First the law degree, then patrolling along that accursed curtain, now this...
He was now Detective Alden Großwitz, due to his time in the military, and the law degree he worked for in Munich. Alden was qualified for this line of work, especially for only being 28 years of age. He'd been a detective for a while now, solving cases that were trivial in certain manners but still cases that needed solving. It was only after a violent crime broke out in London that he actually was assigned a partner to make sure he didn't kick the curb when investigating.
Walking down the street, he made his way to the station where his office was located. The day was as any other, rainy and a bit cold. Though that didn't stop Londoners from enjoying their day. And it most certainly didn't stop killers and thieves from doing their work. Walking into the station, it wasn't bustling too much, but there was a small group talking by the chalkboard near the center. Turns out there was a raid that was underway, routing out possible spies in London. Only a handful have been caught, most die before they can be stopped due to the Russian spies always munching down on the cyanide pill they're given if caught.
"Hey there Detective! Beautiful morning isn't it?" A voice said as he hanged his raincoat on the rack and turned. Alden's attire was different from other bobby uniforms to keep people from being super sketchy around him. Wearing a black pair of slacks a black vest, and underneath was a white long sleeve button up shirt, he eminated his own style, though he carried a Mauser C96 pistol modified to take a magazine in his shoulder holster. It was away from what the standard carry pistol was, but he liked it.
"It's rainy as ever." He said giving Mr.Barclay a smile before ascending the stairs to where his office was located. It wasn't anything fancy, but it had a coffeemaker, three filing cabinets a fairly nice wooden desk littered with papers and documents and files, an office chair, and a couple of other chairs for people to talk to him, and then there was a couple small cabinets and a locker. Then on the wall that was open there was a map of Europe and a map of London, where he had several pieces of paper pinned at certain locations and the typical red yarn connecting a few of them to indicate occurrences that are similar in fashion. Opening the door, he noticed something or rather someone sitting in his chair. "Who... Are you?" He asked closing the door.

He was now Detective Alden Großwitz, due to his time in the military, and the law degree he worked for in Munich. Alden was qualified for this line of work, especially for only being 28 years of age. He'd been a detective for a while now, solving cases that were trivial in certain manners but still cases that needed solving. It was only after a violent crime broke out in London that he actually was assigned a partner to make sure he didn't kick the curb when investigating.
Walking down the street, he made his way to the station where his office was located. The day was as any other, rainy and a bit cold. Though that didn't stop Londoners from enjoying their day. And it most certainly didn't stop killers and thieves from doing their work. Walking into the station, it wasn't bustling too much, but there was a small group talking by the chalkboard near the center. Turns out there was a raid that was underway, routing out possible spies in London. Only a handful have been caught, most die before they can be stopped due to the Russian spies always munching down on the cyanide pill they're given if caught.
"Hey there Detective! Beautiful morning isn't it?" A voice said as he hanged his raincoat on the rack and turned. Alden's attire was different from other bobby uniforms to keep people from being super sketchy around him. Wearing a black pair of slacks a black vest, and underneath was a white long sleeve button up shirt, he eminated his own style, though he carried a Mauser C96 pistol modified to take a magazine in his shoulder holster. It was away from what the standard carry pistol was, but he liked it.
"It's rainy as ever." He said giving Mr.Barclay a smile before ascending the stairs to where his office was located. It wasn't anything fancy, but it had a coffeemaker, three filing cabinets a fairly nice wooden desk littered with papers and documents and files, an office chair, and a couple of other chairs for people to talk to him, and then there was a couple small cabinets and a locker. Then on the wall that was open there was a map of Europe and a map of London, where he had several pieces of paper pinned at certain locations and the typical red yarn connecting a few of them to indicate occurrences that are similar in fashion. Opening the door, he noticed something or rather someone sitting in his chair. "Who... Are you?" He asked closing the door.