Adrien Lindall M6, probably.
Age: (14-19)
Seventeen, probably.

Like this, but with clothes. Probably just a hoodie and jeans or something, idunno.
Adrien doesn't actually know a lot about his past, with no memories from before 'the accident' that took his body. All he knows is that a little over three years ago, he woke up in an underground laboratory, inhabiting a very basic robotic frame. The lab wasn't in the best condition, something even he could tell through his primitive visors, and it honestly looked like it had been abandoned for years, if not
That was when he met Alexander Lindall, his alleged older brother. The man was a brilliant scientist, knowing more about robotics than anyone else he'd ever met. However, it seemed like something may have been wrong with him, as he confessed to the cyborg that what he had done was more likely than not illegal, hence why he had taken over an old laboratory once owned by some forgotten supervillain to work in secret. This work almost entirely revolved around rebuilding Adrien, the man pouring all his effort and knowledge into creating robotic body parts to try and keep him alive. Sadly, he met failure at every turn, and all he managed to achieve was connecting
parts of his brain to an artificial core, eventually building a fully robotic body to insert it into.
For a while, Adrien was incredibly suspicious of Alexander, but as time passed the scientist truly did prove to be a good brother to the cyborg, whether or not the story was true. He helped Adrien get used to his new body, teaching him how to walk and interact with the world again, uploaded information into his brain about all kinds of different subjects, including robotics, and gradually tinkered with and improved his design, with eventually led to the pair designing and building new bodies. However, he wasn't allowed to leave the lab, as Alex wasn't sure he'd be accepted yet, especially given the treatment shown to many mutants.
However, after three years of keeping Adrien hidden from the world, Alex recently learnt about Skyline Academy. It was a risky move, as it would involving sending Adrien half way across the world, but it was also the best hope to let the boy live something close to a normal life. And so, through methods that Adrien
still isn't quite sure of, Alex managed to get him and all his additional parts through airport security as luggage, and got him to the academy. After a farewell that, thanks to a lack of tear ducts, was only tearful from one side, Alex left his brother in the hands of the academy staff and returned home, leaving Adrien to try and settle in as best as a socially untested android could.
Adrien honestly has quite a few abilities. He is naturally durable due to being made of metal, and quite a bit stronger and faster than an average human too. He also never feels fatigue or pain, and doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep, although he may do something similar to these in order to keep his body powered. In the end though, these all pale compared to the fact that, should there be a task he is currently incapable of, he can always create additional parts that allow him to do it. This can be seen in the fact that he has recently built jets into his legs, arms and back, working both as a sort of 'jump-jet' or just to hit that little bit harder in combat.
Despite this, there are a few glaring weaknesses that he has so far not been able to create countermeasures for, the most blatant of which are EMPs. While his core
does have enough shielding that he won't just straight up
die from one, he hasn't been able to find a way that he can shield the rest of his body and still be able to move easily, so most EMPs will cause him to collapse on the spot. In addition to this, as mentioned above, he still needs to find a way to keep his body powered properly. He does have multiple ways of taking in energy, such as taking in biofuel, or a pair of small solar panels he can attach to his back, but the most effective way involves a bulky machine he has to connect himself to. He usually does this once every three or so days, and not having access to it will result in a rapid decrease in abilities, until he eventually goes into a kind of 'hibernation mode' to keep his core from running out of energy, at which point the internal life support system keeping the pieces of his original brain would fail, killing him. He also doesn't really like water, because it makes him rust after a while, but whether that really counts as a weakness is up to you.
Adrien, as one might expect from a person who has next to no need to eat, is very laid back in day to day life. He is a great believer in the idea that whatever happens happens, and he should try to take each day as a chance to enjoy himself rather than stress over things. He has also become something of an optimist for these very reasons, tending to look on the best parts of a bad situation simply because the bad parts will rarely actually affect him. However, this could easily lead many people to see him as irresponsible, and they'd be right. It also means that he has a fairly hard time putting himself in other peoples shoes, because his priorities are always so different to theirs.
That being said, he isn't
completely devoid of empathy, and will try to be friendly to people, especially if he feels like he might have done something wrong.