Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application
Character You're Applying For:
Doctor Fate | Kent Nelson
Powers And Abilities:
While a capable practitioner of mystical arts himself, with the helmet, those powers become something more. He can feel when magic is being used around him, sense it's presence and can tune himself with the cosmos. Along with that are a list of powers that are only limited by his imagination, ranging from mental abilities like telepathy, hypnosis, and others to mystical powers like necromancy, divination, eldritch blast, and astral projection.
Without his helmet however, his powers are severely limited. His magical capabilities giving him telekinetic strength enough to move a car whereas with the helmet he can potentially move an entire planet. He's also invulnerable to normal and most explosive weapons and can fly and use his mystical powers to enhance his strength.
His abilities include medical knowledge, basic hand-to-hand combat, and occultism.
Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):
Kent was born to the archaeologist Sven Nelson, and a medical doctor Tracy Nelson. His early childhood was uneventful, living a life that would be considered average to most, save that his parents put a heavy focus on his studies and always made sure that he was on the honour roll every week. Then there was the added sublayer of both parents subtly trying to sway the young Kent to take their individual professions, as if trying to sell them on the merits of either becoming a doctor or an archaeologist. However, because his father often had to go overseas to some newly discovered dig site, his mother eventually managed to convince him to go into a medical field in his senior year of high school.
After four years, he went to Cornell Medical School where he got his medical degree and eventually specialized in cardiothoracic surgery. During those incredibly harsh years of trying to become a doctor, then becoming one and facing the rigorous internship and residency that came afterwards, he had lost most of the social graces that he had learned in high school and became somewhat awkward, sometimes even delving curiously into the occult out of curiosity. Things changed a little for him when he met Dr. Inza, one of the board members of his hospital, at a charity event. The two hit it off quickly, becoming fast friends and eventually got into a relationship with each other, the occult curiosities he had all but forgotten.
Then his father called, adamant that he fly over to Mesopotamia to help him uncover an ancient tomb that he'd discovered. Reluctantly, he booked a ticket and within a week he was deep in the desert with his father, who explained to him that many tombs like those were filled with dangerous traps and they needed a doctor around in case things went bad. Within several more hours, and after a few drawbacks, they reached the pyramid and delved deep into it, using the map that his father had acquired to traverse the maze. They eventually reached the main chamber with a large golden sarcophagus in the centre surrounded by gold coins and trinkets covered in a thick layer of dust and webs. And while his father was looking through one of the gold pieces on the floor, Kent's curiosity got the better of him and he pushed part of the sarcophagus's lid off releasing a cloud of dust.
When Kent came through he found himself in the hospital, his father next to him who gently broke the news to him that whatever toxins were in the sarcophagus were now rapidly killing him and after telling him that his mother would be visiting him in the next couple of days, he left behind a helmet that was found within sarcophagus and told him that he was sorry. Once alone, the helmet spoke to him, the eyepieces glowing with a bright light as a voice rang in his head and told him to put it on. Thinking himself crazy, he threw the helmet across the room but watched it float back to him telling him once more to put it on. Seeing no other choice, he grabbed it and placed it on his head.
What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:
This character is different in many ways than the original concept of Doctor Fate. For one, the poison from the sarcophagus didn't kill his father, but rather affected Kent, poisoning him with an unknown agent that is constantly threatening to kill him without his helmet. Another difference is that he's self aware when he wears the helmet, he remembers everything that he does and it's himself that controls his actions instead of Fate. And of course, he's much younger than the current Kent Nelson, being somewhere around thirty-eight.
Supporting Characters:
Inza Cramer
Sven Nelson
Tracy Nelson
Sample Post:

The decision on approving the Iron Man sample depends on whether or not Byrd's concerns about the sample are addressed.