You know the story about how the Evil Queen, out of revenge, condemned an entire realm to a dark curse just to punish Snow White and her Prince Charming. You know about Zelena and Hades, about Captain Hook and his love for the Savior...But what if...what if that had never happened? What if those stories aren't true at all? What if everything was entirely different?
Once deep under the sea, a benevolent King known as Triton, ruled the oceans with a noble and just hand. His people loved him, his daughters adored him...But there was one person who wanted nothing more than to see his head on a plate. Ursula, the Sea Witch, who didn't used to be such. Born and raised as the younger sister to Triton, Ursula grew up kind and loyal to the royal family. But under the surface, a deep resentment for her brother was brewing. For it was clear that her father favored her older brother, and her mother did as well. Ursula always took a backseat to her older brother- the future King.
So, when their parent's die in a tragic accident, leaving Triton as the King and Ursula with nothing but a shell necklace, she vows for revenge. She will take her brother's happy ending, along with everyone else's. She decides that if she can't be Queen, the only thing she needs to be happy (or so she thinks), then no one else can be happy either.
So! Yes, I am looking for an AU roleplay for Once Upon a Time. Basically it's the same story except with Ursula taking the place of Regina and Prince Eric/Ariel taking the place of Snow/Charming. I don't have much else in terms of plot so anyone who has ideas feel free to throw them out into the open. Any character is up for grabs and no- you don't have to use the FC from the show. Make the character and his/her backstory what you like. Play a hero, play a villain, play Mushu for all I care. I just want a Once Upon a Time roleplay and this is what I came up with. *shrug*
So yeah, someone please come do OUAT with me, I'm craving it soooo badly.
Oh also, I'm totally okay with scrapping my very generic idea and coming up with something better. I simply wanna rp this fandom, idc what the plot is tbh.