Image credits go to TylerEdlinArtcore
'the cool breeze brushes against your skin, bits of leaves and twigs nip at your cheeks and neck. The air is pleasantly warm, which was a little odd for the middle of December, then again, so was sleeping outside. Sleeping outside. Outside? Eyes still sealed shut from the drowsiness and post sleep eye gunk that accumulated, your senses slowly come to you. You smell the earthy aroma of a forest along with a hint of a body of water, your fingertips tingle with the sensation of grass blades brushing against your partially numb hands, you hear the gawking and chirping of birds along with the sound of crashing waves. This was a wonderful way of waking up, but not a familiar one. This wasn't your bed, your couch, or your lazy boy chair that you sometimes crashed on. Your eyes open up and you finally see the whole picture, everything makes sense now. You're on a beach (just laying inside the tree line would be more accurate). Now this wouldn't be so bad if you remembered how you got here or if you knew where you were or if the sky just past the horizon across this huge body of water didn't have a giant light purple symbol in the sky....'
So, that was my little intro to the isekai world I want to create. I'm sure you've seen it before, modern day people getting mysteriously transported to a new world that resembles a medieval/fantasy book setting. Oh, you haven't? well you have now. This Rp will be about a group of people of varying age and background that have woken up on a beach in a strange world. This world has magic, mythical creatures and more issues than a teen magazine. It will play like a videogame with classes, spells and quests and other things of the like.
The plot follows your group as they hunt down the source of the undead that have been plaguing the land and why they have been waging an ongoing attack on the kingdom. As you adventure you will grow stronger and uncover the truths about this 'New World'. That's all I'm gonna give right now, there's no point in adding more unless there's interest. That being said, let me know how you guys feel about this Rp.