So, it has been inspired to me to create a group Roleplay based from Warrior Cats. However, instead of cats, this RP will be about wolves. It will tell the story of two separate “nations” of wolves and their struggle to survive as food becomes scarce and intruding parties (other predatory animals) begin to encroach upon their lands. As the direness grows, the two separate wolf nations will be faced with war, amongst both themselves as well as intruders. This RP will explore elements from Warrior Cats such as war, persecution, politics, religion, undying love, and new life.
Firstly, the two separate wolf nations are the Timberwolves and the Black Wolves. The Timberwolves are a large nation of wolves of diverse genus's and coats. The Black Wolves are literally a nation of all solid black wolves.
The Timberwolves are firm, docile, and calm at heart. The Black Wolves are aggressive, fierce, and short of temper with strong personalities. They are also effectively xenophobes as they view all other canine species as inferior to wolves. They are view the Timberwolves as weak and knock-kneed, believing that a true wolf is fiery at heart and mind and lives to hunt and fight.
The Black Wolves at one point were in a war of persecution with the coyotes of their land, and slaughtered those who did not flee. Many coyotes fled to the Southern Plains or into Evershade, the homeland of the Timberwolves. The Black Wolves have also warred with the Dingoes in the past over food sources, and briefly with the bears years ago.
The Timberwolves are totally unlike the Black Wolves. They are accepting of the existence of other canines and are more serene in nature, hunting only for food and not sport like the Black Wolves, and honoring Mother Nature, the creator of all.
I feel that for now that is enough information. I will add more later as a potential following of those interested builds. Below, you can see an unfinished version of the map I’m sketching up for the RP.