Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I have a plan for a second diety that is going to much more explicitly good. Ferron is good-aligned, but he can overlook wanton destruction so long as it happening over there, and over there doesn't start to mess with his stuff.

Though, part of it is that I want this new god to be born during the RP. For a domain, I was thinking mercy, though I think it might over-lapped a bit to much with health, though the reason is to provide for a counterbalance to the extreme lawfulness of Hyperion and Gammaton, while also countering the general chaos and evil going around.

@Archangel89 Leo was thinking of Mercy already, while Hyperion already has been creating angels, and Hayim already heals. Some words to think about. There are a variety of other choices to choose from, I'd just google a list of Good Gods and go from there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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I cannot wait for the eventual healing/disease war. Just Nerplaguis going around infecting everyone and Hayim trying to save as many people as possible.

This is gonna be like the most f-ed up Wacky Races ever.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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This is gonna be like the most f-ed up Wacky Races ever.

3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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How about the God of the Sun?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


While gods and goddesses of the sun and moon are allowed to exist these celestial bodies have existed long before even the first gods came to be. The bright burning sun and the soft pale moon both rotate around the world of Tabrasa as they do.

@Lmpkio is the God of Light, So you'll have to talk to him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aaaaand posted. I might make a second god at some point but that's way ahead in the future if I do.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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Dirka already left the house.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Good evening once again everyone. I've posted a new update regarding the fear spire today. Things might seem to be settling down but such is the eye before the storm as they say. I would of gotten the update up earlier but I've had a busy last couple of days. I can see that everyone else has been fairly busy as well, some of it good and some less so. Seeing as a lot has been discussed I shall address concerns and pass adjudications below.

@Legion02@Dealdric - I've reviewed the dispute and I'll break my judgement down into it's respective OOC and IC components for ease of reading.

Now, I do often prefer to allow my players a great degree of flexibility. With the setting and characters there's plenty on the table as far as capability is concerned. I'm no fan of stepping in and taking the fun out of matters but as a GM It is upon me to uphold the rules and established setting. I don't raise too much fuss with posting habits but it's come to a point where I need to speak out on this matter.

"#6: Do not destroy, exploit or control another player's deity or their creations without the owner's permission. Outside of extraordinary circumstances there is no valid reason for depriving a player of agency over their creations."

I've shown some leniency in the past regarding this but I'm afraid that recent events have stepped over the line to where it's no longer acceptable. After all this is an rp where we are expected to shape the world, build great things and watch civilizations grow around the actions of living forces of nature. We are to live out the history of why there's a dragon living in a cave that the brave knight sets forth to slay. That really can't happen if someone is constantly kicking down what someone else is building up. It's never fun and begets a vicious cycle which is far from the intended experience.

While occasionally interacting with stray examples of a species established by another player is fine major influences need to be planned with the owners of said species first. Communication is key and thus far I've seen little discussion regarding the changes made to dragons. While this is rather fine on a smaller scale this has come to ahead in these recent developments and I must implore everyone participating to please, for the love of the gods please communicate more! It can be tempting to run with a scene while posting but the more you all plan these events with one another the more enjoyment we can all derive from this collaborative storytelling exercise.

Now I'll be more than happy to just take a step back and let the two of you discuss a satisfactory outcome which benefits the overall narrative we're collectively construction. Speaking of narrative this takes me to my next point: Clashes with deities.

The two things that separate a deity from a mortal is their dominion over a domain and their eternal life. Gods can command a facet of reality and can draw upon their Divine Cord as a constantly replenishing font of vigor and vitality. That is it. Beyond a near absolute control over their chosen domain using magic a deity only has their physical form and the tools at their disposal. If your god has eyes a sharp blade wielded by a human is no less capable of stabbing them out than a god's is.

For example should a human sneak up on Oao for example they'd find their sword would cut her hide no less effectively than any other human flesh. With a steady stab in the right spot a god is no harder to fell than a mortal beast. What keeps most would-be attackers from attempting this is the fact that with the amount of power their control over a domain affords them even the most stubborn attackers would find themselves easily defeated by the sheer might and flexibility of their divine magic. None brave the depths of North Crown and survive simply because no dark space is safe from her influence.

Now, as a goddess of magic with a physical form that is made of flesh it should stand to reason that she wouldn't stand and simply tank a ray of fire to the hand. As a patron goddess to mages it would make sense that she would use magic to avoid harm rather than simply stand in it's path. If it were Ferron it could be reasoned that as the god of metal he can withstand heat up to a similar tolerance.

For Dirka however her domain doesn't inherently afford such protection. Her domain is magic, a force which effectively acts as a multitool at the cost of not exceeding any other domain in their respective fields. A fireball would never surpass the destructive might of a ball of fire hurled by Ragnageddon nor would a lightning bolt surpass lightning conjured by Drakairos. She controls magic before all and it's limits are no less her limits.

As far as a direct comparison of power is concerned Dirka and Ragnageddon should be fairly close in strength domain-wise. While Dirka expends her effort in multiple different side ventures and creations Ragnageddon put a presumably large amount of his power into the five arch-dragons.

I'd liken the creation of things to The One Ring. Sauron poured almost all of his power directly into the ring, effectively making him a husk of a being in exchange for an item of such great power. In this rp the only difference is that gods will eventually return to their original might over time though depending on the amount of power used up that could be centuries. It is, however, one of the few ways for a deity to actually grow in power in the long term since while gods have a set cap as to how much power they can expend that limit does not limit their use of exterior items, servants and other such matters.

As far as physical might is concerned each form has it's advantages and disadvantages.

For an example there are two nondescript deities looking to lift a mountain. One is feeble and small while the other is massive and strong. Both these deities hold the same amount of power and can both lift the mountain with ease. One simply lifts the mountain with his sheer physical might while the other uses his domain to lift it instead. They both exert the same amount of effort in doing so.

This is because for a deity physical effort and divine magic result in the same outcome: A result is gained at the expense of exhaustion. Gods have a lot more stamina than pretty close to if not all mortals so while mortal tasks are essentially trivial for even the smallest gods far larger events will have a greater cost in the form of fatigue.

For another example of what constitutes a great amount of effort for a deity Oao could, if she really wanted to, Conjure up a really big pair of shadow hands and tear the main continent in half. This would result in her needing to sleep for a hundred years or so to recuperate from the exhaustion of that effort however.

Coming back around to the subject that is the fight between Dirka and Ragnageddon I would say given the events that transpired they would be fairly evenly matched in terms of exhaustion. Between supplying all her followers with magic, creating all the things she has listed in her realm and carrying out all the feats she's been doing up 'till then she'd have spent a fair bit of effort by the time of the fight. Ragnaggedon wouldn't have been quite as exhausted but between creating the dragons and pouring what seemed to be a great deal of his power into the arch-dragons he'd be quite exhausted as well.

Just as a slight side-tangent the arch-dragons can't increase their divine power through sheer hate alone. Everything draws it's power from a higher source. Animals draw strength from food, plants from sunlight and divine beings from their gods. Divine beings can grow by eating/photosynthesizing but they cannot grow in divine power specifically without taking that power from a deity.

So looking at the fight from my standpoint Dirka shouldn't have just tanked a blast of fire from Ragnageddon even if they are equally exhausted, she shouldn't be just slinging around a big heavy lizard by it's tail mario-style without specifically using magic and honestly even if he was looking at going far, which for someone as heavy as him it's unlikely, it's not like he can't just use his wings and catch himself in the air anyhow.

As far as the capture and murder of his dragons is concerned they are fairly powerful so it'd be at her considerable expense to stun them into submission for capture.

Overall however I'm not here to tell you how to write your stories, just what fits within my setting and what doesn't. All I'm asking is that you all respect each other and each other's creations. I encourage everyone to discuss things and plan with one another since it can make for a smoother and more keenly interrelated story line which is, as I believe, much more entertaining to write and participate in as opposed to one where everyone keeps to themselves and demolishes each other's works in the wake of their own efforts. After all, the aim is to tell a story, not to win.

Now I'll let you both discuss the matter and hopefully come to a satisfactory conclusion. I really don't want to have to intervene more than I have already and if I must I'll take whatever actions are needed to best ensure the overall happiness and quality of the rp as a whole. I am confident, however, that my players can and should be able to resolve such issues an appropriate and productive manner.

@Lmpkio - I have reviewed your submission. Your god is accepted and you have my approval to enter him into the Characters tab.

As as a general note for everyone (Just in case I'm not just repeating myself in an amnesic loop and I really haven't mentioned this before) after the fear spiral event reaches it's terminus any new deities will be required to be born into the world from then onward. I can't have an endless supply of gods who just so happened to not be involved in all these world-changing events despite how they totally would have been involved if they were a thing the whole time.
3x Thank Thank
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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@A Lowly Wretch

My post was supposed to imply she used magic that originally. Dirka is not a physical god in any right when it comes to combat, but she does do things that make no sense. Magic is a chaotic and unpredictable force, and I wished to make Dirka reflect that, yet have some autonomy from her domain at the same time. I did change the post where she did get slightly burned on the hand, which she uses her hands when she uses magic most of the time to help focus it. And although I did make her throw him, he's still a dragon, there is no guaranteed he would land somewhere and get hurt. He could correct his flight path realistically, even with the gale to keep him at bay. And I only did it to end the conflict, because I have a plan that will hopefully keep people interested in the RP.

As for the dragons, I originally thought they were regular dragons not Arch-Dragons. But since they are arch dragons, I did change that part of the post.

Now I'm just waiting to see if legion is satisfied.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


That's all well but I did mention that since magic is a multitool power it's inherently weaker than more specialized domains. That is not to say she couldn't of deflected the laser but it'd be more effort for her to stop Ragnageddon's attacks than it would be for him to make them, not to mention incapacitating several divine creations and warping two of them elsewhere when she's not a goddess of travel or doorways. It's not impossible but by no means should it be without cost.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago

On the dragons I do want to point out that I've specifically allowed anyone to change them but they do have a specific rule set: to change them you have to remove Ragnagedon's essence. Which in turn will render the dragon weaker but at peace. They sort of become a husk that can be filled up again with your own essence. Hence why I have no problem with Dirka's black dragon or Sveiand/Drakairos' ice dragons.

But to clarify: that deal does not extend to Arch-Dragons. While normal Verzakian Dragons are a husk containing the essence, Arch-Dragons are their essence. Meaning you can't remove one without completely destroying them. So just to make it 100% clear: you cannot change, alter, bent, corrupt or persuade an Arch-Dragon. You can only kill it. As for the killing part: I've given permission to kill three of the five Arch-Dragons so the other two can survive. Right now Dirka took those three.

I agree upon the exhaustion rule. Hence why I'd also want Ragnagedon to retreat. I may actually edit my post to reflect the sapping of his energy as the Arch-Dragons are created.

I have no more desire to change most what is written right now. The status quo looks acceptable: Dirka took three Arch-Dragons and two others remain. What she wants to do with those Arch-Dragons is up to her as long as it doesn't break with my wishes for them.

Second to last (I'm nearly there folks!) I think I should just relay my ideas and goals here. Just so everyone understands why I'm writing what I'm writing (IE: Ragnagedon ignoring possibly all deities). I have no story arc for Ragnagedon. Which probably sounds so stupid in a god RP but hear me out. I have no arc for Ragnagedon but he will play important parts in my two other arcs. One arc is the Dragon Arc that just got picked up a notch. Me and Limpkio already shared certain ideas. The Dragon Arc would boil down to a conflict between the Verzakian Dragons led by the two Arch-Dragons against Drakairos. The second arc is the human Worshippers Arc. Which might be kicked up a notch after the Fear Event.

Lastly: I'd like to make a very young god of Artisanship. One to be considered a "good" god whose sole goal is to create and craft. He'd be a quite literal guide of humanity. I hope that's okay.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@A Lowly Wretch

Hence the hand and why after every battle or confrontation I have her go back to the Rift, a place of nothing but magic.

Basically her charge port since she's put some much energy into it.

EDIT: At least, that's How I think of it. More like capacitor than anything since a capacitor holds built up charge, not a power plant which makes it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

@Legion02 - As long as you get your god submission in soon that is acceptable. Otherwise he may require to be made in the literal sense.

@Dealdric - That's fair. She spends her power maintaining her realm's magic capacity so she can restore her vigor faster while in it?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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As as a general note for everyone (Just in case I'm not just repeating myself in an amnesic loop and I really haven't mentioned this before) after the fear spiral event reaches it's terminus any new deities will be required to be born into the world from then onward. I can't have an endless supply of gods who just so happened to not be involved in all these world-changing events despite how they totally would have been involved if they were a thing the whole time.

Now how exactly would this work, for curiosities sake? Basically just a rehash of the fear event? I may actually wait until then, since that may be an interesting thing to do/look forward too if its not going to be too incredibly difficult to work out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago

@A Lowly Wretch - My new god. Also sorry, I've accidentially posted under the character tab which was not at all my intention!

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@Legion02 Definitely looks like he'll be good friends with Ferron.

Also Im guessing Nerplaguis is either a god from Man or those After? Im thinking he was born during man but idk.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@Legion02 Btw, remind me one more time, are you going to control the fire dragons/Arch-Dragons by any chance? Or are you going to let me do as I wish as long as I treat these arch-dragons with upmost respect?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Legion02 Btw, remind me one more time, are you going to control the fire dragons/Arch-Dragons by any chance? Or are you going to let me do as I wish as long as I treat these arch-dragons with upmost respect?

I do intend to control the Arch-Dragons and command the fire dragons through them. However when it comes to things like killing, hitting or general fighting with the normal fire dragons: all is allowed (within reason). PS: As said a few posts earlier, a big mass of fire dragons is actually approaching. There were initially going to follow Ragnagedon but they are now drawn to the commanding aura of the Arch-Dragons.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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<Snipped quote by Lmpkio>

I do intend to control the Arch-Dragons and command the fire dragons through them. However when it comes to things like killing, hitting or general fighting with the normal fire dragons: all is allowed (within reason). PS: As said a few posts earlier, a big mass of fire dragons is actually approaching. There were initially going to follow Ragnagedon but they are now drawn to the commanding aura of the Arch-Dragons.

I'll have them note of the incoming swarm in my coming post.

Also the dragons and the arch-dragons are still frozen or are they now moving? I want to say they're still frozen but Im not 100% sure.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Lmpkio I think they are still frozen but they won't be for much longer. I'd say Drakairos might have a moment to observe what's happening but he won't have time enough to swiftly try and kill the Arch-Dragons or the normal ones.
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