Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Endrance
Avatar of Endrance

Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Outside the window was some chick in some red bikini, bending over and being a weirdo. Yin felt her face grow red with embarrassment having caught her gaze for a second. Holy shit, pretend you didn't see that.

“Um excuse me? Is there anyone sitting there?”

A cheery light hearted voice was heard in front of her. It was that purple haired girl from the exams...Alexa.

"Hey, sure." Excessively she clicked her pen. She was trying to look for the words to say to Alexa. How was she feeling since those traumatic events yesterday unfolded? Did she think this test was going to be hard? Is the hero life really worth all that kind of turmoil? Was life as they knew it changed forever because of those events?

All she could bring to her lips was, "...Good luck."

As she flipped over her test, she quickly filled out her name and the date. It happened to be a mix of true or false/multiple choice/ and short response questions.

History questions over all mights conquests, true or false questions on the narrative of the top heroes and nastiest villains were all on there too. Besides watching Americas Most Wanted, Yin had no idea about a good chunk of it, but she was definitely going to bullshit it. When she finally got to the ending short response questions, our girl was burnt out but at least there were only 3 questions left.

Given a scenario where you can only save one, a child or the elderly, who do you save?
Umm... I would save the child because they're younger. --- no wait. (she placed down her pencil and erased the sentence.)
I would save them both. No matter what. That's what heroes do right? ("answering a question with a question? Good going, Yin" she thought, as she sighed out loud.)

Do the ends justify the means?
I will make mistakes, but through this school, i will learn to make the best possible mistakes...thus the means of my journey will justify the ends.

What does it mean to be a hero?
You are...the lifeline for a good chunk of the population. Using our abilities to do something meaningful is probably all most people could ever want. I want to be someone that others can depend on.

Yin noticed how short and curt her short response questions were. They had plenty of room to write answers, and give explanations yet she couldn't find it in herself to write anymore. She knew most of the people taking the exam with her had dreams of becoming a hero since they were a child. Yin couldn't even name the number 3 hero, yet... her experience yesterday fueled more of a drive in her to become something. Either they were going to accept her on the merits she had shown in the field yesterday or they weren't going to accept her at all... She realized she'd just attend school somewhere else and become a hero that way. She stood up and turned her paper in. She was probably the first one to finish the exam, as she didn't even bother to go over her answers.

Turning in her exam, she ventured a look outside the window to see red bikini lady again waving at her, Yin tensed up and slinked out of the room. Breathing a huge sigh of relief since her written exam was done, she waited outside, leaning against the wall to see what Alexa thought of the exam, and maybe see if she could pick the other students brain...

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by J0shdking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Entrance Exam Part 1

"Yawwnnnnnnn.. that was a good nap i cant believe i was able to convince granddad to let me go to UA." i thought to myself as i'm looking around to see what time it was. i glanced over and wiped my face just to panic. " No No i overslept, now i wont have time to prepare for my grand entrance." i shouted with my hands clasped to my face and then pointed at my gear to put away. "hahahaha looks i still need to work on my range guess im just gonna take u with me...sooo soft and smooth to the touch but looks so fluffy i have to wrap u around my neck, my beautiful bloodrose scarf." as i wrapped it around my neck smiling uncontrollably.

running to UA will be a great warm up i thought to myself until i saw this weird guy deliberately bumping into people. i wanted to stop because he seems like he could be a good test subject but i had to keep my eye on the prize, getting to the Entrance exam on time. once i pass these test ill have access to even more for my research..

As the teacher is telling us the rules of the physical exam im looking around getting excited from all the prospects breathing heavily, i hear the starting horn buzz. "hufff hufff hufff woooo hooooo time too have some fun hope i can run into some interesting people." as i shoot off to find the big villain robots. " hmmm i think ill put a handicap on myself with this limiter ring to enjoy my...." kaboom
"What the hell that was a live missile i dont think hes alive? they wasn't lying about the villain bots runnnnnnn." shouted a random student. As the first big villain bot goes on a rampage cornering the group of students then all of a sudden they see a blade fly straight through the gut of the bot stopping its attack on the students. While lifting up the large villain bot from behind by the hilt of the sword the students hear a voice saying " Now Now that couldve killed me u didnt even let me put my ring on i wanted to play more." throwing the large bot aside like it was nothing the other bot started to surround me and the other examines. " ill help u guys out but only if i get to examine your quirks hurry and make a decision before i make it for you." just then another large villain bot popped up.. " u guys take out the fodder this one is mine and good luck,"
As i started attacking the villain bot ran off to attack another group totally ignoring me. "hey u bastard come back here im not finish playing with you i want your insides to feel this blade of mine." i shouted. just then he started to attack these girls but not before i took his arm and deactivated him with my quirk. just then i saw two candidates i could use for my research. "hufff hufff hufff hufff hufff ill help u guys if u will be part of my experiments huff huff huff huff ." i asked breathing heavily trying to contain my excitement. who wold have thought that little lie turned out to be a truth i think ill sick close to them for right now

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
Avatar of Weird Tales

Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

After the whole crisis was resolved the exam moved on to the written test part of the exam. Jyn was fairly well read and he was confident in his ability to take tests. He sat down in his chair and took out his pen and papers for the exam. He looked over the papers to get some idea of what he would be dealing with. A lot of it seemed to be questions relating to hero work and the files on villains. This would be a good learning opportunity to find out more about some of the more dangerous villains.

"This doesn't look too bad" he said to himself as he began to work on the test. There were questions about scenarios such as hostage situations and whether it was better to save the lives of hostages or capture the villain. For Jyn it seemed obvious that saving the hostages were the most important action to take in such a situation. Another question was asking how he felt about the idea of killing a villain in a life or death situation. Jyn thought about the question for a bit before he gave his answer.

He would deem in it necessary to kill in such a situation. His reasoning was that if police officers are allowed to kill in such situations then superheroes should be held to the same standard and be excused for using lethal force.

"That answers seems rational" Jyn muttered. There was a question about using powers smartly to prevent collateral damage. Jyn was glad that his power was more control and would cause less damage compared to some other quirks. The rest of the questions seemed a little more basic, such as the history superheroes and an overview of the many different quirks. Jyn wondered if his quirk was unique compared to other ones and if it was then that would make it easier to use it to his advantage in battle.

One particular overview of a hero was for a hero named The Wraith. It said that the Wraith a vigilante dressed in black and wore a dark cape with a red mask covering his mouth like a bandit. It was unknown what kind of quirk he had, but he used guns as weapons and he would say poetic lines as he fought criminals. One of his iconic lines was 'Hell dark depths have opened up and the devil calls for your wicked soul. I am the angel of death and your lives shall end at the hands of The Wraith.'

Jyn loved that line, The Wraith sounded like a crime fighter he put sheer terror into the hearts of criminals. Jyn wondered what type of hero he would be after his was done with school. Maybe he would be a dark vigilante as well, preferably Jyn would want to be a more heroic type of hero instead of an anti hero, but who knows, maybe things may change in the future. He went back to focusing on the test and was confident that he would pass the test.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by J0shdking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Entrance Exam Part 2

"sigh a written exam too mann well at lease got a good window seat i really should have asked those girls for their name smooth move Herito ahhhhh im such a dork," Herito complained as he glances out the window not noticing the two girls he helped out were sitting a few sections ahead of him, just then someone else caught his eye a lady in a bikini bending over like she was doing it to specifically get his attention .
With a big evil smile Herito once again couldn't control his excitement breathing heavily and loudly. "HUFF HUFF i wonder if she teaches here at UA i would love to have some private study sessions Huff HUFF that would totally make that old man jealous." while Herito was fantasizing about lady outside he totally didnt catch what the teacher said about the test but that shouldnt be a problem

As Herito reads over the questions he quickly goes through them but one question stood out and had him stumped this was a first. he contemplated if he should tell them what first came to his mind but he knew it wouldnt be the answer they wanted so he lied once again and put...

The question was What does it mean to be a hero?
a hero is a title given to those who put themselves before others protectors of the weak, enemy to injustice, the symbol of peace

but what i really believe a hero is a fool who chase pipe dreams and make them a reality no matter the cost
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AyeYoWorm


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

American Provisional License Exam PT. 1

*After a week of training and fighting crime with his father and meeting a new “friend” Andrew(Noir) gets on the L (train) to head to the testing hall for the provisional license exam*

Exam Proctor - Good morning heros of tomorrow. I will be administering your exam today. The test will be in 3 parts. First part will be a writing exam. You need a score of 90% or higher to past. Second part will be a team exercise. You’ll be place in teams of 4 by random and you’ll be playing a game of capture the flag. At start there will be 16 teams. At the end there will be 8. And the final exam will be announced at the end. With that being said everyone go to you assigned seat and wait for the test to begin.

*Everyone goes to find there seats and Andrew finds his seat in the middle row*

Andrew(Noir): Can we get this test over with. 😑

Proctor: You will have 3 hours to complete this test. If you’re caught cheating you will be disqualified from the exam. Open your test and begin.

-1 hour had elapsed-

*Andrew gets up and turns in test and steps in the hallway*

-3 hours had elapsed and all the test have been turned it and everyone is waiting for the test to be graded. Andrew just stands in the corner waiting. Other candidates comes to talk to him and he just brushed them all-

Proctor - okay so take a look at the monitor to see if you pasted or not.

*Andrew looks at his score he scored a perfect test*

Proctor - For everyone that passed look at the monitor for your teams and go though the number door assign to your team.

*Andrew is teamed up with 3 other students from his rival school. Tai has the quirk to become intangible. Patty has the quirk to allow her to control the density of the area around her to make someone/something heavy or light. Jake has the abilities of a dragon. Flight, sharp claws, fire breath. They came up with a plan and assigned roles.*

Proctor - Let the game of capture the flag begin.

*As soon as the gun goes off Tai and Jake take off to get a flag. Patty seats right next to the flag in a meditative state while making a 5- yard perimeter density barrier around their flag. Andrew open a shadow portal and stepped inside watching to see if anyone gets close or past the barrier. 15 minuets goes past and all you see is buildings and trees falling, blowing up, etc. Andrew looks for Tai and Jake and see Jake fight off 2 guys while Tai tries to take the flag. Looks back at patty to see 2 guys stuck in the barrier. He ask patty to give him 2 minutes and with that he goes to help Jake and Tai. With his shadow tag ability he immobilized the attacker’s and that gives Jake the chance to help Tai secure the flag and get it back to there base. Andrew tells them to hurry up he can’t hold them forever. (Andrew can only hold up to 3 ppl with the shadow tag for a collective time of 3 minuets a person so they had 90 seconds to get the flag. Jake fought off the last member of the team and gave the flag to Tai and told him to run 🏃🏾 so Tai goes intangible and booked it to the base as soon as he passed Andrew he released the shadow tag and proceed to cover Tai as he headed back. With time to spare patty let the barrier go and all 8 people getting ready to attack patty Tai appears with the other teams flag.*

Proctor - Team 11 has passed. Proceed back to the waiting for the final exam.

Tai - Good job everyone. Andrew you did gr........

*Andrew walks off to the corner and waits for the final test.*
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AyeYoWorm


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

American Provisional License Exam PT. 2

*The final 8 teams have all gather in the waiting area for the test proctor to tell them what the final exam is*

Proctor - okay we have 32 candidates left and you all have a chance to pass. All you have to do is survival or by some sort of miracle beat your opponent you’ll walk out of here with your provisional license.

*random student asks who will we be facing if we all have a chance to pass*

Proctor - great question. So here’s the deal. You’ll be fight some of the top hero’s. You could get the ranked 5 hero here in Chicago or in North America. It’s all random so best of luck.

*One by one students are called to the stage to face off against a hero by random. Some heros go easy on some students while other go full fade on them putting them in the hospital. Out of 32 students so far 20 have past while 8 have been put in the hospital. Finally Andrew hears his name and proceeds to the stage.*

Proctor - Okay Andrew your hero opponent will be *pulls number out of a hat* the number 1 hero in Chicago also the number 7 hero in North America your father figure “The Urban Gladiator” LT.

*you can here an audible gasp thoughtout the auditorium*

LT - You ready son? I can’t go easy on you so try you best okay?!?! (LT’s quirk is total invincibility while holding his breath. Along with that his years as a seal has sharpen his hand to hand combat along has his weapons skills. As of now he has a bo staff that can be spill in two, titanium (brass) knuckles, and a whip.)

Proctor - LT are you ready?
*LT gives him a 👍🏾*
Proctor - Andrew are you ready?

Andrew - Let’s get this over with.

Proctor - Okay let the match being!!

*As soon as the match start LT sprints towards Andrew and before he could react he has a fist 🤜🏾 to his gut. He collapsed to one knee gasping for air*

LT - Come now son we been training for weeks and you still can’t stop a single hit.

*Thought out his time with LT in all there training and sparing sessions he has never landed a single hit and there matches have never lasted 2 minuets let alone 5*

LT - If you don’t get serious this match will end every quickly.
*Andrew opens a shadow portal to try and gain some space but before he come fully get in LT grabs him and tosses him across the ring. Body aching in pain he focus his power and activities his shadow cloak which acts as a full body shield and then tries to use shadow tag but can’t get close enough to tag him while avoiding his whip.*

Proctor - 2 minuets has elapsed.

*After playing cat and mouse for 2 minuets Andrew tries to go on the offensive but ends up getting tagged by LT’s punches.*

LT - Andrew if you’re not going to take this seriously I’ll end this ri.....

*LT looks down to finds himself caught by shadow tag. Andrew smirks and begins to calculate a plan*

LT - So you think you can hold me for the rest of the time huh? Smart but I know you and what you can and can’t do.
*LT starts to hold his breath and active his ability. He starts to glow blue and slowly moves forwards towards Andrew*

Andrew - You..... won’t..... be me today. I’ve been training to use this in hopes of one day fighting you.
*Andrew closes his eyes and starts radiating a dark black aura. LT knowing what he’s trying to do frantically trying to reach him before it’s to late*

LT - You’re not ready to use that power yet you could hurt someone.

Andrew(Noir) - Yea you that’s the point.
*Andrew activities the power of darkness and the ring is now surrounded by a shadow force field.*

LT - So this is your real power huh? Let’s see how strong you got.
*LT goes to punch Andre but it goes right though him*
LT - So in here your body is make of shadow so you don’t have a physical form. Well that’ll make it hard to hit you but in return you can’t hit m....

*👊🏾 Andrew decks LT right in the face. And LT looks confused but shakes it off and tries to figure out how to get a hit off. While he tries to think he starts to get bombarded by dark energy waves coming from all angles. He goes invincible but the constant wave after wave has him struggling to maintain holding his breath. *

Proctor - 1 minuet remains!

*LT still getting hit from all angles start looking around for an opening. He starts to see apart of the field that looks off. With the last of his breath he took one giant step and placed his brass knuckles on and punched though the field. The shadow field dissipates. Andrew goes back to normal drenched in sweat breathing heavy weak at the knees. LT gains is composure and see his opening. He goes for one last punch but before making contact*

Proctor - Time is up. Andrew you lasted the whole 5 minuets. You pass. Congratulations!!!!

Andrew - ...................
*Andrew collapse on the ground and passes out. LT takes him to the nurse to get bandages and looked at*
Andrew unconscious in his head talking - Mom did I make you proud?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MoMochas


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tokiko entered the test exam room, which already had a fair number of students inside. She scanned the room, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Some seemed relaxed, while others were desperately going over notecards. Tokiko herself felt at ease.

Tests are predictable. Robots aren't.

As she walked into room, she noticed a few eyes on her, and someone even pointed at her while whispering.

...the hell?

She lifted her eyepatch for a moment and looked at the whispering students. They quickly noticed and looked away.

What's that about?

She walked towards the back of the classroom to sit down. The back part of the room was sparse, and there was a young man staring out the window, breathing heavily. Tokiko sat near the middle of the row and looked at him, with mild curiosity.

What's out there? ...Do I even want to know?

"I bet she's reading that guy's mind! She did it on the news!" a voice nearby said.

Mind reading? News? How di-Oh. Oh no...

Tokiko put her face in her hands and remembered what she had done.

Yesterday, after completing the test, Tokiko limped out the front gate and soon found herself surrounded by a group of reporters.

Can't a girl limp in peace?

"Finally! A student! What did you see in there?" a reporter asked, shoving a microphone into her face.


"There were reports of a- what are you doing?"

Tokiko took off her eyepatch. The misty aura coming off her left eye looked a little stronger than normal. The camera crew looked a little startled.

"Well...I didn't see too much. People were angry, and it was weird, so I went away from them. There was some song playing while it happened, too. I didn't know it was a villain, and I didn't see them. I was focused on the test. Oh, and I'm not injured, I just like wearing an eyepatch over my quirk. So Barbara, do you have any more questions?"

"N-no? But how di-"

"Alright. Have a nice day!" Tokiko grinned at the camera and waved as she walked away from the crew.

I thought they wouldn't have aired that.

Soon afterward, a teacher came in and began to explain what would be expected of them during the test. Tokiko took her eyepatch off.

2 hours, 100 questions...no problem.

She got her test a smiled a little. There were questions on hero history, quirk usage, as well as basic math and English questions. She took her time to do all of them. Then she saw the last question: What does it mean to be a hero?

Hm...to be a hero is to represent both peace and justice...

She scribbled her answer away on paper, and felt confident in her answer.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AyeYoWorm


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*Flashback. While Andrew was on the L heading to the armory to take his provisional license exam he got a call from his father*

Andrew: What to you want father?

LT: Before you go take you exam I need to tell you about what comes next and why.

Andrew: Like you sending me to Japan when I pass?

LT: You hear that huh? Well let me tell you about someone I met while I did my abroad hero studies.

*The story goes like these. When LT was a second year himself he when to Japan and attended UA and at the time there was a hot shot young hero climbing the ranks. And his name was All Might (but LT called him All Mighty) During his time there he learned a lot about how the top hero’s in the world did business. Japan as a country was ranked number 1 for there hero prowess. American was number 19. LT wanted to learn what made there hero’s better and apply that to make the hero’s of America better. So he trained under famous hero’s like gang orca, endeavor, eraser head, gun head, and the wild pussycats. But there was one hero who he had to fight to gage himself to and that was All Mighty. So one day LT got he’s chance to face All Might 1v1. The match lasted all of 3.34 minutes but he was able to get one punch on All Might square in the face. From there and a couple of Detroit smashes the match was over but LT learned from that fight as he left to go back home to rebuild the foundation of America’s hero world”

LT: And that’s why we’re number 2 in the world now

Andrew: But you’re only number 7 🤔😒

LT: That’s cause of everyone else’s quirk blows mines out the water. Also that’s the reason for the revamped exam for your license. We only need the best. Can’t give every a License to just seat around and not do there part. So when you get there do your best and win.

Andrew: Okay sure I gotta go.

*With that he hangs up the phone and gets off the L and head to the armory*
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bigblack1394


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Outside the stadium)

"Everything seems to have went to plan" Malkell says looking up to the sky trying to make sure he doesn't go fully insane.

"Thanks for waiting for me as usual Mal."Cloud comes stumbling out the stadium.

"Oh look at who blew a fuse." Malkell gives Cloud a kiss on his forehead.

Than behind them a big split appeared behind them.

"So y'all coming in or you gonna keep up with the gay shit." A young man with grey eyes and skin that shined when the sun kissed his skin appeared.

"Of course Mad Hatter." Malkell says smirking.

"You know I hate when you call me that." Says the young man.

"Well not everyone can know your name is Tailer."

The three men disappear into the split and it stitches back together brand new.

"Look at my two favorite men and someone I wish will die."glaring at Cloud.

"Suck my dick Trink." Says Cloud. "Not enough energy to fight you today.

"Maybe when you finally hit puberty women may actually like you." Trinkette snaps back at him.

Malkell and Tailer just shake their headay at the idiotic back and forth between the two.

"Also I think you'll like the swag I created as well." Trink looks at Malkell with a big smile.

"What do you have to show me today love." Malkell says looking at her with a loving glance.

She goes over to her work bench and pulls out a shirt reading F.O.G

"What does that stand for and why do you have t shirts for a criminal organization?" Asked Cloud barely raising his head as he was still a bit wired.

"Shut up the grown ups are talking and for your information unless you stole it already stands for Fortunes Of Gentlemen." Trinkett looks menacingly at Cloud.

Malkell walks over to her and grabs the shirt and puts it on. "I love it thank you Trinkett for the hard work and your gloves worked like aa charm." He than walks over to Cloud.

"Will you be able to go to Dinner with me later possibly." Malkell looks at Cloud with deep concern about him.

Cloud picks up his head. "Of course I can."

Trinkett sulks back into a chair upset by the news.

"You guys keep a ear out for any other movements and upload the shirts and other things to the site." Malkell looks at the twins.

"Make sure you wrap it up and if possible bring back leftovers."says Tailer.

Malkell let's out a chuckle. "You're too crazy" he continues to chuckle as he walks out of the room.

(Later that night) (Malkell apartment)

"I'm glad we got some alone time." Cloud says looking and blushing at Malkell.

"Yeah it's been a while since we got together like hasn't it." He leans back from the table taking a long drag from his blunt. "Having you in UA kinda made it hard to be together for too long you know."

"Doesnt matter the distance I still love you"

"I know I know but you know it will never be fully reciprocated"

"I know but I also know you feel something since you never repress my feelings."

"Oh no no you have it quite wrong" Malkell passes the blunt to Cloud. "I can never truly repress love nor remove it. Love just always seems to find it's way through no matter what but it can lead you to make very idiotic decisions which is why I just do it to myself."

"Damn that sucks"

"Well you know how I tried to save my adoptive mother by removing the love she had for me but it still couldn't stop her from doing what she did" Malkell stares out the window.

Cloud stands up and walks around the table to Malkell and kisses him.

"Its okay I will do whatever you need and will be a shoulder for you to cry on."

"That's why you're my only true friend." Malkell kisses Cloud and takes him away to the bedroom.

(Next day)

Mo Bamba starts to play.

"I truly hate your alarm" Malkell gets up out the bed.

"The beat slaps what can I say." Cloud looks at his phone "They should be starting their test soon hopefully I made it hard enough and the twins should be heading to the license testing as well."

"Oh yes this is going to be a wonderful day" Malkell walks to his balcony and starts rolling up a blunt.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
Avatar of Crystalmushroom


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Thanks so much.”

Alexa’s smile got brighter as she started to sit. Thanking her meant so much than just the seat. There was a lot she wanted to say to her, but she probably should have waited to after to the exam. It really meant a lot to her the effort she put in. Also her costume was fabulous.

When she got into her seat, she heard Yin wishing her luck. Quickly, she turned to look at Yin and gave her thumbs up.

“We got this!”

Alexa whipped back around in her seat. ‘Oh god, I totally pulled a dad. I'm such a loser.’

Alexa pulled her pen out of her bag and got ready for the paper exam. The questions seemed pretty common sense to her. The only thing that worried her was the history questions. Yes, she did study superhero history, but specific heros not so much. Maybe she should have studied a little harder.

“Told you Alexa! You should always listen to your friendly neighborhood puffer.” Lita’s voice snaked into her head.

‘Stop thinking about Lita. She won’t help me here.’

Her pen worked for most of the question, but there were some that caught her off guard.

Is it considered stealing to take pens from a bank? What about extra napkins from a fast-food restaurant?

‘Ummm I-I don’t know. I never thought about it.’ Alexa’s head started to spin as she thought about the times she’s accidently took pens from the bank. ‘Can I be prosecuted for taking a pen?’

The question was waying heavy on her and she turned to the window for solace. They she spotted the bikini clad woman.

‘What the?! She goes out like that!’ Her eyes were as large as satellite dishes. ‘I would never!’

She brought her flustered face back to her test. She would come back to that question because she didn’t want to waste too much time.

After some time, she came across a question about what it meant to be a hero. It stopped her again. There were so many answers she could put. What would be the most fitting? What was the right answer? She would slump in her seat as she thought about it.

‘Making sure everyone around you is safe and thinking about yourself last?’ Another thought came to mind. ‘A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Is the official definition from the dictionary.’

Those answer didn’t exactly feel right, but they would work right.

‘A hero is a person who gives of theirself without question to the cause before them. Whether it be their fellow main or natural disaster, they try their best to help. They don’t stop till their all is given.’

That seemed to resonate with her the most out. Her dad came to mind. She had seen him do his job once when she was small. Her mother had taken her and her brother downtown to buy some clothes after a doctor’s appointment. Nothing seemed out of place that say. The trip was boring, they tried on a bunch of clothes, they hated most of them. Mom ending up forcing a pair of outfits onto each of them. When they left the store, they could a loud fire engine charging around the corner.

‘I wonder if that’s your dad’s truck.” Her mother’s face was covered with an amused smile. No speck of worry at all. “Let's go see.”

They all trotted around the corner and witnessed a large business ablaze. Their mother made sure to keep them at a safe distance, but they watched intently. Of course, Alexa’s mother was right. Their father bounced off the truck. Hank stood out a lot amongst his coworker’s, he had an expandable suit that was marked black. It was a stretchy material that allowed him to use his quirk easily.

“He’s amazing.” Her mother said quietly.

Alexa’s eyes had grew wide as he barrelled into the building before the other fighters. He didn’t hesitate as he rushed inside. After what felt like a lifetime, he returned with some people who were trapped inside. It was breathtaking, his courage and fearlessness. A piece of building unlodged itself, but her father saw it before anyone else. Without thinking, he sucked in a deep breath, sprinted in front of the other fighters and puffed his iron stomach upward. The piece bounced off him gently, although it was massive and still burning.

Alexa’s eyes twinkled when she saw this.

“That’s my dad…” She cooed.

Her day dream ended when she heard someone's chair loudly move as the got up from the desk.

‘Oh right! Better hurry.’

She finished her test with what she thought were good answers. Also made sure to answer the bank question. Once she was satisfied, she got up from her seat and handed in her test. She turned to talk to Yin, but she had already walked out.

“That sucks.” She said as she walked back over to grab her bag. She could hear a strange dude in the back of the class breathing hard.

‘I’ll leave him to that…’

After she collected her bag, she made her way out the door. SHe was surprised to see Yin hanging outside the classroom. Hesitation was a thing as Alexa crossed over to her.

“Some test huh?” She said with a laugh. “ I’d take a million more of those before fighting crazt murder robots again. Am I right?”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AyeYoWorm


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*Noir certainly seating in Teremal 5 Gate M13 waiting to board his flight to japan. Listen to Kevin Gate new Luca Brasi 3 think about everything he’s leaving behind and what his father told him when he woke up from the hospital*

LT: I see you’re awake. You really tried to go all out on me knowing if you didn’t you would lose. That’s good, real good. You need that mindset fighting against all types of villains. Just remember that when you in japan.

Noir: So should I go pick a fight if All Might?

LT: You can’t......... he’s retired. 😪😢 Go to U.A. and make friend and find a good rival. One to challenge you and make you stronger and force you to be better than you were the next day.

Noir: Father are you okay?

LT: Yea I’m good. I got your ticket 🎫 and your bags 💼 packed so you don’t have to do so much. I’ll be back tomorrow to pick you up. And Andrew......

Noir: Yes.......?

LT: She would be proud of you.

*LT left the room with a tear in his eye. Noir just laid in bed and fell asleep thinking about what’s to come. Next day Noir was checked out the hospital. He did he’s rounds of goodbyes to his friends and the day after he was at the airport ready to start is new adventure.*

Noir: Gale you better not waste my time. Show me your resolve or else...............

*Noir hops on the plane and falls asleep.*
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AlbionX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the next day arrived, Albion was a tad bit nervous about the written portion of the exam. He arrived at the designated classrooms for the test and sat in the back of the classroom.

Ok man, no time to panic. You did good yesterday, so lets do good today. As he looked over the questions, a few were quite easy to answer, while the others made him question himself a few times. He looked around the class to see if anyone else was having trouble. Fortunately a few other examinees were, so that put him at ease. As time progressed he slowly finished the tests. Once complete, he handed it in to the staff member sitting in the front of the class.

Albions exits the classroom nervously, head hung in a worried state. As he turns the corner he bumps into another student who had finished the exam.

Ahh! As they both fall to the floor. I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

As Albion rises to feet, he turns around to assist the other student and is stunned by her face and hair. He has seen pretty girls before, but none around his age really. As he helps her up off the ground he asks Are you ok?

Yin dusted herself after she was helped up.Seems I’m not the only one who bumps into people… Guess I know how it feels...She laughed a bit awkwardly.Yeah, I'm alright. she trailed off a bit and grabbed her arm. It was a little sore.That test was some rough stuff huh? she mused.

It was, rather difficult. Hopefully I did alright. Maybe my physical portion will make up for this?he replied nervously while avoiding eye contact with her.So uuhh, what kind of quirk do you have?He said abruptly, attempting to break the awkward silence.

Okay...so it WAS easy for him...I might be screwed thenshe thought as her face started to twist.Uh yeah… I hope I did…breaking the silence, he asked her about her quirk.It’s kinda like teleportation… I can go through these little pockets and end up somewhere else… If I use it too much though it gets kinda haywire. I once got stuck in China for a day. And inside the pocket for a couple hours… wild ride…
She started tangenting and caught herself.

What about you?

I’m sort of a hybrid quirk type, inheriting both of my parents quirks. One being high speed vibration, and the other being shapeshifting. I can vibrate things into dust, but only for a short time before I need to rest. In addition to that, my shapeshifting can only be of things I know the general structure to. So it requires me to do alot of reading of blueprints, biology, and anatomy to make my quirk better.

Inheriting his parents quirks… She wondered who hers were. Did hers happen to be a manifestation of two? Did they have quirks at all? Did they miss her? Probably not... Stories like those always made her think of these things.Hey that's cool. Was all she muttered, half listening to the rest of what he said.Whatever that was...hope he doesnt call me out on that...She smiled at him and adjusted her glasses.

I never got your name by the way. I’m…..Albion, but some people just call me Albi. He said with a smirk.

Oh sorry...Rude of me. I’m Yin. It’s really nice to meet you. She smiled and shook his hand.

Ok, well I’m going to use the bathroom. I guess I’ll see you later when they tell us our results. Bye.As Albion walked away, his mind couldn’t help but think of his encounter with Yin. Yin huh, she’s a piece of work that’s for sure.

Ok, bye. As she waved goodbye.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bigblack1394


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"One day Malkell will be mine." Trinkette shouts into the air.

Her brother just shakes his head at her. "Please now sis give up that hopeless dream you're much too young for him." He carries over some more robes to her.

"We turn 19 in 2 more months and than he'll finally fall for me."

"Come on now his head is up in Cloud so let it go." He starts holding up the robes to Trinkette.

"You know I hate this part of the job." She starts to pout.

"Well guess what we gotta do this to make sure we don't get on his bad side so get dressed and we will be off."


They make their way downtown walking briskly to there destination.

"I see why he said not to attack a second time security is rather tight now." Tailer looks around noticing the extra security.

"Well they did do quite the number even though I hate to admit it."Trinkette mumble.

They were positioned on a roof watching everything going on.

"Look at those losers sweating over some dumb questions." Trinkette giggles handing her brother the.binoculars.

"Hmmmm not too hard I guess Cloud didn't make it too hard for them to notice, but it seems like 5 of them answered the secret question properly."

"So who are we gonna be running experiments on than." Trinkette looks up at the clouds.

"Seems to be the one known as Albion, not only did he test well with the bots but he also answered our question." Tailer pulls out the paper about Albion.

"What about the one known as Gale?" Asked Trinkette.

"He isn't a experiment, Malkell actually likes him."

"Oh so he needs therapy."

"Yep seems like its gonna be the intense kind." A evil smirk.comes across Tailer face.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Voodoo and Xen

[Three Nights Ago...]

It had been a long day of just running errands to make sure the twins had all the equipment necessary to make Markel’s emotion glove or whatever. Voodoo thought the idea behind tech was unnecessary and demeaning of the idea of a quirk. If you needed gear to help enhance your quirk you probably had a shitty one anyway. She had just left the den - a speakeasy bar that welcomed all types of heathens and neer-do-wells behind its walls - and figured she’d turn in for the day, but surprisingly, she saw the back of someone that looked all too familiar…

“I know you…”She yelled, trailing off. Was it him? She didn’t even dare speak his name out of fear that it wasn’t.

Xen turns around blunt in hand with a relaxed yet curious look on his face “.....me?” He asks in a slightly timid voice.

“It’s YOU.”She asked incredulously. Something was off. Why wasn’t he excited to see her? Why was his voice so… shakey. “What, you can’t drop in anymore? I-...”She paused and then said softly “...missed you. I thought you were gone...”

“Wait… you missed me? Where did we meet?? I feel like maybe we have---” at that point the demon begins to try to possess Xen but he fights it. The woman can clearly see something is wrong. “Just when the night is getting good you want to come cockblocking WHY CAN’T YOU LET ME LIVE??” Xen screams inwardly at the Demon. “You are an idiot...shut up and let me talk..” The demon possessed Xen long enough to speak to the woman.

“Its been a long time hasn’t it my Voodoo?” Xen says in the voice she is familiar with.

At first visibly annoyed by his memory loss, Voodoo’s head cocked to the side after the switch up. She had no idea he had multiple...personalities? But the voice that was speaking was the one she was used to. The normally apathetic girl always experienced a rush of emotions when she spoke with him.

“Too long.”

Before she could speak any more he takes her into his arms. “ You get all twitchy and fidgety around me and it’s so unlike you. You’ve come so far from when I first found you in that dump of a place you were living. Even a demon has compassion for at least one soul and you happen to be it. I failed to protect you that day and fled under the guise of wanting to protect you from myself...I was wrong. I’ve missed you dearly my beloved and I won’t let you out of my sight again.” In that instant Xen regains control of his body but his memories have synced with the demons and now understands the things he at first did not.

“Lil...help me stop what’s about to happen. You’re a smart girl and I know you somewhat know whats going on around here. I can’t just let the league have their way and kill those kids...not after what I’ve done. You don’t have to go along with this. Maybe we’ll never be heroes but you dont have to go down this path either.” Xen holds Voodoo tighter looking her in the eyes as she can see the torment in his eyes.

The embrace was warm for Voodoo and it felt like home. She understood why he disappeared for so long in that brief moment but the other guy popped up before she had a chance to respond to his ‘other personality’. She shoved him off and regained her composure.

“It’s none of your business.” Her expression was cold now, apathetic and calculating. Did he really think she was just going to stop? Why care about people who treated them like dirt?

“Just stay out of the way and I won’t have to hurt you.” She pulled out the pocket knife she was prone to carry and held it gingerly.

“You know what I can do… I don’t want to have to hurt you...but I will if i have to. Your other ‘side’ taught me that.” Always protect oneself was her go to motto… But she knew she could never hurt the guy who saved her. The only guy she’d ever loved. Before he could use his quirk, she took off and ran into a back alley.

“Shit...I have to track her down. I hate tracking her down.” Xen levitates and begins to follow her trail. “I never should have left her…”

[Flashback to 2 years ago]

“You know some days you even scare me beloved” Xen casually says to Voodoo after she licks the blood from her knife.

She smiled a twisted smile. Scars from her self inflicted wounds ran up and down her body. She always had more fun when she got to torture victims before killing them. They had been looking for information pertaining to a certain someone in this small village of Hoshiko. Her victim, a particularly useless farmer, was slumped over either dead or passed out from intense pain.

“You’ve done well..lets get out of her---” an explosion goes off knocking both of us back as a new enemy appears.

Xen wakes up to notice Voodoo is in an immense amount of pain and unconscious, “Hang in there I’m going to be done with this soon.”
Getting up to fight Xen quickly realizes that his enemy is just a robot because it has no aura. Xen quickly dispatches the robot using his finger to disrupt and effectively melt the robot from the inside. He then returns to Voodoo but finds her unresponsive. “NO I swear to God not you too!” Xen says furiously trying to revive her but to no avail. His magic is incapable of raising anyone from the dead without the sacrifice of an equal soul. He feels her fading and in a rage he loses control of his powers. Xen has become a full blown demon and in his fit of rage levels Hoshiko until there is nothing left.

Lightning still cracking in the distance, a wooden shaft had fallen perfectly to shield Voodoo, with debris on top of her. Unbeknownst to Xen, there was a tiny bit of life left as her second quirk, somewhat accelerated healing kicked in.

Xen’s body becomes worn a badly beaten by the use of his power as he’s developed two strikes on his lung and one on his stomach. He’s got 13 strikes remaining. With his last bit of consciousness he can only see Voodoo lying in her own blood. “I couldn’t save her….I couldn’t do anything to protect her. I’m so sorry…” He tries to crawl over to her and just before he could take her hand he passes out.

[End of flashback]
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Bigblack1394


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Present day Later that night)

"So this is where you live Malkell." Tailer says looking at the apartment.

"You already been here when you dropped off my gloves."Malkell says while rolling up a blunt.

"Only for a second this is a whole different thing." He sits down on the couch.

Behind him were his sister and another woman he didn't fully recognize.

"This is my good friend Voodoo, Malkell she's the one who helped get the things for your gloves." Trinkett steps aside to show off the young lady.

"That's good and thank you for that it really helped cause some mayhem the other day." He reaches out his hand towards her.

She looks at his hand as if it was the most disgusting thing ever. "Definitely not my pleasure to help weaklings."

"Oh that's kinda hurtful, been through too much therapy to see the greatness in my quirk." He grabs her hand. "Hate to see you overwhelmed with such attitude."

All of a sudden it felt like Voodoo was under water feeling a overwhelming feeling she never felt before except for one time long ago.

"Dont try to use your quirk it'll only lead us both to death since you're quite powerful but how much pain can you truly endure." Malkell kisses her hand and releases his hold on her.

She gasps for air. "Well I guess I was wrong about you." A small smile appeared on her face.

Cloud comes into the room with his laptop.

"Seems like your clothing line is taking off Tailer good work." He taps his shoulder.

"Um I'm the one who embedded the tech into it." Trinkett says puffing out her chest.

"The coding was weak they could have traced it back to yout if I didn't put up the firewalls so no praise for you."Cloud sticks his tongue out at her.

"Stay hating on me if you want you hacker at least I can create things unlike you."Trinkett flips him off.

"Please children we got important things to talk about tonight as the F.O.G. is settling in" Malkell looks at them both with a stern look.

They both calm down and Cloud gives the laptop to Malkell.

"So from everything we gathered from the past few days we have settled on two people." Tailer pulls out two folders. "Gale and Albion are the two I believe would work best with what we want to do."

"Gale is a interesting one but I want to mess with him in a different way." Malkell looks over the folder.

"We figured that from what you told us from your interactions so we figure Albion would be the best." Trinkett points at his photo."He's a orphan so no one cares about him and his quirk is interesting."

"Voodoo do you think you can beat him and take him alive." Malkell looks at her.

"Of course I." She looks at Malkell.

"If you do this perfectly than would you like to go out to Dinner with me?" Asked Malkell.

Voodoo just stares at him with her dead eyes.

"I'll take that as a you'll think it over."

Cloud looks discouraged by that and Trinkett sulks back and mumbles. "That's totally unfair."

"Now we have our target let's get into the finer details of this plot" Tailer pulls out a map.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Endrance
Avatar of Endrance

Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


“Some test huh?” She said with a laugh. “ I’d take a million more of those before fighting crazy murder robots again. Am I right?”

Yin turned to notice Alexa with a grin. Even though it had just happened yesterday, it seemed like anything that came before it was a lifetime away. "Yeah...It was a wild ride."She smiled tiredly.

"Hope I wasn't too bossy. I'm just glad the travel through my rift wasn't too haywire."She mused but then realised she probably shouldn't have said anything with the worried look that crossed through her face.

"Er... It was fine cuz I only used my powers once before. Promise. I wouldn't have done it otherwise."She scratched the back of her head as her fluffy afro parted at the scalp.

"How do you think you did? Honestly think i may have bombed it but...I tried my best."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by J0shdking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Entrance Exam Part 3

After turning in his exam the alarm on his cell phone goes off while he's exiting the classroom.
"sigh its that time already i guess i should hurry back before the final stage starts.." Herito mumbled as he rushed out the classroom, bumping into Alexa knocking his bag and her down as well.

"im sorry are you ok i didn't see you there? let me help you up.' Herito said extending out his hand with an innocent smile.
"My name's Herito by the way what's you... " *Beep Beep Beep Beep the alarm on Herito's phone went off again interrupting him.
The innocent smile is replaced by a dark cynical grin as Herito looks at his phone.

"Well i have to go i'll see you around." Herito tells Alexa as he points and opens a portal to his lab and vanishes.

After arriving at his lab Herito stands in front of a cryopod, putting his hand on the cold glass he says "its only a matter of time my old friends and I met some interesting people today as well hopefully they can be our friends.. i also got my hand on some good material that will further my research let me show u guys it right here in my bag." Herito said with excitement as he going through his bag. All of a sudden Herito's excitement turns to anguish as he realizes that this was not his bag. Unable to control his anger Herito uses his Quirk and instantly destroys half of his lab.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK Where did i drop my bag where is it!!!!" Herito shouted. Then it it hit him, he remembered when he bumped into to alexa he dropped his bag and must have picked her up by mistake. "damn i hope she doesn't lose or break that necklace i need the vial on it i guess ill try to run into to her tomorrow, i cant let anyone get their hand on that vial and find out what it is. hmmmmm ill keep these for myself as a trump card hehehehe..." Herito Laughs maniacally

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RyanH901


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

**Test day Morning**

Riku wakes up..

"Today is the day! Eraserhead set me up for this since he first started training me. All the hand-to-hand combat, and cloth training he put me thru. I'm finally ready..." Riku said but honestly he couldn't get that girl off his mind.

"I wonder if ill see her again....she was adorable. " Riku smiled as he thought of her, then he slapped his cheeks "GET YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN! You've got an exam to complete and a License to attain."

Riku grabbed his costume, along the sleeves it said his Hero name "Rein," and the cloth his Master had made for him. "This cloth is trophy that was bestowed to me after i got my ass kicked A-lot and finally learned to use it. Training with Master was rigorous." Riku said as he reminisced.

**Training memory**

Aizawa - Eraserhead: "Ok Riku so I'm going to shut off your quirk, and we are going to practice Hand-to-Hand"

Riku: "Ok Ok, I've been training Master, I wont let you catch me off-Gua-aahhhh" as Riku catches a kick to the face and hits the floor

Aizawa: "I thought i taught you to DODGE and never let your guard down. You look as me as your Master, and i cherish that, but during Training, I'm no different then any Villain on the street. Keep your head on a Swivel."

Riku: Wipes blood from his lip and smiles. "You mean like this," as his wraps the cloth around Aizawa's leg and snatches, to trip him down to one knee.

Aizawa: laughs "Hahaha, i remember i did that to you when we first met, and it looks like you're learning.......Finally, you might put up a good fight."

**Back to Current day**

As he walked in to Provisional Exam area, and He gets ready. He sees the various other participants and gets a good view of his competition. "Hmmmm looks like it could be challenging, I better keep an eye out for certain people. They look like they could make this quite interesting indeed...."

As he hears the rules to the License Exam, he places his targets on his Outfit. "So i only need to tag 3 targets, this shouldn't be too hard......I have an idea" Riku states as he rubs his chin, then smiles fiendishly. "I wont be behind the rest anymore, Master will kill me"

He hears the speaker loud and clear "Exam starts in 5....4.....3.....2....1....GO!"

People rush each other and he sees how everyone starts attacking each other, Balls start flying everywhere.

"Time to put my plan into action!" Riku thinks as he hides behind the nearest rock. He conjures a decent size raincloud that covers the arena. He whispers "Mid-day Rein!!" the cloud thunders and then starts pouring down. The contestants look around and continuing throwing balls at each other, disregarding their surroundings thinking it as part of the exam.

Riku smiles "Good, I'm glad Master taught me how to blend my quirk activation into normal surroundings.."

As the water starts to gather and the contestants are soaked, Riku Jumps up and yells "Lightning Palm!" as he lands and people look toward him...He sends out lightning thru the water thats gathered around their feet and watches as it incapacitates most of the contestants around him and they fall out around him.

"Perfect....everything went as planned." as he casually walks by and tags more then enough contestants to move on.

"That was easy enough. Anybody near that withstood or saw that, could pick up the slack" Riku says as he walks to the Lobby. "I wonder if Yin had this easy of a time during the written exam," Riku smacks himself again "Why are you thinking about her, you just met her the other day. I mean... yes, her afro was adorable and her outfit was appealing, and her smile was....Damn it, Focus Rein Focus!"

As Riku walked into the lobby of those who passed the first part of the exam, he said "I wonder whats next, I didnt even have to use my cloth nor direct hand-to-hand combat..."

As he relaxes, He sees the screen with the remaining contestant still going at it. He wonders "Where is my rival?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
Avatar of Dezuel

Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 3 days ago

Faerzen Rozenfeldt

He found himself at the exam license test,though unlike many others he wasn't very thrilled about the idea of hitting others. Though in order to get things done later along the road he had to do it. Faerzen softly sighed and readied himself, then when the signal was given he drew the attention of a couple of others.

So I just need to hit six targets? They never said how hard I needed to hit them either. No matter…
Faerzen turned around to gaze into the direction of some others which were participating, activating his sight removal Power. With them meeting his gaze, their own vision would fade quickly, first into a blur and not stop until they were left in complete darkness.

It was a cheap way to do battle, he admitted but Everything was allowed in a war. And this was something he wanted won swifty so he could go unto other matters. He raised a single finger and then dashed forwards to the blinded competitors, poking them in the sides and chest area, upon coming into physical Contact with them, his mere fingerip just touching them felt like a fierce fist to the stomach to them, knocking the wind out of most of them. He didn't want to harm anyone here, it wasn't their fault for ending up in his way.

"I'm sorry, I cannot spend my time to toy around with you here…" Faerzen said to the ones he had managed to land hits upon, making his location known. Seeing their heads turn, he began to whistle, low at first until the whistle became a beeping sound in their ears. Unable to see him or hear him, they were now stumbling around in confusion.

"I guess I am through with you…" He shrugged slightly and blew some air out through his mouth, putting his hands into his pockets.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jukatashi


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

JUKA'S WRITTEN EXAM!!!Continuing from my ast post.

Its been a full day since the Physical Exams. And the Written potion is right around the corner. (A couple hours actually) In the last conclusion of Juka's story. Juka took it upon himself to take the initiative to destroy the giant robot whilst saving several students in the middle of all the process. Juka fought and showed the other examiners how to never give up and be chivalrous against a foe you think is undef-eatable. However, at the climax of the battle Juka was blown away by the shock wave from the explosion of the robot.

Juka: *Cough Cough* What the?!?! Where am... I?

Recovery Girl: Now Now there sugar!! You shouldn't move around to much, your injuries were almost vital. Two broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a broken leg. And a nose bleed that I thought would never end. You should be ashamed of yourself young man. For taking on such a strong robot all by yourself.

CHiyo Shuzenji A.K.A "Youthful Heroine" Recovery Girl
Her Quirk!! HEAL, Her Quik allows her to amplify and speed up the human body's healing process by kissing them. However, the process uses large amounts of energy,and could potentially kill.

Juka: I'm sorry, I just got ahead of myself that's all. I let my emotions get the better of me. The Exam, The other students, are they okay?

Recovery Girl: Unfortunately there were to minor casualties, but nothing to be shooken up about. But you have a very powerful quirk. if it weren't for--


Recovery Girl: CALM YOUR NERVES!!! Its today. It begins in 3-4 hrs or so. You have enough time to get a little more rest then to take it. No worries.

Juka: Whew, That was a close one!. I was about to say no....! A bright smile beems on Juka's face

Recovery Girl: With a Quirk like yours, you could seriously change lives. You need to train hard and learn to choose your battles. You won't be able to push and pull yourself out of every battle you encounter

Juka: Thank You, Recovery Girl! But I should be going now. I wanna at least study for the Written exam a little before it starts. You're the best. I owe you a lot

Recovery Girl: Oh no you don't, you're gonna stay right here and rest up. Your body needs more time to recuperate.

Juka: I guess..
(Juka goes deep into thought as he trys to drift back to sleep)


Mysterious Man: So what are the three codes this family goes by to become great heroes.

Juka: Always Persevere, Always be five steps ahead of your opponent, never jump to conclusions, always try to find another solution before going for the kill, and last but not least never loose sight of who you are.

Mysterious Man: Good Job, Your parents would be happily indulged to know that you've made a lot or promise in your stay here.

Juka: I guess. To bad I'll never know

[color=00aeef][Mysterious Man: Lets not get prominent on the past, focus on the path ahead of you. Never lose sight of the gifts you born with and the goals you set your eye on. YOu wont be able to push and pull your self out of everything HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!/color]

Juka: Haha Very funny!

Juka slowly wakes up out of his slumber, gets dressed then heads to the exam room, it was packed with students everywhere snikling nd bickering. people were starring at Juka and in bandages. All he could do was act like he wasn't embarrassed/ He finally gets to the class room where their was have the written exam. He walks and everyone in the class started to starred at him. He makes slight eye contact with a girl in a bikini and a girl with a afro. He takes rushes to take his seat in the far back of the classroom then gasps with a sigh of relief.

EXAM PROCTOR: Looks like every one is here, lets quiet down now. Time for your written exam!!

To be continued

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