You know the story about how the Evil Queen, out of revenge, condemned an entire realm to a dark curse just to punish Snow White and her Prince Charming. You know about Zelena and Hades, about Captain Hook and his love for the Savior...But what if...what if that had never happened? What if those stories aren't true at all? What if everything was entirely different?
Once deep under the sea, a benevolent King known as Triton, ruled the oceans with a noble and just hand. His people loved him, his daughters adored him...But there was one person who wanted nothing more than to see his head on a plate. Ursula, the Sea Witch, who didn't used to be such. Born and raised as the younger sister to Triton, Ursula grew up kind and loyal to the royal family. But under the surface, a deep resentment for her brother was brewing. For it was clear that her father favored her older brother, and her mother did as well. Ursula always took a backseat to her older brother- the future King.
So, when their parent's die in a tragic accident, leaving Triton as the King and Ursula with nothing but a shell necklace, she vows for revenge. She will take her brother's happy ending, along with everyone else's. She decides that if she can't be Queen, the only thing she needs to be happy (or so she thinks), then no one else can be happy either.
*Your character must be tied in some way to some work of Disney.
-Your character will have two names: their real name and their cursed name.
-The character's backstory is completely up to you within reason, keep it generally to how the canon story goes. For example, if you choose to play Rapunzel make sure her backstory includes being locked up in a tower by Gothel, how and why is up to you. Basically, don't go changing the character's whole backstory to something totally new and random that doesn't make any sense or follow that character's story.
*Try and make sure everyone in the group has a chance to post before you post again, we don't want anyone left behind.
-That being said, if we don't hear from you in a week, at least by giving the group a heads up, we will assume you have dropped out and either move on, or refill your spot.
*No godmodding, ninjadodging, Mary Sues, etc. Keep things interesting and only control the characters that you play.
*Romance between characters is fine as long as both parties are open and agreeing to the storyline, so make sure that applies to your situation.
-But keep it PG-13 and follow the guild rules, we have kids that read these things and it's Disney for christ sake.
*I am the GM yes, but as I don't have much GM experience anyone who has any ideas/suggestions please send them my way. This all of ours story and I want us all to have a hand in making it spectacular. We will have a majority rule on any major decisions involving the general plotline and such, but any storylines involving your character(s) specifically is fine to toss in as long as it makes sense and fits in well. Just, run it by the group first so we know what's going on. Any characters involved must be accepting of the plotline as well.
*Have fun!!!!!
Character Sheet Ouline:
Real Name:
Cursed Name:
Pre-Curse Occupation:
Post-Curse Occupation:
World Originated From:
Family Members:
Magic User?(in worlds with magic):
Worlds Involved so far:
The Pridelands/The Outlands of Africa.
The Enchanted Forest
1920's New Orleans
and I think that's it, if i think of anything else, I'll add it in.