The Sorceress

Real Name:
Cursed Name:
Amzy Sumac
Unknown but appears to be 57
When compared to others her age Amzy could be considered stunning. However, with so many younger prettier faces around her looks tend to get overlooked. Amzy is also fairly fit but obviously no six pack. She does the best she can. She stands at an imposing 6 feet, with the help of her heels, and don't ask for her weight. The majority of what she wears will make her stand out but her favorite colors are purple and black.
Pre-Curse Occupation:
Advisor to Kuzco/Sorceress
Post-Curse Occupation:
The District Attorney of Storybrook
World Originated From:
Kingdom of the Sun (Neighboring kingdom to Prince Eric and Ariel's kingdom)
Family Members:
Kuzco (Now Manny post-curse) - Foster son
Magic User? (in worlds with magic):
Yes. She has the usual magic of teleporting, poofing things into her hand, etc. The main magic that she primarily uses is the ability to shapeshift into any animal. She can even use her magic to transform others into animals or animals into people. It is much harder than transforming herself.
Pre-Curse - Yzma is a very vindictive person. If anyone did anything to wrong her whether on purpose or not she would not hesitate to ruin them. She does have a soft spot for anyone who compliments her beauty as she is a very vain individual due to the fact that when she was young she was considered by some the most beautiful woman anyone had ever seen. As she got older her beauty wained and the younger girls took her spotlight so anyone she deems as to pretty instantly has a target on their back. She, however, came up with a plan to give herself eternal beauty.
Post-Curse - Amzy is still very much like Yzma. However one must switch her lust for beauty for a greed of power and control. If she had it her way everyone would be under her thumb and if she so pleased she could simply squeeze the breath out of them just for the fun of it. One way to get to her would be to threaten one of her many exotic pets. But that would just bring her full wrath upon you if you failed.
Yzma was born to a peasant family an unknown number of years ago. As she grew up it became clear she had two gifts. One was magic. The other was an undeniable beauty. Because of this, she believed herself to be above all others. Men would come from miles to beg for her hand and many fellow magic users wanted to teach her as she had a lot of innate magical power. She chose to focus on developing her magic and as she grew stronger her beauty seemed to decrease. This enraged her and she demanded her teachers show her a way to stop the aging process. It took many years and many more devious acts to finally perform the spell which would hinder her aging.
Unfortunately, one detail of the spell which was left out by her teachers was that the process itself would age her a few years and by the time the spell was complete, it was too late. Angered by the trickery Yzma set out to annihilate her teachers and one by one she eviscerated them. The last one told her of a dark spell that would give her back her beauty in hopes that this knowledge would be enough to spare him. Yzma did but turned the man into a talisman so she could ask him any questions she may not know the answer to.
She spent decades venturing the various worlds searching for a way to attain her one desire. She performed many heinous acts until she discovered a spell which would give her just what she needed. Unfortunately, she needed someone to love her like a child would love their mother. But she ain't gonna have her own child. Too much hassle.
So she picked a royal family to offer her services as a sorceress to because she was too vain to even interact with some lowly peasants. After many years the royal couple finally had a kid and Yzma secretly poisoned the parents and took upon the role of raising the child herself. But she was far from being a good mother figure and the boy hated her. So, she needed something to change. (And this is where her being the Dark One would come in. If she doesn't be the Dark One then she could just as easily be a villain for season 2 ;P)
Post-curse Amzy is a very intelligent and powerful woman. She is the District Attorney of Storybrooke but she is also corrupt. She uses her position to get what she wants and cares little for others well-being. She does have a deep respect for Mayor Laveau since she is another powerful woman in this 'quaint' little town.