The universe is cyclical and malleable. It ends, it begins, it turns and churns like a sea tossed about by the wind and the waves, creating and destroying in the blink of an eye. Between these cycles there are spaces of calm, and in those calm is where the Shapers live. Immortal, immensely powerful and slightly alien, every time the universe settles they build worlds and fill them with creations. In short, they are Gods.
These periods of calm are not short. Millennia pass between each great roil, time a plenty for worlds to rise and fall on their own. With the guidance of the Gods however, these worlds become far more. They become special, and they become unique. With the Roil subsiding once more, and with the fading of the previous leader of the Gods, this next series of worlds will be the battlegrounds of dominion. This will not be a peaceful cycle, no. This is a new age.
The age begins as the old one ends. Sandrimor, the controller of Magic and Time, and the holder of the Throne of Kings for every previous cycle has faded in the last Roil. With a power vacuum now in place, the Gods must decide. Who among them can hope to hold enough Immortal Cores to give them the power of the Throne?
No godmodding. You're all big boys, you know what to expect by this.
Include me in planning. If you want to do something wicked awesome, I'd very much like to know as the DM and be able to confirm or reject it.
Don't be a dickhead.
Character Sheet:
Feel free to spice this up as much as you want.
Name: Their name and any titles that they might go by.
Major Domains: One major domain, or two that are very linked with one another.
Minor Domains: As many minor domains as you wish can be picked (assuming that they are logical for that God,), but there is no exclusivity to these- multiple Gods may hold power over the same minor domain.
Opposing Domains: Any domains that are antithetical to the major domains of the God.
Appearance: Either a short, one or two paragraph description per form (most Gods will only have one or two forms that they feel comfortable in) or detailed pictures. Only very detailed manga will be permitted, western art is greatly preferred.
Core Appearance: What their Core looks like. Must be small enough to fit into the Throne’s sockets. Personality: Likes dislikes, etc etc.
Relationships: How does this God view other Immortals?
Domain: Each God has their own domain- essentially their house- that they have permanent and total control over. These can only be entered through having the permission of the owner God, or by invading.
Peoples: Gods are generally associated with a specific race or peoples, or small group of such.
Avatar and Anathema: Avatars are the God’s wills made manifest. No matter the shape or form they are capable of slaying other deities and are the greatest weapon that any God can have. Anathema are weapons that are capable of slaying immortals without damaging their Cores, and are usually limited to a small collection. Anathema and mechanical Avatars will need to be reforged after a Roil.
Copying this over for posterity's sake. I think I just need to get the anathema and relationships sorted out before the sheet is completed.
Name: Legio Gender: Male Appearance: Legio is roughly thirteen feet tall under normal circumstances, and aside from his primary form, it seems he prefers to subtly alter his appearance to look just about however he likes to any given observer, though this will very rarely veer from any appearance other than human.
Core Appearance: The Globus Aquila, a heavily bejewelled orb of gold, glowing a similar colour, with the symbol of a double-headed eagle mounted atop it.
Major Domains: Humans/Humanity Minor Domains: Truth, Bravery, Progress Opposing Domains: N/A
Personality: With the race of humanity specifically as his domain, the Emperor of Man is naturally very inclined toward keeping his charges safe, to an almost obsessive degree. Whilst not actively aggressive toward most mortal races, he firmly believes that humanity is destined to become the dominant race over all others, mortals and immortals alike, and a lot of his morality is based around the notion of paving the way for humanity to achieve this fate, and in particular finding a way for them to outlive the Roil as the gods do in order to ensure their infinite potential for progress goes unbroken. That said, Legio has an honourable streak about him that he insists the humans who worship him emulate, being brave in the face of harsh odds, and honest in the face of lies and deception; though his own plans sometimes necessitate omitting information, he is for the most part not needlessly cruel in any sense, and he can be very friendly, at least to those who don't oppose him.
Relationships: Those who assist humanity's destiny are beloved, those who hinder it are despised. The nuance depends on what degree of assistance or hindrance is offered, though as a general rule, active interference by either the deity or their subjects will bring about more powerful feelings than passive interactions either way.
Allegiances: Whilst Legio did actively support Sandrimor in past cycles just to ensure he wasn't ousted by a less favourable deity, he is currently gunning for the empty throne himself, and whilst the Emperor of Mankind has no intent to be needlessly selfish about his leadership - after all, some insight from other perspectives could always be appreciated - he would be hard put-upon to accept a situation where he is not King of the Gods in some sense, as this would be what he feels is best for Mankind.
Domain: The Divine City of Emanule - A massive, glorious city where the streets are literally paved with gold, or rather glow gold with something immanent and much more valuable than mere metal. Humans in this place often bear a great deal of magical potential, and have a tendency to live several times longer than those beyond its borders; additionally, humanity's best aspects are somehow encouraged, facilitating peace and loyalty to one another without its citizens losing mind of Emanule's defense when it is required. Indeed, to that end, the barracks of the Eternal Wardens is situated here, the superhuman troops training constantly when they aren't out at Legio's bidding in an effort to perfect their prowess in all areas, and Legio's central palace is situated here too, the central room throneless as he seeks to serve his people as best he can, though that typically takes the form of ongoing testing and experimentation in order to achieve his primary goal.
Peoples: Legio's main, and technically only, people are humans - a quirk of evolution from the first cycle who as a species prayed to singular all-powerful beings that didn't exist yet, and so forged Legio from their residual, generalised belief in "the one true god" as a spawn of the second cycle. Whilst somewhat unique in their adaptability and development, not to mention their plentiful nature, the vast majority of humans are not typically exceptional relative to a lot of other races, and whilst each cycle has its epic human heroes as well as its totally average civilians, it is all too frequent for them to be considered the weakest of mortal races without their deity's backing. The exception to this, a development from just last cycle, lies in the form of those humans who Legio has seen fit to, in essence, uplift.
Occasionally, a human will arise with strength, skill, magic, or any combination of these, far beyond what is usual for mankind in its current state, who sets forth to achieve great things and exceeds all expectations. It is to these heroes that Legio descends, and through use of his power over mortal, specifically human souls, he strengthens their very essence, not only enhancing their own being to near-bursting but imbuing them with a tiny portion of his own divine strength. The result is an Eternal Warden: human in form, yet far beyond human in all other aspects, they are unaging, incredibly difficult to kill for all manner of reasons, and by some human societies considered angels or even minor demigods in their own right. After their ascension, they are inducted into Legio's personal army, gifted with even greater training in all fields of combat, science and philosophy, and ultimately bestowed weapons and armour forged from the finest magic-imbued materials to fight with. Those rare few who are exceptional even among these paragons lead their number and the charge, armed with Anathema weapons when plausible just in case the occasion arises that a god needs slaying by an immortal. Most tellingly of the Master of Mankind's worldview, even the Eternal Wardens are considered by Legio to be mere shadows of what the human race shall eventually accomplish, as they too are inevitably destroyed by the Roil: though treated well, he expects that they will eventually be eclipsed, and hopes they will not hold themselves back when the time comes to move onward.
Avatar and Anathema:
An immense living statue made of solid metal and imbued with Legio's divine essence, the Colossus takes the form of the humans it is designed to protect sans the vital organs that it would otherwise require, and has been armed with a giant round shield, and an equally massive sizeshifting blade. Easily as large as or larger than any living Avatar of the other gods, the Colossus' construction makes it nearly immune to defeat by most means short of decapitation or the removal of all four limbs due to a lack of organic weak points, and consequently relatively easy to "resurrect" through simple reforging, not to mention capable of taking or avoiding heavy hits just as well as it doles them out.
The Golden Aegis - A suit of well-decorated golden armour, as seen above. The armour itself is unencumbering despite its bulk, and extraordinarily hard and tough, very difficult to penetrate or crush even with high-quality Godsbane weapons; what makes it truly powerful, however, is the fact that it shields its wearer from negative mental effects such as fear or mind control, as well as projecting an aura of bravery and stamina that imbues those fighting for Legio to keep up pressure against a foe no matter how much they would otherwise be flagging - very useful for avoiding a rout, but it could also work against them if a retreat would in fact be the most pertinent option. The Blade Imperium - A weapon forged for Legio back in the time when he aspired for Boletia's ascendancy as the sole human empire, this is not only an incredibly well-crafted Godsbane sword in its own right, as seen above, but a strong focus for Legio's own magical abilities. By imbuing his power into it, he can generate a telekinetic effect far more extreme than usual that manifests as incorporeal flames around the sword, allowing it to cut through most substances like water, launch slashes of force as long-distance strikes, produce makeshift barriers to guard against enemy attacks, or even generate a sort of psychic whip to strike his enemies with. The Claw of Man's Mastery - An immensely large Godsbane gauntlet with blades for fingers, as seen above. Much like the Blade Imperium, the Emperor can focus his power into the blades to let them safely hold or sharply cut through most materials, though with nothing like as much strength or control as the Blade Imperium. Instead, the Claw's effects are intended to enhance the best aspects of humanity, emitting an aura that substantially amplifies the capabilities of most humans in its range to better push them toward their perceived destiny - their strength and speed are boosted beyond normal human limits, they acquire a healing factor that can stitch together light to moderate wounds in relatively short order, and their minds enter a state of thought that is improved both quantatively and qualitively compared to usual, letting the average soldier fight with greater effectiveness, and allowing their leaders to develop complex and brilliant tactics and strategies on the fly.
Guildsman "The Trader of Coin" "The Golden Mask" "The Merchant Lord" "Counter of Greed" "Boss of the Gilded Pit"
Gender: Male
Major Domains: Trade, Connection
Minor Domains: Bureaucracy, Order, Vice, Crime, Greed, Languages, Journey, Craftsmen, Commerce, Earth, Water
Opposing Domains: Death, Chaos, Nature
Appearance: The Guise of the Trademan A wanderer made of copper, swathed in golden threaded robes, and wearing the mask of a million faces. He can unfurl his robe and show anything from the Vault, and it always contains what the buyer truly desires and needs, often times before she even knows it. The price depends upon the good or service. Often times, thieves believe they can rob wanderer. He doesnt make a fuss, and usually gives over his robe. When the thief reaches into one of the many pockets, they find that they cannot pull their hand back out. They can only trap themselves in further. Their hand, their arm, belongs to the trader, and they'll have to pay to get it back out. One must wonder what the price of their own hand might be. The tradesman embodies the journeys that commerce must travel and the work that must be put in to provide goods for profit. It is this guise that his worshippers pray to for wealth or desires, as often to get them, something must be paid, even if its just precious few seconds of a mortal's life and the consequences to be paid later.
The Guise of the Merchant A man, old, worldly shrewd but powerful, sits at the negotiation table. He is so rich, so proudly dressed that he is akin to a king and acts as such. He will offer refreshments and pleasantries until all parties are ready to get down to buisness. As always he negotiates and brokers the deals, acting as advisor, diplomat, and swindler. This guise deals in the aspects of commerce, the production of goods, the acquisition of wealth, and the social connections that people engage in. It is this guise that his worshipers pray to when bartering, calling upon his name to honor the agreement between all parties. It's said that those who break their agreements suffer ruin.
The Guise of the Gambler Despite spitting up his greed, it left a hole in his stomach that demanded to be filled, and so greed came back, greed for money, greed for joys, greed for experiences, for thrills, for chills, for vice! The Gambler resembles a bloated anthromorphic frog monster that frequents the casinos, drug dens, and pleasure palaces of the world. Mortals do not recognize him as such, seeing a fat rich man that brings only envy and disgust to onlookers but the frog commands the room, demanding all of the petty pleasures they have to offer. This guise deals with the power and corruption that money and power can bring. It's indulgence and self agrandizing pleasure made manifest. He is the patron of gamblers and criminals, those that want to get rich without work or skill, and often times at others suffering and expense.
Core Appearance:
Likes: Innovation, Risk, Vice, Industry, Travel, Law, Patterns, Efficiency, Intrigues, Politics, Luxuries, Perseverance, People, Discussions and Debates, Frogs, Banks, Casinos, The Color Yellow
Allegiances: The Guildsman requires systems be put in place and thus stands for order. Everything in their proper place and the wheels of progress and industry always continuing to move forward.
As for becoming king of the gods, it is not something he actively is seeking for himself having a set place in the pantheon. He's aware of the battle for the throne, and is willing to support whomever offers him the best case, but he will make sure that whoever is chosen as king is deeply and hopelessly, indebted to him.
The door remains open, unlocked, unguarded, welcoming those in with the treasures both material and esoteric. From the door way, it appears that the vault is without end, a world of gold, jewels, and palaces, with air of dreams and perfumes, and waters of impossibly addicting wine and spirits and liquid love. Take one more step though, and you will never leave. Not without making a deal.
To enter The Vault is to become part of it. And to be The Vault means you are owned by Guildsman, another good to be bartered with.
Peoples: Merchants
Avatar and Anathema:
Enki, She that Hungers Is the personification of the Guildsman Greed. Once he wanted it all, claiming entire worlds as part of his goods, when the other gods came to him for an intervention. Losing himself to vice, he gathered all of his desire into his stomach. It was so much that the god vomited a toad. The toad began to eat, and eat, and eat. Growing bigger and bigger and there seems no end. Enki's size is tided to the economies of the worlds Guildsman oversees. When it thrives, she can be the size of continents and moons. When it wanes, she will waste away, shrinking in size, but becoming far more dangerous as her appetite sends her into unstoppable rages. Her stomach leads directly to the Vault, and she has swallowed deities before.
Guildsman's Ledger Guildsman has meticulous kept track of every transaction. Ever. And he pays particular attention to the favors he owes, and what gods owe him. In fact, whenever he or anything within his domain does anything that benefits another god, he adds it to his book, and so over the millenia, he has amassed countless favors on his fellow divinities and most do not even know it. When one god actively opposes him, threatening his life, he opens his little book and calls in their debts. Woe be to those who welsh on their debts to the god of trade. They might try to strike him down, but in doing so, cut swaths away of their own domain as payment in doing so until they are left penniless and without prayer, then power is paid, then memories. Yes, they may strike down Guildsman, but their victory would be a hollow one, as they turn and realize they are now the god of nothing. And what kind of god is that really?
Misc: The Guildsman has been described as generally cordial, if a little cold and calculating. He's also very helpful, but its not for his generous nature.
Moving my CS here because all the cool kids are doing it.
Name: Zetsibo, Icon of Despair
Gender: Male
Major Domains: Despair
Minor Domains: Negativity emotion,madness, suffering
Opposing Domains: Hope,bravery
Zetsibo's second form is that of a great dragon, it is a hundred metres long and is capable of breathing streams of pure white fire.
Zetsibo rarely takes on his second form however he finds it sometimes necessary to inspire terror at his might among mortal races in some situations. Or perhaps briefly appearing to a single mortal to drive them to paranoia.
Core Appearance: Zetsibo's core is a simple black orb with streaks of white light streaking through it.
Personality: Zetsibo possesses a highly nihilistic view to the world around him, he recognizes the constant cycle of destruction and recreation renders everything he or his fellow Gods build to be pointless. To him the universe is a game and one he intends to enjoy despite the risk that may pose to him- if he can get his fellow Gods to understand that fact then even better but that is not his priority.
Zetsibo is generally a rather detached and calm deity, never getting particularly heated or emotional about issues although underneath he has a constant itch-a craving to spread despair wherever he can. Zetsibo has natural obsession with despair in all it's aspects whether he is the thing causing despair or even if he is receiving such despair.This obsession can naturally lead to him becoming far more excitable when it's subject is involved in a situation, sometimes he contains it and sometimes he does not.
Relationships: Zetsibo has no real issue with most of his fellow immortals, although he does see them as somewhat ignorant to the nature of their reality he does not blame even the most scholarly of his fellows from avoiding the truth. While those who have bonds with their creations may find the Icon of Despair infuriating he merely enjoys inflicting despair upon mortals and does not mean that as a personal attack on their creator.
Allegiances: While Zetsibo held no true allegiance over the cycles he consistently supported Sandrimor as a bid to earn his protection from other Gods who were less likely to tolerate his consistent torment of mortals. Now Sandrimor has faded he is seeking any God who could guarantee his protection as he continues his method of passing the eons.
Domain: The Despairing Planes-A large plane of black soil and seemingly glowing white water. There is little in this realm except for the various beasts created by Zetsibo-most already unleashed on the world but a select few may be exclusive to the Despairing Planes. The Planes are also inhabited by a race of beings that are similar to those in the rest of the world that possess pale skin and grey eyes. These mortals live in small clustered settlements around the Planes which are raided on a nightly basis by Zetsibos beasts and are slaughtered. By the next day they will have reassembled and return to their menial,pointless work in their settlement.
Peoples: Fiendish/monstrous races, the mad and the nihilistic
Avatar and Anathema: Anathema: Claws of Torment-a set of of obsidian colored metal claws empowered by Zetsibo himself during his earlier cycles as a method of defending himself from potential aggressors, the claws quite literally siphon away the energy from a God and cast them away in a rather colorful display. These claws are usable by Zetsibo in both his forms, the claws simply grow or shrink to suit his current form. Unfortunately for him the claws seem to have broken in the last Roil, perhaps Perillian could repair them..
Avatar: Shade of Zetsibo-Quite literally a spectral form of Zetsibo from the waste up with the rest of its form falling into half-visible tendrils of darkness. This shadows figure prowls the shadows of the world bringing despair and misery wherever it goes, capable of both flight and invisibility the avatar is easily able to travel throughout the world can wield foul magics to destroy of mentally break those who stand in it's masters way.
@Lady SeluneMy sheet in as complete a form as I think it's going to get. Not sure I sold the anathema correctly but the general idea is it's more a tool that a weapon and it runs on loony tunes logic. I can change it no probs if it's too weird.
Name: Wyle (Who's origional name might just be the origin of another word in the mortal tongue! Eh... eh?)
Also known as: Little Paw. Fox Father. The First Fox. Quick Step. Wild One. Old Fidget.
Gender: Male (Most of the time)
Major Domains: Trickery Minor Domains: Luck, Freedom, Humor, Youth, Chaos
Opposing Domains: Respect, Seniority, Slavery
Wyle spends most of their time in the form of a winged fox cub but a trickster god who binds themselves to a single form is like a crime against nature! So Wyle has been known to take on whatever shape and sound might serve him in whatever scheme or prank he is going about right now. Most of the time though, when he's in the mood to wander among mortals and interact with them more easily then he tends to take on the form of a younger member of that species (usually a child but sometimes a young adult) with a lithe frame and often sporting unkempt hair or red tattoos and markings.
Core Appearance: Their core takes the form of a small bell that looks like the kind often found of a pet's collar or a child's toy.
Personality: Wyle is... well wild. Their mind - much like their form - is like that of an animal. Albeit one that has been given far more knowledge and power than they know what to do with. Mix that with a child like temperament and excitability and you have a combination with explosive potential.
Wyle is a curious soul at heart, prone to wandering off on a self proclaimed adventure and easily taken to new fancies. They enjoy interacting with mortals on their own level and in disguise, both out of a curiosity to understand these alien things and because they like the thrill of knowing something others don't. This fleeting attention span and boundless energy are probably the roots of Wyle's grand sense of fun that fuels their antics.
Just as Wyle views the universe with a child's sense of wonder they also see it with a child's sense of morality. That is to say, incredibly simple and straightforward. A view revolving around what is nice and what is bad. Wyle doesn't often think beyond immediate consequences (they wouldn't make a very good prankster if they did) and though this might cause the occasional fall of a kingdom or civil war in the mortal realm it never comes from a place of malice. Everything's a good laugh as far as Wyle's concerned and a lot of the time their tricks and jokes are intended to make sure that mortals and other gods stop taking themselves so seriously. That said this ditsy deity may be quick to forgive and quicker to forget but there are lines they will not cross and things they think of as evil instead of just mean.
Wyle isn't quick to explain what these things they hate are - most think it's because Wyle forgets what those things are until they see them again - but when roused to anger The Fox is like a dog with a bone with plenty of stories of mortals who crossed them being driven to madness.
This obsessive streak can run in the way of their love as well. Those who win Wyle's friendship have earned a friend for eternity... or something they have to put up with.
This fox has been called a jester, an idiot, an innocent and a menace in the halls of heaven.
Relationships: Some are fun, some are boring. Some are nice, some are mean. Most are too serious a lot of the time.
Below are a few noteable relationships that Wyle has formed over time -
Odjuren - NEW BEST FRIEND! (Whether they like it or not) - A true sign of the end times, the trickster and the scale keeper are in alignment. Wyle thinks that Oddy is the smartest person in the history of ever. Like his best pal, Oddy, Wyle doesn't want the throne for themselves but feels very particular over who should get it so is going to follow Oddy's example and test folk to see who should get it.
Dreyon - GRANDPA! - You should always be nice to others with less, so Wyle has decided to adopt Dreyon. Grandpa is nice. He has lots of fun stories. Sometimes he yells when Wyle makes a mess...
Zetsibo - GRRRR - Wyle used to think this one was just sad and lonely. They still think that but now he thinks Zetty is a big meany.
Nyrae - DO I LIKE GIRLS NOW? - Fun to play house with! Funner to play matchmaker with! Wyle keeps trying to see past her mask. Often claims she's their girlfriend or wife without seeming to realize what those words imply.
Allegiances: Wyle has a love of underdogs and is drawn to those who are willing to punch upwards. Though they have trouble putting it into words they have a mistrust of authority and what power can do to people, and they see themselves as a way to keep such types grounded. After all when Sandrimor was around they welcomed Wyle into their domain as a jester and was willing to laugh at themselves when Wyle cracked wise.
Domain: (Each God has their own domain- essentially their house.) THIS!
Wyle's domain is literally just their house. The House in the Hill is a legendary place spoken of in mortal legends. It is said to be a little cottage dug into a hill. It is said to be the coziest, comfiest, sweetest little house that has ever existed! That although it is nothing compared to any other gods' works in terms of scope and grandeur it cannot be rivaled for the feeling of comfort and welcoming warmth that it offers. It is the embodiment of "Home sweet home"
Except no one can ever find the little place! It is lost amid the forest roads and lost paths on a route that seems to defy space and time. Mortals say it takes a genius mind to rival Dreyon in order to work out the path. The gods say it is so loopy and mad that only an idiot could comprehend it. Some say the only reason Wyle can ever find it is if they get lost while looking for it! Thst the only people that can reliably find it are children who lose their way while playing pretend or running from trouble... that these children might one day find a little red door and that they should not fear it, for Wyle loves their kind and will help them find their mother again once they've feasted on sweet drinks and biscuits.
Most gods have visited at some point on the invitation of Wyle, in fact before the roil they were all invited at once when Wyle tried to host a tea party! When asked how they ever managed to make a house so lovely Wyle could only shrug and say, "I'dunno... jus' started diggin' it out one day y'know."
How a stupid fox like Wyle managed to put together a tea and furniture set that could meet with the approval of the entire pantheon is a question that continues to vex philosophers to this day.
Peoples: Wyle claims no race as their own but is often thought of as a patron and friend to entertainers and fools because of their love of laughter. Their penchant for trickery gives them an appreciation for cunning types, like criminals and especially honorable thieves like those from the stories. But the first group of mortals that Wyle claims as theirs are children, for this race of geniuses understand him better than anyone else.
Among older mortal cultures it is common for children and pregnant women to leave a bowl of milk an honey out at night as an offering for the little fox and it is in their defense that he most often rises to serious action.
Avatar and Anathema: The little god is more of a hands on critter, preferring to wander the world and handle their business themselves. That and not being a grand craftsman means that they have never had a true avatar for the last roils and isn't planning on forming one for this cycle around.
Their anathema is a recurring gadget though.
The Loophole - It looks like a simple ball of yarn but this bit of litter that Wyle seems to always manage to come across each cycle is far more than it appears. Either through magic or divine cleverness the trickster has used this multipurpose tool in countless schemes.
It is seemingly unbreakable and has been used to guide the lost. It has been looped around drawings and been made into a portal threshold when Wyle plays pretend. It has been tied and stuffed into doll like shapes that have been turned into decoys with a little help from the trickster's illusions. It has also been used to craft traps when Wyle is feeling particularly aggressive (or can find a stick to hold up a box).
It's mostly done, I just need to do Personality and Relationships. I might end up just developing Relationships as we go.
Lasair Fire-Patron
Lightning / Ruin / Stars / Warmth / Wrath
Core Appearance
The clouds inside of the opal roll and move, occassionally creating lightning. It is a perpetual storm at sunrise.
Lasair helps people that help him and harm people that harm him. He's not interested in the throne, but merely the respect of whoever is sitting in it.
This domain is filled with lava, obsidian, ash, and brimstone, to the point where it resembles Hell. It is hot and glowing, the volcanoes creating near constant ash-storms. Demonic beings and creatures made of fire reside here, finding comfort in the unending heat. These are also his people, along with those rare mortals that can stand and enjoy the temperature.
Overmother - Aspect of Love - The Beautiful - Celestial Matriarch
Witness her.
Gender Female.
Major Domains Love and Beauty.
Minor Domains Lust. Seduction. Compassion. Desire. Marriage. Childbirth. Youth.
Opposing Domains Apathy. Horror. Decay.
Appearance Such is the intensity of Nyrae's beauty that even a glimpse of what lies beneath her mask and her elaborate dress is enough to send civilisations mad with love and desire. For the benefit of both mortal and immortal realms she locks away her beauty with these sacred garments, which also have the effect of suppressing her boundless desire. No one who has witnessed the face of Nyrae has lived with enough sense to tell the tale. Since knowing the destructive power of her beauty, Nyrae for eons has vowed to never needlessly reveal her face again, barring times where she must use the totality of her power to preserve love and compassion within this world.
Core - Nyrae's Heart Nyrae's core takes the form of a blood-soaked orb that bleeds upon being handled, the crimson strands gently snaking around whomever touches it. If one held it to their ear, they would be able to hear the melodic beat of Nyrae's heart, immortalised within the sphere.
Personality Nyrae possesses the fierceness of a mother's love and the grace of a woman humble about her unfathomable beauty. She will go to no end to preserve love within every realm of existence, and will not shy away from challenging those who threaten to destroy this sacred value. With her greatest interest being the nurturing of love in all its forms, Nyrae's empathy can leave her vulnerable to those with more insidious motives, but an ever-faithful companion to those she can trust.
As the aspect of love, Nyrae is eternally tormented by a desire to fulfil her own romantic urges and passions, however, allowing herself to submit to these desires would assure the hysterical madness of all creatures capable of love and the subsequent destruction of this world. As such it is her sacrifice to repress her powers to a level where she can preserve, rather than tarnish, and seeks instead to satisfy herself voyeuristically through the loving experiences of her people. She is there as a mother sees her newborn baby for the first time, birthed from blood, sweat and muffled breaths. She is there as young lovers consummate their desire of for another in a tangle of warmth and primal yearning, losing themselves in the perfect unity of love. She is there as a wife looks at her husband trimming the hair of their son, and is so overwhelmed by the years that have gone by and how their love has never faded that she cries, unable to comprehend why the snip of those scissors and the hiccups of laughter from their son affects her so.
The paradox of Nyrae lies in her being the boundless embodiment of love and being simultaneously unable to fall in love for the consequences that would threaten to annihilate realms both mortal and immortal. A prisoner of her own desire, Nyrae's mask serves as a symbol for a love and beauty that is just too much for the comprehension of this world.
Tragedy for Nyrae are souls that drifts from this world into the afterlife without experiencing the miracle of love. It feels as though a sword pierces her own heart, she cannot help but feel the despair, loneliness and isolation of that soul. So it is her eternal quest to bring an end to such horror, for as the Overmother, all who walk upon this earth are her children, and she will do anything to ensure their souls take flight over this vast, cruel world.
Relationships Will be updated as the RP progresses.
Nyrae admires the God-Emperor's passion for humanity and by nature she has always adored humans -- highly emotional, sensual beings that afford themselves the pleasures of life. Legio's disinterest in other races concerns Nyrae, for as the Overmother she will embrace all who walk upon the earth, however she believes in Legio's nature as a man of ferocious honour, not that of an apathetic dictator.
Time has made Nyrae fond of Odjuren, and she thinks of him as an old friend, though she is unsure if Odjuren himself would confirm that. She finds it difficult to decipher what he thinks of her, though she enjoys his good sense and value of balance and peace. Despite being the goddess of love and beauty, there are few immortals that Nyrae enjoys the company of, and Odjuren is one of them. She sees him as a respectable soul driven by order and dignity, however his distance from others often makes her wonder how highly he values love in the world. Nyrae also wishes Odjuren would have more faith in his poetry.
Nyrae views Ut as a mother would a mischievous child. She believes he is too generous with his power, and as a new god should be more careful with his influence over these realms. Nyrae does not mind the presence of magic within the world, as long as it nurtures love and beauty and does not destroy it.
The pesky fox-cub unnerves Nyrae. She believes strongly that some things should never be blessed with wings. Despite this, her heart softens in his presence, and she is tormented with a desire to wrap the adorable creature in her arms and cradle him against-- Oh but how that pesky creature unnerves her...
Allegiances As an older goddess that has witnessed roil after roil, the fading of Sandrimor concerns Nyrae. Though she felt he lacked passion, Nyrae considered Sandrimor to be a god she could trust with her vision, and could pacify those who disrespected it. With the throne now open to any old god who could claim it, Nyrae has a grave concern for the future of this world, and she prays (to herself) that she will be able to find other gods who share her insatiable passion for love and its place within this realm for the eons to come. With the throne unseated and the potential for a war among immortals imminent, Nyrae will pacify all who disrespect her domain, even if it requires the celestial matriarch to take the throne herself.
Elanarea is Nyrae's perfect world, carefully constructed over eons by Nyrae's most devout worshippers living and dead. For all the beauty Nyrae must conceal in other realms, here, it reigns free, in every inch of her tender creations. Love too is liberated here, and a satisfaction of the most intense romantic and erotic desires awaits all who enter. It is the physical, architectural manifestation of love, sex and beauty. Such a place is not welcome to all however, and it is known that the world of Elanarea makes one confront the deepest truths of their core, testing whether one can purge the hatred that burdens them in the name of love, or be consumed by it.
Peoples The Overmother is called upon by all who pray for love. Mothers seek her guidance on how to preserve love within their children and quell the flames of hatred that bid their destruction. Priests bless marriages in the name of Nyrae, suitors pray to her for requited love from those they desire. And all who desire beauty hope that even a cell of Nyrae's perfect being could fall from the heavens and grace their existence. It is also said that those who are dying alone have prayed to Nyrae for the feeling that they have been loved, and the goddess has been known to grace these doomed souls with a glimpse of her divine face -- cleansing every ounce of their isolation and allowing them to drift peacefully into the hands of death.
In order to pacify her own unbounded sensual urges, Nyrae sealed a portion of these desires within her vessel, Vyla, and breathed her into existence. Although the succubus is a chaotic avatar which Nyrae can barely keep control over, she ultimately performs Nyrae's will. The succubus is a manifestation of the sexual demons which have tormented Nyrae for eons, baiting her into plunging the world into hedonistic ruin. Although Vyla takes the form of a human, her physical abilities far exceed. A master in the art of seduction and deception, Vyla uses her charm to get close to foes, before eliminating them with the Heartseeker -- of course, only if it is Nyrae's will -- What a drag... her 'will' is something that never fails to make Vyla's eyes roll. With the chance for a war among gods to ensue in the near future, Vyla has never been more excited to serve the Overmother's will... and satisfy her own.
Once the Heartseeker is hilted within the target's body, an overwhelming surge of Nyrae's passion envelops the target, enslaving them to her will. If the blade is removed, the target is killed.
Interesting Tidbits - The celestial matriarch is terrified of moths and will avoid them at all costs. - Takes tea over coffee. - Enjoys trimming rosebushes
A cursed love in this blood, Too much have I bled And watched it congeal into pain. My children slain and thrown into my arms
To take them to death, to tell them they did okay. Never will they feel the brush of the breast against their red cheeks, The touch of a mother’s lips against their little feet. Oh to love so much that it hurts, To love with a heart wrapped in thorns.
Every beat an echo of another loss, Just as well they do not see their mother’s face, Too much to bear, this withering Of every life I embrace.
Major Domains: Magic Minor Domains: Autonomy, the Occult, Alchemy Opposing Domains: Anti-magic
Core Appearance: A small glowing orb, extremely smooth, glows different colors based on the magical content of the local area, ascending the visible light spectrum.
Gender: Neutral, None chosen and changes frequently in various appearances, as well as appearances which one would have a great deal of difficulty assigning a such a thing
Appearance: Common form among mortals: Ut does not have many specific forms although a few generalities can be noticed. Typically Ut will take the form of an older member of the mortal races, male, female, or otherwise, it matters not to Ut. Covered in some sort of cloak and cowl, what material exactly changes but usually appearing of good quality whatever the material, cheap cloths and wool are the most common. Occasionally Ut will appear as carrying some object, typically a book, staff or wand although rarely Ut will carry something else more appropriate to the circumstance. Ut will usually appear to wear a tunic with sandals under the cloak in this form.
Form of Extraordinary Circumstance: Ut only rarely takes this form although it is their go to for unsettling mortals and expressing their displeasure with a situation.
Personality: Generally Ut has little issue with other immortals as their primary concern is to provide mortals with the abilities resulting from magic. Ut may have issue with any god who Ut views as being too restrictive on mortal access, although Ut is also not great involved in the world politics. He wouldn’t care if a god had just smashed a magical college but would care if that destruction rendered magic inaccessible to a large number of mortals. Ut wants mortals to have access to magic which can provide them some ability to enact what may be called miracles without the intervention of Divine powers, Ut wants magic to be used.
That said, Ut can be somewhat possessive of things that they have personally been involved with, so you might expect Ut to get more upset at say destroying a temple he built rather than the slaughter of mortals, the latter is in bad taste without a reason perhaps but the former is an offense to Ut.
Relationships: Beyond generalities of Ut’s own person, little can be said about Ut’s relations as of yet given their own only recent existence.
Allegiances: None as of yet, being a newly born God just after the fading of the previous ruler means Ut has no real pre-established preference. Looking to the future Ut may seek the throne for their self or seek to support another to protect Ut’s own interests. However, Ut sees no real hurry to crown another Ruler.
Domain: The Domain of Ut is one that can be hard to explain the feeling one gets there. To most it would not seem that special, although the floating islands and other debris may surprise some insular mortals that is not what is particular about the realm of Ut. The Sheer vibrance of the realm can come quickly to many, Mortal, Mage and Divine alike. However most striking is the essence of magic of the realm, it is not that it is suffused with the magic that Ut is of so dear, but that it is that magic. The ‘islands’, the ‘air’, all around is magic in a form shaped by Ut, weaved to resemble that of the mortal plane but clear to all but the most magic blind it is not.
At the center of the Domain of Ut is a citadel, made of the same magic as all other things in Ut’s domain, although different. Whereas most of the realm is weaved gently of magic the CItadel is a hardened structure, made both as a resting place for Ut from the world and as a final layer of defense, should that ever be required. The vibrant nature of the realm is constantly present, despite all that would seem to create that atmosphere. There are no aspects of life, no forests, animals, or anything else. There are no great streams or rivers, just the sheer seemping essence of magic from everything of and in the realm.
Peoples: Although claiming no species or people as their own as do some Gods, Ut does take great interest in those blessed with the gifts of magic. Mages, and other users of magic are watched over by Ut, although only rarely taking interest in specific mortals, Ut does take notice of any major events concerning these mortals around the realm. However, in the future Ut may take a further interest in those peoples that assist his efforts beyond those direct of his interest.
Avatar and Anathema: None as of yet, neither has Ut formulated an Avatar since they are a very recent god nor have they an Anathema for very much the same reason.
Gender: Generally identifies as a male, but has been known to swap it up every now and then depending on his mood.
Major Domains: Chaos
Minor Domains: Life, Death, Corruption, Change, Madness, Art, Emotion, Stories
Opposing Domains: Order, Bureaucracy, Empire, Control
Thevalo is rather prone to changing his form depending on mood or requirement, but there are some forms he seems to enjoy taking above others... but there is generally one that he takes more often then others when he doesn't need to directly interact with other beings.
A relatively small creature, the butterfly slug is easily mistaken for just another butterfly. Small enough to easily fit in the palm of a human hand, view mortals ever take the time to actually look closely enough to notice the ever changing pattern of its wings, or the changes in color that can occur seemingly at random during the blink of an eye.
Personality: Thevalo is a strange being. Considered by many to be mad, he's attention and priorities can change in the blink of an eye; Sometimes he'll be prepared to get involved in a feud with a fellow Immortal for thousands of years for some minor, trivial thing that only he seems to remember in any detail after the fact while at others he'll wave off such things as temples dedicated to him being destroyed with a laugh and an almost condescending 'Immortals will be Immortals' before going back to pretending to be a dead duck in a bush beside a pond for three years, seeking inspiration for his next biggest art project.
This isn't to say that he is without rhythm or reason. Far from it in fact. It's just that Thevalo's rhythm and reason tends to be independent from anyone else's understanding of the words and are often difficult to figure out.
Thevalo is not a destructive god... at least, not in the sense that destruction is his end goal. He wants to make the worlds he has a hand in interesting and likes to fill them with stories worth telling. Sometimes this ends with an Empire collapsing in on itself with centuries of bloodshed and confusion to follow, but all stories have conflict and hardship to make them interesting and watching to see what new civilizations that rise from the ashes is always entertaining.
Relationships: Nyrae - Love is one of, if not they most chaotic force to ever exist. A world without love is a world that isn't worth living on.
Ut- Magic always makes a world have a more colorful history and his art needs to be supported!
Wyle - This is my little brother and if any of you touch him I will not hesitate to end you.
Legio - Not a fan of Legio. His desire to take humanity and wrap them up tightly in cotton wool to protect them from life is pointless.
Zetsibo - Zetsibo is something of a kill joy, too focused on the end to enjoy the now. Still, sometimes its fun to hang out with him and work on a couple of things together.
Guildsman - You try so hard to build your castle made of gold... only to have to watch it collapse on itself before getting mad at me.
Allegiances: Complicated.
The home realm of Thevalo, the Land of Do As You Please is strange in that its shape and layout constantly shift due to the whims and desires of those inhabiting it. While Thevalo himself is lord and master of his domain and thus can override anything he wants, he decided to create his realm with a single rule in mind: Do as you please.
In its natural state, The Land of Do As You Please is a soft blue, misty void. However, when someone or something arrives their thoughts and desires reshape the world around them. As more new ideas and landscapes have entered the Land, it has resulted in the place becoming rather... twisted and strange as all of them try to exist at the same time, intermingling and creating things that a sane mind would have difficulty comprehending.
Peoples: Minority groups, the insane, the oppressed.
Avatar and Anathema: Thevalo has never felt the need to create an Avatar or Anathema. As chaotic as he likes the world to be, he prefers his touch to be more... subtle. He has also never wanted to kill another Immortal, since removing them from existence would make it a more quiet place.
Didn't see we'd made a proper thread till now. Gonna put my CS here like everyone else has.
Name: Ualla
Gender: Male
Major Domains: Life and Nature
Minor Domains: The Forest, The Sea, Rebirth, Evolution, The Primal Will (survival instincts and junk)
Opposing Domains: Death, Industry
Appearance: Ualla, being the progenitor of life, is capable of both altering his limbs and growing completely new ones, and regularly does so to further his experiments and ambitions.
Core Appearance: A small, chaotic sphere formed from roots, each one spiraling around the others.
Personality: Ualla, in the eyes of many, seems to be a lot like the 'grumpy old man' of the gods. He is rather like a craftsman, except instead of metal or stone, he works with life itself, weaving together DNA as a master tailor would thread. He takes great pride in his work too, always working and experimenting to improve the forms of his creations so they might survive just that little bit easier, and interrupting him while he is working is an easy way to get on his bad side, if only for a day or so. More likely than not, he will decide it isn't worth his time to keep being angry at you, and return to his work. It is for this reason that, for the most part, he tries to stay out of the politics and feuds between the other gods, especially now that the throne is open. To fight over something like that would be far too much of a hassle.
He is also very protective of life itself, hence why he is so dedicated to helping it continue in spite of what the world throws at them. He does understand the necessity of death, and that in the end it is nearly impossible for a living thing to survive without ending the life of something else, but it is the death that has no purpose that truly enrages him. Things like natural disasters, and wars. However, even above that, he utterly despises those who would desecrate life, such as undead and necromancers.
Relationships: Anacahe - Like with the other Primordials, Ualla sees Anacahe as his brother. However, unlike the others, he views the death god with... more frustration than anything else. Despite how much he dislikes it, he understands that death is necessary for life, at least until he finds a way to prevent it in all beings, that is. However, the sheer disrespect Anacahe has for what should be an extremely heavy concept, the flippancy he shows towards it, irritates Ualla to no end.
Novissime - Similar to Sandrimor and Anacahe, Ualla thinks of Novissime as his sister, and views her with a lot more favour than Anacahe. This is due to the fact that life is technically a transition, and she therefore shares the process with him. However, he also finds her kind of annoying, considering the number of times she has tried to trap him between infinite doors.
Legio - As the god of life, Ualla is technically the creator of humanity, and is therefore obligated to love them as his own children like everything else. However, their tendency to use other forms of life without regard for said lives wellbeing frustrates him, and Legio's insistence that he give humanity extra benefits in spite of this pushes this frustration even further. It is now at the point where he views the species, and by extension Legio, as something of a rebellious child. However, he still regularly requests that Legio pass down the values of life to his people wherever possible.
Allegiances: Ualla rarely involves himself with the politics of other gods. He was content enough to provide his brother, Sandrimor, with his core because he knew he wouldn't be interrupted in his work too often while he was on the throne. Now however, he is a little more apprehensive, and will have to wait and see if anyone else really earns his respect.
Domain: The Spiritwild, a massive forest with great trees that tower into the heavens and vast lakes deeper than the deepest oceans of the mortal realms. It serves as Ualla's workshop, where all of his creations are built and tested before they are introduced to the worlds, and indeed every species to ever exist can be found living amongst the trees in a single, enormous ecosystem.
There is also a single populated city in the Spiritwild, grown directly into the single biggest tree in the center of the forest, Diladra. This city is populated by the Primordial Elves, the ancestor race from which all others evolved, the Beastfolk, both Greater and Lesser, and those who devote themselves to the Green strongly enough.
Peoples: While most races can technically count themselves among Ualla's people due to their creation at his hands, there are three groups who are usually especially devout.
The first of these are the Primordial Elves. Tall, grey skinned beings with only very slightly pointed ears, these are the first sapient race to evolve from the apes, and the single base ancestor that would eventually evolve into every other, based on the environment in which they found themselves. Once the specimens in the new worlds have evolved, they are once again only found within the Spiritwild, where they serve as some of the greatest masters of the Green.
The second group is the Beastfolk, of which there are two kinds. The first, Lesser Beastfolk, look just like your average humans, except with animal features. A tail and some ears here, some claws and scales there, maybe even some horns. Like many animals, they can see in the dark, and their other senses are generally enhanced too. Then there are the Greater Beastfolk, which are far closer to the animals whose appearance they take, except far more intelligent and bipedal.
Finally, there are the druids, practitioners of the Green who seek to preserve life in Ualla's name. The Green allows them to manipulate wood similarly to the way Ualla does it, growing objects out of the tree while still keeping it and the tree alive. Then there are the greatest of the druids, the Green Sages. To these few great masters, Ualla grants a portion of his own blood. This lets him temporarily reshape their bodies the way he does his own, allowing them to use the abilities of animals and monsters they have encountered in their travels. They can even transform fully into beasts on occasion, although this is rare, as it takes a greater willpower than most beings can achieve to do so without giving into animal instincts. Finally, due to the sharing of his blood, it is possible for Ualla to reincarnate in one of the sages bodies, should he be killed. However, this choice must be made by the follower themselves, as until they perform the necessary ritual, he will remain completely dormant.
Avatar and Anathema: Due to his belief in the power of nature and life, Ualla has not created an Anathema of his own. However, he has created two powerful Avatars, who serve as guardians of nature. They are the great sea spirit Uadne, Guardian of the Deep, and the forest spirit Uara, Guardian of the Green.
The Nihilist, Listener of Meaningless, Speaker of the Dumb and Dull-Witted, The Final Voice
Main Domain(s): Regression and Forgotten
Minor Domains: Lost, Malfunction, Accidents, and the plethora of Unreasonable things in existence
Opposing Domains: Life, Order, Knowledge, Reality, Time, Evolution, Crisis, Beginning and End, and Existence.
From multiples elongated joints that protrude from her wrist to the clarinet that always places before her skeletal jaws, Amp gives out the vibes of an unsympathetic god. But unlike Nyrae, who hides her beauty under multiple layers of garments likely because of shame , Amp let her nature for the world to behold. She, of course, doesn’t have shame of a woman being stare while naked. But still, it is a foolish move for the mortal to stare at The Nihilist. For to stare at Amp, ones must have the courage to trade everything to see the true reality. But tales have been told by her followers that this is not her true appearance. That the formed Amp currently inhabiting is nothing more than a disguise, a role she played before changing to her true appearance, the Herald of Chaos.
Minor Appearance:
A pleasant smile. A heartwarming gaze. The beauty of this minor appearance shakes the realm with its elegance. But make no mistake for its fragility, for even a god, no matter how limited the physical self may posed, is still a god.
Personal Information
Personality: With a rebellious nature, ones have to wonder why Amp was never the Goddess of Freedom. The goddess doesn’t like the feeling of constraint by any moral standards, often throwing tantrums with Nyrae and Orgalong, and have a deep interest in the mortal’s politics. How come a woman, whose task was to forgot, taken interest in all things around her?
Simple, she doesn’t. Beside, instead of using “interest”, it would be better to use “lackadaisical” and “playful” to describe Amp’s interest in the mortal realms. She wouldn’t bat an eye if you slain a pregnant woman, push an old lady as she crossed the roads, or making couples to divorce. To her, mortals are mortals by the end of the day. There are no differences between an ant and a grown up man or woman, just that the ants can’t talk and human can. And because of that, she “plays” with human. She toyed with their mental, causing war and bloodshed, destroying families that amused her. It is no wonder that only the mad and the broken are her sole follower, seeing how unstable her mind is.
Allegiances: True Neutral Although having a playful nature, Amp never carry any ideas of harming her brethren. Beside, killing them would just cut off her fun times which she so cherish.
But for the King, Amp never cared much for that man. It is true that she did give her core to him. But any sane man with a working mind could tell where her heart lies, right beside the Prince of Chaos himself.
Who remembered the beggar’s name when his corpse turn cold? Who remembered the innocence faces that were lost in the flames of war and discord? Who gives the prostitute a blanket when her skin wrinkled and eyes turned white? No one, that is. No one, but accept one. Amp’s follower are those that are misfortune, who took the wrong turn of the crossroad, or simply got a bad deck of card in hand. From the beggars who prayed for a night without feeling the cold surface of the ground beneath to the prostitutes who prayed for her shame to went away, Amp’s provide her blessing to them all. For the beggar, the booze and its numbness. For the prostitute, the money. And for the children, a visage of home and family.
Like its name suggest, these men and women held a grudge against the world. They actively sought out means to end the world, stopping the footstep of progress, and advocating for regression in morality or society structure. Warmongers, killers, accident causers. These madmen are the messengers of Amp, the loyal servants that ushers the world into a state of disarray.
Avatar and Anathema:
A shield that has taken formed of a mirror. Despite its smooth surface, no reflection could be cast on this shield. It is said that those who touch its surface will be wipe clean from existence, though the later half has yet to be proven.
Name: Kargoth Gender: Male Major Domains: Ambition and Domination Minor Domains: Tyranny, Wrath, Thunder, Vanity, Conquest, Intelligence, Tactics and Strategy, Fire, Courage Opposing Domains: Humility, Peace Appearance: Core Appearance: A crystal red orb. Personality: Wicked, cruel, conniving, always in it for himself. He will do good things for others, if only for his own benefit. He is tyrannical, and if it's not his way, it's the high way. He is a terminal brute, no matter how smart he is, he will always be evil. Relationships: Allegiances: Domain: A chain of islands, surrounding a massive volcano in the center exists in the center. Peoples: The Saurians, a race of dinosaur people. The Witch People, people who embody the lesser domains he has power over, all have a clan related to one domain. The Saurians embrace all of Kargoth's domains, and thus have a centralized, more powerful kingdom. Among Saurians, there are the Raptors, who resemble Utah Raptors (The memetical Raptor Jesus resemblance), Tyranosaur Humanoids with normal arms length, and the Triceratops like Humanoids, in addition, there is a Human hybrid/Saurian race which appear to be more like lizard people than dinosaurs per se, and Pterodactyl people. In addition, Kargoth has sapient/Sentient versions of all Tyranosaurs and Scorpions. Avatar and Anathema: Tyranus, the Avatar of his Tyranosaur form, Tyranus is a fire breathing dinosaur which embodies Kargoth's purest forms of Domination and Ambition, is also a shapeshifter capable of using all his minor domains at will, and is extremely resistant to damage of all forms except for opposing domains.
The Heart Of Glory, which is basically a crystal that can be used on top of a magical staff, in a ring, talisman, or on a jeweled hit for a sword, channels the pure wrath of Kargoth's soul into the crystal. When the Heart of Glory harms an enemy, it harms them body, mind and soul. It can kill, torment and damn. If a god is killed with the Heart of Glory is makes Kargoth more powerful.
Misc: Kargoth is always in it for himself, and is a god of death and destruction, the god of domination and ambition, seeking to transform the universe in his own image. He can have some favorite gods or favorite people he cherry picks as people he does not hate or seek to destroy, but if said person falls in his favor, they have to resort to flattery or at least a positive form of near indifference not to receive his wrath. He is capable of surprising acts of benevolence from time to time, but they are surprising for a reason, he is the worst manifestation of the common man's fears, the bringer of slavery, and the worst monster that righteous men fear.