"

"Enough." The Pope said firmly, speaking up now on the matter. "Hillard is correct, what you have proposed is, for all intent and purpose, a blatant declaration of war. Something that will unbalance the scales of the continent and force us into a very tight and dangerous corner. No, make the diplomatic statement alone and make no mention of a papal bull."

"Of course, your holiness, whatever you think is most wise." Finally the room seemed to be out of business for the morning and so with padding feet on beautifully polished stone, the Pope was left to his own devices in the small hall he used to conduct business. In this serenity and peace of solitude he took out a smaller piece of parchment and begun to write.

"Later that night...

The foreign adviser, Biblius Massa, let out an exhausted groan as he pulled the shoes from his feet. Letting them drop beneath his bed as he lay back onto the pillow. It had been a long day, the new Pope had given him the role with a clear directive in mind but he realised now he'd gone about it too zealously and made a fool of himself amongst the much older councillors and advisers. He needed to be more shrewd. Giving a passing glance to his desk, as he did before he went to sleep each night, he was surprised to see a small letter sealed with wax sitting atop it. Standing again and making his way to the work station he noted the papal sigil on the wax and quickly opened the letter to read it.

With trembling hands the foreign adviser closed the note. The tone was clear, the Pope would do for no failure here and steeling himself he drafted his first message. By the time he did finally let himself rest, the candles had burned to almost non-existence.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Spring of 1799

13th of January

The letter from The Holy Territories of Edoniras is placed into the wizened hands of King Bakos Mátyás, ruler of the Kingdom of Sescos. It entails that a papal advisor will be sent, in an attempt to restore order, or at least to stave off the total outbreak of war. Bakos is an old man, but he is no fool, he can see the wolves at his gates. The Kingdom of Sescos can only call one nation their 'friend', Emperor Erhard Hastel, of the Hastel Dominions, but the Emperor has his own issues at home, and there is some doubt over whether he would march to their aid. And so King Bakos can do little but agree to this advisor.

Echyan, a nation already wary of the religious powers to their west, take this is an outright declaration of friendship between the two nations, and therefore from the Pope himself. With this in mind, they quickly cry out for aid and support from the other religious power of the region, The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar. This continues to drive Echya and Sescos ever closer to war.

15th of January

Far to the West of the conflict brewing in Europe, a fleet sets sail from the Republic of Toubres colony, Toubrian Rilos, carrying with it a small party of adventurous colonisers. Sailing north, they successfully establish a colony, establishing closer trading links with the native people and birthing Toubrian Corteo.

16th of January

The The Three City's Republic of Ianian announce The Mediterranean Tax of 1799, enforcing a tax on trade through the Strait of Genia with their fairly formidable fleet. This affects The Echyan Empire to the greatest extent, limiting their trade with their colonies to the West, and the Empire do not take the change kindly, beginning to see the Three City's Republic as a new rival. It also damages the trade of all nations that claim the Mediterranean as their naval access, as the tax will claim 5% of all trade that passes through the Strait, unless a nation offers to pay £200,000 to free themselves from the tax.

On the same day, the Three City's Republic announces a sharp increase in the spending on maintaining an army. While there is certainly a substantial budget to make use of, the sheer poor quality of the existing Ianian army means that this is a difficult mountain to climb. Through sheer force of will, and by effectively throwing money at the problem, the Serene Doge is assured that the process will indeed begin, although it may take several months before it shows any real effect. The one prominent effect it does have is increasing tensions with The Holy Territories of Edoniras.

18th of January

The Akkadian Empire announces to the world that The Republic of Oflua is damned in the eyes of their god. In turn they also condemn The Echyan Empire, claiming that both of them are oppressing the Kingdom of Sescos simply due to their contrasting religion. This enflames the relations along the border of the Akkadians and Ofluans, with the Republic quickly mobilising forces in the Province of Rolesev in case the Empire acts upon their condemnation. This at least temporarily distracts them from Sescos, although tension remains high.

20th of January

The Kingdom of Ubren, under the control of the young King Otto Fichte, begins work further training it's armies. This action alone appeases many of the old guard generals of the Kingdoms military, and they take to the task with relish. Although the process is largely successful, it does serve to raise the tensions of the Kingdom with it's most immediate neighbour, The Empire of Attolia. Even the Hastel Dominions seems relatively concerned by this militaristic action, although they do not act on these concerns.

23rd of January

Emperor Lothair II, of The Empire of Attolia puts plans into place that will effectively encourage children as young as 12 be taken into 'Apprenticeships' in the various industries of the Empire. This scheme achieves almost unprecedented success, as the children of Attolia are quickly allocated to their new roles, which they take to quickly. In one fell swoop, the Emperor has successfully increased the effective working force of the Empire, and subsequently provided a welcome boost to the economy, both at a Provincial and National level.

25th of January

Obviously concerned by the growing tensions across Europe, The Holy Territories of Edoniras announce a diplomatic summit, one of the first of it's kind, with an open invitation to all the nations of Europe, with the date set some six months in the future. The invitation is delivered, as quickly as can be expected, to the leaders of the great nations. It will stand to be seen how many of them attend.

28th of January

The Kingdom of Ilastiri, worried by the growing alliance of The Akkadian Empire and The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar, reaches out to its cultural brothers-in-arms, the Kingdom of Claidor. Despite their similarities, the two nations struggle to find common ground, and the negotiations drag on, threatening to descend into petty arguments. The fate of the negotiations will be decided by The Kingdom of Claidor in the coming weeks.

29th of January

The conflict surrounding Sescos and it's two neighbours is reignited as The Three City's Republic of Ianian declares it's full support for The Echyan Empire. This serves both to heighten tension in the area, but also to increase the tension between the Three City's Republic, and with the other nations that had already sided with The Kingdom of Sescos. It has perhaps the greatest effect on The Redcliff Empire , who have made no secret of their aggressions towards the Echyan Empire and see the fleets of the Three City's Republic as a direct threat to their own power.

31st of January

In what many perceive as a direct reaction to the Three City's Republic's declaration, The Redcliff Empire sends Ambassador Titus Lepidus Pullo to The Kingdom of Sescos, offering to aid the Kingdom should the tension with the Echyan Empire erupt into actual conflict. As one of the great military strengths of Europe, the Redcliff Empire's clear choice of side in the conflict is a clearly significant event. King Bakos Mátyás readily accepts the agreement, as well anyone should, and whether the show of strength will supress the tension in the region, or only further enflame it, is yet to be seen.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

An Open Letter to the Head of States of the Known World

We find ourselves in the dawn of a new period, one that does not bode well for peace and prosperity. Why do brothers of the same faiths point their bayonets at each other? War brings naught but ruin and pain. It is for this reason that the Empire of Attolia gladly accepts his Holiness' offer to attend this summit and is glad that he has seen wisdom in Attolian concerns for peace on this continent. It is with this goal in mind that the Empire of Attolia hereby decrees, in regards to the on going tension with the Kingdom of Ubren and the one between the Empire of Echyan Empire and the Kingdom of Sescos, failure to come to this summit and to the table of diplomacy in good faith by any of those respective parties will be seen as an act of aggression against peace by the Empire of Attolia. The Empire of Attolia will act accordingly to such an act of aggression. May you have the wisdom to see the light and come to rationally talk of your qualms so that they may be peacefully settled.

- Lothair II, Emperor of the Attolians
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Redcliff Empire

The Imperator’s Palace

The Imperator’s Palace an old, stable and powerful palace as old as time some would say stood at the very center of Tavton with the ancient senate building where much of the bloated bureaucracy and advisors meet to the left of it and the College of Mighty Arms to the right. The symbolism was lost on no one that the Palace stood at the center of religion, power and the people.

Inside the Palace, Imperator Lucious Volus Titus sat upon his throne as his elite Imperial Guard stood around him, just yesterday the senate had met to discuss all major issues and presented several solutions to the problems. The first was to deal with the current money problem, it was easily dealt with a tax increase. All the other listed items however would require planning and preparations, luckily with his holiness offer for a summit time would be alloted for things to unfold.

As the Imperator was telling his scribes what to write in response to his holiness’s invitation a messenger quietly walked in and delivered a letter to the Imperator. “The Doge did what! The fool he wishes to cut us off from the outside world well then we’ll have something to discuss at the meeting, also send word to our colonial armies make sure they are prepared, never know when a border incident may come by accident.”

“Now, to his holiness”

“I think that sounds excellent emperor, now, what about to General Melezio Pullo Parenti, with the conflict in the east surely you’ll want to address him?” Pasco the imperator personal servant asked.
“Ah yes, inform him to gather his forces just in case. But we don’t wanna be seen as the aggressors not yet atleast. Now I believe it’s time to pray to his all mighty.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kingdom of Aontas

White Lion Post

Tensions on the Rise in the Continent!

Political tensions have arisen in the Kingdom of Ubren following the ascension of the combative King Otto Ficthe to the throne of the landlocked, long-struggling kingdom. Ongoing political and territorial disputes with both Aontas and the neighbouring Empire of Attolia have been the cause of much consternation in Ubren, and the change of government having recently affected the country has done nothing to calm the situation. The posturing of large formations of the Ubrenian Army at the kingdom's northern and western borders—long a feature of continental politics—has intensified dramatically in recent months, and some experts caution that the warmongering ways of King Otto may soon bring the civilized world to the brink of war.

In a retaliatory defensive measure, extra elements of the Royal Army of Aontas have also been deployed to the Ubrenian border, to match the presence of Ubrenian soldiers along the frontier and to discourage continued provocations and deter any and all foreign acts of aggression. His Majesty King Matthias II has issued his assurances to the patriotic citizens of Aontas that their nation's proud servicemen stand ready to defend home and country against the Ubrenian menace, if ever the southern jingoists should fire the first volley. Trade with the Kingdom of Ubren, long a minor theatre due to the slightness of the Ubrenian economy, has been severed until a lasting peace may be definitively secured.

Emperor Erhard Hastel, sovereign of the Ubren-aligned Hastel Dominions, has been contacted through still open diplomatic channels to be made aware that any involvement by the Hastel Dominions in Ubrenian wars of aggression shall result in the Dominion's exclusion from civilian trade access through the Torrik Strait. It is a truism to state that the prestigious and esteemed Royal Navy of Aontas—the largest and mightiest force at sea in the Continent—stands at the ready to enforce this missive. Citizens and subjects of Aontas and her dominions who are interested in pursuing a career defending their homeland against foreign aggressors are encouraged to seek out their local recruiter, that he might help them in finding a new life path for themselves in either the navy or army. The proud white lion of Aontas shall cower to no adversary!

God Save King Matthias II!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SonOfALich
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Republic of Toubres

Líder do Conselho Leonardo Serra leant back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment, as he allowed the sound of arguing to wash over him. He looked upwards, admiring the ornately carved wooden ceiling of the chamber for a moment. The room, and indeed the building itself, the Palácio do Conselho, was a grand building. What had once been the Imperial Palace, centuries before, had been transformed into the meeting place of the Conselho Provincial members, the chosen representatives of the seven provinces that now formed the Republic of Toubres. Leonardo was loathe to say that the current occupants of the Palácio were worthy of their majestic surroundings.

A lull in the arguing caught his attention, and the Amzores-born man glanced back to the other men in the chamber, to find them all looking expectantly at him. He frowned slightly, shaking his head.

“I had hoped that we could avoid this arguing, my friends.”

Five of the men present met him with stony gazes, but the sixth, and the man sitting closest to him, to his right at the table, smiled and laughed, the sound echoing around the small chamber. When he spoke, his voice was as booming as his laugh was.

“You have been at this for too long to truly expect that, Leonardo.”

Leonardo shrugged, smiling slightly at Gaspar Abreu.

“Perhaps. But please, let us discuss the issues before us, rather than bickering like children.”

It was Gaspar who spoke again, turning to meet the cold stares of the other five members of the Conselho Provincial.

“I agree with the ‘Lidor do Conselho’”

Another of the men sneered, porcelain dentures flashing in the sunlight streaming through the narrow, stained glass windows of the chamber. The man was old, his face hard-edged.

“That comes as no surprise, Gaspar. We all know that the esteemed ‘Lidor’ favours Amzores, you’ve always been his lap dog because of it.”

Gaspar met the gaze of the older man for a moment, before he smiled widely.

“Leonardo favours Toubres, and I doubt anyone would try and deny that Amzores is the beating heart of the Republic. Not even you, Luiz.”

The older man sneered again, but did not respond, and Leonardo seized the opportunity of the temporary silence.

“Friends, I am sure we are all aware of the troubles brewing on the continent. Battle lines have been drawn not just around the Kingdom of Sescos, but also closer to our shores. The Redcliff Empire has forged an alliance with the Kingdom of Ubren, and the Hastel Dominions. I fear that war will soon come to the continent.”

Another of the older men, sitting beside Luiz, shrugged slightly, his voice cracked and harsh as he spoke.

“It is of no concern to us what the continent does. Our navy is strong, it will protect us from anyone foolish enough to attempt to drag us into these petty wars. As it always has done.”

Luiz quickly nodded his agreement, opening his mouth to say his own piece, but Leonardo held his hand up for silence.

“Thank you, Dario. But we cannot isolate ourselves forever. I suggest that we attend this ‘summit’, although it will only be as a spectator, and a supporter of our own interests. And with that in mind, send messengers out to the Governador of Toubrian Rilos and Toubrian Getares. The Republic will continue to expand, even while our neighbours fight amongst themselves. Unless any of you wish to protest?”

Leonardo looked out across the six faces that stared back at him, but no-one spoke, and he allowed himself a slight smile.

“Till next time then, gentlemen.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Spring of 1799

4th of February

Continuing their colonial expansions, ships of The Republic of Toubres sail east from Toubrian Getares, and settle a colony upon the island that they find there. There is initial difficulty with finding a suitable settlement site, and it is only the presence of Admiral Graciano Couto that saves the colonists from having to abandon their mission. Under the Admirals guidance however, they land, and begin setting up their colony, dubbing the island as Toubrian Sequeira.

9th of February

The Kingdom of Claidor rebukes the attempts at diplomacy from The Kingdom of Ilastiri, turning the envoy away. Just hours later, they announce their official declaration of friendship with The Empire of Rubrus. Ilastiri see this as an intended spurning, and relations quickly turn sour between Ilastiri, and the forming partnership of Claidor and Rubrus. Armies are quickly formed as tensions rise.

12th of February

In The Holy Territories of Edoniras, work begins on preparing for a religious festival, scheduled for the summer. There is an initially a string of poor communication, which threatens to throw the preparations off track, but the religious fervour of the population drives the process onwards regardless. The announcement of the festival is welcome news to the people, and satisfaction across the nation improves.

15th of February

The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar sends a diplomat across the Bakos Sea to the Republic of Oflua. The diplomat is allowed an audience with the Senate, and the Ofluans listen to the proposal, of a military alliance of Dashkatar, the Republic, and The Echyan Empire against The Kingdom of Sescos. The Senate is fairly bemused by this offer. There has long been a history of distrust between Dashkatar and Oflua, their radically different religions keeping the two nations at arms reach of each other. And considering the total condemnation of Oflua at the hands of Dashkatar's closest allies, The Akkadian Empire, just weeks before, the offer seems to be a bolt out of the blue.

Nonetheless, the Republic tentatively agrees to the agreement, welcoming the aid that the Eternal Hadeen can provide to them. As expected, the Akkadian Empire is aghast at their allies, and neighbours, openly working with the two nations that they damned in the eyes of their gods. Relations between the age-old allies take a sudden drop. And the promise of Dashkatar aid reignites the conflict surrounding Sescos, challenging the support already offered by The Redcliff Empire.

17th of February

Almost in direct response to the military training happening over their border with The Kingdom of Ubren, The Empire of Attolia begins training of it's own. The Empire's officers are accomplished and experienced men, and quickly prove to be capable trainers. The forces under their command take quickly to the new work, spurred on by the threat in the West, and the pressing potential of war.

19th of February

The Empire of Rubrus welcomes the support of The Kingdom of Claidor, and the two nations announce an official alliance. The two powers, both heavily linked through a shared culture, now stand as brothers-in-arms. Their neighbours, The Kingdom of Ilastiri, The Republic of Oflua and The Kingdom of Vendsyssel all warily watch this new alliance, their distrust increasing yet further. For Ilastiri, this brings them almost to the brink of war.

21st of February

The Conselho Provincial of The Republic of Toubres gives an official declaration to its people, encouraging them to set out and settle in the nations colonies, scattered across the world. Toubres even promises to provide the new colonists with transport, a handful of sloops preparing to leave for the colonies from Amzores in less than a month. Considering the tensions of war on the continent, and the prosperity of the Toubrian colonies, many take up this offer, gathering their families and preparing to start their new lives.

25th of February

Following their outright support of The Kingdom of Sescos, The Redcliff Empire amasses a formidable force in the Province of Ventir, directly on the border with The Echyan Empire. Unsurprisingly, this sparks outrage within the Echyan Empire, who quickly mobilise their own forces, creating a standoff of the two armies over the border. Tensions have reached their peak, any movement will surely push the two nations over the precipice of war, engulfing the entire region.

26th of February

Roald Rasmussen, famed sailor of The Kingdom of Aontas, leads a colonist party, predominantly made up of a detachment of the Aontas army, to settle on the island just off the coast of Toubrian Rilos. They successfully land, guided by Roald, and begin work on constructing a fort, that they name Fort Suveren. The natives of the island watch the new arrivals warily, but do not bother them, and the Kingdom of Aontas soon claims this new colony, dubbed Suveren. Tensions with The Republic of Toubres, predictably, are hit hard by this blatant confrontation from Aontas.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by DELETED264297


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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Spring of 1799

4th of March

General Anlaf Englisson, of The Kingdom of Aontas is tasked with beginning the construction of fortifications along the southern border of the Aontas Province of Torrik. As the nation's only foothold on the central mainland of Europe, and in light of the growing tensions, and warlike tendencies of King Otto Fichte, this move comes as no surprise, but it still does significant damage to the relations of Aontas with both the Kingdom of Ubren, and the Hastel Dominions. The success of the fortifications may well be tested.

9th of March

To the far east of the known world, from the Colony of Caledonia a fleet of The Empire of Attolia sets sail, with the intention to meet and interact with the nations of the East. The presence, and the lengthy experience, of Topi Valtonen is critical to the success of the fleet, and they successfully encounter The Jinje Kingdom. Impressed by the fleet that they witness, the people of Jinje take the Admiral and his officers to the court of King Kasermsarn I. They exchange stories of their people, and the Admiral is invited to remain as their guest, before he embarks once more on his voyage.

16th of March

Eman Hatul Abdul Ev'Shaaj I of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar, calling for the followers of Hijeen to shed their European oppressors and reunite to form a unified Hijeen state. This announcement is surprisingly effective, and it rouses the natives of the colonies of The Redcliff Empire across North Africa and the Middle East. Already dissatisfied with the treatment they suffer at the hands of the Redcliff Empire, the natives feel their annoyance turn to anger, and riots sweep across the Colonies of Egalpin, Ottomas and Soute Otto. The garrisons of the colonies ruthlessly put down these protests and restore the peace, but there is a growing sense of dissident as the stability of the colony continues to fall.

21st of March

The Redcliff Empire introduces a radical new tax plan, intended to stem the huge drain that Redcliff's army is putting on the nation's economy. The day, and the disastrous events that followed, will be forever etched into history. Protests erupt across Redcliff, predominantly from workers in the Low Industry, the most populous group in the nation, as they find their taxes more than doubled all but overnight. Riots in the Provinces of Centrix and So Tren erupt across the farms and factories, but it is in Travton itself that the protests are largest, and the garrison struggles to retain order without having to resort to martial law.

But the protests of the Redcliff Empire's homeland pales in comparison to the events of their colonies. The natives, still riled up and angry after the events of just days before, are told that their taxes will be increased fourfold. Unsurprisingly, this has horrific consequences. The colonists number almost the same as the natives across the colonies, and the garrisons of the colonies, highly trained and well-equipped, should be more than capable of maintaining order. But they could not have anticipated the sheer ferocity of the natives.

In one night, thousands of colonists are slaughtered, the men dying with their throats cut, the children butchered, and the women dragged out into the street. The garrison reacts quickly, but they are faced with total chaos. They begin their work with extreme prejudice. Any colonist is shot on sight, and as they methodically begin clearing the colonies, the natives retreat back into the desert, joining with the more wild elements of their cultures that still live in the sun-baked wastelands. When the sun rises, it rises over a bloody scene. Tens of thousands of the colonists are dead, as are tens of thousands of the natives. Those colonists that remain clamour for passage back to their homeland, desperate to escape the return of the 'native devils'. The army has proven itself to be efficient, but they are now forced to control the colonies with an iron fist.

26th of March

Having stayed out of the conflict developing so far, The Kingdom of Vendsyssel finds itself surrounded by foes, with the alliance of The Kingdom of Claidor and the Empire of Rubrus to the east, and the alliance of The Hastel Dominions, The Kingdom of Ubren and the The Redcliff Empire to the west, Vendsyssel turns to their closest friends, to the north. They call for The Kingdom of Aontas to join them in a defensive agreement, pledging to come to each others aid.

30th of March

In the Province of Emanore, The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar creates the First Army. The formidable force primes itself for a crossing of the Imre Strait, enforcing its stance as it prepares to descend upon The Kingdom of Sescos. Tensions between the two nations reach breaking point, war can no longer be avoided. Sescos calls on it's allies, and readies it's armies for open conflict. There is no open declaration of war, but it is implied that the battle lines have been drawn, and that once the two sides amass themselves and show their support, war will begin. As a side-effect, relations between Dashkatar and The Akkadian Empire continue to fall, as their stance continues to clash.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Holy Territories of Edoniras (The HTE)

The muffle of raised voices echoed through the halls of the Serene Palace, thump! A pause, before the voices continued at a higher pitch and intensity, thump! A longer pause now, then in earnest the voices erupted into action once more, thump. Silence finally reigned. The horror any might have felt at the palace being treated in such an undignified way was lacking given the news, the Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar was preparing to march on the Kingdom of Sescos and many felt the palpable mist of anxiety and stress. All had hoped the situation could have smouldered until the summit where upon a diplomatic solution could have been found to the crisis and force of arms may have been prevented. Within the small chambers of Pope Invictus XI the inner circle of his Holiness argued about responsible action. Sitting in the centre of the modest seats, the Pope gestured to Hillard Hershaw, wearing today the ornate plate and plume of the Attolian Guard that he so favoured in time like this, to make his position clear.

"Your Holiness, nobody wishes for war, except for those heathens across the damnable straits! Outcry for a diplomatic solution echoes across the continent, yet this foreign power have deemed it necessary to make themselves ready for a way they have assured. It is time you met such agression with the resolute shield and sword." Murmurs of approval came from a number of the older members of the council, including the Maritime Adviser, Ferulli Gaza.

"Most Holy, we can have the navy ready as soon as you command it - there is no where for them to flee once we start bombarding the cross and their coast." The maritime adviser then added. However, another voice chirped up after a steely glare was passed to the special adviser by the Pope.

"Most Sacred, we cannot hope to carry the burden of war alone; it would be madness and what started as an isolated conflict has been exploited into war between great powers. It is one of the most foolish and pathetic games of posturing I have seen in all my life, conducted by the totally inept who have - rather than delicately dance around the matter - stuck their foot firmly in it. The truth is, the straits have been the final crossing into Europe those Hijeen dogs have never been able to get across before. Now? Well, unless something is done the desert hermits will be able to make landfall and divide up the land at will. I think it is time we call the people of Europe to put their ideals where their actions are, as well as keep the pressure for a diplomatic solution at the end." Ferrus Pulviasa then returned to his seat and, before anybody could utter a word of debate and debacle, the Pope struck his fist down onto the desk again.

Lifting his hand he sucked in a breath between gritted teeth and then nodded his head. "By my own name you will know that I will not take such a blatant act of aggression and war-mongering from that heathen scum lying down. However, the people prepare for festivity and I myself am about to sponsor a diplomatic meeting to decide the balance of the continent going forwards. This is no time to dispatch the entire army to the opposite corner of the inland sea. Atop this-" The Pope reached to the side and thumbed through a collection of other documents and letters. "We have the profiteering of the Three-Cities alongside this juxtaposition of condemnation for brinkmanship the Redcliff Empire adopts is asinine. We are surrounded my infant monkey's hurling faeces. So, we have a looming economical debate and a military conflict. Time is enough, prepare to make a statement. You will each be receiving my plans tonight, I want functional methods of implementation as soon as you can. Am I clear to you all?"

The nodding heads of the advisers was all the confirmation needed and soon the Pope strode from the room, rubbing his temples as his mind whirred on what he had to face and do over the coming weeks. With a click of his fingers he summoned an orderly. "Take this down, verbatim, then read it back. God above knows this must be worded perfectly.

By the next day...

Leaders and rulers of Europe,
For weeks now I have been inundated by the public remarks condemning the Redcliff Empire and supporting the Echyan Empire against the Kingdom of Sescos, a moderate and rational perspective. But, unless it is simple self-interest that guides you, you have been blind to the far greater cause for concern. The 'Eternal' Hadeen of Dashkatar has built an alliance of many nations - across religious and cultural lines, for one simple purpose; conquest and extermination. They rebuke their old allies - the Akkadian Empire - in favour of any and all that will feed the machine of war hungry to devour us all. Perhaps the people of the Akkadian Empire are next?. This threatens to tip and unbalance the scales of Europe as well as threaten the sovereignty of all who value their independence. Those amongst you who have targeted your denunciations at the Redcliff Empire, unless your ultimatums now switch to the Hadeen of Dashkatar then it is clear you merely meant to try and use a terrible incident of chaos and violence for your own gains. Your people will know you internationally as the very self-interested warmongers you claim to oppose and they will be left to fear the fallout of letting such a terrifying invader even closer to their borders. Fathers will be shot down, mothers raped and the children cut down if we stand and do nothing but allocate whilst inviting the barbarian to our door.

I, Pope Invictus XI, state here and now that I denounce any aggressor in whatever violence is to come. I implore the ships and feet of both sides to carry them nowhere as they hold long enough to let diplomatic deliberation bring an end to this crisis. Will the full force of the Ianian navy be at the shores of the Hadeen of Dashkatar now that they have built an army to cross the straits? Will the Empire of Attolia see the failure to respond to the summit by the Hadeen of Dashkatar as an act of aggression to respond to? Time will tell, but the answer will resonate across this continent and so all will know whether these are nations of their word or simple folk of posture, just like those they speak out against.

The invitation for the summit is still open and the diplomatic talks will go ahead as planned, whether there is war or not. I hope, with all my heart, that every party will be present at the table and any killing that might occur will be stopped. There is still time to pull back the troops. And, there is no place on this continent for those who seek out death, except for on the points of the shields for those who wish the whole safe. Whatever your denomination and whatever your method of rule, we are people under one God.
His Holiness, Pope Invictus XI
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


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From Admiral Valtonen, Commander of the Eastern Imperial Fleet

My Emperor, I am proud to announce to you and the people of Attolia that the Eastern Fleet has successful made contact with our first nation in the Orient. The Kingdom of Jinje is a nation led by King Kasermsarn, the first of his name. They were impressed with our ships, which admittedly are less than pristine, regardless with our ships of the line, we carry significant firepower that the natives of this land seem to have rarely seen. They are rather simple people and the region seems to not be as developed as the nations of the homeland. Regardless, there are rich lands and exotic goods here that are rather rarely seen in the markets of the homeland. The King has invited me to stay as a guest, which I have accepted. I will use the opportunity to submit to the King a formal trade and cultural exchange agreement, and then continue on my journey to explore the Orient.

It is my hope that with this agreement, Attolian goods will be found in every corner of the world. From our pre-existing relations with the Western Expanses of the New World where the Republic of Toubres, and the Kingdom of Aontas settlers toil, to the deserts of Africa where the Three Cities, HTE, and the Empire of Redcliff civilize the savage tribes and bring them to the light of god... soon even the Orient will see Attolian trade ships with our new relations with the Kingdom of Jinje. Long live the Empire!


The Empire of Attolia offers a formal trade agreement to the Kingdom of Jinje, adding to the pre-existing list of trading partners in Europe.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by DELETED264297


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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

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Statement by Eman Hatul Abdul Ev'Shaaj I to the World,

To think that the Vipionist Pope thinks the Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar was ever going to attend their religious summit, which was called by a Vipionist for Vipionists, when we are loyal Hijeens, is madness. No Hijeen will ever attend a Vipionist religious festival after the numerous transgressions those people have committed upon the Hijeens. This mistaken belief that Dashkatar is about to cross the strait in an act of aggression is also ponderous, considering our forces are rallied in preparation for the likely outbreak of war to defend our allies the Echyans and temporary allies the Ofluans against the common enemy of Sescos.

As for our loyal allies the Akkadians, Dashkatar has no interest in waging war upon them. The temporary joining of Dashkatar, Echya, and Oflua is temporary, but like all good Hijeens, I fully intend to uphold my words to those two states, even if the Ofluans are heathens. All men are capable of repenting and being accepted by the One True God, Adal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Summer of 1799

1st of April

As the new season begins, preparations for the religious festival of The Holy Territories of Edoniras continue, as worshippers from all across Europe begin to make their pilgrimages to the holy site itself, to embrace their religion even as war threatens to consume Europe.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

With rising tensions, Emperor Lothair II issued a letter to the heads of states of all nations that the Empire had relations with.

"To friends of the Empire and the People of Attolia,

These are turbulent times as the threat of war looms. Yet, brave individuals set out to the other side of the world in the name of their faith and their country. Settlers, merchants, and missionaries... they face great turmoil in their journeys to serve and create. These threats are numerous from pirates, hostile natives, to even the seas themselves. It is with this in mind, that I believe that we should do what we can do help those who undertake these great challenges. Thus, I have ordered my frigates to patrol the waters to help all in distress, and to combat any pirates that they encounter. This organization of Merchant Marines will aid those who need it. It is my hope that you all will join me in this endeavor so that this will be an international effort to unite us and to help those brave souls on their journey. Commit your frigates for our mutual protection and aid."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by DELETED264297


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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Summer of 1799

3rd of April

A group of colonists embark from Caledonia, the colony of The Empire of Attolia. Under orders from the Emperor himself, a Line Infantry Division is ordered to accompany the settlers, as well as a handful of the Empire's sloops. Relations already established with the natives of the southern part of the island helps smooth the process, and the colonists quickly begin building a settlement. Before long, New Caledonia is established.

6th of April

While The Kingdom of Sescos still awaits the total support of The Redcliff Empire, and The Echyan Empire hesitates in the face of the strength of Redcliff, it is The Republic of Oflua that acts. Officially declaring war against Sescos, the armies of Oflua make their move. Keen on further securing their control of the waters surrounding the two nations, and striving to drive a wedge to divide the nation in two and bring a swift conclusion to the war, more than thirty thousand of the Republic's soldiers march across the border into the capital Province of Sescosi.

7th of April

A Diplomatic party from The Three City's Republic of Ianian arrives into The Echyan Empire capital of Kallidos, with an offer of exemption from the Mediterranean Tax of 1799 if Echya agrees to withdraw their alliance with The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar and instead pledge their support for the peace summit proposed by the Pope. The offer, however, comes one day too late. With the offensive of The Republic of Oflua, Echya finds its hand forced. War is a reality, and even the fleet of Ianian cannot offer the support that Dashkatar is able to. They reluctantly refuse the offer, and suggest that the Ianian party leaves, before it is too late. Before the day is out, Echya has declared war on the Kingdom of Sescos.

9th of April

The invading force of The Republic of Oflua splits in two, marching to the north and to the south, to cut off the capital from supporting forces. In a brave, but potentially reckless move, King Bakos Mátyás orders his own troops to march out and meet the Ofluans in open battle. Desperate to not be cut off from potential allies to the north, the army of The Kingdom of Sescos, led by the Kings own son, Prince Pieter, marched to intercept the northern branch of the Republic's forces. Catching the Republic's army as it crossed the River Kairis, the battle is ferocious. In what is either tactical brilliance, or sheer luck, the Prince positions his forces to exploit the marshy grounds lying on the western bank of the River Kairis. The superior numbers of the Republic quickly prove ineffective, as they struggle to traverse the difficult terrain, finding themselves at the mercy of the Prince's cannons. The fighting is bloody, for both sides, but the Prince holds his ground, and drives the Republic back across the river. The water runs red with blood, and almost five thousand men lie dead. The Republic's northern army falls back, but news soon reaches the army still in the south.

With the main capital garrison occupied in the north, the southern forces of the Republic change their course, and quickly make their way towards the Kingdom's capital of Larymnas.
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