[Provisional Exams -- waiting area.]
When Libra and Riku entered the waiting area for the second part of the exam, five identical individuals from a rival school came forward and circled around the two. "You guys think you're tough shit for using your quirks in such a dirty way to get past the first exam huh?"Said the first guy. To the right, another one of them chimed in, "cheap shot for you to get my sister like that from the gate with that blindness trick... Wonder if it would work on us though" And as he said that, as if by mitosis, two more of them were created coming to 7 of them. The brown eyed, brown haired hellions all started to laugh together.

One of them stepped forward to grab Libra by his shirt and pull him closer towards him. "You know i'm starting to really not care too much about these provisional licenses. You don't know how hard my sis worked just to get to this point..." The other one across from him started to speak as he took a step forward. "So i'm going to make you feel a little of the hopelessness she's feeling right now." Another one of his clones stepped up to Riku, at the same time, quickly grabbing his arm behind his back.
(Quirk: 7 Nation Army -- His quirk allows him to make up to 7 clones of himself.
Quirk drawback: The main one can be spotted by his shadow. The rest of the clones do not produce shadows. When the quirk user is knocked out, the clones fade away)
As he went to throw the first punch, another contender stepped forward.
"Listen we got a whole second half of the exam to worry about. We can get these guys later." A relaxed easy going guy with spikey hair popped up. He seemed as if he was in some perpetual daze.
"Yeah but Kaito..."
"We've been through this before Maro. We know what to expect. Wouldn't it be better to make sure these guys didn't get their licenses rather than throw away our shots now?"
(Kaito - Quirk: ???
Quirk drawback: ???)
"Fine."He said as he released Libra's shirt. Six of the clones faded away into nothing, as the real Maro, went to go sit with his school -- A Hero school of excellency, Tenji High)
[30 minutes later -- Provisional Exam START]
The intercom announced to the one hundred examinees that they will be conducting rescue maneuvers in saving citizens at the disaster site; what will be tested is the examinees' ability to adequately carry out rescue operations. However, the citizens ordinary; they are senior citizens and children who have obtained Provisional Hero Licenses and have gone through all sorts of training and as a result they are experts in rescue maneuvers. The senior citizens and children are a part of HUC (Help Us Company). The senior citizens are disguised as injured victims and are scattered throughout the disaster site; the examinees will carry out their rescues. The rescue activities will be scored on a point system; by the time the rescue activities are completed, examinees who exceed the average value will pass.
The battlefield is full of broken buildings, debris and hurt civilians. As the the alarm goes off to sound the beginning, Mero quickly becomes 5 and starts helping out the rescue efforts but 2 of them wait in the lurches to catch libra off guard and goat him into an attack.
Kaito however, uses his quirk to help convince other students around him to do follow his instructions in aiding the rescue efforts. He too, waits for the most opportune time to use his mind control ability and make Riku end up "accidentally" fall off his game by hurting some of the bad guys.
Gotta make sure, we do this before Kamui Woods shows up as a bad guy again, he sends his telepathic voice to Mero.[/i] As one of Meros clones nods with a menacing smile, Kaito sighs. He was definitely loyal to a fault.
(Quirk - Mind Invasion - can use your darkest fears against you by reading your fears. Can communicate telepathically)
When Libra and Riku entered the waiting area for the second part of the exam, five identical individuals from a rival school came forward and circled around the two. "You guys think you're tough shit for using your quirks in such a dirty way to get past the first exam huh?"Said the first guy. To the right, another one of them chimed in, "cheap shot for you to get my sister like that from the gate with that blindness trick... Wonder if it would work on us though" And as he said that, as if by mitosis, two more of them were created coming to 7 of them. The brown eyed, brown haired hellions all started to laugh together.

One of them stepped forward to grab Libra by his shirt and pull him closer towards him. "You know i'm starting to really not care too much about these provisional licenses. You don't know how hard my sis worked just to get to this point..." The other one across from him started to speak as he took a step forward. "So i'm going to make you feel a little of the hopelessness she's feeling right now." Another one of his clones stepped up to Riku, at the same time, quickly grabbing his arm behind his back.
(Quirk: 7 Nation Army -- His quirk allows him to make up to 7 clones of himself.
Quirk drawback: The main one can be spotted by his shadow. The rest of the clones do not produce shadows. When the quirk user is knocked out, the clones fade away)
As he went to throw the first punch, another contender stepped forward.
"Listen we got a whole second half of the exam to worry about. We can get these guys later." A relaxed easy going guy with spikey hair popped up. He seemed as if he was in some perpetual daze.

"Yeah but Kaito..."
"We've been through this before Maro. We know what to expect. Wouldn't it be better to make sure these guys didn't get their licenses rather than throw away our shots now?"
(Kaito - Quirk: ???
Quirk drawback: ???)
"Fine."He said as he released Libra's shirt. Six of the clones faded away into nothing, as the real Maro, went to go sit with his school -- A Hero school of excellency, Tenji High)
[30 minutes later -- Provisional Exam START]
The intercom announced to the one hundred examinees that they will be conducting rescue maneuvers in saving citizens at the disaster site; what will be tested is the examinees' ability to adequately carry out rescue operations. However, the citizens ordinary; they are senior citizens and children who have obtained Provisional Hero Licenses and have gone through all sorts of training and as a result they are experts in rescue maneuvers. The senior citizens and children are a part of HUC (Help Us Company). The senior citizens are disguised as injured victims and are scattered throughout the disaster site; the examinees will carry out their rescues. The rescue activities will be scored on a point system; by the time the rescue activities are completed, examinees who exceed the average value will pass.
The battlefield is full of broken buildings, debris and hurt civilians. As the the alarm goes off to sound the beginning, Mero quickly becomes 5 and starts helping out the rescue efforts but 2 of them wait in the lurches to catch libra off guard and goat him into an attack.
Kaito however, uses his quirk to help convince other students around him to do follow his instructions in aiding the rescue efforts. He too, waits for the most opportune time to use his mind control ability and make Riku end up "accidentally" fall off his game by hurting some of the bad guys.
Gotta make sure, we do this before Kamui Woods shows up as a bad guy again, he sends his telepathic voice to Mero.[/i] As one of Meros clones nods with a menacing smile, Kaito sighs. He was definitely loyal to a fault.
(Quirk - Mind Invasion - can use your darkest fears against you by reading your fears. Can communicate telepathically)